fbla principles

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A member makes a motion, in most cases, by saying

"I move that..."

DataMatch offers a _____ scholarship each year to two FBLA members.


What amount of each FBLA member's dues pays for a subscription to "Tomorrow's Business Leader"?


One of the programs available to FBLA members at the National Leadership Conference is the National Leadership Conference Internship. These students work as interns on-site. They receive complimentary NLC conference registration and


As reported in the fall 2002 edition of Tomorrow's Business Leader, FBLA-PBL has raised over _____ million for March of Dimes in the past 30 years.


What is the amount of the non-recurring fee for chartering a new FBLA chapter or reactivating an already chartered chapter?


Annual dues for a Professional Member are


An individual award of _____ is awarded for the FBLA-PBL Distinguished Business Leader Scholarship.


National FBLA dues are _____ starting from 1994.


Each state can nominate _____ individual(s) for the Who's Who in FBLA award, which honors FBLA members who have made an outstanding contribution to the association at the local, state, and national levels.


During the final round of oral presentations for the Community Service Project, how many minutes are allowed for the presentation?


How many members are on the National Board of Directors?


The written objective test for Computer Applications counts for _____ percent of the final event score.


The street address for the national office is

1912 Association Drive.

When was FBLA founded?


The name "Future Business Leaders of America" was chosen in


The official emblem and insignia item designs are described and protected from infringement by registration in the U.S. Patent Office under Trademark Act of


Iowa became the first FBLA state chapter in


Phi Beta Lambda was created in


When did the board of directors approve the establishment of an FBLA-PBL Alumni Division?


When did the FBLA annual membership top 200,000 for the first time?


When was the FBLA-PBL Professional Division formed?


When was the groundbreaking ceremony held for the FBLA-PBL National Center?


When was the grand opening of the FBLA-PBL National Center held?


The FBLA-Middle Level Division was established in


When did Edward D. Miller retire?


Each state chapter is entitled to send how many voting delegates to the National Leadership Conference?

2 and 1 alternate

According to the FBLA-PBL Format Guide, the top margin on a memorandum should be

2 inches

The vote required for adoption of amendments to the national bylaws is a

2/3 vote of the state voting delegates attending the National Leadership Conference.

Ordering your greeting cards from Holiday Expressions located on the National Web site will result in _____ of their net proceeds going to the March of Dimes.


When was the National Center Mortgage retired?


There are approximately _____ FBLA-PBL members.


Business of the national executive council may be conducted by mail and requires a

3/4 vote.

A local chapter of over 100 members is allowed _____ voting delegates to the national conference.


The national staff is responsible for publishing _____ student member publications per year.


FBLA-PBL is divided into how many administrative regions?


What is the minimum number of active chapters required in order for a state to be issued an FBLA state chapter charter?


When presenting a Chapter Report, the penalty points for a team that goes over the time limit is _____ points.


Middle Level FBLA is open to

5-9 grades.

When submitting materials for the Job Interview event to the national center, a participant must send _____ copies.


There are _____ "I believe" statements in the FBLA-PBL creed.


Written reports must include which of the following? (Divider pages and appendices, laminated covers and 25 pages, sheet protectors and attached items, 8 1/2" by 11" paper and single- or double-spaced)

8 1/2" by 11" paper and single- or double-spaced

There are _____ goals.


To qualify to be a Gold Key Chapter, the chapter must complete _____ of the 12 activities listed on the entry form.


What is the quorum for all business meetings of the NLC?

A majority of the registered voting delegates.

Which of the following statements about competitive event eligibility is NOT true? (A member may represent his or her chapter in any number of chapter events, A member taking the National Parliamentarian selection test may compete in another event, A member who participates in a pilot event cannot compete in that same event when it becomes an official competition, A member representing his or her chapter in the oral portion of the Community Service Project may compete in an individual event)

A member who participates in a pilot event cannot compete in that same event when it becomes an official competition.

What are the classes of membership in FBLA?

Active, Middle Level, Professional, and Lifetime.

Year-round discounts for FBLA are provided by


Who is included in the FBLA-PBL Professional Division?

Alumni and professional business persons

A student may compete in both the following events at the NLC.

American Enterprise Project and Entrepreneurship

The Edward D. Miller Award is also known as the

American Enterprise Project.

Where is 2013 NLC held?

Anaheim, CA

Which typically occurs first at an official FBLA business meeting?

Approval of previous meeting's minutes

Proposed amendments to the FBLA national bylaws are to be submitted in writing to the President/CEO no later than:

April 1

Where is 2016 NLC held?

Atlanta, GA

Who is the FBLA North Central Region Vice President?

Bailey Morrison (MO)

According to the FBLA-PBL Dress code, males may wear this in lieu of a collared shirt and necktie, as long as a sports coat or business suit is worn.

Banded collar shirt

Who is the Education Director of FBLA-PBL?

Barbara Small

According to the FBLA-PBL Format Guide, letters should be prepared in the following format.

Block style with open punctuation

Who is the Professional Division President?

Brad Howard

Who is the FBLA National Parliamentarian?

Brendan Hopkins (PA)

Who is the FBLA Mountain Plains Region Vice President?

Brent Comstock (NE)

Who is the FBLA National Treasurer?

CJ Severson (OR)

FBLA is one of ten CTSOs recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. For what does CTSO stand?

Career and Technical Student Organization

A good resource on scholarships, competitive events, and bylaws is the

Chapter Management Handbook.

Press releases are a good way to inform the public of chapter activities. Sample press releases are found in the

Chapter Management Handbook.

Where is 2015 NLC held?

Chicago, IL

Who is the FBLA Southern Region Vice President?

Collin Potter (KY)

Where did the founder of FBLA teach?

Columbia University, New York City

Article X of the bylaws concerns the


Free certification testing is offered to all students and advisers from


National eligibility requirements must be followed by all competitors. Which of the following is not a requirement? (Business Math is for students in grades 9 and 10 only, Students must take tests in sequence (Word Processing I then Word Processing II), competitors must have paid their dues by December 1 of the year they participate, Members may not participate in more than one individual event)

Competitors must have paid their dues by December 1 of the year they participate.

Which FBLA events are classified as "skill events"?

Computer Applications, Desktop Publishing, Word Processing

Dotty Clark, former business teacher and president of FunTeaching.Com, sponsors the following competition at the national conference:

Computer Concepts

The headquarters for FBLA-PBL is built on land donated by the

Conrad N. Hilton Foundation.

Today, successful businesses require a consistent image throughout their organizations. In order for FBLA-PBL to also present a consistent image, an FBLA-PBL Format Guide has been developed for use in all of the following competitions except (word processing I, word processing II, computer applications, desktop publishing)

Desktop Publishing.

Who is the PBL National President?

Donnie Iorio

Who developed the concept of FBLA?

Dr. Hamden L. Forkner

Fundraising is an important part of most local chapter organizations. These funds are used for a variety of service and chapter expenses. All of the following except one is an approved fundraiser for FBLA. (Ozark Delight Lollipops, Tom-Wat Fundraising Program, Eastbay, DATAMATCH, Inc.)


The Virgin Islands are in this region.


Awards are given at the National Conference for all of the following except (Gold Key Chapter, Silver Key Chapter, Ebony Key Chapter, Bronze Key Chapter)

Ebony Key Chapter

What is the method for breaking tie scores in objective, machine-graded events?

Evaluate students' performance on the final ten questions of the exam

What are the membership divisions of FBLA-PBL, Inc.?

FBLA, FBLA-Middle Level, PBL, Professional

Participants in Public Speaking I & II must develop a speech around the


Who is responsible for submitting FBLA's annual budget to the Board of Directors?

FBLA-PBL President/CEO

A two-thirds vote is required for election of officers.


Chapters from only the continental states can submit articles or news to the national student publication.


Judges in the performance events do not consider dress code in their evaluations.


Only FBLA members, not FBLA advisers, can attend the IFL at the national conference.


The FBLA-PBL mission statement includes the phrase "people around the world."


The U.S. Department of Education does not approve of federal and state grants funds for vocational and technical education to be used by the States to give leadership and support to student organizations.


The U.S. Department of Education is not a national affiliate of FBLA-PBL.


What is the date of FBLA-PBL Community Service Day?

February 15

Who is Edward D. Miller?

First full-time executive director appointed 1973

What awards are included in the Business Achievement Awards?

Future Award, Business Award, Leader Award, and America Award

The name of our student organization as found in our charter and on all official publications is

Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda, Inc.

According to the FBLA-PBL Format Guide, the following font is not allowed on a computer related skills test?


Which competitive event is named for Hollis and Kitty Guy?

Gold Seal Chapter Award of Merit

_____ is considered the founder of FBLA.

Hamden L. Forkner

Local Chapter Annual Business Report is also known as the

Hamden L. Forkner Award.

The newsletter for FBLA Advisers is


What are the first two words of each stanza of the FBLA-PBL Creed?

I believe

What is 2013's theme?

Igniting Innovation

What are the lengths of the speeches for the Public Speaking 1, Public Speaking II, and Impromptu Speaking events?

Impromptu Speaking and Public Speaking I, 4 minutes; Public Speaking II, 5 minutes

What is the certificate leadership program held in conjunction with the National Leadership Conference that equips members and advisers with essential career and business management skills?

Institute for Leaders

What state became the first FBLA state chapter?


If your chapter wanted to raise money by selling socks, you should contact this national partner of FBLA-PBL.


What date should officer applications be turned in for a state officer?

January 10

When is the nationwide kick-off of Job Shadow Day?

January 31

Who is the Eastern Region VP?

Jash Patel (NY)

Who is appointed as president and chief executive officer?

Jean M. Buckley

An experimental chapter was chartered on February 3, 1942, in what city and state?

Johnson City, Tennessee

The fiscal year for FBLA-PBL is

July 1-June 30.

If there are no applications for a particular national office by the May 15 deadline, then the deadline for that office will be extended to

June 15.

According to the FBLA-PBL Formal Guide, if a letter has an attention line, the salutation is

Ladies and Gentlemen.

In the March of Dimes Mission LIFT program, LIFT stands for

Leading Into the Future, Together.

Who is the membership director?

Lisa Frye or Lisa Smothers

To be eligible for national competition, FBLA members must have paid dues on or before

March 1.

Who is the FBLA Western Region Vice President?

Matthew Edgington (NV)

Which global information technology resource is not partnered with FBLA?


Who serves as a Chair Elect on the National Board of Directors?

Monty Rhodes

Where is 2014 NLC held?

Nashville, TN

What group is responsible for administering the competitive events program?

National Awards Program Committee

Which group is responsible for the general oversight and policy of FBLA-PBL?

National Board of Directors

A section of FAQs can be found in or on the

National Web site.

Who is the national president?

Nikitas Kanellakopoulos (CA)

The University of _____ organized the first PBL chapter.

Northern Iowa

When is American Enterprise Day?

Nov 15

Following the National Awards Program Committee's evaluation of a new competitive event, notification of adoption will be sent to state committee members for comments and reaction by:


When are the national dues deadlines?

Oct 20, Dec 15, Mar 1

Learn the best in management and leadership knowledge free of charge to FBLA members. Log on to the National FBLA-PBL Web site and go to

Online Speaker Series.

The Dorothy L. Travis Award is also called the

Parliamentary Procedure Award.

Some competitive events require that students show their knowledge on a written exam and then top teams are required to do a performance. These competitions include

Parliamentary Procedure and Entrepreneurship.

The following is included in the minutes of a meeting. (the seconder of a motion, debate of every member, treats, points of order and appeals sustained or lost)

Points of order and appeals sustained or lost

In order for a meeting to be conducted, which two officers must be in attendance?

President and secretary

Chapter activities are classified into what five functional areas?

Professional development, civic, service, social, financial

Which of the following is NOT an FBLA-PBL goal? (Create more interest in the American enterprise system, Promote growth and development through social activities, Encourage and practice efficient money management, Encourage scholarship and promote school loyalty)

Promote growth and development through social activities

Who is the National Secretary?

Rachel Ford (AR)

How is a state committee chairman selected?

Recommended by the FBLA-PBL President/CEO and approved by the Board of Directors

FBLA-PBL is headquartered in

Reston, VA

Who is the Conference Director of FBLA-PBL?

Richard Bowen

Who is the Conference Manager of FBLA-PBL?

Robert Smothers

Who is the Executive Assistant for FBLA-PBL?

Robin Rockwell

The Business and Industry Representatives on the FBLA-PBL Board of Directors are

Ronald E. Erwin, Judy Verses

Who serves on the National Board of Directors as a Past Chair?

Ryan Hamilton

The national vice presidents will do all of the following except: (Assist in planning regional leadership conferences, Assist the president in the promotion and development of FBLA in the regions that elected them, Serve as an ex officio member of the national executive council, Preside at regional meetings at the National Leadership Conference)

Serve as an ex officio member of the national executive council.

The official FBLA patch includes the following words:

Service, Education, Progress

The FBLA National Center is located in which region?

Southern Region

The conference held annually to select a state's representatives for national competition is the

State Leadership Conference

Who serves as the Chair of the National Board of Directors?

Tammy Skinner

Professional members receive the following publication:

The Professional Edge.

Who sets the date and location of the NLC?

The national staff recommends it and the National Board of Directors approves it.

FBLA members can "meet" their national officers by reading the

Tomorrow's Business Leader

The name of the FBLA member publication is

Tomorrow's Business Leader.

Who is the Director of Marketing and Membership for FBLA-PBL?

Troy D. White

FBLA-PBL is an independent nonprofit educational student association under Internal Revenue Code 501c(3).


In order to achieve the goals of FBLA, members should understand the American business enterprise.


Jean M. Buckley, president and CEO of FBLA-PBL is an ex-officio member of the board of directors.


Local chapters are chartered by the national association and operate under the supervision of a state chapter.


Local chapters can order training and chapter management merchandise from MarketPlace.


Oral presentations are a component of the American Enterprise Project, Community Service Project, and Partnership with Business Project.


The National Association of Secondary School Principals endorses FBLA-PBL.


The last goal of FBLA is to "Facilitate the transition from school to work."


The phrase "foster patriotism" is found in the FBLA goals.


The successful FBLA chapter imitates successful business by developing a Program of Work.


Winners at the national level will be given cash awards in the Accounting I and Accounting II competitions.


This competition uses the Internet and related technologies to communicate ideas and concepts and to deliver value to customers.

Web Site Development

Advisor Appreciation Day is the _____ of FBLA-PBL Week.


Utah is in this region.


Which one of the following is NOT one of the administrative regions in the United States? (Eastern, Mountain-Plains, Western-Central, Southern)


In the national student publications you will find each of the following except (chapter news, a message from your FBLA National President, FBLA important dates, a letter from FBLA-PBL CEO)

a letter from FBLA-PBL CEO.

One statement in the FBLA Creed states "I promise to use my _____ to make the world a better place for everyone."


At the national center, a "Wall of Fame" has been created to honor

advisers and state chairs with at least 20 years of experience and outstanding service.

In a standard order of business, new business comes

after unfinished business and general orders.

All students at the National Leadership Conference can compete in "Open Events." Students are allowed to take

as many tests as time allows.

The FBLA organization strives through one of its goals to "_____ students in the establishment of occupational goals."


Subsidiary motions (relate in different ways to the pending business or the business otherwise at hand, assist the assembly in treating or disposing of a main motion, concern matters of immediate importance, introduce new business)

assist the assembly in treating or disposing of a main motion.

I believe every person should take responsibility for carrying out assigned tasks in a manner that brings credit to self, _____, school, and community.


The term of office for national officers begins

at the close of the National Leadership Conference at which he or she was selected.

FBLA members can participate in Mission Lift, which encourages fundraising for the prevention of

birth defects.

The official FBLA colors are

blue and gold.

FBLA-PBL's mission is to

bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs.

At the national level, ties on the written events will be broken

by comparing performance on the last 10 questions and then time.

Local chapter advisers (are eligible to compete for the DATA MATCH scholarship, can make recommendations to the NAP Committee, are not responsible for students at the National Leadership Conference, create the Local Chapter Business Report)

can make recommendations to the NAP Committee.

FBLA-PBL NAP Committee correlates the competitive events with the nationally recognized business curriculum, which includes skills and competencies outlined in the SCANS Workplace Skills Standards. These include the following except: (personal qualities, thinking skills, basic skills, career development)

career development

The words "...to profit from my mistakes and take suggestions and criticisms directed toward the improvement of myself and my work" are taken from the FBLA

code of ethics

FBLA's "Go Green" project recognizes one chapter in each region for its:

earth friendly activities

The Mission Statement says "Our mission is to bring business and _____ together..."


One of the goals of FBLA is to "Encourage and practice _____ money management."


Parliamentary Procedure is used for all of the following except: (enable the majority to be heard, maintain orderly meetings, enable the majority to rule, determine the general will on a maximum of questions in the minimum of time)

enable the majority to be heard.

When preparing the Local Chapter Annual Business Report, all of the following except _____ should be included. (calendar of events, equipment used, financial report, service projects)

equipment used

Microphones will not be used in any event

except Parliamentary Procedure.

According to the FBLA-PBL Dress Code, over-the-knee boots are allowed if they are black or dark brown.


If a vote is obviously unanimous, the chair is NOT obligated to call for the negative vote on a motion.


In case of a tie vote, the motion is carried.


Proxy voting is allowed at the National Leadership Conference.


The quorum for all meetings of the National Leadership Conference shall be a majority of the registered voting delegates, or at least 10 people, whichever is less.


Tom Watson, Inc. is a national partner of FBLA.


When preparing minutes, it is unacceptable to summarize the subject of a guest speaker; all information should be recorded.


The person scoring highest on the Parliamentary Procedure written test will be appointed by the current president to serve as National Parliamentarian.

false (incoming president)

Which of the following is not true concerning the following statement? Qualifications for a national officer include (file an application with the association president and chief executive officer at FBLA-PBL by April 1, must have at least one full year remaining in his/her business program, only active members are eligible to hold national office, be recommended by the chapter advisers and endorsed by his/her local state chapters)

file an application with the association president and chief executive officer at FBLA-PBL by April 1.

There are _____ individual awards as part of the new Business Achievement Program.


I believe every person should prepare for a useful occupation and carry on that occupation in a manner that brings the greatest _____ to the greatest _____.

good, number

During a chapter's officer installation, the color of the Parliamentarian's candle is


Complete the following goal: Encourage members in the development of individual projects that contribute to the improvement of

home, business, and community.

There are three categories of competitive events available to members:

individual, team, and chapter.

The mission of the National Awards Program (NAP) is to prepare students for successful careers in business through support for curriculum development and

innovative assessment tools.

The third FBLA-PBL Goal is to create more

interest in and understanding of American business enterprise

Which word is NOT a part of the FBLA emblem? (education, service, progress, leadership)


The Future Business Leader competition honors outstanding FBLA members and consists of a

letter of application, resume, objective test, and interviews.

The dress code must be followed by

members, advisers, and guests.

FBLA members can network daily with other members across the country at the national FBLA-PBL Web site by logging on to the

message board.

Institute for Leaders is offered to all students attending

national conferences.

Is the Alumni Division a part of the FBLA-PBL?


If an officer serves ex officio on a committee, he or she is

not allowed to vote.

How many competitive events can an individual member participate in at the NLC?

one individual or team event and any number of chapter events

The NAP Committee is composed of

one member from each region and five at large members

The official FBLA-PBL Web site is at dot


All remarks and debate on a motion must be germane to an issue, meaning


The FBLA-PBL _____ begins with "I solemnly promise...."


When a member of the meeting at the back of the room can't hear debate, they can use the following motion: (main, subsidiary, privileged, incidental)


The topic for Emerging Business Issues

remains the same through national competition.

The last "I believe" paragraph begins with: "I believe I have the _____...."


"Encourage _____ and promote school loyalty" is one of the goals of FBLA.


Event guidelines state that all competitive event materials must be received in the national office by the end of business on the

second Friday in May.

When is FBLA-PBL week?

second week of February

According to Parliamentary Procedure, in debate each member has the right to

speak twice on the same motion.

Jad Acrylics, an approved fundraiser for FBLA, sells

sport bags.

The policymaking body of this organization derives its authority from the Articles of Incorporation of FBLA-PBL, Inc. and the laws of

the District of Columbia.

Contestants in Job Interview apply for a job at

the Merit Corporation.

If the office of FBLA National president should be vacant, it shall be filled by:

the VP from the president's region

In the Officer Installation ceremony, the tall white candle symbolizes

the entire chapter with all members working together.

NAP Committee members serve _____ year terms.


The national publication for FBLA student members is published

three times a year.

A Business Plan must contain an Executive Summary.


A member should rise to be recognized and remain standing while speaking.


Competitive event resources for Parliamentary Procedures may be purchased at MarketPlace.


During a chapter's officer installation, the Historian receives a green candle.


It is strongly recommended that a chapter prepare a Program of Work.


The name of the person making a second does NOT need to be entered into the minutes.


There are FBLA chapters in Canada.


Voice-recognition software may be used where appropriate in the Word Processing I event.


How many copies of the State Chapter Annual Business Report must be submitted for national competition?


The award for Largest Increase in Local Chapter Membership will be awarded to the top _____ local chapters in each region and one national winner at the National Leadership Conference.


According to the FBLA goals, students will "Strengthen the confidence of students in themselves and their


What is the address of the FBLA-PBL Web site?


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