Family and Consumer Services

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Agricultural Experiment Station

In land-grant colleges an entity dedicated to the dissemination of practical and useful information relating to agriculture, home economics, and rural communities. In higher education, experiment station research has expanded in areas of textile fiber science, nutrition, family relations, human development, and consumer economics.

What are the three ecosystem environments

Natural Environment, Human Constructed Environment, Human Behavioral Environment

Oecology, Ecology

Concerns about the environment and conservation of resources, such as water supply sanitation.

Essence of Family and Consumer Sciences:

Creating healthy and sustainable families"

Urie Bronfenbrenner

Ecological Theory of Development

What are the four basic human needs

Food, Clothing, Shelter, Relationship


Pioneers who helped to shape the field had set the stage as they worked to make society a better and safer place in which to live. Joined by Progressives in other fields who tried to make big business more responsible through various regulations, to clean up corrupt city governments, improve working conditions in factories, and create better living conditions for immigrants and those who lived in poverty-often in slum tenements.

1899 Summer Conference

Richards and colleagues organized a summer conference in Lake Placid, New York.

Family and Consumer Sciences

Study of the laws, conditions, principles, and ideals which concerned on the one hand with man's immediate physical environment and on the other hand with his nature as a social being, and is the study specifically of the relations between those two factors'

Natural Environment

Humans interact with the available natural resources to create other resources that sustain life. It also includes genetic makeup of individuals as well as sources for and quality of air, energy, water, land, and plant life.

Global Family

The relationships and interactions of a family unit with the outside culture, often worldwide

Mission 1994

"an integrative approach to the relationships among individuals, families, and communities and the environments in which they function"

Mission 1909

"improve the conditions of living in the home, the institutional household, and the community"

Mission 2012

"the comprehensive body of skills, research, and knowledge that helps people make informed decisions about their well-being, relationships, and resources to achieve optimal quality of life"

Mission 1979

"to enable families, both as individual units and generally as a social institution, to build and maintain systems of action which lead (1) to maturing in individual self-formation and (2) to enlightened, cooperative participation in the critique and formulation of social goals and means for accomplishing them"

Tenth Lake Placid Conference

1908, Richard and entourage formed the American Home Economics Association

Progressive Era

1909-1920 era provided the perfect backdrop for the American Home Economics Association to flourish. National Consumer League, the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA), and the women's suffrage movement begin. Women's rights increased in minimum wages for women, provided benefits for children and pregnant women, and established labor laws to protect children.

Smith-Hughes Act of 1917

1st act setting vocational education apart from the regular high school curriculum and establishing federal funds to support vocational education, now called CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE). In high school today CTE education includes family and consumer sciences courses that prepare students for their future careers as well as their family and community roles.

Perkins Act

1st authorized in 1984 to support secondary and post-secondary vocational education programs in agriculture, business, and technology.

3 categories of the body of knowledge

The Integrative Elements, Core Concept, The Cross-Cutting Themes

Land-Grant University

Universities built on a piece of land given by the federal government used to extend educational opportunities that promoted agricultural, industrial, and domestic economy, which was later known as Home Economics. Nutrition, botany, geology, agriculture, mining, and engineering were typical courses of study offered.

Family and Consumer Sciences

a discipline and a profession that focuses on an integrative approach to the reciprocal relationships among individuals, families, and communities, as well as the environments in which they function.

Ecological Theory of Development

a person's social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development within the context of his or her environment.


an informal network of elements that are interrelated in a more or less stable fashion within a given time period.

Smith College

awarded Ellen Swallow Richard an honorary doctorate.

Core Concepts

basic human needs, individual well-being, family strengths, and community vitality

Ellen Swallow Richards

born in 1842, became the first woman to graduate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Graduate degree in chemistry, visionary in her desire to apply scientific concepts to home and family life. Recognized as the founder of HOME ECONOMICS & 1st president (sanitation, nutrition, child development, food preservation) a discipline that subsequently became FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCES. Involved in testing foods and home furnishings for contaminants, conserving energy, or investigating water pollution. 1890's taught science in community and public schools to expand the minds and offer applied knowledge that would enhance the quality of life for families. Offered home school and community studies in sanitation, nutrition, child development, and food preservation. This taught men and women how to care for themselves through principles of science and economics. Started Boston's 1st school lunch program. 1884-1894 served as chemist to Manufacturers Mutual Fire Ins Co and conducted studies on the potential danger from spontaneous combustion of various oils in commercial use. Served on the State Board of Health of Massachusetts and began a survey of water supply contamination that laid the groundwork for water testing today.

Smith-Lever Act of 1914

established the Cooperative Extension Service which required all land-grant colleges to establish an Agricultural Experiment Station.

Family Ecosystem Model

families affected by the environment around them

Home Economics Association

formed in 1909, Ellen Swallow Richards was 1st President.

The Integrative Elements

human ecosystems and life course development

Home Economics

included child development, family studies, dietetics, hospitality, management, consumer economics, interior design and apparel merchandising. 1994 name changed to AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES.

human behavioral environment

includes all the societal systems that regulate behavior and relationships between people

Life Course Development

looks at an individual or a family over time.

What are the 4 levels of environmental systems, distinguished on the basis of their propinquity with respect to the developing person

microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem

human constructed environment

products produced for consumers to use, ex. tractors, cereal, cell phones, designer jeans, public transportation, refrigerators

Body of Knowledge

provides a foundation for professional practice no matter what the specialization


relationship between the family and other venues for development (neighborhood childcare center or school)

What 3 sentiments are a modern nuclear family shaped by that causes the family to be termed PSYCHOLOGICAL FAMILY

romantic love between adult partners rather than a partnership based on function only, parental love for children, the belief that bonds among nuclear family members grow more intense and binding


social settings that a person may not experience firsthand but that still influence development (social networks, religious groups family participate in)

Journal of Home Economics

spearheaded by Richard also named the Council of the National Education Association


the basic unit in which two or more people are sharing emotional, social, physical, and economic resources. social unit that interacts within a given culture or environment.

Human Ecosystem Model

the environmental systems is further differentiated into three distinct environments that include the natural environment, the human constructed environment, and the human behavioral environment

Social System

the family is a task performance group that meets the needs of its members (termed organisms) as well as other social groups.

Morrill Act of 1862

the federal government designate a parcel of land in each state to be used for establishing a university.


the interdependence of humans both within and with the environment.


the people and objects in an individual's immediate environment (family)

The Cross-Cutting Themes

wellness, appropriate use of technology, global interdependence, resource development and sustainability, and capacity building

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