Fidelity Bank FDIC Deposit Insurance

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The FDIC covers:

- Checking accounts - Negotiable Order of Withdrawal (NOW) accounts - Savings accounts - Money Market deposit accounts - Time deposits such as certificate of deposits (CDs) - Cashier's checks, money orders and other official items issued by a bank

The FDIC does not cover:

- Stock investments - Bond investments - Mutual funds - Life insurance policies - Annuities - Municipal securities - Safe deposit boxes or their contents - US Treasury bills, bonds or notes

FDIC deposits insurance coverage depends on what two things:

- whether your chosen financial product is a deposit product - whether your bank is FDIC-insured.

Coverage limits:

-standard insurance amount: $250,000 per depositor, per insured bank, for each account ownership category - provides separate coverage for deposits held in different ownership categories. - all deposits that an account holder has in the same ownership category at the same bank are added together and insured up to the standard insurance amount.

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