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Which of the following types of muscle stretching can cause residual muscle soreness, is time consuming, and typically requires a partner 1. static, 2. ballistic, 3. PNF 4. All of the above


For every 1 MET increase in exercise intensity systolic BP should increase 10, 15-20, 25-30, 30-35

10 mmhg

What is a subjects work rate in watts if he pedals on a monark at 50 rpm at a resistance of 2. kg? Assume the flywheel travels 6m per revolution


suppose you want your 24 year old client to exercise at 55-70% of her maximum heart rate but her true maximum hr is not known. Which of the following training zones would be appropriate 1. 97-123 2. 108-137 3.110-140 4. 121-154


Which of the following is a moderate intensity aerobic training zone, calculated using heart rate reserve for a 47 year old female with a resting heart rate of 75 bpm 1. 124-138, 2.138-152, 3. 114-134, 4. 110-130


When using the original borg scale for the general public moderate intensity should be maintained between? 8-12, 12-16, 17-18, 19-20


Which of the following BP readings would indicate hypertension in the adult? 110/60 - 110/70 - 125/80 - 140/90

125/80 and 140/90

What is the energy cost of running at 6.5 mph up a grade of 5% 1. 8.2 mets 2. 10.3 mets 3. 13.2 mets 4. 15.2 mets

13.2 mets

The ACSM recommendation for intensity, duration, and frequency of cardiorespiratory exercise for apparently healthy individuals include 1. intensity 40-90% HRR 2. in. 85-90% 3. in 50-70% 4. in 60-90%

40-90% HRR, duration of 20-60 minutes a day for 3-5 days a week

resting metabolic rate accounts for what percent of total daily energy needs


The anaerobic glycolytic system can provide energy to fuel intense physical activity lasting ___ in duration

60-90 seconds

How many repetitions should an elderly individual perform for each resistance exercise 1. 8-12 2. 10-15 3. 6-8 4. 4-6


What is the recommended repetition range when resistance training adults for general muscular fitness 1. 1-5 2. 6-10 3. 8-12 4. 15-20


maximal aerobic capacity tests are most valid when completed in _____ minutes 1. 10-14 2. 8-12 3. 6-8


At a wet bulb globe temperature of _____ degrees Fahrenheit exercise should be modified or moved in doors 1. 95 2. 104 3. 82


Estimations of one repetition maximum (1RM) are most accurate when ___ repetitions are completed


At what level is HDL considered a positive risk factor in the development of cardiovascular disease 1. <200mg/ DL 2. <110 3. >60 4. <40 mg/dl

<40 mg/dl

muscular strength is preferentially developed when repetitions are 1. 6-12 2. >12 3. <6


Muscular endurance is preferentially developed when repetitions are 1. <6 2. 6-12 3. >12


Which fo the following movements generally occur in the frontal plane 1. extension 2. adduction 3. flexion 4. abduction 5. rotation

adduction and abduction

If planning a 60 minute walk when is the most important time to stretch in relation to the walk 1. before you warm up 2. after you warm up 3. immediately after the completion of the walk 4. after the cool down

after the cool down

A _____ acts concentrically to produce joint movement 1. agonist 2. antagonist


A(n) _____ acts concentrically to produce joint movement


A source of intimal injury thought to initiate the process of atherogenesis is 1. dyslipidemia 2. hypertension 3. turbulence of blood flow within a vessel 4. all of the above

all of the above

Exercise adherence is increased when 1. there e is a social and health care support for the individual 2. a regular schedule of exercise is established 3. muscle soreness and injury are minimal 4. individualized attainable goals, and objectives are identified 5. all of the above

all of the above

Psychological theories provide a conceptual framework for which of the following? 1. understanding exercise participation behaviors 2. guiding strategies to promote adoption and maintenance of physical activity 3. understanding factors that facilitate or impede PA 4. all of the above

all of the above

Reasons for fitness testing of the older adult include 1. evaluation of progress 2. exercise prescription 3. motivation 4. all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following is a possible medical emergency a client can experience during an exercise session 1. hypoglycemia 2. hypotension 3. hyperglycemia 4. all of the above

all of the above

In muscle nomenclature, rectus femoris and biceps femoris are names based on which of the following distinctive characteristics 1. visual appearance 2. anatomic location 3. size

anatomic location

Which of the following medications is designed to modify blood cholesterol levels? 1 nitrates 2 beta blockers 3 anti hyperlipidemics 4 aspirin


The acetabulofemoral (hip) joint is which of the following types of diarthrotic articulations?

ball and socket

What are the muscles that make up the hamstrings

biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus

relating to right and left side


when performing multiple fitness assessments in a single session which of the following should be evaluated first 1. CRF 2. muscular endurance 3. body comp 4. muscular strength

body comp

______ is the ratio of fat mass to fat free mass

body composition

which of the following serve as a lever for movement 1. bone 2. joint axis 3. tendon


Following an acute musculoskeletal injury the appropriate action call for stabilization of the area and incorporating RICE treatment. Rice is the acronym for which of the following 1. recovery, ibuprofen, care for injury 2. rest and ice, care for injury 3. rest ice compression elevate 4. rotate ice care evaluate

rest ice compression elevate

which of the following accurately describe the importance of carbohydrate consumption post exercise 1. neutralize metabolic acids 2. restore muscle glycogen 3. increase protein synthesis

restore muscle glycogen

Which of the following planes divides the body into equivalent right and left halves?

saggital, anteroposterior

____ is an abnormal curve in the spine characterized by lateral deviation of the vertebral column


which of the following exercises could be used to strengthen the rectus femoris, vastus laterals, vastus intermedius, vastus medius 1. seated leg extension 2. supine straight leg hip bridge on ball 3. supine leg curl 4. stiff legged dead lift 5. squat

seated leg extension and squat

The carpals and tarsals are examples of which type of bone?


Which of the following types of bones permit limited gliding motion and act as shock absorbers


Which of the following types of bones permit limited gliding motion and act as shock absorbers 1. short 2. long 3. flat 4. irregular


Which of the following would not call for the termination of a maximal or sub-maximal exercise test in a low risk adult? 1. subject requests to stop 2. shortness of breath 3. slight decrease in diastolic bp 4. failure of HR to increase with increase intensity

slight decrease in diastolic bp

What are the class drugs called for hyperlipidemia


along with the ribs what bones compromise the thoracic cage 1. sternum an intercostals 2. sternum and diaphragm 3. sternum and vertebra

sternum and vertebrae

Which of the following is not true regarding the physiological benefits of regular exercise in elderly? 1. self concept 2. life satisfaction 3. stimulate appetite 4. self efficacy

stimulate appetite

When working with an individual with diabetes what should you have on hand at all times 1. sugar 2. nutrasweet 3. nitroglycerine 4. insulin


Scientific terms for upper and lower

superior and inferior

What exercises should be avoided after the first trimester for pregnant woman 1. upright exercise such as walking stairs 2. supine position exercises 3. prone position exercises 4. sitting exercises such as cycling

supine position exercise

What bones make up the rotator cuff

supraspinatus, subscapularis, teres minot , infraspinatus

When measuring bp which hand should be used to control the bladder airflow

the dominant hand

The health belief model assumes that people will engage in a behavior such as exercise when 1. there is a perceived threat of disease 2. external motivation is provided 3. optimal environmental conditions are met 4. internal motivation outweighs external circumstances

there is a perceived threat of disease

_____ vertebrae have additional articulations referred to a costal facets


Which activity is considered and ADL 1. reading and writing 2. lifting medium weight items 3. transferring (walking) 4. speaking

transferring (walking)

Which of the following is an imaginary horizontal plane passing through the midsection of the body, dividing it into upper and lower halves?


Which of the following represent the 3 site jackson pollock skin fold sites for females 1. chest abdominal thigh 2. tricep suprilium thigh 3. tricep chest suprailium 4. tricep abdominal thigh

tricep suprailium thigh

Which of the following represents more than 90% of the fat stored in the body and is composed of a glycerol molecule connected to three fatty acids? 1. phospholipids 2. cholesterols 3. triglycerides 4. free fatty acids


relating to right or left side


What is the maneuver called where an individual holds his or her breath during resistance training exercise in hopes of temporarily enhancing strength 1. karvonen 2. diaphragmatic 3. valsalva 4. anginas


In prevention of osteoporosis it is important to regularly perform what kind of exercise 1. low intensity 2. aquatic 3. high intensity 4. weight bering

weight bearing

_______ describes how the densities, shapes, and sizes of bone are function fo the magnitude and direction of mechanical forces acting on the bone 1. wolfs law 2. hicks principle 3. frank starling

wolfs law

Which dietary macronutrients are preferentially used to produce energy for exercise although their relative contribution depends on intensity 1. protein 2. cholesterol 3. carbs 4. fat 5. glycerol

carbs and fat

During prolonged, moderate intensity steady state aerobic exercise, the increase in HR combined with a decrease in SV, blood volume, and mean arterial pressure are collectively referred to ___

cardiovascular drift

which of the following represent the 3 site jackson pollock skin fold sites for males 1. chest tricep thigh 2. chest abdomen thigh 3. chest suprailium tricept

chest abdomen thigh

Which of the following is true regarding training children and adolescents- 1 children should engage in developmentally appropriate activities that include aerobic, resistance, and bone strengthening exercise 2. children should not perform strength training as it may fracture the epiphyseal plate 3. children are capable of maintaining aerobic exercise intensities similar to adults 4. children with exercise induced asthma should not exercise

children should engage in developmentally appropriate activities that include aerobic, resistance, and bone strengthening exercise

In a(n) ____ muscle action, the skeletal muscle activity develops tension as it shortens


pertaining to the opposite side of references


___ is the transfer of heat through the movement of air or water across the body surface


When it comes to having bad technique and you see excessive lordosis what are some things that can be done posture wise to correct this

cue to engage gluteals and transverse abdominus

After a period of regular aerobic training the heart rate and stroke volume response to a fixed sub maximal intensity of aerobic exercise are ____ and _____ respectively (the options for the blank are increased or decreased)

decreased, increased

Which of the following factors determine which energy system makes the predominant contribution to energy production?

duration and intensity

In a(n) _____ muscle action, the skeletal muscle actively develops tension as it lengthens


What type of muscle action is used for deceleration?


Longitudinal bone growth occurs at which of the following 1. periosteum 2. medullary canal 3. epiphyseal plate

epiphyseal plate

Longitudinal bone growth occurs at which of the following?

epiphyseal plate

potential concerns related to statins

excessive muscle damage and rhabdomyolysis

Which of the following movements generally occur in the sagittal plane?

extension and flexion

_______ describes rotary movement around the longitudinal axis of a bone away form the midline of the body 1. external rotation 2. adduction 3. internal rotation

external rotation

Aerobic training results in an increase in maximal exercise HR true or false


Skinfold measurements should always be taken post exercise true or false


bone is avascular true or false


the athlete should be instructed to pace themselves to maintain a consistent speed throughout the 30 seconds of the actual wingate true or false


upper body exercise elicits lower bp responses than lower body exercise of an equivalent intensity true or false


the ____ is the lateral bone fo the lower leg


Which for he following is an example of an isometric muscular endurance test 1. crunch 2. pull up 3. flexed arm hang 4. push up

flexed arm hang

_____ is a bending movement that results in a decrease in joint angle usually in the sagittal plane


If you prescribe that your client stretch his hamstrings which flexibility exercise would not accomplish this 1. modified hurdler stretch 2. forward wall push stretch 3. straddle stretch 4. cross legged standing toe touch

forward wall push stretch

______ describes the relationship between ventricular stretching and the force of ventricular contraction 1. fick equation 2. wolfs law 3. archimedes principle 4. frank starling law of the heart

frank starling law of the heart

The ____ is a rim of fibrocartilage that surrounds the glenoid fossa 1. glenoid labrum 2. joint capsule 3. rotator cuff

glenoid labrum

Which of the following is correct when periodizing training for a marathon runner who is doing a long run each sunday 1. run the same distance each week 2. gradually increase distance weekly with a slightly lower distance every 4th sunday 3. gradually increase in distance every week by 10% 4. rapidly increase distance weekly then avoid all long runs that last 2 months prior to the race

gradually increase distance weekly with a slightly lower distance every 4th sunday

limited flexibility of which of the following muscle groups is believed to increase the risk of low back pain? 1. quadriceps 2. hamstrings 3 hip flexors 4 rectus femoris


What muscle does a leg curl exercise strength 1. gluteal and quads 2. hamstrings and calves 3. hamstrings only 4. calves only

hamstrings and calves

Q is the product of which of the following 1.heart rate and stroke volume 2. stroke volume and a-v O2 difference 3. systolic blood pressure and heart rate 4. end systolic volume and end diastolic volume

heart rate and stroke volume

During exercise performed at high altitudes HR will be _____ at the same RPE observed at sea level 1. lower 2. higher 3. the same


Uncoordinated gait, headache, dizziness, vomiting, and elevated body temperature are signs and symptoms of- hypoglycemia, hypotension, hyperthermia, acute altitude sickness `


______ is an increase in the cross sectional area of muscle


Which statement is true regarding resistance training in children 1. it is appropriate and effective to use 1RM testing 2. >20 repetitions of each exercise should be performed per set 3. resistance or load should be the focus for progression 4. if a minimum of 8 repetitions can not be performed with food technique the resistance is too heavy and should be reduced

if a minimum of 8 repetitions can not be performed with good technique the resistance is too heavy and should be reduced

Anterior pelvic tilt may be due to inflexibility or tightness in which of the following muscles 1. iliopsoas 2. adductors 3. gluteals


Form rest to maximal exercise, SBP should _______ progressively with an increased workload


Which of the following components of the exercise prescription work inversely with each other 1. intensity and duration 2. mode and intensity 3. mode and duration 4. mode and frequency

intensity and duration

Feeling good about being able to perform an activity or skill such as running a mile without stopping is an example of an 1. extrinsic reward 2. intrinsic reward 3. external stimulus 4. internal stimulus

intrinsic reward

pertaining to the same side of reference


Which heart chamber undergoes the greatest adaptations in response to regular exercise

left ventricle

As a result of regular aerobic training, which of the following is not affected during maximal aerobic exercise- 1. maximal Q 2. maximal stroke volume 3. maximal HR 4. none of the above

maximal HR

Rotational movement of the hip about its longitudinal axis toward the midline of the body is called? 1. medial rotation 2. lateral rotation 3. supination 4. pronation

medial rotation

Which of the following is not a standard skin fold site 1. midaxillary 2. supra iliac 3. medial thigh 4. anterior thigh

medial thigh

Which planes divide the body into equivalent anterior and posterior halves

mediolateral and frontal

which of the following is not a true statement about long bones 1. the diaphysis encases the medullary canal 2. the epiphysis consist fo spongy bone 3. most bones of the axial skeleton are of the type

most of the bones of the axial skeleton are of this type

Articular cartilage is primarily dependent upon which of the following for health 1. movement 2. dietary protein 3. blood


Articular cartilage is primarily dependent upon which of the following for health?


Which of the following contribute to concentric force production during stretch-shortening cycle exercises 1. cerebellum 2. muscle spindle 3. satellite cells 4. golgi tendon organ 5. parallel elastic element

muscle spindle an parallele elastic element

_______ is the ability to produce muscular force rapidly

muscular power

is radial a standard skin fold site


Regular aerobic exercise will result in what adaptation in Q during exercise at the same sub maximal aerobic workload? increase- decrease- no change- increase during dynamic exercise only

no change

Which of the following conditions is characterized by a decrease in bone mass and density producing bone propensity and fragility 1. osteoarthritis 2. osteomyelitis 3. epiphyseal osteomyelitis 4 osteoporosis


What is the importance of the increase in systolic blood pressure

perfusion of active tissues with needed blood supply

A method of strength and power training that involves eccentric loading of muscles followed immediately by an explosive concentric action is called 1. plyometrics 2. periodization 3. supersets 4. negatives


a change in the angle of attachment of the myosin head to the actin filament resulting in a relative movement between myofilaments is referred to as which father following

power stroke

Which of the following is not a function of bone 1. production of force 2. production of red blood cells 3. protection of organ and tissues

production of force

Which of the following is not a function of bone?

production of force

radioulnar pronation and supination occur at which of the following 1. radoiocarpal joint 2. humeroulnar joint 3. proximal and distal radioulnar joints

proximal and distal radioulnar joints

Which body weight exercise could be performed to strengthen the chest and triceps 1. chin ups 2. crunches 3. pec deck flies 4. push ups

push ups

which of the following would not call for the termination of a maximal or submaximal aerobic exercise test in an apparently healthy adult 1. reports of leg cramps 2. reports of feeling light headed 3. decreased in SBP with an increase in workload 4. reports of being hot

reports of being hot

Which of the following is true of the appendicular skeleton?

- It consists of upper and lower limbs and the girdles that attach to the limbs

If a 150lb man exercised for 30 minutes on a Monarck cycle ergometer at an intensity of 27.5 ml/kg/min, what would his caloric expenditure be for the entire 30 minutes session? 1. 285 2. 140 3. 165 4. 245


Which of the following is the recommended rest interval between sets of resistance training exercises for he development of general muscular fitness 1. 30 seconds 2. 1-2 minutes 3. 2-3 minutes 4. 3-4 minutes

2-3 minutes

The vertebral column consist of _____ freely moving vertebrae and 9 immovable


Most sedentary people who begin an exercise program are likely to stop within 1. 1-2 days 2. 3-6 weeks 3. 1 month 4. 3-6 months

3-6 months

at approximately what age is peak bone mineral density attained


Which of the following reflects current ACSM recommendations for substantial weight loss? 30 minutes 3 days/ week 90 min/ week mod in--- 45 min 4 day/week totally 180 min/week mod in--- 15-20 min less than 3 days/weel totaling 75 min/week vig in--- 30-60 min most days totaling 225-420 min/week mod in

30-60 minutes; most days of the week totaling 225-420 minutes a week moderate intensity

which of the following energy systems would proved the majority of energy to run the 40 year dash 1. glycolytic 2. oxidative 3. proteolytic 4. ATP-PCr


After the age of 30 skeletal muscle strength begins to decline primarily because of which of the following 1. a gain in fat tissue 2. a gain in lean tissue 3. a loss of muscle mass caused by a loss of muscle fibers 4. myogenic precursor cell inhibition

a loss of muscle mass caused by a loss of muscle fibers

Joint movement occurs about a(n) ____, which passes perpendicularly through the plane


Which of the following is true regarding PA for children- 1. children should participate in several hours of PA lasting >120 minutes each day 2. children should perform 30 minutes of moderate intensity and 30 minutes of vigorous intensity on most days of the week 3. children should focus on just one or two modes of PA so as to develop exceptional skills in those areas 4. children need to have several periods of 2 hour or more of inactivity during the day in order to have the adequate rest

children should perform 30 minutes of moderate intensity and 30 minutes of vigorous intensity on most days of the week

which resistance exercise would strengthen both the biceps and latissimus dorsi muscle 1. chin ups 2. dead lifts 3. back extensions 4. upright rows

chin ups

the pressure at which the kormokoff sounds disappear is the ____ blood pressure


____ is movement of the dorsal surface of the foot toward the anterior lower leg


What could be an alternative to the contraindicated high risk plough exercise? 1. squats to 90 degrees 2. flexion with rotation 3. double knee to chest 4. lateral neck stretches

double knee to chest

Which of the following options represents general training principles that should be considered when prescribing exercise 1. overload, intensity, progression 2. frequency, intensity, duration 3. specificity, overload, redundancy 4. overload, specificity, individuality

overload, specificity, individuality

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