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William Taft

1 term republican -captive of conservative wing of whig party - believed social reforms were not needed -added support of national child labor legislation, a progressive income tax, and workmen's compensation

The Children's Bureau

1904(originated) 1912 (enacted) Enactment of Sheppard-Towner Legislation- provided federal matching funds for states to provide clinics for pregnant women and young children. Restricted use of child labor.

Mothers' Pensions

1911-1919: Progressives focused on needs of widows; viewed as first breach in the american orthodoxy that the government should not provide outdoor relief to people in need. It excluded immigrants, women with kids out of wed-lock, and in women left their husbands. Many applicants were screened out because of health issues or living conditions. Some/most women who received them still had to work.

Grover Cleveland

2 (Non Consecutive Terms) democrat -was in office during depression years -people believed that his inactivity and economic policies had caused and sustained the depression -based political appts on merit rather than party affiliation -fought to have protective tariffs lowered

Theodore Roosevelt

2 terms Republican -confronted struggle between management and labor -Sherman Anti-Trust Act -End Russ-Japanese War

Woodrow Wilson

2 terms democrat -favored states rights and focused on trust-busting and lowering tariffs -unexpected support for social legislation - He enacted child labor legislation, tariff reduction, and eventually women's suffrage.

A. Depression of 1893-96 triggered discontent B. Disenchantment with corporate tycoons C. Environmental factors began to receive attention.

3 events the generated reform

workmen's compensation mother's pension juvenile courts children's bureau

4 social programs that showed progress

1. reformers were naive 2.most reform was local rather than national 3.decreased effectiveness by seeking so many different kinds of reform 4.content of many reforms was guided by a middle class perspective 5. Political limitations to reform

5 limitations to reform

1. voters tended to vote according to family traditions 2. Reformers had difficulty in obtaining assistance from the groups who most needed reforms 3. Laborers were passive to reform 4. Pursued bi-partisan politics 5. Energy depleted by task of continually raising funds to maintain staff

5 limitations to reform

child labor and regulation

A major issue of the progressive era was ______ ____ and ________ was sought to place limits on the age of children who were allowed to work. By 1914 all states has some laws covering hours and conditions of child labor in factories, mills, and workshops as well as laws setting minimum ages for leaving school; but these were weak and inadequate in most cases.

family family

Amazingly rapid development occurred in Social Work during the period of 1920-1929. The organization and professionalization of social work was carried out by both movements, and both movements claimed a concern with the _________ as the core unit of society. Each in its own way, developed its program in an effort to bring stability and fulfillment to _______ living.

Workmen's Compensation state fund payroll taxes

Another gain on the part of workers was the ________ ______ _______. These had been adopted by virtually all states by 1920 and were a sort of compromise between employers and unions. These laws established a ______ _____ that received its revenue from _______ ______- levied on employers. Workers who were injured were then entitled to obtain an award based on the specific type of injury (those with worse injuries received more money); workers who received funds under this law forfeited the right to sue employers.

political power national association for the advancement of colored people

Another major figure of this time was W.E.B. DuBois. He wanted African Americans to develop _________ ________ so that they could in turn obtain civil rights laws and gain access to the same educational advantages as whites. DuBois, with Jane Addams, and other reforms established the _________- in 1909. This group that still exists today and works for equal rights and equal representation.

personal rehabilitation scientific casework technical competence with moralistic social work

Charity Organization Societies _______ _______ of the poor emphasis on _______ ________ Promoted _______ __________ with ________ overtones Focused on ways ______ _____ could help in the war effort

immigration ethnic

End of Reform: 3. The decrease in ___________- severe restrictions caused the numbers of those coming into the U.S. to drop significantly and almost disappear during the late 1920s. As immigration declined, ______ communities were increasingly dominated by a second generation, more oriented to life in the United States.

social work pacifist philosophical

End of Reform: Beginning of Professionalization of _________ ________: Many early leaders of the reform movement and of social work had considered themselves _________. World War I split these leaders into 2 groups: those who could not part with a lifetime's ________ stance and those who saw the war as an opportunity to serve their country in a time of crisis.

John Dewey economic constitution

Environmental factors began to receive attention (Part 2): 5. Philosophers like _________ believed that a cooperative society was the ideal 6. _______ theorists began to argue that unregulated economic affairs allowed the elite to have a concentration of power. 7. Many argued that the __________ addressed an agricultural society, not an industrial one, thus the government must assume an active role in social affairs. 8. Different people supported reform for different reasons.

working conditions politically religious social work jane adams

Environmental factors began to receive attention (Part1): 1. Poor ________ __________, overcrowding seen as detrimental to healthy development. 2. _____________, corporate corruption seen as a threat to democracy 3. ______ leaders argued that Bible requires people to help the misfortunate ("social gospel") 4. ________ ________ arises as a profession. _____________ _______ becomes a popular figure.

National Conference of Charities

Established in 1879 after members of various state board charities decided they needed their own organization, it convened annual conferences of leader in this field.

community socialistic individualistic sigmund freud

Even modest efforts at ________ reform or revitalization were labeled _________. As a result emphasis shifted to ____________ reform, as _________, the work of ______ ______, offered a new professional direction for social workers and social work education.

scientific philanthropy supervision

For Charity Organization Societies as wells as settlements, the idea of "______ ______" had led to internal organizational changes paralleling managerial changes of corporate enterprise. The development of __________ was a further example of this change.

Children's Bureau

In 1912, the _____ _____ was established to report on "dangerous occupations, accidents, and diseases of children, (as well as) employment legislation affecting children.

Juvenile Courts

Judges could explore family situations, examine a range of options including probation, and in principle, refer children to Juvenile institutions, got kids out of mixing with adults in prison

Immigration Act of 1924

Limited overall rates of immigration, but also gave preference, within the diminished flow to people from Northern Europe; it accomplished this by the ingenious device of limiting immigration to 2% of the population of the corresponding nationality in the united states.

Charity Organization Society

Local, non-government agencies-developed in most cities to provide assistance to destitute people. They sought to coordinate relief giving, with an eye to prevent people from seeking simultaneous assistance from 2 or more agencies.

interstate commerce

Many of the industries in which children were working were engaged in _______________ ___________, so it became necessary for the Federal Government to address the issue.

public relief family welfare

Neither of these groups however stood ready to support ______ ______ giving as a major requirement for maintenance of ________ ________. But in voluntary social welfare as well as in corporate management, the 1920s were years of bureaucratization as well as professionalization.

length Consumer's League 10

Other issues of work during this time were the _______ of the workday and work week. The _____ ______ was able to establish a law that limited the workday of women to ____ hours in Oregon. After the Supreme Court upheld this law as constitutional, many other states followed suit and moved to enact legislation to protect women from excessive hours of labor.

19th Amendment

Right of U.S. citizen to vote shall not be denied on account of sex.

Dismal life in the city Workplace Hazards

Setting the state for reform: A. B.

*social-economic environment, political activism, social reform *empowerment *Adams was a pacifist

Settlement House movement: ____________ environment, ___________ activism, ______ ______ _________ Adams was a ________

interstate commerce

The Children's Bureau obtained passage of national legislation to restrict the use of child labor, specifically prohibiting ______ ______ of the products of firms that employed children who were less than 14 and mines that employed children who were less than 16.

child labor

The Children's Bureau was able to obtain measures that prevented federal contractors from using _______ _______ during world war 1.

Plessy V. Ferguson 1896

The U.S. supreme court condoned a southern state's law that mandated that African Americans travel on separate railway cars from caucasians- contradicted civil rights legislation passed by congress in wake of civil war.

scientific philanthropy

The definition of ________ __________ was then broadened to encompass developments in helping methodology.

mother's pensions charity organization movement

The emergence of _____ _______ represented the changes in the ideas and institutions that guided social welfare in the early 20th century. However, a disconnect still existed between the leaders in the __________ ________ __________ who held to their belief in strict investigation and limited aid frontline social workers who had learned and seen firsthand how the inadequate aid to widows with children had irreversibly caused harm to these families.

world war I. credit `

The end of reform 1. end of ___________- the years between the end of the war and the great depression were a time of peace during which many americans were able to achieve individual prosperity. This may have come through buying with ______ or purchasing goods in installments- but either way people prospering became less concerned with those populations in need who were brushed aside by the advancement of society. despite the recession, urban standards of living improved. They were booming profits, high levels of employment, and rising real wages which meant the americans were able to purchase and enjoy a flood of new products: cars, radios, home electricity, motion pictures. All of this led to the belief that what was good for business was good for govt. The solution to poverty did not like in corporate regulation, minimum wages, social insurance or public welfare, but rather an environment that was encouraging business.

family visitors

The failure of ________ ________, the hiring of paid agents, and finally the emergence of social workers were sequential steps in the search for techniques to deal with the variety of situations uncovered by individualized investigations of families.

Sheppard-Towner legislation American Medical Association private doctors

The greatest triumph of this unit was the passage of the ______________________, which provided federal matching funds for states to provide clinics for pregnant women and young children- these programs were limited to educational and social services because the ______________________ and _______ _________ saw them as a threat and a competitor, and this program was altogether terminated in 1929 on the grounds that it violated states' rights and represented socialized medicine.

Mary Richmond

The older generation of social workers had a difficult time adjusting to the idea of public relief given directly to persons. _________ feared that without the competent supervision of social workers no one would be around to ensure the children of widows were actually being cared for, as they should. That a woman was staying at home, as was the intention of the law, to raise her children or that the children in these families were attending school.

Hull House

The settlement House that Jane Addams established in Chicago in 1889. These settlement house for immigrants provided many services and programs, including arts and crafts, vocational training, cultural events, english language instruction, citizenship classes, health services, etc problems: settlement leaders were condescending. No african americans, lots of conservatives

Juvenile court treatment and control court room probation officers

The very first _____ ____ law- An act to regulate _______ and ______ of dependent, neglected, and delinquent children- had become enacted in 1899 in Illinois. This law applied to children under the age of 16 and provide for a separate _______ and record-keeping system and for _________ ______. to take charge of any child before and after trial as directed by the court.

Mother's Pensions widowed

This movement swept through the nation between 1911 and 1919, when most states adopted these programs. Most single mothers at this time were ______, though a few had been divorced or deserted. Progressive Reformers focused at this time on those who had been widowed since they were more likely to be seen as worthy of assistance.

Booker T. Washington vs WEB DuBois

Washington, the son of a slave woman and her white master, preached accommodation. He wanted African Americans to conquer racism through honesty, hard work, and the help of kindly patrons BUT Du Bois wanted African Americans to develop political power so that they could obtain civil rights laws and get access to the same educational advantages as whites.

charity organization settlement house

We have seen the beginnings of the professionalization of social work in the formation of voluntary charitable associations after the Civil War- The _______ ________ societies and _______ ________ movement.

family dynamics individual personality therapy

While the economy appeared to prosper during this time, social work turned to _______ ______ and _______ _______ development. ______ in turn became the door to social well-being.

Mary Richmond

Who lead Charity Organization Societies

Russian Revolution subersive Mitchell Palmer

With the ______ _______ came further splits- some moved closer to the revolutionary positions, others moved toward the opposite end away from an interest in social action. The wartime and postwar fear of ________ activity and the raids and investigations of U.S. Attorney General _______ ________, led to serve political repression, to expulsion of radical aliens, and in turn to hostility toward expressions of need for political change or political compensation.

Unions 53

______ were the only voices for men working at this time in terms of length of workdays and workweeks. In 1900, average weekly hours for unionized workers were ____ compared to 62 for nonunion manufacturing. By 1920 unionized hours had declined to 46 and nonunion to 54.

war individual discipline, sacrifice, crusades psychiatric

_______ established a direction for social work: -Focus shifted to _____ -People grew disenchanted with _____, _____, _____- -_______ social work flourished. Schools of social work opened in major universities

Missouri Funds to Parents Act

________ passed the first Mother's Pension law in April of 1911 and it was left to each country of the states make a decision locally. The General Assembly of Illinois passed the first sate wide mandatory law, the ___________________, in June 1911.

Samuel Gompers knights of labor

_________ _______, the leader of the American Federation of labor, attributed the demise of older unions, such as ______ of ________, to its diversion to matters of politics and social issues outside of labor specifically. As a result, he decided to focus exclusively on Union members' wages and benefits.

public welfare

a younger generation of social workers- embraced the idea that ______ _________ was critical to improving the condition of the poor.

Workman's Comp

adopted by almost all states. By 1920, provided a partial remedy -established a state fund that received its revenues from a payroll tax levied on employers. Injured workers received a reward base on injury type. Problems: payment schedules were low, only covered bodily injuries

The bureau as a whole was given the authority to gather date and ____ and _____ findings- and these were meant to prevent the bureau from providing resources directly to children or local units of government.

advise and report

home service Mary Richmond

comprehensive system to help families cope during the war (Advice, various forms of aid) _______ prepared the training manual

Samuel Gompers minimum wage

his conscious decision to avoid political matters hindered the progress he was able to make on behalf of the workers of the union- such as support for _____ ______ and collective bargaining legislation.


it embraced a variety of antimonopoly, city beautification, civil service, and government reforms. They advocated prohibition, laws to outlaw prostitution, and efforts to limit immigration along with politics to limit child labor, correct unsafe working conditions, and provide unemployment insurance. It was the first sustained reform movement in the U.S. that addressed a variety of urban issues.

family probation

it was hope that children tried in a separate court judges and staff could explore their ____ situations, examine a range of options such as _______, and be able to refer children to specialized juvenile institutions when necessary.

labor and working conditions

looking at social reform first in ________ and _____ ______

black color lines

neither the public nor the private sector at this time was responsive to the needs of ________ families. So, none of the legislation we have discussed carrie dover to include the African American population of the country. Many agencies even went so far as to establish a __________ and refused to serve african americans.

Hull house Social reform vs. charity fraternalistic rather than paternalistic residence, research, and reform urged preventative legislation and social insurance

settlement house movement: A. _________ ______ B. _________ _______ v _________. C._________ rather than paternalistic D. ___________, research, and reform E. urged preventative legislation and ________ ________

Juvenile court movement

showed a growing sense of the importance of differentiating the needs of children from those of adults.

bodily injuries

some felt this was an improvement on the labor front, others felt it protected the employer more than it helped the laborer. One major flaw is that it covered only _____ _____ and not any kind of industrial disease, exposure to chemicals, etc.

Samuel Gompers

the leader of the american federation of Labor, attributed the demise of the knights of labor in 1880s to its diversion to extraneous political and social issues and resolved, in consequence, to concentrate exclusively on union members wages and fringe beneficial on organizing skilled or semiskilled white, native, and male workers.

children's bureau

the supreme court nullified this in 1918 on the ground the law fell outside the province of interstate commerce.

opposition took steam out of movement, outbreak of world war I, members moved out of cities, could no longer attract dedicated young reformers, preoccupied with professionalism, casework shifted to individual, workers lost interest in reform

what lead to the decline in progressivism

jane adams

who lead the settlement house movement

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