experimental rock

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A sound with no upper harmonics is called?

A sine wave

Besides Sound on Sound Les Paul's recording of Lover uses another production trick, this is?

Double speed

1978's Music for Airports was the 1st example of music specifically called Ambient Music. There has been other examples of this style of music from much earlier however, such as...

Eric Satie's Musique d' ameublement.

In 1935 the company AEG patented what important invention?

The magnetophon

Attack, Decay, Sustain and Release are terms used when describing the What of a sound?

The envelope

The Madcap Laughs came out in what year?


The Oblique Strategies are?

A deck of cards with abstract sounding instruction on each one

By combining numerous Sine Waves (with different amplitudes) whose frequencies are mainly integer multiples above a given fundamental, one can produce different Timbres. This technique is called?

Additive synthesis

The drive towards the abstraction of the Blues on Trout Mast Replica was mostly the result of...

Beefhart's background as an abstract painter

What Army Signal Corps officer returned from Post War Europe with 2 German Tape Machines in tow?

Jack Mullin

Which of these songs features the previous technique?

Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite

In 1976 Harmonia was joined in their studio in Forst, Germany by a guest who was heavily influenced by their music at the time, he was?

Brian Eno

The 1st virtuoso performer of the Theremin was?

Clara Rockmore

Brian Eno's 1975 solo album Another Green World was heavily influenced by what German electronic band?


Who Replaced Syd Barrett in Pink Floyd in 1968?

David Gilmour

What is the term used to describe the tape heads on a Tape Machine?


The Russian scientist Leon Theremin invented one of the 1st electronic instruments, The Theremin, when?

Early 1920's

Zappa's music displayed a wide variety of influences beyond blues, such as the classical composer...

Edgard Varese

What is the effect when 2 identical recordings are allowed to playback out of phase?

Flanging/tape phase

Eno's role in this band (Roxy Music) was as?

He would play tapes and synthesizer, sometimes running the sound of the guitarist through it.

The system Leon Theremin used to determine the pitch produced based on a persons distance from the Theremin's pitch antennae is called?


Which was the 1st Pink Floyd album that signified the beginning of their classic middle period and demonstrated an independence from Barrett's influence?


Cluster's 1974 album Zuckerzeit is different from their previous albums because of it's driving rhythmic content, this is likely due to the influence of which collaborator?

Michael Rother

"A ______ takes varying pressure waves in the air and converts them into varying electrical signals"


Which of these concepts did Bob Moog introduce at a conference in 1964?

Modular synthesis and voltage control

Donald Buchla and Bob Moog were both working on modular systems at the same time. Why did Moog's end up being more widely used?

Moog's systems used a keyboard

Whose 1948 recording Etude aux chemins de fer used Gramophones (records) to edit train sounds in something like music?

Pierre Schaeffer

You have a Subtractive, Modular Synthesizer and its VCO is producing a square wave, the best way to change the Timbre of this note is to?

Plug the output of the VCO into a VCF

Eno's 1972 album No Pussyfooting was an early example of Ambient Music. It was made up of mostly tape loops and featured which guitarist?

Robert Fripp

Who was the original drummer in The Soft Machine?

Robert Wyatt

After a terrible accident in 1973 the above drummer released this significant solo album.

Rock Bottom

It was through a chance meeting on the train with saxophonist/oboist Andy Mackay that Brian Eno ended up in what proto-glam rock band?

Roxy music

What is the title of the 1st Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band album?

Safe as Milk

Who was the 1st musician to experiment with multi-tracking/sound on sound in 1941?

Sidney bechet

The process of removing the upper harmonics from a rich waveform (such as a square or triangle wave) with a Filter to produce a desired Timbre is called?

Subtractive synthesis

1980 saw the release of the Brian Eno produced Remain in Light. This album, which fused elements of Afro-Pop, Funk and avant-garde song writing techniques was by which band?

Talking Heads

Attaching an additional tape head to a tape machine is one way to produce what?

Tape delay/echo

Taking several sounds recorded on tape and rearranging them into a new playback order is called?

Tape editing/splicing

In 1977 Eno began working on the 1st of 3 albums (Low, Heroes and Lodger) which were heavily inspired by German Rock Music. These albums would come to be known as....

The Berlin Trilogy

What was the name of the 1st Synthesizer Brian Eno used?

The EMS3 (The Putney Synth)

Which jazz/rock band played the backing tracks for some of the songs on The Mad Cap Laughs?

The Soft Machine

Why did Frank Zappa's band have to change it's name from The Mothers to The Mothers of Invention?

The former name referenced an obscenity

Invented in 1877, the Edison Phonograph Cylinders were eventually replaced by which format in the mid 1920's?

The grammaphone

In 1966, while still in art school, Brian Eno began to experiment with what device and/or techniques?

The reel-to-reel tape machine

Who produced Frank Zappa's 1st album and co-produced the 1st Soft Machine album?

Tom Wilson

In late 1963 while working with Herbert Deutsch, Bob Moog realized that he could use one oscillator to control the pitch output of a second oscillator. This is called?

Voltage control

Who was one of the 1st musicians to master playing Moog's instrument and demonstrated this with the release of an album in 1968 called Switched on Bach?

Walter/Wendy Carlos

Which of the following were in The Magic Band on the album Trout Mast Replica?

Zoot Horn Rolio and Rockette Morton

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