exceptional individuals

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Rivstfo is using a technology program that pairs people with intellectual disabilities with peer volunteers without disabilities. They email each other weekly for at least a year. What is this program?


This person observed the basic characteristics of intellectual disability in his student, Victor.

Edouard Seguin

Mr. Frances is concerned about the behavior of Sam who becomes extremely agitated periodically during class time. What is the tool Mr. Frances will use to determine why Sam behaves in a certain way?

FBA functional behavior assessment.

All the following factors are associated with the presence of learning disabilities EXCEPT

Dyes in food

April, a student with learning disabilities, will graduate from high school in May of this year. With her transition team, April has been exploring colleges to attend. Which of the following questions about the college should she specifically consider as a student with a learning disability?

How comprehensive is the University's office of disability?

All the following are important points to know about related services EXCEPT

IDEA doesn't provide a precise list of related services

juan, a student with intellectual disabilities, will be 17 years of age at his next birthday. What type of plan is his special education teacher developing to address this student's needs as he nears the age of majority?


Alis' parents, and other members of the team, are meeting to outline in writing her special education services. The team is also deciding where those services will be provided. Which step of the IEP process does this represent?

IEP development

Which special education legislation was passed in 1975 to provide access to education for students with disabilities?

(IDEA) individuals with disabilities education act

Although dropout rates among youth with disabilities have decreased, what percentage of with disabilities still leave school before graduation?


What percentage of America's children are immigrants?


What percentage of students with disabilities spend more than 80% of their school day learning in general education classrooms?


Today, of students with disabilities access the general education curriculum and receive their education in the general education classroom at least of the school day.


At present, what percentage of individuals with disabilities are competitively employed?


What percentage of all school-age children qualify and receive special education services under the category of learning disabilities?


What percentage of all students are English language learners?


this plan for children with disabilities is delivered in natural environments. Some services are provided at a cost to parents or are covered by their insurance. What is this plan?


in this requirement of IDEA for children with disabilities, procedures to settle differences regarding the child's evaluation or services are detailed

IFSP parent participation

sean is an eight-year-old with an intellectual disability. He has learning deficits but is beginning to read, write, and to do the math. Sean maintains good social relationships with his peers and with adults. He communicates well but has some difficulty with pragmatic language. What level of severity does Sean appear to exhibit?

Mild intellectual disabilities

This step of Self-Regulated Strategy Development involves the teacher in demonstrating the steps of the strategy while verbalizing the thought process that occurs with each step.

Model It

incorporates multiple levels of support, with increasing intensity, for students.

Multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS)

Which of the following is a multi-tiered framework aimed at preventing problem behaviors and providing evidence-based interventions when problems do occur?


A school-based team reviews information on Algean who is struggling with reading in her third-grade classroom. As a component of the process, the team reviews instructional information on Algean including her progress. The team wants to determine whether other factors are causing Algean to have trouble in mathematics. What is the name of this process?

Pre referral process/ Student study teams

Ms. Singlar, a tenth-grade history teacher, has Nita who is musically gifted in her class. Ms. Singlar decides that the class will begin a unit on the American Revolution. A final assessment for the class is to produce a 15-page research paper on the role of Africans in the American Revolution. Knowing of Nita's musical talent, Ms. Singlar plans to allow Nita to create an opera on the same topic as a final assessment. What method of differentiation is Ms. Singlar using with Nita?


Timora is a 16-year-old with an intellectual disability. She exhibits severe limitations in self-care skills. She is unable to feed or dress herself or care for her basic toileting needs. She has limited communication skills and utters strange noises in response to a communication from others. She is non-ambulatory and requires continuous and intensive support from others. What level of severity does Timora appear to exhibit?

Profound intellectual disabilities

Mr. Bell, a social studies teacher, is teaching a sixth-grade unit on the civil war in middle Tennessee. He uses a video showing a reenactment of several of the battles fought in the region. He takes the class on a field trip where they tour actual battlefields. He uses PowerPoint slides to present key content. Which Universal Design for Learning principle is Mr. Bell using?

Provide multiple means of representation

Theodore, a ten-year-old with mild intellectual disability, has difficulty remembering information and applying knowledge and skills that he learned. Which of the following is an accommodation that could be used by the teacher to assist Theodore?

Provide visual reminders

steven, a first-grader, was given an informal reading inventory. The teacher noticed that when shown a list of letters and asked to read them as quickly as possible within a designated period, Steven showed frequent pauses and delays. This resulted in fewer letters that he recognized in the period. What characteristics of learning disabilities does Steven display?

Rapid letter naming

In 2010, this law retroactively replaced the term mental retardation with intellectual disability in all federal laws and regulations.

Rosa's law

Three areas of concern associated with intellectual disabilities include intellectual functioning, adaptive behavior, and

Social Skills

This law is intended to guarantee people with disabilities full access to American life

The American with disabilities Act.

Sue was given an IQ test. The results indicated that she meets one criterion of intellectual disability. What score did Sue probably receive?

a score of two standard deviation below the mean. 70 and below. mean is 100

What are the components of Renzulli's three-ring conception of giftedness?

above average ability, advanced communication skills, leadership abilities.

Mr. Mack is making an accommodation for Sheila a student who is gifted. The class is studying about fossils. Mr. Mack conducted a pretest on the topic and determined that Sheila, who is interested in paleontology, knows about 90 percent of the concepts to be introduced. As an accommodation, Mr. Mack allowed Sheila to skip the introductory lesson and spend less time on concepts that she masters quickly. What type of accommodation is Mr. Mack using?


Mrs. Tempo allows Eric, a student with ADHD, to have extra time to complete his tests. She provides Susan, a student with low vision, a large print test. Mrs. Tempo is making these students.


Willie has a mild intellectual disability and needs a network of support as he begins his job as a cashier at Kroger Food Market. All the following type of practical adaptive skills support may be helpful for Willij on his job EXCEPT

assistance with reading or writing

All the following scenarios describe a child with learned helplessness EXCEPT

cherry who failed her test, she said she failed because she forgot the test and did not study

Mrs. Duck, a special educator, and Mr. Fillmore, a general educator, are teaching mathematics together to ninth-grade students in an inclusive classroom. The general educator has content expertise in mathematics. The special educator has expertise in intensive intervention. What role is Mrs. Duck performing in the role of a special educator?


Wally, a nine-year-old student with intellectual disabilities, does not understand the concept of money. He is unable to understand how to use the money to pay for a simple food order at the local fast-food restaurant. What area of adaptive behavior seems to be a challenge for Wally?

conceptual skills

Mr. Black has all students in her first-grade class complete the same instructional activity. However, she varies the level of difficulty based on her students' readiness levels. What instructional element of differentiation is she using?


The prevalence of learning disabilities has in recent years.


Mr. Greubar is planning a unit on fractions for his fifth-grade class. He designs and implements a pretest before he begins teaching the unit. What type of assessment is conducted before an instructional period begins?


is an educational approach in which teachers adjust the curriculum, instruction, and assessment to address the learning needs of all students.

differentiated instructions (DI)

Twice-exceptional students are students who are gifted and possess what other characteristics?


Tomas is a 14-year-old student with severe intellectual disabilities. He is learning self-determination skills to include the ability to express his own preferences, likes, and dislikes. Which of the following can his teacher utilize to support self-determination in Tomas?

focusing on understanding themselves, their abilities. and needs their needs.

Factoria, a student with moderate intellectual disability, is learning to read survival words. She is learning street signs (e.g., walk, don't walk, stop, etc.) and safety words (e.g., men's toilet, women's toilet, danger, poison, keep out, etc.). In what kind of curriculum is Factoria involved?

functional curriculum

saac is a seven-year-old third-grade student with a learning disability in math. He has strong reading skill and is in the advanced reading group for his grade. The IEP team believes Isaac should be placed in the least restrictive environment. Where will the IEP team suggest that Isaac be placed to receive special education services?

general education classroom

Stephen, a six-year-old with a learning disability, is learning to add simple numbers. He learns to add when number equations are presented vertically in math. However, when presented with the same number equation presented horizontally in his science book practice, Stephen is having difficulty performing the computation. Which term describes Stephen's challenge?


These are disability categories in IDEA EXCEPT

gifted and talented

Centrally, a student with a moderate intellectual impairment receives instructions based on alternate academic achievement standards. This means

he is learning achievement standards linked to simplification content

Rhonda was given an IQ test with results indicating superior intelligence. Her IQ score was 150. Rhonda is in the 10th grade. Throughout her school career, Rhonda has been making average grades in most of her classes. Rhonda has never been identified as a student who is gifted. The psychologist describes Rhonda as an underachiever. All the following are possible reasons for Rhonda's underachievement EXCEPT

her parents encouraging her academic success. and provided the model of achievement

Mr. Maxwell is researching techniques to use in teaching students in his inclusive third-grade classroom. Which of the following is the best approach that ensures that students make the largest gains possible?

identify techniques with date to verify their effectiveness.

The most defining characteristic of intellectual disability is

impaired cognition

Robert is a student with a learning disability. He has above-average performance on tests of mathematics computation. He is an outstanding athlete and plays on the school's soccer team. However, his scores on tests of reading are below his fifth-grade placement. Robert struggles when reading printed text. He has great social skills and is often chosen as a leader by his peers. The IEP team is considering placement for Robert. He will most likely be placed

in the general classroom

When students with disabilities are provided with services developed to meet the unique needs of the child or student, the services are considered


Which law has, as a condition of eligibility, the requirement that the disability limits one or more major life activities?

individuals with disabilities education act (IDEA)

One problem with the IQ-achievement discrepancy approach is

it takes years for discrepancy to become large enough

What percent of children receive special education services through intellectual disability?

less than 1%

Mr. Rancher is looking for techniques that can be used in his fourth-grade classroom to address the behavioral needs of Tommy who is twice-exceptional. Which of this list of suggestions would be appropriate for that purpose?

maintain a well structured consistent classroom environment.

Mrs. Tempo allows Ivan, a student with intellectual disabilities to complete only the first row of problems on his math test. Jill, a student with a learning disability in writing, can submit an outline of the assigned topic instead of writing an essay. Mrs. Tempo is making _for these students.


This perspective on giftedness and talents theorizes that intelligence has many dimensions, which all people possess, but to different degrees, and an individual may excel in one or more areas, but not necessarily all of them.

multiple intelligence

Mr. Bell is designing the means of evaluating students' understanding of the content in the unit he is creating on the civil war in middle Tennessee. He decides to administer a traditional paper and pencil test at the end of the unit. He also decides to offer students the choice of using artistic means (e.g., creating a musical piece, a poem, a dance, etc.) to describe what they learned about the civil war in middle Tennessee. Which Universal Design for Learning principle is Mr. Bell using?

multiple means of engagement.

Marty's teacher notices that when Marty is reading, he consistently confuses words that begin with letters that look similar. For example, he reads "den" for "pen" and "pat" for "bat." What characteristic of learning disabilities is Marty displaying?

visual processing

Gardner describes this type of intelligence as displaying the ingenuity to observe patterns, create classifications, and develop and understand systems. Avery, a student who loves the environment, is an example. Although she is only seven years old, she is fascinated by animals and their behavior. She is a "mini horse whisperer" as she calms wild ponies that her family finds in the mountains surrounding their home. She can exhibit the same calming behavior with cattle and other animals found on the family's ranch. What is this intelligence that Avery displays?

naturalist intelligence

Alis' academic performance is significantly behind that of her classmates. She has been referred for the special education process. What is the role of parents in this step of the process?

parents give written consent at this point

Senegal is a student with a learning disability in writing. She has difficulty with coordinating the fine motor coordination skills for writing. Consequently, note-taking is a challenge for her. What is high-tech accommodation that can be used to assist Seneali with note-taking?

provide a digital pan that collects digital data on the students pen strokes and records the lecture

Teachers must implement evidence-based practices with fidelity. What does this mean?

researcher who validated the practice

Which of the following is an example of the use of people-first language?

rosa who has intellectual disabilities

Sara is being evaluated to determine whether she has a learning disability. The psychologist is using the traditional method of identification. What does this method involve?

sara's potential will be compared with her achievements

What is the name of the plan that teams develop for those students who have a disability, do not require special education services, but could benefit from accommodations or related services?

section 504 plans

A student's adaptive behavior score reveals problems in the social area. Which skills may be difficult for that student?

social responsibility

can handicap people and restrict their access more than do disabilities.


Central to this view is the idea that disability results from society's need to stratify individuals, making many people subservient to a few

sociological perspective

Randy is in the graduating class of 2018. Randy scored the highest SAT score that has ever been recorded in the history of his high school. Yet, Randy is graduating with a 1.5 GPA. Randy most likely belong to which subgroup of students who are gifted?

students who are underachievers

Mr. Blue is teaching his sixth-grade class addition of decimals. He gives students an exit ticket with related problems to complete at the end of the class period. Strategically he walks around the class and observes students as they work on each task during the lesson. What type of assessment is he using?


Who are usually the first to notice a child's gifts and talents?


When are children who are gifted and talented often identified?

the children express their uniqueness at birth and identification happens early.

Twice-exceptional children are not always identified for the following reasons EXCEPT

they are not identified at all because their parents don't want them to be bullied

At Carver Elementary School, all students are given an assessment at the beginning of the school year to identify those whose skills are not at required expected levels, and thus at risk for academic failure. Which step is this in the response to intervention process?

universal screening

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