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Which of the following statements is true of business games?

Several alternative courses of action are available to trainees

Behavior modeling is a training method that is primarily based on ____.

Social learning theory

Which of the following statements is true?

Successful training and development includes the ownership by employees, managers, training professionals, and top management.

A primary disadvantage of using ___ in the needs assessment process is that the data obtained may lack detail.


Which term refers a systematic approach for developing training program?

The Training Design Process

Legal action against a company may likely not be incurred when_____.

The company uses small amounts of copyrighted materials as per the fair use doctrine.

It is necessary to limit return on investment (ROI) analysis to certain training programs as it can be costly to calculate.


Millennials and Gen Xers are more used to change and job insecurity than Baby Boomers


One of the most powerful ways to motivate employees to attend and learn from training is to communicate the personal value of the training.


Outsourcing allows a company to focus better on its business strategy by saving cost and time.


Pilot testing is more useful for formative evaluation than summative evaluation


Reactions are more frequently examined than results.


Social networking facilitates decentralized decision-making


The traditional classroom-type arrangement is not good for role-play exercises that involve trainees working in groups of two or three.


The working storage and sematic encoding process of learning both relate to short-term memory.


When using an outside vendor to provide training services, it is important to consider the extent to which the training program will be customized based on a company's needs


The first and most important step in choosing a training method is to identify the ____.

Types of learning outcomes

A case study is inappropriate for developing higher-order intellectual skills such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.


A defining characteristic of succession planning is effective onboarding


A potential advantage of a panel is that trainees who are relatively naive about a topic may have difficulty understanding important points.


A protean career is defined by a series of upward career transitions.


Adult learning theory assumes that adults enter a learning experience with a subject-centered approach to learning.


Adventure learning likely results in high transfer of training


Closed skills are highly influenced by managers, peers, and the work environment.


Cloud computing permits employees to access formal training programs only from a specific educational institution.


Companies pursuing an external growth strategy focus solely on human capital issues to enhance efficiency.


Employee engagement refers to training employees in a wide range of skills so they can fill any role in a team context.


Explicit knowledge is thought to have a stronger impact on helping organizations achieve a competitive advantage than tactic knowledge.


Fan-type seating is ineffective for training that includes trainees working in groups and teams.


Gamification refers to a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are supplemented by computer-generated sound, video, or graphics.


In error management training, trainees are instructed that errors hamper learning and should largely be avoided.


Individuals must wait until the age of 65 to begin receiving social security benefits.


Informal training cannot be used to develop explicit knowledge.


It is generally considered best practice for role plays to be unstructured to enhance contextual learning.


It is important for companies to place more emphasis on developing potential expatriates' technical skills than on preparing them to work in other cultures.


One of the most significant benefits of adaptive training is easily matching customizations to learners' specific needs


One principle of rapid instructional design (RID) is that the development of instructional content and process must be in close coordination.


Pressure points almost always suggest that a training need is present in the organization.


Skill-based pay systems base employees' pay on what skills they are using in their current jobs rather than the number of skills they are competent in.


Surveys and interviews share common disadvantages as needs assessment methods.


Tacit knowledge tends to be the primary focus of formal training and employee development.


Task analysis should be undertaken only before the organizational analysis has determine that the company wants to devote time and money for training.


The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) provides protection for all individuals based on age.


The believability of study results refers to external validity


The key defining characteristic of a flipped classroom is that control over the content of lectures is "flipped" from the instructor to student.


To encourage self-management, it is important to emphasize that lapses are evidence of personal failure.


____ refers to giving employees the option of choosing when to work during the workday or workweek.


Which of the following statements best differentiates formative evaluation from summative evaluation?

Formative evaluation focuses on how to make a training program better, whereas summative evaluation helps to determine the extent to which trainees have changed after training.

The ____ refers to a barrier to advancement for women and minorities

Glass ceiling

The strategic training and development process begins with ____.

Identifying the business strategy

June, a manager has been assigned to train a group of older employees in a specific department. She has to train each employee how to use a new computer software. She begins by reminding them that they were quick in learning the old software. June is trying to_____

Increase the employees' self-efficacy

Which of the following statements is true of rapid instructional design (RID)?

Instructional content and process can be developed independently of each other.

Which of the following is a feature of cloud computing?

It can be delivered on-demand via the Internet or restricted to use by a single company.

Which of the following is a criticism of the traditional training design model?

It is a linear approach driven by subject-matter experts.

Which of the following statements is true of training?

It is important to realize that for training to be effective, both learning and transfer of training are needed.

Training support technologies assist in transfer of training by providing employees with information not covered in training.

It is inappropriate for learners totally new to the work world, as it may confuse and overwhelm them.

_____ demonstrates to key business stakeholders, such as top-level managers, that their expectations about training have been satisfied.

Return on expectations (ROE)

Explain the term just-in-time learning (embedded learning). Why will it be increasingly prevalent in the future?

Embedded learning is training or learning that happens on the job as it is needed. It knowledge management and lots of collaboration. This will be relevant in the future because it will allow employees to use technology to get training when and where they need it. For example, an employee at a grocery store who forgets how to properly rotate milk could use their phone and log into an LMS that shows them a training video or provides them with a training document describing what needs to be done.

Describe the three components of expectancy theory and how it can be enhanced in a training context.

-Expectancy makes sure that trainees are confident in their ability to retain the information they have learned. -There should be systems in place that reassure trainees that they are learning and for their betterment. -Valence gives rewards to trainees. -The training that is being given should be valued as it will have a positive outcome on the trainee. -Instrumentality makes sure that the valence rewards are received by the trainees if they have learned successfully. The reward is that the training that employees are receiving is worth their while and will help them in their job or life.

Describe the difference between near and far transfer and then articulate strategies to enhance each type of transfer

-Near transfer is using the material you learned in training directly on the job -Far transfer is using the material you learn in training and applying it to multiple settings or jobs. -Near transfer would be used at a factory where employees needed to learn how to use specific food production machines to make a particular product, and would not be able to use the exact same training in many other jobs. -Far transfer would be used in a retail setting where if an employee is trained on customer service skills, cash handling procedures, food safety standards, etc., he or she could use those skills at any number of different jobs in various industries.

_____ is an example of a context-based learning method that is guided by companies.

A simulation

_____ relates to trainees' attitudes towards training content and motivation to transfer

Affective outcomes

Which of the following statements is true of learning management systems (LMS)?

An LMS helps companies understand the strengths and weaknesses of their employees, including where talent gaps exist.

Critique the effectiveness of blended learning. Consider blended learning relative to pure classroom learning and blended learning relative to pure technology-based learning.

Blended learning is here to stay and will be an integral part of future education. That being said, there are, of course, issues associated with it. These issues could include limited access to technology and a stable internet connection. While schools may provide laptops, individuals with poor internet connection may not be able to function as well in the learning environment compared to those with a fast connection. Furthermore, learners would not be able to collaborate as much with other people. Pure classroom learning is more beneficial to blended leaning, and blended learning is more beneficial to a purely technology based learning environment.

A SWOT analysis is typically conducted in the ____ step of the strategic training and development process.

Business strategy formulation and identification

Which of the following is not a common content area for onboarding programs?


If training emphasizes total group discussion with limited presentation and no small-group interactions, a ______ seating arrangement will be most effective


Describe strategies that companies can employ to help ensure the effectiveness of formal mentoring programs

Diversity can be used to create constructive conflict through varying view points. If person A has one particular understanding of how an issue works, while person B, who has had personal experience with that exact situation, will be able to help person A understand a bit better. Sometimes, these scenarios can result in conflict because certain people may have values and understandings solidified in their minds, when they may not be entirely accurate.

Which of the following is not measured by the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI)?

Emotional stability v. neuroticism

How does the strategic value of jobs and their uniqueness influence how training and learning resources are invested.

It varies from job title to job title, however, the more responsibility you have within an organizations strategic vision, the more training you will receive. If you have a higher level of responsibility, say perhaps you are a regional director for a large retail organization, you will need to be quite knowledgeable about the company's operations and policies, whereas if you are just a cashier, you don't need much more training besides which buttons do what and how to clock in/out.

Informal training _____________.

Leads to the effective development of tacit knowledge

Explain the four different roles that training and development professionals can take according to the ATD competency model.

Learning strategist: implements training methods that will best align with the organization's strategic vision -Business partner: Uses industry knowledge to create training that improves performance -Project manager: Ensures that the delivery of learning that supports and organization is adequate. -Professional specialist: Designs, develops, delivers, and evaluates learning systems.

In the _____ stage, individuals are concerned with keeping their skills up to date and being perceived as someone who is still contributing to the company. Question options:


Which of the following statements is true about demands of managers?

Managers are demanding shorter courses

Which of the following statements is true of technology's influence on training and learning?

New technologies give employees access to and control of their own learning through relationships and collaborations with others.

Discuss the advantages and challenges of job hopping from the employer's and the employee's perspectives

One of the benefits of job hopping is that you have the ability to take better offers wherever you go. Not happy with how much you're making? Another firm could easily take you on for an extra $10,000 per year. A challenge with job hopping from an employee perspective is that you may be more likely to get laid off since you are a newer employee, compared to a loyal employee of 30 years who has extensive knowledge of company operations. -An advantage from the employers side is that a new employee with lots of experience at different companies could potentially bring in new industry knowledge and new perspectives. A drawback is that they will more than likely hop to another job if the opportunity presents itself, and that means you have to hire and train someone else.

Which of the following is not true regarding the effectiveness of online learning?

Online instruction is better than classroom instruction for procedural knowledge.

The text explains that collecting data on social support for training from managers and peers is a component of which level analysis?

Organizational analysis, Personal analysis

The pre-training phase primarily involves_____

Preparing, motivating, and energizing trainees to attend the learning event

Which of the following is not one of the major business strategies discussed in the text?

Product differentiation

John Doe is a manager working in a competitive manufacturing firm. John has always been anxious about change. When top management at the manufacturing firm made it mandatory for all managers to undergo skills training, he told his supervisor that he would be uncomfortable with the process. He added that he was certain of not being able to cope with the new developments. In his instance, John is demonstrating ____.

Resistance of change

Describe the 70-20-10 model and its implications for training.

The model details how trainees usually learn 70% from real-life experiences or simulations, 20% from the relationships they form, and 10% from coursework and training. Training and development implications in using the model would primarily be that training departments would have to develop more hands-on training methods to help trainees retain knowledge far greater than if they were learning through classroom instructions, or any other sort of lecture-based training.

Compare and contrast reaction and affective learning outcomes. Be sure to define each to demonstrate your understanding of these concepts

The reaction is what the trainee will perceive during the training processes in regard to what is being taught, who or what is teaching it, how it is being taught, and where they physically are during training. -Affective learning is in regard to how the trainee affects them as a person. This could be how well they engage, their attitudes toward diversity and inclusion, or their motivation to learn the content that is being shown -.With that, we can see that reaction and affective learning are similar in that they both deal with how humans "deal" with the training that they are being given in emotional and physical aspects, whereas they are different in that one (reaction) deals specifically with immediate reactions, and the other (affective) could deal with more deep-seeded emotions the trainee has toward the content he or she is presented with.

Which of the following statements is true?

There is considerable overlap between learning outcomes across training methods.

Which of the following statements is true of closed skills?

They refer to skills that are to be identically produced by the trainee on the job.

Which of the following statements is true of competency models?

Traditionally, needs assessment failed to focus on competency

Appropriate training outcomes need to discriminate. This means that ______.

Trainees' performance on the outcome should actually reflect true differences in performance

Although development costs for technology-based training programs are high, costs for administering these programs are low.


Both the NEO Personality Inventory and the DISC measure conscientiousness


Discussing performance and development in the same meeting is difficult because they have different objectives.


Employees are allowed to take funds with them from life-long learning accounts if they leave a company


Why should upper level managers be included in the needs assessment process?

Upper-level managers are knowledgeable of skills that employees need in order for the organization to be successful, which means they are able to communicate those skills and needs to those who are designing training programs. This helps those who are designing training programs because if they know exactly what skills employees need to acquire, they will be able to design catered and specific training modules to new and current employees that will, in turn, help the organization grow.

The ATD competency model supports that a business partner _________________

Uses industry knowledge to create training that improves performance

The core employees in the nine-box grid are those with _____.

moderate potential and solid performance

In training, the greatest level of support that a MANAGER can provide is to ______.

participate in training as an instructor

In the _____ stage of the career management process, employees receive information on how the company evaluates their skills and where they fit into the company's plans

reality check

Effective knowledge sharing is most likely when employees ______.

see knowledge sharing as an additional responsibility

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