Federalist Era Tets

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12. What four words did Washington "ad lib" at the end of his Inaugural Oath?

"So Help Me God" every president after Washington said it in their Inaugural Oath

3. How big was the debt of the U.S. in 1789?

America was in 80 million $$$ of debt.

15. How many slaves did Washington own? What did he do to his slaves in his will?

At the time of George Washington's death, the Mount Vernon estate's enslaved population consisted of 318 people. In his will it stated that after his wife Martha were to die all of the slaves would be set free.

22. How did Alexander Hamilton die? What denomination of currency has a portrait of Hamilton on the front?

Burr and Hamilton Duel takes place in Weehawken NJ, 1804. Dueling is illegal but is Easier to get away with in New Jersey Burr kills Hamilton He is on the $10 bill

5. What was the name of the council of special advisors the President uses to help him govern effectively?


9. True or False: Alexander Hamilton thought the farmer was the backbone of the American Economy, and tried to use the power of the federal government to assist farmers in as many ways as possible.


4. What two major European nations were at war in Washington's Presidency?

France and England

18. Describe the XYZ Affair and why it almost led to war with France.

France begins seizing American merchant ships take almost 300. Adams does not want to go to war so he sends 3 ambassadors to negotiate with the French Minister Talleyrand. Talleyrand refuses to meet and sends 3 ministers. (referred to as XYZ). In order to talk to Talleyrand they needed to pay 250,000. They did not pay. When word of this encounter was heard by the American people many of them wanted war.

2. Who were the first three Presidents of the U.S., in order?

George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson

10. To stabilize the American currency, what did Alexander Hamilton create?

He created the national Bank of the United States. B.U.S.

1. When was George Washington first elected President? What was unique about the vote for Washington in the Electoral College?

He was elected on April 30, 1789. All of the electors voted for Washington therefore, Washington won a unanimous election.

20. What was the end result of the Election of 1800? Why was this another controversial election?

Jefferson wins after much debate (voted 35 times) 1st inaugurated President in Washington D.C. 12th Amendment passed → President & Vice President voted separately. It was controversial because Jefferson and Burr tied and the way they voted. Every guy put Jefferson and then Burr.

14. What was George Washington's wife's name? What was the name of their massive plantation in Virginia?

Martha Washington Mount Vernon was their massive plantation in Virginia and was situated on the banks of the Potomac River.

21. What Constitutional Amendment was ratified because of the election of 1800? (The election of 1796 played a key role in this change as well!)

The 12 Amendment was ratified

8. What is the Secretary of War's area of expertise? Who was Washington's Secretary of War?

The Secretary of War is the head of the War Department. This person was responsible for all military affairs, including naval affairs. Later on however, the job responsibilities were reduced to only the affairs of the United States Army. Washington appointed Henry Knox as Secretary of War

7. What is the Secretary of the Treasury's area of expertise? Who was Washington's Secretary of the Treasury?

The Secretary of the Treasury is the principal economic advisor to the President and plays a critical role in policy-making by bringing an economic and government financial policy perspective to issues facing the government. Washington appointed Alexander Hamilton as Secretary of Treasury.

16. Describe the importance of the Whiskey Rebellion and what it proved about George Washington?

The Whiskey Rebellion was very important because it showed that the government had complete and total power and that there will be no rebellious acts against the government because they will be shut down immediately.This made Washington appear as a strong and authoritative figure that didn't tolerate any attacks against the federal authority.

17. Describe the Election of 1796. Who won and why was this election so controversial? (Think about the 1st and 2nd place finishers.)

The first contested Presidential Election in U.S. history! No distinction was made on the voting ballot between President and Vice- President. Electors just wrote tow names The dude with the most votes became President; the dude with the second-most votes became Vice- President! • Adams = president (1st) • Jefferson= Vice President (2nd)

6. What is the Secretary of State's area of expertise? Who was Washington's Secretary of State? Who is the U.S. Secretary of State today?

The secretary of state is the President's chief foreign affairs adviser. The Secretary carries out the President's foreign policies through the State Department and the Foreign Service of the United States. Washington appointed Thomas Jefferson as secretary of state. John Kerry is currently the secretary of state

19. What was the Alien and Sedition Act and why was it so controversial? What did it do and who did it hurt the most?

These laws included new powers to deport foreigners as well as making it harder for new immigrants to vote. New immigrants were not allowed into the US (in order to help the Federalist party). Also, you were not allowed to say anything bad about the president

11. With whom did Washington choose to ally the U.S.? England or France? Why?

Washington did not want to ally with any country. He wanted to remain neutral and not be involved in foreign affairs. ISOLATION from other countries. America needed to work on being an independent nation.

13. Why did Washington step down at the end of his second term as President?

Washington never actually wanted to do the second term of presidency but decided to stay. By the end of his second term he was tired and simply wanted to retire.

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