Fahmy 3030 === Spanish En Sentences
( acabar [a-ka-BAR] verb to finish ) Alejandra siempre acaba la tarea temprano.
Alexandra always finishes the homework early.
( el artista [ar-TEES-tah] noun artist ) Ese artista exhibe sus pinturas en los museos de
( antes [AN-tes] preposition before ) Antes de mirar la televisión, hay que hacer las tareas.
Before watching television, we have to do our homework.
( arrastrar [a-rras-TRAR] verb to drag ) David arrastra un costal.
David drags a sack.
( apagar [a-pa-GAR] verb to turn off ) el anillo apagar
El papá apaga la luz.
( la alcancía [al-kan-SEE-a] noun, fem. (piggy) bank ) Eloísa guarda el dinero en su alcancía.
Eloise keeps the money in her bank.
( [an-DAR-a-ka-BA-yo] riding ) Cada domingo anda a caballo.
Every Sunday he goes horseback riding.
( el aparador [a-pa-ra-DOR] noun, masc. store window ) Hay ropa en el aparador. (la vitrina)
There are clothes in the store window.
( el acuario [a-KUA-reeo] noun, masc. aquarium ) Hay peces en el acuario.
There are fish in the aquarium.
( la arena [a-RE-na] noun, fem. sand ) En la playa hay arena.
There is sand on the beach.
( algo [AL-go] pronoun, masc. something ) Hay algo en la caja.
There is something in the box.
( a [A] preposition at, in, to ) Ellos van a México.
They are going to Mexico.
( andar [an-DAR] verb to go, to walk ) Ellos andan en el parque.
They are walking in the park.
( el automóvil [au-to-MO-beel] noun, masc. automobile ) Acaban de comprar un automóvil.
They have just bought an automobile.
( el apartamento [a-par-ta-MEN-to] noun, masc. apartment ) Ellos viven en un apartamento cerca de la escuela.
They live in an apartment near the school.
( el aire [AEE-re] noun, masc. air ) Ellos abren la ventana para que entre aire fresco.
They open the window so the cool air can come in.
( la acera [a-SE-ra] noun, fem. sidewalk ) Ellos caminan por la acera.
They walk along the sidewalk.
( el asiento [a-SYEN-to] noun, masc. seat ) Este asiento es para usted.
This seat is for you.
( ahora [a-O-ra] adverb now ) Ahora no podemos ir.
We can't go now.
( el anillo [a-NEE-lyo, a-NEE-yo] noun, masc. ring ) ¡Qué anillo tan bonito!
What a beautiful ring!
( el apellido [a-pe-LYEE-do] noun, masc. family surname ) ¿Cuál es su apellido?
What is your family surname?
( atreverse [a-tre-BER-se] verb to dare ) ¿Quién se atreve a subir el árbol?
Who dares to climb the tree?
( ausente [au-SEN-te] adjective absent ) ¿Quién está ausente hoy?
Who is absent today?
( la araña [a-RA-nya] noun, fem. spider ) ¿Quién tiene miedo de la araña?
Who's afraid of the spider?
( la almohada [al-mo-A-da] noun, fem. pillow ) Duermo en una almohada suave.
I sleep on a soft pillow.
( arriba [a-RREE-ba] adverb upstairs ) Mi dormitorio está arriba.
My bedroom is upstairs.
( el apetito [a-pe-TEE-to] noun, masc. appetite ) Mi hermano come con buen apetito.
My brother has a good appetite.
( el abogado [a-bo-GA-do] noun, masc. lawyer, attorney ) Mi papá es abogado.
My father is a lawyer.
( el abuelo [a-BUE-lo] noun, masc. grandfather ) Mi abuelo va a la pesca.
My grandfather goes fishing.
( la alfombra [al-FOM-bra] noun, fem. rug ) La alfombra de la sala es hermosa.
The rug in the living room is beautiful.
( aquí [a-KEE] adverb here ) Aquí están los zapatos.
The shoes are here.
( ancho [AN-cho] adjective, masc. wide / ancha [AN-cha] fem. ) La calle es muy ancha.
The street is very wide.
( [a-pa-RA-to-de-te-le-bee-SEEON] noun, masc. ) El aparato de televisión es moderno.
The television set is modern.
( el árbol [AR-bol] noun, masc. tree ) El árbol tiene muchas ramas.
The tree has many branches.
( arrancar(se) [a-rran-KAR-se] verb to take out, pull out ) El camión arranca el árbol.
The truck pulls the tree out.
( la aspiradora [as-pee-ra-DO-ra] noun, fem. vacuum cleaner ) La aspiradora limpia la alfombra.
The vacuum cleaner cleans the rug.
( adivinar [a-dee-bee-NAR] verb to guess ) Adivina lo que traigo.
Guess what I have.
( astuto [as-TU-to] adjective, masc. cunning, astute / astuta [as-TU-ta] fem. ) Es un hombre astuto.
He is a cunning man.
( acabar de [a-ka-BAR-de] idiomatic expression to have just ) Él acaba de tomar un refresco.
He just had a drink.
( a la izquierda [a-la-is-KYER-da] preposition to the left ) Enrique se sienta a la izquierda de Carlos.
Henry sits to the left of Charles.
( agosto [a-GOS-to] noun, masc. August ) Su cumpleaños es en agosto.
Her birthday is in August.
( anaranjada [a-na-ran-JA-da] fem. / color de naranja [ko-LOR-de-na-RAN-ja] ) Su camisa es anaranjada.
His shirt is orange.
( ¡Arriba! [a-RREE-ba] idiomatic expression Hurray! ) ¡Arriba los jugadores!
Hurray for the players!
( agarrar [a-ga-RRAR] verb to catch, to get ) Yo también quiero agarrar un pollito.
I also want to catch a chick.
( el apio [A-peeo] noun, masc. celery ) Me gusta el apio en la ensalada.
I like celery in the salad.
( el arroz [a-ROS] noun, masc. rice ) Me gusta el arroz con pollo.
I like rice with chicken.
( agua [A-gua] noun, fem. water ) Tengo sed. Dame agua, por favor.
I'm thirsty. Give me some water, please.
( abril [A-BREEL] noun, masc. April ) En abril llueve mucho.
It rains a lot in April.
( ahorrar [a-o-RRAR] verb to save ) Lino ahorra su dinero.
Linus saves his money.
( abrir [a-BREER] verb to open ) Marcos abre la puerta.
Mark opens the door.
( la aventura [a-ben-TU-ra] noun, fem. adventure ) María cuenta su aventura.
Mary is telling her adventure.
( amar [a-MAR] verb to love ) Mi mamá ama a mi papá.
My mom loves my dad.
( el aniversario [a-nee-ber-SA-reeo] noun, masc. anniversary ) Mis padres celebran su aniversario.
My parents are celebrating their anniversary.
( americano [a-me-ree-KA-no] adjective, masc. American / americana [a-me-ree-KA-na] fem. ) Mi maestro es americano de los Estados Unidos.
My teacher is an American from the United States.
( agradable [a-gra-DA-ble] adjective pleasant, nice ) Mi maestra es agradable.
My teacher is nice.
( aprender [a-pren-DER] verb to learn ) Se va a la escuela a aprender.
One goes to school to learn.
( el autobús [au-to-BUS] noun, masc. bus ) Rafael toma el autobús a las siete de la mañana.
Ralph takes the bus at seven A.M.
( el año [A-nyo] noun, masc. year ) Roberto tiene quince años.
Robert is fifteen years old.
( la alberca [al-BER-ka] noun, fem. pool ) Roberto nada en la alberca. (la piscina)
Robert swims in the pool.
( avergonzarse [a-ber-gon-SAR-se] verb to be ashamed ) avergüenza se avergüenzan
Se avergüenza cuando no hace la tarea.
( [an-DAR-(mon-TAR)-en-bee-see-KLE-ta] riding ) Le gusta montar en bicicleta.
She likes to go bicycle riding.
( el abanico [a-ba-NEE-co] noun, masc. fan ) Usa el abanico porque hace calor.
She uses the fan because it's hot.
( alguien [AL-gyen] pronoun someone ) Alguien está en la puerta.
Someone is at the door.
( algunas veces [al-GU-nas-BE-ses] adverb sometimes ) Algunas veces vamos al parque zoológico.
Sometimes we go to the zoo.
( así [a-SEE] adverb this way, so ) Así comen los españoles.
The Spanish eat this way.
( el actor [ak-TOR] noun, masc. actor ) El actor está aquí.
The actor is here.
( la ambulancia [am-bu-LAN-seea] noun, fem. ambulance ) La ambulancia va al hospital.
The ambulance is going to the hospital.
( el astronauta [as-tro-NAU-ta] noun, masc. astronaut ) El astronauta es muy valiente.
The astronaut is very courageous.
( la abeja [a-BE-ja] noun, fem. bee ) A la abeja le gustan las flores.
The bee likes flowers.
( el ala [A-la] noun, fem. wing / las alas [A-las] ) El pájaro usa las alas para volar.
The bird uses his wings to fly.
( el armario [ar-MA-reeo] noun, masc. cupboard ) Los platos hondos están en el armario.
The bowls are in the cupboard.
( abierto [a-BYER-to] adjective, masc. open / abierta [a-BYER-ta] fem. ) La caja está abierta.
The box is open.
( acompañar [a-com-pa-NYAR] verb to go along, to accompany ) El muchacho acompaña a su hermana.
The boy accompanies his sister.
( adrede [a-DRE-de] adverb on purpose ) El niño rompe el vaso adrede.
The boy breaks the glass on purpose.
( arrollar [a-rro-LYAR, a-rro-YAR] verb to roll ) Los muchachos arrollan los periódicos.
The boys are rolling the newspapers.
( la avenida [a-be-NEE-da] noun, fem. avenue ) El edificio está cerca de la avenida Bolívar.
The building is near Bolivar Avenue.
( a la derecha [a-la-de-RE-cha] preposition to the right ) El auto dobla a la derecha.
The car turns to the right.
( alegre [a-LE-gre] adjective cheerful, gay, glad ) Hoy los niños están alegres.
The children are cheerful today.
( acostarse [a-kos-TAR-se] verb to go to bed ) Los niños se acuestan a las nueve.
The children go to bed at nine.
( apretado [a-pre-TA-do] adjective, masc. tight / apretada [a-pre-TA-da] fem. ) El saco está apretado.
The coat (jacket) is tight.
( el algodón [al-go-DON] noun, masc. cotton ) El vestido es de algodón.
The dress is made of cotton.
( adiós [a-DEEOS] interjection good-bye ) El papá dice "adiós."
The father says "Good-bye."
( la aeromoza [ae-ro-MO-sa] noun, fem. flight attendant ) La aeromoza ayuda a los pasajeros.
The flight attendant helps the passengers.
( el amigo [a-MEE-go] noun, masc. friend, chum / la amiga [a-MEE-ga] fem. ) Los amigos están pescando.
The friends are fishing.
( alrededor [al-rre-de-DOR] adverb around ) El jardín está alrededor de la casa.
The garden is around the house.
( afuera [a-FUE-ra] adverb outside ) El jardín está afuera.
The garden is outside.
( la abuela [a-BUE-la] noun, fem. grandmother ) La abuela prepara la comida.
The grandmother prepares the food.
( [an-TE-na-de-te-le-bee-SEEON] noun, fem. ) Las casas tienen antenas de televisión.
The houses have television antennas.
( la aguja [a-GU-ja] noun, fem. needle ) La señora usa la aguja para coser.
The lady uses the needle to sew.
( el aceite [a-SAY-te] noun, masc. oil ) El motor necesita aceite.
The motor needs oil.
( asistir [a-sees-TEER] verb to attend ) Los padres asisten a las reuniones de la escuela.
The parents attend the school meetings.
( allá [a-LYA, a-YA] adverb down there, over there ) Allá está el avión.
The plane is over there.
( el aeropuerto [ae-ro-PUER-to] noun, masc. airport ) El avión sale del aeropuerto.
The plane leaves the airport.
( el avión [a-BEEON] noun, masc. plane ) El avión se despega del aeropuerto.
The plane takes off from the airport.
( arrestar [a-rres-TAR] verb to arrest ) El policía arresta a los ladrones.
The policeman arrests the robbers.
( el alumno [a-LUM-no] noun, masc. pupil / la alumna [a-LUM-na] fem. ) El alumno hace la lección en clase.
The pupil does his lesson in class.
( el arco iris [AR-co-EE-rees] noun, masc. rainbow ) El arco iris tiene muchos colores.
The rainbow has many colors.
( allí [a-LYEE, a-YEE] adverb there ) Tu libro está allí.
Your book is there.
( arquitectura [ar-kee-tek-TOO-ra] noun, fem. architecture ) La arquitectura es la técnica y el arte empleados en toda
( arreglar [a-rre-GLAR] verb to arrange, to repair ) Among the great architectural wonders of the
world, there are three in Latin America: Brazil