Excel 2019 Quiz 6

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Hari want to connect a slicer to three pivot table so that he can control the entire dashboard with a single slicer. To do so selects the pivot tables to connect a slicer then selects a cell in any of them clicks on three group - tab - buttons in series. What can be the three clicks he made during the procedure?

a.Analyze tab - Filter - Insert Slicer

Mitchel wants to remove a row of unnecessary data in a table created in MS Excel. What should he do after selecting the row?

a.Clicking the arrow next to Delete on the Home tab, in the Cells group, and then click Delete Table Rows.

Nisha wants to freeze all rows above row 4 in a worksheet. She is working on to keep then visible while scrolling through the rest of the worksheet. Which of the following series of clicks will help her do so?

a.Row 4 - View tab - Windows group - Freeze Panes - Freeze Panas

A teacher creates a table that contains data about winners of a Sport Day events in 4 column A to D under heading: Event, Rank, First Name, Last Name and Grade. To Short table A to D select Data tab Ribbon-Sort command Under Sort dialog box drop down menu select Event, Add level select Rank and Click OK.


A teacher creates a table that contains data in three columns, A to C under headings: First name, Last name, and Date of birth, respectively. To sort the table by the last names of students form A to Z, she can select a cell in the Column B, select the Data tab on the Ribbon, then click the Ascending command.


Cedric has a list of data that he wants to group and summarize, For this, he can create an outline of up to eight levels, one for each group.


If you wish to see how formatting changes affect you table, the Preview list on the right side of the New Table Style box opens under a Table Styles gallery.


Judith wants sort data about information of students in a school into three columns: first by gender, second by state and third by age. To do so, she can select all the cells in the list, then click the Data tab, click Sort - Sort & Filter group, then click the Add Level button to add the first sorting level.


Soledad wants to created an auto outline in a Excel worksheet to hide details and only show the headers. To do this clicks cell click Data tab - Group - Auto Outline.


The manager of a footwear company creates a table that contains data in three columns, A to C under headings: Names of customers, Date of order, and size of footwear ordered, respectively. To select a separate table to sort the number of footwear that were ordered on different dates, she can select the cell range she wants to sort, select the Data tab on the Ribbon, then click the sort command.


To apply banded rows to a table, we can select the range of cells that we want to apply banded rows to, the click on the following: Insert tab - Table - OK in created table dialog - Designing table - Table styles options group click banded rows box.


To collapse data views using the Outline feature, select the rows with similar data by clicking and dragging on the rows numbers to the left of your data. Then click on Data tab - Group - Sign.


To group specific rows in Excel, select them, then click the Group command on the Data tab in the Outline group Finally select Rows or Columns in the Group dialog box and click OK.


To remove duplicate values from Excel worksheet, click Data - DataTools - Remove Duplicates.


Tomoko has created a table for the sales of sweat shirts in her shop last month with the heading, she wants to sort the number of sweatshirts of each size - small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, bought by different customers. Then she can select "Sweatshirt Size" in the Add subtotal to field and finally click OK.


Ursula wants to freeze the header row so that it remains visible while she scrolls down the worksheet. To do so, she can click the View tab and then Freeze Top Row.


We can use the Remove Duplicates feature to permanently delete the duplicate data by selecting the range of cells that has duplicate values. We want to remove, then clicking Data > Remove Duplicates, and then checking the columns where we want to remove the duplicates under Columns.


To apply a banded column to a table, we can select the range of cells that we want to apply banded columns to, the click on the following: Home tab > Table > OK in Create table dialog box > View tab > Table Styles Options group > Check Banded Columns box.


To expand data view using the Outline feature, select the rows with similar data by clicking and draggin on the rows numbers to the left of your data. Then click on Data tab - Group - sign.


To select a table to copy it to another worksheet you can click anywhere in the table, and then press Ctrl+C to select and copy the table data in the entire table.


What will you select as X in the following series of clicks / entries / selections to apply a table style: Select cell to format as table >X> Format table > Designed table style?

b.Home tab

Grace wants to connect a slicer to PivotCharts. In which of these dialog boxes can she select the pivot tables. She wants to link to the slicer and click OK?

b.Report Connections

Kathy wants to rename a table she created to list the chapters from a textbook and the topics they cover. She select a cell in the table, then clicks on a Tab X on the Ribbon under the Table Tools Tab, clicks on the Table name box to select the existing name, and then type the new name "Book A" and press the Y key. What can X and Y be in this series of clicks / selections / entries?

b.X - Design tab, Y - Enter Key

Which of these tabs will you select to alter the font as desired while changing the slicer styles?

c.Font tab

To view a worksheet without gridlines showing on the screen, which of the following would you uncheck?

c.Gridlines View

Which of the following series of clicks will you select to remove banded columns from a table?

c.Home tab - Format as table - Clear

Josh teaches six grade math. He created a table showing marks that his students scored on an assessment- the last column on the right displays this information. He now wants to add another column to the right showing percentage of marks that each students scored. What should he do after selecting the current last column on the right?

c.Right click on it and select Insert from the drop down menu

Which of the following boxes will you check after clicking on a table and then selecting Table Tools - Design to add a total row to a table?

c.Total Row

Which of these combinations of keys will you click to clear an outline?

c.Worksheet - Data tab - Outline group - Ungroup - Clear Outline

The components of a structured reference are as follow: Table 1 is Table Name, [Net Amount] and [Commission Amount] are column specifiers and [#Totals] and [#Increase] are item specifiers. Which of these be the formula structured references?

d.=Sum(Table 1 [#Totals], [Net Amount]], Table 1 [[#Increase], [Commission Amount]])

Luke owns his own business creates a table with three columns title as: Date of order, Regions of Product Ordered. He applied filters on the columns to analyze the data. He wants to clear filter from the first column.

d.Click the Filter icon button next to the column heading and then click Clear Filter from < "Date of order " >

How can you remove split panes in a worksheet you are working on?

d.Click the View tab in the Ribbon, then click the split button in the Windows group.

Helen wants resize slicer buttons to exact dimensions. She selects the slicer, then clicks the Slicer Tool under options tab. What should she select next to reset the slicer buttons to exact dimensions?

d.Height and Width under Buttons group

Shelley creates a table containing the marks of Language Arts students in her class with these columns. She wants to see the names of students who scored exactly 60 marks.

d.Uncheck (Select All), select the box beside the number 60 and click OK.

Kylie is a corporate trainer. She creates a table with three columns, with column headings as: Skill Number, Skill Name and Learning Objectives. She wants to display numbers in the first column in the range of 400 to 500. What can Kylie select as X and Y in the following series of clicks or entries to do so: Click filter icon on the column heading >X>Y> (Enter value 400 in dialog box on top) > (Enter value 400 in dialog box below it) >OK.

d.X-Number Filter, Y-Between

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