Exercise Training - Ex Phys
________ Includes 29 pairs of muscles that hold trunk steady, and balances and stabilizes surrounding bony structures
During fartlek training, the performer determines training schema based on _______ similar to gauging exercise intensity based on RPE
"how it feels,"
If primary goal is to improve and maintain health: Combined program of
- Aerobic training for 150 min/wk of moderately intense activity or 75 min/wk of vigorous activity - Resistance training emphasizing all major muscle groups
what are the neural and muscular adaptions in strength improvement:
- Greater efficiency in neural recruitment patterns - Increased motor neuron excitability - Increased central nervous system activation - Improved motor unit synchronization and increased firing rates - Lowering of neural inhibitory reflexes - Inhibition of Golgi tendon organs
describe the Glycolytic or lactate energy system:
- Involves interval training that last 30 - 180 sec of near maximal effort - Blood lactate rises to near-peak levels with a 1 min bout of maximal exercise - Recovery is slow so rest periods are long, 3 - 5 min, ratio 1:2 - Causes "lactate stacking," producing higher blood lactate level than just one all-out effort
describe the Phosphagen energy system:
- Involves interval training that last 5 - 20 sec of all out effort - Recovery is fast so rest periods are short, 30 - 120 sec, Ratio 1:3
________ strength is greatest when measured isometrically and dynamically trained muscle strength when measured through _____
- isometric - ROM
what is the four-sided muscular framework with the four components representing "core":
1. Abdominal muscles in front 2. Paraspinals and gluteals in back 3. Diaphragm at the top 4.Pelvic floor and hip girdle musculature frames the bottom
what are the limitations of isometric training:
1. Poor application for functional sports training 2. Cannot evaluate overload level or training progress 3. High degree of specificity to body position and joint angle 4. Time consuming if you have to train at different joint angles
Adaptations to improve in a specific task require carefully planned programs with focus on what:
1. frequency and length of workouts 2. rest intervals 3. type of training 4. speed, intensity, duration, and reps of activity
what are some factors that impact interval training:
1. intensity 2. duration 3. rest 4. number of reps
what are three common methods for aerobic training:
1. interval 2. continuous 3. fartlek
what are the three energy systems:
1. phosphagen 2. glycolytic 3. oxidative
what are the three types of overload applications:
1. progressive- resistance weight training 2. isometric training 3. isokinetic training
what are the benefits of isometric training:
1. provides muscle overload 2. improves strength when muscle arts isometrically at same joint angle 3. detects muscle weakness at specific angles of ROM
what are the benefits of a properly functioning core:
1.Appropriate distribution of forces 2.Optimal control and efficiency of movements 3.Adequate absorption of ground-impact forces 4.Absence of excessive compressive, translation, and shearing forces across kinetic-chain joints
Goals of aerobic training for adaptations to occur:
1.CDV overload must be intense enough to sufficiently overload cardiac output 2. CDV overload must activate sport-specific muscle groups to enhance local circulation and muscle's "metabolic machinery
What are the ways to express exercise intensity:
1.Energy expended per unit time (e.g., 9 kcal/min) 2.Absolute exercise level or power output (900 kg-m/min) 3.Relative metabolic level expressed as % VO2max (85% VO2max) 4.Exercise below, at, or above lactate threshold or OBLA (4 mM lactate) 5.Exercise heart rate or % of HRmax (70% HRmax) 6.Multiples of resting metabolic rate (6 METs) 7.Rating of perceived exertion (RPE = 14)
Strength improvement blends two factors:
1.Muscle fiber and connective tissue components 2.Neural organization and excitability of motor units that power discrete patterns of voluntary movement
HRmax during swimming or performing other upper-body exercises averages ______ _____ for trained and untrained than for running
13 bpm lower
Typical aerobic training programs take place _________ , usually with a rest day separating workout days
3 d/wk
________ (and perhaps protein) demands of aerobic training limit a muscle's growth and metabolic responsiveness to resistance training
Added energy
___________ improves if exercise intensity maintains heart rate between 55 and 70% of maximum
Aerobic capacity
_____ may also inhibit signaling to the muscles' protein-synthesis machinery
Aerobic training
Increases strength and aerobic power, decreases body fat, and increases _____
BMR (basal metabolic rate)
_________ occur with short-term exercise training
Cardiovascular adaptations
what type of training: Involves steady-paced, prolonged exercise at moderate or high aerobic intensity, usually 60 to 80% VO2max
Continuous or LSD Training
_______ ideally suits novices who wish to accumulate a large caloric expenditure for weight loss
Continuous training
What type of training provides ideal general conditioning and off-season training strategies; adds freedom and variety to workouts
Fartlek training
what type of training overloads one or all three energy systems
Fartlek training
what type of training uses alternate running at fast and slow speeds over level and hilly terrain
Fartlek training
________ is a key factor in maintaining fitness
what type of training : Provides muscle overload at a preset constant speed so muscles fully mobilize force-generating capacity throughout full ROM
Isokinetic Resistance Training
_________ represents the maximum force or tension output generated by a muscle or related muscle groups
Muscle strength
what is: progressive overload requires either manipulating training frequency, intensity, or duration, or combining these factors
Overload principle
______ enlarges individual fibers with subsequent muscle growth
Overload training
what type of relationship exists between muscular strength and bone mineral density?
Positive relationship
__________ adaptations do not require strenuous physical activity
Positive training
what is interval training:
Repeated activity bouts with brief rest periods permit completion of intense exercise without appreciable fatigue
what types of training does not apply to the desire for a well rounded conditioning program
Resistance Training Plus Aerobic Training
what type of person needs not exercise above this threshold heart rate to improve physiologic capacity
Sedentary person
In contrast aerobic fitness, a small decline in intensity of effort reduces _______
Brief bouts of repeated exercise and continuous, long-duration efforts enhance ______
aerobic capacity
with isokinetic resistance training in weightlifting, muscles do not generate maximum force through _______
all movement phases
what is classified by : Long-term aerobic training increases heart's mass and volume with greater left-ventricular end-diastolic volumes during rest and exercise
cardiac hypertrophy
slight wall thickening is considered _______
concentric hypertrophy
More training frequency represents _______ with concomitant improvements in well-being and health
considerable kcal expenditure
Maintaining _______ for exercise intensity, duration, and frequency produces similar training response independent of training mode, provided exercise involves large muscle groups
With intensity held ________ , frequency and duration required to maintain aerobic fitness remain lower than required for improvement
Remodeling of muscle architecture precedes gains in muscle ________
cross-sectional area
A muscle strengthens when trained near its what:
current maximum force-generating capacity
Polymetric training Involves rapid stretching followed by muscle-shortening during ________
dynamic movements
Left ventricular enlargement of the cavity is considered ________
eccentric hypertrophy
Continuous training also allows what type of athlete to exercise at nearly same intensity as in competition
endurance athletes
Men and women who participate in strength and power activities have as much or more bone mass than what other group of individuals:
endurance athletes
Training the ________ is vital to sports performance!!
energy systems
Once attained, maintenance of aerobic fitness can involve reduced _______ and _______ of training
frequency and duration
Hypertrophy reflects biologic adaptation to increased workload independent of what:
gender and age
Adaptive responses are determined by "__________" maximums
genetically predisposed
Endurance athletes average 25% larger _______ than sedentary counterparts
heart volume
Overall lack of ______ in skeletal muscle's response to overload, coupled with intramuscular differences in fiber type and composition, governs training adaptation to specific resistance exercise
what is the Increase in muscular tension (force) with training provides main stimulus to initiate muscle growth
______ ______ Allows athlete to exercise at speed and intensity that cannot be sustained in longer bouts
interval training
Exercising at or slightly above ________ is important to increase buffering capacity and adjustment in energy production
lactate threshold
More frequent training produces beneficial effects when training at _______
lower intensity
As aerobic fitness improves, exercise level must also increase to do what:
maintain goal HR
To produce weight loss with exercise, each session should last _______ at sufficient intensity to expend 300 kcal or more
minimum 60 min
For healthy persons, an HR of 70% HRmax represents "__________" without discomfort "conversational exercise"
moderate activity
Max force depends on neural factors that recruit and synchronize firing of _______, not fiber type and CSA
motor units
Combining different modes of exercise (concurrent training) may induce antagonistic molecular level, intracellular signaling mechanisms that could negatively impact what:
muscle's adaptive response to resistance training
In isokinetic training, Maintaining constant movement speed is a ________, functional exercises rarely approximate a fixed speed of movement throughout ROM
negative aspect
Changes in muscle size with hypertrophy become detectable after how long:
only 3 weeks of training
Training-induced adaptations rely on what:
overload intensity
What: governs strength improvements
overload intensity
progressive resistance exercise (PRE) provides practical application to what type of principle:
overload principle
what type of training Requires various jumps in place or rebound jumping to mobilize inherent stretch-recoil characteristics of skeletal muscle and its modulation via the stretch (myotatic) reflex
polymetric training
what is the most popular strength training method:
progressive resistance exercise (PRE)
For aerobic fitness, improvements occur within ______
several weeks
what is: specific exercise elicits specific adaptations to promote specific training effects that produce sport specific improvements.
specificity principle
When combined with vigorous muscle action, plyometric actions should greatly increase force that overloads muscles, thereby facilitating increases in what two aspects:
strength and power