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unfreezing, changing, refreezing

Kurt Lewin argued that the process of change involves the following sequence of phases:


A change in leadership is usually precipitated by poor performance of the group.

Formal group

A committee is an example of a

Escalation of commitment

After buying his new car, Joe realized it was a lemon. Instead of selling it, he spent $500 to repair it. When it broke down again, he spent another $1,500 on repairs. Joe's actions are an example of

Cautious shift

Although Sandra tends to make riskier decisions when she is alone, she makes more conservative decisions when in a group. This is similar to


Although most companies have a dominant culture, they also have a variety of subcultures.


Although role conflict and role ambiguity seem to be undesirable, there are some indications that in modest amounts and under the right conditions, they may actually have positive effects.

Physical proximity

Amanda and Mike have lived on the same block for 15 years and are best friends. Which of the following reasons would best explain their friendship?


Anglo-American managers are generally more democratic in orientation than managers from other countries.

If he uses surveys, the quality of his responses will be limited because he cannot interact with the respondents.

Arvin is attempting to change the organizational culture of his company. He has determined that before he can change the culture, he needs to measure the present culture. Which of the following is a problem that Arvin will face while trying to measure the organization's culture?


As a group's size decreases, members appear to be more tolerant of authoritarian and directive leadership.

an internal atmosphere of extreme competition where careers are made or destroyed by slight fluctuations in market share

At PepsiCo, competition with Coca-Cola has produced:


Because of its drawbacks, stress is never a positive for performance.


Blake and Mouton adapted the Iowa Approach in order to create a managerial training program that explains leadership styles in the context of a grid.

Role of conflict

Bob has been unhappy at work. His immediate supervisor, Brian, has been telling him to keep his production figures high regardless of the cost. Kathy, from the main office, has been telling Bob that production figures are not important, and that quality is more important. What is Bob experiencing at work?


Common biases found to influence decision making include an implicit favorite bias, a loss-aversion bias, and a personal experience bias.


Competition is directed toward obtaining a desired goal without interference from another party.


Conflict stemming from unsuccessful communication is the same as conflict based on substantive differences.


Decentralized networks are most effective for simple and routine tasks when the goal is to finish a task quickly and with few mistakes.


Difficulty in communication may be the symptom of another problem, not the cause of the target problem.


During the (blank) stage of the stress response, a person experiences anxiety, anger and fatigue.


Employee envy can be defined as a pattern of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that results from the loss of outcomes associated with a working relationship.

A "strong-arm" tactic used to battle resistance to change is negotiation.


Environmental factors are less likely to pose potential threats to an organization's well being, while structural factors are an organization's secondary means of achieving success.



For an integrative problem-solving approach to be effective, each party must also have a high degree of concern for the outcomes attained by the other party.


Formal studies tend to support the view that "opposites attract," rather than the view that "birds of a feather flock together."


Gatekeepers have relatively great influence at high levels in organizations.

Time pressure

Heather is under a strict deadline at work. Her boss wants her report tomorrow andHeather knows that she does not have enough information to write a good report.What type of organizational barrier to communication is operating in this situation?

All of the above

Herbert said that he preferred to focus on outcome variables in measuring the effectiveness of an O.D. intervention. Which of the following would he use?


In Fiedler's contingency model of leadership effectiveness, leadership style is assessed with a semantic differential attitude scale that measures assumptions concerning the most preferred coworker.


In the trait approach, which of the following was NOT an attribute found to be associated with leadership?


Intrinsic sources of job satisfaction originate from the environment outside the individual.


Leader and manager are terms that can be used interchangeably because they are equivalent.


Leadership can be defined as a process through which a person tries to get organizational members to do what the person desires.

Centralized network

Meg has a task that needs to be done quickly and accurately. Her task is simple and routine. What type of communication network should she utilize in her group?

(Blank) is an interactive process, wherein two or more groups discuss the allocation of resources.



North Americans stand more closely than Latinos do when engaged in conversation.


Obstacles to communication known as noise, barriers, and filters occur primarily during the receiving step.

All of the above

On the plus side, it can be argued that workplace romances may have some positive consequences for employers, such as

in survey feedback everyone in the organization is likely to be surveyed, but in the traditional approach only lower-level employees are likely to be surveyed.

One way in which the survey feedback technique differs from the traditional employee survey approach is:


Organizational culture involves common beliefs and feelings, regularities in behavior, and a historical process for transmitting values and norms.


Organizational members, rather than outside consultants, are usually responsible for the organizational development process.

Which of the following is true?

Organizations can be viewed as having a dominant culture? b. A culture's strength is identified by whether the organization's values and norms are intensely held and widely endorsed. c. Organizations are acknowledged to have many subcultures. d. Organizations that seek to create strong cultures emphasize employee socialization. (All of the above are true - correct answer)

Which of the following statements is true?

Patterns of evolutionary growth and decline occur as organizations develop.


Personal decision making focuses on the actions and life of an individual, while organizational decision making focuses on the practices and performance of an organization.


Recognition by top management that a problem exists is important for the success of an O.D. program.


Research suggests that Westerners tend to have less concern for punctuality than other people.

All of the above

Resistance to change is one of the most serious challenges to OD specialists, and may be overcome through


Selye's view suggests that all people go through the same pattern of response and that all people can only tolerate so much stress before debilitating exhaustion occurs.


Sergio uses a conflict management style that incorporates intermediate amounts of assertiveness and cooperativeness. Sergio's style is known as:


Similarity of attitudes and goals, small unit size, group-based reward systems, and group isolation are all likely to induce group cohesiveness.


Some signs that a manager needs to reduce conflict include an unusually low rate of employee turnover, a shortage of new ideas, strong resistance to change, and the belief that cooperativeness is more important than personal competence.


The ability to make high-quality decisions and to be creative is likely to be impaired in situations containing a high degree of role conflict.


The classical view of decision making does a good job of describing how a decision should be made, but it is largely inaccurate in describing how managers typically make decisions.


The goal of collaboration is to teach managers how to cope with the organization's structure without giving in to the impulse to create additional structure.


The interest in ethical decisions stems partly from a desire to avoid legal action and the resulting adverse public reaction, as well as a desire to satisfy concerns of personal conscience.

All of the above

The need for (blank) can be satisfied by joining a group


The peculiarities of newer technologies do not contribute to various forms of misunderstanding.


The traditional view and the contemporary view both argue that all conflict should be avoided.

Thomas has a polychronic style and Bill has a monochronic style.

Thomas does several things at one time, while Bill has to focus on one task at a time. Which of the following descriptions best fits Thomas and Bill?

a. time logs, structuring time, just saying no, making a list.

Time management specialists have developed a number of useful techniques for gaining control over one's work life. These techniques include:


Tito had a novel idea a few weeks ago, and he is presently at the stage in the creative process where he is trying to recall all the information he can that is relevant to his idea. What stage of the creative process is Tito in?


To be considered a group, no fewer than four people must deal with one another on a continuing basis.

Distributive bargaining

Todd and Greg are utilizing a problem-solving approach that results in a win-lose outcome. What is this approach?

in a stress-free environment with supportive subordinates

Todd is an intelligent leader who has a great deal of job relevant experience. According to cognitive resource theory, when is Todd likely to be the most effective?


What step in the communication process has occurred when the decoding message matches the encoded message?


When a person decides to quit one job in hopes of finding a better position with another firm, this is an example of a personal programmed decision.

All of the above

Which of the following are ways to improve the effectiveness of organizational communication?

larger groups

Which of the following factors does not induce and sustain group cohesiveness?

Not attending to employee gripes and complaints.

Which of the following is a frequent mistake made by managers?

The use of individual and group incentives

Which of the following is a method to encourage competition among workers?

All of the above

Which of the following is an individual factor associated with failure as a leader?

Escalation of commitment

Which of the following is not an advantage of group decision making?

Oral communication

Which of the following is the most frequently used form of interpersonal communication?

Incorrect, distorted, or ambiguous information can lead to conflict.

Which of the following is true regarding the sources of conflict?

Rules of thumb

Which of the following most accurately describes heuristics?

Having others nearby tends to facilitate performance on relatively simple tasks

Which of the following statements is true?


Which of the following traits best describes individuals with Type A personalities?

Symbols are used in an organizational setting to:

communicate values, legitimize practices, help socialize members, and build loyalty.

In the Hersey-Blanchard situational model, what style should be used with employees who are considered immature by the model?


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