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withdrawl from the union, south carolina is the first, still 8 border ones that still need to decided, 4 go union 4 go confederate (union: Kentucky, Missouri, Delware, Maryland)

Margaret Fuller

women who wrote women in the 19th century stating that men and women are very similar and it dosen't make sense for segregation, gender roles will lead to a dull and blank society

Labor Issues

work conditions were very bad considering it was more economical without safety restrictions, ong work days, low pay, poor conditions, no benefits, accidents were constant, child labor, yellow dog contracts

World of the Slave

work was difficult (cash crops- hard to harvest and had to work in the hard sun) Punishment was Fairly common and families were worried about getting split. Went to Christianity, and started participating in passive resistance- thought lazy so slowdown, they would break tools, theft, escape, violence(but not as common)

Horace Mann

worked to help established form of education within states in accordance with religious virtues, also pushed for education of all classes

City Improvements

would originally start moving it, it was so fast that disease and pluming and other stuff like trash got out of control, many people believed they were unhelpable but when doctors tied it to trash started making improvements: paved streets, start cleaning up, street lights become popular, trolleys also helped this considering they helped spread people out considering transportation was faster

Alexis de Tocqueville

wrote democracy in America, described America democracy being the closes any country as ever gotten toward equality, goal was to convince French to implement own democracy

Washington Irving

wrote legend of Sleepy Hollow, revolution soldier, head shot off by canon

Herman Melville

wrote moby Dick, criticisms of America's over-ambition, captain traveling around the world for the whale that ate his leg

Gouverneur Morris

wrote the final draft of the Constitution

Catherine Beecher

wrote: A Treatise on Domestic Economy for the use of young ladies, this went to promote the role of women and define the proper household

Miranda v. Arizona

Supreme Court held that criminal suspects must be informed of their right to consult with an attorney and of their right against self-incrimination prior to questioning by police.

Election of 1948

Truman defeats Dewey in a stunning upset--Henry Wallace leds new Progressive party--Dewey Rublications; Dixiecrats wanted to dump Truman as candidate because he was a proponent of integration

Russo American agreement

Turns control over to Alaska, give up claims of Oregon

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Two Japanese cities on which the U.S. dropped the atomic bombs to end World War II.

Martin Luther King

U.S. Baptist minister and civil rights leader. A noted orator, he opposed discrimination against blacks by organizing nonviolent resistance and peaceful mass demonstrations. He was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. Nobel Peace Prize (1964)

Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty

U.S. garantee of independence for newly created Republic of Panama

Populist Party

U.S. political party formed in 1892 representing mainly farmers, favoring free coinage of silver and government control of railroads and other monopolies

Mai Lai Massacre

US Soldiers under the leader ship of Lt. WIlliam Calley were charged and convicted of killing innocent men, women and children in a Vietnamese village

Quasi War

Undeclared war fought entirely at sea between the United States and France from 1798 to 1800. The French began to seize American ships trading with their British enemies and refused to receive a new United States minister when he arrived in Paris in December 1796.

Smith-Lever Act

Under Wilson, provided money for agricultural education

Lincoln Steffens

United States journalist who exposes in 1906 started an era of muckraking journalism (1866-1936), Writing for McClure's Magazine, he criticized the trend of urbanization with a series of articles under the title Shame of the Cities.

Mark Twain

United States writer and humorist best known for his novels about Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn (1835-1910), anti-imperlaist

Mark Twain

United States writer and humorist best known for his novels about Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn (1835-1910), real name with Samuel C Clemens, put own experience into his works

Helen Hunt Jackson

United States writer of romantic novels about the unjust treatment of Native Americans (1830-1885)

Oliver Hazard Perry

United states captain who was assigned to capture lake Erie and design a fleet to do so

Haymarket Square Riot

a riot that took place set up by the nights of labors, a bomb would go off killing police officers that would essentially end the knights of labor

Sacco and Vanzetti

accused of murder, shoe factory would kill two people, authority tracked them down and they went to court and the evidence was vague and they were treated poorly, found guilty and excecated them which caused major protest

Fugitive slave act

act that forced North to return slaves to South, strengthen in the compromise of 1850 but tension grew between the North and South considering the North tried to nullify would interfere with slave catchers and certain judges would prove cases to be in favor of the slaves

Civil Rights act of 1866

act that prohibited any racial discrimination, and also guaranteed rights of the slaves

Orders in Council

acts imposed by Britain that set up blockades from anyone trading with Europe

Enforcement acts

acts that were used to force the kkk underground, created to make sure the 14th and 15th amendment were followed

Roosevelt corollary

addition to the Monroe doctrine that said that no foreign power can overcome central America and southern America, but it also said that they were in any form of debt, that they would assume control of these territories to help them pay it off

Margret Sanger

advocated for birth control, impact on how women can act in society

Martin von Buren Presidency

after jackson was out of office he endorsed his right hand man Martin Von Buren who would take presidency, but was rather boring and would lose next term to William harrison

Barbed Wire Wars

after the desert land act, farmers started setting up barbed wire which destroyed the business considering many cattle who hurt themselves on the fence and die

New South

after war restarted their economy by cutting spending of things like healthcare, transportation, etc, started to support businesses

Clayton-Buwler Treaty

agreement between british and us that they would build canal together

3/5ths Compromise

agreement providing that enslaved persons would count as three-fifths of other persons in determining representation in Congress and taxing

Hay-Paunceforte Treaty

agreement that US had the ability to make canal without britian because they were preoccupied with germany, us in complete control

Berlin Airlift

airlift in 1948 that supplied food and fuel to citizens of west Berlin when the Russians closed off land access to Berlin

State Constitutions

all states drafted state constitution before they drafted Americas constitution, they mostly were similar when it came to keeping colonial traditions were continued, and states felt legislation was most important, the rest of the constitution was based on the state and their conditions

Schechter Poultry v. U.S.

decided NRA was unconstitutional giving to much power to the legislative branch

Monroe Doctrine

declared that america was no longer open to any other european expansion, drawn up by Monroe and Johnquincy adams, Do it as the spanish empire collapses, Britain offers to help but John Quincy Adams advised not to due to they should do it independently and that they might take back the forts west and that wasn't good

Charles Guiteau

did a lot of supporting of James Garfield and expected to get a high government position but when James Garfield denied, he was killed by this person in washington

Amendments 17th

direct election for senators

Nicolas Biddle

director of the 2nd national bank, would join with clay and Webster to try to take down Jackson by renewing charter for bank to make him look bad if he revoked it and cancelled all loans on other banks to make the 2nd national bank look more essential

Connecticut (great) Compromise

had lower house and upper house, lower is based on population (House of reps), and upper is 2 reps each (senate), needed majority to pass legislation

James Garfield

half breed president who connect the stalwarts and half breeds so he makes Chester Arthur his vice president, Charles Guiteau who was a stalwart who expected t o get a position but when he declined he assasignated him in Washington at a train station

William Taft

hand picked successor for tr, He was uncomfortable president and felt like trust busting through law considering he was a lawyer, did dollar diplomacy, TR would be so mad that run against him as bull moose party

John Jay

helped write the federalist papers


helps everyday citizens to enjoy things that were previously restricted for them like sports events

Abraham Lincoln

him and Stephen Douglass would do many debates to try to win the election of 1860, said slavery shouldn't be in democracy, but believed he would do everything he could but knew he couln't do it at federal level, believed in perserving union over abolishing slavery


illegal bars during prohibition that would sell alcohol illegally


illegally excuting blacks without trial, no federal interference, attempt to keep blacks in line, anyone who associated with blacks will die

Pullman Strike

in Chicago, Pullman cut wages but refused to lower rents in the "company town", Eugene Debs had American Railway Union refuse to use Pullman cars, Debs thrown in jail after being sued, strike achieved nothing

Oberlin College

in ohio, first college to allow women

Border States

in the civil war the states between the north and the south: delaware, mayland, kentucky, and missouri, all went for the union

Long Haul vs Short Haul

long haul- if there was a lot of railroads going to a place then you would deacrease your prices a lot so they would favor your railroad even if longer considering they have lower prices short haul- if you are the only one who can transport to a place, then you jack up the prices

Charles Grandison Finney

one of the preachers of the second great awakening, very entertaining and put great emphasis on claiming own salvation and said you can't wait tho because you don't know when you will die

Annapolis Convention

meeting that was originally designed to discuss trade regulation, but after 5 delegates show Hamilton decides to schedule another to make reforms to AOC

Open Door Notes

message send by secretary of state John Hay in 1899 to Germany, Russia, Great Britain, France, Italy & Japan asking the countries not to interfere with US trading rights in China.

Cotton Mather

minister, part of Puritan New England important families, a sholar, one of first americans to pemote vaccination of smallpox when it was believed to be dangerous, strongly believed on witches, encouraged witch trials in salem

Robert Morse

obtained patent for telegraph

Olive Branch Petition

last attempt to find peace with England, written by John Dickinson

Scopes Monkey Trial

law in Tennessee says couldn't teach evelution and scopes decides to teach it, American civil liberties union helps his case (Darrow), WIlliam Jennings Bryan went against it and it caused a divide with cities saying teach evelution while rural said religion should be perserved, Bryan wins in the end

Sam Gompers

leader of the American Federation of Labor

Tossaint L'Ouverture

leader of the Haitian revokt

Andrew Jackson

leader of the attacks in the Battle of New Orleans

Alice Paul

leader of the national women's party

Haitian Revolt- Toussaint L'Ouverture

leader of the revolt of French territories in Carribean, revolt in one of the most profitable territories owned by French

Jefferson's Letter to Danbury Baptists

letter that clarified that america would have no official religion

David Walker

one of the first abolitionist, past slave who escaped and wrote his book appeal to the colored people of the world that stated they should kill and overrun slave owners,

Volstead Act

said anything above .5% alcohol concentration was illegal

Parochial Schools

schools sponsored by a church

Writs of assistance

search warrants given to British soldiers to search colonist houses to try to find smuggled goods that when against the Townshend acts

Society of Harmonious Fists

secret organization of Chinese who wanted to get foreigners out of China (also known as the Boxers)

john hay

secretary who published the open door notes

Teapot Dome Scandal

sell oil reserves that were meant for navy

Intolerable Acts

series of laws passed in 1774 to punish Boston for the Tea Party, consisted of 3 acts-Boston port act (closed off all of Boston's ports), Massachusetts government acts (governor had to be a British loyalist, gave more power to the govr. + less to town meetings), and Administration of Justice acts (acts passed that made sure that when courts had to deal with British citizens, the trials would happen outside of Boston)

Sarah Hale- Godey's Ladies Book

series of poems and essays describing how and why this role of women hood was so important

Hull House

settlement house in Chicago that was formed by Jane Addams

Robert Morris

solve some of the issues facing the us, he sets up an unified form of currency, creates first bank, and starts to cut spending of colonies


strong central gov., put down rebellion's within borders, Gain international respect, build economy through industry, Hamilton

McKinley Tariff Act

to protect industrialists from foreign competition this raised tariffs to an all time high peacetime rates, this also ffected Hawaii and many of them want to get annexed because didn't want to pay tariff


towns that would grow rampantly when people mined their for theirs fortune but would die out just as quickly, shop keepers overpriced their tools to naïve and determined miners

Treaty of Greenville

treaty between American and the natives, would end the northwest Indian war, Indians gave claims to the Ohio territory

Treaty of 1818

treaty between britain and america and it established border of canada and joint control over the Oregon territory

Pickney's Treaty

treaty between us and Spain, , afraid of powers surrounding them in American and right after the alliance of John Jay's treaty, afraid of global power of Britain, open up Mississippi river and New Orleans

Jacques Cartier

tried to find passage NE to Asia, founded Colonies of St Lawrence river

Stephen Douglas

tried to win presidency of 1860 against Lincoln, he was a democratic, promoted Popular Sovereignty, was very popular

National origins act of 1924

updated the emergency quota act and it would change the 1910 census to 1890 census and 3% of us population to 2%

cash and carry

us cheated out of wwi losing many ships and money, stated that if they wanted trade with us that they would be forced to bring own ships and pay up front

Woodrow Wilson

winner of the 1912 election, did many things like regulate banks, sack trusts, lower tarrifs, protect small farms, federal reserve act- unifyed banking system, federal trade comiision- monotor corrpurations, clayton anti trust act- update trust buster, and many more and did his best to keep us out of war

Problems of Western Farmers

with crop prices falling hard to make profit, and credit wasn't avalibale in west condiering it was underdeveloped and there were no banks, there was a lot of competition existing here and in Europe, and considering there wasn't any railroad competition-very expensive to transport crops, and costs were still an issue even before price dropping of crops

Lend-Lease Act

with europe almost compleltely conquered, us decides to use this to open up commerce a little bit up to help england out

Slaved Trade and Commerce Clause

were debating weather or not to abandon the slave trade, said they would come back to it in 20 years


westward expansion, people who stayed on land without paying, made deal if they stay there 7 years and pay taxes, then they can have the land

Appotomax Courthouse

where Lee surrendured to Grant ending the war. April 9, 1865 (Virginia)

vertical monopoles

where someone owns a small apart of all the things required to make a product, good example: Carnegie


white southerners who joined the republican party

Mail Order Catalogs

with new department stores and much more efficient ways of transporting goods around, people were able to use mail order to make things more accessible

Department Stores

with new ways of advertisement and the use of credit to buy and put things on sale, largely started developing during this time, amazon of their time

Immigration in 1820-18402

with the contributing push factors of the revolutions in Europe and the Irish potato famine many immigrants began coming to America with the dream of traveling west and claiming land, but many were to poor and force to stay in busy city that they sailed into


people who opposed the Constitution

Military Reconstruction Act

1867; divided the South into five districts and placed them under military rule; required Southern States to ratify the 14th amendment; guaranteed freedmen the right to vote in convention to write new state constitutions

Impeachment of Johnson

1868 violated the Tenure of Office Act, but really was because of his stubborn defiance of Congress on Reconstruction. Fell one vote short

Moral Majority

"Born-Again" Christians become politically active. The majority of Americans are moral people, and therefore are a political force.

Townshend Acts

"Champagne" Charlie Townshend, started taxing very popular imports such as tea, paper, paint, lead, and glass, colonist very mad considering that they were self dependent for so long

Patrick Henry

"Give me liberty or give me death"

George III

English monarch at the time of the revolution. He was the main opposition for the colonies due to his stubborn attitude and unwillingness to hear out colonial requests/grievances.

Dwight D Eisenhower

"Ike" was looked to for reassuring leadership after decades of depression/war; Easily took the Republican nomination with VP Nixon; Won the election after promising to personally go to Korea, war eventually ended in 7 months after the visit.

The Credit Moblier scandal

1872 - Union Pacific Railway created a ficticious construction company and hired itself to work (using government funds) - scandal broke loose and leaders attempted to bribe Congress with Union Pacific stock


"Lighting Wars" type of fast-moving warfare used by German forces against Poland in 1939

Fr. Charles Coughlin

"Radio Priest"; proposed monetary reforms; attacked bankers; initially supportive of new deal; grew critical of FDR's treatment of "money powers" -> developed into anti-Semitism.

Chinese Exclusion Act

(1882) Denied any additional Chinese laborers to enter the country while allowing students and merchants to immigrate.

Chinese Exclusion act

(1882) Denied any additional Chinese laborers to enter the country while allowing students and merchants to immigrate.

John Locke

English, made natural rights, philosophized the idea of state of nature, people are all equal until self-interest leads them away


(1712-1778) Believed that society threatened natural rights and freedoms. Wrote about society's corruption caused by the revival of sciences and art instead of it's improvement. He was sponsored by the wealthy and participated in salons but often felt uncomfortable and denounced them. Wrote "The Social Contract."

Cherokee Nation v. Georgia

(1831) The Cherokees argued that they were a seperate nation and therefore not under Georgia's jurisdiction. Marshall said they were not, but rather had "special status"

John Muir

(1838-1914) Naturalist who believed the wilderness should be preserved in its natural state. He was largely responsible for the creation of Yosemite National Park in California.

Mexican-American War

(1846-1848) The war between the United States and Mexico in which the United States acquired one half of the Mexican territory, in the end they decided that Texas border was Rio Grande and it was apart of the US with California and other territory to South.

Seneca Falls Convention

(1848) the first national women's rights convention at which the Declaration of Sentiments was written, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott were organizers

Zachary Taylor

(1849-1850), Whig president who was a Southern slave holder, and war hero (Mexican-American War). Won the 1848 election. Surprisingly did not address the issue of slavery at all on his platform. He died during his term and his Vice President was Millard Fillmore.

Ferderal Reserve Act

(ww)Divided the nation into 12 districts to make credit more easly available in all parts of the country. Provide a quick way to adjust the amount of money.

Abrams v. US

- upheld Sedition Act - courts sided with a law that was unconstitutional

US v. EC Knight Co

(1895) Due to a narrow interpretation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, the Court undermined the authority of the federal government to act against monopolies.

Milton Friedman

(1912- ) American economist. Conservative thinker famous for his advocacy of monetarism (an revision of the quantity theory of money) in works like A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960 (1963). he is strongly associated with the ideals of laissez-faire government policy.

Hammer v. Dagenhart

(1918). Declared the Keating-Owen Act (a child labor act) unconstitutional on the grounds that it was an invasion of state authority.

Thomas Sowell

------, is a Black american economist, social theorist, and senior fellow at Stanford University. He was born in 1930 and after birth, his family moved to Harlem, New York. Thomas argues that Johnson's failure in the War on Poverty just caused more problems. Including the government housing projects, in which new houses did little for poorer communities, and only created new centers of crim, and rape or sex. He is significant for his readings of the economy and criticisms of political leaders of the times

Steel & Tech Development

-Bessemer process: blowing cold air on red-hot iron in order to ignite the carbon and eliminate impurities, allowed for price of steel to droop -Oil Refining: Kerosene -Refrigeration: Meat Packing -Electrical Current: lightbulb

Treaty of Mortefontaine

-ended the Quasi War -1800 -also known as Convention of 1800 -ignored the damage done by the war -Napoleon had taken over and drove a harder bargain than Tallyrand would have done alone

Emily Chubbock

-well know writer -began working in a textile factory at the age of 11 -1.25 a week -describes it as - filthy, noisy, sad

Everson v. Board of Education

(1947) The Court upheld a New Jersey policy of refunding parents of Catholic school students for the costs of busing their children to school

Korean War

(1950-3) A conflict between UN forces (primarily US and S Korea) against North Korea, and later China; Gen. Douglas Macarthur led UN forces and was later replaced by Gen. Ridgeway; Resulted in Korea remaining divided at the 38th parallel.

Abington School District v. Schempp

(1963) Prayer in classrooms was determined to be in violation of the First Amendment.

Roe v. Wade

(1973) legalized abortion on the basis of a woman's right to privacy

Ronald Reagan

(1981-1985) and (1985-1989), first elected president in 1980 and elected again in 1984. He ran on a campaign based on the common man and "populist" ideas. He served as governor of California from 1966-1974, and he participated in the McCarthy Communist scare. Iran released hostages on his Inauguration Day in 1980. While president, he developed Reagannomics, the trickle down effect of government incentives. He cut out many welfare and public works programs. He used the Strategic Defense Initiative to avoid conflict. His meetings with Gorbachev were the first steps to ending the Cold War. He was also responsible for the Iran-contra Affair which bought hostages with guns.

Glass-Steagall Act

1) sperate commercial and investments banks 2) establish federal deposit insurance co were if a bank goes under than they will restore up to $100,000 you had in that bank

Booker T Washington- Atlanta Compromise

(395) Chief spokesman for commitment to education/founder and president of Tuskegee Institute in Alabama. Born into slavery and worked his way out after getting education... urged other blacks to follow (cautious and hopeful). Outlined Atlanta Compromise---> simply must do our best to better ourselves but also follow white rule to be accepted

Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward

(441) Utopian 1888 that described Bostonian who went to sleep in 1887 and in 2000 there was a new social order where want, politics, and vice were unknown. Single, great trust, controlled by the govt (distributed economy equally among everyone); he labeled it "nationalism" prompted socialist society

US v. Butler

(FDR) 1936 as a case in which the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the processing taxes instituted under the 1933 Agricultural Adjustment Act were unconstitutional.


(conservative) radicals who believed in awarding political positions to friends

Trading on Margin

(investment firms would lend people money to invest in stocks - up to 90% of the price of the stock) Banks willing to lend money crazy money - like western land under Andrew Jackson Stock prices decrease, bank loans increase Hope that prices might rise again led to people hold onto - led to even greater losses Crash ruins people - ruins banks - ruins even more people


(moderates) didn't like grant administration because of corruptness and wanted a civil service exam for political figures

Underwood-Simmons Tariff

(ww) 1914, lowered tariff, substantially reduced import fees. Lost tax revenue would be replaced with an income tax that was implemented with the 16th amendment.

federal employee's compensation act

(ww) Law that provides benefits to employees who have suffered work-related injuries or occupational diseases

Kneating Owen Child Labor Act

(ww)-congress passes this -prohibits anyone 14 and younger for working in a factory if that factory is producing goods or being shipped across state lines

Great Migration

1630 20,000 people came to new world

Lord Baltimore (Cecil Calvert)

1694- He was the founder of Maryland, a colony which offered religious freedom, and a refuge for the persecuted Roman Catholics, Charter given to him after his father George died, Realized it would not be successful if people didn't own land or could practice own religion- published act of toleration

Abraham Lincoln

16th republican president of the united states, knew war was inevitable, was fine with slavery but not succession, would make the war look like they started it by sending supplies to fort sumnter


1770's by "Mother" Ann Lee; Utopian group that splintered from the Quakers; believed that they & all other churches had grown too interested in this world & neglectful of their afterlives; prohibited marriage and sexual relationships; practiced celibacy

Tea Act

1773 act which eliminated import tariffs on tea entering England and allowed the British East India Company to sell directly to consumers rather than through merchants. Led to the Boston Tea Party.

Alexander Hamilton

1789-1795; First Secretary of the Treasury. He advocated creation of a national bank, assumption of state debts by the federal government, and a tariff system to pay off the national debt.

Ex parte Milligan

1866 - Supreme Court ruled that military trials of civilians were illegal unless the civil courts are inoperative or the region is under marshall law.

Andrew Johnson

17th President of the United States, A Southerner form Tennessee, as V.P. when Lincoln was killed, he became president. Passed his own reconstruction act and congress would very much dislike him, allowed those to be readmitted with an oath and military commanders much pay 20,000, congress was very mad at him, he will veto black citizenship and overturned black codes, they will try to get ride of him by passing the tenure in office

John Locke

17th century English philosopher who opposed the Divine Right of Kings and who asserted that people have a natural right to life, liberty, and property.

Dartmouth College v. Woodward

1819--New Hampshire had attempted to take over Dartmouth College by revising its colonial charter. The Court ruled that the charter was protected under the contract clause of the U. S. Constitution; upholds the sanctity of contracts.

Maysville Road

1830 - The Maysville Road Bill proposed building a road in Kentucky (Clay's state) at federal expense. Jackson vetoed it because he didn't like Clay, and Martin Van Buren pointed out that New York and Pennsylvania paid for their transportation improvements with state money. Applied strict interpretation of the Constitution by saying that the federal government could not pay for internal improvements.

Force Bill

1833 - The Force Bill authorized President Jackson to use the army and navy to collect duties on the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832. South Carolina's ordinance of nullification had declared these tariffs null and void, and South Carolina would not collect duties on them. The Force Act was never invoked because it was passed by Congress the same day as the Compromise Tariff of 1833, so it became unnecessary. South Carolina also nullified the Force Act.

Trial of Tears

1838-1840, The marches in which the Cherokee people were forcibly removed from Georgia to the Indian Territory in Oklahoma with thousands of Cherokee's dying on the way

Prigg v. Pennsylvania

1842 - A slave had escaped from Maryland to Pennsylvania, where a federal agent captured him and returned him to his owner. Pennsylvania indicted the agent for kidnapping under the fugitive slave laws. The Supreme Court ruled it was unconstitutional for bounty hunters or anyone but the owner of an escaped slave to apprehend that slave, thus weakening the fugitive slave laws.

Treaties of Fort Laramie (1851 & 1868)

1851-assigned tribal boundaries 1868- try to end infighting and assigns them to Dakota territory and Oklahoma

Kansas-Nebraska Act

1854 - Stephen Douglas- Nebraska and Kansas as states and gave the people in those territories the right to chose to be a free or slave state through popular sovereignty.

Frederick Winslow Taylor

1856-1915 *Created the basis for the scientific management of business in his quest for efficiency *Used shops and large plants as models and succeeded in spreading his ideas on efficiency to several industries *Wrote books on the subject of scientific management

Jane Addams

1860-1935. Founder of Settlement House Movement. First American Woman to earn Nobel Peace Prize in 1931 as president of Women's Intenational League for Peace and Freedom.

Homstead Act

1862 law that offered 160 acres of western land to settlers if settled upon it and maintained it

Wade-Davis Bill

1864 Proposed far more demanding and stringent terms for reconstruction; required 50% of the voters of a state to take the loyalty oath and permitted only non-confederates soldiers to vote for a new state constitution; Lincoln refused to sign the bill, pocket vetoing it after Congress adjourned, Benjamen Wade Henry Davis

Loving v. Virginia

1867 court case that declared all laws against interracial marriage unconstitutional

Munn v. Illinois

1876; The Supreme Court upheld the Granger laws. The Munn case allowed states to regulate certain businesses within their borders, including railroads, and is commonly regarded as a milestone in the growth of federal government regulation.

Munn v. Illnois

1877 Supreme Court ruled that the senate, according to police powers, had the right to regulate property that was clothed in public interest

Pendleton Act

1883 law that created a Civil Service Commission and stated that federal employees could not be required to contribute to campaign funds nor be fired for political reasons

Oklahoma Land Rush

1889; former Indian lands;opened up for settlement, resulting in a race to lay claim for a homestead

McKinley Tariff

1890 tariff that raised protective tariff levels by nearly 50%, making them the highest tariffs on imports in the United States history

Wilson-Gormin Tariff

1894 slightly reduced the United States tariff rates from the numbers set in the 1890 McKinley tariff and imposed a 2% tax on income over $4,000

Newlands Act

1902 act authorizing federal funds from public land sales to pay for irrigation and land development projects, mainly in the dry Western states

Pure Food and Drug Act

1906 - Forbade the manufacture or sale of mislabeled or adulterated food or drugs, it gave the government broad powers to ensure the safety and efficacy of drugs in order to abolish the "patent" drug trade. Still in existence as the FDA. (created a better work environment and created work standard that supported cleanliness)

Meat Inspection Act

1906 - Laid down binding rules for sanitary meat packing and government inspection of meat products crossing state lines.

Great White Fleet

1907-1909 - Roosevelt sent the Navy on a world tour to show the world the U.S. naval power. Also to pressure Japan into the "Gentlemen's Agreement.", Alfred Mahan wrote about necessity of this fleet

Muller v. Oregon

1908 - Supreme Court upheld Oregon state restrictions on the working hours of women as justified by the special state interest in protecting women's health

Clayton Antitrust Act

1914 law that strengthened the Sherman Antitrust Act (ww)

agricultural adjustment act

1920- surplus of all forms of good, production goes up after war and continues, this causes prices to drop and this forced gov to pay farmers to destroy produce, then they would come in and tell you what to plant to balance surplus, after the us vs buckler case decided federal spending must also protect that second party that takes that produces and ships it or makes it into something else

Washington Naval Conference

1921 - president harding invited delegates from Europe and Japan, and they agreed to limit production of war ships, to not attack each other's possessions, and to respect China's independence

Emergency Quota Act of 1921

1921 legislation that limited immigration to 3% of the people of their nationality living in the US in 1910

Scopes Monkey Trial

1925, the trial that pitted the teaching of Darwin's theory of evolution against teaching Bible creationism

Korematsu v. US

1944 Supreme Court case where the Supreme Court upheld the order providing for the relocation of Japanese Americans. It was not until 1988 that Congress formally apologized and agreed to pay $20,000 2 each survivor

Yalta Conference

1945 Meeting with US president FDR, British Prime Minister(PM) Winston Churchill, and and Soviet Leader Stalin during WWII to plan for post-war

Truman Doctrine

1947, President Truman's policy of providing economic and military aid to any country threatened by communism or totalitarian ideology, mainly helped Greece and Turkey

Joseph McCarthy

1950s; Wisconsin senator claimed to have list of communists in American gov't, but no credible evidence; took advantage of fears of communism post WWII to become incredibly influential; "McCarthyism" was the fearful accusation of any dissenters of being communists

Malcolm X

1952; renamed himself X to signify the loss of his African heritage; converted to Nation of Islam in jail in the 50s, became Black Muslims' most dynamic street orator and recruiter; his beliefs were the basis of a lot of the Black Power movement built on seperationist and nationalist impulsesto achieve true independence and equality

Brown v. Board of Education (Topeka)

1954 - The Supreme Court overruled Plessy v. Ferguson, declared that racially segregated facilities are inherently unequal and ordered all public schools desegregated.

Interstate Highway Act

1956 law that authorized the spending of $32 billion to build 41,000 miles of highway

Southern Christian Leadership Conference

1957 group founded by Martin Luther King Jr. to fight against segregation using nonviolent means

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

1964 Congressional resolution that authorized President Johnson to commit US troops to south vietnam and fight a war against north Vietnam

New York Times v. Sullivan

1964; established guidelines for determining whether public officials and public figures could win damage suits for libel. To do so, individuals must prove that the defamatory statements were made w/ "actual malice" and reckless disregard for the truth

Griswold v. Connecticut

1965 decision that the Constitution implicitily guarantees citizens' right to privacy.

Richard Nixon

1968 and 1972; Republican; Vietnam: advocated "Vietnamization" (replace US troops with Vietnamese), but also bombed Cambodia/Laos, created a "credibility gap," Paris Peace Accords ended direct US involvement; economy-took US off gold standard (currency valued by strength of economy); created the Environmental Protection Agency, was president during first moon landing; SALT I and new policy of detente between US and Soviet Union; Watergate scandal: became first and only president to resign

Tet Offensive

1968; National Liberation Front and North Vietnamese forces launched a huge attack on the Vietnamese New Year (Tet), which was defeated after a month of fighting and many thousands of casualties; major defeat for communism, but Americans reacted sharply, with declining approval of LBJ and more anti-war sentiment

Jimmy Carter

1976; Democrat; signed SALT II, relinquished US control of the Panama Canal, Camp David Accords-negotiated peace between Israel and Egypt; chemical contamination emergency in Love Canal; final part of term marred by Iran Hostage Crisis

Camp David Accords

1978 agreement between Israel and Egypt that made a peace treaty between the two nations possible

Bakke v. Board of Regents

1978, reverse discrimination. US court case in which Bakke was denied to University of California Medical School twice to people less qualified based on race. Case determined that affirmative action is legal as long as filling quotas is not used.

Olympic Boycott

1980,The U.S. withdrew from the competition held in Moscow to protest the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. About 64 other nations withdrew for this and other reasons.


19th century artistic movement that appealed to emotion rather than reason, poked fun of evil and corruption in society while focusing on the individual

John Jay

1st Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, negotiated with British for Washington

WEB DuBois

1st black to earn Ph.D. from Harvard, encouraged blacks to resist systems of segregation and discrimination, helped create NAACP in 1910

Articles of Confederation

1st constitution of the Americas that basically said that all states acted as independent nations, this made it hard to raise military because all colonies had to agree upon it and impossible to impose taxes

George Washington

1st president who designed what the role of president would be like, travels in coach, Mr. President, formal receptions all invited, was not a very educated man so surrounded himself with smart people who all have opposing views (forming of cabinet), limit use of veto (only use it when unconstitutional) two terms

Bleeding Kansas

2 groups formed in Kansas, Lecompton(slave) and Topeka(free), and from this a Poky war started, John Brown believed he was sent by God to abolish slavery, went to a camp by Pottawatomi creek, sneeks into their homes and kills most them

William McKinley

25th president responsible for Spanish-American War, Philippine-American War, and the Annexation of Hawaii, imperialism. Is assassinated by an anarchist

Teddy Roosevelt

26th President, from 1901-1909, passed two acts that purified meat, took over in 1901 when McKinley was shot, Went after trusts, formed the "Bull Moose Party", wanted to build the Panama canal, and make our Navy ( military stronger ), assistant secretary of the navy for McKinley, Roosevelt corollary, imperalist

warren harding

29th president of the US; Republican; "Return to Normalcy" lowered taxes, raised tariffs and provided loan fo europe to encourage business, presidency filled with corruption which ruined precidency

Invasion of Canada - 1812

3 pronged attack to take Canada. One group to attack but was delayed by Indians and it forced them to retreat and surrender from Canadians, 2nd was fight from fort Nigeria and they were outnumbered because many new york soldiers refused to fight outside state, General Harry Dearbon was the one who set last attack but when they reached border many of the soldiers refused to cross

Tuskegee Airmen

332 Fighter Group famous for shooting down over 200 enemy planes. African American pilots who trained at the Tuskegee flying school.

Harry Truman

33rd President of the United States. Led the U.S. to victory in WWII making the ultimate decision to use atomic weapons for the first time. Shaped U.S. foreign policy regarding the Soviet Union after the war.

John Quincy Adams

6th president, also secretary of state for Monroe, would establish border of Louisiana purchase by establishing transcontinental Treaty, and also help establish Monroe doctrine

Ben Franklin

A delegate from Pennsylvania and proposed the "Albany Plan of the Union" as a way to strengthen colonies. Was sent to France to try to convince them to join war efforts and later have to draft the treaty of Paris

Treaty of Tordesillas

A 1494 agreement between Portugal and Spain, declaring that newly discovered lands to the west of an imaginary line in the Atlantic Ocean would belong to Spain and newly discovered lands to the east of the line would belong to Portugal- Brazil

XYZ affair

A 1797 incident in which French officials demanded a bribe from U.S. diplomats to see Talleyrand, refused and they became American heroes


A 19th century artistic movement in which writers and painters sought to show life as it is rather than life as it should be

Institution Reformers

A development where people started to help those who were at the bottom of society, they worked to help with depth, blind and reforming such things as orphanages, prisons, and asylums Samuel Howe- made shool for blind Thomas Gallaudet- shool for deaf

William Berkeley

A Governor of Virginia, appointed by King Charles I, of whom he was a favorite. He was governor from 1641-1652 and 1660-1677. Berkeley enacted friendly policies towards the Indians that led to Bacon's Rebellion, he benefited from trade with them and also had good relationship with the wealthy land owners.

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

A policy that the Germans announced on January 1917 which stated that their submarines would sink any ship in the British waters

Half Way Covenant

A Puritan church document; In 1662, the Halfway Covenant allowed partial membership rights to persons not yet converted into the Puritan church; It lessened the difference between the "elect" members of the church from the regular members; Women soon made up a larger portion of Puritan congregations.

Half-Way Covenant

A Puritan church document; In 1662, the Halfway Covenant allowed partial membership rights to persons not yet converted into the Puritan church; It lessened the difference between the "elect" members of the church from the regular members; Women soon made up a larger portion of Puritan congregations.

Anne Hutchinson

A Puritan woman who was well learned that disagreed with the Puritan Church in Massachusetts Bay Colony. Her actions resulted in her banishment from the colony, and later took part in the formation of Rhode Island. She displayed the importance of questioning authority.

Anne Hutchinson

A Puritan woman who was well learned that disagreed with the Puritan Church in Massachusetts Bay Colony. Her actions resulted in her banishment from the colony, and later took part in the formation of Rhode Island. She displayed the importance of questioning authority. Said we had a inside grace and we did not have to make amends for our sins.

William Penn

A Quaker that founded Pennsylvania to establish a place where his people and others could live in peace and be free from persecution, unlike other colonies, did a very good job on promoting his colony

Mary Dyer

A Quaker woman who was hung on Boston Common in 1660 for trying to spread her beliefs

Iroquois/ Mohawks

Indians that lived on coast and would side with the English when in cultural disputes, traded with Dutch very similarly how Algonquians traded with French

Andrew Carnegie

A Scottish-born American industrialist and philanthropist who founded the Carnegie Steel Company in 1892. By 1901, his company dominated the American steel industry.


A Shawnee chief, who believed in taking the white settlers land back and started to form a confederacy of Indian tribes along the Mississippi river

American Colonization Society

A Society that thought slavery was bad. They would buy land in Africa and get free blacks to move there. One of these such colonies was made into what now is Liberia. Most sponsors just wanted to get blacks out of their country.

Nikita Khrushchev

A Soviet leader during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Also famous for denouncing Stalin and allowed criticism of Stalin within Russia.


A Spanish conquerors who built fame and wealth on back of innocent Indians groups and people


A U.S. foreign policy adopted by President Harry Truman in the late 1940s, in which the United States tried to stop the spread of communism by creating alliances and helping weak countries to resist Soviet advances

Ex Parte Miligan

A United States Supreme Court case that ruled that the application of military courts to citizens when civilian courts are still operating is unconstitutional.

Schenck v. US

A United States Supreme Court decision concerning the question of whether the defendant possessed a First Amendment right to free speech against the draft during World War I. Ultimately, the case served as the founding of the "clear and present danger" rule.

Battle of New Orleans

A battle during the War of 1812 where the British army attempted to take New Orleans. Due to the foolish frontal attack, Jackson defeated them, which gave him an enormous popularity boost.

Federalist Papers

A collection of 85 articles written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison under the name "Publius" to defend the Constitution in detail.


A colony that acted as a dividend from SC to florida and slowly flushed poor people out of England, slavery and Alcohol were limited to try to help people prosper, economy very similar to SC, started by James Oglethorpe

Space Race

A competition of space exploration between the United States and Soviet Union.

Clay's American System

A compromised imposed by Henry clay, East wanted high tariffs while the W need transportation to west. South was in conflict with both of these. He purposed to the east that if they would agree on three things it would be beneficial to all of them, setting up of tariffs (benefit East so they could sell goods at a tter price than British goods) and established single currency, and make roads and canals to west (helps western trade exponentially)

United States vs EC Knights Co.

A court case dealing with the sherman antitrust act, they said that this monoplies was good considering they were giving far pricing

Slave Codes

Laws that controlled the lives of enslaved African Americans and denied them basic rights.

Thomas Nast

A famous caricaturist and editorial cartoonist in the 19th century and is considered to be the father of American political cartooning. His artwork was primarily based on political corruption. He helped people realize the corruption of some politicians

Red Scare II

A fear of the dirty commies during the 1950s

Big Sister Policy

A foreign policy of Secretary of State James G. Blaine aimed at rallying Latin American nations behind American leadership and opening Latin American markets to Yankee traders. The policy bore fruit in 1889, when Blaine presided over the First International Conference of American States.

Social Contract

A form of government purposed by John Locke that was responsible for protecting the rights of human beings, an agreement between gov. and society about how to rule

Non-importation agreements

A form of protest against British policies; colonial merchants refused to import British goods.

Berlin Wall

A fortified wall surrounding West Berlin, Germany, built in 1961 to prevent East German citizens from traveling to the West. Its demolition in 1989 symbolized the end of the Cold War. This wall was both a deterrent to individuals trying to escape and a symbol of repression to the free world.


A grant of land made by Spain to a settler in the Americas, including the right to use Native Americans as laborers on it, saw it as exchange spanish got labor while Indians got the right to know the one true god

Nation of Islam

A group of militant Black Americans who profess Islamic religious beliefs and advocate independence for Black Americans


A group of northern Democrats who opposed abolition and sympathized with the South during the Civil War, did not believe in the war

The Ohio Gang

A group of poker-playing, men that were friends of President Warren Harding. Harding appointed them to offices and they used their power to gain money for themselves. They were involved in scandals that ruined Harding's reputation even though he wasn't involved.


A group of the extreme of the extreme who were trying to get ride of slavery, David Walker wrote appeal to the colored people of the world, called for slaves to revolt and kill leaders, Garrison used newspaper the liberator to spread word of his idea of equality of everyone

Charles Beard

A historian who argued that the Founders were largely motivated by the economic advantage of their class in writing the Constitution


A law forbidding the sale of alcoholic beverages

William Dean Howells

A leading late nineteenth-century literary realist and influential critic, his works described both the genteel, middle-class world he knew and the whole range of metropolitan life (considered prolems industrialization and unequal wealth. "Silas Lapham," his masterpiece, dealt with the ethical conflicts inherent in a competitive society.

Circular Letter

A letter circulated in 1767 in reaction to the Townshend Act. It urged colonists to jointly sign a petition of protest and was influential in causing colonists to work together against the British (Written by Sam Adams and Sir Lotus Jr

Cotton Gin

A machine for cleaning the seeds from cotton fibers, invented by Eli Whitney in 1793

Stamp Act Congress

A meeting of delegations from many of the colonies, the congress was formed to protest the newly passed Stamp Act It adopted a declaration of rights as well as sent letters of complaints to the king and parliament, and it showed signs of colonial unity and organized resistance.

Richard Henry Lee

A member of the Philadelphia Congress during the late 1770's. On June 7, 1776 he declared, "These United colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states." This resolution was the start of the Declaration of Independence and end to British relations.

Al Capone

A mob king in Chicago who controlled a large network of speakeasies with enormous profits. His illegal activities convey the failure of prohibition in the twenties and the problems with gangs.

Social Gospel

A movement in the late 1800s / early 1900s which emphasized charity and social responsibility as a means of salvation, they worked to help improve living conditions of the clums

Era of Good Feelings

A name for President Monroe's two terms, a period of strong nationalism, economic growth, and territorial expansion. Since the Federalist party dissolved after the War of 1812, there was only one political party and no partisan conflicts, good relations with British

Henry Clay

A northern American politician. He developed the American System as well as negotiated numerous compromises.

Red Scare

A period of general fear of communists would overflow america and they believed that they were intertwining themselves through things like unions


A person of mixed Spanish and Native American ancestry.

Marshall Plan

A plan that the US came up with to revive war-torn economies of Europe. This plan offered $13 billion in aid to western and Southern Europe.


A policy initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev that involved restructuring of the social and economic status quo in communist Russia towards a market based economy and society


A policy of Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev which called for more openness with the nations of West, and a relaxing of restraints on Soviet citizenry.

Sussex Pledge

A promise Germany made to America, after Wilson threatened to sever ties, to stop sinking their ships without warning.

Rosie the Riveter

A propaganda character designed to increase production of female workers in the factories. It became a rallying symbol for women to do their part.

Charles Coughlin

A radio priest who was anti-Semetic and anti-New Deal. He catered away some support from FDR.


A religious group who wanted to purify the Church of England. They came to America for religious freedom and settled Massachusetts Bay.

Protestant Reformation

A religious movement of the 16th century that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the creation of Protestant churches. Did not like indulgences and corruption. Started by Luther and continued by John Calvin.

American Temperance Movement

A result of the second great awakening, it was a movement mostly enforced by wives and employers to help the men stop drinking so they wouldn't blow their money at the bars and show up to work sober, this would also allow a pull factor considering that stereotype would no longer be effective

Gag Rule

A rule that said any legislation that had to deal with emancipation would be tabled, got enough supporters from south and other northerners with out opinion to get it past, JQA saw it as bad because he believed that they must be able to debate in gov about this aligning with the president and peoples wants

Nullification Crisis

A sectional crisis during the presidency of Andrew Jackson created by the Ordinance of Nullification, an attempt by the state of South Carolina to nullify a federal law - the tariff of 1828 - passed by the United States Congress, on cheap cloth imported from south, threatened civil war

Second Great Awakening

A series of religious revivals starting in 1801, based on Methodism and Baptism. Stressed a religious philosophy of salvation through good deeds and tolerance for all Protestant sects. The revivals attracted women, Blacks, and Native Americans.

Zoot Suit Riots

A series of riots in L.A. California during WW2, soldiers stationed in the city and Mexican youths because of the zoot suits they wore.

Smith v. Allwright

A supreme court case in 1944 that ruled that it was unconstitutional to deny membership in political parties to African Americans as a way of excluding them from voting in primaries.

Cherokee Naiton v Georgia

A supreme court case saying that indians were in juridcition of the Georgia Legislation

Worcestor v. Georgia

A supreme court case which ordered state officials to honor Cherokee property rights.

Limited Liability Corporation

A system in which a business would split itself into different stock shares that could be sold for owner ship of the company, they would not be completely associated with business so if it fails just shrug shoulders, very attractive to business men

Land Ordinance of 1785

A system they put in place to divide the western land


A system used on southern farms after the Civil War in which farmers worked land owned by someone else in return for a small portion of the crops.

Zimmerman Telegram

A telegram Germany Sent to Mexico to convince Mexico to attack the U.S.

Pet Banks

A term used by Jackson's opponents to describe the state banks that the federal government used for new revenue deposits in an attempt to destroy the Second Bank of the United States; the practice continued after the charter for the Second Bank expired in 1836.

Dien Bien Phu

A town of northwest Vietnam near the Laos border. The French military base here fell to Vietminh troops on May 7, 1954, after a 56-day siege, leading to the end of France's involvement in Indochina.

Brook Farm

A transcendentalist Utopian experiment, put into practice by transcendentalist former Unitarian minister George Ripley at a farm in West Roxbury, Massachusetts, at that time nine miles from Boston. The community, in operation from 1841 to 1847, was inspired by the socialist concepts of Charles Fourier. Fourierism was the belief that there could be a utopian society where people could share together to have a better lifestyle.

Adam Smith

Scottish economist who wrote the Wealth of Nations a precursor to modern Capitalism.

Middle Passage

A voyage that brought enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to North America and the West Indies


A war policy in Vietnam initiated by Nixon in June of 1969. This strategy called for dramatic reduction of U.S. troops followed by an increased injection of S. Vietnamese troops in their place. A considerable success, this plan allowed for a drop in troops to 24,000 by 1972. . This policy became the cornerstone of the so-called "Nixon Doctrine". As applied to Vietnam, it was labeled "Vietnamization".

Crop Lien System

A way that slaves could buy crops through using credit, they would have to pay it back with their yield of crops, but almost always would go in debt considering the price is to high

Bessemer Process

A way to manufacture steel quickly and cheaply by blasting hot air through melted iron to quickly remove impurities

Francis Trollope

A women who tried to make a business in America but would fail and write the book: Domestic Manners of Americans. It described Americans as slobs, always of the go, and the treatment of slaves and natives


First act of genetic engineering, would son be corn, start Neolithic age, corn was very east to transport, as forests got taken down lead to diminishing of hunting

John Brown

Abolitionist who would believed he was someone sent by God to abolish slavery and this belief lead bleeding Kansas and the attack on Harper Ferry

Christopher Columbus

Accidently discovered America after a 33 day journey and thought it for west Indies, attempt to find Genghis Khan in Cuba, had 3 more voyages over there, wanted to find Gold to fund expedition to holy land to take in from


First artificial Earth satellite, it was launched by Moscow in 1957 and sparked U.S. fears of Soviet dominance in technology and outer space. It led to the creation of NASA and the space race.

John Wilkes Booth

Actor from Maryland who was an avid southern supporter that killed Lincoln at Ford's theater, after he shot he jumped out of booth and yelled VI Motto

Navigation acts

Acts passed by Brittan to build their imperial fleet, gain silver and gold, to make sure they were the only ones to gain benefits of Colonies by making sure they could only trade with them, these were passed because of competition with Dutsch

Old Deluder Acts

Acts stating that every New England town needs a school to learn to read and educate children about the bible and salvation, protecting them from satan, town needed 50 people to start a town

Embargo Act

Acts that were put in place by Jefferson that prevent any trade with France or Britain until Britain stops using impressment and French stops stealing ships, didn't hurt them as much as they want, smuggling starts to become more relevant


Additional arms limitations signings in 1979 which places limits on long-range missiles, bombers and nuclear warheads.

Opportunity Magazine

African American Publication founded during the Harlem Renaissance, an all black written magazine for blacks started during the Harlem Renaissance Write essays on what it is to live as an African american

Marcus Garvey

African American leader durin the 1920s who founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association and advocated mass migration of African Americans back to Africa. Was deported to Jamaica in 1927.

Langston Hughes

African American poet who described the rich culture of african American life using rhythms influenced by jazz music. He wrote of African American hope and defiance, as well as the culture of Harlem and also had a major impact on the Harlem Renaissance.

British East India Tea Company

After Townshend acts, the amount of smuggling allowed the company to have ample amount of tea, what use to be a monopoly had turned into a broke business because of military payments, they decided to send this tea directly to merchants in the colonies, parliament placed taxes on it through the tea act

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

Agency established in 1932 to provide emergency relief to large businesses, insurance companies, and banks.

Kellogg-Briand Pact

Agreement signed in 1928 in which nations agreed not to pose the threat of war against one another

Gentlemen's Agreement

Agreement when Japan agreed to curb the number of workers coming to the US and in exchange Roosevelt agreed to allow the wives of the Japenese men already living in the US to join them

National Women's Party

Alice Paul, went against war and pushed for women's right, goes out and protest about how women need right to vote, Alice Paul went on hunger strike

Alien and Sedition Acts

Alien acts gave the right of the president to remove anyone who is a possible threat in time or war. Sedition acts-could not revolt or talk badly about the government, Alien Enemies Act- During war they can deport any immigrants of enemy power, Naturlization act- 14yrs to become Citizens

Douglas MacArthur

Allied commander and five star general in the U.S. army. He headed the U.S. army in Japan and Korea but was fired by Truman for questioning the actions of his superiors in the midst of the Korean war.

Paleo Indians

Indians who where dependent upon Mammoths for their coats and for their meat, followed them across the Bering Sea to go from Asia to Alaska to America

Oliver Wendell Holmes

Along with John Marshall, he is often considered considered one of the greatest justices in Supreme Court history. His opinions and famous dissents in favor of individual liberties are still frequently quoted today. He argued that current necessity rather than precedent should determine the rules by which people are governed; that experience, not logic, should be the basis of law.

contract labor laws

Also called the Foran Act, these passed in 1885 to prohibit the importation and migration of foreigners under agreement to perform labor in the United States.

Gentlemen's agreement

America didn't like Japanese people taking jobs so refused to allow them in schools, would have an agreement saying they would let them in schools if started restricting passports that were meant for labor

Macon's Bill No. 2

America was having financial difficulties so they open up trade to both France and England. However, they announce that if either France or England ends their raids on American shipping, the US will continue to trade with their country and suspend trade with the other. France agrees to this and America suspends trade with England, creating additional tensions between the two.

Horatio Gates

American General whose troops defeated the British forces at Saratoga, would take much of the fame away from his troops such as Benedict Arnold

Wilbur and Orville Wright

American bicycle mechanics; the first to build and fly an airplane, at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, December 7, 1903.

Thurgood Marshall

American civil rights lawyer, first black justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. Marshall was a tireless advocate for the rights of minorities and the poor.

Billy Sunday

American fundamentalist minister; he used colorful language and powerful sermons to drive home the message of salvation through Jesus and to oppose radical and progressive groups.

Benedict Arnold

American general who assisted in battle for Ft. Ticonderoga and Quebec, would turn to British though after he learned that Colonies weren't paying him back for invest made in Quebec, much of his clout was also took by his General, Horatio Gates, which prevented him from gaining promotions, he would side with the British and was planning on giving west point to British but John Andre was captured and he held letters that contain him guilty

Frederick Jackson Turner

American historian who said that humanity would continue to progress as long as there was new land to move into. The frontier provided a place for homeless and solved social problems.

Robert Fulton

American inventor who designed the first commercially successful steamboat

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

American poet that was influenced somewhat by the transcendentalism occurring at the time. He was important in building the status of American literature.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

American transcendentalist who was against slavery and stressed self-reliance, optimism, self-improvement, self-confidence, and freedom. He was a prime example of a transcendentalist and helped further the movement.

Henry James

American writer who lived in England. Wrote numerous novels around the theme of the conflict between American innocence and European sophistication/corruption, with an emphasis on the psychological motivations of the characters. Famous for his novel Washington Square and his short story "The Turn of the Screw."

Noah Webster

American writer who wrote textbooks to help the advancement of education. He also wrote a dictionary which helped standardize the American language.

Richard Allen

An African American preacher who helped start the free African society and the African Methodist Episcopal church

Salutary Neglect

An English policy of not strictly enforcing laws in its colonies

Billy Graham

An Evangelist fundamentalism preacher who gained a wide following in the 1950s with his appearances across the country and overseas during and after the war. He would commonly appear at religious rallies and allowed people to connect with and appreciate religion even more, causing thousands to attend his sermons. His prominence was so large that in 1996, he was also awarded the Congressional Gold Medal.

Quebec Act

An act imposed by Britain stating that area in Quebec would be given to French Roman Catholics, enraged considering that they had claimed that land for themselves, but also that the land went to Roman Catholics

Charles Grandison Finney

An evangelist who was one of the greatest preachers of all time (spoke in New York City). He also made the "anxious bench" for sinners to pray and was was against slavery and alcohol.

Sears and Roebuck Co

An example of business model of selling discontinued product lines directly to consumers by using a new transportation infrastructure to reach a geographically distributed customer base

Ellis Island

An immigrant receiving station that opened in 1892, where immigrants were given a medical examination and only allowed in if they were healthy, in New York

Whiskey Rebellion

Apart of Hamilton's report on public credit, felt like it targeted W. farmers because that was their main form of profit and considering rum wasn't taxed, mostly in PN where they revolt and who revolted, George Washington sent a small militia, were able to show power of federal gov. to intervene in state issues

William Gorgas

Army physician who helped eradicate Yellow Fever and Malaria from Panama so work on the Panama Canal could proceed, did this by finding way to get ride of mosquitoes

Webster-Ashburton Treaty

Aroostock war- war of lumber jacks that could not decide land borders, it would decide the border between Maine and Canada

Spanish Extend the Faith

Around the time the very first British settlements were being established at Jamestown and Plymouth in the early 1600s, the Spanish settlers turned their attention to expansion and evangelization beyond the Rio Grande into New Mexico. Spanish missionaries dedicated themselves to the Christianization of the Pueblo, natives in the region with very poor and meager settlements. The Pueblo were afraid of the Christian God and saw Christianity as evil sorcery. In 1670, a Pueblo shaman, Popé, organized a massive rebellion where 200 Spanish settlers were killed, but the Spanish regained control of the region and were less harsh in their dealings with the Pueblo as a result. The Spanish's relationship with the Pueblo was significant because when massive numbers of natives died off due to European contact, the Spanish lost their main source of labor that they had built their colonial settlements on.

Huey Long

As senator in 1932 of Washington preached his "Share Our Wealth" programs. It was a 100% tax on all annual incomes over $1 million and appropriation of all fortunes in excess of $5 million. With this money Long proposed to give every American family a comfortable income, etc

Nathaniel Bacon's Rebellion

Asked for assistance on taking natives land, but refused since they had good trade with Indians, he attacks Indians anyway and recruits indentured servants to attack and burndown Jamestown. Berkeley would tell England of Bacon's Rebellion and would come to help. Bacon died of small poxes but they would stop followers.

A. Mitchell Palmer

Attorney General who rounded up many suspects who were thought to be un-American and socialistic(Palmer Raids); looks for them in unions and eventually he started using corrupt tactics, ruins his carrier through the may day parade when he through they would attack in NY and nothing would happen

Thomas Paine

Author of Common Sense

Thomas Jefferson

Author of the Declaration of Independence

"Make the world safe for democracy"

Wilson gave this as a reason for U.S. involvement in WWI.

"He kept us out of war"

Wilson's campaign slogan in 1916 reminding the public that they weren't entangled in WWI

Comstock Lode

First discovered in 1858 by Henry Comstock, some of the most plentiful and valuable silver was found here, causing many Californians to migrate here, and settle Nevada, gold and silver

1st Barbary War

Barbary pirates made profits by attacking ships unless they pay a tribute, Jefferson refused and decided to go to war with limited navy, many of soldiers were captured and had to pay $60,000 and eventually had to pay tribute

War in the West - Shiloh

Battle in Shiloh was won by Grant by a hair, this battle would cut Tennessee in Half, David Farragut is able to take New Orleans for the union

Battle of Lake Erie

Battle where a Naval force led by Oliver Hazard Perry defeated the British and secured Lake Erie, that allowed Detroit to be unkeepable by British, it forced them to retreat where General harrison could defeat them at battle of Thames

Lyndon B. Johnson

Became president after Kennedy's assassination and reelected in 1964; Democrat; signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law, promoted his "Great Society" plan, part of which included the "war on poverty", Medicare and Medicaid established; Vietnam: Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, Tet Offensive


Believe that man is born good and that civilization corrupts good when it came to large scale government, as more people followed one gov, harder to ensure rights for everyone, he believed in small city-states


Belonged to church of England and came to America; "purified" version of Catholics

Election of 1888

Benjamin Harrison is elected as a result of money from big business ad veterans votes. Supported the increase in tarrifs and pensions, and resulted in the economy going into a depression by 1880, first president to use 1 billion in office


Born in Spain and immigrated

John Adams

Bostonian lawyer, very involved in 2nd continental congress, and avid supporter of constitution, but short it stature and spoke his mind and he wasn't fun, abrasive

Peace Corps

Kennedy proposed this which was an army of idealistic and mostly youthful volunteers to bring American skills to underdeveloped countries.


British General who would capture Charleston, settle in Chesapeake bay and would have to surrender

Sugar Act

British deeply in debt partl to French & Indian War. English Parliament placed a tariff on sugar, coffee, wines, and molasses. colonists avoided the tax by smuggling and by bribing tax collectors.

John Burgoyne

British general in the American Revolution who captured Fort Ticonderoga but lost the battle of Saratoga in 1777 (1722-1792), was stopped because he wasn't given assistance from any of his fellow commanders such as General Howe, Sergeant Legar, Sir Henery Clinton who turned back to New York to restock, because of losing showed to Spain and France their capabilities and they started providing them with foreign aid


British passenger ship sunk by German U-boats, US would get very upset considering many us passengers, only way of communication was british propoganda, made them look barbaric


British practice of taking American sailors and forcing them into military service

Boston Massacre

British soldiers protecting customs house and citizens started throwing snow balls at them, more colonist started coming and snowballs turn into rocks, soldiers started shouting upon citizens (5)

Lextington and Concord

British wanted to show the power by stealing supplies at concord, Paul revere was able to spread the through the lanterns to John Hancock, were able to combat them at Lexington with 80 Minutemen but lost, fled and British almost fully destroyed concord, but colonist completely surround them and was able to take the victory


British were camping out in Chesapeake bay, French Navy would trap them in Bay, Washington and Rochambeau lead troops North, while Lafayette lead his south from Virginia, trapping Cornwallis which later would lead him to surrender

Ft. Orange

Build on same place as Albany and became permeant settlement/trading post

Sectional Issues- Tariffs

Northwest (Kentucky) wanted high tariffs for their hemp farming, Southwest wanted it low for cotton farming

Ballinger-Pinchot Controversy

Cabinet members who had fought over conservation efforts and how much effort and money should be put into conserving national resources. Pinchot, head of the Forestry Department, accused Ballinger, Secretary of the Interior, of abandoning federal conservation policy. Taft sided with Ballinger and fired Pinchot.

Erie Canal

Canal connecting Lake erie and the hudson river and allowed large expansion into the west


Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is a civilian intelligence agency of the United States government. Its primary function is obtaining and analyzing information about foreign governments, corporations, and persons in order to advise public policymakers

Transcontinental Railroad

Central pacific railroad built from California while Union Pacific built from Ohio and they meet in Utah and promontory point, was essential for expansion west and would help the creation of time zone, they would give land in a checkboard pattern, pacific railroad act 1862 allowed construction

Henry Cabot Lodge

Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, he was a leader in the fight against participation in the League of Nations, our Blundering Policy

Battle of the Bulge

December, 1944-January, 1945 - After recapturing France, the Allied advance became stalled along the German border. In the winter of 1944, Germany staged a massive counterattack in Belgium and Luxembourg which pushed a 30 mile "bulge" into the Allied lines. The Allies stopped the German advance and threw them back across the Rhine with heavy losses.


Church founded by Joseph Smith in 1830 with headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah, religious group that emphasized moderation, saving, hard work, and risk-taking; moved from IL to UT


Church founded by Joseph Smith in 1830 with headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah, religious group that emphasized moderation, saving, hard work, and risk-taking; moved from IL to UT, Joseph Smith was killed after it was rumored he was trying to take NW and Brigham Young would take his place, Joseph Smith believed he translate golden hieroglyphs that described religious adventure of Israelites in America

15th amendment

Citizens cannot be denied the right to vote because of race, color , or precious condition of servitude Many women concerned considering in only went towards men, 2 groups form, National women suffrage association and the American women suffrage association NWSA- against new amendment (Anthony and stanton) AWSA- for amendment considering hard core abolitionist but yet believed in women's suffrage (stone and Ward)

Mayans and Aztecs

Civilization built on corn and in Mesoamerica, Aztecs formed different farming techniques from geography

Hay-Herran Treaty

Colomians selling panama to us for 10 mil and 250000 for the next 99 years, but would demand more which would cause america to side with the Panama when they were revolting against colombia

James Otis

Colonial orator who proclaimed no taxation without representation

Tories (Loyalists)

Colonist in the colonies that remained loyal to Britain

Indentured Servants

Colonists who received free passage to North America in exchange for working without pay for a certain number of years

John Pershing

Commander of American Expeditionary Force of over 1 million troops who insisted his soldiers fight as independent units so US would have independent role in shaping the peace

George Washington

Commander of the Continental Army, and would later be elected president, good choice because he was from another country which showed a diversity in revolution and not just squared away in Boston- lead other colonies to join

Francis C. Lowell

Leader of Boston Associates, than added water wheels to the textile scene, Set first company up in Walton Boston and was very successful

Specie Circular

Due to english sudden intrest in cloth, America start getting a lot of money and a lot of that money went into investments of land, Jackson purposed this hoping to stop cauious but all it did was force the bank to lose a lot of resources and everyone to pay in gold an silver

Natural Rights

Life, Liberty, and Property, rights that were purposed by John Locke that were rights that were inalienable rights, that we inherited by being humans

New Harmony

Communal society of around one thousand members, established in New Harmony, Indiana by Robert Owen. The community attracted a hodgepodge of individuals, from scholars to crooks, and fell apart due to infighting and confusion after just two years.

Fidel Castro

Communist leader of Cuba

Ho Chi Minh

Communist leader of North Vietnam; he and his Viet Minh/Viet Cong allies fought French and American forces to a standstill in Vietnam, 1946-1973.

Missouri Compromise

Compromise crafted by Henry Clay that allowed Maine to be admitted as a free state and Missouri as a slave state, thus keeping the balance of pro-slave and anti-slave power in Congress

Robert E Lee

Confederate general who had opposed secession but did not believe the Union should be held together by force. Would be a very successful in the war and would prove essential for almost every battle in Civil war.

Pan-American Conference

Conference called by James Blaine that created an organization of cooperation between the US and Latin American countries

Schechter Poultry Corp v. US

Congress gives the President the power to regulate industry under National Industry Recovery Act. Result: Congress does not have the authority to delegate such powers to the President. Congress may not delegate its legislative powers to the President.

Francisco Pizarro

Conquistador who Conquered Incas and manipulated them into civil war, Forced Incas to mind in Petosi Silver mines in Peru

Draft Riots

Conscription Act in 1863 forced men between 20-45 years old to be eligible for conscription but one could avoid it if they paid 300 or got someone in their place; provoked anger from poor workers

John Dickinson

Conservative leader who wrote "Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania"; advocated for colonial rights but urged conciliation with England & opposed the Declaration of Independence, also purposed the articles of confederation, also wrote olive branch petition

The three sisters

Corn, beans, squash, could coincide and group together without strangling the other crops

Political Machines

Corrupt organized groups that controlled political parties in the cities. A boss leads the machine and attempts to grab more votes for his party.

King Cotton

Cotton slowly became a cash crop due to its necessity in such places such has textile mills, due to the cotton gin and other new and improved innovations the cotton industry was quickly on the rise


Created by John Noyes. A community that rejected the gender norms of the day and practiced equality of the sexes, complex marriage (every man married to every woman), communal property, and communal raising of children. Usually NOT accepted, contributed silver working

George Whitefield

Credited with starting the Great Awakening, also a leader of the "New Lights."

George Whitefield

Credited with starting the Great Awakening, also a leader of the "New Lights." Preached that God was all forgiving and you could make amends for sins.

William Lloyd Garrison

Criticizes slavery in his news paper the liberator, calls it a declaration wit the devil considering it was in accordance with the constitution he also supported women's rights

Middle Class

as the demand for certain skills, a middle class started to form, these people had higher pay and a better living

Wilmot Proviso

David Wilmot's bill that said any land claimed by the Mexican war would be considered free, this caused a lot of tension with the North and South

Shay's Rebellion

Daniel Shay in MA organizes revolt against gov., destroying debtor prisons and started shutting down court houses, couldn't raise military so they would stay prominent for a long while

David Walker- Appeal

David Walker published appeals to the colored citizens of the world and it talked about how slavery was evil and you should revolt against slave holder, banned it in the south but North did not so south started to distrust north

Berlin- Milan Decrees

Decrees published by France stating that none of it territory could trade with Britain

Whig Party & Democratic Party

Democratic- Jackson's party that believed in equality, weak federal gov. but strong president, and every day man could do whatever he wanted to as long as he put his mind to it (rotation in office) Whigs-Didn't like Jacksons financial decisions, Hamitonians, people who didn't like how he didn't put money into education, people who believed in state rights and didn't like king Andrew, founder was clay

First Bank of the United States

Depository for gov. revenue, pay gov. bills, authorize issue paper money, the bank's decision had an effect f interest rate, a percent was own by people


Depression shantytowns, named after the president whom many blamed for their financial distress

American Party (Know-Nothings)

Didn't like the German and Irish coming in and taking jobs, so they were against the immigrants and the catholics, believed that catholics follow the pope blindly so he will hinder the election and due to their lack of stance on slavery they would quickly die out

Pequot's war

Didn't like the consistent flow of immigrants into Connecticut, Started attacking them, New England colonies asked for wampum and the ones who attacked them, when they refused went to war, Narragansetts and Mohegans got to see want English war far looked like

Big Stick Diplomacy

Diplomatic policy developed by T.R where the "big stick" symbolizes his power and readiness to use military force if necessary. It is a way of intimidating countries without actually harming them and was the basis of U.S. imperialistic foreign policy.

Direct vs indirect taxes

Direct taxes are imposed on peoples' income or wealth and on firms' profits. Indirect are expenditure and consumption taxes. They buy goods and pay taxes to the seller, who then pays it to the government.

Peter Minuit

Director of Dutch colonies, Establish trade(Mohawks), peace with pilgrims, and purchased Manhattan for Algonquians

Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge

Dispute over the toll bridge of Charles River and the free bridge of Warren. The court ruled in favor of Warren. Reversed Dartmouth College v. Woodward; property rights can be overridden by public need

38th Parallel

Dividing line between North and South Korea

John Rawls

During 1964, serious laws about civil order and change were passed, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964 would publish the first of his many works, which was called, the "Theory of Justice." This work focused on distributive justice for the American people and attempted to reconcile the contesting claims of the values that freedom and equality have. He incorporated that there is the Liberty Principle and the Principle of Equality. Another of his works, "Political Liberalism," answered the question of how citizens divided by different philosophical ideas can come together and endorse a constitutional democratic regime. Finally, his "The Law of the Peoples," focused on the issue of global justice and the legitimacy of international order. His ideas and works would help promote change through a new wave of ideas.

Sanitation Commission

During the Civil War an organization was established to disseminate proper health practices. Forerunner of the Red Cross.

Gold v. Silver Monetary Standard

During the Civil War, Abe Lincoln issued paper money to fund war Tight Money Policy - After war, returned to gold After Panic of 1893, farmers had difficulty paying down their debt - lacked currency Populists suggested introducing silver as part of the currency standard. Republicans were concerned that it would water down the currency (16:1)

New Amsterdam

Dutch Colony started on mouth of Hudson river, not a reason for trade, it was made to populate new world- Permanent settlement

Henery Hudson

Dutch explorer who founded Dutch fist colony, first colony was Albany, would fail and be replaced by fort orange

John Maynard Keynes

English economist who advocated the use of government monetary and fiscal policy to maintain full employment without inflation (1883-1946)

Jacob Riis, How the Other Half Lives

Early 1900's muckraking writer/photographer who exposed social and political evils in the U.S. He was dedicated to using his photographic talents to help the less fortunate in New York. His photography helped capture the hardships faced by the poor. His most popular work, How the Other Half Lives, became a pivotal work that precipitated much needed reforms in the slums of New York. Jacob Riis's photography, taken up to help him document the plight of the poor, made him an important figure in the history of documentary photography.

General Incorporation Law

Easier to start corporation

Square deal

Economic policy by Roosevelt that favored business regulation, worker/consumer protection, conservation

Free Soil Party

Emerge from liberty party, people who deeply disagreed with the expansion of going west, they were not as radical therefore they stayed a little longer than the liberty party

Conscription Act/ buyout clause

Enacted in April of 1862, it subjected all white males between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five to military service for three years. It was repealed in 1863. You could get around this by providing substitute or $300

Compromise of 1877

Ended Reconstruction. Republicans promise Remove military from South, and the dem would disregard the corruption that happened

Lecompton Constitution

Enough people in Kansas to get state hood, a bunch of southerners in Missouri come over and vote for gov. issues, would produce Constitution, brought to supreme court, James Buchanan supports it while Douglass goes against it saying that the constitution support equality, it would get declined

Lincoln Douglas Debate

Equal rights issues- (Charleston) asked him about certain politic issues like how he believed about how slaves should be equal, said he would prefer preserving union over abolishing slavery Freeport Doctrine- Debate at free point asked him if he could declare free states with popular sovergnty, s would start to disaprove

Henry George, Progress and Poverty

Essentially purposed a heavy land tax on the wealthy, didn't agree with the distribution of wealth

Samuel de Champlain

Established Quebec, made first fur trade, wasn't paid by king, paid by private investors from a joint stock company

Fletcher vs. Peck

Established firmer protection for private property and asserted the right of the Supreme Court to invalidate state laws in conflict with the federal Constitution.

McCullough V. Maryland

Established national supremacy; established implied powers; use of elastic clause; state unable to tax federal institution

Interstate Commerce Act

Established the ICC (Interstate Commerce Commission) - monitors the business operation of carriers transporting goods and people between states - created to regulate railroad prices

Bunker Hill

Even though at the end the British took Bunker hill, they failed many times while Colonist were defending, with 250 colonist loses, vs the 1000 colonist loses, the colonist were able to prove themselves vs the British

Eleanor Roosevelt

FDR's Wife and New Deal supporter. Was a great supporter of civil rights and opposed the Jim Crow laws. She also worked for birth control and better conditions for working women

Good Neighbor Policy

FDR's foreign policy of promoting better relations w/Latin America by using economic influence rater than military force in the region

Daniel Webster

Famous American politician and orator. he advocated renewal and opposed the financial policy of Jackson. Many of the principles of finance he spoke about were later incorporated in the Federal Reserve System. Would later push for a strong union.

A House Divided

Famous speech by Lincoln before the Civil War about the economy. "This country cannot be half slave and half free...."

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Father died, mother grief stricken, wrote in New England about sin and guilt

Battle of Thames

Fight in which General Harrison defeated British forces in the Northwest by the lost of battle of lake Erie


Firms or corporations that combine for the purpose of reducing competition and controlling prices (establishing a monopoly). There are anti-trust laws to prevent these monopolies.

John Winthrop

First Gov. of Massachusetts bay colony, gave speech on the Arabella about how they would be the idol of the colonies


First Indian tribe encountered by Columbus.

Sherman Antitrust Act

First federal action against monopolies, it was signed into law by Harrison and was extensively used by Theodore Roosevelt for trust-busting. However, it was initially misused against labor unions

Stamp Act

First form of direct taxation in the colonies to support military, it forced colonists to purchase stamps in order to ratify documents and pamphlets

Stono Rebellion

First slave rebellion, SC- some slave will rise up sep. 9 1739, would raid general store and take guns and march to South to Florida, on way continually raid plantation and recruit slaves, South Carolina would form malica and stop them and kill all who been apart of it


Followers of a belief which stressed self-reliance, self- culture, self-discipline, and that knowledge transcends instead of coming by reason. They promoted the belief of individualism and caused an array of humanitarian reforms.

Dollar Diplomacy

Foreign policy created under President Taft that had the U.S. exchanging financial support ($) for the right to "help" countries make decisions about trade and other commercial ventures. Basically it was exchanging money for political influence in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Louisiana Purchase

France came into control of land, wanted it to expand territory into America and provide farm land for Caribbean islands, Toussaint L'ouventure started a rebellion in Hatti and with them being so busy with the war felt no need to maintain it, Monroe was sent over to negotiate with Talleyrad, would be offered all of territory and even though it wasn't in the constitution got it any way

Junipero Serra

Franciscan missionary who settled California


Indian chief and founder of the Powhatan confederacy of tribes in eastern Virginia, traded with early English men because thought they were going to die off and saw them as weak and going to die, cut it off when they realized that they were growing, English became dependent on Indians

Liberty Party

Former party that formed after the annexation of texas that would be pro to keeping the union but also abolishing slavery

fort Dequesne

Fort that British claimed the Washington told them that it was theirs but refused to listen, told Washington to take it but failed after he set up fort necessity after facing a recognizance group on his way to capture it.

Carrie Nation

Founded WCTU to outlaw selling/drinking alcohol. She was married to an abusive man that she killed with an axe and she didn't get punished for it. She formed a group that walked into bars with axes.

James Oglethorpe

Founder of Georgia


French allies, with there help they are able to establish trade empire

Edmond Genet

French ambassador who came to America to receive French aid, goes on tour and starts recruiting merchant ships to go take on British ships in Mediterranean, bad- didn't want to be on British bad side, asked him to stop, ignored them, Washington wants him deported but changes his mind when he asks him to stay because of the power shift in France


French foreign minister who tried to bribe America with 3 different ways, also purposed convention of 1800

Pere Marquette

French missionary who accompanied Louis Joliet in exploring the upper Mississippi River valley (1637-1675)

Pere Jacques Marquette

French missionary who accompanied Louis Joliet in exploring the upper Mississippi River valley (1637-1675), meet with Huron and Ottawa

Marquis de Lafayette

French soldier who was very close to washington, dispised the British, would lead the troops in colonist, would put a lot of own money into war, would talk with troops and raise moral unlike other generals, major contribution in battle of yorktown


French word meaning an easing of tensions between the world's superpowers during the Cold War

Bartolome de Las Casas

Friar in the new world and argued against encomienda's, came to America after Columbus, critic American conquest and protection of Natives right, offered to use African Americans instead

Headright System

From new colonizer, for every head you brought you would receive 50 acres of land

Gabriel's Rebellion

Gabriel was a slave who firmly believed in the writing of Jeff. and believed that if he and others rose up that democrats would helped him, skilled blacksmith so would be rented out, would spread his word and they would attack the rich in Richmond, himself and 26 others executed and all it did was restrict the moving of slaves

19th Amendment (1920)

Gave women the right to vote

Battle of New York

Gen. Howe and Brother Adm. Howe attack colonists in Long Island. So Washigton's men march to LI. British drive Washington out of Brooklyn Heights, they retreat to Hudson River across to NJ, but will attack them on Christmas and steal their supplies

Valeriano Weyler

General sent by Spain to stop Cuban revolt, referred to as the "Butcher" because of harsh tactics "concentration camps, shooting civilian, ect.)

William T Sherman

General whose march to sea would allow him to take many costal states and free many slaves, this would be the downfall of the south and the thing that would secure Lincolns spot in the next election


Generally rough people who took the cheep land that was presented to the West, they did not respect natives and believed them to be Savages

Federalist #10

How to create a strong government while preserving freedoms, written by James Madison

Albert Einstein

German physicist who developed the theory of relativity, which states that time, space, and mass are relative to each other and not fixed.

Invasion of Poland

Germany invaded, breaking their agreement, so Britain and France declared war, starting World War II


Gov. should be limited in power, gov. should not gov. very much, believe in better education, America should be a nation of Farmers, Jefferson

Edmond Andros

Governor of the Dominion of New England from 1686 until 1692, when the colonists rebelled and forced him to return to England

Bonus Army

Group of WWI vets. that marched to D.C. in 1932 to demand the immediate payment of their goverment war bonuses in cash, hoovers imoral way of getting ride of them made him even more unpopular

Toleration Act

Guaranteed religious toleration to trinitarian Christians, but decreed the death penalty to Jews and atheists and others who didn't believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ,

Chesapeake Affair

HMS Leopard flagged down Chesapeake and when they declined to give soldiers they attacked it, they could not do this considering it was a war ship, ship under James Barron, Britain basically declaring war

Act of Toleration

Had to believe in the divinity of Christ- if you did you were allowed to worship religion

Assumption of State Debts

Hamilton believed that we should all be on equal footing and all states should enact all the state debt, Jefferson didn't like this because many of the S. states already had paid for their debt, compromised by putting capitol in Virginia

Domestic Debt- Government War Bonds

Hamilton's and Jefferson's beliefs on paying war bonds. Hamilton- believed that who ever had war bonds that they should pay them in full, if they pay debt full, they assume financial responsibility. Jefferson- believed that all war bonds should be payed as a percent, most people who had war bonds had been sold to them and they had not fought in the war

Hamilton's Report on Public Credit

Hamilton's proposition to allow gov. to organize taxes, tariffs, and securities

Webster-Hayne Debate

Hayne first responded to Daniel Webster's argument of states' rights versus national power, with the idea of nullification. Webster then spent 2 full afternoons delivering his response which he concluded by saying that "Liberty and Union, now and for ever, one and inseparable", this purposed that view of the constitution, a written document or proof of a union, fought over due to Nullification crisis

Richard Ely

He asserted that economic theory should reflect social conditions, and believed that the government should act to regulate the economy to prevent social injustice.

Steve Jobs

He developed the very first Apple computer from his garage.

Samuel Slater

He was a British mechanic that moved to America and in 1791 invented the first American machine for spinning cotton. He is known as "the Father of the Factory System" and he started the idea of child labor in America's factories.

John Lewis

He was a miner known for creating the United Mine Workers. He helped found the CIO and was responsible for the Fair Labor Standards Act.

John Dewey

He was a philosopher who believed in "learning by doing" which formed the foundation of progressive education. He believed that the teachers' goal should be "education for life and that the workbench is just as important as the blackboard."

George Kennan

He was an American diplomat and ambassador best known as "the father of containment" and as a key figure in the emergence of the Cold War.

Henry George

He wrote Progress and Poverty in 1879, which made him famous as an opponent of the evils of modern capitalism.

Henry Lloyd - Wealth Against Commonwealth

He wrote the book "Wealth Against Commonwealth" in 1894. It was part of the progressive movement and the book's purpose was to show the wrong in the monopoly of the Standard Oil Company.

Mikhail Gorbachev

Head of the Soviet Union from 1985 to 1991. His liberalization effort improved relations with the West, but he lost power after his reforms led to the collapse of Communist governments in eastern Europe. (p. 863)

Pacific Railroad Act

Helped fund the construction of the Union Pacific transcontinental railroad with the use of land grants and government bonds.

Compromise of 1850

Henry Clay's purposal that he would bounce off Webster that would address many of the issues going on in America at the time, settling border between Texas and New Mexico, and Utah and New Mexcio territory would be popular sovergnty, strengthen the fugitive slave act, abolish slave trade in Washington DC, and California will be freee

Fredrick Jackson Turner

Historian during the 1890s who wrote the frontier thesis, which argued that the continuous existence of the American frontier had shaped the character of the nation, and the end of this frontier marked the end the first chapter in American history, afraid of what would happen to American democracy after frontier is gone


I- would not agree to the treaty R- would need some negotiations to open up to it

Battle of Little Bighorn

In 1876, Indian leaders Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse defeated Custer's troops who tried to force them back on to the reservation, Custer and all his men died (Montana)

Immigration Act of 1882

In 1882, this act placed restrictions on the immigration of undesirable persons, such as paupers, criminals, convicts, and mentally incompetent, set up taxes, examinations, etc

Civil Rights Cases

In 1883, The United States Supreme Court ruled that the Civil Rights act of 1875, forbidding discrimination in hotels, trains, and other public spaces, was unconstitutional and not authorized by the 13th or 14th Amendments of the Constitution.

Homestead Steel Strike

In 1892- one of the most violent strikes in America at the Carnegie Steel Company. 7 people died. 300 Pinkerton detectives were hired and there was a battle where they ultimately surrendered, Henry Frick was the boss and he got mad

Iranian Hostage Crisis

In 1979, Iranian fundamentalists seized the American embassy in Tehran and held fifty-three American diplomats hostage for over a year. The Iranian hostage crisis weaked the Carter presidency; the hostages were finally released on January 20, 1981, the day Ronald Reagan became president.

Bay of Pigs

In April 1961, a group of Cuban exiles organized and supported by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency landed on the southern coast of Cuba in an effort to overthrow Fidel Castro. When the invasion ended in disaster, President Kennedy took full responsibility for the failure.

Visible Saints

In Calvinism, those who publicly proclaimed their experience of conversion and were expected to lead godly lives.

Vice-Admiralty Courts

In these courts, British judges tried colonials in trials with no juries, used to enforce taxes

U2 Incident

In which the Russians shot down a high altitude US spy plane over the Soviet Union; this incident exposed a secret US tactic for gaining information.

Judiciary Act of 1789

In writ of mandamus can be achieved at any level, they would force the gov. to do something

Geneva Peace Conference

International conference to restore peace in korea and Indochina. The chief participants were the United States, The Soviet Union, Great Britain, France, the People's Republic of China, North Korea, South Korea, Vietnam, the Viet Minh party, Laos, and Cambodia. The conference resulted in the division of North and South Vietnam.

Eli Whitney

Invented the cotton gin

Thomas Edison

Invented the light bulb and was one of the major producers of electricity

Alexander Graham bell

Invented the telephone

Boston 1775-1776

King George III declares Boston in a state of rebellion - England clamps down on Boston to shut down any military activity, Battle of Bunker Hill happens, Ports open to European ships but not British ships, Common Sense published by Thomas Paine, also start receiving foreign aid, Richard Henry Lee purpose to declare independent from Britain

Emancipation Proclamation

Issued By lincoln and said that any state in Rebellion with Union all slaves are now free. This would not be published until Union victory or else look like an act of desperation, states only in rebellion to keep the border states, allow blacks to join army

Indian Removal Act

Jackson believed that farmers were backbone of America and that they needed the land to help promote this, Georgia was also fighting them and wanted land so put them on trial of tears to get them out to avoid confilict

Kitchen Cabinet

Jackson's group of friends that helped him make political decisions, actual cabinet consisted of spoils system members

rotation in office

Jackson's system of periodically replacing officeholders to allow ordinary citizens to play a more prominent role in government

Election of 1824 (Corrupt Bargain)

Jackson, Clay, Adams, and Crawford all were running, Jackson won the popular and electoral vote, but the house would pick considering it was not majority, Clay decided to endorse Adams and he would surpass him in the house votes, and clay would become secretary of state

Coxey's Army

Jacob Coxey leads a group of people to Washington to go to Grover Cleveland to demand for programs that would cause employment, they would start to form programs of building roads bridges and dams, Coxy's people were arrested that would cause separation between people and gov, papers act as a catalyst for distrust when they start publicizing it

James II

King of England would want stronger presents over England and created the Dominion of New England, but failed and was overun

Executive Order 9066

Japanese internment camps, forced many japanese citizens to these internment camps

pearl harbor

Japenese wanted to hinder navy, there aggresion was due to their embargoes and their want for them to get out of china, this causes war

Black Friday-1869

Jay Gloud and Jim Fisk , try to corner gold market by buying as much gold as they could at once and selling it but once they did this the gov started selling as well which causes the stock market to crash

John Carroll

Jesuit priest from Maryland, became first Catholic bishop in the US in 1790.

John Adams

John Adams made sure after massacre, British soldiers got a fair trial, later would help craft many documents such as the the declaration of independents and the federalists papers

Pottawatomie Creek

John Brown rode with 4 sons & 2 others to Pottawatomie Creek; dragged 5 proslavery settlers from beds and murdered them


John Burgoyne was the only one of the generals to make it close to Albany, but was slowed down by swamps and heavy packing, and was meet with colonists waiting for him at Saratoga, was defeated and Colonist proved themselves to France

Peggy Eaton Affair

John Eaton, Jackson's secretary of war was in love with Peggy O'Neil, and decided to marry her once he found out husband, navy soldier was dead. Rumor got around he killed himself due to the affair and Peggy Eaton would no longer be accepted by the women of Washington, Jackson did everything in his power to avoid what happened to Rachel

Jay's Treaty

John Jay was sent to Britain to try to sort out how Britain was not following Neutrality of the Seas, was taking their merchant ships, went there with demands but in the end gave into Britain's which basically restate treaty of Paris- they would more from bases in America, would open up trade with Britain and its colonies, and America would have to repay debts, many americans were mad at this and burn made effigies of him in the streets

Manifest Destiny

John O Sullivan- described American growth that it was theirs for the raking and it was in God's best interest

No taxation without representation

John Otis developed the saying meaning that if they didn't not have a place in parliament, then they did not feel like they were entitled to pay taxes

Marshal Court

John marshal and his court who would conduct many cases and would be in favor of competition to stimulate economy

Yellow Journalism

Journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers

Dorothy Day

Journalist and activist who started the Catholic Worker Movement

Great Railroad Strike

July, 1877 - A large number of railroad workers went on strike because of wage cuts. After a month of strikes, President Hayes sent troops to stop the rioting. The worst railroad violence was in Pittsburgh, with over 40 people killed by militia men, 2/3 of the railroad had to be shut down

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Known as father of Transdentalists

Civil Rights act of 1875

Last significant civil rights piece during the civil war, cannot forbad employment in businesses that serve the community by race, cannot segregate blacks and whites in business, as time passes slowly become more lax

Selective Service Act

Law passed by Congress in 1917 that required all men from ages 21 to 30 to register for the military draft

Black Codes

Laws denying most legal rights to newly freed slaves; passed by southern states following the Civil War, it allowed them to keep slaves in their control through debt

Jim Crow

Laws designed to enforce segregation of blacks from whites

James Madison

Leader of Virginia delegation, try to complete change the constitution and strengthen federal gov. and create the 3 branches, and make legislative branch dependent upon population. He was not the one who purposed these though because of his short stature and high pitch voice, he had Edmund Randolph present them

Eugene Debs

Leader of the American Railway Union, he voted to aid workers in the Pullman strike. He was jailed for six months for disobeying a court order after the strike was over

Eugene Debs

Leader of the American Railway Union, he voted to aid workers in the Pullman strike. He was jailed for six months for disobeying a court order after the strike was over.

Emilio Aguinaldo

Leader of the Filipino independence movement against Spain (1895-1898). He proclaimed the independence of the Philippines in 1899, but his movement was crushed and he was captured by the United States Army in 1901, emilio didn't like US claiming philippines

Terence Powderly

Leader of the Knights of Labor

Sam Adams

Leader of the Sons of Liberty, a very radical colonist who was the leader of many protests

Carrie Chapman Catt

Leader of the national American women's suffrage association, thinks best way to show women right to vote by supporting war effort, causes red cross, food drives/conservation


Lee advances to the offense and tries to take Maryland, there is no clear winner but since South moved back seen as Union victory, as he fell back McClellan persues him but because of his hesitant fighting style lets him get away, leads to the battle that persues lincoln and William Seward to publish Emancipation proclomation


Lee went on the offense to try to end war and tries to take PA, George Meade is who counters him, Lee is unable to separate union so him and his 2ne Pickett, are useless, retreats and Meade fails in the pursuit, place of Gettysburg address which commentates slaves and soldiers that have died

Teller Amendment

Legislation that promised the US would not annex Cuba after winning the Spanish-American war

Platt Amendment

Legislation that severely restricted Cuba's sovereignty and gave the US the right to intervene if Cuba got into trouble, America got guantanao bay for military base, can't build up debt, cuba can not have any other foreign affairs

Limited War vs. Total War

Limited War- Idea that the only point of war was to engage the enemy. They wanted the confederates to come back so decided that their would be limited war so they would not burn down towns and farms for example. Total War- war that encourages to do anything that may act as a catalyst to the war and allow it to quicken. Anything goes.

Freeport Doctrine

Lincoln asked him if popular sovergnty could be free state, when said yes, lost a lot of the south considering that Lecompton he was against, and dred scott case

Suspension of Habeas Corpus

Lincoln suspended this writ, which states that a person cannot be arrested without probable cause and must be informed of the charges against him and be given an opportunity to challenge them. Throughout the war, thousands were arrested for disloyal acts. Although the U.S. Supreme Court eventually held the suspension edict to be unconstitutional, by the time the Court acted the Civil War was nearly over. This was applied in Washington DC and Maryland to try to keep these states with the Union, this allowed them to arrest anyone when their was any sign of Rebellion. Not constitutional congress can claim something unconstitutional but believed justified in time of war

Election of 1864

Lincoln vs. McClellan, Lincoln wants to unite North and South, McClellan wants war to end if he's elected, citizens of North are sick of war so many vote for McClellan, Lincoln wins due to William T Sherman's campaign

10% Plan (Amnesty & Reconstruction Act)

Lincoln's plan to readmit the South. 10% of the voting population in a state would have to take an oath of loyalty to the union to begin state readmission.

Election of 1860

Lincoln, the Republican candidate, won because the Democratic party was split over slavery. As a result, the South no longer felt like it has a voice in politics and a number of states seceded from the Union, didn't ever have power in house, lost power in senate considering more free states, and now Republican President, two southern people were Stephen Douglas and John Breckenridge

Knickerbocker Writers

Literature that was formed to appeal to America by combining myth and history

Philippines War

Long, brutal, costly war. Americans believed it would be similar to Spanish War but it was far worse. Insurrection was broken in 1901 when Emilio Aguinaldo was captured.

James Blaine

Loser of the 1884 election due to the corruption he has with the RR

Thomas Nast

Made evident boss Tweeds dealing through cartoons

Dwight Moody

Made the Moody Bible Institute. Helped generations of urban evangelists to adapt traditional Christianity into city life.

Marbury v. Madison

Madison appointed a lot of judges at the end of his term and these judges were not completely ratified and Jefferson put them on hold and left Madison to it. William Marbury sued Jeff. Administration, he wanted Madison to push the midnight appointments through, he purposed writ of Mandamus (force a political effect to do something), Madison was able to put it down with Judiciary act of 1789 saying it was written by an unconstitutional legislation and therefore he didn't have a trial, this was important cause it established Judicial Review (when something is going through congress, the supreme court will make the final decision if it is constitutional)

Sante Fe

Main Spanish Settlement in Region

William Pitt

Man who became leader of the military efforts during the french and indian war, started supplying them, replaced many commanders that he decided were ineffective, replaced them with more driven generals, also promoted the more offensive side of instead of deffense

John Calvin

Man who was large part of protestant reformation, believed in Pre-destination, didn't believe in stain glass windows, stain glass, and other things in church that weren't essential, didn't believe that they need church officials who governed them, believe need more precise interpretation of bible, only believed in baptism and eucharist because only sacrament in the bible.

Union Generals fired

McClellan, Hooker, and Burnside all fired due to timindness on the battlefield

Youth Attitudes

Many people resented WWI, caused many to rebel in ways that were different from their parents like dates, women smoking and drinking, flappers, shifts view to carpei diem

Cultural changes of market revelution

Many people thought these changes were infringing upon their rights. They could no longer set their own prices and work hours and they were forced by someone else. Many Jeffersonians pushed against it and others moved west to try to escape it.

McCulloch v. Maryland

Maryland was trying to tax the national bank and Supreme Court ruled that federal law was stronger than the state law

"Peace with Honor"

Nixon's policy of withdrawing from Vietnam, but with honor

Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom

Measure enacted by the Virginia legislature prohibiting state support for religious institutions and recognizing freedom of worship. Served as a model for the religion clause of the first amendment to the Constitution.

Hartford Convention

Meeting of Federalists near the end of the War of 1812 in which the party listed it's complaints against the ruling Republican Party. These actions were largley viewed as traitorous to the country and lost the Federalist much influence, they talked about forming a New England confederation, traded with Enemy, and refused to give and malitia or support to war of 1812

Middle Class vs. Working Class

Middle class- some business needed skills from certain people, got somewhat better pay, lead to division of sexes, men would go to work while women controlled house hold and taught children virtues, had a humble living Working class- Everyone worked, needed money

Plain Indians

Migratory group following buffalos, but as America moved west would force them on reservations

Roger Williams

Minister in Salem, preached that it was bad to force religion upon people and also it was bad to take Indian land, would be band and he would form RI and Providence plantation

Hamilton's Report on Manufacturers

Moderate Revenue Tariffs, increase taxes to help promote industry, wants to build cities and stimulate economy

The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald

Modernist novel during the Jazz Age published in 1925 by American author (1896-1940), considered to be part of the "Lost Generation"; characters include Nick Carraway, Joy Gatsby, Jordan Baker; set in summer of 1922 in Long Island and NY City


North Atlantic Treaty Organization; an alliance made to defend one another if they were attacked by any other country; US, England, France, Canada, Western European countries

Sectional issues- land changes

North believed it to be too cheap, South believed it would force competition so disliked, West fought for west expansion

Sectional Issues- slavery

North didn't like slavery, but west and south pushed for it


Movies with sound

Ida Tarbell

Muckracke who goes after the Standard oil trust

Frank Norris

Muckraker during the Progressive Era; wrote "The Octopus" (1901) that described the power of the railroads over Western farmers

William Tweed

N.Y. political boss (did not hold a political office) controlled the Democratic political machine known as Tammany Hall; Stole $200 million form New York City, when any immigrants would come in they would secure there votes by offering them good stuff


Name for Union paper money not backed by gold or silver. Value would fluctuate depending on status of the war (plural)


National Defense Education Act; Eisenhower argued that the US must meet the Soviet threat in military power and technological advancement so nationwide testing of high schools to persuade students with high scientific ability

Walter Rauschenbusch

New York clergyman who preached the social gospel, worked to alleviate poverty, and worked to make peace between employers and labor unions.

Triangle Shirt Waist Factory

New York-1911- made women blouses but one night on the 8th, 9th, and 10th floor there were very dirty conditions and a work fire broke out, inspired a higher safety standard

War Powers Act

Notify Congress within 48 hours of deploying troops; had to gain congress' approval to stay longer than 90 days; designed to curtail President's power

Black Tuesday

October 29, 1929; date of the worst stock-market crash in American history and beginning of the Great Depression.

John Rockefeller

Oil company

Battle of Trenton

On Christmas day at night, Washington's soldiers began crossing the Deleware River. The next morning, they suprise attacked the British mercenaries which were Hessians.

Agriculture and Cultivation

Once most of the large animals died forced to focuses on permeant settlements, and the main thing that lead to this lead to the farming of Maize

Clemet Vallandigham

One of the copperheads who denounced war and would flee to canada and would be tacken by ohio gov

Chautauqua Movement

One of the first adult education programs. Started in 1874 as a summer training program for Sunday School teachers, it developed into a travelling lecture series and adult summer school which traversed the country providing religious and secular education though lectures and classes.

William Lloyd Garrison

One of the leading abolitionist, used liberator to vocalized views on anti slavery, used paper to express opinions and said the declaration of indepdence was a contract with hell, due to it wasn't in accordance with religious virtuous


People who separated from Anglican Church and settled in Plymouth


People who shared a common belief that those who were born in America should be more privellaged then those coming in

Sinking of the Maine

One week after the de Lome letter made headlines on February 15,1898, the U.S. battleship Maine was at anchor in the harbor of Havana, Cuba when it suddenly exploded. 260 Americans were killed on board. The yellow press accused Spain of blowing up the ship, even though experts later concluded that the explosion was an accident.

Non-Intercourse Act

Open up trade and only forbade trade with French and Britain

Sons of Liberty

Organization formed by colonist to organize resistance from Britain, Opposed British Colonies

Women's Peace Party

Organization of women working together to keep the nation out of war, believe drafts and acts are very unconstitutional

Freedmen's Bureau

Organization run by the army to care for and protect southern Blacks after the Civil War, it will be given chunks of land that will provide education and nursing, mostly ran by carpetbaggers and abolitionist

department of labor and commerce

Originally started in 1903 as the Department of Commerce and Labor, it was combined with the Bureau of Corporations in 1913 to create the Department of Labor. The Bureau of Corporations helped break the stronghold of monopolies. (oversaw interstate commerce and labor relations - Bureau of Corporations)

Christian Modernism (Horace Bushnell)

Originated in the late nineteenth century, some Catholic intellectuals, out of a desire to address contemporary currents of thought, embraced trends in psychology, science, and philosophy and tried to adapt Christian thought to them.

Edgar Allen Poe

Orphaned and was obsessed with death, explored the literature of science fiction and mystery

John Hancock

Patriot leader and president of the Second Continental Congress; first person to sign the Declaration of Independence.

Caste System

Peninsulares, Creoles, Mestizo, Mulattoes- system in which people at top got first priority and most power


People born in America but had Spanish heritage


People of African and European descent


People who broke from church and there beliefs included- inner light, people are born good, everyone is equal (race, gender, slaves and natives), Religious toleration, believed in being plain (dressed very dully and so were there houses of worship)

Ferdinand and Isabella

People who funded Columbus expedition after Portugal refused


Puritans who wanted to reform the Anglican church from within, believed in ideals of John Calvin and started to from independent churches along the colonies

First 100 Days

Period from FDR's inauguration in March 1933 through the following June. During this time, Roosevelt pushed program after program through Congress in an effort to provide economic relief and recovery.

Edmund Randolph

Person who voiced James Madison views considered he was bigger than Madison and was able to present ideas better

First Continental Congress

Peyton Randolph was elected president, response to intolerable acts, decided to start boycotting British goods, and made bill of rights, also wrote to king to try to get him to repeal the acts

William Bradford

Pilgrim who was youth of the separatist and was appointed mayor and wrote Plymouth plantation which recorded the first 30 years in the colonies

Valley Forge

Place where Washington's army spent the winter of 1777-1778, it was bad because of the cold, disease, and very little food. It was good how they were able to mature the army through the efforts of Nathaniel Green, Lafayette, and Von Steuben. Nathaniel- Supplied troops, Lafayette- French soldier who would command and invest a lot of his own money into war him and Washington would become very similar to father and son, Von Steuben- helped by teaching commanders how to train and discipline their troops

Jay Gould


Panic of 1873

RR would go out of business because lack of profit, this meant the business that was supporting them would go under as well, all money would go away and cause another crash

J.P. Morgan

RR/ Banking

Fletcher v. Peck

Supreme Court case which protected property rights and asserted the right to invalidate state laws in conflict with the Constitution

Anaconda Plan

Plan to set up naval blockades to make sure they didn't receive any exports and almost all of the southern campaign was dedicated to taking of the MI River

Omaha Platform

Political agenda adopted by the populist party in 1892 at their Omaha, Nebraska convention. Called for unlimited coinage of silver (bimetallism), government regulation of railroads and industry, graduated income tax, and a number of election reforms.

Second Continental Congress

Political authority during the war, made in the response to the battle at Lexington/concord, meet at Independence hall in Philadelphia, elected John Hancock as president, during it appointed Washington the military commander, placed colonies in defense to Britain, as Canada if wanted to join, and John Dickinson made Olive Branch Petition

Spoils System

Political favors that were owed to people that helped support you in your positions and you would repay them by putting them in high positions in gov.

Buchanan-Pakenham Treaty

Polk wanted to disband the treaty of 1818 so they made the compromise of extending the 49th parallel all the way through instead of stopping at the rockies

Horatio Alger

Popular novelist during the Industrial Revolution who wrote "rags to riches" books praising the values of hard work

joint-stock company (London company of Virginia)

Power was based on how much you invested, Reduced British economic burden London Company of Virginia- a bunch of 2nd rich son and slaves (primogeniture), James the 1st gave charter to them and took benefits of colonization like trade and recourses

Jonathan Edwards

Preacher during the First Great Awakening; "Sinners in the hands of angry god"

Richard Allen

Preacher who bought freedom and would move with his family to PN and would start the St George Methodist church, he would integrate how racial discriminations was bad into sermons, helped underground railroad and church would be a station

Denmark Vessey

Preacher, African Methodist Episcopal Church, would plot an attack on Charleston and take the city but his plan would never be executed because he was sold out by comrades

Iran Contra

President Reagan authorized the off-the-books sale of stolen weapons from the Pentagon to Iran in order to fund the Nicaraguan Contras; Congress had forbidden him to use government funds to support the Contras; helped keep Iraq from winning the Iraq-Iran War (did not want a Middle Eastern superpower); very illegal (Iran was considered a terrorist state) and almost caused Reagan to be impeached.

Wilson's 14 Points

President Woodrow Wilson proposed a 14-point program for world peace, said no secreat alliance, freedom of seas, self determination to decide land and formation of league of nations

Jefferson Davis

President of the Confederate States of America

Franklin D. Roosevelt

President of the US during Great Depression and World War II, 32nd

amendment 18

Prohibition- acohol

Fredrick W Taylor- Taylorism

Promoted the idea of scientific management of factories to increase efficiency

Amendments 16

Proposed Income tax


Proprietary Colony, would encourage planter from Barbados to settle there, cash crop economy (n-tobacco s-rice and indigo) Would capture Natives and would trade them to West Indies

Patrick Henry; Virginia Resolves

Protested that British could not tax the colonies and said that only the house of Burgesses can tax Virginia, argued that they precedent that it would cause would allow the British to continue to tax the Colonists

Common Schools

Public schools available to children from all levels of society that taught basics of what you need to know to prevail in basic society

Pueblo Revolt (Pope's Rebellion)

Pueblo skeptical of Christian beliefs, they decide to revolt against them to keep their spiritual ceremonies, attack settlements and kill many priest, burned settlements and ransacked Santa Fe, lead to Spanish to be more Religious tolerant

Gadsden Purchase

Purchase of Southern parts of Arizona and New Mexico purposed by James Gadsden and was purposed to Santa Ana the president of mexico for 10 million, he was the president of the south carolina railroad and wanted a railroad that went across america west and wanted that land to avoid rockies

Northern Securities Co vs Us

Re-established the authority of the federal government to fight monopolies under the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.


Reagan's proposed Strategic Defense Initiative (1983), also known as "Star Wars," called for a land- or space-based shield against a nuclear attack.

Pontiac's rebellion

Rebellion started by Pontiac, last push against whites, failed and they were forced to sign proclamation of 1763 (colonist didn't like)(contract made by William Johnson, protected land and life by drawing a line at Appalachian mountains that colonist could not settle past, and also established Quebec and East and West Florida for the colonist)

New South

Redeemer government worked to increase industry, but still major agricultural, since they were so late they were very behind and poverty was there, Civil rights slowly were degrading, start to participating in lynching and jim crow laws

Fightin' Robert LaFollette

Reformed- right to vote for direct legislation Direct Democracy recall election- not in line with people intrests can into office teams up with university to set good income tax child labor laws building codes and controlled hours

Dust Bowl

Region of the Great Plains that experienced a drought in 1930 lasting for a decade, leaving many farmers without work or substantial wages, it was cause by winds blowing dust from Nebraska and montana


Religious group started by Ann Lee that said she was the second coming of Jesus, starts in Albany NY, believed in vibrant prayer through dance and separation of the sexes, contributed wood working

The First Great Awakening

Religious revival in the colonies in 1730s and 1740s; George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards preached a message of atonement for sins by admitting them to God. The movement attempted to combat the growing secularism and rationalism of mid-eighteenth century America. Religious splits in the colonies became deeper.

Election of 1884

Rep:James Blain, Dem: Grover Cleveland, Republicans believe that it is impossible to have a rep corruption with so much corruption so they vote Cleveland and become Mugwumps, which wins Cleveland the election

Virtual Representation

Representation purposed by Britain that said that when they were deciding acts and laws that they kept the colonies best interest in mind

Herbert Hoover

Republican candidate who assumed the presidency in March 1929 promising the American people prosperity and attempted to first deal with the Depression by trying to restore public faith in the community, would ultimately fail

Billion Dollar Congress

Republican congress of 1890 that was first to spend one billion dollars


Republicans who voted democratic due to the mass amount of corruption in the republican party

Joseph Pulitzer and William Hearst

Rival newspaper owners that used yellow journalism in 1890s to stir up emotions in favor of US intervention in Cuba against Spain. Wanted to sell more papers.

Quartering Act

Result of 7 year war, believed they should keep soldiers in colonies, established this act and it stated that Colonist had to house british troops, one they felt it was need, and two they felt like they were being threatened because of military and they were taking jobs so the colonist had to compete with them

Retrenchment and Reform

Retrenchment- believed that debt was a threat to liberty so pushed for removing of federal debt and did it all by 2nd term Reform- as president reformed the gov. by taking out a lot of JQA guy, which most of them were corrupt and old

Henry Ford

Revolutionized the car industry with the mass production of the Model T. Ford. Used the assembly line system to use unskilled labor to quickly and cheaply produce identical cars.

Gaspee Affair

Rhode Island colonists boarded the HMS Gaspee, a British ship, looted it, then burned and sank it in 1772, British were outraged that none of the colonist

African Methodist Episcopal Church

Richard Allen founded this first independent black Protestant run church in 1816 in the US. It supported abolition and founded educational institutions for free blacks

14th amendment

Rights of CItizens- granted citizenship to all people born in the US.

Northern Securities Case

Roosevelt's legal attack on the Northern Securities Company, which was a railroad holding company owned by James Hill and J.P. Morgan. In the end, the company was "trust-busted" and paved the way for future trust-busts of bad trusts.

New Nationalism

Roosevelt's progressive political policy that favored heavy government intervention in order to assure social justice

Urban vs. Rural

Rural people looked at cities and saw them as den of vices City folks looked at rural and though of them as back water hick and they don't understand world

Whiskey Ring Affair

Scandal where tax collectors, whiskey distributors, and politicians colluded so that the whiskey distributors paid the government officials to not tax the whiskey.

"Duck and Cover"

Schoolchildren practiced crawling under their desks and putting their hands over their heads to protect themselves from an atomic bomb attack.

James Blaine

Secretary of state for Benjamin Harrison who established closer ties with Latin America, major imperalist

Daniel Webster

Senator of Massachusetts; famous American politician & orator; advocated renewal & opposed the financial policy of Jackson;


Separatist/ Pilgrims were suppose to land at Delaware but instead landed North of Cape Code and established ______________ wanted to practice religion without persecution but also didn't want kids to grow up in too much religious tolerance

Second Great Awakening

Series of religious change where it when from an unforgiving god to a merciful and kind God, emphasis important of virtues and morals and the salvation could be claimed by anyone, also god is not very hands on, people liked this more

Burlingame Treaty

Set up Chinese Labors for things like building railroad

Wounded Knee

Seux indians were dancing the ghost dance, but because of their aggressive movements, Americans regulating them thought they were attacking and killed them all

40 acres and a mule

Sherman's army created order 15 that gave 400,000 acres of land to freedmen, they were overwhelmed by refuges and provide 40,000 with this land, he will also provide families with mules that were no longer needed to them, Andrew Johnson will give land back to those it originally belonged to

Panama Canal

Ship canal cut across the isthmus of Panama by United States, it opened in 1915, originally would make the hay herran treaty to buy panama from the colombians, (250,000 dollars yearly for 99 years, and 10 mil up front) but would pull out due to the fact that they jack up the price, would force them to take the side of panama when they were revolting against Colombia

Black hawks war

Short 1832 war in which federal troops and Illinois and Wisconsin militia units defeated the Sauk and Fox Indians led by Black Hawk, forced into Iowa

Jonathan Edwards

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God


Site of first fur trade, controlled by French

Nat Turner's Rebellion

Slave in Virginia Southhampton and he was a preacher and believed that God told him to go against slave owner, would kill 55 people in southhampton and his group would be hung after small malitia was formed, tensions between North and South started to form considering South fromed more restrictions and blamed North (cancelled emancipation laws and more restrictions)

Black Politicians During Reconstruction

Slavery was just left but been made illegal, needed time to develop politics, once did many scared considering they believe blacks in office would be inefficient and disruptive

John Smith

Soldier who came to Virginia, he order colonist to work 6 hours day, colonist largely unmotivated and didn't listen- didn't believe that they deserved to work, people were able to because of changes he made

Cotton Mather

Son of Increase Mather who encouraged the Salem witch trials by declaring himself a demonologist

First Ordinance of Secession

South Carolina upset that a northern president elected in 1860. Secedes from the union before Lincoln even takes office. Felt like they no longer had voice as Congress and president controlled by North

Ostend Manifesto

South would bounce about taking Cuba but word would get out and the North would get word and he would have to refuse to not get bad reputation

Solid South

Southern states reforming south after reconstruction, they would create acts that restrict the voting rights of blacks through literary tests, poll taxes, and grandfather clauses

Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

Soviet troops invaded Afghanistan to help the Afghan communist government crush anticommunist Muslim guerrillas; anti communist guerrillas received support from US and GB; USSR withdrew→ communist party remained in power

Transcontinental treaty (adams onis treaty)

Spain gave up Florida to the U.S. and the U.S./Mexico border was set so that Texas and the American Southwest would be part of Mexico.

De Lome Letter

Spanish ambassador to the us, criticized McKinley for being weak and only concerned about press, caused many americans to freak out

Spanish Settlements of California

Spanish claims land by establishing Christian settlements all along California, leader of these settlements was Fr. Junipero Serra (ranchos- land grants)

Francisco de Coronado

Spanish explorer who explored west to Kansas then went north all the way to Grand Canyon

Pinkney's Treaty

Spanish gave Americans free navigation of the Mississippi River and the right to trade at New Orleans

"City on a Hill"

Speech given by John Winthrop, spoken on the Arabella, to enforce the idea that people would be looking up to them for guidance

Knights of Labor

Started by Terence Powderly, allowed all to join, they fight for 8 hour work day, abolish child labor, equal pay for all, band foreign labor, etc, after the Haymarket square innocent where a bomb killed 8 cops

Tariff of 1833

Stated that import taxes would gradually decrease by about 10% over a period of eight years until they matched the levels of the Tariff of 1816. Although the state and federal governments were able to strike a compromise, Jackson's near invasion of S. Carolina illustrated the federal government's stance on the power of a state to annul federal laws.

Proclamation Line of 1763

Stated that no colonists could settle in lands to the west of the Appalachian mountains-- made the colonists very upset

Worcester v. Georgia

Supreme Court Decision - Cherokee Indians were entitled to federal protection from the actions of state governments which would infringe on the tribe's sovereignty - Jackson ignored it

Texas War for Independence

Successful revolt by Texans against Mexican rule in 1835-1836, did not grow accustomed to things that were required such as becoming catholic, speaking the language and no slavery

Transportation and communication innovation

Such things made these aspects on life easier like turn pikes, canals, chipper ships, steam engines, and the telegraph

Dred Scott v. Sanford

Supreme Court case that decided US Congress did not have the power to prohibit slavery in federal territories and slaves, as private property, could not be taken away without due process - basically slaves would remain slaves in non-slave states and slaves could not sue because they were not citizens

Lochner v. New York

Supreme Court case that decided against setting up an 8 hour work day for bakers

Court Packing (Court Reform Bill)

Supreme Court - obstacle to the New Deal Declared two policies unconstitutional Concerned Social Security and Wagner Act would be declared unconstitutional FDR makes Court Reform Bill If a justice retires at 70, they can retire at full pay Or. president can assign another justices, with equal power,to the court to help with the workload This angers people on the left and right - too much executive power Blown out of the water Only the first part gets passed, not the second part Gives him a black eye politically

Sweatt v. Painter

Sweatt was denied admittance to Texas Law School because of his race. Result: SC ruled that the school had to let him in because the separate facility for negroes was not even close to equal. - 14th A.

Chester Arthur

Takes upon a half breed stance and decides to pass the Pendleton act of 1882 which required officials to take a test for political positions

James F. Copper

Talks about heroic figures, Last of Mohicans about native American and wilderness and how he is a hero

Walker Tariff 1846

Tariff made by James Polk that fulfilled his campaign promise of lowering tariffs

Tariff of Abominations (1828)

Tariff with such high rates that it set off tension between northerners and southerners over tariff issues, many of the southeners were consered, they liked buying briitish goods and were worried also about the retalitory tarrifs that were going to be put on americans goods

Battle of Tippecanoe

Tecumseh had been recruiting a bunch of Indians and Tenskwatawa (the prophet) order some to marched on William Henry Harrison's camp, and when they lost, Harrison marched on prophetstown

Bully Pulpit - Conservation

Teddy Roosevelt used his position as president to appeal to the people and promote this, way he shows his support for conservation


Teddy Roosevelt's handpicked unit in the Spanish American War. A truly American crew of cowboys, scholars, land speculators, Native Americans and African Americans, they can be considered one of our first special forces.

Missouri Compromise

Territories were already decided to be free territories considering because constitution didn't say anything about territories, Missouri wanted to become state so set up a bunch of restrictions to try to turn them away from slavery and towards emancipation like you couldn't import slaves into the area and slaves would be free once they surpassed the age of 25, Missouri got mad so Henry Clay drafted the Missouri comprise that stated that they would admit a free state and a slave state to balance the control of the house, parallel 36'30

Open Range Ranching

Texas, a bunch or free ranging cattle, would heard them and send them off to city, very dangerous but barley and cost went into it because food continuously grew and the land wasn't owned by anyone


Texians who tried to take cuba by force

Old Lights/New Lights

The "New Lights" were new religious movements formed during the Great Awakening and broke away from the congregational church in New England. The "Old Lights" were the established congregational church.

Postdam Conference

This is the conference where Stalin, Truman, and Churchill came together to decide how Germany would be administered. Their goals were to establish order, settle peace treaty issues, and deal with the effects of WWII.

William Brewster

The Church elder in the separatist church


The Indian group that helped the first pilgrims in Plymouth, they thought them how to live, plant, hunt, and fish, First successful harvest had thanksgiving

Martin v. Hunter's Lessee

The Supreme Court can review the decisions of the highest state courts if they involve a federal law or the federal Constitution

Army-McCarthy Hearings

The Trials in which Senator McCarthey accused the U.S. Army of harboring possible communists.These trials were one of the first televised trials in America, and helped show America Senator McCarthey's irresponsibility and meanness.

Battle of Fallen Timbers

The U.S. Army defeated the Native Americans while trying to claim land for the west ward expansion, Figured are actually supplying and helping natives but will stop after jay's treaty

Standard Oil of New Jersey v. US

The United States Supreme Court found John Rockefeller's company guilty of monopolistic actions and split it up into several geographic regions.

Social Darwinism

The belief that only the fittest survive in human political and economic struggle.

Boston Tea Party

The colonist were not mad about the indirect taxes, but mad about the lack of representation in parliament, so in response they reacted by doing __________. They went on the Dartmouth in Boston harbor, disguised as Indians, and threw all the tea overboard as a protest to Britain's lack of representation

Dominion of New England

The consolidation of many colonies to be under the rule of Edmund Andros, picked by kings James (Tried to make many officials like judges generals, and sheriffs Anglican, imposed taxes and Nav. acts, tried to keep puritans clergy from gaining income from Gov., Councils held once a year)

Hall vs. DeCuir

The court threw out laws forbidding segregation of riverboats, arguing that it was an unjust interference with state commerce, happens because someone doesn't give up a seat on a steam boat

Salem Witch Trials

The daughter and niece of minister Samuel Paris started acting up, and many of the towns people started persecuting people for witch craft, it would end with the persecution of some of the wealthy elite like Rebecca Nurse

Annexation of Texas

The debate over wether texas should be annexed or not had been debat for many years, many of the presidents didn't want to considering the they had good relationships with mexico and that this would only add to slavery debate problem, this would change once president John Tyler Annexes Texas right before Polk takes office


The first permanent English settlement in North America, found in East Virginia along the James River, colony was not very successful, built on a swamp mosquitos were a problem, Virginia company wanted them to find gold, didn't focus on building a colony, dependent of trade with natives

Mayflower Compact

The first sign of independence, contract signed by settlers of Plymouth that said that they were an independent colony and would work for God and the people

Republican Motherhood

The idea that American women had a special responsibility to cultivate "civic virtue" in their children/ had to teach them about the enlightenment concepts

Normandy (D-Day Invasion)

The invasion at this location is also referred to as "D Day," June 6, 1944. This began the effort to liberate western Europe, didn't attack at first due to lack of skill among soldiers

General Court

The legislative body in Massachusetts bay Colony, consisting of Male church members who had the power to vote

Fall of the Berlin Wall

The removal of the wall that separated East and West Germany in 1989. Symbolized the end of the Cold War.

Committee for Industrial Organization

The new union group that organized large numbers of unskilled workers with the help of the Wagner Act and the National Labor Relations Board

Glorius Revolution

The overthrow of English King James II in 1688 and his replacement by Willian and Mary.

Social Security Act

The process of slowly taking money out of their income to provide for them once they have retired

New Immigration

The second major wave of immigration to the U.S.; betwen 1865-1910, 25 million new immigrants arrived. Unlike earlier immigration, which had come primarily from Western and Northern Europe, the New Immigrants came mostly from Southern and Eastern Europe, fleeing persecution and poverty. Language barriers and cultural differences produced mistrust by Americans. (also Catholics and jews)

Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railroad v. Illinois

The states may not regulate interstate commerce

Colombian Exchange

The transport of things between America and Europe, both sides benefit, English got major crops that gave more nutrition while Indians got horses and Iron tools

Treaty of Paris 1898

The treaty that concluded the Spanish American War, Commissioners from the U.S. were sent to Paris on October 1, 1898 to produce a treaty that would bring an end to the war with Spain after six months of hostilitiy. From the treaty America got Guam, Puerto Rico and they paid 20 million dollars for the Philipines. Cuba was freed from Spain.

Bank War

The war on the Bank of the United States waged by President Andrew Jackson, who believed it unacceptable for Congress to create a source of concentrated power and economic privilege unaccountable to the people; Jackson vetoed the recharter bill proposed by the bank in 1832.

Selling Down River

The way of transferring slaves from the middle of the country down to the south, would separate families which would cause a lot of unwanted abolitionist attention

American Dream

The widespread belief that the United States is a land of opportunity and that individual initiative and hard work can bring economic success.

Starving Time

The winter of 1609 to 1610 was known as the "starving time" to the colonists of Virginia. Only sixty members of the original four-hundred colonists survived. The rest died of starvation because they did not possess the skills that were necessary to obtain food in the new world.

Paxton Boys

They were a group of Scots-Irish men living in the Appalachian hills that wanted protection from Indian attacks. When they were reject of their demands, they made an armed march on Philadelphia in 1764. They protested the lenient way that the Quakers treated the Indians, they were put at ease by Ben Franklin.

Hepburn Act

This 1906 law used the Interstate Commerce Commission to regulate the maximum charge that railroads to place on shipping goods. (gave more power to the icc)

Marbury v. Madison

This case establishes the Supreme Court's power of Judicial Review, between John Adams midnight judge and Madison

Gibbons v. Ogden

This case involved New York trying to grant a monopoly on waterborne trade between New York and New Jersey. Judge Marshal, of the Supreme Court, sternly reminded the state of New York that the Constitution gives Congress alone the control of interstate commerce. Marshal's decision, in 1824, was a major blow on states' rights.

Jeffersonian Democracy

This is the phrase used to describe the general political principles embraced by Thomas Jefferson. believed in a gov. that protected the people, believed gov. was necessary but should he limited, believed in a farming and artesian America, pushed for education, believed in a limited federal gov. and military

Treaty of Paris 1783

This treaty ended the Revolutionary War, British recognized the independence of the American colonies, and promised to remove soldiers from western forts, Americans promised to pay pre war debts and stop confiscating loyalist property

The Gospel of Wealth

This was a book written by Carnegie that described the responsibility of the rich to be philanthropists. This softened the harshness of Social Darwinism as well as promoted the idea of philanthropy.

Bull Run I

This was a confederate Victory. This was the first battle. At first, the union held the upper hand, but then stone wall jackson came and outflanked their ranks. Their unorganized retreat showed their lack of experience and proved it was going to be a long war.

Tinker v. DesMoines

Tinker siblings wore armbands to school to protest the Vietnam War and were suspended after refusing to remove them. Result: Symbolic speech is protected under the first A. The armbands caused no disturbance.

Abigail Adams

Told John Adams, her husband, that if women where not woven into their new systems that they would revolt

First Great Awakening

Transition to more exciting and inspire religious preaching. Due to many of the new generation preachers like Jonathan Edwards, and George Whitefield, people who be lead to a new way of following religion. Results were a divide in the church, more protestant faiths started popping up with similar belief- created religious tolerance, good deeds lead to salvation, more lay people in church, and started to lead to the revolution- didn't like Britans way- first religion and soon freedom

Independent Treasury act of 1846

Treasury made by Polk that was one of his campaign promised that stored federal credit that was used for federal funding


Treaty signed in 1972 between the U.S. and the USSR. This agreement limited the number of missiles in each nation and led to the SALT II discussions and a slowdown of the arms race between the two countries.

Treaty of Ghent

Treaty that ended the War of 1812 and maintained prewar conditions, put things back to what they used to be

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Treaty that will end the Mexian war, gives $15 million for the land and the border of Texas will be the Rio Grande and finally they will gain other claims of Spain such as california and New Mexico

Washington Farwell Address

Tried to disband political parties, warned of avoiding other nations conflicts for fear of splitting into factions, and also said how s benefited from N, w benefited from west and both the other way around

Jacksonian Democracy

Very favorable to average Joe, believed that with common sense, they can do anything they set mind to, very similar to Jacksonian Democracy but cranked up to 11, Didn't trust the bank, believed in strong presidency since people picked it, but rest of federal gov. should be weakened to protect states rights, believed in the union

House of Burgesses

Very little power, all power held by Virginia company, first legislative body in America controlled by Aristocrats, votes was given to whites people who owned land, formed hierarchy (established in James town)

Splendid Little war (Spanish American war)

Very short war between american and spain for cuba, US had upper hand in every way, (men, training, funds) problems was everything filtered through florida so clogged railroads, attack the base in the Philippines because that is where they had fleet

French and Indian War

War started when both French and England want to settle in ohio, known to the british as the seven years war, the war is finally able to come to an end when they promote william pitt the head of the war effort- started going on offense

Dawes Serveralty Act

Wiped out tribal ownership, set up individual indian family heads and they each got 160 acres. They would get the full title to the land and citizenship in 25 years if they behaved well

William Henry Harrison

Was general who mistreated Indians, he was able to win at battle of Tippecanoe and also able to win battle of Thames

New Orleans

Was held by Spain and they would continue to hold it, it was bad for people west of Appalachians, but couldn't do anything, one couldn't raise militia because of articles of confederation, and a lot of states had good trading relations with Spain, made them realize reform for Articles of Confederation

Alexander Hamilton

Was supporting Virginia plan, so he purposed a monarchy to make it more realistic, helped write federalists papers

John Hughes

Was the Bishop of New York who began work on St. Patrick's Cathedral in Manhattan

African Slavery from 1660s

Were treated as Indentured Servants and were relatively not that popular, but as more slaves started to come in and after Bacon's Rebelion- it lead them to move toward permanent slavery

American Nationalism- Culture

Were well established in military, economics and treaties, didn't have independent form of literature, decided that this romanticism would be it

Panic of 1837

When Jackson was president, many state banks received government money that had been withdrawn from the Bank of the U.S. These banks issued paper money and financed wild speculation, especially in federal lands. Jackson issued the Specie Circular to force the payment for federal lands with gold or silver. Many state banks collapsed as a result. A panic ensued (1837). Bank of the U.S. failed, cotton prices fell, businesses went bankrupt, and there was widespread unemployment and distress.

Indian Ring Scandal

When Secretary of War, William Belknap, accepted bribes to retain an Indian-post trader in office. Under Grant administration

Massachusetts Bay

Where the Puritans settled

Nathaniel Greene

While at Valley forge was responsible for supplying the continental army, and would play a major role in taking south for the colonist

Election of 1840

William Henry Harrison (Whig) vs. Martin Van Buren (Democrat); result: Whig victory & a truly national two-party system, whigs wanted to do what they did for jackson and promote a war hero and an average guy, they represented him with cider and log cabin and called Buren a heavy spender becuase he bought a billliards table, would die during first month in office, webster and clay basically ran country


William Jennings Bryan

Daughters of Liberty- Homespun

Women who agreed with revolting against British, but were not allowed to join sons of liberty. Make a group parallel to it but with women. They start weaving their own cloths for colonist fighting against British. To wear these cloths was almost a sign of your position considering it showed that you were willing to fight for the colonies

amendment 19

Women's suffrage

Fredrick Douglass

Would escape from Maryland and become a public speaker, would become well known and a controversial topic considering Africans were assumed uneducated


Would use them to make ceremonial belts and would be given to seal agreements, valuable to colonist

Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

Written anonymously by Jefferson and Madison in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts, they declared that states could consider void federal laws that the states considered unconstitutional.

Thomas Paine

Wrote Common Sense, which said that monarchy was a failure and that King George was a royal brute, many colonists saw it as inspiring and started to revolt and others saw it as too radical thinking

Richard Hakluyt

Wrote discourse on Western Panting, said how colonize with assist of royal aid could help them with trade against Spain if they settle along colonies, also good source of natural recourses and new jobs would give them large amounts of tax

Thomas Jefferson

Wrote the Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson

Wrote the Declaration of Independence, would be 3rd present, he was very democratic republican, came from planter class, well-educated

Nathan Hale

Young spy for the American's who disguised himself as a teacher for the British who gave information to Washington, was hung for his acts and made famous quote

Baron de la Brède et de Montesquieu

_______, a French philosopher who looked up to John Locke, helped shape the European Enlightenment. ______'s most famous book, The Spirit of Laws, discussed two important concepts still accepted today. He believed checks and balances would be essential to a government so that dictatorships would not form because one part of the government has too much power. To achieve this division of power, he created a government with three branches of government. His 3 branches correlate with the United States' modern executive, judicial, and legislative branches.

Plessy v. Ferguson

a 1896 Supreme Court decision which legalized state ordered segregation so long as the facilities for blacks and whites were equal

Alfred Thayer Mahan

a United States Navy officer, geostrategist, and educator. His ideas on the importance of sea power influenced navies around the world, and helped prompt naval buildups before World War I. Several ships were named USS Mahan, including the lead vessel of a class of destroyers. His research into naval History led to his most important work, The Influence of Seapower Upon History,1660-1783, published in 1890

Popular Sovereignty

a belief that majority will pick if states or territory will be slave or not slave

organized crime

a business supplying illegal goods or services, increased during the time of prohibition

Inner Light

a divine presence believed by Quakers to enlighten and guide the soul

inner light

a divine presence believed by Quakers to enlighten and guide the soul puritans- A person who believed all people should live in peace and harmony; accepted different religions and ethnic groups.

Declaration of Independence

a document written by Thomas Jefferson, first half said why the colonist were declaring their independence and their new form of government, and the second half would be specific things the Britain refused to do to that was why they were declaring independence

Federal style of architecture

a form of architecture inspired by Greek and roman also in art and gov. , architecture focused on symmetry and wondrous over central/ entrance


a form of gov. that puts Article VI and The tenth Amendment, gov. operate at different levels, and if something is not stated, that doesn't mean you can not do it


a form of gov. where majority rule and people play a major role in government

Lassiez Faire Government

a form of government that did not believe in interfering in business affairs but instead letting competition regulating sales

Fort Necessity

a fort that was quickly built by Washington when trying to invade fort Duquesne, meet with reconnaissance group, they were defeat and had to retreat

Donner Party

a group of western travelers who went to California but were stranded in the Sierra Nevada Mountains during winter


a group of white men who believed in white supremacy and terrorized people in the South after the Civil War, they called themselves the ghost of confederates and mostly used as intimidation, but would use force if necessary

Cult of True Womanhood

a group of women promoting the roles of women in the house, as teachers and instilling virtues and morals in children

Gideon v. Wainwright

a landmark case in United States Supreme Court history. In the case, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that state courts are required under the Sixth Amendment of the Constitution to provide counsel in criminal cases for defendants unable to afford their own attorneys.

Horizontal Monopoly

a monopoly where a person would control everything on a certain type of business which allowed him to regulate prices: Rockefeller controlling all the refineries

Ethnic Neighborhoods

a neighborhood, typically situated in a larger metropolitan city and constructed by or comprised of a local culture, in which a local culture can practice its customs

Albany Plan

a plan purposed by Ben Franklin that stated the colonies would unite as one union but did not get passed, colonies were not in favor

Josiah Strong

a popular American minister in the late 1800s who linked Anglo-Saxonism to Christian missionary ideas, our country: its possible future and its present crisis

Ghost Dance

a religious dance of native Americans looking for communication with the dead, essentially praying for white men to leave them alone

Phyllis Wheatley

a slave in Boston that won freedom, first african women who published, said how slavery was bad, got world wide attention because it went directly against belief that Africans were dumb and started to raise awareness for the abolition movement

Wave the bloody shirt

a slogan use by democrats to endorse Horatio Seymour over Useless S Grant, told people that if they support Rep then you are going against the dem. party, the southern party, if the dem wins they will bring back slave codes, but if you vote rep then you are turning your back and are actually disregarding the soldiers in the civil war that fought for our freedoms, if you vote democratic you are for CSA and KKK (confederate states of america)


a style of music that developed in those ethnic neighborhoods were the AA were able to perform

Underground Railroad

a system of stops that would lead North that helped slaves escape their oppressions, many of these stops were peoples houses or businesses that wanted to help

the "new" negro

a term popularized during the Harlem Renaissance implying a more outspoken advocacy of dignity and a refusal to submit quietly to the practices and laws of Jim Crow racial segregation.

Rush Bagot Treaty

a treaty between us and Britain after war of 1812 that decreased the amount of ships that could be placed on the great lakes- only 2

Civilian Conservation Corporation

a way of providing jobs from ages 18-25 that would allow the younger generation to have a sense of purpose in their lives

Sanford Dole

a wealthy planter who helped in the white planter rebellion to overthrow queen

Sojourner Truth

a women African who would be a abolitionist and a worker for women's rights, would gain freedom and her story of being separated from family and her husband being murdered would turn the hearts of many whites

Gold Rush

a year after they gained the land from Mexico they found gold, caused a surge of people to move out their, it would contribute to its size considering the revnue and people it had, provided room for leverage

Northern Advantages

a)larger population, b)most of the factories to make supplies, c)most of the railroads located in the north, d)strong Navy, e)more money, f)they had an established government

13th amendment

abolished slavery and adds it to the constitution

New Jersey Plan

amended AOC, Unicameral House (1 house of gov. with equal representation) create executive, judicial, and executive but executive only related trade and taxed, but unanimous decision from colonies for it to be passed, made by William Patterson

Sedition Act

amendment to the espionage act that said that any speech or print that went against war was illegal

Monroe Doctrine

an American foreign policy opposing interference in the Western hemisphere from outside powers

Uncle Tom's Cabin

an account of many slaves on the railroad that got put into a book by Harriet Beecher Stowe that went along her house (rap, separation, and work conditions)

Declaratory Act

an act purposed the parliament was the main sovereignty and British Citizens will follow their acts, Colonist completely under the control of the British, Britain would pass laws as they saw fit

Tenure of Office Act

an act that required the president to speak to congress if they want to move a congressmen, used to protect the republican cabinet from Andrew Johnson, disobeys it and almost leads to his impeachment

Raid on Harper's Ferry

an attempt made by John Brown to storm Harper's ferry VI and raid a federal army base, was able to do it, hoping to spark a light of rebellion amoung slaves, citizen will put his rebellion down and he would be jailed, known in south as a bad guy, but northern abolitionist saw him as a hero


an enlightenment thinker who was fearful of the tyranny that was put in place due to monarchy, he purposed a way to fix that was by setting up a Legislative system to impose checks and balances, we adopted his system into our gov. in three different branches of gov.

Harriet Tubman

an escaped slave who became a conductor in the underground railroad and would become one of the most famous

Cuban Missile Crisis

an international crisis in October 1962, the closest approach to nuclear war at any time between the U.S. and the USSR. When the U.S. discovered Soviet nuclear missiles on Cuba, President John F. Kennedy demanded their removal and announced a naval blockade of the island; the Soviet leader Khrushchev acceded to the U.S. demands a week later, on condition that US doesn't invade Cuba

Harlem Renaissance

and artistic movement centered around the ethnic neighborhoods that they were able to express themselves through art

Andrew Carnegie

anti-imperialist who believed that going along with imperialism is against American democracy

Samuel Gompers

anti-imperialist who feared competition from foreign laborers

Alexander Hamilton

apart of George Washington's cabinet, secretary of Treasury, he was a federalists and imposed many plans on America such as Report on Public Credit, Report on Public credit

Tenement Houses

apartment like structure that would house poor families

Constitutional Convention

appointed George Washington the president, each state had one vote, and it was held in secret to prevent any reports getting in so everyone could speak their mind of what was best for the country, picked George Washington because choosing this national hero almost legitimizes this constitutional convention


areas of federal land set aside for American Indians

Hudson River School

art school that taught about Nature and landscapes, purposed democracy and equalism

Neoclassical Artists

art very inspired by greek and roman

Indian Removal from the South

as more expansion was wanted for plantation, started to move Indians farther west


battle day after Gettysburg where they are able to take last confederate strong hold which completes their anaconda plan

Professional sports

became more popular with the promoting of the radio

Treaty of Paris not enforced

because of the lax of ability to purpose taxes they were unable to uphold their bargain in treaty of Paris, so Britain started placing troops back in their western forts


belief in the benefits of profitable trading; commercialism.


belief that God has decided ones faith before they had even been born

Ft. Ticonderoga

built around lake champlain in ny. Built by the French during the French and Indian wars. Captured by the british then taken back by Americans and again to british. Surrendered by Washington, was the reason for the second continental congress. The English were able to claim in from Britain because the war had not offically started, and they were able to take them by surprise and steal canons in fort, (taken by Benedict Arnold and Ethan Alen)

Cornelius Vanderbilt

built river boats, shipping west, RR

Schneck v. US

case that favored sedition act


center of trade, shop, and craft. Had religious and political activities, mound community with wooden temples, class division- great burials for wealthy, Astronomy was present, would die because of cuttings down of forest, drought, or over use of top soil

Hawley-Smoot Tariff

charged a high tax for imports thereby leading to less trade between America and foreign countries along with some economic retaliation

Sumner Brooks incident

charles Sumner gave speech about Kansas and Nebraska act, talking about who S is plagueing the country with slavery, would call out Amdrew butler, his nephew Preston Brooks would beat him with cane and he would experienced much pain, Preston would resign but would be relected considering he was a hero

Hernando Cortes

conquered Aztecs, thought he was quetzaquatal, became one of the wealthiest man, through physical labor

Yellow dog contracts

contracts employees had to sign that restricted formation of labor unions

Ohio River Valley

controversial land that led to the French and Indian War; British win war and claim this land; region where British fur traders went; rich soil for farming

Plessy v. Ferguson

court case that ruled separate but equal

Emergency banking act

created bank holiday for banks, federal gov would go to banks and see which ones are functional

Tenesse Valley Authority (TVA)-1933

created domns to create electricity to power rural areas that didn't intreat private companies

Charles River Bridge Case

dispute over the constitutional clause regarding obligation of contract, decided that public convenience takes precedence

Southern Economy

due to blockades and lack of support the South was forced to print 1 mil dollars which they couldn't replace with specie, lead to major inflation and bread riots

Destroyer for bases deal

due to neutrality act, us couldn't directly have commerce with england, so decided to trade bases for war ships instead

Election of 1912

due to the split in the republican party, Woodrow wilson victories

Sherman's March to the Sea

during the civil war, a devastating total war military campaign, led by union general William Tecumseh Sherman, that involved marching 60,000 union troops through Georgia from Atlanta to Savannah and destroying everything along there way.

Christianity's Conscience and the Social Gospel

during the gilded age, movement to help people out of slums, improving of low class citizens

income tax

during war forced to raise income tax from 2 percent to 15 percent

Peter Zenger

editor of the New York Weekly Journal and would get in trouble for speaking out against his appointer William Cosby and would go to court and be defended by Andrew Hamilton, first thing that lead to freedom of speech

Election of 1828

election that started the political campaigning, Jackson and Adams were head to head, Jackson used the corrupt bargain to make clay and Adams look like the bad guy, the retaliate by saying his wife lived with him while still married to other man and a murder due to his heavy participation with duals, Jackson also says that Adams was a frivolous spender and spent a lot of money on fancy furniture in white house and supplied Russia with virgins, in the end Jackson won


elements of the people's rule, but mostly relied on law for rule

Aircraft Carriers

essental part of the war when it came to war against japenese, major victory over at midway when they only lost Yorktown while the japenese lost 8 ships

Treatment of African Americans in the North

even though they were brought in by us army, they were still segregated and German POWs were treated better, and also white workers protested work

Louis and Clark

explore Louisiana territory, went from St. Louis to Oregon, one casualty, were tasked with making maps and recording land, bring back specimens, making good relationships with natives, and telling european that this was now american land

Mathew Brady-The death of Antietam

famous photographer of the Civil War - brought the war to the people

Elastic Clause (Necessary and Proper Clause)

federal gov. will need to do things for the gov. to be able to do its job, Hamilton used it to argue for the national bank, said it was in the gov. best interest, Washington sided on Hamilton

Greenwich Village Bohemians

first time that urban areas were more popular then rural, in caused an idea of excitement in urban areas, and shifted their views to carpei diem, caused rebellious bohemians in art and educational views, Margret sanger was one who pushed for birth control

motion picture

first was the great train robbery and the first one with sound was the jazz singer

Fort Sumter

fort during civil war that started the war, would be very useful to north considering that if they could control it they could block all trading with south Carolina, after the south attacks it when he is supplying it the war officially begins

William James

founder of functionalism; studied how humans use perception to function in our environment

Fr. Junipero Serra

founder of the settlements owned by spain in california, He would have come from spain and would live outside of mexico city until he was moved to california to run 9 missions, he would welcome them in and provide them food and health and the idea of good, but they would then have to work

Gustavus Swift

meat packing

Morril Land Grant Act

gave each state a certain amount of land for colleges depending on the amount of senators and congress men, meant to teach people of agriculture and common decencies

Morril Act

gave federal land to the states to help finance agricultural colleges

Pacific Railways act

gave land to railroad in a checkerboard pattern that was divided between the gov and the railroads, allowed for the building of the transcontinental railroad

Jones Act

gave territrorial status to PR and removed the tarrifs on puerto rico good, pr had own legislator and gov. to enforce local laws, pr could not vote in president election

Foraker Act

gave the US direct control over and power to set up a government in Puerto Rico

George McClellan

general that graduated from West Point (2nd in his class) and was very useful when it came to training soldiers, but would soon be found futile when in the battlefield. Very timid which allowed for many escapes of the confederates.

Henry David Thoreau

goes to Walden pond (owned by Emerson) and wrote book of removing one self from society, focusing on individual, and going away from material goods

Manhattan project

gov. supported project for a bomb

committee on public information

government organization that produced propaganda to build support for the war

War Industries Board

govt. control on industry during war

Island Hopping

gradual capturing of islands in east asia to slowly claim all the land that japenese had taken

Henry Clay

great leader of W., was born in Kentucky, very friendly and reasonable, elected into congress in 1810 and was one of the war hawks, developing American system which was a document he was trying to pass for the construction of roads and canals in the west

Patrons of Husbandry

group of farmers who joined up to try to help fix pricings and such but as they got together and spread beliefs with each other tried to create a political party to help pass acts and legislation to help cause

committee of correspondence

informal communications between the colonies expressing their opinions about the British, it will bind colonies and they will see a common interest

Fireside Chats

informal talks given by FDR over the radio; sat by White House fireplace; gained the confidence of the people

James Buchanan

interfered in the case with dred Scott convincing a judge and purswaying his opinion, also supported Lecompton constitution even though the Southern governor he sent there advised him against it

Samuel Morse

invented the telegraph


investigative journalist who expose corruption (uncover, attack through writing, impact reader)


jane Adams

Cutthroat tactics

long haul/short haul- if one railroad was dominant from one place to another they could jack up the prices but would try to go as low as they could if competition was in place to win the favor of the buyer high volume discounts- if someone was offering to transport large amount of items, you would give them a discount from picking your railroad service Rebate- eventually gov stops allowing people to discount things so they would have them pay at full price then send money back through check Predatory pricing- larger and bigger businesses will continue to lower the price to make sure others go out of business collusion- people come together to fix prices and a agree on a single price Intimidation- threats to drive people out of business

Roger Taney

made petition saying that slave could not sue in federal court and used full faith and credit clause to defend decsion saying considering were purchased in slave state, you are owned by John emerson no matter where you are, also said Missouri compromise was unconstitutional, north hated this

Prohibition (18th amendment)

make band of alchoal offical says no manufacturing, sale, or transportation, volstead act- no person can do this with alchoal except any liquor that is more than 5 percent, gets pushed for rural folk, all speakeasy and night clubs forced underground, boom of alchoal selling over boarders and making it themselves, FDR 21st amendment got ride of and brought many jobs to breweries and saloons

John Rolfe

man who brought Tobacco from Virginia, from the Caribbean, cash crop, better taste and smoothness

Seward's Folly

many criticized William Seward's purchase of Alaska from Russia for 7.2 million dollars, calling it his folly. Bought it due to the good relations that could be gained and also rumors of mass wealth their in fish, gold, and land

Newburgh Conspiracy

many of the colonist were lacking trust in the continental congress to rule so some of the soldiers wanted to appoint Washington as a some what king, but he refused for sack of preventing another tyranny rule

women in the workplace

more women employed 20%, would originally be employed in textile miles but soon would shift over to office workers when men would play a better role in society

Great Migration

movement of over 300,000 African American from the rural south into Northern cities between 1914 and 1920, change society of AA

Women's suffrage movement

movement to grant women the right to vote

Grant US

much more aggresive that past commanders, implement total war (burn towns, uplift railroads, etc, did not harm citizen though) policy is where ever lee went he would follow, would push him all the way to Petersburg where forced to defended, he had lee trapped where he wanted him

Upton Sinclair

muckraker who shocked the nation when he published The Jungle, a novel that revealed gruesome details about the meat packing industry in Chicago. The book was fiction but based on the things Sinclair had seen.

Bull Moose Party

nickname for the new Progressive Party, which was formed to support Roosevelt in the election of 1912


northerners who moved South to help those who were hurt and helped rebuild, but also opportunist who believed they could take advantage of their crumbling economy

Williams Jennings Bryan

one of the presidentental candidates of the election of 1896 who support cross of gold (talks about farmers being ignored and relates it to religion and gains religious support) would gain support of S and W, but NE would overpower and McKinley would win

Rural-Urban Conflicts: Fundamentalism

opposition started to grow between cities and rural, rural focused on fundamentalisms, caused city to view them as back water hicks

Franklin Pierce

overall unlucky president, he would be president during bleeding Kansas, Ostand Menifesto, and his son would die soon after being elected

Prohibitory acts

passed by parliament, which outlawed all trade with the colonies; embargo on American goods; American ships seized

concerns of competition

people were concern considering the only way to have good prices is with competition and with it lacking it would cause stuff like price manipulation, no incentive to improve quality, etc

American Colonization Society

people who would buy passage for African to go back to Africa considering that they believed that it would be impossible to integrate them into their own society, Liberia was one of the free towns that would be open for slaves to travel too

Settlement Houses

places in slums that provided service to the poor, mostly educated women with college diplomas

Dawes Act

plan with allies and germany to help them pay their war debts, makes it easier for germany to pay their debt

Walt Whitman

poet who wrote about the common person

Voting Restrictions

poll tax, literacy test, grandfather clause

John F Kennedy

president during part of the cold war and especially during the superpower rivalry and the Cuban missile crisis. he was the president who went on TV and told the public about the crisis and allowed the leader of the soviet union to withdraw their missiles. other events, which were during his terms was the building of the Berlin wall, the space race, and early events of the Vietnamese war.

James Polk

president that came in for one term but accomplished all his campaign promises- lowering tarrifs, independent treasury, getting Oregon territory, claimed sw land from mexico

Millard Fillmore

president who would replace Zachary and Taylor and he would get clay's compromise of 1850 passed

Silent Cal Coolidge

president; Doesn't really do anything of significance, president right before the depression

concentration camps

prison camps used under the rule of Hitler in Nazi Germany. Conditions were inhuman, and prisoners, mostly Jewish people, were generally starved or worked to death, or killed immediately.

Espionage Act

prohibited anything that goes against us in time of war and also made it illegal to try to discourage people from drafting or doing to war

Roger Sherman

proposed the Great Compromise

Virginia Plan

purposed by James Madison, 3 branches of gov, Bioamoral House (2 houses with 50% required to pass legislation) representation based on population, strong federal gov. and could veto state laws, small object

Crittenden Compromise

purposed by John Crittenden, said slavery would stay where it was, 36,30 would be restablished, allowed slaver on federal property and washington, No federal interference in slave trade amedments could be changes, Lincoln Rejected it because it went agianst Republican Beliefs, Southeners rejected it because they believed war was necessary

Panic of 1893

reading RR, goes under, this causes the banks to go under, and the business that they were giving excess loans to also go under

White Planters Rebellion

rebellion in hawaii to overthrow the queen who did not want to be annexed, grover clevaland vetoes proclamation saying that hawaii was independent republic that could get acess, but McKinley will annex for military and commerce gains

Boxer Rebellion

rebellion started by Chinese group the harmonius fist, they didn't like the prescience of Britain, form army and attack, America and Britain will fight them send 30 million dollars as apology and America forgives all of their debt

Wilson's New Freedom

regulate banks, sack trust, lower tarrif, protect buisness

Home owners loan corporation

renegotiated peoples loans and create easier payment methods, due to many famers and other businesses having hard time paying off debt, FDR adjusted loan payment

Ratification of the Constitution

required 9 out of 13 states to ratify (approve) it to become law, held delegation, and elect delegates


restraint or moderation, especially in regards to alcohol or food


resurgence in post WWI, didn't like new immigration, anyone who wasn't a white protestant, resentful toward Europe cause of WWI, they were corrupt people and eventually go underground

Mechanization in Farming

smaller farmers it made it harder but the bigger farmers were able to mass produced with things like the steel plow, reaper, steam traitor

Louisiana Purchase

spain gave territory to france and they were going to use it to supply land in mediterranian but Hatian revolt happen and had no need for it considering at war with Britain so napolean negotiaited all the land with monroe and robert livingston

American Federation of Labor

started by Samuel Gompers and it was for skilled workers and the pushed for 8 hours work days, replacement of the Knights of labors

Land Speculation

starts to rise as go west, but and resell land for a higher price

Neutrality Proclamation

stated that the United States would not take sides with any European countries that were at war

Wabash v. Illinois

states could not regulate interstate commerce

Andrew Carnegie


National Industrial Recovery Act

stimulate economy, get ride of uneployed, implements good codes of business, do best for employees, fix prices and wages and safty and workers could collectively bargin

Coal Strike

strike that demanded better employee stuff, but the strike went on from summer until fall, so TR brought them together and told them if they didn't figure out an agreement he would send federal troops to deal with it


supporters of the Constitution


supports war effort to help promote women's right, caused red cross, and support efforts

Dred Scott vs Sanford

supreme court cast that was about Dred Scott, owned by a war surgeon (John Emerson) and he would move into free territory and the case was about since he lived there he was free, would rule against him 6:3

Cross of Gold Speech

talks about how farmers being ignored, relates to religion, attract religious people

Fordney-McCumber Tariff

tariff put in place by harding that raised tariffs but in doing so would decrease the buisness america got through foreign economics

Baron von Steuben

taught Americans how to train troops

Campaign of 1777

the 3-pronged attack to isolate Americans in New England and cut off supplies: General Howe would march north along the Hudson to Albany, General St. Leger would go were to Lake Ontario and then east to Albany, and General Burgoyne would go south along Lake Champlain and down the Hudson to Albany. This plan completely failed and none of the British armies made it to Albany. The only one that made it close was John Burgoyne who made it to Saratoga where he was defeated by colonist waiting there for him.

Queen Liliuokalani

the Hawaiian queen who was forced out of power by a revolution started by American business interests

Treaty of Paris

the agreement signed by British and American leaders that stated the United States of America was a free and independent country

John Calhoun (positive good speech)

the argument John Calhoun made for slavery that we they take good care of them but also pointed out the terrible work conditions of the North, William Lloyd Garrison immediately went against this and said slavery is always and never will be good

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

the government agency that insures customer deposits if a bank fails

Markey Revolution

the process that took place in nineteenth-century America in which an economy dominated by small farms and workshops was transformed into an economy in which farmers and manufacturers produced for a distant cash market' it was also characterized by the emergence of a permanent "working class". These changes had significant consequences for American social institutions, religious practices, political ideology, and cultural patterns.

Tallmadge Amendment

the restrictions put in place for Missouri to turn them away from being a slave state to free state, included no importing slaves within Missouri and that slaves would be freed after the age of 25

Waltham System

the system of employing young, unmarried females to work in the mills and live in company boardinghouses, Suggested by Lowell

Treaty of Versailles

the treaty imposed on Germany by the Allied powers in 1920 after the end of World War I which demanded exorbitant reparations from the Germans, made them take full resposibility( war guilt clause) , made them pay, territroy lost, limit army and navy

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

the way that movement would governor the land given in the land ordinance of 1785, it would not allow slavery and have 3 steps to becoming a state, 1)congress appointed by the government at beginning 2)5000 people allowed them to start electing legislatures 3)60,000 could purpose to become a state

Harriet Beecher Stowe

the wife of a abolitionist who had a stop in the underground railroad, would interview many of the slaves coming from the south and she would record most of their experiences in her book uncle tom's cabin


they believed that the true value of an idea was in its ability to solve problems

Buffalos in plains

they were essential for plain's Indian culture for food cloths and religion, when america expanded west they almost completely destroyed the buffalos considering when building railroad used for feed men

Homestead act of 1862

this allowed a settler to acquire 160 acres by living on it for five years, improving it and paying about $30, could not be confederate and must do paper work

Desert Land Act

this land ownership oppurtunity passed in 1877 allowed a prospective land owner to purchase up to 640 acres of land on the condition that the land would be irrigated with in 3 years of the purchase

North Africa

wanted to take algeria from the natzi so the us decided to attack from the east and brits from the west

Russo-Japanese War

war for a part of W china against the Japanese and Russia, Japanese obviously winning but didn't have enough power to finish off, Roosevelts decides to declare peace treaty that says to one get complete control, wins him Nobel peace price but real intention was to keep commerce open with china

King Phillips War

war started by Metacam (Wampanoag), trained tribe with muskets, when they hung 3 Wampanoag they attacked and were able to overrun many of the town, a year later come back, with help of the Mohawks they imprison and kill Metacam and forced them to RI Great Swamp built large for which would burn down- Named Metacam King Phillip to colonies


was a French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher famous for his wit, his attacks on the established Catholic Church, and his advocacy of freedom of religion, freedom of expression, and separation of church and state. Wanted Frances government to reflect England, he didn't like France's churches and inquisition

reason for the great depression

was due to the stock market crash and many banks falling with many people taking their investments out


was influenced by the English civil war, philosophized everyone is equal by law of nature, but as people gain power people overcome others, and the way that leads to that power is monarchy

Fundemental Orders of Connecticut

was the first written constitution in America

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