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What is caused by a disruption in cerebral blood circulation


DLD class: Who provided the term Developmental Language Disorders?

Clinicians, researchers, and other stakeholders

COG: What is the definition of CHI

Close head Injury AKA as a Non-penetrating injury.

All of the following are true about the Circle of Willis except: Select one: a. the Circle of Willis forms a conduit connecting the two carotid arteries and the basilar artery b. Occlusion above the Circle of Willis inevitably causes brain damage. c. The "safety valve" function of the Circle of Willis is possible when the blockage is below the Circle of Willis. d. The Circle of Willis a circular set of arteries located in the frontal lobe

D:The Circle of Willis a circular set of arteries located in the frontal lobe

COG: What does the Paragraph Recall assess?

Declarative memory

Dysphagia: What are two tests we use to evaluates swallowing:

Fiberoptic (Or flexible) Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing the Modified Barium Swallowing Study

DLD: How should a SLP respond when someone tells them "But that baby doesn't talk, why are you telling me I should read a book to them? They can't read!"

It is never too early to read to a child and the caregiver bonding, joint attention, and other pre-literacy skills cannot be started "too soon"

VDC: Which of these pediatric laryngeal disorders will most likely resolve without surgical intervention? a.Juvenile onset papilloma b.Laryngomalacia c. Subglottic stenosis d. Vocal fold cyst e.All will require surgery.


Hemorrhagic stroke

Blood leaks into the brain tissue

What are some methods of SCA?

Spoken and written keywords Body language and gestures Hand drawing Detailed pictographs

What is the second leading cause of death worldwide and lasts for 40-45 seconds: 1. TBI 2. Motor vehicle accidents 3. Stroke


What is a communication method that uses a set of techniques to encourage conversation when working with someone with aphasia known as?

Supported conversation for people with aphasia

Circumlocutions defined

Talking around the specific word, using gestures or phrase. (.e.g. I wear it right here (pointing to wrist.) - A: watch

DLD: As it relates to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, what is meant by double jeopardy

That children with FASD often live in chaotic environments and it can be difficult to separate the impacts of the toxins from the environmental impacts.

Multicultural: Under which of the following conditions would it be appropriate to provide therapy to a bilingual client? Select one: a. The client is incompetent in both L1 and L2 b. The client is proficient in both L1 and L2 c. The client is competent in LI only and elects not to receive services d. The client is competent in L2, but incompetent in L1

The client in incompetent in both L1 and L2

Multicultural: T or F-The SALSA project demonstrated that involving low-income parents in children's language activities may negatively influence language development & growth.

The correct answer is 'False'.

Dysphagia T/F: Asking the patient to produce the sentence, "Is Sally sick?" is an example of a task that tests the function of the velopharygneal port during a FEES.


Dysphagia T/F: PAS scores of #2-#5 indicate various levels/descriptions of penetration.


T or F: Speaking rate is typically affected in individuals with AOS, with individuals demonstrating difficulty in increasing their speaking rate.


What kind of paraphasia? : rat for cat or cow for cat

Mixed paraphasia


Is the biggest branch of the internal carotid artery supplies the anterior portion of the brain damage here is a frequent cause of stroke and aphasia

DLD: What are the benefits to a clinician-directed intervention approach?

It allows the therapist to maximize the opportunities that the client has to address a new target area, giving the child a significant amount of practice with a skill in need of development.

DLD class: Why was the development of theoretical linguistics important for the field of SLP?

It gave the SLP field the Form/Content/Use model which covers the areas of semantics, pragmatics, morphology, phonology, and syntax.

Identify a weaknesses of perceptual analysis for differential diagnosis of dysarthria. Response may consist of one word or up to one full sentence.

It is subjective and inexperienced clinicians may make mistakes.

COG: What is a bur hole?

Key Hole craniotomy

Multicultural: The inappropriate influences of an L1 structure on the language of L2 is often referred to as

Language Attrition

Multicultural: A speaker's relative mastery of one language as compared to another is known as

Language Proficiency

What fissure runs from the lower frontal lobe and moves upward and surrounds the regions that are important for speech, language, and hearing?

Lateral sulcus Sylvian fissure

VD: Which Counseling Technique is defined as: "the diminished emotional responsiveness to a negative or adverse stimulus" a. Biofeedback b. Desensitization c. Motivational Interviewing d. Progressive relaxation e. Cognitive Behavioral Treatment

The correct answer is: Desensitization

Multicultural: T or F-Therapists should limit their choices of intervention materials to culturally-based materials only.

The correct answer is 'False'.

Multicultural: T or F-Vocabulary building is one of the most significant areas of need when working with children from CLD backgrounds.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Vowel prolongation is particularly useful in isolating some of the phonatory characteristics present in hypokinetic dysarthria. Select one: True False


VD: A 35 y.o. patient is intubated during a ten hour surgical procedure. Four weeks later she still notes throat discomfort and hoarseness. What is most likely seen during videostroboscopy? Select one: a.Leukoplakia b.Granuloma c.Nodules d.Presbylaryngis


Empty Speech

fluent, grammatically correct speech that does not make sense because of extensive paraphasias

Verbal Sterotypy

fluent, grammatically correct speech that does not make sense because of extensive paraphasias

What resonatory speech characteristic will result from weakness of the velopharyngeal mechanism? This is a one word response. Be specific.


COG: The two main categories of prosody are:

linguistic and emotional

he term 'final common pathway' is most compatible with what term?

lower motor neuron

The ______ lobe contains the primary sensory cortex, or post central gyrus.

parietal lobe

COG: What is The neuropathology of Pick's Disease Dementia?

pick bodies & anterior frontal and temporal lobe atrophy

VDC: Which laryngeal condition illustrates the functional/organic overlap? Select one: a. mutational falsetto b. laryngeal web c.polyp d. conversion (psychogenic) muscle tension dysphonia

polyp, because its a result of using your voice inappropriately (functionial) that you develop a polyp which is organic/structural

DLD: Which of these is NOT an element of an IFSP Select one: a. Family tax returns to ensure that they contributed to the funding of the publicly available services b. Family concerns c. Present level of performance

a. Family tax returns to ensure that they contributed to the funding of the publicly available services

DLD Class: Which of the following best captures the intersectionality between speech, language, and communication? Select one: a. Speech, language, and communication do not always go together but an impairment in one area may influence development or competencies in another area. b. Without language, there is no communication c. Without speech, there is no communication

a. Speech, language, and communication do not always go together but an impairment in one area may influence development or competencies in another area.

VD: Three of these are characteristic of a polyp. One is not. Which is least suggestive of a polyp? Select one: a.Hemorrhagic (blood-filled) b.Bilateral occurrence c.Sessile d.Pedunculated

b.Bilateral occurrence

Which of the following may co-occur with acquired AOS? Select one: a.aphasia b.Either may co-occur c. dysarthria d.Neither may occur

b.Either may co-occur

VD: Which of these glottal closure patterns is characteristic of vocal nodules? Select one: a.Bowed b.Hour glass shaped c.Spindle shaped d.Posterior glottal gap

b.Hour glass shaped

VD: What is the most important principle of Motor Learning generalization in regards to voice therapy? a. Observation and Imitation b. Teach back c. Repeated rehearsals (drill, drill, drill) d. Sensory feedback Feedback

c. Repeated rehearsals (drill, drill, drill)

The 2 biggest obstacles for patient/client success with voice therapy are: a. Therapy Adherence b. Declarative Learning c. Generalization of Therapy skills to "real life" d. All of the above e. A and C

e. A and C

The contribution of the cerebellar control circuit is important for which of the following a. gait b. gait and speech c. speech

gait and speech

SPANISH INFLUENCED Langauge characteristics

omission of plurals "She bought three shirt." (All CLO) omission of possessives "The girl book." (also AAE) omission of past tense morpheme "He jump far." (also Asian) adjectives following nouns "The car silver." auxiliary past tense construction "Did she bit herself?" double negatives "neither my keys nor my car"


recurrent, nonsensical response, may have retained prosody

COG: What is The neuropathology of Lewy Body Dementia?

round protein lumps in neurons

What is the primary cause of aphasia?


ASD: The 3 Key Areas of ASD in DSM-4 were

-Social Impairment - Communication Impairment - Restricted/Repetitive Behaviors & Interests

Multicultural: What should we consider when picking an interpreter for our bilingual students and their assessments

-The individual's knowledge of the client's specific dialect of the language - The individual's proficiency in both L1 and L2 -The maturity of the individual ( being at least 18 years old & mature)

AFRICAN AMERICAN ENGLISH (AAE) Phonemic characteristic

/1/ lessened or omitted pool/"poo" /r/ lessened or omitted shore /"shoah" /f/ substitution for voiceless /th/ final/medial bath+ "baf" /d/ substitution for voiceless /th/ initial position think + "dink"

Which of the following may contribute to the development of a flaccid dysarthria? Select one or more: a. demyelinating disease b. motor neuron disease c. tumor d. disease of the neuromuscular junction

All of the above

Which of the following are likely to be affected in spastic dysarthria? Select one or more: a. velopharyngeal mechanism b. oromotor function c. speaking rate d. laryngeal mechanism

All of the above

DLD: What are the service delivery options when the SLP and the client do not speak the same language

1. Training paraprofessionals to be interventionists, with the SLP monitoring and supporting. 2. Providing in-service training of other professionals. 3. Providing consultation.

List 3 prognostic factors that may influence a PWA's prognosis and recovery.

1. Age (the younger typically the better bc younger usually means healthier) 2.Type and Severity of Aphasia (less severe the better, nonfluent better prognosis). 3. Personal factors (education, motivation in therapy=better prognosis)

Damage here results in agraphia or conduction aphasia.

3. Supramarginal gyrus

All of the following are true about aphasia except: 1. Core intelligence is significantly altered 2. Aphasia is chronic 3. Aphasia leads to loss of self-esteem and social isolation 4. Aphasia masks inherent competence

1. Core intelligence is significantly altered

What are some challenges for someone with aphasia ?

1. Identity 2. Self-esteem 3. Roles and responsibilities 4.Perceived competence

Who was responsible for writing Speech Amnesia, the first study of aphasia and determined that aphasia was not dementia. 1. Johann Gesner 2. Paul Broca 3. Carl Wernicke 4. Joseph Gall

1. Johann Gesner

Which of the following separates the left and right fissures: 1. Longitudinal fissure 2. Fissure of Rolando 3. Precentral gyrus 4. Sylvian fissure

1. Longitudinal fissure

DLD: What are the areas in which SLPs can work to enhance parent-infant communication?

1. Model interactive behaviors 2. Helping parents develop self-monitoring skills 3. Teach awareness of infant communication patterns

Aphasia is a language impairment: In the sentence, "I'm going to be wearing my new zolopithol tonight," zololpithol is an example of a __________________ and would be most common in which type of aphasia ? 1. Neologism, fluent 2. An anomic episode (word finding difficulty), non-fluent aphasia 3. perseveration , fluent aphasia 4. Sterotypy, non-fluent aphasia

1. Neologism, fluent

All of the following are true about the study of phrenology expect: 1. Phrenology is still considered a credible field of study 2. Joseph Gall was considered the pioneer of phrenology 3. Phrenology correlated mental and intellectual functioning to topographic aspects of a person's skull

1. Phrenology is still considered a credible field of study

The theory of cerebral localization states that: 1. All aspects of language are equally disturbed in the PWA 2. A lesion on the right side of the brain results in non-fluent aphasia 3. Aphasia impacts all language modalities equally 4. A specific brain lesion affects a particular function

4. A specific brain lesion affects a particular function

All of the following have a significant impact on a PWA quality of life except for: 1. PWA will be less likely to participate in activities 2. Working class is less likely to return to their job, or another. 3. Aphasia is associated with depression. 4. Aphasia is a genetic disease

4. Aphasia is a genetic disease

Why is aphasia considered an acquired disorder? 1. Because it is a degenerative disorder and language deteriorate over time 2. Because it is a communication disorder that affects multiple, language modalities 3. Because it is a congenital disorder and people are born with this disorder 4. Because it is an impairment that happens to adults who once had intact language skills.

4. Because it is an impairment that happens to adults who once had intact language skills.

DLD: What percentage of kids demonstrate ear infections during the preschool years?:


What statement about the circle of Willis is incorrect: 1. It protects the areas irrigated above the circle 2. It provides a common blood supply 3. If an artery is blocked below the circle, damage will be minimal 4. It is composed of two carotid and two vertebral arteries

4. It is composed of two carotid and two vertebral arteries

Which description below best defines a TIA? 1. Symptoms last 24 hours or more and patient/family may report "seizures" 2. Results in hemiparesis and the patient/ family may report "worst headache of my life." 3. Deficits are permanent and patients/family may report "severe vomiting." 4. Lasts less than 5 minutes and the patient/family may report "garbled speech."

4. Lasts less than 5 minutes and the patient/family may report "garbled speech."

Who was the first to offer clinical and pathological evidence relating the frontal lobe and left brain to language production: 1. HIldred Schuell 2. Alexander Luria 3. Carl Wernicke 4. Paul Broca

4. Paul Broca

Which definition of Aphasia focuses on how the diagnosis of Aphasia drastically alters the PWAs personal, educational and occupational life and goals: 1. Non-typological 2. Typological 3. Cognitive 4. Social

4. Social

DLD: What is the definition of dialect?

A particular form of language that is characteristic of a specific region or social group

What are some advantages of using endoscopy for evaluation of dysphagia?

A patient needs a same-day bedside evaluation, There are concerns regarding radiation exposure for the patient., Need to observe secretions within the pharynx., Would like to use biofeedback during swallowing maneuvers., The patient is unable to transport off floor.

COG T/F: The after-effects of TBI can include deficits in one or more of the following areas: physical, cognitive, communication, and psychosocial.


Flaccid dysarthria represents impairment at this processing level. Select one: a.execution b. motor programming c.motor planning

A. execution

AAC: Name (do not describe) 3 of the 6 Assistive Technology Services that are identified by IDEA.

AAC Device Acquisition AAC Evaluation Technical support for AAC devices

The inability to increase speaking rate has been identified in which of the following types of motor speech disorders? Select one or more: a. ataxic b. spastic c. None of the choices d. AOS


ASD: Is ASD more common in boys or girls, use statistical answer

ASD is 4 times more common in boys than in girls

COG: During which Memory Book Training goal stage will the Pt. will recall the purpose of each Memory Book section

Acquisition Stage

VD: When writing short term goals for voice therapy, what are the 3 necessary components to mention?

Action/Skill, condition, criteria

DLD: What is the zone of proximal development?

An idea of what the child is ready to learn with the help of a competent adult.

AAC: Why is Eye Gaze Access considered a Direct Selection Method?

Eye Gaze Access is considered a direct selection because you are using a body part (the eye) to directly select the option/button to convey your message. You are directly selecting this message.

COG: T/F: A glioma is a common type of cerebral vascular disruption.


T OR F The occipital lobe is the biggest lobe

F Its the smallest.

DLD: Why should we always investigate hearing and speech-motor skills?

Because both could negatively impact a child's ability to demonstrate language skills and may confound a DLD diagnosis; if a SLP has concerns in these areas they need to refer to a specialist as appropriate.

Dysphagia: ollowing a Clinical Swallow Evaluation, the SLP's report should include recommendations regarding diet level or NPO

Behavioral Precautions Oral Care Medicine Administeration

ASD T OR F :Vaccines in early childhood cause ASD.


ASD T or F: Syntax is the most impaired area of language for individuals with ASD.


Dysphagia T/F: Clinical Swallow Evaluation can detect and confirm impairments with the oropharyngeal phase of swallowing.


T OR F: A person who has severe dysarthria cannot benefit from an AAC device because she is able to speak.


T OR F: Medicare will pay for an AAC device for a client who lives in a long-term care nursing home


T or F: A universally accepted specific lesion site has been identified relative to acquired AOS.


T or F: Vowel distortions rarely occur in CAS.


T OR F : A Pneumatic Switch is activated by motion.

FALSE: activated by air pressure

T OR F : A Dedicated AAC device offers access to a communication program and computer functions, such as accessing the Internet.

FALSE: dedicated devices sole purpose is communication, accessing the internet is not a required aspect.

T OR F: Visual Scanning is a type of direct selection.

FALSE: this is indirect selection

Dysphagia: Which instrument should you use to observe: The amount and location of secretions.


Dysphagia: Which 2 views are completed on VFSS/MBS? Use medical terminology for each view

Anterior Posterior view Lateral View

What does nonfluent aphasia contain?

Anterior lesions, speech is halting, effortful, contains pauses, agrammatism, content and word finding is prevalent here.

COG: During which Memory Book Training goal stage will the Pt. accurately use Memory Book in role-play situation

Application Stage

COG: During which Memory Book Training goal stage will the Pt. demonstrate the use of Memory book in the community

Application Stage.

DLD class: According to the textbook, what are the three stages of the evaluation process?

Appraisal, diagnosis, assessment

What is the association fiber that connects Broca's area to Wernicke's area

Arcuate fasciculus

Explosive loudness or loudness variations have been identified as occurring in these types of dysarthria Select one or more: a. hyperkinetic b. spastic c. ataxic d. all of the response choices

Ataxic and Hyperkinetic

COG: What does the RBANS Digit Span assess?


COG: A systematic, hierarchical, direct training approach for attention

Attention Process Training

DLD: With what type of word do children with ID reportedly struggle with most as compared with same age peers?

Attributes such as adjectives and adverb

DLD Class: T or F: Improving auditory processing skills always improves language skills


Dysphagia T/F: A patient with very low platelets is appropriate for FEES


A speech disorder that results from thumb sucking, pacifier use, or malocclusions represents either a dysarthria or apraxia of speech. Select one: Select one: True False


All speech systems except the respiratory system may be affected in flaccid dysarthria. Select one: True False


Aphasia does NOT affect social, personal, educational, and occupational goals in life. T/F


The corticobulbar tract originates here.


Aphasia is a language disorder usually found in children T/F


Your patient is unable to tolerate oral/PO diet without severe -profound aspiration following initial VFSS/MBS. The best course of action would be to: Select one: a. Consult nutritionist to determine which type of tube feeding is best suited for your patient. b. Recommend a PEG tube to establish a stable and safe means of nutrition and hydration c. Recommend NGT for 3-6 months with repeat VFSS/MBS at that time. d. Discuss results of VFSS/MBS with patient, family and medical team and determine appropriateness of temporary means of nutrition (NGT) versus long-term nutrition (PEG)

Discuss results of VFSS/MBS with patient, family and medical team and determine appropriateness of temporary means of nutrition (NGT) versus long-term nutrition (PEG)

DLD class: Both comprehension and production should be assessed in at least two of the following areas during an evaluation?

Form, Content, and Use to capture the areas of syntax, morphology, phonology, semantics and pragmatics

COG: Name four main types of non-traumatic ABIs.

Infectious disease, brain tumors, CVA, Hypoxic ischemic injury

ASD: Some red flags for ASD include (but are not limited to):

Not waving, Unexpected reactions to sounds, Making odd sounds, Lack of sharing facial expressions with others, Smelling objects, Visual inspection (peering), Finger flicking, Not responding to his or her name when called

DLD: What is a strategy to elicit a speech sample from a child who is approximately 1-2 years old?

Participate in child-centered conversations related to familiar and unfamiliar toys in the environment

AAC: List 3 components of an AAC Assessment.

Patient Information Impairment Type and Severity Assessment data on cognitive, language, motor, hearing, and visual skills and abilities.

ASD: In 1980, the DSM-3 separated ASD from Childhood Schizophrenia and was classified as

Pervasive Development Disorder

DLD: What signs does an infant give us that tell us they are ready for interaction at the basic level.

Predictable response to parent/caregiver interactions Improved independence as it relates to breathing Weight gain and general medical stability

DLD: How can a SLP collect/analyze a language sample if they do not speak the language?

The language sample can be collected in the home language, with the child interacting with a caregiver or other fluent speaker.

Dysphagia: The VFSS/MBS is not a pass/fail or aspirates/does not aspirate evaluation. Please explain the purpose of a VFSS/MBS.

The purpose of the MBS is to get information on: -swallowing efficiency -airway protection -how, when, and why a patient aspirates or has penetration. -efficiency of compensatory swallowing strategies, -swallowing and anatomy dysfunction. - the esophageal, pharyngeal, and oral phases of swallowing.

A person with nonfluent aphasia would be more likely to display agrammatism in their writing and verbal output as compared to a person with fluent aphasia: T/F


DLD: When is it appropriate to make modifications to standardized tests

When there is no suitable standardized assessment available for a particular community

COG: Describe the kind of communication impairments you may encounter in a non-aphasic individual with a moderate to severe closed head injury.

Word finding difficulties, Slow processing speeds, decreased thought organization/poor oral organization, confabulatory , decreased comprehension because of slowed processing

COG: What does the Serial Recall (Backwards) assess?

Working Memory

COG: define Diffuse Axonal Injury

White Matter Damage

Scanning speech is most likely to be found in this motor speech disorder Select one: a. ataxic b. AOS c. spastic d. UUMN


Eclectic Voice Therapy uses a combination of voice therapy approaches to design a treatment that is: a. Comfortable b. All of the Above c. Appropriate d. Effective

All of the Above

Imprecise articulation may result from which of the following? Select one or more: a. spasticity b. errors of motor programming c. weakness d. errors of motor planning

All of the above

The dysarthria classification system Select one or more: a. was developed by Darley, Aronson, and Brown (DAB) b. is based on perceptual characteristics c. is assumed to reflect localization within the neurological system

All of the above

COG: What does the CLQT - Symbol Trails assess?

Alternating Attention

Imagine two people engaging in a conversation with you, one with Broca's-type aphasia and one with Wernicke's. Which patient is more likely to: DEMONSTRATE PARAGRAMMATISM


Which patient is most likely to have :HAVE RELATIVELY GOOD COMPREHENSION? brocas or werenickes?


VD: When there is incomplete closure of the vocal folds during adduction, voice will sound:


Imagine two people engaging in a conversation with you, one with Broca's-type aphasia and one with Wernicke's. Which patient is more likely to: HAVE CONCOMINANT APRAXIA OF SPEECH?

Broca's-type aphasia

Imagine two people engaging in a conversation with you, one with Broca's-type aphasia and one with Wernicke's. Which patient is more likely to: SHOW CATASTROPHIC REACTION DURING INTERACTIONS?

Broca's-type aphasia

Which patient is most likely to have CONCOMINENT HEMIPLEGIA? brocas or werenicke's?

Broca's-type aphasia

Identify the type of Aphasia: Site of Lesion: Anterior to Sylvian fissure NONfluent Auditory Comprehension: Preserved Repetition: Impaired


DLD class: How do clinicians select intervention targets?

By referencing the current skill level against developmental expectations in conjunction with priorities from parents and caregivers

DLD: What is one reasons to perform an assessment?

To establish a baseline and/or measure change

Multicultural: Sequential second language learners are

Children who initially learn one language and are introduced to another after age 3

VDC: What would a pt with muscle tension aphonia of psychological etiology complain of?

Complaints of pain with laryngeal palpation, Normal sounding throat clear and laugh, Report of sudden onset.

Please identify the type/classification of aphasia:Site of lesion: perisylvian, arcuate fasciculus; left parietal lobeFluentAuditory Comprehension: preserved


AAC: What is Core vocabulary?

Core Vocabulary is highly functional words and social exchanges that are used in everyday speech that is less specific and more general. This can be used across a variety of situations, Examples: Eat, Play, Shoes

Multicultural: T or F-Speech and Language intervention should always be conducted in the client's L1.

False, the stronger language should be the intervention language.

DLD: What is one of the first indicators of ID

Delayed language.

ASD: The SLP has a central role in what aspects of ASD?

Diagnosis & Assessment Screening Treatment Prevention & Advocacy Research

DLD: The acquisition of particular language forms? Select one: a. Guarantees that students with ID will use these forms in socially acceptable way. b. Guarantee students with ID will initiate communication exchanges more frequently. c. Does not guarantee students with ID will use these forms in socially acceptable way.

Does not guarantee students with ID will use these forms in socially acceptable way.

COG: What occurs during the encoding stage of memory?

During the encoding portion the brain is learning and remembering information. During this process the brain is attaching meaning to the information to be recalled later.

Upper motor neurons (UMNs) are contained entirely within the central nervous system (CNS). Select one: True False


Dysphagia: Which instrument should you use to observe: fatigue/tolerance over the course of a meal.


As described in the video, It's Still Me, a successful communication strategy when interacting with a PWA is to act like you understand a message in order to decrease the PWAs level of frustration: T/F


Assessing each of the cranial nerves is specifically important for the assessment of ataxic dysarthria. Select one: True False


COG T/F: A distinguishing factor between MTBI and TBI is that loss of consciousness does not occur in MTBI.


COG T/F: ABIs from Infectious diseases are almost exclusively caused by bacterial infections.


COG: F/T Procedural memory tasks such as list learning and paragraph memory assess Non-Declarative recall.


Dysphagia T/F: Clinical Swallow Evaluation should be bypassed when the patient is already scheduled for a VFSS/MBS or FEES.


Dysphasia: The Modified Evans Blue Dye Test is known to detect aspiration 100% of the time in patient's with tracheostomy tubes Select one: True False


Lesions that result in ataxic dysarthria must occur only in the cerebellum. Select one: True False


Speech difficulties resulting from oromyofunctional disorders represent a dysarthria. Select one: True False


Speech stress testing is particularly important if spastic dysarthria is suspected. Select one: True False


T or F: Acquired AOS may result from neurodegenerative disease.


T or F: Prosody is unaffected in CAS


The terms bradykinesia and hypokinesia are synonymous Select one: True False


There is definitive evidence that nonspeech oral motor exercises impacts speech sound production for people with all types of dysarthria. Select one: True False


COG T/F: DAI typically results in a focal brain injury.

False (diffuse axon disease)

Describe the 3 ways injuries can be distributed in the brain (focal, multifocal, diffuse) giving examples of each.

Focal injury- One area, this can be Non-accelerated head injury CHI Multifocal- Multiple areas of the brain are injured (.e.g., the temporal and frontal lobe.) This can happen with a penetrating head injury or an acceleration deacceleration (coup-contrecoup injury) Diffuse- Widespread damage, example DIA shearing can cause diffuse brain injury which means widespread damage.

Upper motor neurons control lower motor neurons Select one: True False


COG T/F: An Arteriovenous malformation rupture is an example of a hemorrhagic CVA.

True, AVMS occur because of pressure and damage to the blood vessel.

Name 2 possible AAC device funding sources for a 4th grader who attends school in the public school system.


DLD: Clinical decision making when working with students with ID should include

IQ tests, adaptive functioning, and developmental history

DLD: Why is it important to establish language dominance?

In order to do the least biased assessment.

What kind of paraphasia? : bizza for pizza or pag for bag


Dysphagia: Which instrument should you use to observe: Inversion of epiglottis during swallow


COG FILL IN THE BLANK: _________ strategies are designed to improve one's ability to self-regulate their cognition.


Identify the type of aphasia: Site of lesion: watershed NONfluent "isolation aphasia" Auditory comprehension: Impaired Repetition: preserved

Mixed Transcortical

Three of these are true of a vocal fold web. One is not. Choose the one that is not. Select one: a. It can interfere with breathing b. Most often responds to voice therapy without need for surgery c.It can be congenital or acquired d. If severe, surgical separation and keep placement

Most often responds to voice therapy without need for surgery

Describe the hallmark deficits of a patient with global aphasia (be sure to comment on both receptive and expressive deficits). Identify what distinguishes a person with global aphasia from a person with dementia. (3)

Most severe aphasia Both receptive and expressive have deficits. Poor auditory comprehension and expressive output. Repetition is also impaired. The patient may not even speak at all, communication is usually through gestures, facial expression, and tone. The difference between a person with Global Aphasia and a person with Dementia is a person with global aphasia has social appropriateness.

Dysphagia: What is the name of the standardized scale to assess secretions on FEES?

Murray Secretion Scale

COG: What does the Mirror Tracing Task Answer 4 assess?

Non-declarative memory

Which of the following accurately characterize the past literature on CAS? Select one: a.Research studies have used the same testing protocols and list of characteristic behaviors to identify CAS participants b.None of the choices accurately characterize the past literature on CAS c.There are guidelines for the frequency with which a behavior must occur to warrant evidence for the presence of CAS d.Participants selected for study inclusion have been homogenous across studies (the same, clear operational definitions used for participant selection)

None of the choices accurately characterize the past literature on CAS

DLD class: A SLP lookS for what type of standardized test?

One that is psychometrically sound.

Dysphagia: The MBSimP is one objective rating scale to provide reliable quantification between SLPs during instrumental exams. Identify 1 other objective scale or rating system used with VFSS.

PAS: Penetration-Aspiration Scale

This term describes neurons that have their cell bodies in the brain stem and their axons terminate in muscles.


Cog: A reading and recall strategy that helps promote active learning through self-instruction


ASD: Prevalance vs Incidence

Prevalence the total number of individuals with ASD at a specific point or within a period of time. Including new and existing cases. Incidence the number of new cases of ASD within a period of time. Does not include existing cases.

DLD class: Why does the field no longer use the term specific language impairment (SLI)?

Primarily SLPs used the term AND there was confusion in the literature about what terms encompassed an SLI, with a variety of other terms used to describe SLI

VD: When considering declarative or procedure learning. Which is most important for success in voice therapy?

Procedural learning

A photograph of an object is easier to identify than a colored line-drawn picture.


Human speech that is programmed on an AAC device is called digitized speech.


DLD: What are six common techniques used during child-centered sessions?

Recast sentences, build-up and break downs, extensions, expansions, imitations, self-talk and parallel play.

Motor access refers to ways in which an individual will physically approach and use AAC systems.


T OR F: Feature Matching can be used to determine the best AAC


T OR F: Modeling is an essential piece of AAC Intervention.


T or F : MCA (middle cerebral artery) supplies blood to very important areas for speech.


Identify the 3 components of Revealing Competence (SCA) and briefly describe each component.

Revealing competence: Getting the message in: This is getting your message across to the PWA clearly and making sure they understand your message (is your message clear). you can use gestures, pictures and write while you talk. Getting the message out: This is helping the PWA get what they are trying to say OUT. Completely getting what they mean out whether you need to use AAC, whiteboard. Verifying the message: Making sure you understand exactly what the PWA is trying to say and that It is correct. you can do this by repeating the message, summarizing the message slowly, and asking if this is what they meant.

This area of cortex is located on the frontal lobe and forms the middle and superior region of the pre-motor cortex. For this item, USE THE ABBREVIATION.


An AAC Assessment should include hands-on trials with a variety of AAC devices.

TRUE: there should be atleast 3 devices trialed

COG: What does the CLQT - Symbol Cancellation assess?

Selective Visual attention

What kind of paraphasia? : Hammer for nail or door for knob

Semantic paraphasia

What is scanning speech

Slow enunciation with a tendency to hesitate at the beginning of a word or syllable

COG: What is the definition of bradykinesia?

Slow movement

COG FILL IN THE BLANK: Combined with errorless learning, _______ helps to train individuals to recall information for progressively longer periods of time.

Spaced Retrevial

During the AAC Intervention Class, we discussed the importance of Identifying Meaningful Contexts for Communication. It was recommended that we choose contexts or situations that:

a. Motivating to the client b. Provide several opportunities for the client to use the device for communication c. Appropriate for the individual's development

DLD: What is the cause of an intellectual disability?

The cause of an intellectual disability is often unknown.

DLD :Children can be discharged from therapy when:

The child has achieved a desired level of communication skills and/or they are performing at a comparable level to peers Communication is within normal limits and all goals have been mastered

Multicultural: T OR F-Typical syntactic and phonological errors in a bilingual child's speech output often indicate a speech or language disorder.

The correct answer is 'False'. These may be appropriate and not consider errors in their L1.

Multicultural: T or F-In bilingual children, a strong relationship exists between spoken language abilities and reading skills.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Identify the type of aphasia: Site of lesion: Extrasylvian; anterior watershed area of left frontal lobe NONfluent Auditory comprehension: preserved Repetition: Preserved

Transcortical Motor Aphasia

Identify the type of aphasia: Site of Lesion: Surrounding Wernicke's (not including Wernicke's); temporal lobe, watershed Fluent Auditory comprehension: impaired Repetition: preserved

Transcortical Sensory

AAC: Compare translucent, opaque and transparent symbols

Translucent can be figured out Opaque need to be taught Transparent are obvious symbols

A brainstem stroke may result in a flaccid dysarthria. Select one: True False


COG T/F: Seizures and infection are common secondary sources of acquired brain injury.


Cog: T or F: Informal assessment may be the best way to assess executive functioning.


Corticobulbar fibers are one set of fibers that represent the upper motor neuron system Select one: True False


Dysarthria may result from neurotransmitter dysfunction. Select one: True False


Dysphagia T/F: Because of the known relationship between oral-pharyngeal and esophageal dysfunction, VFSS/MBS should include a screening of the esophagus.


Dysphagia T/F: PAS score of #8 indicates silent aspiration


Dysphagia T/F: With healthy individuals, there is significant variability of swallow onset (i.e. point at which swallow is triggered).


Hyperkinetic dysarthria can result from toxic-metabolic causes. Select one: True False


Imprecise articulation may result from damage to CN XII? Select one: True False


In flaccid dysarthria, cranial nerve damage may occur to only one cranial nerve or to multiple cranial nerves. Select one: True False


Movements in hyperkinetic movement disorders may be rhythmic or nonrhythmic and may be limited to a single structure or affect multiple structures. Select one: True False


DLD: The Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals, 4th edition, Spanish: Select one: a. Was developed specifically for Spanish speakers living in the U.S. b. Is a translated version of the English version of the CELF:4 c. Is appropriate for children ages 0-5

Was developed specifically for Spanish speakers living in the U.S.

Imagine two people engaging in a conversation with you, one with Broca's-type aphasia and one with Wernicke's. Which patient is more likely to: HAVE POOR SELF-MONITORING OF HIS/HER LINGUISTIC DEFICITS?


Which of the following speech characteristics is most likely to occur in flaccid dysarthria? Select one: a. hypernasality b. strained vocal quality c. prolonged vowels d. excessive pitch variation e. all response choices

a. hypernasality

Dysphagia: What is the name of the standardized scale to assess the amount of pharyngeal residue within the valleculae and pyriform sinuses on FEES?

Yale Residue Scale

Dysphagia: According to the ASHA Adult Dysphagia Overview, a CSE may include all of the the following procedures except: Select one: a. To identify clinical signs and symptoms of esophageal dysphagia and retrograde movement of bolus. b. To identify the need for an instrumental exam following the CSE. c. An oral mechanism exam and cranial nerve assessment d. Assessment of speech and vocal quality at baseline and assessing changes following bolus presentations.

a. To identify clinical signs and symptoms of esophageal dysphagia and retrograde movement of bolus. (this is not possible).

Dysphagia: Standardized VFSS/MBS protocols: Select one: a. Typically progress from a small amount of liquid bolus to a bolus volume and consistency that challenges the patient so that difficulties can be replicated and assessed. b. Can be completed with patients who are sedated and not fully conscious. c. Are completed in the same way and sequence for both pediatrics and adults. d. Are developed and implemented in a uniform manner across the United Sates with specific approach described and required by ASHA.

a. Typically progress from a small amount of liquid bolus to a bolus volume and consistency that challenges the patient so that difficulties can be replicated and assessed.

Irregular articulatory breakdowns are not uncommon in which of the following types of dysarthria Select one or more: a. UUMN b. all answer choices c. spastic dysarthria d. ataxic dysarthria

a. UUMN d. ataxic dysarthria

Observing short phrases in the assessment of dysarthria might suggest which of the following? Select one: a. air wastage at the glottis b.Fasciculations in the mentalis c. lesions of cranial nerve XII

a. air wastage at the glottis

ASD: Based on DSM-2 and throughout the 1960's ASD was characerized by

atypical and withdrawn behavior," "general unevenness, gross immaturity and inadequacy in development," and "failure to develop identity separate from the mother's."

In spasmodic dysphonia, the voice may be Select one or more: a. breathy b. accompanied by hypernasality c. accompanied by an underlying tremor d. strained

a. breathy c. accompanied by an underlying tremor d. strained

In unilateral upper motor neuron dysarthria (UUMN) observed facial weakness is most likely to be: Select one: a. contralateral b. ipsilateral c. bilateral

a. contralateral

Hypernasality may be observed (not rare) in which of the following types of dysarthria elect one or more: a. flaccid b. ataxic c. spastic

a. flaccid c. spastic

Spasmodic dysphonia represents this type of dysarthria Select one: a. hyperkinetic b. spastic c. hypokinetic d. ataxic

a. hyperkinetic

VSD: All of these statements and findings are typical from a male patient with puberphonia (mutational falsetto) except: Select one: a.Speaking fundamental frequency that is too high b.Normal appearance of the larynx and vocal folds for an adult male c.Pitch breaks d.High pitched cough and throat clear

d.High pitched cough and throat clear

Dysphagia: What causes a "white out" during the moment of swallow during a FEES? Select one: a. tissue surrounding ensdoscope b. food/liquid covering camera lens c. vocal fold abduction d. endoscope being guided into incorrect turbinate

a. tissue surrounding ensdoscope

Which of the following reflect the direct activation pathway? Select one: a.corticobulbar tract b. cranial nerve (CN) VII c. reticular formation d. none of the response choices

a.corticobulbar tract

Which of the following are necessary to diagnose dysarthria? Select one: a.perceptual b.acoustic c.Some combination of each - perceptual, acoustic, and kinematic analysis d.kinematic


What is the perceptual consequence of hyperadduction of the vocal folds? select one: a.strained-strangled vocal quality b. breathiness c. no perceptual consequence

a.strained-strangled vocal quality

VD: The term vocal hygiene includes which of the below: a. Hydration and humidification b. All of these c. Reducing phonotrauma d. Avoiding irritants

b. All of these

VD: A 13 y/o male presents with a laryngology diagnosis of Puperphonia. What is a therapy task you could use to try to facilitate improvement in voicing? a. SOVT (semioccluded vocal tract exercises) b. All these choices are options c. Vegetative Voicing tasks (laugh/cough/throat clear/gargle) d. Laryngeal Massage

b. All these choices are options

Severe ataxic dysarthria is typically associated with Select one: a. Bilateral lower motor neuron damage b. Bilateral damage to the cerebellar control circuit c. Bilateral upper motor neuron damage d. Damage to the neuromuscular junction

b. Bilateral damage to the cerebellar control circuit

In flaccid dysarthria, bilateral lesions to which of the following cranial nerves is likely to result in imprecise articulation of bilabial sounds? Select one or more: a. CN X b. CN V c. VII d. VI

b. CN V c. VII

Of the choices below what is most likely to frequently be the preferred voice therapy technique? a. Physiologic b. Eclectic c. Symptomatic d. Hygenic/Etiologic

b. Eclectic

The clinical characteristic of involuntary movements is most associated with which dysarthia type? Select one: a. flaccid b. Hyperkinetic c. spastic d. Hypokinetic

b. Hyperkinetic

VD: What therapy technique will likely be a good place to start when working with a Psychogenic Voice disorder? a. LMRVT b. Redirection phonation (aka Vegetative Tasks) c. Chanting d. Conversational Training

b. Redirection phonation (aka Vegetative Tasks)

Dysphagia: All of the following are true about the Yale Swallow Protocol except: Select one: a. The Yale Swallow Protocol is a subjective tool. b. The patient is directed to drink 3oz of water, taking breaks and pausing between sips. c. It includes a cognitive screen and oral mechanism exam. d. Overt signs of aspiration during the water protocol may warrant an instrumental exam.

b. The patient is directed to drink 3oz of water, taking breaks and pausing between sips. They drink continuously till It is gone.

DLD: What is one reasons to perform an assessment? Select one: a. To provide the NIH with developmental data to inform the creation of developmental scales. b. To establish a baseline and/or measure change c. To tell families what caregiving setting would best for the developing child

b. To establish a baseline and/or measure change

Dysdiadochokinesis is primarily associated with this type of dysarthria Select one: a. hypokinetic b. ataxic c.flaccid d. spastic

b. ataxic

Which of the following is most likely to contribute to the vocal quality most typically present in individuals with flaccid dysarthria in which voice is affected. Select one: a. tightly approximated vocal folds b. incomplete vocal fold closure c. lesion of cranial nerve VII d. none of the response choices

b. incomplete vocal fold closure

VSD: Mrs. Smith completely lost her voice the day after she learned her father had been diagnosed with throat cancer. It's been two weeks since then and her voice hasn't gotten better. Which voice platform(s) are likely affected? Select one: a. emotional & medical b. emotional and technique c. technique & lifestyle d. lifestyle & medical

b. emotional and technique

VD: Three of these conditions may be caused by gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) or laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) disease. One is not. Choose the one that is not. a.Vocal fold erythema and edema b.Contact granuloma(s) c.Leukoplakia d.Papilloma


Dysphagia: The VFSS/MBS should be < ____ minutes Select one: a. 2 b. 5 c. 10 d. 3

b. less than 5 minutes

In unilateral upper motor neuron dysarthria (UUMN) observed facial weakness is most likely to affect the Select one: a. both upper and lower face b. lower face c. upper face

b. lower face

The term 'final common pathway' is most compatible with which of the following terms: Select one: a. corticospinal tract b. lower motor neuron pathway c. corticobulbar tract d. upper motor neuron pathway

b. lower motor neuron pathway

Dysphagia: A patient presents with the following during a VFSS/MBS: bolus escape to mid-chin, majority of bolus remains in oral cavity, minimal to no tongue motion, reduced tongue retraction, partial anterior hyoid excursion, partial inversion of the epiglottis and aspiration. What phase(s) of the swallow is/are impacted? Select one: a. oral b. oropharyngeal c. pharyngeal d. esophageal

b. oropharyngeal

Which of the following is most prominently disturbed in hyperkinetic dysarthria? Select one: a. resonance b. prosody c. none of the choices d. articulation

b. prosody

DLD: Which is an example of minimal prompting? Select one: a. Cues are frequent, and the clinician often uses language such as "Point here." b. Cues are intermittent and consists of cues such as "She is going quickly. She is____" to elicit the desired outcomes. c. Cues are required in 5%-20% of trials and consist of things like verbal reminders to use required materials.

c. Cues are required in 5%-20% of trials and consist of things like verbal reminders to use required materials.

In which dysarthria type is there typically, primary bias towards hyperadduction of the vocal folds? Select one: a. flaccid b. spastic c. hypokinetic d. ataxic

b. spastic

VD: There are two main types of voice therapy approaches: a. Extrinsic and Intrinsic b. Pedagogy and Counseling c. Direct and Indirect d. Musculoskeletal and Respiratory

c. Direct and Indirect

_____ area is responsible for comprehension of written and spoken language.


VD: A 13 y/o girl with vocal nodules is referred to you for treatment. She drinks 1 glass of water a day, is part of the pre-cheer cheerleading team at school, participates in her school choir, is highly talkative at home (as reported by parents), loves to sing and plays field hockey. What would you include in her treatment plan? a. The Phonotrauma rating scale b. An app to track water consumption c. All of these are likely good choices for this individual d. Physiologic voice therapy e. Vocal Hygiene/Etiology Therapy

c. All of these are likely good choices for this individual

Physiologic Voice Therapy Techniques aim to a. Address only one subsystem of voice b. Are primarily counseling based c. Balance respiration, phonation and resonance d. Balance respiration, phonation and articulation

c. Balance respiration, phonation and resonance

VRQHL and VHI are examples of: a. Quality of life measures b. Measures of outcome to judge efficacy of voice therapy treatment c. Both A and B d. None of these are correct

c. Both A and B

VD: What is an appropriate treatment to use with both MTD (laryngeal hyperfunction) and a condition such as Presbylarynges or vocal paralysis (laryngeal hypofunction) a. Lip trills b. Semi-occluded vocal tract exercises c. Both B and D d. Vocal Function Exercises

c. Both B and D b. Semi-occluded vocal tract exercises d. Vocal Function Exercises

VD: Three of these are true of juvenile-onset papilloma. One is not. Choose the one that is not true. Select one: a.There are treatments but no cures. b.It is caused by a virus. c. Once removed it typically is slow to recur. d. It can cause dysphonia and dyspnea

c. Once removed it typically is slow to recur.

DLD class: In the field of speech-language pathology Select one: a. There is a gold standard, universally accepted, diagnostic protocol b. The diagnostic process is static and SLPs should not modify components used by their employer c. The diagnostic process relies on the integration of a variety of different information from a variety of sources and SLPs need to use strong clinical decision-making skills to inform the process.

c. The diagnostic process relies on the integration of a variety of different information from a variety of sources and SLPs need to use strong clinical decision making skills to inform the process.

VD: What is the goal of manual/laryngeal manipulation therapy? a. To provide an upward release of laryngeal tension to facilitate voicing b. To provide an aggressive manipulation of tissues to increased laryngeal tension c. To provide a relaxing massage to the patient d. To provide a downward release of laryngeal tension to facilitate voicing

d. : To provide a downward release of laryngeal tension to facilitate voicing

Spasmodic dysphonia is a form of which type of dysarthria? Select one: a. spastic b. ataxic c. hyperkinetic d. Flaccid

c. hyperkinetic

Damage to the basal ganglia control circuit which affects speech will most typically produce which of the following types of dysarthria? Select one or more: a. flaccid b. spastic c. hyperkinetic d. hypokinetic

c. hyperkinetic d. hypokinetic

Palilalia is most likely to occur in which type of dysarthria? Select one: a. ataxic b.UUMN c. hypokinetic d. flaccid

c. hypokinetic

Reduced movements of the oral mechanism, drooling, and tremulousness may be signs that co-occur with this type of dysarthria Select one: a. flaccid b. ataxic c. hypokinetic d. None of the response choices

c. hypokinetic

Rapid or accelerated AMRs are most likely to occur in which motor speech disorder Select one: a. ataxic dysarthria b. unilateral upper motor neuron dysarthria c. hypokinetic dysarthria d. flaccid dysarthria

c. hypokinetic dysarthria

Hyperactive oral reflexes (hyperreflexia) is common in which of the following types of dysarthria Select one or more: a. ataxic b. None of the choices c. spastic d. flaccid

c. spastic

Increased effort to speak is most typically associated with which type of dysarthria? Select one: a. neither choice b. ataxic c. spastic

c. spastic

Which of the following clinical characteristics is associated with flaccid dysarthria? Select one: a. weakness and articulatory breakdown b. hypertonia and hypereflexia c. weakness and hypotonia d. hyperreflexia

c. weakness and hypotonia

Which of the following is likely responsible for the imprecise articulation of stop consonants present in hypokinetic dysarthria? Select one: a. incoordination of respiration b. None of these responses are accurate c. weakness of the oral structures d. incomplete articulatory contact

c. weakness of the oral structures

VD: Three of these are true of a vocal fold cyst. One is not. Choose the one that is not. Select one: a.Often misdiagnosed as a nodule b.Can be caused by a blocked duct. c.Most often responds to voice therapy without need for surgery d.Can cause a reactive lesion on the opposite vocal fold due to impact stress .

c.Most often responds to voice therapy without need for surgery

VD: Mr. Jones has a whitish looking patch on one of his vocal folds. The ENT suggests a biopsy. Which diagnosis is least likely for Mr. Jones? Select one: a.Leukoplakia b.Fungal infection c.Reinke's edema (polypoid degeneration) d.Cancer

c.Reinke's edema (polypoid degeneration)

This clinical characteristic is defined as "visible, arrhythmic, isolated twitches in resting muscle that result from spontaneous motor unit discharges" (Duffy, 2013, p. 95). Select one: a. atrophy b. hyperreflexia c.fasciculations d.none of the response choices


Which of the following provide support for a diagnosis of AOS? Select one or more: a.sound substitution errors b.phonologic errors c.prolonged vowel durations d.more difficulty producing targets with more syllables

c.prolonged vowel durations d.more difficulty producing targets with more syllables

During a VFSS/MBS you request to assess esophageal clearance with an esophageal sweep. The radiologist is resistant and asks "why?" Your best rationale would be: Select one: a. Studies show the relationship between incomplete esophageal clearance that manifests in oropharyngeal symptoms. b. In addition to determining PO diet levels, the SLP is also responsible for determining the need for possible surgical interventions if esophageal abnormalities are identified. c. A complete and thorough VFSS/MBS includes assessing patients for both esophageal clearance and pharyngeal contraction. d. A and C

d. A and C

VD: Considering the Taxonomy of Voice: LMRVT (Lessac Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy) is what kind of treatment: a. Indirect Extrinsic b. Indirect Intrinsic c. Direct Intrinsic d. Direct Extrinsic

d. Direct Extrinsic

VDC: All of these statements and findings are typical of a patient with muscle tension aphonia of psychological etiology except: a.Report of sudden onset b.Complaints of pain with laryngeal palpation c. Normal sounding throat clear and laugh d. Responds to voice rest

d. Responds to voice rest

Dysphagia: You receive a consult from a doctor who wants you to complete a VFSS/MBS on a patient that you saw yesterday for a CSE. Which of the following reasons would prevent you from proceeding with the VFSS/MBS? Select one: a. The patient is edentulous and you noted poor oral hygiene during the CSE b. Decreased hyoid elevation and excursion to palpation was noted during CSE c. The patient is oriented to time, place, date, but not event related to admission d. The patient is not awake and alert

d. The patient is not awake and alert

Dysphagia: An important observation when bolus is seen on the surface of the vocal folds or into the larynx is whether: Select one: a. the patient spontaneously coughs or clears throat b. the patient can clear the material from the larynx/laryngeal vestibule on command c. the bolus passes below the vocal folds without a reflexive cough d. all of the above are true

d. all of the above are true

Which of the following may typically result from a cranial nerve X lesion? Select one: a. dipliphonia b. reduced pitch variability c. breathiness d. all of the response choices

d. all of the response choices

'People say I sound like I'm drunk when I speak' is a complaint associated with which type of dysarthria? Select one: a. flaccid b. spastic c. hypokinetic d. ataxic

d. ataxic

How long should the FEES procedure take? Select one: a. <10 b. <2 c. <8 d. no time constraint, as long as needed/tolerated

d. no time constraint, as long as needed/tolerated

Dysphagia: the MBSimP rates 17 physiologic components swallowing. Which 2 components are not physiological components but rather a clinical sign of a physiologic impairment? Select one: a. soft palate elevation and laryngeal elevation b. bolus transport and initiation of pharyngeal swallow c. Lip closure and tongue control/bolus hold d. oral residue and pharyngeal residue

d. oral residue and pharyngeal residue

COG: Which of the following methods assess Declarative Memory? Select one: a.procedural memory tasks b.abstract designs c. pursuit rotor task d. paragraph memory e. b & c

d. paragraph memory

Dysphagia: FEES provides information about all of the following except: Select one: a. laryngeal/pharyngeal symmetry and integrity b. secretions/secretion management c. penetration/aspiration post swallow d. the oral prep/oral phase of swallow

d. the oral prep/oral phase of swallow

VSD: Which of these diagnoses will most likely respond best to voice therapy? a. Reinke's edema (polypoid degeration) b. vocal fold cyst c. laryngeal web d. vocal nodules

d. vocal nodules

MCA supplies blood to the ______ lobe:

frontal lobe

The corpus callosum, a commissural fiber, is

interhemispheric, connecting areas between the two hemispheres

COG: What is anosognosia?

someone is unaware of their own deficits or condition/ that they can't perceive their condition accurately. This effects EF (self monitoring)

COG: what is extrapersonal neglect?

'hemispatial neglect,' fail to acknowledge stimuli in the environment contralateral to the brain lesion. Deficit in visual attention

Answer the following: What is the final common pathway? Name the structures that are a part of the final common pathway.

(LMN) The final common pathway is the last point/place that neurons can influence movement (voluntarily,reflexive, etc). The final common pathway contains neuromuscular junction, neuron, cell body, and muscle fibers (motor unit).

SPANISH-INFLUENCED ENGLISH artic charaterisrtics

/ch/ substitution for /sh/ show + "chow" /b/ substitution for /v/ vow+ "bow" dentalized /ti, /d/, /n/ dental place of articulation

All of the following are true about fluent Aphasia except: 1. Speech is halting and effortful 2. Speech approximates normal rate and word count 3. Typically produce more paraphasias as compared to nonfluent Aphasia 4. Results from posterior lesions

1. Speech is halting and effortful

The name of the landmark in the frontal lobe that denotes nonfluent from fluent aphasia is called the: 1. Sylvian fissure (lateral) 2. Fissure of Rolando 3. Central sulcus Pre central gryus

1. Sylvian fissure (lateral)

The two types of ischemic strokes are: 1. Thrombotic and embolic 2. AVM and GBM 3. Hemorrhagic ischemic 4. ACA and MCA

1. Thrombotic and embolic

DLD: What are the steps of pre-linguistic milieu teaching?

1. Use techniques to increase the frequency of the communication initiation 2. Arrange the environment in an unexpected way. 3.Wait for the child to respond to the new situation (typically with a shift in focus or attention)

Dysphagia: Identify 2 disadvantages of a FEES.

1.) Fogging of the Scope 2.) Cannot see the moment of the actual swallow (Whiteout) 3.) Cannot see the manipulation of bolus in the oral cavity.

Dysphagia: List 3 ways that an SLP can reduce radiation exposure when conducting a VFSS/MBS

1.) Increasing Distance from the radiation source 2.) Wear a lead apron 3.)Use dosimeters

Dysphagia: Identify 3 limitations or disadvantages of a VFSS/MBS

1.) Pediatric Patients want to be held but there is not enough room to be held while fed in the booth 2.) Some patients cannot travel to the booth or be moved to get the test 3.) Radiation Exposure

DLD: What is our role with students who are typically developing but have low English proficiency or use nonstandard dialect?

1.Monitor for social or educational handicaps. 2. Provide in-service trainings to primary team members surrounding topics such as the importance of peer models who are competent in English. 3. Be available for consultation.

Anterior circulation system contains what?

2 carotid arteries

Posterior circulation system contains

2 vertebral arteries

Which lobe of the brain is the largest and contains the primary motor cortex? 1. Temporal 2. Frontal 3. Parietal 4. Occipital

2. Frontal

"Vork" for "fork" is an example of what type of paraphasic error: 1. Unrelated 2. Literal 3. Semantic 4. Neologism

2. Literal

What does fluent aphasia contain?

3. Posterior lesions, speech is produced with less effort, smooth, typically has more paraphasias, and empty speech

Dysphagia T/F: It is important to use a generous amount of topical anesthesia to assure the comfort of the patient during the completion of the FEES evaluation.


Which of the following is true about association fibers? 1. They serve the same function as commissural fibers (interhemispheric) 2. They connect corresponding areas of the two hemisphere 3. The corpus callosum is the most important of the association fibers 4. The connect areas within the same hemisphere of the brain (interhemispheric)

4. The connect areas within the same hemisphere of the brain (interhemispheric)

As described in the Kegan article SCA has two primary goals. One is for the communication partner to acknowledge the competence of the PWA. The second goal of SCA is to: 1. To reduce frustration level of the PWA during novel conversation 2. To verify the message of the PWA 3. To reduce social isolation for the PWA 4. To reveal the competence of the PWA

4. To reveal the competence of the PWA

Which of the following would be considered a barrier to communication for a PWA in an acute care setting? 1. A nurse trained in SCA techniques 2. An aphasia-friendly menu with pictographs 3. Signage in the room that is text/ words only 4. Medical documentation that has not been modified that requires PWAs signature 5. C and D are both considered barriers

5. C and D are both considered barriers

Three of these are likely complaints of a female with bilateral Reinke's edema (polypoid degeneration). One is not. Choose the one that is not. Select one: a."I feel like I'm breathing through a straw." b. "People sometimes answer me as "sir" on the telephone." c. "Sometimes it feels like my voice is coming out of my nose." d. "The doc says I need to stop smoking."

: "Sometimes it feels like my voice is coming out of my nose"

Your ability to identify a particular type of dysarthria based on the identification of the perceptual characteristics allows you to Select one or more: a. provide an informed perspective as to whether or not a demonstrated dysarthria is consistent with a neurological diagnosis b. diagnose the neurological condition c. contribute relevant information for the neurological diagnosis d. all of the response choices


Multicultural: A person who is able to speak more than three languages is often referred to as?

A Polyglot

Multicultural: Which of the following lists of activities would occur only during the Briefing stage of interpreter training? Select one: a. Clarification of expectations, discussion of sensitive issues, & interpreter training for test administration b. Clarification of expectations, introductions of clinician & interpreter, & verbal output in brief short sentences c. Direct interaction with the client, explanation of interpreter role, & review of the agenda d. Introduction of the client, review of the agenda, explanation of technical information

A. Clarification of expectations, discussion of sensitive issues, & interpreter training for test administration

Dysphagia: (A) What does IDDSI stand for? (B) What is the goal/purpose of IDDSI?

A. International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative B. To establish universal descriptions of consistency and ensure appropriate communication of recommendations for patient PO intake by healthcare professionals

Which of the following characteristics commonly occur in hypokinetic dysarthria? Select one or more: a. monopitch/monoloudness b. voice tremor c. reduced vocal intensity d. short rushes of speech

All of the above

Which of the following is true? Select one or more: a.Dysarthria can be improving in nature b.Dysarthria can be progressive in nature c.Dysarthria can be chronic in nature

All of the above

VD: Which is a cause of laryngitis? Select one: a.upper respiratory tract infection b.a history of cigarette smoking c.phonotrauma d.All of these conditions can cause laryngitis.

All of these conditions can cause laryngitis

Aphasia is

An acquired language disorder that affects adults with typical verbal skills after a left hemisphere CVA (stroke).

Damage of this causes issues with naming, reading, writing difficulties. Also known as transcortical sensory aphasia.

Angular gyrus

Difficulty naming. Word finding deficit . What is this called?


Identify the type of aphasia: Site of Lesion: Extrasylvian, posterior temporal-parietal region FLUENT Auditory comprehension: preserved Repetition: preserved


VSD: Following nine surgeries to remove papilloma from his vocal folds, which SLP goal(s) is/are most appropriate for an 8 year old male? lect one: a. To regain voice use that is within normal limits as evaluated by CAPE-V Overall Severity scale. b. To reduce phonotrauma and maintain good vocal hygiene per parent report. c.To establish and maintain best voice possible through applying voice facilitative techniques per clinician perception. d.A and B e.B and C

B and C b. To reduce phonotrauma and maintain good vocal hygiene per parent report. c.To establish and maintain best voice possible through applying voice facilitative techniques per clinician perception.

DLD: The Rossetti Infant-Toddler Language Scale is appropriate for what ages?


DLD: How do clinicians select intervention targets?

By referencing the current skill level against developmental expectations in conjunction with priorities from parents and caregivers

VD: What is the correct order for the 4 steps associated with Vocal Hygiene? a. Describe, Identify, Define, Modify b. Identify, Define, Describe, Modify c. Identify, Describe, Define, Modify d. Define, Describe, Identify, Modify Feedback

C: Identify, Describe, Define, Modify

DLD: How do we differentiate a language difference from a language disorder?

Collect information from a variety of sources, including family members, to discern different cultural expectations and use an interpreter as needed.

T OR F : When providing AAC intervention, it is best to teach abstract words before teaching concrete words


DLD: What is one difference between developmental scales and criterion-referenced measure?

Developmental scales can show the general age-equivalent at which a child is functioning compared to peers and a criterion-referenced measure takes a specific task or skill and identifies the present level of functioning.

Describe the differences and similarities between AD and Vascular Dementia.

Differences between AD and VaD: 1.)AD has neurotic tangles Vad has CV disease evidence 2.)AD memory is a prominent feature, VaD memory is NOT a prominent feature. 3.)Vad has gait disturbance AD does not Similarities: Effects executive functioning Effects social and occupational daily activities Both cause dementia both affect memory both need an autopsy to confirm the diagnosis.

COG: What is the definition of semantic dementia

Difficulty with object meaning

COG: What neuroanatomical structures are associated with memory?

Diffuse attention network, right hemisphere network, Hippocampus, Medial temporal lobe

COG: What does the TEA - Telephone Search While Counting assess?

Divided Attention

COG: A learning strategy that requires continuous cueing and frequent repetition with the goal of avoiding patterns of perseveration.

Errorless learning

COG: What does the FAVRES - Planning an Event assess

Exec Functioning/Reasoning

COG: Define Executive Functioning.

Executive function is a person's ability to partake in purposeful and goal directed behavior that is independent and self serving.

ASD T/F: People with ASD cannot be in romantic relationships.


Cog: T or F: Best practice guidelines suggest that internal memory strategies be applied prior to the introduction of external memory strategies for patients with moderate to severe memory deficits.


Dysphagia T/F: If a patient penetrates or aspirates on instrumental assessment (VFSS/MBS vs. FEES), you should never attempt a compensatory strategy or intervention to remediate it


Excessive pitch variability is a common finding in flaccid dysarthria Select one: True False


Reflexive movement will not be affected by damage to the lower motor neuron system. Select one: True False


Sensory tricks may be useful to abolish the irregular articulatory breakdowns that may occur in ataxic dysarthria. Select one: True False


T or F Lower motor neurons control upper motor neurons.


T or F: The pyramidal tract and the indirect motor system are the same thing

False its called the extrapyramidal tract and the indirect motor system

Women have a higher risk of stroke than men. T/F

False men have a higher risk of a stroke

T or F : Apraxia of speech is a cognitive-linguistic disorder.

False, MSD

T or F: The sound errors present in AOS may be explained by disrupted processing at the phonological level of production.

False, Programming issue not a production issue

Multicultural: T or F an interpreter for an SLP must have a current ASHA certification?

False, this does not matter.

T or F : There is evidence that the primary etiology for most CAS cases is genetic.

False: Cause widely unknown

VD: A college lacrosse player is hit in the neck with the opponent's stick. He develops hoarseness immediately following the incident. Which diagnosis is possible? Select one: a.Fractured thyroid cartilage b.Vocal Fold Hemorrhage c.Vocal fold edema d.All three conditions are possible

Fractured thyroid cartilage, Vocal Fold Hemorrhage, Vocal fold edema, All three conditions are possible

AAC: What s fringe vocabulary?

Fringe Vocabulary is specific words and expressions that relate to a specific situation or environments and are topic related. Examples: Hotdog, Baseball, Cleats

Identify the type of aphasia: Site of Lesion: Anterior and posterior lesions; perisylvian NONfluent Auditory comprehension: impaired Repetition: impaired


What are two nutrients that are essential for brain function:

Glucose and oxygen

Inspiration that is sudden, forced, and involuntary is most likely to occur in this dysarthria type Select one: a. hypokinetic b. spastic c. flaccid d. hyperkinetic


VD: Client doesn't feel much resonance on /m/ sounds; Active in phone calls and meetings 5/7 days. Likes using "hum" (as if thinking) and "uh hum" (as agreeing) throughout the day to "reset" his voice. This is an example of: a. Specificity b. Individuality c. Reversibility d. Overload



Interrupted blood supply to the brain

AAC: 1. Name and Describe one technique used to obtain a list of vocabulary for your client's AAC device.

Interviewing Method- Interview the family, caregiver and/or client to figure out specific words/names of important people/essential and personable vocabulary.

DLD: What information can an SLP gather in the NICU to assess development?

Learn about the biological risk factors, the physiological organization, and learn about under which conditions the infant functions best via formal and informal instruments.

COG: Provide three characteristics of language deficits associated with RHD.

Left Neglect, Poor Affect, Poor interpretation of nonliteral language, WF, poor EF/organization skills, Poor pragmatics.

ASD: Who was the first person to describe characteristics of ASD in 1943?

Leo Kanner

Discuss and provide a rationale as to whether or not non-speech oro-motor exercises should be used to treat the dysarthria which might be demonstrated in someone with myasthenia gravis. (No more than 5 sentences).

NO: Non-speech oro-motor exercises should not be used to treat the dysarthria which might be demonstrated in someone with myasthenia gravis because this is due to an autoimmune response that reduces the ability to take in Chemical ACh which causes reduced ability for muscles to contract, training non-speech oro-motor exercises would not in anyway improve this type of speech production issue. Second off there is little evidence in research to provide that non-speech oro-motor exercises even help with speech production, and third off speech oro-motor exercises use muscles in a different way then non-speech oro-motor exercises therefore the skill taught to improve oro-motor function would not generalize to speech production and would have no benefit.

What kind of paraphasia? : Snchoogie


DLD: What are some recommended intervention approaches for a child with autism who is nonverbal?

Replace unconventional communication attempts with more functional ones. Provide environmental supports. Work on join attention

DLD: What is a SLP's role in assessing intelligence?

SLPs can informally investigate cognitive function by investigating non-verbal skill level, looking for alignment with age level. SLPs need to rely on psychologists or psychiatrists to formally comment on intelligence level

Multicultural: A child who experiences loss of L1 after learning L2 may be experiencing

Subtractive bilingualism

TIA OR CVA: Worst headache of my life, dizziness, impaired speech, seizures


Multicultural: T OR F-Persons whose language patterns reflect their social environment or cultural background should be labeled as language-impaired.

The correct answer is 'False'.

The most common perceptual voice characteristic of patients with muscle tension dysphonia is: Select one: a.Excessive loudness b.Voice breaks c.Low pitched voice d.Vocal strain

The correct answer is: Vocal strain

DLD class: Why is non-word repetition important?

They are not dependent on cultural and linguistic knowledge

DLD class: Why are twin studies important?

They indicate that genetics plays a major factor in language development and that DLD can be inherited

Name 3 Low Technology AAC Tools that can be used for individuals with Communication deficits and Behavior issues.

This Then that Go and Stop Choice boards.

COG: Development of a Long Term plan to compensate for attention/processing problems before task occurs

Time Pressure Management Plan

DLD: According to the text, what are the four purposes of intervention?

To change or eliminate the underlying problem, to change the disorder, to teach compensatory strategies, to modify the environment to improve outcomes

DLD: What is the purpose of a screening?

To decide if more information is needed

A single brainstem stroke may result in spastic dysarthria. Select one: True False


ASD: T or F: The key difference between ASD and SCD is the presence or absence of restricted/repetitive patterns of behavior or interests.


Aphasia is NOT dementia, or a motor speech disorder. T/F


COG T/F: Post TBI, patients tend to exhibit exaggerated premorbid psychosocial symptoms.


Lower motor neurons synapse onto muscle. Select one: True False


REVIEW According to the cognitive definition of aphasia, if language is impaired so is cognition. T/F


Reduced fulfillment of desired social roles is an example for the social definition of aphasia. T/F


Sensory neurons are also known as afferent neurons Select one: True False


T OR F: AOS involves impaired sequencing of movements.


T or F : Upper motor neurons (UMNs) are contained entirely within the central nervous system (CNS)


T or F: Aphasia is caused by a CVA on the left side of the brain.


The direct activation system is crucial to voluntary movement Select one: True False


There is some evidence to support improved outcomes of lingual strength with lingual strength training. Select one: True False


What kind of paraphasia? :Car for hamburger

Unrelated Paraphasia

DLD: If we want to teach children communication skills, we should target ____?

Use and understanding of the sounds, words, sentences, and conversational forms that make communication possible.

DLD class: Define the normative perspective

Uses societal values and expectations to determine the presence/absence of a delay

DLD class: Define the naturalist perspective

Uses the abilities of people determined to be "average" to decide if there is a disorder present in a child

DLD: What are strategies for working with selective mutism?

Using motivators. Desensitization opportunities. Not asking direct questions or putting the child on the spot (my research tells me).

Dysphagia: Which instrument should you use to observe: Anterior and superior movement of the hyoid


Dysphagia: Which instrument should you use to observe: Oral manipulation


Dysphagia: Which instrument should you use to observe: Tongue base retraction to posterior pharyngeal wall


Dysphagia: Which instrument should you use to observe: Forward movement of the posterior pharyngeal wall during swallow.


Dysphagia: Which instrument should you use to observe: Movement of the bolus during the swallow?


Identify the cranial nerve most likely affected when the following speech characteristics are observed: audible inspiration, monopitch, monoloudness, hypernasality. imprecise articulation, breathiness

Vagus Nerve

A lesion of which nerve is indicated by the presence of inhalatory stridor? Select one: a. X b. IX c. XII d.IV e. V

Vagus nerve X

What are some deficits that are present in PWA?

Verbal expression Auditory comprehension Repetition


Verbal response limited to common phrases, "Right on." "Yeah man." "What can you do?"

DLD: What are the components of an ethnographic assessment?

Video and audio recordings Open ended interviews. Observation

Semi Occluded Vocal Tract Exercises allow for what 2 anatomic adjustments? a. Vocal cord mass and vibration b. Vocal tract height and width c. Vocal cord closure and wave amplitude d. Vocal tract shape and length

Vocal tract shape and length

Imagine two people engaging in a conversation with you, one with Broca's-type aphasia and one with Wernicke's. Which patient is more likely to: USE NEOLOGISMS?


Identify the type of aphasia: Site of lesion: Posterior to sylvan fissure FLUENT Auditory Comprehension: Impaired Repetition: Impaired


DLD class: What is the relationship between auditory processing disorders and DLD?

While there seems to be some relationship between auditory processing issues and language issues, the directionality and significance of the relationship has not yet been definitively identified.

COG: Briefly describe working memory and its role in cognitive-communication.

Working memory is a type of memory that receives information from the sensory system and holds It for a short period of time to complete a task. This is important during cognitive communication because we need to hold information to complete tasks such as task persistence or generative thinking. These processes are interrelated and work together.

COG: what is aprosodia

a deficit in comprehending or expressing variations in tone of voice used to express both linguistic and emotional information.

COG: What kind of disease is Huntington's Disease

a inherited neurological disease.

Cog: Briefly describe the mechanics of a coup-contrecoup injury.

a moving head strikes a stationary object, the head then stops but the brain continues to move striking the front and back of the skull.

Multicultural: Language dominance

a situation in which one language becomes comparatively more powerful than another language

Which of the following treatments are commonly used to treat CAS? Select one or more: a. Dynamic Temporal and Tactile Cueing for speech motor learning (DTTC) b. Rapid Syllable Transition (ReST) c. Combined Aphasia and Apraxia of Speech Treatment (CAAST) d. Sound Production Treatment (SPT)

a. Dynamic Temporal and Tactile Cueing for speech motor learning (DTTC) b. Rapid Syllable Transition (ReST) c.

Which of the following are true in AOS? Select one or more: a. Speakers with AOS have difficulty transitioning between movements from syllable to syllable b. Speakers with AOS have difficulty transitioning between movements for individual phonemes c. Speakers with AOS typically present with either a strained or breathy vocal quality. d. Speakers with AOS typically present with excess variability in vocal loudnes

a. Speakers with AOS have difficulty transitioning between movements from syllable to syllable d. Speakers with AOS typically present with excess variability in vocal loudness

Which dysarthria type possesses the most difficulty relative to differential diagnosis from AOS/CAS? Select one: a. ataxic dysarthria b. Flaccid dysarthria c. hypokinetic dysarthria d. spastic dysarthria

a. ataxic dysarthria

Dysphagia: During a VFSS/MBS your patient aspirates thin liquids. Which of the following is a reasonable course of action? a. Attempt a compensatory strategy/maneuver or trial different consistency of PO to prevent additional aspiration. b. Measure and document the amount of aspirated PO before determining if additional PO trials should be administered. c. Stop the VFSS and recommend temporary, enteral feeding (NGT versus OGT) d. Consult with radiologist to determine next, more appropriate PO trial and method of presentation (e.g. spoon, straw, cup sip)

a. Attempt a compensatory strategy/maneuver or trial different consistency of PO to prevent additional aspiration.

Which of the following are true of UUMN dysarthria? Select one: a. Frequently resolves quickly b. Neither choice is true c. Both choices are true d. Severity is typically severe

a. Frequently resolves quickly

DLD: What is evidenced-based practice entail?

a. Identifying journal articles related to a potential intervention and documenting outcomes b. Using clinical experience and family preferences when making decisions

Dysphagia Which of the following is true about a VFSS/MBS? Select one: a. It's invasive. b. It's pass/fail or aspirates/does not aspirates evaluation. c. It's a subjective evaluation. d. It is a valuable tool to assess secretions and secretion management.

a. It's invasive. - Radiation

Dysphagia: poor oral clearance of the bolus may be due to all of the following except: Select one: a. Reduced hyolaryngeal excursion b. Post-radiation xerostomia c. Impaired tongue strength and mobility. d. Reduced oral sensation

a. Reduced hyolaryngeal excursion

COG FILL IN BLANK: ________- or treatment stage one focusses on improving patient awareness of deficits and becoming familiar with treatment tools and procedures.


tPA may be appropriate treatment option for _________________and must be administered within approximately ___________________.

an ischemic stroke; 3-4.5 hours

Which of the following is the most likely resonatory feature present in flaccid dysarthria? Select one: a. resonance is not affected in flaccid dysarthria b. hyponasality c.hypernasality


Which steps are incorporated into the Goal Plan Do Review Strategy:

determine materials/equipment needed determine steps needed for meeting goal establish what worked and what did not work complete self-rating of performance

If a patient demonstrates AOS only, which of the following are true? Select one or more: a. Sound errors result from weakness of the speech musculature b. Individuals with AOS typically have increased muscle tone c. All answer choices are true d. No answer choices are true e. Speakers with AOS may have normal oral mechanism findings.

e. Speakers with AOS may have normal oral mechanism findings.

Dysphagia: Which statement is the most accurate regarding the use of thin liquid bolus trials during a VFSS/MBS? Select one: a. Thin liquids are most easily aspirated but least likely to obstruct the airway. b. If aspirated, thin liquids are easier for a patient to clear. c. Thin liquids should be offered in unmeasured cup sips at the start of a VFSS/MBS. d. Patients are less likely to develop pneumonia from aspiration of thinner liquids. e. A, B, and D are true but C is not.

e. A, B, and D are true but C is not.

Dysphagia: Which of the following can be done to assess laryngeal function and airway protection during a FEES? Select one: a. sustain phonation of /i/ (pronounced "ee"" for several seconds b. perform a sniff and then say /i/ to observe range of vocal fold mobility c. observe vocal fold and laryngeal closure during breath holding d. sustain phonation of /i/ while producing upward and downward pitch glides e. All of the above

e. All of the above

COG: Which of the following is a brain neoplasm? Select one: a. globule b. ischemia c. hypoxia d. globus pallidusimia e. meningioma

e. meningioma

Dysphagia: Using FEES to evaluate the swallow will allow direct observation of aspiration when it occurs under these conditions: Select one: a. aspiration prior to the swallow b. aspiration during the swallow c. aspiration after the swallow d. all of the above are correct e. only (a) and (c) are possible/correct

e. only (a) and (c) are possible/correct

ASD: Factors that may contribute to an individual's likelihood of as ASD include

environmental, biological, and genetic components.

COG: The first type of memory affected by ALZHEIMERS DISEASE is:

episodic memory

COG: List 3 or more cognitive changes we might expect in the normally aging brain.

general cognitive slowing, disinhibition, and decline in self monitoring.

COG: What are some potential cause of a hemorrhagic stroke?

head trauma, drug abuse, fragile veins/arteries, abnormal vascular development

ASD: The population of individuals with ASD is ___________. Meaning individuals can present with abilities ranging from significant impairments to above-average skills.


COG: What is The neuropathology of Vascular Dementia?

ischemic or hemorrhagic disease, circulatory disturbances

The basal ganglia have connections to what?

muscle, cortex and spinal cord

COG: What is the The neuropathology of Alzheimers?

neuritic plaques, neurofibrillary tangles and atrophy

The primary auditory cortex and Wernicke`s area are located in the _______ lobe


AAE Morphological and Syntactic Features

omission of plurals "She bought three shirt." omission of possessives "The girl book." (also Spanish) omission of past tense marker -ed "He cook dinner." omission of copula "He a fat boy."

COG: What behaviors/deficits might you observe with a patient who exhibits an executive function disorder?

organization issues, awareness issues, task persistence, awareness deficits, Problems with starting/halting a behavior, generating thinking etc.

Automatic Speech

overlearned , routine speech productions (e.g. days of the week, alphabet, seasons of the year.)

A strained-strangled vocal quality, slow rate, short phrases, monopitch, and monoloudness are speech characteristics primarily associated with which type of dysarthria? a. UMN b. hypokinetic c. hyperkinetic d. spastic


Receptive language functions are located in the ______ lobe


The primary auditory cortex and Wernicke`s area are located in the ______ lobe?

temporal lobe

COG:What are limitations of formal standardized tests?

tests are often language heavy structure of tests provide support For mildly impaired patients, testing performance is often better than function

The hippocampus is located in the

the medial part of the temporal lobe

RSD: In positively or negatively skewed distributions, the most accurate measure of central tendency is:

the median or possibly the mode

ASD: The changes in the DSM-5 were intended to

to increase reliability and decrease inconsistency in diagnosis of ASD

T OR F: Syllable segregation is one speech characteristic which may be used as supporting evidence (not the only evidence) for a diagnosis of AOS.


What is the main artery to the heart:

• Aorta

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