excel ch. 4 and 5

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the file type developed by adobe systems that is a visual representation of a document is


excel function-calculates the payment for a loan based on constant payments and at a constant interest rate

PMT function

the command to set the column and row headings so that they remain on the screen while you scroll to other parts of the worksheet

freeze panes

loans are typically made for a period of


when creating a vlookup or an hlookup function, the one requirement is the edata in the table array is sorted in:

Ascending order



colored and underlined text that, when clicked, takes you to another location in the worksheet, to another file, to a Web page on the Internet, or on your organization's intranet.


the amount charged for the use of borrowed money


the operator that requires each and every one of the comparison criteria tha tyou specify must be true is

And operator

the file type developed by microsoft that is a visual representation of a document is:


numbers sorted from highest to lowest are sorted in

descending order

the file type that saves an Excel file with tabs between each cell in a row and a paragraph return at the end of each row

tab delimited text file

a predesigned set of colors, fonts, lines, and fill effects that look good together


the future value at the end of a loan is typically


the term used for conditions that you specify that must be matched for the record to be in cluded in the search results.


a range of cells that shows how changing certain values in your formuloas affects the results of those fomrulas, and whichn makes it easy to calculate multiple fversions in one operations

data table

an organized collection of facts related to a specific topic


a data table that changes the values in two cells

two-variable data table

an optional argument in the PMT functions that assujmes that the payment will be made at the endof each time period.

type argument

a list of values that are acceptable for a group of cells

validation list

the process of changing the values in cells to see how those changes affect the ouitcome of formiulas in the worksheet


a character such as the asterisk used to search a field when you are uncertain of the exact value or when you want to widen the search to include more records


the total amount that a sereies of future payments is worth now

present value (Pv)

another term for present value


in the Excel pmt function, the term used to indictate the interest rate for a loan.


all of the categories of data pertaining ot one person, place, thing, event, or idea


a portion of a worksheet window boundede by and separated form other portions by vertical or horizontal bars


the page formatting that redeuced the horizontal and vertical size of the printed data by a percentage or by the number of pages that you specify


in the cell styles galler, the currency (0) style and the comma (0) style format the selected cell with how many decimal places


the term that describes filtering actions in which each additonal filter that you apply is based on the current filter is


the values that an excel function uses to pe4rform calculations or operations


the command that tiiles all open program windows on the screen

arrange all

a defined range of cells, arranged in a column or a row, used in a VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP function, is called a table:


a menu of filtering commands that displays when you click one of the filter arrows in an excel table

autofilter menu

when you use a defined name in a formula, the result is the same as if you typed a

cell reference

a set of formatting characteristics that you can apply to a cell

cell styles

the equal sign, greater than sign, or less than sign used singly or in combinations to compare two values

comparison operators

a group of excel functions that look up a value in a defined range of cells located in another part of the workbook to find a corresponding value is referred to as

lookup functions

to organize data in a particular order is to


the file type that saves an Excel file so that there is a comma between each cell and a paragraph return at the end of each row

CSV file (comma separated values)

the abbreviation for number of periods in various excwel functions


an excel function tha tlooks up values that are displayed vertically in a column


a word or string of character that represents a cell, a range of cells, a formula, or a constant value is defined


the area where hyou place the results when copying the results of a filter to another location in the worksheet

extract area

predifined formulas that perform common business calculations, and which typically involve a period of time such as months or years

financial functions

the command to find and select specific text, formatting, or type of information within a workbook quickly


the value at the end of the time periods in an excel function; the cash balance you want to attain after the last payment is made--usually zero for loans.

future value(Fv)

one of excel's what-if-analysis tools that provides a method to find a specific value for ja cell by adjusting the value of one other cell--you can find the right input whebn you know the result you want

goal seek

a data table that changes the value in only one cell

one-variable data table

the term that refers to asking a question of the data in a database


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