Exam II

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Freddy is a loyal Gatorade Thirst Quencher drinker. He averages about three Thirst Quenchers a day. He even prefers Thirst Quenchers to water. However, today when he passed a vending machine in his building, he bought a new flavor of soft drink called Big Red. Which of the following most accurately explains his behavior, given the facts about Freddy's previous behavior? Freddy is brand bewitching Freddy is involved in extended problem solving Freddy is influenced by peer pressure Freddy is variety seeking

Freddy is variety seeking

Hannah was embarrassed when her friends teased her about the bright colors of her dress on Friday night. She tried to tell her friends that she really is quite introverted and shy. Her friends observed that Hannah does not appear shy when she is out on a weekend evening. Which of the following statements is most applicable in understanding Hannah's personality? Personality is a hypothetical construct that grows stronger with age. Hannah will likely be extroverted for the rest of her life. Hannah's personality is a unique psychological makeup that consistently influences behavior within a certain environmental situation. Although behavior will be consistent within consistent environments, it does not have to be consistent between environments. Hannah's behavior on a weekend night is due to Freudian problems with her superego Personality is a set of consistent traits that do not change from one environment to the next. Either Hannah or her friends are wrong in their observations.

Hannah's personality is a unique psychological makeup that consistently influences behavior within a certain environmental situation. Although behavior will be consistent within consistent environments, it does not have to be consistent between environments.

A consumer can recognize problems as either an opportunity or a need. How should promotions differ between those emphasizing opportunities and those emphasizing needs? Promotions emphasizing opportunities should attempt to increase the ideal state, while promotions emphasizing needs should give locations where the products can be purchased Promotions emphasizing needs should attempt to increase a consumer's ideal state, while promotions emphasizing opportunities should simply give locations where the products can be found for purchase. Promotions emphasizing needs should increase the ideal state, while opportunity promotions should attempt to decrease the ideal state. Promotions emphasizing needs should decrease the ideal state, while promotions emphasizing opportunities should provide buying locations.

Promotions emphasizing opportunities should attempt to increase the ideal state, while promotions emphasizing needs should give locations where the products can be purchased.

What does the sleeper effect suggest about source credibility? Many people can learn the important parts of a message even when asleep Sleep walking is a dangerous thing The effectiveness of positive sources over negative sources be erased over time The effectiveness of a message will increase over time

The effectiveness of positive sources over negative sources can be erased over time

What do the "A, B, Cs" of the ABC model of attitudes stand for? apple bobbing, bonfires, candy asylum, broomstick, cauldron affect, behavior, and cognition attitude, behavior, consumption

affect, behavior, and cognition

Karlie has just passed the final test to become a member of a college sorority. This rite of passage has moved Karlie from being an individual to being a member of a bonded group. When Karlie receives her sorority pin in a final ceremony and joins her new sisters, she will have passed through the final stage of a rite of passage. According to the text, what is this stage called? liminality finality aggregation separation


Of the following products, which one would typically carry high psychological risk for the average consumer? a lawn mover an expensive mink coat a family vacation to a theme park pumpkins

an expensive mink coast

The functional theory of attitudes was initially developed to explain how ________. attitudes facilitate social behavior people identify with products attitudes change over an individual's lifetime attitudes are learned from family and friends

attitudes facilitate social behavior

Brooke was reading Kahneman & Tversky's experiment that asked people to recall words that begin with the letter K versus those that have K as their third letter. She noticed that because we can much more easily recall words as kitchen, kangaroo, and kale, we ignore that there are about twice as many words with K in the third place, like ask. This an example of the ____________ heuristic. availability screening representativeness differentiation discrimination


________ refers to a strategy in which a message compares two or more specifically named or recognizably presented brands and evaluates them in terms of one or more specific attributes. emotional appeal comparative advertising conclusion advertising conative differentiation

comparative advertising

When Kevin is using the ________ rule of decision making to buy a laundry detergent, he evaluates different brands, but always gets the one that has no bad aspects to it. lexicographic emilination-by-aspects conjunctive compensatory


Hope used a decision rule that says, "only buy well-known brand names" when selecting shirts. She did not look at price, the store, or even discounts when purchasing the shirt. Hope's purchasing pattern is an example of a consumer using a ________ rule. conjunctive compensatory noncompensatory habitual decision


When using the ________ rule of decision-making, a consumer evaluates brands on the most important attribute, but specific cutoffs are imposed. emilination-by-aspects conjunctive lexicographic compensatory


Journey stated that she wanted to marry a millionaire. She applied a heuristic in judging men. They must wear expensive shoes and have expensive automobiles. What type of decision rule was Journey applying in her search for a millionaire husband? weighted additive rule conjunctive rule emlimination-by-aspects lexicographic rule

conjunctive rule

A vice-president of an American software company introduced himself to a group of Korean partners and added "you may just call me John." Although this verbal cue shows the underlying reality that Americans have a high value on informality and equality, it needs adaptation due to the reason that: it is not appropriate to disclose nicknames in business meetings. customs, hierarchies, and class structure of Korean culture has to be respected. Ii is difficult to translate John in Korean language. John is not a very popular name in Korea

customs, hierarchies, and class structure of Korean culture has to be respected

Eden enjoys owning a micro-refrigerator, which is small enough to fit almost anywhere. Eden believes that the efficient use of space is one of the characteristics that any good product should have. With respect to the functional areas of a cultural system, Eden is focusing on ________ as a variable in selecting products. social structure what's a micro-refrigerator?! socio-psychology ecology


Melissa is confronted with a strange set of products during her most recent visit to the cosmetics counter at her favorite department store. Urban Grunge nail polish is "hot, hot, hot" according to recent ads. Melissa likes the idea of a new nail polish but is unsure about the image that might be projected by the dull colors of the nail polish line. With such names as Street Slime, Garbage Goo, and Trash Can, caution might be the right move. Which of the following attitude functions most closely matches Melissa's purchase decision? laboration function utilitarian function ego-defensive function knowing function

ego-defensive function

Zoie bought a new inflatable leprechaun outdoor decoration for St. Patrick's Day. She chose an inflatable prop that had no really bad features. What type of decision rule was Zoie applying in her search for an inflatable reaper? conjunctive compensatory decision elimination by aspects lexicographic


Barbour products are known to be rugged, outdoorsy, tough, fashionable and luxurious. Because the company has worked very hard to establish these thoughts in the minds of consumers and has spent large sums of money to make sure that their products maintain the favorable Barbour reputation, Barbour has achieved brand ________ with its products. dynamics equity parity animism


According to the ________ hierarchy, the consumer considers purchases based on an attitude of hedonic consumption (such as how the product makes him or her feel or the fun its use will provide). low-involvement standard learning experiential social


Brands that we closely link to our rituals are called ________ brands; once they become imbedded in our rituals we are unlikely to replace them. fighters fortress transcultural sacralized


Physically attractive people are perceived as smarter, cooler, and happier than average people. These perceptions are a result of a ________. halo effect self-perception theory balance theory principle of cognitive dissonance

halo effect

A mental or problem-solving shortcut to make a purchase decision is called a(n) ________. experience rule detail rule heuristic determinant


All multiattribute attitude models specify the importance of three elements. Two of those elements are attributes and beliefs. What is the third element? motivation recency of events importance weights action variables

importance weights

Faith finds that every time she goes to Runners to buy running shoes she always buys the same brand. In fact, she doesn't even remember trying on any of the other competitive brands even though some of these brands have attractive styles and prices. Faith's purchase decision process has become one of less and less effort. Faith's decision process in an example of ________. cognitive dissonance ineptness brand loyalty inertia


If Keigan chooses a watch simply because he perceives it to be rated highest on movement beat rate, which he believes is the most important feature of a watch, he is using a(n) ________ to help make his purchase decision. affect referral rule emlination-by-aspects conjunctive compensatory model lexicographic


When the ________ rule of decision-making is used, the brand that is the best on the most important attribute is the one selected. conjunctive lexicographic elimination-by-aspects compensatory decision


Both Justin and Craig are business majors and live in the same dorm, but Justin's room looks like a Cabela's showroom, with fishing trophies and lures on the wall and pictures of fishing trips across the study desk, while Craig's room features posters of his favorite musical group and stacks of CDs. The difference between the two rooms reflects a difference in ________ between Justin and Craig. brand awareness lifestyle ego motivational aptitudes


Tomorrow, Wynter will be attending the college's etiquette dinner, which will be a buffet this year. In anticipation of splurging on delicious food, he is eating very little today. Wynter is using a ________ to help him estimate consumption over time and regulate his behavior. cognitive process mental budget constructive process diet

mental budget

If a consumer's ideal state is very near or identical to his or her actual state, which of the following best describes the type of problem recognition the consumer would most likely have? no problem recognition opportunity recognition search recognition need recognition

no problem recognition

What type of information search is Kacy engaged in when she scans the Marie Claire magazine ads every day for new information on fashions, even though she isn't thinking of buying anything anytime soon? internal search ongoing search prepurchase search delayed search

ongoing search

What form of marketing is based on the premise that a marketer will be much more successful when she communicates with consumers who have already agreed to listen to her? permission marketing behavioral targeting e-commerce marketing segmented marketing

permission marketing

An active attempt to change attitudes is called ________. behavior modification cognition persuasion communication


Alex sees himself as being handsome rather than intellectual. Which of the following self-concept dimensions best applies to Alex's view of himself? posterity intensity stability over time content


Olivia is tired of the numerous breakdowns and peeling paint on her old car. When Olivia begins to actively think about her car in this way, which of the following consumer decision-making process steps is she going through? information search problem recognition evaluation of alternatives product choice

problem recognition

________ occurs whenever the consumer sees a significant difference between his or her current state of affairs and some desired state. evaluation of evoked set evaluation of alternatives information search problem recognition

problem recognition

Under ________, utility is defined in terms of gains and losses. The theory also ststaes that people value gains and losses differently. Zipf's law heuristics prospect theory hyperopia theory

prospect theory

The story goes that a young George Washington cut down his father's cherry tree with a hatchet. Young Washington was then asked who might have committed this act. Even though the boy feared punishment, George replied, "I cannot tell a lie; I cut down the cherry tree." This story has taken on mythical proportions in the United States. Which of the follow functions does the myth best match? metaphysical psychological anthropological cosmological


Josh is an inventor. He read that there were several million people who could not sleep at night until they looked under the bed. He invented a light that could be put under the bed and went on automatically when someone looked there. Josh's product is designed to help people perform a ________. ritual symbolic exchange convention rite of passage


Jared and Connor had a business in a Midwest college town taking SUVs and modifying them into tailgating machines. These "awesome party wagons" were equipped with the owner's desired team logo on the front, side, and back; gas grills; and large beverage coolers. Their business boomed, especially when the university had a winning season. Jared and Connor were creating and selling what could be best described as ________. attitudinal reciprocity products myth carries ritual artifacts symbolic exchange objects

ritual artifacts

When Grace considers a communicator's expertise, objectivity and trustworthiness when evaluating their message, she's refering to ________. source credibility expert power corporate social responsibility ethics

source credibility

Instead of spending the weekend working on the research paper due at the end of next week, Andrew decided to spend the weekend going out with friends. According to Freudian theory, which system dominated in Adam's decision? the superego the ego the anti-ego the id

the id

Abby is upset with her secretary. Though everyone in the office agreed not to give Christmas presents this year, Abby's secretary gave her an expensive bottle of perfume. Which of the following best identifies the source of Abby's feelings? role transference the reciprocity norm self-serving guilt objectification

the reciprocity norm

Which theory of attitudes states that people are motivated to take action to resolve inconsistencies between attitudes and behaviors? balance theory the theory of cognitive dissonance self-perception theory social judgement theory

the theory of cognitive dissonance

________ is based on the premise that people have a need for order and consistency in their lives and that a state of tension exists when beliefs or behaviors conflict with one another. The theory of cognitive dissonance choice theory value theory expectancy theory

the theory of cognitive dissonance

The Sydney and Reese advertising agency, S&R Advertising, has proposed a new campaign for Halloween to help overcome the public's negative perception of wizards. The proposed technique will be to create ten different 15-second spots that all demonstrate the benefits of having the quite crafty wizards and their supernatural powers in a society. Which of the following theories of message communication is S&R Advertising trying to account for in its campaign proposal? the balanced communication theory the trait-factor theory the theory of reasoned action (NTA) the two-factor theory

the two-factor theory

Some theorists have proposed a model that focuses on studying consumer goals as a way to explore attitude formation. According to this model, what consumers believe they have to do to attain their goals would also be part of any evaluation of attitudes. Which of the following theories would be most closely linked to the statements above? rejection theory theory of direct response theory of reasoned action theory of trying

theory of trying

European consumers have faced a number of food-related issues in recent years, including an outbreak of hoof-and-mouth disease and continuing concerns over mad cow disease. As a result, many are skeptical about GMOs (genetically-modified organisms) and the benefits of eating food products that incorporate genetically-engineered ingredients. As one French citizen noted recently, "We have a very risk-averse society that has been completely traumatized by food scares." Thinking about this situation in terms of Hofstede's cultural values framework, one might reasonably interpret this remark to indicate that France ranks relatively high in: individualism uncertainty avoidance short-term orientation power distance masculinity

uncertainty avoidance

Noah wants to marry a millionairess. He's applying a heuristic in choosing his future wife. They must drive the most expensive automobile. If two prospects drove equally expensive automobiles, then he'll look at their purses to break the tie. What type of decision rule is Noah applying in his search for a millionairess wife? lexicographic rule weighted additive ruke emilination-by-aspects conjunctive rule

weighted additive rule

M-commerce takes place primarily through what medium? madio stations wireless devices such as cell phones mobile billboards melevison

wireless devices such as cell phones

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