Excel Quiz
When a value is longer than the width of a column, Excel displays _____________ .
Which of the following is the Ribbon path to the Cell Styles button
(HOME tab | Styles group)
When a range is written as A4:E4, it is interpreted to include
A4, B4, C4, D4, and E4
To easily sum up a column of numbers, click the cell below the column, then click
AutoSum button on Home ribbon
You can apply the Bold font style by pressing the ____ keyboard shortcut keys.
What effect does the Comma Style format have on the selected cells?
Displays cell contents with two decimal places and commas as thousands separators
What effect does the Accounting Number Format have on the selected cells?
Displays cell contents with two decimal places that align vertically
Worksheet titles and subtitles should be as wordy as possible
Pressing the ____ key to complete an entry activates the adjacent cell to the right.
____ is/are used to place worksheet, column, and row titles on a worksheet.
Modifying the column widths usually is done last because other formatting changes may affect the size of data in the cells in the column.
To add a pie chart, first select the data to be charted and then tap or click the Insert Pie or Doughnut Chart button (INSERT tab | Charts group).
When text is longer than the width of a column, Excel displays the overflow characters in adjacent cells to the right as long as those adjacent cells contain no data.
With a cell in Edit mode, you can edit part of the contents directly in the cell and keep part, such as correcting a spelling error.
The ____ button allows you to erase recent cell entries.
To enter data in a cell, you must first select the ____.
You ____ a worksheet to emphasize certain entries and make the worksheet easier to read and understand.
Combining two or more selected cells into one cell is called ____ cells.
To resize an embedded chart, ____.
select the chart and drag the corner sizing handle of the selection box
An Excel ____ allows data to be summarized and charted easily.