Fallacy Examples

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Everyone at school has green Crocs, so I should buy some, too.

Hasty generalization

Gloria is good at math. All Asians are good at math.

Slippery slope

If you don't tie your shoes, then you will trip and break your neck, and be paralyzed for the rest of your life, and then die an early death.

Faulty analogy

It is outrageous that the school got rid of the cookies. They didn't get rid of the fruit cups or the apples.

Straw man

Letting gay people into the definition of marriage is the same as letting someone marry their brother.

Non sequitur

Little Billy loves cliffs. He should throw dogs at Fred.

Sentimental appeal

Deforestation causes the loss of the habitats of many helpless, poor sloths and baby pandas. Don't waste paper. :'(

Begging the question

I can't buy this mini van, I've only driven trucks.

Faulty causality

I wore a purple dress to the dance and my boyfriend broke up with me--clearly I shouldn't wear purple.

False authority

I'm a genius, my kid sister said so.

Non sequitur

If Browns fans were more exciting and energetic, the football team would be a lot better.

Faulty causality

If kids play violent video games they will grow to be murderers.

Scare tactic

If you don't believe in God, you will burn in hell for an eternity.

Scare tactic

If you don't bring a snack to class on Thursdays, we will egg your house.

Scare tactic

If you don't brush your teeth, your teeth will turn yellow


Marijuana should be legalized, and that's that.

Begging the question

"You can't break up with me because we're in love."

Faulty causality

Acne stems from bacteria trapped under the skin. Outdoor swimming pools have a lot of bacteria in the water, and the number of reported acne breakout also increased over the summer, therefore swimming causes acne.

Faulty causality

Because I stayed up all night studying for my Chemistry Test, I failed my Psychology Test.

Hasty generalization

Because the people responsible for 9/11 were Middle Eastern, that means all Middle Eastern people are terrorists.

Straw man

Child: Can I go see a movie with my friend tonight? Parent: No, you haven't finished all your homework. Child: So you really don't want me to do anything with my friends!

Moral equivalence

I can rob this candy store because I steal my sibling's candy all the time.

Moral equivalence

It is ok to steal a candy bar from Giant Eagle because they give out free samples all the time.

Straw man

Republicans often say taxes are too high to encourage economic growth, but they are really just trying to lower taxes for large corporations that fund their campaigns.

False authority

Roger said that meth is the best drug, and he is not addicted to it; therefore, meth must be good.

Moral equivalence

Several Children have gotten seriously injured or have even died on dangerous playground equipment, but yet drugs have child-proof caps and other methods of protection against kids tampering with them. Since kids are ours to care for, it is our responsibility to make their playspaces as safe as possible by installing the proper safety utilities on playgrounds.

Faulty analogy

Sky diving and playing with guns can potentially cause death, so if you don't take the risk of playing with guns you shouldn't take the risk of sky diving.


There was a sign that said "fine for littering," so since the said it was fine, I threw my wrapper on the ground.

Ad hominem

Why would someone vote for Trump? He's ugly and has no political experience, making him unfit to be our president.


You should try drugs because all your friends are doing it.

Non sequitur

You want everyone to hate me because you didn't let me go to the biggest party of the year!

Hasty generalization

Bob is eating carrots. Bob must love to eat vegetables.

Sentimental appeal

By donating just ten cents a day, you should save the lives of starving children by giving them the gift of food.

Faulty causality

Due to the soccer team's poor performance, the school should spend more money on new soccer equipment.

Straw man

A: We should build a new park. B: So what you're saying is we should give everyone a free hand out.

Faulty causality

According to a study done at Harvard, colds are contagious. I had a cold last week, and now you are sick. Therefore, I must have given you my cold.

Begging the question

Obviously the universe is infinite because we know it never ends.

Hasty generalization

The frames on my glasses cracked today, therefore, all Ray Ban glasses must be cheap


We can either pass the legalization of marijuana, or pay higher taxes, rejecting the bill and punishing the economy.


We can support gay rights, or reject national equality for every man or woman.

Sentimental appeal

We need to stop global warming because there are starving and lonely baby polar bears watching their parents fall through the thin ice.

Faulty Analogy & Syllogism

"Witches are made of wood, as are ducks. If she weighs the same as a duck then she is made of wood, and therefore a witch!"- "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"


-"Did you complete all the homework accurately?" -"Yes, I quickly completed the homework...every question has an answer."

Scare Tactic

If you don't buy snow tires, then your family will die in a car crash

Moral equivalence

Killing and eating animals is as bad as committing mass murder of humans, because all living things are equal and all lives matter.

Faulty causality

Two years after the cultural uprising of rap music, students' grades in music class dropped from A's to C's- a huge difference.

Slippery slope

If you lose a bet on a football game, you will develop an addiction to wagering on sporting events, eventually grow bankrupt, and become homeless for the rest of your life.

Hasty generalization

I went to the new Jimmy Johns and got sick after eating it, all Jimmy Johns has spoiled produce.

Slippery slope

If you skip breakfast, then you will be hungry. If you're hungry you will pass out. If you pass out then you will hit your head. If you hit your head then you will get a concussion. A concussion will lead to internal bleeding. If you have internal bleeding you will die.

False authority

My counselor told me that all girls like boys who play sports. Therefore, if you want a girl to like you, you should play sports.

Faulty causality

When I answered B on every question of my test, I aced it.

Ad hominem

Ben Carson is a responsible adult, but Donald Trump is a racist bigot. Don't vote for a racist bigot.

Faulty analogy

It's outrageous that marijuana is legal is some states, cocaine isn't legal anywhere!

Faulty Causality

Just using sparknotes won't help me get a good grade on the The Catcher in the Rye test, so sparknotes is the reason why I have a bad grade in Lang.

Faulty analogy

People who gamble are like stock investors -- they risk a lot of money without much knowledge of whether or not they'll come out on top.

Ad hominem

Vote for me for class president, because I don't party and get drunk every weekend like my candidate.


You can either go to college or end up homeless.


You can wash the dishes, or you can be grounded.

Begging the question

You can't arrest me for speeding because I am a good driver who follows the rules.


All those left-wing commie infidels want to kill all good Christian people. If you believe anything else then you are one of them.

Begging the question

Nixon cannot possibly be accused of adultery because he's the president of United States--presidents don't do those kind of things!

Moral Equivalence

Sleep and drugs both bring people into an unconscious state. Therefore, since sleep is legal, all drugs should be legal as well.

Slippery Slope

If you don't grow to at least 6 foot tall as a man, you will not be respected and therefore will never have a meaningful career.


Adult: Did you push little Timmy? Kid: Little Timmy was standing next to me and he fell.

Straw man

After Samantha said that the government should spend more money on health and nutrition; however, Alex countered her by saying that he was repulsed that she hates children's education and are leaving them to suffer.

Non sequitur

Mrs. VonVille is really short, but she doesn't work for santa.

Ad hominem, Straw man

Donald Trump is crazy, all he wants to do is make people starve.

Ad Hominem

Donald Trump would be a bad president because he says no to immigrants but he's married to one, and no one wants a hypocrite as president.

Sentimental appeal

Every year thousands of innocent, adorable dogs die due to insensitive human beings who lack respect and emotion for these helpless animals. Adopt a dog today!


Everyone in my class has an iphone so I need one too.


Everyone smokes meth, so you should too.

Ad hominem

I don't understand why we have this ref for our game against Stow. He spent his whole life in Stow and is definitely biased towards them.

Ad hominem

I fail to see why we should listen to Donald Trump, a walking corncob with less brains than a scarecrow.


Obviously, Starbucks should stick to their traditions and include Christmas on their seasonal cup since it is the most important holiday.

Straw man

The driving age should be lowered to 14. If you want to change the driving age, clearly you don't care about America's youth.

Straw man

The legal system pardoned O.J. Simpson for the murder of his wife. Apparently, anyone can kill someone and get away with it nowadays.

Slippery slope

If you don't have bacon for breakfast you won't be energized. If you are not energized you will fail your test. If you fail your test you will fail your class. If you fail your class you will have to drop out of school. If you drop out of school then you will have to get a job shoveling nuclear waste. If you get a job shoveling nuclear waste you will become irradiated. If you become irradiated your children will have three arms. Eat your bacon, don't have three armed children.

False authority

Kelly said we have homework tonight, and Kelly is always right, so we must have homework.

Begging the question

You can't punish me; I never get in trouble.

Sentimental appeal

We should focus on funding orphanages because millions of homeless, hungry infants die every year without a proper shelter.


Why don't you brush your teeth? It's what everybody else is doing!

Non sequitur

You must not try in your classes since you don't have straight A+s.


"You need to clean your room." "Mom, my room is already looking clean."

Straw man

A: I believe that abortion should be legal. B: My opponent believes that murdering babies should be allowed.


Derek Jeter is the best baseball player of all time, and anyone who tells otherwise is wrong.

Ad hominem

Don't listen to the answers Stacey gave you for last night's math homework, she got a C last quarter.

Faulty Analogy

Eating bacon is like eating anthrax. They both kill you eventually.

Ad hominem

Well I wouldn't vote for him because he smoked weed in college, you can't trust someone like that.


English is the most worthwhile subject and no other subject can compare to it.

Sentimental appeal

People who experiment on animals do not care for the cruel treatment to these innocent creatures.

Moral equivalence

Why do we send people to jail for murder, if we don't send people to jail for killing flies.

Moral equivalence

My dad can't criticize me for cheating on my Spanish test. He cheated on my mom!


"Either your children will eat spinach, or they will never form muscle mass."


I didn't steal it, I borrowed it without asking


I told my parents, "I'm going out with my friends on Saturday." We went out of state but my parents will be ok with it because they knew I was going out.


Sally: "Mom! John's touching me!" Mom: "John, did you touch her?" John: *with finger very close to Sally's face* "No! I'm not touching her."

Ad hominem

We shouldn't listen to our teacher because she crashed in the school parking lot.

Ad hominem

You can't believe anything Kylie Jenner says about true beauty. She's had all kinds of plastic surgery procedures.

Sentimental apeal

You need to donate to save the starving and disease ridden orphans in Africa.

Hasty generalization

You've been trying to fix that car for two days now, just give up, it's never going to work.

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