EXSS 180 Exam 1

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Ruth Loos quote

"The main message is that obesity is established very early in life, and that it basically tracks through adolescence to adulthood,"

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

$100 million a year on childhood obesity problem, largest

How much money goes into obesity related costs?

$150 billion a year, half of that borne by the public in Medicare and Medicaid costs.

Have have government subsidies contributed?

-Foods priced reverse of what it should be -government helps buy things like high fructose corn syrup and raw ingredients for salty snack foods, and sweetened desserts because of subsidies in the agriculture industry

How is a policy developed?

1. lay the groundwork 2. build awareness and support 3. draft the policy 4. adopt the policy 5. administer the policy

How many children (study of 7,000) were overweight in kindergarten were obese in eighth grade?


What age are kids getting diabetes?

10 years old

Adult Activity Guidelines

150 min of moderate or 75 of vigorous each week is the minimum 300 or 150 is the best muscle strengthening at least 2 days a week

medium PA

150-300 of moderate or 75-150 of vigorous this is also equal to 500-1000 metabolic equivalent (MET) minutes a week.

How many woman reported an interpersonal (two factors) barrier to physical activity? neighborhood/environmental?

2%, 3%

Francis Collins

2/3 of Americans are obese or fat

What age do people need coronary bypass surgery and other complication

20s and 30s, loss of eyesight, loss of limbs

What is the guideline for exercise during pregnancy?

30 min or more of moderate activity on most days of week

How many woman didn't engage in PA while pregnant in 2000?


EAT SMART MOVE MORE- How much has the number of overweight NC children 5-11 years old between 1995 and 2000 increase?


How did Dr. Evenson's findings compare with the other studies cited?

47% of women were actually obese according to BMI but only 34% if women admitted to it

EAT SMART MOVE MORE- How many 5-11 year olds are overweight? 12-18 year olds?

5-11: More than one in five 12-18: one in four

Children Guidelines

60 minutes of PA daily -most should be aerobic (at least 3 days a week) running, hooping skipping -some muscle (playground, claiming trees tug of war) and bone strengthening (impact on ground jumping rope, tennis)

What is the minimum and recommended of PA by research?

60 minutes of moderate a week, recommended 150 minutes/week

How many woman reported an intrapersonal (one person) barrier to physical activity?

85% - of which almost two-thirds were health realted

What do resolutions deal with and how are they all related?

87% deal with health and they are all preventable deaths

healthy concessions?

<200 calories/serving string cheese, trail mix, fresh fruit, water, sports drink, lowfat/nonfat milk, baked chips, mini bagels, vanilla wafers, soft pretzel, baked potato, apple cider/hot chocolate

high PA

>300 minutes of moderate PA

What age does the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans guide?

Americans aged 6 and older

How can bodily movement be divided?

Baseline activity (light intensity like walking) or health-enhancing (beneficial such as weights or running)

Where have cities talked about or implemented rules for sugared beverages?

Boston and Cleveland

Overload guidelines in be active your way: (overload, progression, specificity)

Build up over time Start by doing what you can, and then look for ways to do more. If you have not been active for a while, start out slowly. After several weeks or months, build up your activities—do them longer and more often. Walking is one way to add physical activity to your life. When you rst start, walk 10 minutes a day on a few days during the rst couple of weeks. Add more time and days. Walk a little longer. Try 15 minutes instead of 10 minutes. Then walk on more days a week. Pick up the pace. Once this is easy to do, try walking faster. Keep up your brisk walking for a couple of months. You might want to add biking on the weekends for variety.

What does it complement?

Dietary Guidelines for Americans,

What different levels could a policy be at?

District, School, Classroom

What are struggles with programs in Kolata's article?

Effective programs for young children involve time and effort/ not reimbursed by health insurers (out of pocket $1,500 to $3,000)

Perceived Barriers to Physical Activity Among Pregnant Women author?


What was used to support this data?

Focus group data and CMI

Obesity Is Found to Gain Its Hold in Earliest Years

Gina Kolata

PA definiton in guidelines vs Be Active Your Way

Guidelines: any bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscle that increases energy expenditure above a basal level. or bodily movement that enhances health. vs any form of exercise or movement of the body that uses energy.

What is a new part of the federal health care law?

Health insurers and employers must now pay the cost of screening children for obesity/provide necessary counseling

Dr. Samuel R. Nussbaum quote

If this were easy, if there were clear outcomes for success, we would be investing in these,

Why is it important to not five unhealthy treats as rewards?

It could interfere with natural hunger cues


It serves as a call to action and a tool to support healthy environments for schools


Keep track of what works

What does Gina Kolata blame as the issue?

Measures taken so far have looked too broadly at school children rather than starting before children are enrolled in kindergarten and concentrating on obese children from the beginning

According to Abelson, how many children are obese in the US?

One in three children

Do birth weights correlate?

Overweight or obese children often were heavy babies, at least 8.8 pounds

Who would support the policy change?

PTA, school improvement teams, school health, public health partners

Who made it?

Policymakers and health professionals

Who wrote learning to be lean?

Reed Abelson

How are schools contributing?

Schools are in it for the money and will fundraise unhealthy foods if it means more profit

What should schools not do regarding food fundraisers?

Schools can't operate fundraisers that include healthy food choices during feel times when they are competition with the Child Nutrition Program

What is the single greatest source of added sugar in the American diet?

Sugar-sweetened beverages (empty calories - no nutrition at all)

What is the solution?

TAX: penny per ounce on any beverage with sugar, drive down consumption, this money could be used for things like nutrition or health programs, other countries already have this, Philadelphia has a small one

Who hosted NPR Pounding Away at America's Obesity Epidemic? Who is the Doctor and expert in HBO's "Weight of Nation"

Terry Gross, Kelly Brownwell

School Policy Example

The Blue Mountain High School will serve only water, 100 % juice, and low-fat dairy products for beverages at sporting events.

District Policy Example

The Evergreen School District will begin to offer fresh fruit and low-fat popcorn at every sporting event.

Why are sweetened beverages so dangerous?

The body doesn't recognize calories in liquid form so you don't realize you've consumed as many calories as you have

Local Policy Example

The students in Mrs. Gray's 5th grade class have decided to chose foods from concessions that are from either the grain, fruit, vegetable or low-fat dairy groups.

Misconception about race ethnicity and family income

These factors only matter in younger children, after 5 years old they don't affect the risk of being fat in later years (NOT LIKE ABELSON)

How can concession sales promote a healthy lifestyle?

They are used often in sporting events and fundraising so if only healthy options are provided, then students will buy into that

How do Kolata and Abelson agree on doctors?

They both think advice from a family doctor (if given at all) is usually ineffective because doctors often dismiss childhood obesity issues by saying "she will outgrow it

Explanation of this study

Tracked children body weight for years, don't explain why the effect occurs

School districts and schools do not allow waivers from physical education class time or credit requirements



Unhealthy food company will have a cheaply made game that's engaging that gets children to want to buy the product, cost effective

What's wrong with the diet industry?

Very little regulations of what they can promise people -short term effects (cutting calories) and unsafe

Is BMI heritable?

Yes, genetic influences can show up early in life. Not as heritable as height - still can be reduced by exercise and healthy diet (not necessarily fixed)

Let's Move initiative

a community effort to get families involved in eating better and exercising more

How do they define PA?

any form of exercise or movement of the body that uses energy.

What does Gina Kolata suggest as a solution?

apply steps to all children by improving meals, teach nutrition and importance of PA, get rid of soda machines,

What does CDC recommend?

at least 30 minutes/day of moderate PA (5 days)

absolute intensity

based on rate of energy expenditure during activity (scale_

How has the obesity problem changed for the worse according to Kelly Brownwell?

began to rise in the 1970s, through the roof in 80s and 90s. eating more exercising less. -sedentary devices available -PA removed from school restrictions -sedentary jobs

low PA

beyond baseline (<150 minutes) of moderate or (<75 minutes) of vigorous

What are examples of Aerobic(cardio/endurance) activity?

body's large muscles moving rhythmically for sustained period of time (running, biking, swimming)

What gov regulations would be affective?

change prices of food so junk food so it costs more than healthy food tax and use revenue to subsidize fruits and veggies crack down on company's ability to market unhealthy foods to children give people abilities to be physically fit in their life

What did pregnant women recommend that would help obesity issue?

child care, social support, changes in neighborhoods and worksites, focus on postpartum period rather than pregnancy

Why is sugary foods for fundraising bad?

could give off image that schools are more concerned about money than maintaining healthy habits, healthy fundraising reinforces lessons taught in classroom

Which does Brownwell favor as the cause? genetics or environment?

environment, genetics might make things easier or harder but at the end of the day it's the environment

What was the purpose of the study?

examine barriers to physical activity in a large cohort of pregnant women and to explore these barriers in more depth with qualitative data derived from a separate focus group study using a socioecologic framework.

Older Adult Guidelines

for 65+ individuals 150 or 75 muscle strengthening actives 2 days a week work on balance at least 3 days a week as long as PA is 10 minutes at a time

Alarming statistic relating generations and obesity

for the first time in nations history kids might lead shorter lives than their parents did

Fat kindergartners would be how many more times likely to be obese in eighth grade

four to five times there thinner classmates

What were barriers for treatments that were outlined in the article?

gaps in types of treatment, cost, children reeling

Reasons researches give for this data?

genetic predispositions, environmental

BMI Study facts

half of obese kindergartners were obese in 8th grade and 3/4 of very obese in kindergarten were obese in 8th grade

What were the two main categories for intrapersonal barriers?

health (physical symptoms or feelings) or non-health (motivation, lack of time)

What could you do instead of food rewards?

health portioned food items, extra music or reding time, free time, recess, pep rally

health related vs. performance related fitness

health: cardiovascular and muscular fitness performance: for athletes to compete

What impacts come from this extra weight?

heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease and even cancer, and it's expensive

What did Dr. Jeffrey P. Koplan, the vice president of the Emory Global Health Institute in Atlanta say regarding childhood obesity?

if you can make it to kindergarten without the weight, your chances are immensely better

What are the components of aerobic?

intensity, frequency, duration

PA in course pack

intentional and voluntary

Why is it harder for children to lose weight than adults?

it's harder to look at a numeric goal because children are still growing. The goal should be to grow into a healthier weight rather than lose pounds

What is a positive finding by Harvard Public Health?

kids can cross line between fat and normal weight by +/- a few pounds while for adults it's 20-50 lbs

EAT SMART MOVE MORE- Who is it for?

local education agencies, educators, parents, community leaders, industry representatives and policy makers

How can a program be successful?

look at the family as a whole, focus on making smaller sustainable changes to avoid children revealing

Be Active Your Way

meant for ages 18-64 interactive full of tips and personal quotes with pictures breaks down terms (moderate vs. vigorous)

inactive PA

no activity beyond baseline of daily living

Are the 150 minutes of elementary PE and 225 of middle school PE a requirement?

no recommendation

What could you fundraise instead?

non-food fundraisers (kitchenware, greeting cards, jewelry) raffle tickets for a chance to win (gift certificates, parking spaces) Items to promote school spirit, talent shows, fun car washes, dances

What is a policy?

official statements of vision and judgment that addresses the needs of a school system school or classroom WHO, WHAT, WHY, HOW

Terry Gross states what fact about Americans and obesity?

one third of americans are obese and another third are overweight and one third of our children are obese

United Health's pilot program

partnered with YMCA to talk about struggles with food and exercise. (cheaper alternative to hospital programs) parent and teenager meet for 16, hour sessions to talk about healthy habits. 84% of kids lost weight, even parents did too.

Premature death - proof that PA works

people who are physically active for more than 7 hours a week have a 40% less chance of dying early than people active for 30 minutes a week

What qualitative data was measured?

physical activity, healthy eating, and weight gain

Overload guidelines:

physical stress put on body when PA activity is greater than usual -cardiovasuclar system requires lungs to move more air - increases efficiency and capacity

What was the conclusion of the study?

pregnancy may trigger the development of obesity and since physical activity is recommended for healthy pregnant women, it is imperative to promote physical activity in a more relevant way. These quantitative and qualitative studies revealed many barriers to physical activity among pregnant women and some suggestions for interventions.

What other factors in school are contributing to less outdoor time?

pressure to get standardized test cores up, no physical education requirement, this hurts learning because kids aren't aware as much if not fit

What are some consequences that aren't just medical from obesity? Kelly Brownwell

psychological, social ones, financial ones for that matter, that really bear down on people and can really make their lives very, very unhappy -> try to get rid of stigma aimed at them and accept obese people

How have schools been targeted?

public funding cut, rely on sponsorship from unhealthy vendors like coke on scoreboard

Flexibility and warm up/cook down

reduces injury, does not count toward PA does count towards PA

What are examples of muscle strengthening activity?

resistance training and lifting weights, causes the body's muscles to work or hold against an applied force or weight. repetitions rather than durations

Healthy Active Children Policy- 8 components

safe environment; (2) Physical Education; (3) health education; (4) staff wellness; (5) health services; (6) mental and emotional health; (7) nutrition services; and (8) family/community involvement.

Examples brown well gives for environment

serving size of fries at mcdonalds, muffin size, marketing of unhealthy foods, industry not having much policing marketing and kids are being targeted by it

How have serving sizes contributed according to Brownwell?

serving sizes are multiples of what they used to be -value meals -movie theatre popcorn size doubled for only paying $0.25 more

What are other less serious medical consequences of obesity?

sleep apnea, gout, arthritic problems, every organ system in the body is affected by the excess weight

What diet works?

something over long term with reasonable change they can live with

food industry marketing

spends amount of Johnson foundation by January 4th, PREDATORY

When will students buy and consume healthy foods?

tasty, accessible and affordable

How do economic factors play into obesity?

the cheapest option is often the most unhealthy

According to Abelson, why is it hard to find programs for obese children?

there are only intensive and expensive hospital based programs, they don't help maintain a healthy weight, researches don't understand fully all the factors contributing to obese children, there are either extremes of program, nothing for kids in the middle who are just obese but not diabetic

School districts and schools prohibit students from substituting other activities (e.g., JROTC, interscholastic sports) for physical education class time or credit requirements.


relative intensity

uses a person's level of cardiorespiratory fitness to assess level of effort (that looks like moderate or that looks like vigorous)

What happened after age 11 for obese/ normal weight?

very few changes

What are your thoughts on bariatric surgery for childhood/teenagers?

very last case scenario, bodies changing

Efforts that are in the process of helping children live better healthier lifestyles

weight watchers creating program (the first one failed, children regained weight now focusing less on points but rather whole family eating healthy), drug and medical companies testing on children

Food deserts

when individuals don't have access to healthy food options, even if people in those living circumstances wish to eat a healthy diet, it becomes hard to do it


works with pediatricians because they typically don't have the background to council overweight children

are schools to implement 30 minutes of daily PA?

yes, but doesn't not get rid of PE

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