Final, Chapters 4 & 5, A&P Chapters 1-3 COMBO

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Latin words have been used to assign descriptive names to skeletal muscles. When naming muscles, magnus means __________, and brevis means __________.

"great"; "short"

Type B blood is a strict dominant trait and type O is a strict recessive trait. John has type O blood and Mary is heterozygous for type B blood (Bo). If John and Mary reproduce, what is the chance that their child will have type O blood?


Before gestation, the uterus weighs about __________.

1 oz.

Oogenesis produces

1 secondary oocyte and 2 or 3 polar bodies.

Free earlobes is a strict dominant trait. Both John and Mary have free earlobes. John is homozygous dominant for free earlobes and Mary is heterozygous for free earlobes (Ee). If John and Mary reproduce, what is the chance that their child will have free earlobes?


If a polypeptide contains 10 peptide bonds, how many amino acids does it contain?


What is the total ATP production just from the acetyl-CoA fragments of an 18-carbon fatty acid?


At the end of gestation, the uterus may weigh __________ lb.


If an animal cell has 18 chromosomes and undergoes mitosis, how many chromosomes would each daughter cell have?

18 (mitosis is just copying)

Glycolysis produces a net gain of __________ ATP molecules from each glucose molecule.


The citric acid cycle must turn ________ time(s) to completely metabolize the pyruvate produced from one glucose molecule.


Which of the following pH values represents the most acidic solution?


Why is there only a NET gain of 2 ATP when 4 ATP molecules are generated from the glycolysis of 1 glucose molecule?

2 ATP are required to begin the process of glycolysis, which nets only 2 ATP as a result.

How many acetyl-CoA molecules are produced from the catabolism of 1 glucose molecule?

2 acetyl-CoA

How many pyruvate molecules are generated from 1 molecule of glucose during glycolysis?

2 pyruvate molecules

Glycolysis produces how many pyruvate molecules and how many ATP molecules? (Figure 25-2)

2 pyruvate molecules with a net gain of 2 ATP molecules

In general, a male with a sperm count of less than __________ million per milliliter is considered infertile.


As identified by the Human Genome Project, the total number of protein-encoding genes in human DNA is __________.

20,000 to 25,000

How many chromosomes do human gametes contain?


Our somatic cell nuclei contain pairs of chromosomes.


Secondary spermatocytes are produced during meiosis I. How many chromosomes do secondary spermatocytes have?


What is the correct order of occurrence for the steps of protein synthesis? 1. mRNA is produced in nucleus. 2. Ribosome moves along mRNA. 3. DNA uncoils for transcription. 4. Polypeptide is produced. 5. tRNA brings amino acids to ribosome. 6. mRNA moves to ribosome.

3, 1, 6, 2, 5, 4

If oxygen has an atomic weight of 16, what is the molecular weight of an oxygen molecule?


For each glucose molecule processed during aerobic cellular respiration, the cell gains __________.

32 molecules of ATP

How many electrons would carbon have in its outermost shell? (Hint: Carbon has an atomic number of 6.)


Put the following events of the neuromuscular junction in the order in which they occur. 1. Action potential is propagated in the sarcolemma. 2. Acetylcholine binds to ligand gated sodium channels. 3. Action potential arrives at the neuromuscular junction. 4. Vesicles full of acetylcholine are stored at the axon terminal. 5. Acetylcholine is released into the synaptic cleft.


At birth, a human female has approximately 2 million primordial follicles, but by puberty the number drops to __________.


How many chromosomes do human primary spermatocytes contain?


The normal chromosome complement of a typical somatic, or body, cell is __________.


The zygote contains __________ chromosomes.


If a DNA coding sequence contains 15 nucleotides, how many mRNA codons will there be?


While walking barefoot on the beach, Joe stepped on a thorn that penetrated through the sole of his foot to the dermis. How many layers of epidermis did the thorn penetrate?


The stratum lucidum is only found in thick skin. What is another difference when comparing thick skin to regular (thin) skin?

5 layers instead of 4, thicker stratum corneum layer in thick skin

Put the following events of the contraction cycle in the order in which they occur. 1. Cross-bridge detachment 2. Cross-bridge formation 3. Active site exposure 4. Myosin reactivation 5. Calcium ions bind troponin 6. Myosin head pivoting


How many amino acids are coded in the DNA segment CTC-ATA-CGA-TTC-AAG-TTA?


If the second energy level of an atom has one electron, how many more electrons does it need in order for that energy level to be filled to its maximum capacity?


The normal pH range of human extracellular fluid is _____.

7.35-7.45 (slightly alkaline)

The basal metabolic rate (BMR) is __________.

70 cal/hr or 1680 cal/day in the average individual

There are approximately how many muscles in the human body?


Tongue rolling is a strict dominant trait. John and Mary are both heterozygous for tongue rolling (Tt). If John and Mary reproduce, what is the chance that their child will have the ability to roll his/her tongue?


Bone stores ____% of body's calcium and phosphate.


You are observing a body in rigor mortis. Which panel best describes the molecular state of the body's muscles?


What is meant by the term balanced diet?

A balanced diet supplies all ingredients to maintain homeostasis.

Which of the following is the dark band seen on myofibrils?

A band

When Jennifer looks through the microscope at skeletal and cardiac muscles, she sees striations. What are these striations?

A bands and I bands

Which one of these statements about pH is correct?

A basic or alkaline solution has more hydroxide ions than hydrogen ions.

Why are lines of cleavage clinically significant?

A cut parallel to a cleavage line will remain closed.

If the partial pressure of CO2 rises in the blood, which of the following happens?

A decrease in pH

Which of the following is the best definition of inflammation?

A defense that involves the coordinated activities of several tissues

A stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is disrupted, causing brain cells to die. Why might a stroke result in a rise or fall of normal body temperature?

A lack of blood flow to the hypothalamus of the brain would cause brain cells there to die. Since this is where the body's thermoregulatory center lies, then control of body temperature would be affected.

What effect does prolonged sweating have on sodium ion levels?

A loss of sodium ions from the ECF

The cross bridge cycle is a series of molecular events that occur after excitation of the sarcolemma. What is a cross bridge?

A myosin head bound to actin

Which of the following factors does not increase the time needed for repair of an injury to the integument?

A narrow slit-like wound

What causes the myosin head to release its attachment to actin?

A new ATP molecule binds to the myosin head.

Which has the greater concentration of hydrogen ions, a substance with a pH of 5 or a substance with a pH of 4?

A pH of 4 is greater

Which of these statements is NOT correct? A polyribosome is the structure formed when ribosomes bind to endoplasmic reticulum. Protein synthesis is directly under the control of information from DNA nucleotide sequences, as transcribed into mRNA. Control of metabolic processes by the information in DNA is indirect, because it is the enzymes, not the metabolic processes, that are controlled by the DNA. Mutations are permanent alterations in a cell's DNA affecting the nucleotide sequence of one or more genes.

A polyribosome is the structure formed when ribosomes bind to endoplasmic reticulum.

Which statement concerning endochondral ossification is the most accurate?

A primary ossification center begins replacing cartilage in the central region of the cartilage rod.

Which the following is not an example of negative feedback?

A rise in estrogen during the menstrual cycle increases the number of progesterone receptors in the uterus

A triad is composed of a T-tubule and two adjacent terminal cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. How are these components connected?

A series of proteins that control calcium release.

Which one of these statements about glandular secretions is correct?

A serous gland secretes a watery solution that usually contains enzymes.

Which of the following statements about chemical reactions is NOT correct?

A synthesis reaction that produces a molecule of water is called hydrolysis.

From the following choices, select the one that shows an example of a decomposition reaction. A + B --> AB AB --> A + B AB + CD --> AD + CB C + D --> CD

AB --> A + B

Which of the following chemical equations illustrates a typical decomposition reaction?

AB → A + B

What anticodon would compliment the codon sequence UGC?


Which hormone most affects the osmolarity of blood?


Cross bridge detachment is caused by ________ binding to the myosin head.


The primary energy currency of living cells is __________.


What is the most important high-energy compound found in the human body?


Which of the following molecules is a compound containing bonds between phosphate groups?


_______ is required to detach cross-bridges and reactivate the myosin head.


After a power stroke, the myosin head must detach from actin before another power stroke can occur. What causes cross bridge detachment?

ATP binds to the myosin head.

Action potential propagation in a skeletal muscle fiber ceases when acetylcholine is removed from the synaptic cleft. Which of the following mechanisms ensures a rapid and efficient removal of acetylcholine?

Acetylcholine is degraded by acetylcholinesterase.

The neuromuscular junction is a well-studied example of a chemical synapse. Which of the following statements describes a critical event that occurs at the neuromuscular junction?

Acetylcholine is released by axon terminals of the motor neuron

The enzymes needed to bore into the corona radiata reside in which portion of the sperm?

Acrosomal cap

A person with ____________ will have a bronze-like appearance of their skin and nails and have hyperpigmentation of their gums.

Addison's disease

Which of the following is not consistent with rising CO2 levels?

Additional Na+ ions are released.

All but one of these statements about intercellular connections are correct. Which one is INCORRECT? -In occluding or tight junctions, the lipid portions of adjacent cell membranes are tightly bound by interlocking membrane proteins. -Adjacent cells are held together by extensive folding of their membranes in the desmosome junction. -Adjacent cell membranes can be bonded together with cement composed mainly of hyaluronic acid. -Cell adhesion molecules lock the base of an epithelial layer to the underlying basement membrane.

Adjacent cells are held together by extensive folding of their membranes in the desmosome junction.

When in a woman's life span do secondary oocytes begin to be produced?

After puberty and before menopause

What genetic disorder results in lack of skin pigmentation and an increased chance of developing skin cancer?


What is the meaning of the term gestation? -First trimester development only -Second trimester development only -Third trimester development only -All of prenatal development

All of prenatal development

Which of these muscles is a member of the quadriceps group? -vastus intermedius -vastus medialis -rectus femoris -vastus lateralis -All of the answers are correct.

All of the answers are correct.

What allows the contraction cycle to repeat so that shortening of the sarcomere happens? -Calcium levels remain high in the sarcomere. -ATP is continuously supplied by the mitochondria. -All of the choices are correct. -The active site on actin remains exposed.

All of the choices are correct.

Which of the following is a criterion for naming muscles? -The muscle's location on the body -The muscle's action -The muscle's origin and insertion -All of the choices are correct.

All of the choices are correct.

What can happen when multiple stimuli are applied to a muscle fiber before it completely relaxes and tension production is gradually increasing? -Complete tetanus -Wave summation -Incomplete tetanus -All of the listed answers are correct.

All of the listed answers are correct.

Which of the following is a cause of a fluid shift? -Diarrhea -All of the listed choices are causes of a fluid shift. -Excessive sweating -Drinking a large volume of water

All of the listed choices are causes of a fluid shift.

What would be the response of the body to an increase in ECF volume if you were to drink a large quantity of a sports drink? -All of the listed choices are correct. -Natriuretic peptides would be released by cardiac muscle cells. -Increased water and sodium loss in the urine -Decreased thirst

All of the listed choices are correct.

Why must tubular fluid in the nephron be buffered? -To prevent the pH of the urine from becoming too low -To keep H+ from diffusing back into the blood -All of the listed choices are correct. -To allow secretion of H+ to continue

All of the listed choices are correct.

A woman seeking to become pregnant could do which of the following to determine when she might be ovulating? -Count the number of days that have passed since the onset of her last menses -Look for a thinning in the cervical mucus -Record her basal body temperature -All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct.

Alcohol is a toxic substance. Which organs are most affected by excessive alcohol use? -brain -stomach -liver -All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct.

An organic acid __________. -is produced during starvation or excessive lipid catabolism -may be a by-product of aerobic metabolism -is lactic acid -All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct.

Atrial natriuretic peptide __________. -blocks ADH release -reduces thirst -blocks aldosterone release -All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct.

Because infants cannot control their thermoregulatory rates, they __________. -possess a specialized type of adipose called brown fat -must be dried and promptly bundled to keep them warm -also cannot shiver -All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct.

Carbohydrate depletion followed by carbohydrate loading __________. -can be harmful to the muscles and kidneys -is a practice athletes sometimes use to obtain the maximum levels of ATP from carbohydrates before an athletic event -involves exercising to exhaustion up to three days before an athletic event -All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct.

Centrioles __________. -are found in pairs, except during cell division -have a 9 + 0 arrangement of microtubules -are found in all animal cells capable of undergoing cell division -All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct.

Epidermal growth factor stimulates __________. -glandular secretion -repair -mitosis -All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct.

High concentrations of hydrogen ions in body tissues can __________. -break chemical bonds -change the shape of complex molecules -disrupt cell membranes -All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct.

Hypocapnia __________. -refers to low levels of carbon dioxide in the blood -is a self-correcting condition when caused by hyperventilation -can be caused by hyperventilation, which can be used to counter respiratory acidosis -All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct.

In living organisms, proteins perform which of the following function(s)? -Protect against disease. -Transmit information (hormones). -Provide support. -All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct.

Increased gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) pulses lead to the release of which hormones? -FSH -estrogens -LH -All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct.

Layers of smooth muscle in the reproductive tract of the female are important for __________. -delivery of a newborn during parturition -movement of sperm if present -movement of oocytes -All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct.

Near the end of a full-term pregnancy, the calming effect of progesterone is counteracted by what mechanism? -increasing oxytocin levels -increasing estrogen levels -prostaglandin production -All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct.

Roger has been lifting weights seriously for years. His twin brother Steven does not exercise regularly. Which of the following statements would be a reasonable hypothesis to make regarding differences between their skeletons? -Roger's osteoblasts are more active than Steven's. -Roger's skeleton undergoes less osteolysis than Steven's. -Steven's hydroxyapatite-collagen combination is less than Roger's. -All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct.

The TCA cycle __________. occurs inside mitochondria is important in ATP production is aerobic All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct.

The factors that make protein catabolism an impractical source of quick energy include which of the following? -One of the by-products, ammonia, is a toxin that can damage cells. -Proteins are difficult to break apart. -Proteins have more important uses as structural and functional cellular components. -All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct.

The products of glycolysis include which of the following? -pyruvic acid -NADH -ATP -All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct.

Which of the following are important male accessory glands? -bulbo-urethral glands -prostate gland -seminal vesicles -All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct.

Which of the following is an effect of epidermal growth factor? -stimulating secretion by epidermal glands -promoting the division of cells in the stratum germinativum -accelerating the production of keratin in epidermal cells -All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct.

Which of the following is true of transmembrane potential? All of the listed responses are correct. It is measured in millivolts. Changes can trigger muscle contraction. Positive and negative charges are separated.

All of the listed responses are correct.

Which of the following is/are contained by the spermatic cord? -deferential artery -testicular vein -ductus deferens -All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct.

Which of the following is/are produced by the placenta? -progesterone -placental prolactin -human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) -All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct.

Which of the following may cause muscle atrophy? -Paralysis -A lack of regular stimulation of muscle fibers -Wearing a cast on a broken limb -All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct.

Which of the following occurs when a bone is stressed? -The bone becomes thicker and stronger. -All of the listed responses are correct. -Osteoblasts migrate to the area. -Mineral crystals generate electrical fields.

All of the listed responses are correct.

Which of the following statements about Down's syndrome is correct? -The affected individual has three copies of chromosome 21. -The syndrome is caused by an error in meiosis. -A degree of mental retardation as well as distinct physical features will be present. -All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct.

Why is it that lipids cannot provide large amounts of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in a short period of time? -All of the listed responses are correct. -Lipid reserves are difficult to mobilize. -Lipids are insoluble in water, and it is thus difficult for water-soluble enzymes to reach them. -Most lipids are processed in mitochondria, and mitochondrial activity depends on the availability of oxygen

All of the listed responses are correct.

What can the nervous system do to increase muscle tension? -increase stimulation frequency -recruit larger motor units -increase the number of active motor units -All of the listed responses can increase muscle tension.

All of the listed responses can increase muscle tension.

Why is it more likely for an older person to become dehydrated? -Water content is reduced with age. -All of the the listed choices are correct. -Reduction in sensitivity to ADH and aldosterone with age -Ability to concentrate the urine decreases with age.

All of the the listed choices are correct.

Which of the following is NOT found in the endomysium? -Myosatellite cells -Nerve fibers -Capillary networks -All of these are present in the endomysium.

All of these are present in the endomysium.

Protein buffer systems do NOT affect __________. -interstitial fluid -intracellular fluid -blood plasma -All of these substances are affected by protein buffers.

All of these substances are affected by protein buffers.

Which organ system functions to rid the body of the waste products generated by exercising muscles? -cardiovascular -respiratory -integumentary -All the listed responses are correct.

All the listed responses are correct.

Which of the following statements about innervation of the axial musculature is INCORRECT?

All the muscles that insert on the hyoid bone are innervated by the hypoglossal nerve (XII).

Anne Marie has a condition called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome that affects the connective tissue found in her joints and skin. What are the characteristics of connective tissue?

All types of connective tissue have specialized cells embedded in a matrix composed of extracellular fibers and ground substance.

What is the extra-embryonic membrane that gives rise to the urinary bladder?


When considering the chemicals in the nutrient pool, which chemical is LEAST likely to be broken down to supply energy for the cell?

Amino acids

Which of the following statements is correct? -There is always the same number of protons as neutrons in an atom. -An anion is a negatively charged atom or group of atoms. -Because of the protons and electrons in their structure, atoms always have some excess charge. -Ions are normally neutral in terms of charge.

An anion is a negatively charged atom or group of atoms.

Which of the following statements correctly describes gigantism?

An excess of growth hormone is released before the epiphyseal lines have formed.

Which of the following is NOT an effect of aging on organ systems?

An increase in peripheral blood flow

A person who is standing facing forward with hands at the sides and palms facing forward is in the ________ position.


An eating disorder in which an individual is obsessed with a desire to lose weight by not eating is called ______________.

Anorexia nervosa

An anatomical term that means the same as ventral is


Bone is a type of connective tissue, with specialized cells embedded in a matrix. What does the matrix of bone consist of?

Approximately two-thirds of the weight of bone is composed primarily of calcium salts that form hard, brittle crystals of hydroxyapatite. The other major component of the bony matrix is the collagen fibers that provide tensile strength to bone.

What are the primary tissues comprising the hypodermis?

Areolar and adipose

Which type of connective tissue forms a superficial layer between the skin and deeper structures and helps to loosely attach the skin to those deeper structures?

Areolar tissue

Which of the following is the correct order for the events of the male sexual response?

Arousal erection emission ejaculation resolution detumescence

________ prevents damaging bone-to-bone contact within movable joints.

Articular cartilage

What are isotopes of an element?

Atoms whose nuclei contain the same number of protons, but different numbers of neutrons

What is the term for the ability of cardiac muscle cells to contract without neural stimulation?


Which of the following statements is NOT true about autopsies?

Autopsies are used exclusively for internal examinations of a cadaver.

Which part of the neuron can send information to other cells?


Identify the cellular organelle that is responsible for storage, alteration (modification), and packaging of secretory products.

B (Golgi Apparatus)

Which of the following statements about nails is FALSE?

Because nail tissue is dead, nails cannot indicate metabolic changes or diseases in the body.

Which of the following statements about skin injury and repair is FALSE? -Damage to skin stimulates mast cells to trigger an inflammatory reaction. -Because skin is just scraped rather than cut, an abrasion heals more quickly than an incision. -Calluses form when stem cells in skin divide more rapidly with mechanical stress. -Cells of the stratum germinativum divide rapidly and migrate to cover cut surfaces of injured skin.

Because skin is just scraped rather than cut, an abrasion heals more quickly than an incision.

Which of the following is an appendicular muscle?

Biceps femoris

Gastrulation produces three germ layers. Which of the following is not one of those layers?


By day six post fertilization, blastomeres form a hollow ball of cells with an inner cavity. This cell is now called a _________.


________ are nearly identical cells that are produced by early cleavages.


What is the first step of integument repair following an injury?

Bleeding and inflammation

Which of the following statements describes the immediate response of the skin to an injury?

Bleeding occurs, and mast cells trigger an inflammatory response.

What are the two fluid connective tissues found in the human body?

Blood and lymph

Which of the following functions of the skeletal system is not facilitated by the bone's hard and strong extracellular matrix?

Blood cell production

Which of the following happens if body temperature rises above normal?

Blood flow to the skin increases.

After you eat a sugary donut and drinking a soft drink, your blood glucose levels rise above a normal range. How would negative feedback affect this variable?

Blood glucose levels would return to a normal range (homeostasis).

Which of the following about the effect of exercise on organ systems is FALSE?

Blood vessels constrict in the integumentary system.

As the body exercises and muscles work harder, how does the cardiovascular system compensate for the increased work by the muscles?

Blood vessels in active muscles dilate.

Which bones are not formed by intramembranous ossification?

Bones of the appendages

Which statement is not true? -Cartilage has no blood vessels running through it, whereas bone does. -Both cartilage and bone remodel themselves continuously during life. -The matrix of cartilage is flexible and the matrix of bone is rigid. -The matrices of both cartilage and bone have collagen fibers but bone also has calcium salts in the matrix.

Both cartilage and bone remodel themselves continuously during life.

How is giantism similar to acromegaly?

Both disorders result from abnormal cartilage and soft tissue growth.

Uterine contractions that are irregular and brief that occur toward the end of gestation are called


Which of the following terms would be used to name a short muscle?


Which statement about buffers is FALSE? -Buffers neutralize solutions donating hydrogen ions or accepting hydrogen ions. -Buffers help maintain homeostasis. -Buffers prevent large changes in pH. -Buffers are composed of a strong acid and a strong base.

Buffers are composed of a strong acid and a strong base.

Which of the following would result in the loss of large portions of skin and lead to increased risk of infection and fluid loss?


Which of the following statements about the chemical elements of the body is NOT correct?

By percentage of body weight, hydrogen is the most common element in the human body.

Which diagram represents actin-myosin interaction in the resting sarcomere?


The vitamins essential for normal adult bone maintenance and repair are

C and D3

What is the nucleotide sequence of an mRNA strand that has been transcribed from the DNA sequence GGTAGC?

CCAUCG (mRNA does not contain Thymine (T))

What must bind to troponin in order to expose the active sites on actin?

Calcium ions

Which of the following is most directly responsible for the coupling of excitation to contraction of skeletal muscle fibers?

Calcium ions

Calcium ions couple excitation of a skeletal muscle fiber to contraction of the fiber. Where are calcium ions stored within the fiber?

Calcium ions are stored in the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

What specific event triggers the uncovering of the myosin binding site on actin?

Calcium ions bind to troponin and change its shape

Excitation of the sarcolemma is coupled or linked to the contraction of a skeletal muscle fiber. What specific event initiates the contraction?

Calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum initiates the contraction.

In smooth muscle cells, calcium binds to which regulatory protein to initiate contraction?


The cessation of telomerase activity as we age limits the number of times a cell can replicate. Current research on telomerases is particularly useful in the fight against cancer. Why is this so?

Cancer cells employ a mechanism that activates telomerases, which leads to uncontrolled cellular division.

Which of the following increase with age? -Tissue health and thickness -Cancer rates -Bone density -Repair and maintenance activities

Cancer rates

Which of the following statements about connective tissues is FALSE? -Brown fat is a type of adipose tissue in infants and young children but not adults. -Capsules around kidneys and liver are composed of dense regular connective tissue. -Collagenous tissues include dense regular connective tissue and dense irregular connective tissue. -The least specialized connective tissue is called loose connective tissue.

Capsules around kidneys and liver are composed of dense regular connective tissue.

Which of the following is NOT an organic molecule? -Proteins -Lipids -Carbon dioxide -Carbohydrates

Carbon dioxide

Which type of muscle tissue is involuntary, striated, and has cells joined at intercalated discs?


Which type of muscle tissue is highly branched, possess intercalated discs, and is comprised of cells having a single nucleus?

Cardiac Muscle Tissue

The cardiovascular system uses which types of muscle?

Cardiac and smooth

Which of the following is true about the difference between cardiac muscle cells and skeletal muscle cells?

Cardiac muscle cells have intercalated discs where skeletal muscle cells do not

Which organ system includes the heart, blood, and blood vessels, and functions to distribute blood cells, water, and dissolved materials including nutrients, waste products, oxygen, and carbon dioxide?

Cardiovascular system

Which of the following is an orange-yellow pigment that is found in certain food items, such as carrots and squash?


How does facilitated diffusion differ from simple diffusion?

Carrier proteins are involved.

Why does damaged cartilage heal slowly?

Cartilage is avascular, so nutrients and other molecules must diffuse to the site of injury

Which of these statements about cancer is FALSE?

Cells in a malignant tumor maintain normal controls over their activities and locations.

Which type of gland produces earwax?

Ceruminous gland

Which of the following statements about skin glands is FALSE?

Ceruminous glands are modified sebaceous glands in the ear canal, where they produce earwax.

What is the lowest, or most distal, part of the uterus?


Which of the following statements is not related to differentiation?

Changes in the DNA of the cell

The common name for a muscle spasm, especially in the leg, is called a_______________. (2 words)

Charley horse

Which of the following forms the placenta?


Which lipoprotein carries dietary triglycerides to the liver?


Which type of muscle contains fascicles that are organized in concentric rings around an opening?


What step of cellular respiration produces the most of the high energy coenzyme molecules?

Citric acid cycle (Also called TCA or Krebs cycle)

What is the correct sequence of events going from the zygote to the fetus?

Cleavage; implantation; placentation; embryogenesis

Which female reproductive structure most resembles the penis in the male?


________ fibers are stronger than steel when stretched.


A _________ fracture occurs at the distal portion of the radius, and is typically a result from reaching out to cushion a fall.

Colles fracture

What is the difference between colostrum and breast milk?

Colostrum has more protein and less fat than breast milk.

__________ fractures shatter the affected bone area into a multitude of bony fragments

Comminuted fracture

Which of these fracture types is INCORRECTLY described? -Compression fracture: Only one side of the shaft is broken; the other is bent. -Transverse fracture: The break is in the shaft of a bone across its long axis. -Pott's fracture: The break is in both bones of the lower leg at the ankle. -Comminuted fracture: The bone shatters into many fragments.

Compression fracture: Only one side of the shaft is broken; the other is bent.

Which of the following is not a function of neuroglia cells?

Conducting electrical impulses to other cells

Which type of tissue fills internal spaces and provides structural support and a framework for communication within the body?

Connective tissue

Many changes occur to tissue structure as a result of aging. These changes include all but which one?

Connective tissue production increases, causing wrinkles

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of most connective tissues? -Contain mostly cells -Contain ground substance -Contain fibers -Contain mostly matrix

Contain mostly cells

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of epithelial tissue?

Contains a matrix consisting of hyaline cartilage

Which part of a homeostatic control system receives information about a change in the body, processes that information, and sends out commands to correct the change?

Control center

________ muscle fibers pull in different directions, permitting different actions depending on stimulation.


What is the role of the endocrine system in reproduction?

Coordinating reproductive events

What is formed from the remaining follicle cells that are not ovulated with the secondary oocyte?

Corpus luteum

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of covalent bonds?

Covalent bonds help to create the surface tension of water.

What provides ATP for the first 15 seconds of a muscle contraction?

Creatine phosphate

When does cross bridge cycling end?

Cross bridge cycling ends when sufficient calcium has been actively transported back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum to allow calcium to unbind from troponin.

Which of these statements about the cytoplasm and cytosol is FALSE?

Cytosol has a relatively high concentration of soluble and insoluble carbohydrates.

ABCDE is an easy mnemonic device that is used while inspecting suspicious moles for indicators of skin cancer. Which of the following letters is NOT correctly matched with its definition?

D- density

Which nucleic acid contains our genetic traits and determines our inherited characteristics?


Which of the following would NOT be an effective source of energy for muscle contraction?


Comparing the structure and functions of DNA and RNA, which of the following statements is most accurate?

DNA is copied into RNA and that copy is used to build specific proteins.

State the central dogma of transcription and translation.

DNA is transcribed into mRNA and mRNA is then translated into protein

How is delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) different from muscle fatigue?

DOMS generally begins several hours after exercise and may last a few days

Which of the following structures are not found in the spermatic cord?

Dartos muscle and cremaster muscle

Which of the following does NOT occur during fracture repair?

Dead tissue next to the break is left in the break area and is covered by new bone tissue.

Which of the following is NOT a cause of hyperkalemia?

Decreased blood volume

What change in the integument causes older people to be more sensitive to hot temperatures?

Decreased glandular activity

Which of the following is not a reason why maternal blood volume increases during pregnancy?

Decreased maternal PCO2

Which of the following is not brought about by parathyroid hormone?

Decreased production of calcitriol

What does not occur in the female reproductive system as a result of parasympathetic stimulation?

Decreased secretions from the vestibular glands

Which type of tissue is composed of dense irregular connective tissue arranged in multiple layers in which the collagen fibers in one layer run in the same direction, while the fibers in other layers run in different directions? All the collagen fibers in one layer run in the same direction, while the fibers in other layers run in different directions.

Deep fascia

What are the criteria for a premature delivery?

Delivery from 28 to 36 weeks

Which part of the neuron is the receptive part of the cell?


The reticular layer of the dermis is composed of what kind of tissue?

Dense irregular connective tissue

What are the two layers of the cutaneous membrane (skin)?

Dermis and epidermis

A hiatal hernia develops when abdominal contents protrude into the thoracic cavity through openings in the muscle that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities. What is the name of the muscle?


For normal human reproduction to occur, which of the following organ systems would not necessarily have to function normally?

Digestive system

Multiple body systems work together to maintain homeostasis in our bodies. Which of the following body systems is not involved in maintaining blood pressure?

Digestive system

Which organ system includes the stomach, and large and small intestine, and functions to process and digest food?

Digestive system

What is the correct sequence of stages in the process of delivering a baby?

Dilation; expulsion; placental

Trisomy 21 is the most common viable chromosomal abnormality. Another name for trisomy 21 is _____________.

Down Syndrome

Muscular dystrophy is a group of genetic disorders that cause progressive weakness and loss of muscle mass. One of the most common and best understood muscular dystrophies is called ____________ muscular dystrophy.


The body of the spermatic cord is a structure that includes which of the following?

Ductus deferens, blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatics

Which of the following statements about labor is FALSE?

During a cesarean section, a cut is made in the perineal muscles to allow the uterus to be opened enough to permit the passage of the baby's head.

Which of the following statements concerning gastrulation is FALSE?

During gastrulation, the deep layer becomes the ectoderm.

Which of the following statements about the vagina is not true?

During pregnancy, the vagina produces progesterone.

Dehydration due to dieting or sweating profusely by being out in the hot summer day on the beach will cause a major water loss. As a result, the concentration of solutes in the ECF can rise. Predict the outcome of this condition.

ECF becomes hypertonic relative to ICF and draws water out of the cells

After three days of cleavage, the pre-embryo is a solid ball of cells called a _______.

Early morula

What is the benefit of increased vestibular gland secretion in the female?

Easier insertion of the penis into the vagina during intercourse

Powerful, rhythmic contractions in the ischiocavernosus and bulbocavernosus muscles of the pelvic floor produce what result?


Which type of cartilage is designed as a support but tolerates distortion and is found in the auricle, or external ear?

Elastic cartilage

Which of the following statements about muscle fatigue and the recovery period is FALSE?

Elevated oxygen demand in muscle tissue stops as soon as exercise activities cease.

Which of the following is the term for the events that occur during the first two months of development after fertilization?

Embryological development

An anatomy student wants to study how the heart structure changes during the first two months after fertilization of an egg. What type of study is this?


What event during sexual intercourse happens in the male but does not happen in the female?

Emission and ejaculation

In which of the following does bone replace existing cartilage?

Endochondral ossification

Which of the following statements about endocrine and exocrine glands is FALSE? -Exocrine glands secrete their products onto a body surface, directly into a cavity, or into a duct. -Glands and their cells are classified as exocrine or endocrine on the basis of the final distribution of their secretions. -Endocrine glands release their product through a duct. -Endocrine cells may be part of an epithelial surface or separated from such a surface.

Endocrine glands release their product through a duct.

Which organ system includes the pituitary and adrenal glands, and functions to direct long-term changes in the activities of other organ systems?

Endocrine system

Which of the following do(es) NOT contribute to semen production?

Endometrial glands

Which of the following functions is NOT a usual function of proteins in our body?

Energy reserve

Which of the following is not an accessory structure in the integumentary system?


Which connective tissue layer wraps around the entire muscle?


The presence of which structure is a clear indication that the person has reached their adult height and has stopped growing?

Epiphyseal line

Which of the following characteristics is not true of epithelial tissue?

Epithelial tissue has an abundance of extracellular material

In exfoliative cytology, epithelial cells are removed and examined without any lasting damage to the tissue from which these cells are removed. Why is there usually NO lasting damage?

Epithelial tissue is capable of regeneration

Which of the following is not a function of epithelial tissue?

Epithelial tissues form a structural framework for organs

At maturity, why are women generally shorter than men?

Estrogen promotes faster closure of epiphyseal plates than androgen does.

Which of the following is not a correct way in which the reproductive system hormones interact with other body systems?

Estrogen stimulates the lengthening of long bones of females at puberty.

Full-thickness or third-degree burns are the most serious. Which of the following is not a major concern in the treatment and repair of these types of burns?

Excessive blood loss

An action potential causes the release of ACh into the synaptic cleft. When that occurs, it produces an action potential in the sarcolemma. This event is called _______.


Excitation-contraction coupling is a series of events that occur after the events of the neuromuscular junction have transpired. The term excitation refers to which step in the process?

Excitation, in this case, refers to the propagation of action potentials along the sarcolemma.

Which structure is an accessory structure rather than part of the cutaneous membrane?

Exocrine glands

Identify the transport process by which ACh is released into the synaptic cleft.


Spongy bone is found primarily at which part of long bones?

Expanded ends, where long bones articulate with other skeletal elements

Which muscle or muscles are synergistic with the diaphragm during inspiration?

External intercostals

What is the term for homeostatic regulation in which the nervous system or the endocrine system adjusts the body's functioning in response to a change in homeostasis?

Extrinsic regulation

Which hormone causes the development of secondary follicles into tertiary follicles?


Which of the following hormones is not produced by the placenta?

FSH and LH

Which of the following is not a peripheral effect of testosterone?

Facilitates both spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis

Which of the muscle fiber types is best adapted for a rapid contraction but fatigues easily?

Fast fibers

Which of the following terms would be used to name a muscle found in the thigh?


What event marks the onset of development?


Which of the following is the term for the developmental events events that occur between the ninth week and birth?

Fetal development

The dropping levels of estrogen and progesterone seem to be the cause of the onset of menopause and its symptoms. What is the approximate number of primordial follicles in the ovary of a woman of age 50?

Few to no primordial follicles

It has been shown that as a person ages, the amount of collagen in the skin decreases and becomes more disorganized. Of the choices below, which is the best explanation for why this happens?

Fibroblasts become less active as we age

In what class of lever is the fulcrum between the load and the applied force?

First-class lever

Even though they both insert on the calcaneus, what can the gastrocnemius muscle do that the soleus cannot?

Flex the knee

Which of the following flexes and abducts the wrist?

Flexor carpi radialis

Which of the following hormones is not properly matched with its source and primary effects?

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is produced by the anterior pituitary and stimulates the interstitial cells of the testes to produce testosterone.

Which of the following is NOT a function of microtubules?

Form microvilli.

What happens to a glucose molecule as a result of the reactions of glycolysis?

Formation of two molecules of pyruvic acid

Frank does not enter puberty until he is 16. What effect would you predict this will have on his stature?

Frank will probably be taller than if he had started puberty earlier.

Highly reactive atoms or molecules that contain an unpaired electron that can damage DNA, proteins and lipids are called ________________.

Free radicals

What constitutes a free radical?

Free radicals are highly reactive atoms with an unpaired electron

Which part of the uterus is lost during menses?

Functional zone

What is the "moment of conception"?

Fusion of the male and female pronuclei

What triggers the activation of the secondary oocyte?

Fusion of the sperm and secondary oocyte membranes

Which of the following events is NOT part of oocyte activation?

Fusion of the sperm pronucleus and egg pronucleus

The interphase of the cell life cycle is divided into

G0, G1, S, and G2

The stage of the cell cycle during which a cell prepares to divide by growing in size is __________.


Suppose that a DNA segment has the following nucleotide sequence: CTC-ATA-CGA-TTC-AAG-TTA. Which nucleotide sequences would a complementary mRNA strand have?


Which anticodon would pair with the mRNA codon, CTA?


How do gametes differ from ordinary somatic cells?

Gametes contain only half the normal number of chromosomes.

What structure is responsible for the spread of action potential between visceral smooth muscle cells?

Gap junctions

Which muscle or muscles can extend the ankle?

Gastrocnemius and soleus

Germ-layer formation results from the process of __________.


Which of the following statements is most accurate? Gene repression results in cellular differentiation. Gene repression results in an increase in the cell's ability to produce different proteins. Gene repression results in increased stem cell divisions. Gene repression results in an increase in the cell's functional capabilities.

Gene repression results in cellular differentiation.

What is the study of inheritance called?


Which of the following best summarizes the difference between genotype and phenotype?

Genotype refers to the gene alleles that one has, and phenotype refers to the trait that is expressed in response to those alleles

Where is epidermal growth factor produced?

Glands of the duodenum

Which of the following muscles is involved in moving the thigh?

Gluteus maximus

Which muscle or muscles can cause abduction and medial rotation at the hip?

Gluteus medius and minimus

Which process in the metabolism of glucose does not require oxygen?


Which organelle works with the rough endoplasmic reticulum to secrete proteins out of the cell?

Golgi apparatus

Which of the following hormones is not properly matched with its source and primary effects?

Gonadatropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is released from the anterior pituitary gland and stimulates FSH secretion and LH synthesis in females.

What is the term for the organs that produce gametes and hormones?


Which of the following terms is not specifically used to describe egg and sperm?


The part of the sarcomere that contains thick filaments but no thin filaments is the __________.

H band

The area in the center of the A band that contains no thin filaments is the

H band.

Which of these inorganic compounds is NOT correctly related to its function in the body?

HCl and NaOH are important in buffering the pH of the blood.

Which of the following statements about hair is FALSE? -Hair on the head continues to grow in a cycle that lasts 8 to 10 years before the hair is lost. -When a hair follicle becomes inactive, its hair becomes a club hair. -Although hair cells are dead, it is possible to stimulate the root hair plexus of sensory neurons by mechanical movement of the hair shaft. -Hair normally grows at the rate of about a third of a millimeter a day.

Hair on the head continues to grow in a cycle that lasts 8 to 10 years before the hair is lost.

A visceral organ or part of an organ that protrudes abnormally through an opening in a surrounding muscular wall or partition is called a ____________.


What is the term that describes the existence of two different alleles for one gene?


________ carry excess cholesterol from peripheral tissues to the liver.

High-density lipoproteins (HDLs)

Which of the following is an example of an isometric contraction?

Holding a heavy stack of books above the ground

Which of the following is true regarding meiosis?

Homologous chromosomes separate during meiosis I, and sister chromatids separate during meiosis II.

Which of the following changes in organ systems does NOT occur as the result of aging?

Hormone production and sensitivity to hormones increase.

What are the three major types of cartilage found in the body?

Hyaline cartilage, elastic cartilage, and fibrocartilage

Which of the following enzymes are released from the acrosome of sperm?

Hyaluronidase and acrosin

The major causes of metabolic acidosis include all of the following except? -Production of a large number of fixed or metabolic acids -Hypercapnia -A severe bicarbonate loss -Impaired ability to excrete H+ at the kidneys


What is the subcutaneous layer that separates the integument from the deep fascia around other organs?


The region of the sarcomere that always contains thin filaments is the

I band.

There are three alleles that determine blood type. IA and IB are codominant, and i is recessive to both of them. Serina has Type B blood. Which of the following might be Serina's genotype?


The attachment and invasion of the blastocyst into endometrium of the uterus is called ___________.


How do third-degree burns differ from first- and second-degree burns?

In a third-degree burn, the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis are destroyed.

In homeostatic regulation of the body's internal environment, which of the following statements is most accurate?

In the human population, there is a wide range of normal set point values.

What is a potential problem that can arise from the continual remodeling of bone matrix?

Incorporation of heavy metals into the bone matrix

Elderly people sometimes have difficulty exercising. This is probably related to a decrease in their muscular endurance. What change is NOT a factor in decreased endurance of muscle cells as people age?

Increase in muscle size

Which of the following is NOT a factor that opposes the calming effect of progesterone on uterine smooth muscle (the myometrium) and may lead to the onset of labor?

Increasing relaxin levels

What is the effect of acetylcholine on the motor end plate of the muscle cell membrane?

Increasing the permeability to Na+, causing Na+ to diffuse into the muscle cell

What is the first response to tissue injury?


The restoration of homeostasis after an injury involves which two related processes?

Inflammation and regeneration

What hormone produced by the nurse cells depresses the formation of FSH and provides a negative feedback mechanism for the control of spermatogenesis?


Which hormone acts to reduce the rate at which the anterior pituitary produces FSH?


Where in the cell does the electron transport chain occur?

Inner mitochondrial membrane

The hormone insulin is released from the pancreas in response to an increased level of glucose (sugar) in the blood. If this hormone is controlled by negative feedback, what effect would insulin have on the blood glucose level?

Insulin is released when blood glucose levels are increased. This hormone should bring about a decrease in blood glucose levels, thus decreasing the stimulus for its own release.

Multiple body systems work together to maintain homeostasis in our bodies. Which of the following body systems is not involved in concentrating wastes?

Integumentary system

Which organ system includes the skin and the hair and functions in the protection of the body from environmental hazards?

Integumentary system

What is the name of the structure that contains gap junctions and desmosomes and joins the plasma membranes of two cardiac muscle cells together?

Intercalated discs

Which cells in the testes are responsible for producing testosterone and other androgens?

Interstitial cells

What is an electrolyte?

Ions released through the dissociation of inorganic compounds

Pushing both hands against a nonmoving wall represents which type of muscle contraction?


What happens to oxygen when it functions as the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain?

It becomes part of a water molecule.

Which of the following is false regarding vitamin C and bone health? -It stimulates osteoblast activity. -It prevents the development of scurvy. -It can also be produced in the skin. -It is needed in the enzymatic reactions used to make collagen.

It can also be produced in the skin.

Why is positive feedback useful to the human body?

It can complete a potentially dangerous or stressful process quickly.

What is not a major advantage of bones undergoing continual remodeling?

It can continue to lengthen bones throughout life.

Which of the following is not true of the epididymis?

It connects the ductus deferens with the seminal vesicle.

What is a complete protein?

It contains all the essential amino acids.

Why is limited exposure to the UV light in sunlight beneficial?

It converts a steroid into vitamin D3

What happens to an enzyme that is exposed to extremely high temperatures (outside its normal range)?

It denatures the enzyme.

Which of the following is not true of acetylcholine?

It enters the muscle fiber to release calcium form the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

What does it mean for a gland to be classified as "simple"?

It has a single duct that does not divide on its way to the gland cells.

Why is the hemoglobin molecule considered to have a quaternary protein structure?

It has four separate, but interacting, polypeptide subunits.

Which of the following is true about genetic mutation?

It is a change in the DNA base sequence

Which of the following statements about the properties of water is NOT true?

It is a nonpolar molecule.

Which of the following statements about the epididymis is FALSE?

It is a tube approximately 23 meters long.

Which of the following statements about the sartorius muscle is FALSE?

It is innervated by the ulnar nerve C5-C6.

Which of the following statements about bone tissue is FALSE?

It is made primarily of cells.

What happens to the chromosome number as a result of meiosis?

It is reduced by half.

Ovarian cancer is the most dangerous form of reproductive cancer in women. Why is it so dangerous?

It is seldom diagnosed in its early stages

Which of the following statements about positive feedback is NOT true?

It is the primary mechanism of homeostatic regulation.

How does the release of calcium ions from the terminal cisternae initiate contraction?

It triggers the binding of myosin to actin.

What does M-phase promoting factor do?

It triggers the start of mitosis.

How would the loss of acetylcholinesterase from the motor end plate affect skeletal muscle?

It would cause muscles to stay contracted.

The hardness of the nails protects the dorsal surfaces of the fingers and toes. What substance causes the hardness?


What is the water-resistant, fibrous protein that fills the cells of the outer layers of the epidermis and helps slow dehydration?


Which type of cell is the most abundant epithelial cell in the body and dominates the cellular composition of the epidermis?


What lipoproteins transport cholesterol to cells of the body?


Which of the following has been implicated in plaque buildup and cardiovascular disease?


What is the hormone that directly stimulates testosterone production?


What happens in the muscle fiber during the Cori cycle?

Lactic acid is shuttled to the liver and glucose is shuttled back to the muscle fiber from the liver.

A decrease in the number of __________ leads to increased damage and infection associated with age.

Langerhans cells

The lungs are __________ to the heart.


Which of the following does the integument not synthesize or produce?


Which of the following enables infants to produce or conserve heat?

Lipolysis of brown fat

What is the term for a gene's position on a chromosome?


Which organ system includes the tonsils, spleen and thymus, and functions to defend against infection and disease?

Lymphatic system

The peptide that is secreted by the pituitary gland and increases the rate of melanin production is __________.


Which of the following is NOT a principal ion in the extracellular compartments?

Magnesium ion (Mg2+)

Which of the following statements about homeostasis is NOT correct?

Maintaining long-term homeostatic effects such as growth in children is mediated mainly by autoregulation.

Which of the following statements about aging and tissue structure is FALSE?

Maintenance activities throughout the body remain steady as one ages.

Which of the following occurs during the third trimester?

Major organ systems become functional.

Why is control over leg muscles LESS precise than control over the muscles of the eye?

Many muscle fibers in the legs are controlled by a single motor neuron.

A variety of endocrine or metabolic problems can result in characteristic skeletal changes. A severe inherited metabolic condition called ____________ syndrome is caused by excessive cartilage formation at the epiphyseal cartilages resulting in an individual who is very tall and has slender, long limbs.


A tall, slender person with unusually long, slender limbs because of excess cartilage formation at the epiphyseal cartilages has what disorder?

Marfan's syndrome

What is the most powerful and important muscle a person uses when chewing food?


Which of the following is a muscle involved in chewing?


Which of the following is NOT an effect of pregnancy on the mother?

Maternal blood volume decreases.

The heart is ________ to the lungs.


What is the name for the space above the diaphragm, between the lungs, filled with a mass of connective tissue supporting the esophagus, trachea, and thymus, as well as some blood vessels?


Which statement about oogenesis mentions the one characteristic that is the same in spermatogenesis and oogenesis?

Meiosis in oogenesis reduces the chromosome number by half.

Which of the following is a dark brown, yellow-brown, or black pigment produced by pigment cells in the stratum basale?


Why does a person's hair turn white or gray with age?

Melanocyte activity decreases

Which of the following is NOT an effect of aging on the integumentary system?

Melanocyte activity increases, darkening the skin

What are the three sequential stages of the uterine cycle?

Menses, proliferative phase, and secretory phase

Which of the following sensory cells are located in the epidermis?

Merkel, or tactile, discs

________ sweat glands are widely distributed across the body surface, ________ glands are located wherever hair follicles exist, and ________ sweat glands are found only in a few areas.

Merocrine; sebaceous; apocrine

What type of tissue is replaced by bone in intramembranous ossification?

Mesenchyme or embryonic fibrous connective tissue

Which of these statements about the cytoskeleton is FALSE?

Microfilaments are the largest components of the cytoskeleton.

Which of the following foods are deficient in dietary fiber?

Milk and meat

Calcium is a very important substance for the proper functioning of various body systems. Which function of the skeletal system helps maintain calcium homeostasis?

Mineral storage

Where in the cell does the citric acid cycle occur?

Mitochondrial matrix

Which correctly describes mitosis and meiosis?

Mitosis creates genetically identical cells, whereas meiosis creates genetically unique cells.

Which statement is most accurate? -Because water is covalently bonded, it is an organic compound. -Most inorganic compounds are ionically bonded. -Inorganic compounds contain carbon as their primary atom. -Carbon dioxide is an organic compound because it contains a carbon atom.

Most inorganic compounds are ionically bonded.

Which of these statements about chromosome structure is FALSE?

Most of the DNA of a nucleus is concentrated in nucleoli when it is uncoiled.

What is an important difference between mucous membranes and serous membranes?

Mucous membranes are in contact with the outside environment and serous membranes are not.

Which of the following is NOT an effect of aging on the muscular system?

Muscle fibers become larger in diameter.

Which of these basic tissues is specialized for contraction?

Muscle tissue

Which organ system includes skeletal muscles and associated tendons, and functions in movement, protection, and support?

Muscular system

Which of the following is the muscular layer of the uterus?


A rare genetic form of heterotrophic ossification called ___________ causes ossification of the muscles

Myositis ossificans

What two molecules supply electrons to drive the redox reactions of the ETS?


________ support, protect, and nourish nerve cells.


Which of the following statements about neural tissue is FALSE?

Neuroglia are also referred to as nerve fibers.

Which type of cell in nervous tissue has large cell body, dendrites, and an axon and can receive and conduct information?


What would happen if a male were unable to contract the ischiocavernosus and bulbospongiosus muscles?

No ejaculation

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor of the mammary glands. Which of the following statements does NOT pertain to mammary glands? -Mammary glands are part of the integumentary system. -Mammary glands respond to hormonal stimuli. -Mammary glands secrete into lactiferous ducts. -None of the listed responses is correct.

None of the listed responses is correct.

Which of the following statements about amniocentesis is correct? -Sampling of the placenta occurs within the first trimester. -A sample of the placenta is removed for examination. -More than 100 disorders can be diagnosed by examining the placental sample. -None of the listed responses is correct.

None of the listed responses is correct.

Which of the following statements about fertilization is FALSE?

Normal fertilization occurs in the body of the uterus.

How can cartilage maintain its function even though it is avascular?

Nutrients and waste products diffuse through the cartilage's matrix

Which of the following is not consistent with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)?

Occurs as estrogen levels drop

Which of the following statements about bone formation and resorption is INCORRECT?

Once adults reach maturity, their bones no longer undergo the remodeling process.

During oogenesis, meiosis produces how many functional gametes?


Which of the following statements about cartilage formation is FALSE?

Only mature chondrocytes produce the matrix of cartilage tissue.

The H band contains which structures?

Only myosin in the thick filaments

Tim is a new father and is not used to changing diapers. He grimaces and purses his lips when he changes his son's diapers. Which collection of muscles is he using to contort his mouth this way?

Orbicularis oris and risorius

Inflammation of one or both of the testicles is called __________.


What is the term for the site where the muscle attaches that does NOT move when the muscle contracts?


Alex and his mother both suffer from osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), which means the imperfect formation of bone. Which bone cells are responsible for the formation of new bone matrix?

Osteoblasts are the bone cells that produce new bone matrix.

Which of the following types of bone cells are responsible for removing and recycling bone?


What condition accelerates after menopause because of a decline in circulating estrogen?


What is a possible problem in the female body as a result of menopause?


What is the term for a reduction in bone mass that is large enough to compromise the normal function of bone?


What structure is the female gonad?


What phosphorylation mechanism is used to generate ATP in the ETS?

Oxidative phosphorylation

What is the hormone that causes milk ejection (let-down)?


Chemoreceptors in the carotid and aortic bodies are sensitive to the __________ of circulating blood.


A standard arterial blood gas test measures arterial blood pH, ___________, ____________, and ___________.

PCO2, PO2, and HCO3- levels

A standard arterial blood gas test measures arterial blood pH ___________, ____________, and ___________.

PCO2, PO2, and HCO3− levels

_____________ disease is a chronic disorder that can result in enlarged misshapen bones due to abnormal bone destruction and regrowth.

Paget's disease

Do you remember the tongue twister "Sally sells seashells by the seashore"? Of the collections of muscles below, which group or groups work together to provide the delicate movements of the tongue during speech?

Palatoglossus, styloglossus, genioglossus, and hyoglossus muscles

A patient presents with a blood pH of 7.5, a PCO2 of 32, and a normal HCO3-. What is the likely cause of this patient's abnormal lab values?

Panic attacks causing acute respiratory alkalosis

What are the four types of muscles identified by different patterns of organization?

Parallel, convergent, pennate, and circular

Engorgement of the erectile tissues of the clitoris and increased secretion of the greater vestibular glands involve neural activity from which of the following?

Parasympathetic nervous system

What division of the nervous system participates in the sexual arousal of both males and females?

Parasympathetic nervous system

If the level of calcium in the blood drops below normal levels, which hormone is produced to correct this homeostatically?

Parathyroid hormone

Advances in stem cell research has had clinically significant breakthroughs that may ultimately lead to stopping the progression of or curing diseases. Which neurogenerative disease characterized by the progressive degeneration and loss of dopamine-producing neurons may be the first disorder suited for treatment by implanting stem cells?

Parkinson's disease

Which of the following is the term for the study of disease?


What is the medical specialty that focuses on the postnatal period from infancy through adolescence?


________ is the medical specialty that focuses on postnatal development from infancy to adolescence.


What does it take for an ovulated oocyte to become a mature ovum?

Penetration by a sperm

Which of the following male reproductive structures is responsible for conducting semen into the vagina of the female?


Which type of fascicle arrangement produces more tension than others?

Pennate muscle

What is the key relationship between anatomy and physiology?

Physiological functions are performed by specific structures.

Which of the following does NOT happen when the action potential reaches the synaptic terminal?

Potassium ions flood the intercellular space.

A fracture of the ankle where both the distal ends of the tibia and fibula broken is called a ________ fracture.


A _________ fracture occurs at the ankle, and affects the medial malleolus of the distal tibia (=shinbone) and the lateral malleolus of the distal fibula (=thinner long bone located next the tibia).

Pott's fracture

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of smooth muscle tissue?

Presence of striations

The integumentary system has a protective function. From which of the following does the skin not protect us? -Fluid loss -Ultraviolet radiation -Large temperature changes -Pressure and pain stimuli

Pressure and pain stimuli

What is the combination of a primary oocyte and a single layer of follicle cells called?

Primordial follicle

Which of the following statements about hormones and their effects on bones is INCORRECT?

Production of growth hormone stimulates osteoclast activity

What hormone does the corpus luteum primarily produce?


Which muscles arise on the humerus and the forearm and rotate the radius without producing either flexion or extension of the elbow?

Pronator teres and supinator

A person lying face down is in the ________ position.


During which phase of the cell cycle does chromatin coil up tightly and chromosomes become visible?


Which reproductive gland encircles the urethra as it leaves the bladder and produces an acidic fluid that contributes to semen?

Prostate gland

Shielding the soft organs like the brain, spinal cord, and heart with its hard, strong matrix is an example of which function of the skeletal system?


Increases in GnRH, FSH, and LH mark the onset of which stage of development?


What is the function of the ducts of the reproductive systems?

Receiving and transporting gametes

________ marrow is found between the trabeculae of spongy bone.


Which component of bone is responsible for blood cell formation?

Red bone marrow

The release of histamine by mast cells at an injury site produces which of the following responses?

Redness, warmth, and swelling

Why do elderly people have a lower tolerance for exercise?

Reduced thermoregulation

Simple squamous epithelial tissue is permeable, therefore it functions in

Reduces friction, controls vessel permeability, and performs absorption and secretion

What is the primary function of a serous membrane?

Reducing friction between the parietal and visceral surfaces

What is the function of the dartos and cremaster muscles?

Regulating the temperature of the testes

What is the term for the process in which the organic and mineral components of bone are continuously recycled and renewed?


What is the primary role of the citric acid cycle in the production of ATP?

Removal of electrons from substrates

What is the link between Parkinson's disease and stem cell research?

Researchers have managed to generate induced pluripotent stem cells, which may differentiate into dopamine-producing neurons.

Which of the following descriptions is correct? -Metabolic acid-base disorders are caused by the reduction of fixed acids and metabolic acids. -Metabolic acid-base disorders are caused by increasing the concentration of HCO3- in the ICF. -Respiratory acid-base disorders result from a mismatch between CO2 generation in peripheral tissues and CO2 excretion by the lungs. -In respiratory acid-base disorders, the CO2 levels of the ICF is abnormal.

Respiratory acid-base disorders result from a mismatch between CO2 generation in peripheral tissues and CO2 excretion by the lungs.

Given the following data, what would be your diagnosis for this patient? Data: pH 7.3; pCO2 51 mm Hg.; HCO3- 31 mEq/L

Respiratory acidosis

Which organ system includes the nasal cavities and lungs, and functions to deliver air to alveoli (sites in lungs where gas exchange occurs?

Respiratory system

A cosmetic surgery that improves the appearance of the nose and alleviate breathing problems is called _____________.


________ may be scattered in the cytoplasm or bound to endoplasmic reticulum.


What structure of the hair or hair follicle lets you feel your hair being blown out of place by the wind?

Root hair plexus

In which phase of interphase does DNA replication take place?


The replication of DNA occurs primarily during which part of interphase?

S phase

A condition associated with excess ADH secretion resulting in the excretion of concentrated urine is known by the acronym___________.

SIADH (Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion)

Interactions between thin and thick myofilaments of the sarcomere are responsible for ________.

Sacromere shortening (pulling the ends of the muscle fiber closer together)

Which term is correctly matched up with its definition? -Acid—a substance that dissociates to release hydroxide ions or accept hydrogen ions, increasing pH -Salt—an ionic compound consisting of a cation other than hydrogen and an anion other than a hydroxide ion -Neutral—a substance that tends to oppose changes in the pH of a solution by removing or replacing hydrogen ions in body fluids -Buffer—a substance that dissociates to release hydrogen ions, decreasing pH

Salt—an ionic compound consisting of a cation other than hydrogen and an anion other than a hydroxide ion

Where is the site of calcium storage in the skeletal muscle fibers?

Sarcoplasmic reticulum

Which of the following is NOT associated with inflammation?

Scar tissue forms.

Which of the following are not correctly paired male-female homologous structures?

Scrotum; labia minora

Which gland produces an oily secretion that lubricates the hair and skin?

Sebaceous gland

Sebaceous glands release which type of secretion?


The calf muscles pull on the calcaneus and extend the ankle, lifting the person onto their toes. That makes this arrangement an example of what class of lever?

Second-class lever

What is the kidney's response to acidosis?

Secretion of H+ into urine

The functions of the sustentacular cells (nurse cells) in the male include all of the following except?

Secretion of testosterone

Which of the following statements about semen is FALSE?

Semen contains enzymes such as fibrinolysin, which is used to form a clot in the woman's cervix after the sperm have passed into the uterus.

Which of the following is the term for aging, or growing old?


What is the biggest change in the baby's cardiovascular system after birth?

Separation of the pulmonary and systemic blood circuits

At puberty, increased hormone production and sexual maturation are promoted by each of the following EXCEPT one. Identify the exception.

Sex hormones from the gonads stimulate the hypothalamus, producing GnRH, the gonadotropin-releasing hormone.

What is the type of inheritance in which the allele is found on the X chromosome and therefore most often affects males?

Sex-linked inheritance

Skin color may have a diagnostic function. Imagine one of your friends has an obvious orange tint to her skin. What would be a logical conclusion of your observation?

She may have a real taste for consuming carrots.

What is the structural classification of the sebaceous or oil glands in the skin?

Simple branched alveolar

Which type of epithelium lines the kidney tubules?

Simple cuboidal

Which of the following epithelial tissues is a single layer of flat cells that function in absorption or diffusion?

Simple squamous epithelium

Which type of muscle tissue is voluntary and contains large, multinucleated cells that can be up to 1 foot in length?


Which type of muscle tissue is comprised of multinucleated, striated cells, that are under voluntary control?

Skeletal Muscle Tissue

Which type of muscle tissue is responsible for producing body movement?

Skeletal muscle

Which type of tissue is responsible for holding your head upright while you are reading this question?

Skeletal muscle tissue

Which organ system includes the bones, cartilage, and ligaments and functions in the protection and support for other tissues?

Skeletal system

What are the three types of muscle tissue?

Skeletal, cardiac, and smooth

Which of the following statements about integumentary repair is FALSE? -Some adults form scar tissue called keloid that extends beyond the edges of the injury site. -Skin repairs occur at the same pace throughout a person's life. -As fibroblasts move into damaged tissue, endothelial cells also move in and form new capillaries. -A scab restores the integrity of the epidermis and restricts invasion of the body by microorganisms.

Skin repairs occur at the same pace throughout a person's life.

Marathon runners rely on which muscle fiber type for endurance?

Slow fibers

Which of the following activities describes an isotonic eccentric contraction?

Slowly lowering a book out in front of you with the arm extended.

Which of the following is not found in seminal fluids?


What type(s) of muscle tissue do(es) NOT contain sarcomeres?


Which type of muscle tissue is comprised of cells that lack striations?

Smooth Muscle Tissue

Which type of muscle tissue has small cells that are tapered on both ends, fat in the middle, and uninucleate?

Smooth muscle

Structurally, how do smooth muscle cells differ from skeletal muscle cells?

Smooth muscle cells lack myofibrils and sarcomeres.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of smooth muscle?

Smooth muscle is under voluntary control.

Which type of muscle tissue causes contraction of the urinary bladder, forcing urine out of the body?

Smooth muscle tissue

_________ ion concentration is high in extracellular fluids, and ________ ion concentration is high in the cytoplasm.

Sodium; potassium

Cardiac muscle has the feature of automaticity, which is the ability to contract without neural stimulation. Which of the following statements accurately explains this feature?

Specialized pacemaker cells within the heart determine the rate of contraction of heart muscle.

What is produced by spermiogenesis?


For a sperm to be able to fertilize an egg, it must undergo capacitation, which does not involve what process?

Sperm mixing with secretions from the bulbourethral gland

Which cells in the seminiferous tubules regularly undergo mitosis?


Which of the following states the correct order in which are cells produced in spermatogenesis?

Spermatogonium a primary spermatocyte a secondary spermatocyte a spermatid a sperm

What is the term for the human male gamete?


Which of the following muscle groups is associated with the vertebral column?


There is a lot of talk about stem cells in the media. What is unique about these cells?

Stem cells are not fully differentiated.

Which of the following is not an effect of epidermal growth factor (EGF) on the epidermis?

Stimulating the synthesis of melanin

What is the term given to an epithelial tissue with several layers of cells?


Which epidermal stratum is the most superficial and is composed of 15-30 layers of dead, keratinized cells that eventually are shed from its surface?

Stratum Corneum

In which layers of the epidermis do mitotic divisions occur?

Stratum basale and stratum spinosum

In thick skin, what is the thickest (most cell layers) stratum of the epidermis?

Stratum corneum

What is the most superficial layer of the epidermis?

Stratum corneum

Which epidermal layer is found only in thick skin?

Stratum lucidum

Which of the following statements about the epidermis is FALSE?

Stratum lucidum is the feature of the thin skin.

The adipose tissue in the hypodermis performs a variety of functions. Which function does the adipose tissue not perform?

Strengthening the hypodermis

In regard to its structural and functional properties, skeletal muscle tissue can be considered __________.

Striated voluntary muscle

What type of trait inheritance occurs when one allele dominates the second allele and determines the phenotype?

Strict dominance

Considering the different layers of fascia, what is the proper order of these layers going from the outside of the body inward?

Superficial, deep, subserous

Which of the following terms is given to muscles visible at the body surface?


During swallowing, what muscles help you push a bolus of food from your throat to your esophagus?

Superior, middle, and inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscles

A person lying on the bed and gazing at the ceiling is in the ________ position.


Hundreds of years ago, explorers often died of scurvy. How can this bone-related disease be prevented?

Supplement the diet with fresh fruit rich in vitamin C.

Which of the following statements about pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is FALSE?

Symptoms of PID include fever, runny nose, headache, and elevated white blood cell counts.

Calcium entry into the axon terminal triggers which of the following events?

Synaptic vesicles fuse to the plasma membrane of the axon terminal and release acetylcholine.

Action potentials must travel along which structure internal to the sarcolemma to cause the release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum?

T tubule

Which structure in a muscle fiber or muscle cell is continuous with the sarcolemma and carries the signal to contract deep into the muscle cells?

T tubules

Benign prostatic hyperplasia, also known as an enlarged prostate, can cause difficulty in urination due to swollen prostatic tissue blocking the urethra. The surgical removal of prostate tissue obstruction called ____________ is often performed to alleviate the symptoms and lessen the chance of kidney damage.


Choose the correct statement about telomerases. -Telomerases are enzymes that form telomeres. -Telomerases consist of specific groupings of nitrogenous bases that are repeated. -Telomerases are enzymes that are active throughout one's lifetime. -Telomerases are functionally identical to DNA polymerases.

Telomerases are enzymes that form telomeres.

Which of the following statements about enzymes is NOT correct?

Temperature and pH extremes cause denaturation of enzymes by changing primary sequence of the proteins.

Which DNA strand is utilized for the synthesis of an mRNA molecule?

Template strand

Which muscles maximize the efficient use of teeth during mastication?

Temporalis, pterygoid, and masseter

The transmission of an action potential along the T tubules stimulates the release of calcium from which structure in the sarcomere?

Terminal cisterna

Which of the following is not true of testosterone?

Testosterone is a protein.

Because dehydroepiandrosterone from the adrenal cortex is converted to testosterone, some individuals reach for it in an effort to boost their athletic prowess. Why?

Testosterone stimulates muscle growth.

Which of the following descriptions of sarcomere components is FALSE?

The I band contains the zone of overlap at its center.

Referring to muscle tissue, what does the term involuntary mean?

The body does not consciously cause the contraction of involuntary muscle.

Which of the following is a basic principle in understanding fluid and electrolyte balance?

The body's content of water or elctrolytes will increase if dietary gains exceed losses to the environment.

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT in regard to understanding fluid balance and electrolyte balance?

The body's content of water or electrolytes will decrease if dietary gains exceed losses to the environment

Which of the following is an effect of stress on a bone?

The bone will become thicker

Which of the following does not occur when the pH increases (become more basic)? -The carboxyl group (-COOH) of the aminio acid can dissociate acting as a weak acid and releasing an H+. -The R groups of histidine and cysteine will donate H+ ions. -The carboxyl group can become a carboxylate in (-COO-), which adds to the overall negative charge of proteins. -The carboxylate ion can act as a weak base and accept additional H+ ions.

The carboxylate ion can act as a weak base and accept additional H+ ions.

What is the fate of the cluster of cells in the blastocyst known as the inner cell mass?

The cells will develop into the embryo.

How is the tendon connected to a bone so that it will withstand the force that must be applied by the muscle to move the bone?

The collagen fibers of the tendon as well as the periosteum are incorporated into the bone tissue.

Which of the following statements concerning placentation is FALSE?

The decidua parietalis is the portion of the uterine endometrium in direct contact with the chorion.

The production of ATP provides energy to support anabolism as well as other cell functions. Which of the following is NOT supported by energy from ATP? -The diffusion of molecules across the plasma membrane. -Cell division -Transport of chemicals into and out of the cell -Movement and contraction of muscles

The diffusion of molecules across the plasma membrane.

How does the myosin head obtain the energy required for activation?

The energy comes from the hydrolysis of ATP.

How is ATP used in our bodies?

The energy released from ATP is converted into kinetic energy to do work

Suppose that epiphyseal lines appear in a 10-year-old's long bones. Which of the following statements is, therefore, true?

The epiphyseal plates have ossified and further growth in length is not possible.

When considering the rectus abdominis muscle, what does the term "rectus" describe about this muscle?

The fibers of the muscle are parallel to the long axis of the muscle.

Which of the following does NOT happen during oocyte activation?

The first cleavage is completed.

Drinking sea water would cause a rise in the osmotic pressure of the ECF; this would force water to leave the blood capillaries. Are these two statements true or false?

The first statement is true; the second is false

Which of the following statements about the penis is FALSE?

The head, or glans, originates from the corpora cavernosa.

The effectiveness of certain anesthetics depends in part on their lipid solubility. Why is this?

The hydrophobic core of the phospholipid bilayer enables lipid-soluble substances to readily pass through the plasma membrane

What happens when a muscle contracts and its fibers shorten?

The insertion moves toward the origin.

During lab, you notice that the kidneys are not directly associated with the other organs in the abdominal cavity. Upon closer inspection, you observe that they are located outside of the peritoneal lining. Which response best describes the position of the kidneys?

The kidneys are retroperitoneal to the abdominal cavity.

If the template strand of a gene had a nucleotide sequence of TACCGG, what would the sequence of bases in the mRNA be? If that mRNA were used in translation, what would the anticodons in the tRNA be?

The mRNA sequence is AUGGCC; the tRNA sequence is UACCGG.

Which of the following statements about the second trimester is FALSE?

The mammary glands form during the second trimester.

Why are malignant melanomas extremely dangerous and life-threatening?

The melanocytes grow rapidly and metastasize through the lymphatic system.

Which of the following does not occur during spermiogenesis?

The mitochondria and Golgi apparatus are packaged into the head of the sperm.

What is happening during the contraction phase of a single twitch?

The muscle is producing tension.

What structure below is part of the crossbridge?

The myosin head

What causes the myosin head to reenergize itself once the power stroke has occurred?

The myosin head splits a fresh ATP molecule.

Which of the following is an example of extrinsic regulation?

The nervous system stimulates the heart to beat faster during exercise.

Which of the following statements about membrane permeability is FALSE?

The only basis on which membrane permeability to a substance is regulated is the electrical charge of the substance.

Sheila is an American Indian, Jordan is an African American, and Melissa is Asian American. List these individuals in the order of who has the most melanocytes to who has the least.

The order does not matter because they all have roughly the same number of melanocytes.

Which of these statements about osmosis is FALSE?

The osmotic pressure of a solution increases as the amount of water in it increases.

Water is the primary solvent in our body fluids. Which statement about water and its solvent properties as solvent is correct?

The oxygen end of the water molecule is partially negatively charged and the hydrogen end is partially positively charged.

What is required for the body to be in acid-base balance?

The production of hydrogen ions is exactly offset by their loss.

Which of the following statements about hair is FALSE? -The hair papilla is a small peg of connective tissue at the base of a hair follicle containing capillaries and nerves. -Hair color can be affected by inheritance, hormones, environment, and aging. -The root hair plexus is the tiny muscle associated with a hair follicle that causes "goose bumps." -Hard keratin is found in the hair's cuticle and cortex, and soft keratin is found in the medulla.

The root hair plexus is the tiny muscle associated with a hair follicle that causes "goose bumps."

Which of the following occurs during the first trimester?

The rudiments of major organ systems appear.

What structure is the functional unit of contraction in a skeletal muscle fiber?

The sarcomere

Which of the following is NOT an effect of aging on the muscular system?

The skeletal muscle fibers become larger as a result of hyperplasia.

What muscles and their tendons make up the rotator cuff?

The supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis muscles

Which of the following occurs during the ovarian cycle?

The tertiary follicle is opened at the time of ovulation, shedding the secondary oocyte and corona radiata.

In the homeostatic regulation of body temperature, which of the following is the control center?

The thermoregulatory center in the brain

What happens during the power stroke?

The thin filaments slide toward the M line.

The term inheritance refers to which of the following?

The transfer of genetically determined characteristics from generation to generation.

Which of these statements about transmembrane potential is FALSE?

The transmembrane potential of a cell is the result of equal distribution of ions and charges on both sides of the cell membrane.

As we exercise, which body system does NOT help to support this increased activity?

The urinary system

Why does a pregnant women experience breathing difficulty?

The uterus infringes on the diaphragm.

Two women are comparable in age, body conformation, and are pregnant at the same time, but one experiences stretch marks, while the other does not. What would be a possible hypothesis for why there was an observed difference?

The woman with stretch marks has a greater collagen-to-elastic fiber ratio.

What happens in the process of hatching?

The zona pellucida is shed from the blastocyst.

Why do we use the word biceps to describe particular muscles?

There are two tendons of origin.

Which of the following is NOT a physiological effect on the mother's body during pregnancy?

There is a decrease in folic acid needs.

While some mutations in the coding sequence of DNA may prove to be positive, most mutations negatively impact the lives of individuals. However, some mutations have no effect at all. How is this possible?

There is redundancy in the genetic code to where more than one triplet codes for the same amino acid

Why is the plasmalemma said to be selectively permeable?

They allow the free passage of some materials and restrict the passage of others.

The soleus muscle is very red in color. Which of these statements about soleus muscle fibers is FALSE?

They are large in diameter.

Which of the following statements about the uterine tubes is not true?

They are passageways for the elimination of menstrual fluids.

What is the primary function of monosaccharides such as glucose?

They are used as a metabolic fuel to supply energy for the body.

How do sex hormones affect bone growth?

They cause ossification to be faster than cartilage replacement.

Which of the following statements about inorganic molecules is false? -They include oxygen. -Water is an important inorganic molecule that accounts for most of our body weight. -They contain carbon and hydrogen atoms as their primary structural elements. -They include acids and bases.

They contain carbon and hydrogen atoms as their primary structural elements.

Which of the following is NOT true about lipids?

They contain less energy per gram than carbohydrates.

Which of the following statements about the bulbourethral glands is incorrect?

They contribute approximately 25 percent of the semen volume.

Why are certain epithelial cells called pseudostratified columnar epithelium?

They have a layered appearance even though all the cells contact the basal lamina.

What is a characteristic of cardiac muscle that is NOT true of skeletal muscle?

They lack terminal cisternae.

Which of the following statements about simple epithelia is true?

They line internal compartments or passages.

What happens when you mix HCl (a strong acid) with NaOH (a strong base)?

They neutralize each other, producing salt and water.

Which of the following statements about enzymes is false?

They raise the activation energy required to start a chemical reaction.

Which of the following is NOT a mineral required by the body?


A person who chooses to eat a diet of junk food and has a sedentary job is NOT likely to experience which of the following?

Thickened, prominent ridges on bones in places of muscle attachment

Which class of lever improves the speed of movement and the distance the load is moved more than it improves lifting the load?

Third-class lever

Which class of levers is the most common in the body?

Third-class lever

Why are the muscles that move the fingers and wrist located in the forearm?

This design allows the hand to maintain fine motor control and strength without the interference of bulky muscles

What is meant by the term dense regular connective tissue?

This tissue has collagen fibers packed tightly together and aligned parallel to each other.

Which of the following is true regarding the Na+/K+ exchange pump?

Three Na+ ions are exchanged for every two K+ ions.

What is the role of the effector in homeostatic regulation?

To respond to the commands of the control center

What is the major function of neurons in neural tissue?

To transmit signals that take the form of changes in the transmembrane potential

Which of the following are NOT structural components of compact bone?


Which of the following is a muscle that positions the pectoral girdle?


Which of the following muscles does NOT flex the forearm?

Triceps brachii

Which of the following is NOT one of the germ layers formed during gastrulation?


_______ covers the active sites of actin prior to calcium binding to troponin.


Which of the following syndromes would be found in a female who has only one sex chromosome?

Turner syndrome

Which of the following is accurate regarding the events of fertilization?

Two haploid gametes combine to make the diploid zygote.

What is meant by the term dizygotic twins?

Two separate oocytes are ovulated and fertilized.

What structures make up a triad?

Two terminal cisternae and a T tubule

Which of the following does NOT occur during the transition from fetus to neonate?

Typical heart and respiratory rates are lower in neonates than in adults.

What is the relationship between the number of motor neurons recruited and the number of skeletal muscle fibers innervated?

Typically, hundreds of skeletal muscle fibers are innervated by a single motor neuron.

Identify the nucleotide sequence of an mRNA strand that has been transcribed from the DNA sequence ATGGCAT.

UACCGUA (mRNA does not contain Thymine (T))

Which of the following statements about skin pigmentation is FALSE?

Ultraviolet light stimulates skin cancer formation only in melanocytes.

Thymine is replaced by which nitrogen base in RNA?


Which organ system includes the kidneys and urinary bladder, and functions to excrete waste products from the blood?

Urinary system

What female reproductive structure receives the ovum from the ovary during ovulation?

Uterine tube

What is the name of the serous membrane that covers the surface of the heart?

Visceral pericardium

Which serous membrane covers the outside of each lung?

Visceral pleura

The vitamin that plays a role in maintaining epithelia and is required for the synthesis of visual pigments is vitamin

Vitamin A

Which vitamin is required for the synthesis of visual pigments?

Vitamin A

__________ is required for collagen synthesis, and a deficit of it results in a condition called scurvy.

Vitamin C

Which of the following statements about vitamin D3 is FALSE?

Vitamin D3 controls the metabolic rate of the body.

Bone strength and density decrease as a person ages. There are multiple factors that can cause this. What change in the integumentary system can contribute to this?

Vitamin D3 production decreases

Which vitamin(s) is/are specifically required for normal bone growth?

Vitamins A, B12, C, D, and K

Which of the following are benign tumors that occur in the skin?


Which of these statements about water is NOT true?

Water allows rapid changes in body temperature by moving heat in the blood.

What is meant by the term metabolic water?

Water generated during oxidative phosphorylation

Which property of water allows us to maintain a stable body temperature?

Water has a high heat capacity.

If a person exercises for a long time, lactic acid will start to build up in his or her muscles. Which of the following would you expect to happen as the lactic acid first starts to be formed?

Weak bases in the muscles will act as buffers and resist or minimize any pH change

Which of the following statements about muscle contraction is FALSE?

When Ca2+ binds to a myosin head, it triggers the formation of a cross-bridge between myosin and actin.

When PCO2 levels increase, carbonic acid forms. What effect does this have on H+ and HCO3- concentrations, and plasma pH?

When PCO2 levels increase, the reaction is driven from left to right and ECF becomes acidic due to excess H+ in solution. (Increased PCO2= pH decrease= acidic conditions). Results in respiratory acidosis.

What is the effect of decreased plasma PCO2 on pH?

When blood carbon dioxide decreases, carbonic acid disassociates into carbon dioxide and water. This removes hydrogen ions from solution and increases the pH.

What is the effect of increased plasma PCO2 on pH?

When blood carbon dioxide increases, more carbonic acid forms, additional hydrogen ions and bicarbonate ions are released, and the pH decreases.

When would we use the contractile proteins in our skeletal muscle cells to provide energy?

When our diet contains too few proteins or calories

Which of these statements about basic energy concepts is NOT true?

Work is the ability to neutralize a chemical reaction.

The normal male genotype is __________, and the normal female genotype is __________.


Which of the following sex chromosome disorders cause death? -YO -XXX -XO -XYY


Which component of the bone stores energy?

Yellow marrow

What prevents more than one sperm from fertilizing the secondary oocyte?

Zonal inhibiting proteins

You are so happy that you received an "A" on your last anatomy and physiology exam that you broke into a big smile. What muscle helps you smile?

Zygomaticus major

Tissue changes with age can result from -hormonal changes -increased need for sleep -improper nutrition -all of these -a and c only

a and c only

There are various diagnostic screening procedures to detect prostate cancer. Which of the following is the most sensitive diagnostic screening procedure for prostate cancer detection?

a blood test called prostate-specific antigen (PSA)

Melanin is __________.

a brown-black pigment

The spermatic cord is

a bundle of tissue that contains the ductus deferens, blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatics that serve the testis.

The smallest living unit within the human body is

a cell

Ions and other small water-soluble materials cross the plasma membrane only by passing through __________.

a channel

Mary has recently been diagnosed with a genetic disorder called Turner syndrome. In general, what is a syndrome?

a condition characterized by a group of associated symptoms

Which of the following has been correlated with muscle fatigue?

a decline in pH within the muscle, which alters enzyme activities

The effects of aging on the skin include

a decline in the activity of sebaceous glands.

Smooth muscle contractions in the respiratory passageways cause __________.

a decrease in diameter, making it harder for air to flow

The hormonal change most responsible for the tissue changes seen in menopause is _________.

a decrease in estrogen

In a person with sickle cell anemia, what triggers the change in the shape of red blood cells to a sickle shape?

a decrease in the PO2 in peripheral capillaries

In a normal kidney, which of the following conditions would cause an increase in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR)?

a decrease in the concentration of plasma proteins in the blood

Sagging and wrinkling of the integument are due to __________.

a decrease in the elastic fiber network of the dermis

During the winter months, populations living in cold climates show greater frequency of broken bones than populations living in warm, sunny climates. What might be a possible solution to this problem?

a dietary supplement of cholecalciferol

At about age 50 to 60, men commonly experience __________.

a drop in testosterone but a rise in LH

Skeletal muscle fibers are very unusual because they may be __________.

a foot or more in length, and each muscle cell contains hundreds of nuclei

A lever moves on a fixed point called __________.

a fulcrum

A learning outcome is best described as

a goal of learning after reading a section based on a learning classification scheme

Hemolysis occurs when a red blood cell is placed in __________.

a hypotonic solution

Red blood cells are hemolyzed when the cells are placed in __________.

a hypotonic solution

A thick, raised area of scar tissue that grows into the tissue surrounding an injury site is called __________.

a keloid

When scar tissue formation continues beyond the requirements of tissue repair, __________ is formed.

a keloid

The hypodermis is useful for subcutaneous injection by hypodermic needle because it has __________.

a limited number of capillaries and no vital organs

All of the following occur during glycolysis, except

a molecule of carbon dioxide is produced

What is an antagonist?

a muscle whose action opposes a specific movement done by an agonist

What is an agonist?

a muscle whose contraction is responsible for a specific movement

Polyspermy results in

a nonfunctional zygote

The thin filaments consist of __________.

a pair of F-actin molecules twisted together

Sickle cell disease distorts the shape of red blood cells. This distortion renders the red blood cells incapable of carrying out their main function, which is transporting oxygen. What causes this distortion?

a point mutation in the nucleotide sequence

A muscle whose contraction is chiefly responsible for producing a particular movement is called __________.

a prime mover

Facilitated diffusion is __________.

a process in which a molecule is carried across a membrane with the help of membrane-bound carriers

Exocytosis is __________.

a process in which vesicles formed inside the cell fuse with the plasmalemma and discharge their contents outside the cell

Active transport is __________.

a process that requires ATP to pump molecules across a membrane against a concentration gradient

A sequence of three nitrogenous bases can specify the identity of __________.

a single amino acid

The rupture of the follicular wall and ovulation are caused by __________.

a sudden surge in LH (luteinizing hormone) concentration

All of the following are associated with infertility except ____________.

a surge of LH

In terms of flexion of the elbow, the biceps brachii is considered the prime mover, but the deeper brachialis muscle performing the same function is __________.

a synergist

A fixator is __________.

a synergist that prevents movement at another joint and stabilizes the origin of the agonist

A codon is defined as __________.

a three-base sequence on mRNA

A single stimulation-contraction-relaxation sequence in a muscle fiber is known as ________.

a twitch

The speed, or rate, of a chemical reaction is influenced by -the presence of catalysts -the temperature -the concentration of the reactants -a, b, and c are all correct.

a, b, and c are all correct

The stomach is located in the __________ cavity.


In what body cavity would you find the liver?

abdominal cavity

The actions of the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscles include which of the following?

abduct and medially rotate the thigh

Movement of the shoulder laterally away from the body is called __________.


After fertilization, the first cell division is completed

about 30 hours later.

The thick filaments consist of __________.

about 300 myosin molecules twisted around one another

A child who skins his knee in a fall has a(n)


Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) can be __________.

absorbed from food

The mucous membranes that are lined by simple epithelia perform the functions of __________.

absorption and secretion

Which of the following is NOT a function of the integumentary system?

absorption of nutrients

When blood levels of glucose, amino acids, and insulin are high, and glycogenesis is occurring in the liver, the body is in the ________ state.


The neurotransmitter required to trigger skeletal muscle contraction is __________.

acetylcholine (ACh)

A patient with the autoimmune disease myasthenia gravis, can be treated with long-acting _____________ inhibitors.


A patient with the autoimmune disease myasthenia gravis can be treated with long-acting _____________ inhibitors.

acetylcholinesterase (AChE)

_____________ is a bone growth disorder that causes the most common type of dwarfism.


A(n) _______ is a solute that dissociates to release hydrogen ions, and a(n) _______ is a solute that removes hydrogen ions from solution

acid, base

A variety of endocrine or metabolic problems can result in characteristic skeletal changes. An endocrine disorder called ____________ is cause by an increase in growth hormone after the epiphyseal cartilages close that results in bones of the hands, face, and jaw to get thicker leading to changes physical appearance.


The result of overproduction of growth hormone after puberty can result in a condition called ___________.


Enzymes that help the sperm penetrate the ovum, or egg, are in the ________ of the sperm cell.


The ________ of a sperm contains the enzymes essential for fertilization.


The enzymes hyaluronidase and acrosin are essential for fertilization to occur. Where are these enzymes located?


The sliding of __________ over ___________ causes shortening of skeletal muscle fibers.

actin; myosin

A precancerous scaly area on the skin that indicates that the skin has been sun damaged is called _________________.

actinic keratosis

What is the term for the movement of a molecule across a membrane from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration using a carrier protein and ATP?

active transport

The most important factor in decreasing the intracellular concentration of calcium ion after contraction is

active transport of calcium into the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

Which of the following represents the correct sequence of events in a contraction cycle?

active-site exposure, cross-bridge attachment, pivoting, cross-bridge detachment, myosin reactivation

A disease that lasts a short period of time, but is typically severe is called a/an___________ illness.


A reduction in the lateral angle of the glenohumeral joint in relation to the anatomical position would be called __________.


A DNA molecule consists of two polynucleotide strands hydrogen bonded to each other. The hydrogen bonding is very specific. Which of the following nitrogenous bases will form complementary base pairs in DNA? -adenine and guanine -adenine and thymine -adenine and cytosine -adenine and uracil

adenine and thymine

Complementary base pairing in DNA includes the pairs

adenine-thymine and cytosine- guanine

Which type of loose connective tissue provides padding, cushions shock, reduces heat loss, and stores energy? Where are some places in the body this type of tissue is commonly found? (Figure 4-11)

adipose tissue; deep to the skin at sides, buttocks, and breasts

Prostate cancer typically originates in one of the secretory glands of the prostate. Which of the following is NOT a secretory organ in the male reproductive system? -seminal gland -adrenal gland -bulbourethral gland -All of the list responses are correct

adrenal gland

The length of time a muscle can continue to contract while supported by mitochondrial activities is referred to as __________.

aerobic endurance

What are the two mechanisms used to generate ATP from glucose?

aerobic respiration and glycolysis

Besides our dietary intake and organ synthesis of cholesterol, what are two factors that can affect blood cholesterol levels?

age and genetics

Sodium reabsorption in the DCT and in the cortical portion of the collecting system is accelerated by the secretion of


A pH of 7.8 in the human body typifies a condition referred to as


A chemical imbalance in the body can cause the heart to stop pumping blood, which in turn will cause other tissues and organs to cease functioning. This observation supports the view that

all levels of organization within an organism are interdependent.

Older people are more prone to skin injuries as a result of __________. -the thinning of the epidermis -decrease in the number of Langerhans cells -reduction in melanocyte activity -all of the listed factors

all of the listed factors

Changing the luminal diameters of the afferent and efferent arterioles to alter the GFR can be an example of -hormonal regulation -autonomic regulation -autoregulation -all of these

all of these

Functions of connective tissue include -establishing a structural framework for the body -storing energy reserves -providing protection for delicate organs -all of these -a and c only

all of these

Sympathetic activation of nerve fibers in the nephron causes -the regulation of glomerular blood flow and pressure -the stimulation of renin release from the juxtaglomerular complex -the direct stimulation of water and Na+ reabsorption -all of these

all of these

The distal convoluted tubule is an important site for -active secretion of ions -active secretion of acids and other materials -selective reabsorption of sodium ions from the tubular fluid -all of these

all of these

Metabolism refers to __________.

all the anabolic and catabolic reactions in the body

Milk and eggs are complete proteins because they contain __________.

all the essential amino acids in sufficient quantities

Embryogenesis is the process that establishes the foundation for __________.

all the major organ systems

The extraembryonic membrane that begins as an outpocketing of endoderm and whose base gives rise to the urinary bladder is the __________.


The alternate forms of any one gene are called


Proteins differ from carbohydrates because proteins __________.

always contain nitrogen

If menarche does not appear by age 16, or if the normal uterine cycle of an adult woman is disrupted for six months or more, the condition is called_____________.


Proteins are composed of subunits called __________.

amino acids

Storage molecules called proteins are catabolized to provide what molecule to the nutrient pool?

amino acids

The monomers of protein are

amino acids

A pregnant female does not know if her child has Down syndrome. What technique would enable her to find out if she is carrying a child with Down syndrome?


In ________, a sample of amniotic fluid is removed and the fetal cells it contains are analyzed.


Many genetic disorders can be detected before birth by analyzing fetal cells collected from the amniotic fluid. The procedure used to collect amniotic fluid is called ____________.


A space opens within the inner cell mass that will form the

amniotic cavity.

Male and female pronuclei fuse in a process called ______.


The fusion of male and female pronuclei is termed __________.


The fusion of the male pronucleus with the female pronucleus is called __________.


A solute that dissociates to release hydrogen ions into solution and thus causes a decrease in pH is __________.

an acid

A muscle whose action opposes that of another muscle, or agonist, is __________.

an antagonist

A blending of epimysium, perimysium, and endomysium that forms a broad sheet at the end of a muscle is known as __________.

an aponeurosis

In __________ contraction, the peak tension developed is less than the resistance, and the muscle elongates as a result of the contraction of another muscle or the pull of gravity.

an eccentric

Mesenchyme is __________.

an embryonic connective tissue

When the body temperature becomes abnormally high, thermoregulatory homeostasis is maintained by __________.

an increase in sweat gland activity and an increase in blood flow to the skin

Fibrosis is defined as __________.

an increase in the amount of connective tissue in muscles that is often seen in the elderly

Appositional growth on the outer surface of bones results in __________.

an increase in the diameter of a growing bone

Which of the following is not true of the deep fascia of the leg?

an insertion for the majority of lower leg muscles

Pushing against a locked door is an example of __________.

an isometric contraction

Darcy wrecks her bike and experiences a break in the distal portion of her radius, which now projects out of her skin. Which type of fracture does she have?

an open Colles' fracture

The basic functional unit(s) of compact bone tissue is/are _____________.

an osteon

A type of reaction in which simple molecules are bonded together to make a larger, more complicated molecule is called a(n) __________ reaction.


Collectively, reactions that build new molecules are known as


Growth and repair involve primarily what type of reactions?


The length of time muscular contraction can be supported by glycolysis is called __________.

anaerobic endurance

What are the primary extensors of the elbow?

anconeus and triceps brachii

Decline of the testosterone levels in men between the ages of 50 and 60 results in __________.


A condition that is indicative of an underlying medical condition called ____________, occurs when an individual persistently loses their appetite.


A type of muscle whose action opposes that of another muscle is called a(n)


If the biceps brachii muscle flexes the forearm, and the triceps brachii muscle causes extension of the forearm, then the triceps brachii is the __________ of the biceps brachii.


In an individual who complains of shin-splints, the affected muscles are located over the __________.

anterior surface of the leg

A specific amino acid carried by a tRNA is determined by its


A three-base sequence about midway along the sequence of tRNA that can bond to mRNA is called a(n) __________.


During protein synthesis, amino acids are assembled in the proper sequence because each tRNA has a(n) ________ that binds to the next codon in the mRNA.


A salt is always composed of __________.

any cation (except hydrogen) and any anion (except hydroxide)

Milk production in the breasts occurs through __________.

apocrine secretion

A(n) ________ can be described as a broad tendinous sheet.


Genetically controlled cell death is called __________.


The genetically programmed death of cells is called


In ________ growth, cartilage grows wider or thicker in diameter.


The type of cartilage growth characterized by adding new layers of cartilage to the surface is

appositional growth

The process by which osteoblasts add layers to circumferential lamellae is

appositional growth.

Cuboidal epithelial cells __________.

are box-shaped, and their nuclei are near the center of each cell

Nails, sweat glands, hair follicles, and sebaceous glands __________.

are epidermal derivatives

Apocrine sweat glands __________.

are found in the armpits, groin, and around the nipples

High-density lipoproteins __________.

are sometimes called "good cholesterol"

Skeletal muscle cells __________.

are striated

Where can you find an apocrine sweat gland?

armpits, nipples, and pubic region

Special smooth muscles in the that produce 'goose bumps' when they contract are called __________.

arrector pili

Osmosis allows water to freely cross plasma membranes except in the _____________.

ascending limb of the nephron loop

As a result of physical inactivity, muscle cell and myofibrils will be reduced in size and number, respectively. This condition is known as __________.


Tendons are cords of dense regular connective tissue fibers that __________.

attach skeletal muscles to bones

The practice of listening to various body sounds made by body organs using a stethoscope is called ____________.


Unlike skeletal muscles, cardiac muscle fibers do not require autonomic stimulation to depolarize and contract. This property is known as ___________.


Mitochondrial activities are relatively efficient, but their rate of ATP generation is limited by the __________.

availability of oxygen

Cartilage is __________.

avascular, found at the end of long bones, and surrounded by perichondrium

Which surface attaches to the underlying epithelial cells or deeper tissues?


Skin cancers are the most common form of cancers and they range from benign to malignant. Which of the following types of skin cancers is considered the most common but also the LEAST dangerous?

basal cell carcinoma

Skin cancer that starts in the mitotically most active epidermal layer is called

basal cell carcinoma.

Some burn victims benefit from skin grafts cultured from their own skin cells. Which skin cells are the most likely candidates for such a culture?

basal cells

Beginning at the basement membrane and traveling toward the free surface, the epidermis includes the following strata:

basale, spinosum, granulosum, lucidum, corneum

A chemical that can release free hydroxide ions or accept free hydrogen ions in a solution is a(n) _________.


In a convergent muscle, the muscle fibers are __________.

based over a broad area, but all the fibers come together at a common attachment site

Which of the following is NOT found in all connective tissues?

basement membrane

A boy has a genetic mutation such that FSH is not produced, but LH is normal. After the boy grows to maturity, it is likely he will

be sterile.

The removal of collagen fibers from bone would cause the bone to __________.

become less flexible

When do female reproductive stem cells complete their mitotic division?

before birth

Kevin has been experiencing difficulty urinating now that he is over the age of 60. The doctor examines his prostate gland and finds no evidence of inflammation. Furthermore, Kevin's PSA test is normal. It is most likely that Kevin is suffering from

benign prostatic hypertrophy

The sequence of reactions responsible for the breakdown of fatty acid molecules is


Which of the following muscles that move the forearm inserts on the radius?

biceps brachii

The flexors that move the leg, commonly known as the hamstrings, include the _______________.

biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus

The hamstrings are the __________.

biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus

Which of the following are members of the hamstring group?

biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus

Which of the following is NOT a component of the reproductive system?


Transitional epithelia is located in the ___________.

bladder, renal pelvis, ureters

A hollow ball of cells created by cleavage is called a __________.


The first cleavage of a zygote nears completion about 30 hours after fertilization and creates two daughter cells called ______.


The first cleavage of a zygote nears completion about 30 hours after fertilization and creates two daughter cells called ___________.


What are the four stages in the regeneration of skin, in the correct order?

bleeding, scab formation, fibroblast activity (regeneration), and scab shedding

Accumulations of fluid within the epidermis or between the epidermis and the dermis is/are called


Which of the following is a fluid connective tissue?


Acidosis is defined as __________.

blood pH below 7.35

Acidosis occurs when __________.

blood pH is below 7.35

The color of the nail bed underneath the body of the nail is due to__________.

blood vessels

The cutaneous plexus and subpapillary plexus consist of

blood vessels providing the dermal blood supply

The central canal of an osteon contains

blood vessels.

Seminiferous tubules and newly produced sperm are separated from the general circulation and the immune system by all of the following except ______________.

blood-brain barrier

Unlike compact bone, spongy bone (also called cancellous bone) resembles a network of bony struts separated by spaces that are normally filled with __________.

bone marrow

Apocrine sweat glands can be controlled by -the autonomic nervous system, -regional control mechanisms -the endocrine system -both a and c

both a and c

The breakdown of glucose to pyruvate is an __________ process. -anaerobic -aerobic -anabolic -oxidative -both a and d

both a and d

The kidneys respond to respiratory acidosis by __________.

both by excreting hydrogen ions and by generating bicarbonate ions

Long bones, such as the femur, increase in size throughout childhood by __________.

both interstitial growth and appositional growth

The yolk sac contains contributions from which germ cell layer(s)?

both mesoderm and endoderm

The symptoms of low potassium (hypokalemia) include __________.

both muscle weakness and paralysis

Frequent causes of metabolic acidosis include __________.

both severe kidney damage and poorly controlled diabetes mellitus

Which of the following conditions would you possibly observe in a child who is suffering from rickets?

bowed legs

A child with rickets often has

bowed legs.

The leading cause of death in woman between ages 35-45 is _________ cancer.


The leading cause of death in women between the ages of 35-45 is

breast cancer.

The mesentery that encloses the ovaries, uterine tubes, and uterus is the __________.

broad ligament

When ruptured dermal blood vessels leak into the dermis, a __________ may form.


A chemical that minimizes changes in the pH of a body fluid by releasing or binding hydrogen ion is called a(n)


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a decomposition reaction?

building larger molecule from smaller ones

The small paired structures at the base of the penis that secrete a thick, alkaline mucus are the

bulbo-urethral glands.

Which of the following muscles does NOT belong in the anal triangle?


Eating disorders are common among girls and young women. They result from a psychological problem that causes inadequate or excessive food consumption. Two major eating disorders are anorexia nervosa and


Cheryl has a chronic illness that has resulted in weakness and wasting of her body. This type of wasting is known as __________.


Cheryl has a chronic illness that has resulted in weakness and wasting of her body. This type of wasting is known as __________.


The hormones that coordinate the storage, absorption, and excretion of calcium ions are

calcitonin and parathyroid hormone

The hormone synthesized in the kidneys that regulates absorption of calcium and phosphate ions in the digestive tract is __________.


Which hormone increases calcium and phosphate ion absorption by the intestines?


All organic compounds in the human body contain all of the following elements except


Osteomalacia results from a diet deficient in __________.

calcium or vitamin D

The first step in the contraction cycle in skeletal or cardiac muscles is when ______ binds to ________.

calcium; troponin

Smooth muscle contracts when calcium binds to __________ and activates __________.

calmodulin; myosin light chain kinase

Exposure of the skin to ultraviolet (UV) radiation

can result in damage to the DNA of cells in the stratum basale

Narrow passageways that allow osteocytes to communicate with neighboring osteocytes are called _____________.


The small passageways that exist in the bone matrix to allow living bones cells to obtain nutrients and get rid of wastes are called __________.


Telomerase activity declines as we get older, and the effects are associated with the aging process. The less telomerase activity, the shorter the telomere sequences, and eventually they become so short that the cell can no longer divide. What condition in adults is associated with an increase in telomerase activity?


Essential amino acids __________.

cannot be synthesized in the human body and cannot be synthesized in sufficient amounts for children

A mature red blood cell lacks a nucleus; therefore, it

cannot make new proteins and will be worn out within a few months

The two-step process necessary for sperm to become mobile is called __________.


When sperm become motile and fully functional, they have undergone __________.


Which of the following is an example of dense irregular connective tissue?


Which of the following structures is NOT a type of dense regular connective tissue?


Hypercapnia refers to elevated levels of

carbon dioxide

The end products of aerobic respiration are

carbon dioxide, water, and ATP

Which muscle cell type has visible striations but is not under voluntary control?


Intercalated discs and pacemaker cells are characteristic of ________ tissue.

cardiac muscle

What muscle type has striations, and is under involuntary control?

cardiac muscle

The glomerular filtration rate is regulated by all of the following, except

cardiac output

Eating too many carrots can result in an orangish skin tint. What is the name of the pigment that is responsible for the orangish coloration?


What are the two basic factors that interact to produce skin color?

carotene and melanin

The pigment found in vegetables that can make the skin appear orange or yellow is called


The subatomic particle with the least mass

carries a negative charge

Neural tissue is specialized to __________.

carry electrical impulses from one part of the body to another

Supporting connective tissues found in the body are __________.

cartilage and bone

To celebrate her 50th birthday, Anna got her ear pierced in the elastic cartilage portion (pinna). The piercing specialist informed her that it will take at least 6 weeks to heal. This is because __________.

cartilage is avascular, so healing takes longer

The region known as the epiphyseal plate is the area where __________.

cartilage is not replaced by bone until after puberty

A soft callus is primarily comprised of ____________ (cartilage), while a hard callus is mainly comprised of ___________.

cartilage; bone

Collectively, reactions that break down molecules are known as


When blood glucose concentrations are elevated, the glucose molecules can be __________.

catabolized for energy, used to build energy reserves, and used for growth and tissue repair

The potential difference across the cell membrane is due to the unequal distribution of ________ across the membrane.

cations and anions

In males, luteinizing hormone (LH) __________.

causes secretion of testosterone

The smallest living units in the body are __________.


Which of the following glands produce earwax?

ceruminous glands

The most common reproductive cancer in woman ages 15-35 is ____________ cancer. It can be detected early by performing a PAP test.


The Pap smear looks for abnormal cytology of the


The inferior portion of the uterus that projects into the vagina is the __________.


A procedure called a/n _____________ is performed by surgically removing the baby through a cut in the mother's abdomen and uterus.

cesarean section

The number and arrangement of electrons in an atom's outer energy level (valence shell) determine the atom's

chemical properties

Depolarization of the skeletal muscles at the NMJ occurs as a result of acetylcholinebinding and opening the _____________.

chemically gated sodium channels

Beginning with chemicals and proceeding through increasing levels of complexity, the correct sequence is __________.

chemicals, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organism

A muscle that inserts on the body of the mandible is probably involved in


Which of the following is NOT a nitrogen-containing compound found in the body?


What are the two main lipids found in the structure of the plasmalemma?

cholesterol and phospholipids

An individual's karyotype shows trisomy 21. This is an example of a

chromosomal abnormality.

Which of the following statements about chromosomal disorders is false? -chromosomal disorders can cause birth defects -chromosomal disorders don't affect offspring -chromosomal disorders often cause death -chromosomal disorders can cause mental retardation

chromosomal disorders don't affect offspring

An illness persisting for a long time or one that constantly reoccurs is considered a/an ___________ illness.


Emphysema, congestive heart failure, and pneumonia can result in a condition of _____________.

chronic respiratory acidosis

Respiratory centers that have been desensitized by barbiturates or alcohol can result in a condition of _____________.

chronic respiratory acidosis

Transport of oocytes toward the utureus occurs in the uterine tubes by a combination of __________.

ciliary movement and peristaltic contractions

Muscles that guard entrances and exits of internal passageways are ________ muscles.


Oxygen is an important molecule in which of the following?

citric acid cycle and ETS

The energy produced from aerobic metabolism comes from what two sources? (Figure 25-5)

citric acid cycle and the electron transport chain

What function do phagocytes perform during the bone healing process?

cleans fracture of debris and any germs that are present

A sequence of cell divisions that begin after fertilization is called __________.


A sequence of cell divisions that begins immediately after fertilization is called _____________.


The process that divides different portions of the zygote's cytoplasm among blastomeres is called __________.


The bacterial genus _________________ includes a species that is responsible for tetanus.

clostridium tetani

During an inflammatory response to injury, which of the following is the least likely in the region of the injury?

cold, pale skin

The first secretion produced by the mammary glands for the baby is __________.


In "simple columnar epithelium," which word describes cell shape and which word describes the number of cell layers? (Figure 4-6)

columnar; simple

Fractures that shatter a bone into many small fragments are called __________ fractures.


A muscle producing its maximum tension for a prolonged period is in __________.

complete tetanus

During __________, the muscle fiber is rapidly and continuously being stimulated and is never allowed to relax completely.

complete tetanus

A substance containing atoms of different elements that are bonded together is called a(n)


An open or ________ fracture projects through the skin.


The type of fracture that occurs in vertebrae that are subject to extreme stresses is a __________ fracture.


__________ fractures occur in the vertebrae subjected to extreme pressure and is often associated with osteoporosis

compression fracture

A large, rounded, articulating process of bone is a _________.


Ligaments are bundles of elastic and collagen fibers that __________.

connect one bone to another bone

Cardiac muscle cells are __________.

connected to each other at intercalated discs

Matrix is a characteristic of which type of tissue?


The body of the nail __________.

consists of dead, tightly compacted cells

Lysosomes __________.

contain digestive enzymes

Which of the following is not a function of the skeletal system?


A muscle like the pectoralis major muscle in the chest, whose fascicles originate over a large area and insert on a common point, the anterior humerus, is an example of a __________ muscle.

convergent muscle

The pectoralis muscle is made of fascicles that are spread over a broad area but converge at a common attachment site. This pattern of fascicle arrangement classifies the pectoralis major as a __________.

convergent muscle

The ________ consists of the follicle cells that cling to the oocyte after ovulation.

corona radiata

The layer of follicle cells that surround the unfertilized egg is called the

corona radiata.

If fertilization occurs, the ________ is maintained because the embryo secretes ________.

corpus luteum; human chorionic gonadotrophin

The erectile tissue that surrounds the urethra is the __________.

corpus spongiosum

Which of the following is NOT a component of the ovarian cycle?

corpus spongiosum

The erectile tissue that surrounds the urethra is the

corpus spongiosum.

Which hormone does not play a role in regulating fluid and electrolyte balance?


A molecule that is hydrophobic __________.

could be a fat or an oil

A bond formed by the sharing of electrons between atoms is called a(n) __________ bond.


Which of the following is NOT a function of connective tissues? -support, surround, and interconnect other tissue types -cover surfaces and line body cavities -store energy reserves, especially in the form of lipids -defend the body from invasion by microorganisms

cover surfaces and line body cavities

The endosteum is found in all of the following places except the __________.

covering the outside surface of the bones

The visceral pleura __________.

covers the surface of the lungs

Which muscle is part of the spermatic cord?

cremaster muscle

Which of the following muscles perform(s) contractions that help to regulate the temperature in the testes?

cremaster muscles

A prominent ridge where ligaments or tendons attach to the bone is called a __________.


The length of a sarcomere determines the degree of tension produced. For optimal contraction, the ideal range of sarcomere length is 75 percent to 130 percent of its normal length. This is because at this range, there is a maximal number of _______ that can be formed during contraction.


In an isotonic contraction, __________.

cross-bridges must produce enough tension to exceed the load to be moved

Chromosomal abnormalities associated with recombination errors are more common in females older than age 35. Recombination errors include all of the following EXCEPT __________.

crossing over

The term ________ means the failure of one or both testes to descend into the scrotum by the time of birth.


When one or both testes fail to descend into the scrotum by birth, it is called _____________.


Two-thirds of the weight of bone is accounted for by

crystals of calcium phosphate

A ___________ membrane has an epithelium that is stratified and supported by dense connective tissue.


Which of the following membranes is the skin? -cutaneous membrane -synovial membrane -serous membrane -mucous membrane

cutaneous membrane

Which of the following represents the correct order of structures from the outside in?

cutaneous membrane, superficial fascia, deep fascia, subserous fascia, serous membrane

Diseases that involve not getting enough oxygen-rich blood to the blood vessels, such as certain pulmonary and heart diseases can cause the skin to take on a bluish color. What is the name of the abnormal condition of having bluish skin coloration?


The term that refers to a bluish coloration of the skin is ___________.


Glycolysis occurs in the __________.


Extracellular fluids in the body consist of all of the following except __________.


The first steps of catabolism generally take place in the


In a 28-day cycle, estrogen levels peak at __________.

day 14

The removal of amino group from a protein to prepare it to enter the citric acid cycle is termed


Inflammation, in response to an injury or infection, protects the body in a number of ways. These protective mechanisms include all of the following except __________.

deceased mast cell activity

Which of the following is the most specific term for the type of chemical reaction that breaks a molecule into smaller fragments by breaking its chemical bonds?

decomposition reaction

Hair turns gray or white because of __________.

decreased melanocyte activity

Fatigued muscles signify __________.

decreased pH

When PCO2 levels decrease, carbonic acid dissociates into CO2 and water. What effect does this have on H+ ion concentration and plasma pH?

decreases H+ concentration that increases pH

Enzymes catalyze reactions by __________.

decreasing the activation energy

The lungs respond to metabolic alkalosis by __________.

decreasing the respiratory rate

During gestation, the primary compensatory adjustments include all of the following except ______________.

decreasing the respiratory rate and tidal volume

The forearm muscles can be divided into anterior flexors and posterior extensors, as well as __________.

deep and superficial layers

The capsules that surround most organs, such as the kidneys and the organs in the thoracic and peritoneal cavities, are components of the __________.

deep fascia

During a weight-loss program, when nutrients are scarce, adipocytes __________.

deflate like collapsing balloons

Which of the following occurs when water is released (lost) during a reaction?

dehydration synthesis

While assessing a patient, you discover that after pinching the skin on the back of the hand, it remains peaked. This is a sign of


A vasectomy would interfere with a man's ability to

deliver sperm to the ejaculatory duct.

Which structure typically receives information from other neurons?


Tendons and ligaments are examples of what type of connective tissue?

dense regular connective tissue

Which of the following is not a lipid? -eicosanoid -deoxyribonucleic acid -steroid -triglycerid

deoxyribonucleic acid

The molecule DNA contains a five-carbon sugar called


Which cutaneous membrane must be reached for a tattoo to become permanent?


When you cut yourself and bleed/feel the sensation of pain, which cutaneous membranes have been damaged?

dermis and epidermis

Dead skin cells are shed in thin sheets because they are held together by "spots" of proteoglycan reinforced by intermediate filaments. Such strong intercellular connections are called


The most abundant connections between cells in the superficial layers of the skin are


Which of the following events in a muscle contraction marks the beginning of the relaxation of the muscle cell?

detachment of cross-bridges

In polygenic inheritance, phenotypic characters are

determined by interactions among several genes.

The movement of blood out of the erectile tissue results in _______.


The first trimester does NOT include which of the following events?

development of complete organ systems

The ventral body cavity is divided by a flat muscular sheet called the __________.


What is the name of the muscle that separates the thoracic and the abdominopelvic cavities?


Which muscle separates the thoracic and the abdominopelvic cavities?


During endochondral bone formation, the primary ossification center is located in the __________.


The shaft of a long bone is also called the __________.


The shaft of long bones is called the


The creation of different types of cells during the processes of development is called __________.


The process that results in the formation of different cell types occurring through selective changes in genetic activity that causes some genes to be turned off, while others are turned on is called __________.


The movement of solutes from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration is an example of __________.


Mucous membranes are found primarily in which of the following systems?

digestive, respiratory, reproductive, and urinary

The enzyme lipoprotein lipase __________.

digests lipid complexes into free fatty acids and monoglycerides

Which of the following is NOT a mechanism for heat loss? -stimulation of the respiratory centers, leading to deeper respiration -diminishing activity in the sympathetic vasomotor center -inhibition of the vasomotor center causing peripheral vasodilation and the flow of warm blood to the surface of the body -stimulation of sweat glands and their secretory output

diminishing activity in the sympathetic vasomotor center

Levers can change the __________.

direction, speed, and effective strength of an applied force

Failure of homeostatic regulation in the body results in


If an abnormal rearrangement or alignment of the bones results from a fracture, it is called a __________ fracture.


When table salt is put into a glass of water it dissolves. The term used for breaking of ionic bonds and the separation of ions is _____________.

dissociation or ionization

Which of the following factors influence(s) diffusion rates? -temperature -distance, temperature, and molecular size -molecular size -distance

distance, temperature, and molecular size

Muscles of the shoulder can be divided into groups based on __________.

distribution and functional relationships

If an animal cell lacked centrioles, it would not be able to


In cases of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia, the trophoblast __________.

divides excessively and spreads to other tissues, behaving much like a cancer

The reduction in sebum production due to aging can lead to __________.

dry and scaly skin

The organ that carries sperm from the epididymis to the urethra is the

ductus deferens (vas deferens).

At what point during excitation contraction coupling does exocytosis play a role?

during acetylcholine release from the synaptic terminal

In a typical day, the body is subjected to a variety of changing conditions. The response of multiple physiological systems helping to maintain the body functions keeps us in a state of __________ equilibrium.


Painful menstruation is called


Damage at the cellular, tissue, or organ level often affects the entire system. This supports the view that __________.

each level is dependent on the others

Which gland functions in thermoregulation?

eccrine sweat gland

A very serious condition in which one or more convulsions occur in a pregnant woman suffering from hypertension, and is often followed by a coma that poses a threat to the mother and unborn child is called ______________.


Which embryonic germ layer forms the brain and spinal cord?


The amnion contains contributions from which germ cell layer(s)?

ectoderm and mesoderm

Implantation somewhere other than the uterus, such as the uterine tube, causes a condition known as _________.

ectopic pregnancy

Implantation somewhere other than the uterus, such as the uterine tube, causes a condition known as _____________.

ectopic pregnancy

In ________, implantation occurs somewhere other than in the uterus.

ectopic pregnancy

The secretions of the seminal vesicles are discharged into the _________________.

ejaculatory duct

After contraction, a muscle fiber returns to its original length because of __________.

elastic forces and the movement of opposing muscles

Titin is a(n) __________.

elastic protein

Excitation-contraction coupling forms the link between __________.

electrical activity in the sarcolemma and the initiation of a contraction

Dissolved ions that can conduct an electrical current in a solution are called _________________.


Most of the ATP from metabolism is produced in the

electron transport system

During the recovery period, the body's oxygen demand is __________.

elevated above normal resting levels

Which of the following describes the action of the digastric muscle?

elevates the larynx and depresses the mandible

Diffusion is important in body fluids, because it tends to

eliminate local concentration gradients

The process of pushing fluid and sperm into the prostatic urethra is called __________.


The process of bone growth at the epiphyseal cartilage is similar to

endochondral ossification

Which embryonic germ layer forms the linings of the respiratory and digestive tracts?


The painful condition that develops because epithelial tissue from the uterus is present in the peritoneal cavity is


Whether or not fertilization occurs, the final destination of the ovum is the __________.


The histological composition of the uterine wall consists of the __________.

endometrium, myometrium, and perimetrium

The connective tissue layer that surrounds a single muscle fiber and joins it to other muscle fibers is __________.


The flow and transformation of energy is called __________.


In an exergonic reaction

energy is released during the reaction.

Special catalytic molecules called speed up chemical reactions in the human body.


An acrosome is located at the tip of the head of each sperm. What is contained in the acrosome?

enzymes essential for fertilization (hyaluronidase and acrosin)

Ultraviolet light causes production of vitamin D3 in the cells of the __________.


The first organ that sperm pass through is the __________.


The dense layer of connective tissue that surrounds an entire skeletal muscle is the


Nerves and blood vessels are contained within the connective tissues of the __________.

epimysium, perimysium, and endomysium

Certain _________ fractures that occur between the epiphysis and epiphyseal cartilage can permanently stop growth at that site.


The presence of an epiphyseal line indicates

epiphyseal growth has ended

The proximal and distal ends of a long bone are called the


The term for the expanded end of a long bone where the joint surfaces are located is the __________.


The tissue that always has an apical and a basal surface is ________ tissue.


Which type of tissue covers exposed surfaces and lines internal passageways and body cavities?


What are the four main tissue types found in the human body?

epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous

The stratum corneum of the nail root, which extends over the exposed nail, is called the


The tissue that overlays the exposed nail is the __________.

eponychium or cuticle

The state in which opposing processes or forces are in balance is called __________.


The term for the redness that develops with a first-degree burn is __________.


Fatty acids that are necessary for proper health but cannot be synthesized by the body are called ________ fatty acids.


Mary is 50 years old and has entered menopause. During a checkup, a bone scan reveals the beginnings of osteoporosis. Her physician suggests hormone therapy. What hormone might she prescribe for Mary?


One of the reasons that men can grow taller than women is because __________.

estrogens stimulate epiphyseal closure earlier than androgens

In a positive feedback system, what effect does the response to the stimulus have on the stimulus itself?

exaggerates the stimulus

Exfoliative cytology involves the removal of epithelial cells for examination. Which of the following is NOT a clinical application of exfoliative cytology?

examination of cardiac muscle cells after a heart attack

Which of the following is not a symptom of fibromyalgia? -anxiety -muscle pain and stiffness -excess energy =chronic fatigue

excess energy

Frank has diabetes mellitus and his blood pH has dropped. What is the most likely cause of his acidosis?

excess ketone formation

What is the function of the urinary system?

excretes waste products from the blood and regulates blood ion concentration and pH

A drop in blood pH will be compensated for by __________.

excreting more hydrogen ions and fewer bicarbonate ions

When we consume food and process it in our cells, we extract energy from it. A type of chemical reaction in which the amount of energy released is greater than the activation energy needed to start the reaction is called a(n) __________.

exergonic reaction

The Pap test for cervical cancer utilizes

exfoliative cytology

Which of the following is correct about Lanugo hairs? -deeply pigmented and somewhat coarse -exists primarily in fetuses -also known as "peach fuzz" -persists throughout the entire life -never found on the feet

exists primarily in fetuses

The pancreas produces ________ secretions that include digestive enzymes and hormones, respectively.

exocrine and endocrine

Glandular epithelia contain cells that produce _________.

exocrine or endocrine secretions

Action potentials travel the length of the axons of motor neurons to the axon terminals. These motor neurons __________.

extend from the brain or spinal cord to the sarcolemma of a skeletal muscle fiber

The broad ligament is a(n)

extensive mesentery that encloses the ovaries, uterine tubes, and uterus.

The triceps brachii muscle attaches to the olecranon process of the ulna crossing the posterior side of the elbow joint. That will allow the triceps to be a(n) __________ of the elbow joint.


Two-year-old Betty has a habit of pointing with her index finger to anything she considers interesting and saying, "Look, Mommy, look!" Which of the following muscles is Betty using to point her index finger?

extensor digitorum and extensor indicis

Ceruminous glands are modified sweat glands located in the __________.

external auditory canal

After a fracture of the diaphysis has healed, the thickened region that results is called the

external callus.

The reproductive structures in the perineal region are called __________.

external genitalia

Homeostatic mechanisms that monitor and adjust the composition of body fluids respond to changes in the ________ fluid.


The platysma, frontal belly of the epicranium, and orbicularis oculi are innervated by which cranial nerve?

facial nerve (VII)

If a large, lipid-insoluble solute wanted to move passively through the plasmalemma, which transport mechanism would it need to use?

facilitated diffusion

The process by which molecules such as glucose are moved into cells along their concentration gradient with the help of membrane-bound carrier proteins is called

facilitated diffusion

Compare the number of melanocytes between fair-skinned individuals and dark-skinned individuals.

fair- and dark-skinned people have the approximately the same number of melanocytes

A rise in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide will cause a __________ in pH and a __________ in blood bicarbonate levels.

fall; rise

Alana was born with a condition called __________________, which is a common inherited type of hyperlipidemia characterized by high blood levels of lipids.

familial hypercholesterolemia

Alana was born with a condition called __________________, which is the most common inherited type of hyperlipidemia and is characterized by high blood levels of lipids.

familial hypercholesterolemia

The perimysium surrounds a bundle of muscle fibers called a __________.


What is the smallest component of a skeletal muscle visible with the naked eye?


The orbicularis oris is an example of which type of muscle fiber arrangement?

fascicles arranged circularly around an opening

Which type of muscle fiber allows for extremely quick contractions but fatigues quickly?

fast fiber

The vitamins generally associated with vitamin toxicity are

fat-soluble vitamins

When energy reserves in a muscle are exhausted and lactic acid levels increase, __________ occurs.


The nutrients that yield the most energy per gram when metabolized are


Storage molecules called triglycerides are catabolized to provide what molecule to the nutrient pool?

fatty acids

The primary source of energy in a resting muscle fiber is ___________.

fatty acids

Another term for vulva is

female external genitalia.

After oocyte activation and the completion of meiosis, the nuclear material remaining within the ovum reorganizes to become the _______.

female pronucleus

Alcohol affects a developing fetus. Women that drink heavily during pregnancy can deliver children with facial abnormalities, small heads, slow growth, and mental retardation. What is the name of this irreversible condition?

fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is characterized by prolonged, debilitating fatigue and multiple non-specific symptoms. Which of the following isn't a non-specific symptom of CFS?


Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is characterized by prolonged, debilitating fatigue and multiple nonspecific symptoms. Which of the following isn't a non-specific symptom of CFS? -recurrent sore throat -fevers -headaches -muscle and joint pain


The protective scab that forms over an injury consists of __________.


What cell is the most abundant in connective tissue proper?


Which of the following connective tissue cells produces collagen?


What type of cartilage forms the soft callus during bone fracture repair?


Which type of cartilage is best able to resist compression and absorb shock?


Clusters of cysts that can be felt in the breast as discrete masses describes a condition known as

fibrocystic disease

The permanent replacement of normal tissue by fibrous tissue is called __________.


When Rachel was 10, she had a mini-bike accident resulting in severe road rash on her right calf. This injury eventually healed, but resulted in permanent __________.


A herniated disc is an injury of the pads of cartilage between the vertebrae in which the cartilage bulges from normal position. What type of cartilage is affected?


What type of cartilage forms the soft callus?


The most dangerous period in prenatal or postnatal life is the __________.

first trimester

Joanna has been looking down at her A&P book in her lap. She raises her head to look at a study partner across the table from her. The action of raising her head uses which type of lever system?

first-class lever

What type of ribosome can be found attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum?

fixed ribosomes

Bones that have thin parallel surfaces are

flat bones

Thin bones that form the roof of the skull, the sternum, and the scapulae are considered ________.

flat bones

Movement of the elbow joint movement is limited to __________.

flexion and extension

Which of the following muscles flexes the great toe?

flexor hallucis brevis

The rectus muscles, which lie between the vertebral spine and the ventral midline, are important __________.

flexors of the spinal column

You are observing a type of connective tissue that contains a variety of cells in a watery matrix. Based on these observations, what category of connective tissue are you looking at?

fluid connective tissue

A rise in the blood levels of follicle-stimulating hormone at the beginning of the ovarian cycle is responsible for

follicle maturation

The hormone that promotes spermatogenesis along the seminiferous tubules is __________.

follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

Nearly half of our water intake comes from what source?


The knee is proximal to the __________.


A rounded passage or hole through a bone is called a


Which anatomical term describes a rounded passageway for blood vessels or nerves?


What is the common name for the antebrachium?


If a cell lacked the enzyme DNA polymerase, it could not

form complementary strands of DNA during replication

In males, meiosis produces __________ spermatids.

four haploid

A primary spermatocyte matures into ________ spermatids having ________ chromosomes.

four; 23

The quadriceps femoris muscle has __________ heads and is found in the __________.

four; thigh

pH measures the concentration of __________ in a solution.

free hydrogen ions

Which sectional plane could divide the body so that the face remains intact?

frontal (coronal) plane

Which plane would you use to cut the human body so that you could see the anterior and posterior portions of the heart?

frontal or coronal

The type and structure of specific tissue defines its _____________.


Starting at the superior end, the uterus in the female is divided into __________.

fundus, body, and cervix

During the citric acid cycle, both NAD and FAD ________ a hydrogen atom and become ________.

gain; reduced

During the citric acid cycle, both NAD+ and FAD ________ electrons and become ________.

gain; reduced

If a neutral atom becomes a negative ion, it __________.

gains electrons

A type of cell junction common in cardiac and smooth muscle tissues is the

gap junction

A type of junction between cells that allows the passage of small molecules and ions from cell to cell is a ______________.

gap junction

The junction type that lets neighboring cells exchange small molecules is the

gap junction

Around day 15, a third germ layer forms between the superficial and deep layers of the inner cell mass through a cell migration process known as _______.


What is the functional unit of heredity?


The process of differentiation resulting in the appearance of characteristic cell specializations involves __________.

gene repression (switching off)

The functional units of DNA that contain the instructions for making one or more proteins are


The result of overproduction of growth hormone before puberty can result in a condition called ___________.


The portion of the penis that surrounds the external urethral meatus is the __________.


The rotator cuff is a term used to describe the group of muscles and tendons that stabilize and reinforce the __________.

glenohumeral joint

The muscles of the tongue have names ending in __________.


The names of the muscles of the tongue are readily identified because their descriptive names end in __________.


The synthesis of glucose from noncarbohydrates is called __________.


Glycogen is composed of branched chains of _______ molecules.


Which of the following is NOT an essential fatty acid? -linoleic acid -linolenic acid -glutamic acid -None of the listed responses is correct.

glutamic acid

A runner preparing for a marathon strains his iliotibial tract. What muscles attaching to this tract will be affected by the injury?

gluteus maximus and tensor fasciae latae

Many lipids are composed of fatty acids and


After a meal, our bodies will store carbohydrates in the liver and skeletal muscle cells. These stored carbohydrates are stored in the form of __________.


On a tour of African countries, Mark contracts a bad case of traveler's diarrhea. Because he can't eat very much, his body starts to use energy sources other than carbohydrates. This would result in all of the following, except


At peak levels of muscle exertion, mitochondrial activity can provide about only one-third of the ATP needed. The remainder is provided through __________.


Which of the following produces ATP from glucose anaerobically?


The combination of blood clot, fibroblasts, and extensive capillary network that is formed in injured skin is called ________ tissue.


The glands that produce mucus used as a lubricant during sexual intercourse are ________ glands.

greater vestibular

In a ________ fracture one side of the shaft is split and the other side is bent.


A _________ fracture occurs only when one side of the shaft is broken.

greenstick fracture

A fracture in which one side of the shaft is broken and the other side is bent is a __________.

greenstick fracture

When cartilage is produced at the epiphyseal side of the metaphysis at the same rate as bone is deposited on the opposite side, bones __________.

grow longer

When cartilage is produced at the epiphyseal side of the metaphysis at the same rate as bone is deposited on the opposite side, bones

grow longer.

What are the hormones that stimulate bone growth?

growth hormone and thyroxine

Voluntary control over swallowing, defecation, and urination is provided by muscles that __________.

guard entrances and exits

What is the hormone that is produced by the placenta and stimulates the mother's ovaries to continue the production of progesterone?


Which hormone is tested for in a pregnancy test?


Accessory structures of the skin include the __________.

hair follicles and the sebaceous and sweat glands

The accessory structures of the integument include the

hair follicles, nails, sebaceous glands, and sweat glands

Hair growth is due to the continual division of the basal cells of the __________.

hair matrix

What human muscles contain ONLY fast fibers?

hand muscles

Fertilization is the fusion of two __________ cells, each containing __________ chromosomes.

haploid; 23

The palmaris longus __________. -originates at the medial epicondyle of the humerus -flexes the wrist -is innervated by the median nerve C6-C7 -has all of the listed characteristics

has all of the listed characteristics

Ultraviolet radiation __________. -causes melanin production to accelerate -is beneficial in small amounts -can cause cumulative damage, leading to premature aging -has all of the listed effects

has all of the listed effects

The digastric muscle __________.

has two bellies

Muscle fibers differ from "typical cells" in that muscle fibers

have many nuclei.

Given that albinism is a recessive trait, if an albino mother and a normal father with the genotype AA have a child, that child will __________.

have normal coloration

An expanded joint surface shaped like a ball and found on the articular end of the epiphysis is called a __________.


Muscles including the term capitis would be found within or attached to the


The ________ is the part of the sperm that contains the DNA.


The pericardial cavity surrounds the __________.


Which of the following is found in the thoracic body cavity?


Buffers __________.

help maintain a stable pH

Alex had incurred previous fractures that were already in the process of healing when he went to the emergency room for his current injury. What is the correct sequence of events in the repair of a fracture?

hematoma formation, callus formation, spongy bone formation, and compact bone formation

Alex has osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) and had incurred previous fractures that were already in the process of healing when he went to the emergency room for his current injury. What is the correct sequence of events in bone fracture repair?

hematoma formation, callus formation, spongy bone formation, and compact bone formation

List the four steps of bone repair in the order which they occur.

hematoma, cartilaginous callus, bony callus, bone remodeling

Which of the following choices have the steps of a bone fracture repair in the correct order?

hematoma, fibrocartilage callus, bony callus, remodeling

Because epithelial tissues have a free edge, they must be anchored to the underlying basement membrane to prevent them from detaching. The junction that prevents this detachment is a(n) __________.


Which pigment is responsible for blushing?


What is the most common viral sexually transmitted disease in the United States?


Abnormal development of bone in non-skeletal tissues is called _____________ ossification.


If an individual carries two different alleles for the same trait, the individual is ________ for the trait.


Which cellular component/feature do skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle share?

high number of mitochondria

The lipoprotein that transports cholesterol to the liver is __________.

high-density lipoprotein

The study of the structure of muscle tissue is an example of __________.


The study of the structure of tissues is called


The study of tissues using a microscope is called _______________. Thin sections of tissue are fixed, sliced and then stained to enhance contrast.


The study of tissues using a microscope is called _______________. Thin sections of tissue are fixed, sliced and then stained to enhance contrast.


What is the term for the study of tissues?


The proteins that allow DNA strands to form chromosomes are __________.


Glands that secrete their product by the bursting of cells are ________ glands.


Sebaceous glands, associated with hair follicles, produce a thick, oily substance by releasing the entire cell and its contents. This is known as __________ secretion.


The maintenance of a relatively constant internal environment is __________.


If an individual carries a pair of alleles that are the same, the individual is ________ for the trait.


For a given trait, if the genotype is AA, the individual is __________.

homozygous dominant

An individual who expresses a recessive phenotype must have what genotype?

homozygous recessive

For a given trait, if the genotype is aa, the individual is __________.

homozygous recessive

The presence of a recessive gene can be detected (seen) only if the individual is

homozygous recessive.

Home pregnancy tests detect the presence of __________.

human chorionic gonadotropin

All the tendons of the rotator cuff muscles combine at which location?

humeral head

Which type of cartilage reduces friction between bony surfaces?


The articular cartilage of a typical long bone is composed of what type of cartilage?

hyaline cartilage

The most abundant form of cartilage in the body is __________.

hyaline cartilage

The type of cartilage that covers joint surfaces and forms part of the nasal septum is ______________.

hyaline cartilage

The three major types of cartilage in the body are

hyaline, elastic, fibrous

Sperm release ________ to break down the bonds between adjacent follicle cells surrounding the oocyte.


What is the following type of decomposition reaction called? ABCD+H2O→ABCH+DOH


In bone, the calcium phosphate forms crystals of


Two-thirds of a bone's weight is composed of calcium phosphate which interacts with calcium hydroxide to form crystals of __________.


Which of the following muscles has its origin on the hyoid and inserts on the tongue?


Describe the difference in PCO2 levels between hypercapnia and hypocapnia.

hypercapnia is caused by an increase in PCO2 levels whereas hypocapnia is caused by a decrease in PCO2 levels

What is the term for an abnormally high concentration of sodium in the ECF?


A solution that contains a solute concentration greater than that in a cell is said to be __________.


When a cell is placed in a(n) solution, the cell will lose water through osmosis. This process results in the ________ of red blood cells

hypertonic; crenation

The clinical term to describe an enlargement of an organ or tissue due to an increase in the size of its cells is _____________.


Anthony has decided to go to the clinic, because he is suddenly experiencing a painful, red, inflamed joint in his left hallux. The nurse practitioner suspects that he has a condition called gout, caused by high uric acid blood levels that form deposits in the great toe and other digits. She ordered bloodwork to check his uric acid levels and the results confirmed that his levels are high. What is the clinical condition called when uric acid levels in the blood exceed 7.4mg/dL?


Which of the following does NOT result in metabolic alkalosis?


Hypocapnia caused by pain or severe anxiety results in a condition of _____________.

hyperventilation which causes hypocapnia resulting in respiratory alkalosis.

Excessive consumption of sport drinks fortified with vitamins can cause ____________________.


The skin can move easily over the underlying muscles because of the loose connective tissue within the __________.


Which of the following is NOT an accessory structure of the integumentary system?


Which of the following layers is composed of adipose and areolar tissues and is the site where subcutaneous injections are given?


The external genitals of a human are located in the pubic region of the body. Another name for the pubic region is the __________ region.


Hypercapnia resulting from cardiac arrest, or drowning victims causes a condition of ______________.


A genetic skin disorder called _______________, which is referred to as a "fish-like condition", is caused by a mutated gene coding for a structural protein resulting in a lack of keratinization of skin cells.

ichthyosis vulgaris

The superficial muscles of the spine are identified by subdivisions that include __________.

iliocostalis, longissimus, and spinalis

The penetration of the endometrium by the blastocyst is referred to as


The stages in labor do NOT include __________.


The term for what occurs when the blastocyst touches and grows into the endometrium is __________.


In an ectopic pregnancy, __________.

implantation occurs somewhere other than within the uterus

Microvilli are found

in cells that are actively engaged in absorption

During development, the testes form in which location?

in the abdominal cavity

Fertilization usually occurs __________.

in the region where the ampulla borders the isthmus

A muscle producing almost peak tension during rapid cycles of contraction and relaxation is said to be in __________.

incomplete tetanus

Cancer rates __________ as we age.


If the temperature of the body rises above 37°C (about 99°F), negative feedback is triggered to __________.

increase heat loss through enhanced blood flow to the skin and sweating

Which of the following processes or conditions would NOT occur in aging skin?

increase in glandular activity

Calcitonin does all of the following except ____________________. -increase excretion of calcium by the kidneys -decrease intestinal absorption of calcium -increase osteoblast activity -decrease osteoclast activity

increase osteoblast activity

Microvilli are found on cells of the inner surface of the small intestine, where they

increase the absorption of nutrients from digested food

Parathyroid does all of the following except __________. -decrease calcium loss in the urine -stimulate osteoclasts to release more calcium from bones -increase the activity of osteoblasts -increase intestinal absorption of calcium

increase the activity of osteoblasts

The process of erection involves complex neural procedures that include __________.

increased parasympathetic outflow over the pelvic nerves

Appositional growth __________.

increases the diameter of a long bone, forms circumferential lamellae, and involves both osteoblasts and osteoclasts

When the calcium ion concentration of the blood rises above the normal level, secretion of the hormone calcitonin __________.

increases the rate of calcium ion excretion from the kidneys

Which of the following is a renal response to acidosis?

increasing secretion of hydrogen ions

When a normal pulmonary response does NOT reverse respiratory acidosis, the kidneys respond by __________.

increasing the rate of hydrogen ion secretion into the tubular fluid

The process of complete tetanus is reached by __________.

increasing the rate of stimulation until the relaxation phase is completely eliminated

During early development, the Y chromosome produces a substance called "testis determining factor" (TDF) that causes the indifferent gonad to become a testis. This would be an example of


The mental region is __________ to the nasal region.


The umbilicus (navel; belly button) is __________ to the chin.


The portion of the uterine tube that ends in fingerlike fimbriae is the


The ductus deferens passes through the ________ to enter the pelvic cavity.

inguinal canal

What is the function of sebum?

inhibits bacteria and lubricates the keratin of hair

The role of FSH in males is to

initiate sperm production in the testes.

Rapid water loss from burned skin is an extreme form of ________ perspiration.


The end of a muscle that is attached to the point that moves when the muscle contracts is called the


The movable attachment of muscle to bone or other connective tissue is referred to as the __________.


Heat energy gained from muscle contraction is released by the ________ system.


Which organ system protects against environmental hazards, helps regulate body temperature, and provides sensory information?

integumentary system

Which of the following features is found in cardiac muscle cells but NOT in skeletal and smooth muscle cells?

intercalated discs

The correct order of phases in the cell cycle is

interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase

Growth of cartilage by accumulation of new matrix around chondrocytes that are embedded in existing matrix is called ________ growth.


The two major subdivisions of the ECF are the

interstitial fluid and plasma

Marfan's syndrome is a disorder associated with excessive growth in length of limbs and digits, giving the afflicted individual a tall and lanky appearance. What is the clinical term for bone growth in length?

interstitial growth

What is the difference between Intracellular fluid and Intercellular fluid?

intracellular fluid is located within cells, whereas intercellular fluid is located between cells

The sodium-potassium exchange pump

is composed of a carrier protein located in the plasma membrane

At the time of ovulation, the secondary oocyte leaving the follicle __________.

is in metaphase II of meiosis

The eponychium __________.

is the nail cuticle

In contrast to serous or mucous membranes, the cutaneous membrane __________.

is thick, relatively waterproof, and usually dry

DNA __________.

is transcribed into mRNA.

Ovarian cancer is the deadliest of the reproductive cancers because it

is usually not diagnosed early.

The outer dense connective tissue of a bone, the periosteum, ________.

isolates the bone from surrounding tissues, provides a route for circulatory and nervous supply, and actively participates in bone growth and repair

The type of contraction in which the muscle fibers do not shorten is called


What is the type of contraction in which the muscle does not change length and the contraction does not produce tension that exceeds the load?


If a hole is torn in a cell's plasma membrane, the cell will die because

it will not be able to maintain differences between the cytoplasm and extracellular fluid

The chemical behavior of an atom is determined by __________.

its electrons

The fulcrum of a lever system is the


A pictorial representation of paired human chromosomes that can be used to detect chromosome copy numbers and abnormalities is called a/an ______________.


The pictorial representation of paired human chromosomes that can be used to detect chromosome copy numbers and abnormalities is called a/an ______________.


What forms when scar tissue continues beyond the requirements of tissue repair?


The fibrous protein that is responsible for the strength and water resistance of the skin surface is


The protein that reduces water loss at the skin surface is


Which of the following are NOT part of the reproductive system?


In response to respiratory alkalosis, the

kidneys retain more hydrogen ions

Osteopenia, the inadequate ossification process that occurs with age, especially affects bone mass in all of the following sites, except the______________.


Malnutrition and lack of clean water is prevalent in underdeveloped countries. A form of malnutrition called _____________ is caused by a dietary insufficiency of protein, and typically affects children in tropical regions.


During anaerobic muscle metabolism, _______ is produced as the end product of glycolysis.


What molecule will pyruvate be converted to if inadequate amounts of oxygen are in the cytoplasm?

lactic acid

When glycolysis produces pyruvic acid faster than it can be used by the mitochondria, the pyruvic acid is converted to __________, which lowers the pH of body fluids.

lactic acid

When pyruvic acid is produced by anaerobic metabolism faster than it can be utilized, the surplus is converted to __________.

lactic acid

Muscle fatigue occurs because of a buildup of __________ and a(n) __________ in pH.

lactic acid; decrease

The spaces in the bony matrix where osteocytes exist are ____________.


Compact bone is characterized by many cylindrical osteons. Osteons are formed by layers of nested cylinders each called a(n) _____________.


What are the dermal sensory structures that sense deep pressure?

lamellar corpuscle

Cells located in each seminiferous tubule which function to provide a microenvironment that supports spermatogenesis are called

large nurse cells

The arms are __________ to the sternum.


The round ligaments extend from the

lateral margins of the uterus, through the inguinal canal to the external genitalia.

A region in an organ or tissue that has suffered damage from an injury or disease is called ____________.


A rigid structure that can change the effective strength of a muscle is called a __________.


Changing the magnitude and direction of forces generated by skeletal muscles is an illustration of the skeletal function of __________.


The primary role of the carbonic-acid-bicarbonate buffer system is to

limit pH changes caused by metabolic and fixed acids

If a substance has a definite volume, but no definite shape, it is classified as a __________.


Cholesterol content in the diet is not the only source of circulating cholesterol. What organ produces approximately 20% of cholesterol that is circulating in the blood?


What organ may be involved if a person presents with jaundice?


Which of the following is NOT found in the mediastinum?


The humerus and the femur are examples of what shape of bone?

long bones

When classifying bones by shape, the humerus is classified as a _______ bone, and the _________ are classified as irregular bones.

long, vertebrae

The superficial spinal extensors include the __________.

longissimus, spinalis, and iliocostalis

What is the most frequent cause of metabolic alkalosis?

loss of acids, especially through vomiting

Excessive diarrhea results in which of the following?

loss of bicarbonate, metabolic acidosis

All of the following are associated with menopause except ____________.

low levels of LH

Enzymes act by __________.

lowering the energy of activation of a chemical reaction

Which of the following is NOT found in the abdominopelvic cavity?


Which of the following is found in the pleural cavity?


How do the lungs respond to metabolic acidosis? (Figure 27-16)

lungs increase respiratory rate

Name 5 types of white blood cells.

lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils

Which organelle is involved in the destruction of bacteria, old organelles, and the liberation of enzymes?


Heat released from contracting muscles functions to __________.

maintain body temperature

Skeletal muscle functions in __________.

maintaining body temperature

As a person ages, exercise contributes to

maintaining bone strength

Poverty levels are very high in underdeveloped nations. Due to this, many times adults and children have little to no food to eat. Inadequate food intake in children causes a condition called __________ which is characterized by severe malnourishment resulting in their weight falling below standards set for children of similar age.


Poverty levels are very high in underdeveloped nations. Due to this, many times adults and children have little to no food to eat. Inadequate food intake in children causes a condition called __________ which is characterized by severe malnourishment resulting in their weight falling below standards set for children of similar age.


Z lines __________.

mark the boundaries between adjacent sarcomeres

The ________ muscle is the strongest jaw muscle.


Which of the following is a muscle of mastication?


The sternocleidomastoid inserts on the

mastoid process of the temporal bone.

Throughout embryonic and fetal development, metabolic wastes generated by the fetus are eliminated by their transfer to the __________.

maternal circulation

The ________ of CT proper consists of proteins fibers and ground substance.


The combination of fibers and ground substance in supporting connective tissues is known as


The portion of the hair follicle where cell divisions occur is the


Growth ceases at __________.


Muscles located close to the midline of the body may be called


An albino individual lacks the ability to produce


The color of skin is the result of __________.

melanin, carotene, and dermal blood supply

Why does exposure to sunlight darken skin?

melanocytes will produce more pigment in response to UV rays

The most dangerous form of skin cancer is called


The most dangerous type of skin cancer is called


What is the continuous movement and exchange of membrane sections called?

membrane flow

The unequal distribution of charges across the cell membrane results in the ______________.

membrane potential

In females between the ages of 45 and 55, ovulation and menstruation cease in a phase of life called __________.


The uterine phase that develops because of a fall in progesterone levels is the

menstrual phase.

Mucous secretions that coat the passageways of the digestive and respiratory tracts result from _________ secretion.


Which type of gland would release its secretion through exocytosis with no harm to the glandular cell itself?


Cells that respond to injury by dividing to assist in connective tissue repair are

mesenchymal (stem) cells

The chorion develops from the __________.

mesoderm and trophoblast

A loss of bicarbonate ions can lead to ____________________.

metabolic acidosis

An arterial blood gas was performed on a patient and the following results were obtained: pH = 7.29 CO2 = 37 mm Hg HCO3- = 20 mEq/L What type of acid-base imbalance would be indicative of these values?

metabolic acidosis

An arterial blood gas was performed on a patient and the following results were obtained: pH = 7.29 CO2 = 36 mm Hg HCO3- = 20 mEq/L What type of acid-base imbalance would be indicative of these values?

metabolic acidosis

Diarrhea can lead to which acid/base disturbance?

metabolic acidosis

A patient is admitted to the hospital with the following plasma values: pH = 7.2, pCO2 = 25 mmHg, and HCO3¯ = 18 mEq/L. What is the acid base imbalance?

metabolic acidosis with respiratory compensation

Diarrhea can lead to which acid/base disturbance? Assuming compensation, would it be a metabolic or respiratory compensation?

metabolic acidosis with respiratory compensation

Starvation would cause which of the following acid-base conditions? Also, determine what type of compensation (metabolic or respiratory) there would be.

metabolic acidosis with respiratory compensation

An arterial blood gas was performed on a patient and the following results were obtained: pH = 7.48 CO2 = 42 mm Hg HCO3- = 28 mEq/L What type of acid-base imbalance would be indicative of these values?

metabolic alkalosis

A patient is admitted to the hospital with the following plasma values: pH = 7.5, pCO2 = 45 mmHg, and HCO3¯ = 30 mEq/L. What is the acid-base imbalance?

metabolic alkalosis with no compensation

All the chemical reactions that occur in the human body are collectively referred to as


The narrow zone that connects the epiphysis and the diaphysis of long bones is the _________.


A reversible structural change that alters the character of a tissue is called _____________.


Hollow tubes in the cytoskeleton that give the cells strength and rigidity and anchor organelles are the __________.


All of the following are membranous organelles except __________.

microvilli and centrioles

The region known as the primitive streak is the site of

migration of ectodermal cells to form the mesoderm.

The stage of repair of a wound in which a fibroblast moves into the wound area is called the __________.

migratory phase

A friend has acid indigestion after eating a big meal. Which of the following would act as a buffer and help ease his pain?

milk of magnesia, with a pH of 10

The primary function of serous membranes in the body is to

minimize friction between opposing surfaces

The TCA, or Krebs, cycle takes place in the __________.


Where is ETS-generated ATP produced in the cell?


A dehydration synthesis reaction between glycerol and a single fatty acid would yield a(n)


Glucose is a __________.


Twins that occur when blastomeres separate are called


Catabolism of protein is not a practical source of quick energy because of all of the following except that

most individuals have little protein to spare before harming vital organs

All the muscle fibers and the single motor neuron that innervates them are called a __________.

motor unit

Cilia function to __________.

move fluids and secretions across the cell surface

In oxidative phosphorylation, energy for the synthesis of ATP is directly obtained from the

movement of hydrogen ions through channels in the inner mitochondrial membrane.

Which of the following membranes lines passageways and chambers, such as the digestive and respiratory tracts, that communicate with the body's exterior?

mucous membrane

What is the function of cilia located in the trachea that is lined with pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium?

mucous secretion

What are the four types of membranes found in the body?

mucous, serous, cutaneous, and synovial

In an isotonic contraction,

muscle tension exceeds the load and the muscle lifts the load.

Tissue that is specialized for contraction is

muscle tissue

Inherited disorders that produce progressive muscle weakness and deterioration within muscles are called ______________.

muscular dystrophies

Permanent alterations in a cell's DNA that affect the nucleotide sequence of one or more genes are called


An autoimmune disease that results in general muscular weakness caused by the reduction of ACh receptors on the muscle fiber's motor end plate is called _______________.

myasthenia gravis

One of the distinct features of the skeletal muscle fibers is that they are multinucleated. The multinucleation is the result of the fusion of embryonic cells called __________.


Skeletal muscles develop from the conjoining of a group of embryonic cells knows as _______.


Presence of _______ in the sarcoplasm provides a ready supply of oxygen for aerobic respiration in muscle tissue.


The muscular layer of the uterus is the __________.


"Cocking" the myosin head requires energy. What molecule acts as an ATPase to break down ATP for the energy needed to cock the myosin head?


Which of the following is NOT found in a thin filament?


Which of the following types of fibers is NOT found in connective tissue proper?


What happens when the myosin head splits ATP into ADP and a phosphate group?

myosin reactivation

Nail production begins at the __________.

nail root

Which of the following is the most medial structure?


A effects of both respiratory acidosis and metabolic acidosis are especially serious in cases of ________.

near drowning

Where is a sesamoid bone most often found?

near joints at the knee, the hands, and the feet

Death of one or more cells in an organ or tissue due to disease, injury, or inadequate blood supply is called ____________.


Homeostatic regulation of body temperature is an example of __________.

negative feedback

What is the body's primary mechanism of homeostatic regulation?

negative feedback

Which of the following homeostatic regulatory mechanisms involves a response to a stimulus that reverses or negates the stimulus?

negative feedback

The basic functional unit of the kidney is the


The most common complications when administering an intramuscular injection involves accidental injection into a blood vessel or a _____________.


The two regulatory systems in the human body are the __________.

nervous and endocrine systems

Which organ system includes brain, spinal cord and their associated nerves, and functions in responding to stimuli by providing and interpreting sensory information about external conditions?

nervous system

Axons, dendrites, and a cell body are characteristic of cells located in

nervous tissue

Gerlach used a stain called carmine to stain body tissues, but had a very difficult time staining a certain tissue type. He was finally able to stain the tissue section when he mistakenly left the sample in the stain overnight. What type of tissue type was Gerlach finally able to visualize, due to his "error"?


Tissue that is specialized for the conduction of electrical impulses is ________ tissue.


The junction between a muscle cell and the neuron innervating that cell is the __________.

neuromuscular junction

Which type of tissue has axons and dendrites?


What are the two basic cell types found in neural tissue?

neurons and neuroglia

Acetylcholine is a __________, which is a type of chemical released by neurons that changes the plasma membrane permeability or other properties of another cell.


Isotopes of an element differ from each other in the number of

neutrons in the nucleus

A benign pigmented spot on the skin, such as a mole, is called a __________.


A benign pigmented spot on the skin, such as a mole, is called a/an __________.


How many ATP are produced during the intermediate step (the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA)?

no ATP is produced

The major difference between inorganic and organic compounds is that inorganic compounds are usually __________.

not composed of carbon and hydrogen

An amino acid is to a protein as a ________ is to a nucleic acid.


Polysaccharides are made up of many monosaccharides, and proteins are made up of amino acids. What are the units of nucleic acids called?


The head portion of the sperm contains

nucleus (DNA)

Which structure of the intervertebral articulation gives the disc its resiliency and ability to absorb shock?

nucleus pulposus

The amount of tension produced by an individual muscle fiber ultimately depends on the __________.

number of pivoting cross-bridges

The mass number of an atom is defined as the __________.

number of protons plus the number of neutrons in the nucleus

Muscles with fibers that run at an angle to the long axis of the body are called


Jasmin suffers from an idiopathic, chronic autoimmune disease. The medical definition of "idiopathic" refers to ________________________.

of unknown cause

Each triplet of bases in a gene corresponds to

one amino acid in a protein

Terms of anatomical direction are used to describe

one body part in relation to another

The process of oogenesis produces three nonfunctional polar bodies that eventually disintegrate, plus __________.

one functional ovum

Oogenesis results in __________.

one haploid cell

Simple epithelia have __________ layer(s) of cells, whereas stratified epithelia have __________ layer(s) of cells.

one; several

A fracture that results in the bone penetrating through the skin is called a(n) _______ fracture.

open (or compound)

Which of the following is the term for a fracture in which the broken bone breaks through the skin?

open or compound

The "kissing muscle" that purses the lips is the

orbicularis oris

Which of the following muscle pairings consist of circular muscles?

orbicularis oris and orbicularis oculi

When a man experiences testicular cancer, treatment plans may include chemotherapy, radiation, and the removal of one or both testicles. What is the scientific term for surgical removal of the testes?


What would you call something made of two or more tissues that work together to perform several functions?


The study of the function of the stomach is an example of __________.

organ physiology

A group of organs working together perform a specific function forms the level of organization called the _________________.

organ system

The level of organization that reflects the interactions between organ systems is the __________.


The end of a muscle that remains stationary when the muscle contracts is called the


The movement of water across a membrane from an area of low solute concentration to an area of higher solute concentration is known as


The movement of water molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration is an example of __________.


Water molecules move across cells by


When water is lost, but electrolytes are retained,

osmosis moves water from the ICF to the ECF.

During the process of ________, an existing tissue is replaced by bone.


The process of replacing other tissues with bone is called __________.


Immature bone cells that secrete osteoid are called _________, and bone stem cells are called ___________.

osteoblast; osteogenic cells

A girl born with nonfunctioning ovaries could be expected to have a deficiency in the activity of which type of cell?


Cells that produce new bone matrix are called __________.


Cells that secrete the organic components of the bone matrix are called


As osteoclasts absorb and remove bone matrix, they leave shallow depressions called a(n) _________.

osteoclastic crypt

Cells that free calcium from bone to maintain blood calcium levels are called


Giant, multinucleated cells involved in the process of osteolysis are __________.


Mature bone cells found in lacunae are called __________.


The lacunae of osseous tissue contain


What is the name for bone cells found in the osseous tissue?


Mature bone cells that maintain the bone matrix are called _______, and multinucleated cells that dissolve the bone matrix are called _________.

osteocytes; osteoclasts

The most commonly inherited connective tissue disorder in the United States, called __________________, is cause by a mutation in the collagen gene resulting in brittle bones that fracture easily. It is also known as brittle bone disease

osteogenesis imperfecta

Stem cells that can differentiate into osteoblasts are called ________ cells.


Even as an adult, we have populations of primitive cells that can produce osteoblasts. These primitive cells are called __________.

osteogenic cells

The process of bone breakdown or erosion is called __________.


The basic functional unit of compact bone is the Haversian system or


What is the basic functional unit of compact bone?


The nonpathologic loss of bone that occurs with aging is called


What is the condition that is caused by inadequate ossification as a natural consequence of aging?


______________ is a rare hereditary bone disorder in which bones become overly dense. One of the three forms that it presents as is called "marble bone" disease.


A condition in which bone becomes riddled with holes making them brittle and compromises normal function is called


Where is elastic cartilage located in the body?

outer ear

The site where fertilization normally occurs is in the

outer one-third of the uterine tube.

The chemical behavior of an atom is determined by the

outermost electron shell.

What aspect of an atom determines its chemical properties?

outermost energy level

The female gonad is the __________.


Fluid and electrolyte balance is maintained by receptors that directly measure _________.

overall osmotic concentration

Skeletal muscles generate maximum tension when the maximum number of cross-bridges can form in the zone of _______.


The surge in luteinizing hormone that occurs during the middle of the ovarian cycle triggers


When a molecule is _______ it loses electrons, and when a molecule is ______ it gains electrons.

oxidated; reduced

The process that produces more than 90 percent of the ATP used by our cells is

oxidative phosphorylation

What is the source of the water metabolically generated from within your cells?

oxidative phosphorylation within the mitochondria

What is the final electron acceptor in the ETS?


Cyanosis signifies that a patient has

oxygen-starved skin.

Stretching of the cervix causes an increase in the blood levels of


Which of the following has the highest concentration of hydroxide ions?

pH 14

Which of the solutions below is the most acidic? -pH 2 -pH 8 -pH 12 -pH 5

pH 2

What is the effect of increased plasma PCO2 on pH?

pH decreases

What happens to pH when PCO2 increases above 45 mm Hg?

pH will fall below 7.35.

Which of the following areas of the skin has the greatest concentration of eccrine sweat glands?


What are the two layers of the dermis?

papillary and reticular layers

Which layer of the dermis contains the capillaries, lymphatic vessels, and sensory nerve fibers that supply the epidermis?

papillary layer

The two major components of the dermis are the

papillary layer and reticular layer

What are the major components of the dermis?

papillary layer and reticular layer

Which layer of the cutaneous membrane lies directly inferior to the epidermis?

papillary layer of the dermis

Most of the skeletal muscles in the body are ________ muscles.


A muscle in the body that is spindle-shaped is an example of a(n) __________.

parallel muscle

The biceps brachii muscle is an example of which type of fascicle arrangement?

parallel muscle

The structural commonality of the rectus femoris and the rectus abdominis is that they are __________.

parallel muscles whose fibers run along the long axis of the body

The ________ is the membrane that covers the inner surface of cavity walls.

parietal serosa

Delivery of the fetus is known as __________.


Which of the following combinations of muscles works together as agonist and antagonist to produce flexion and extension of the shoulder joint?

pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi

Which body cavity would a surgeon open to operate on the uterus?

pelvic cavity

Infertility may result when an STD leads to

pelvic inflammatory disease.

In order for bacteria on the skin to cause an infection in the skin, they must accomplish all of the following, except

penetrate to the level of the capillaries

In a ________ muscle, the muscle fibers and fascicles lie in a slanted or oblique position to the tendon.


The type of bond that holds amino acids together in a chain is called a(n) __________.

peptide bonds

Canals that extend perpendicularly through bone to supply blood to deeper osteons and to tissues of the medullary cavity are ___________________ canals.


The thoracic cavity contains the

pericardial and pleural cavities

The connective tissue layer that surrounds a bundle of skeletal muscle fibers is called __________.


The membrane found wrapping the bones, except within the joint cavity, is the


The wave-like contraction created by smooth muscle cells is known as ________.


Sperm are moved along the ductus deferens by __________.

peristaltic contraction

Sperm are moved along the ductus deferens (vas deferens) by

peristaltic contractions.

The serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity is the


What is the name of the membrane lining the abdominopelvic cavity?


Protein channels within the plasma membrane __________.

permit water and ion movement at all times

Which organelle absorbs and breaks down fatty acids and other organic compounds?


The process that transports solid objects such as bacteria into the cell is called


There are cases reported worldwide concerning women having strange, non-food cravings while pregnant, such as consuming dirt. This condition, known as _________ disorder, may be associated with nutritional deficiencies, or lead toxicity.


There have been cases reported worldwide about women having strange, non-food cravings while pregnant, such as eating dirt. This condition, known as _________ disorder, may be associated with nutritional deficiencies, or lead toxicity.


Which of the following membrane transport mechanisms requires ATP?


Which of the following muscles that move the thigh is included in the lateral rotator group?


A condition in which there is a separation of the placenta from the uterine site of implantation before delivery of the baby is called ___________.

placenta abruptio

A condition in which the placenta is abnormally placed so as to totally or partially cover the cervix is called ______________.

placenta previa

Lymphocytes can develop into cells that secrete defense proteins against disease. These cells are termed ________, while these proteins are called antibodies.

plasma cells

What are the three major subdivisions of the extracellular fluid in the body?

plasma, interstitial fluid, and lymph

Unique features of smooth muscles include which of the following?


Shanie is a 45-year-old woman who has started noticing sagging skin in the front of her neck. What muscle in this area is losing tone and causing the resulting looseness in her neck?


Which of the following facial muscles is associated with movement of the neck skin and the lower jaw?


The serous membrane covering the lungs is the __________.


What type of mutation permanently changes a single nucleotide in a DNA sequence that affects one codon?

point mutation

During oogenesis, two or three nonfunctional cells are produced that will eventually disintegrate. What is the name of these cells?

polar bodies

Epithelial cells that line the small intestine transport nutrients into the body. Directional transport is associated with the epithelial tissue property of


What type of trait inheritance occurs when the phenotype of an individual is determined by interaction among the alleles of several genes?

polygenic inheritance

Which of the following is not a carbohydrate? -glycogen -polypeptide -sucrose -glucose


Glycogen is a __________.


Fertilization of by more than one sperm, which would create a zygote that is incapable of normal development is called _____________.


Fertilization of by more than one sperm, which would create a zygote that is incapable of normal development, is called _________.


Which of the following is least likely to result in a genetic mutation? -radiation -errors in DNA replication -drugs -poor health

poor health

Which of the following is not a part of the hamstrings?


Extrinsic muscles are those that __________.

position or stabilize an organ

In a homeostatic system, blood clotting is an example of __________.

positive feedback

The increasingly forceful labor contractions during childbirth are an example of

positive feedback

When the body is relying on internal energy reserves to continue meeting its energy demands, it is in the ________ state.


The p in pH refers to ______.


The ball and socket joint in the hip is similar to the ball and socket joint of the shoulder but is designed more for __________ than ___________.

power; precision

What is the common name for a decubitis ulcer?

pressure ulcer (bedsore)

The primary role of the carbonic acid−bicarbonate buffer system is to __________.

prevent changes in pH caused by metabolic and fixed acids in the ECF

In endochondral ossification, blood vessels penetrate and invade the central region of the cartilaginous model. This first area that is invaded is called the __________.

primary ossification center

A(n) ________ is a muscle whose contraction is chiefly responsible for producing a particular movement.

prime mover

Which of the following are part of the ovarian cycle?

primordial follicles

An infectious protein particle that is believed to cause certain brain diseases such as CreutzfeldtJakob disease and bovine spongiform encephalitis (BSE- "mad cow disease") is called a/an ____________.


A general term for a bony projection, often where a muscle, tendon, or ligament attaches to a bone is called a _______.


The advantage of having many nuclei in a skeletal muscle fiber is the ability to

produce large amounts of muscle proteins.

Gap junctions __________.

produce narrow passages that allow ions to move between cells

A molecule that blocks the ion channels lining integral proteins in the plasma membrane would interfere with

producing changes in the electrical charges across a plasma membrane

Which of the following is NOT a function of connective tissues?

producing specialized secretions

Skeletal muscle is responsible for all of the following EXCEPT __________.

production of vitamin D

The principal hormone secreted by the corpus luteum is


The principal hormone that prepares the uterus for pregnancy is __________.


What is the primary hormone secreted by the corpus luteum?


The stage of repair of deep skin injury in which epidermal cells migrate under the scab is called the __________.

proliferation phase

Movement of the forearm includes __________.

pronation and supination

The actions produced by arm muscles but NOT by leg muscles are __________.

pronation and supination

What are the stages of mitosis, in the correct order?

prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase

The four stages of mitosis in correct sequence are __________.

prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

The PSA test is used for diagnosis of

prostate cancer.

Men over the age of 50 are periodically screened for prostate cancer by measuring the blood for elevated levels of ______________.

prostate specific antigen (PSA)

Frank is experiencing difficulty urinating, painful urination, low back pain and a slight fever. The doctor prescribes antibiotics and Frank recovers. It is likely that Frank suffered from


A compound consisting of more than 100 amino acids is known as a __________.


A patient who has been both vomiting and having diarrhea is losing all of the following except ________ from his body.


Which of the buffer systems shown in the picture buffers pH in the ICF and ECF?

protein buffer systems

A marked loss in strength and elasticity of connective tissue characterizes Marfan's syndrome. Which connective tissue component imparts strength and elasticity?

proteinaceous connective tissue fibers

The subatomic particle that is found in the nucleus of an atom and has a positive charge is __________.


The nucleus of an atom consists of

protons and neutrons

What are the three subatomic particles in atoms?

protons, neutrons, electrons

The prostate, seminal vesicle, and bulbourethral glands do NOT __________.

provide chemicals to make the female's vagina more acidic

The role of inhibin in male reproduction is to

provide negative feedback regulation of FSH and GnRH secretion.

A patient comes in the clinic expressing concern over changes in her body. She says she has been experiencing axillary and genital hair growth, breast growth, acne and she is going through a growth spurt. You reassure her these are all a normal part of maturation and inform her that she has begun


What is the accumulation of debris, fluid, and dead and dying cells collectively called?


Which of these is NOT a function of smooth muscle?

pushing blood into the great vessels of the heart

What is the insertion of the biceps brachii?

radial tuberosity

More than half the heat is lost from the body indoors through the process of


Given its name, what does the levator anguli oris do? (Figure 11-5)

raise the mouth

The stretching of the myometrium is associated with a gradual increase in the __________.

rates of spontaneous smooth muscle contractions

An element with an unfilled outermost energy level is called __________.


Which part of the homeostatic regulatory system detects changes in the environment?


The increase in muscle tension that is produced by increasing the number of active motor units is called


When lifting a heavy weight, more motor neurons are called into action to overcome the weight by creating a greater tension. This phenomenon is known as _________.


Which of the following is found in the pelvic cavity?


Muscles with fibers that run parallel to the long axis of the body are called


Which of the following is not an extrinsic eye muscle? -inferior rectus -lateral rectus -superior oblique -rectus abdominis -medial rectus

rectus abdominis

Marcia, a sprinter, pulls a hamstring muscle the day before a big race. Which of the following muscles has she NOT injured?

rectus femoris

The extensors that move the lower leg, commonly known as the quadriceps, include the __________.

rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis, and vastus medialis

Name 3 formed elements.

red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells, and platelets

Blood cell formation occurs in

red bone marrow

One function of bone is to produce red and white blood cells. These cells are made in what substance in bone?

red marrow

Inflammation produces __________.

redness, swelling, and pain

The primary function of sensible perspiration is to

reduce body temperature

The primary reason that osteoporosis accelerates after menopause in women is

reduced levels of circulating estrogens

Which of the following is a function of serous membranes?

reduces friction

A patient takes a medication that blocks ACh receptors of skeletal muscle fibers. What is this drug's effect on skeletal muscle contraction?

reduces the muscle's ability for contraction

The first meiotic division __________.

reduces the number of chromosomes from 46 to 23

If an allele is dominant, it will be expressed in the phenotype __________.

regardless of any conflicting instructions carried by the other allele

The process in which damaged tissues are replaced or repaired so that normal function is restored is called __________.


The repair process necessary to restore normal function after inflammation subsides in damaged tissues is


The study of the anatomical organization of specific areas of the body, such as the neck or trunk, is __________.

regional anatomy

The given scenario can occur in a person having a panic attack. In the midst of the attack, which of the following compensatory mechanisms can help maintain pH within the normal range?

release of hydrogen ions by the buffer systems within body fluids

Shawn suffers from a certain blood cancer called chronic myelogenous leukemia. After the 2nd round of chemotherapy, his leukemia goes into a state of ___________, characterized by abatement or lessening in the severity of his symptoms.


The continuous recycling and renewing of bone matrix is called __________.


The ongoing process of tearing down and rebuilding bone matrix is called


The function of the citric acid cycle is to

remove hydrogen atoms from organic molecules and transfer them to coenzymes

Unresolved volume depletion can result in what condition?

renal failure

An arterial blood gas was performed on a patient and the following results were obtained: pH =7.30 CO2 =47 mm Hg HCO3- = 25 mEq/L What type of acid-base imbalance would be indicative of these values?

repsiratory acidosis

A patient is admitted to the hospital with the following plasma values: pH = 7.2, pCO2 = 55 mmHg, and HCO3¯ = 25 mEq/L. What is the acid base imbalance? Normal pH = 7.35 to 7.45 Normal pCO2 = 35 to 45 mmHg Normal HCO3¯ = 22 to 26 mEq/L

respiratory acidosis

Hypoventilation causes __________.

respiratory acidosis

Hypoventilation leads to

respiratory acidosis

A patient is admitted to the hospital with the following plasma values: pH = 7.2, pCO2 = 55 mmHg, and HCO3¯ = 30 mEq/L. What is the acid base imbalance?

respiratory acidosis with metabolic compensation

Emphysema can lead to which acid/base disturbance? What would be the compensation?

respiratory acidosis; kidneys will retain more HCO3 and excrete H+

An arterial blood gas was performed on a patient and the following results were obtained: pH = 7.55 CO2 = 30 mm Hg HCO3- = 23 mEq/L What type of acid-base imbalance would be indicative of these values?

respiratory alkalosis

Hyperventilation causes __________.

respiratory alkalosis

Decubitus ulcers __________.

result from a lack of circulation

Consuming a meal high in salt will

result in a temporary increase in blood volume

Straight tubules originate at the seminiferous tubules and form a maze of passageways called the __________.

rete testis

The layer of the skin that contains bundles of collagen and elastic fibers responsible for the strength of the skin is the ________ layer.


The dermis is composed of the papillary layer and the __________.

reticular layer

The internal framework or stroma of organs such as the spleen, liver, and lymph nodes is made up of ________ tissue.

reticular tissue

The term which describes organs that are situated between the peritoneum and the muscular wall of the abdominal cavity is __________.


Muscles of the rotator cuff include all of the following except the


A pair of deep posterior trunk muscles that adduct the scapula and cause downward rotation of the scapula are the __________.

rhomboid major and minor

Homogenized milk fortified with vitamin D is effective in preventing what bone disorder in children?


The condition in which a child's leg bones bend under the weight of the body is called __________.


A deficiency disease that illustrates the effect of integumentary system function on the structure of the skeletal system is


Making a sagittal section results in the separation of __________.

right and left portions of the body

Stiffening of a body post-mortem is called ____________. This occurs due to the depletion of ATP which is needed to allow the cross-bridges to detach from the active site

rigor mortis

After death, muscle fibers run out of ATP and calcium begins to leak from the sarcoplasmic reticulum into the sarcoplasm. This results in a condition known as

rigor mortis.

Each of the following contributes to the onset of labor contractions EXCEPT __________.

rising progesterone levels

Nail production occurs at the nail


The network of sensory nerves that surrounds the base of each hair follicle is the

root hair plexus.

A vertical plane that divides the body into right and left portions is called __________.


Inflammation of the uterine tube is called __________.


What is the term for a chemical that dissociates into anions and cations that are neither hydroxide nor hydrogen ions?


What is the functional unit of the muscle fiber?


What happens to sarcomere length if the zone of overlap is decreased? (Figure 10-14)

sarcomere length increases

Myofibrils are formed as a result of repeating functional units called __________.


The repeating functional units seen in the myofibrils are __________.


What is the membranous network that surrounds each myofibril?

sarcoplasmic reticulum

Each of the following terms is a descriptive term for a muscle's action except


The practical limit to the healing process of the skin is the formation of inflexible, fibrous, noncellular __________.

scar tissue

Jasmin suffers from an idiopathic, chronic autoimmune disease called ___________ which is characterized by hardening and contraction of the skin and connective tissues, either locally or throughout the body.


The fleshy pouch that suspends the testes outside of the body cavity is the __________.


The external genitalia of the male include the __________.

scrotum and the penis

A person who consumes very low amounts of vitamin C over a long period of time is at risk for developing __________.


The two types of exocrine glands in the skin are

sebaceous and sweat glands

The secretion that lubricates the skin and inhibits growth of bacteria is called __________.


The period of gestation when organs and organ systems complete most of their development and the fetus looks distinctly human is the ________ trimester.


Contracting the gastrocnemius muscles to elevate the body on the toes involves a ________ lever.


Excessive exposure of the skin to ultraviolet radiation may cause redness, edema, blisters, and pain. The presence of blisters characterizes the burn as __________.


The alpha-helix is an example of the __________ level of protein structure.


What type of protein shape is characterized by the alpha helix or a flat-pleated sheet?

secondary structure

The seminal vesicles __________.

secrete a fructose-rich, mucoid substance

The nurse cells of the seminiferous tubules do all of the following except

secrete testosterone.

The process of urine formation involves all of the following, except

secretion of excess lipoprotein and glucose molecules

Basal body temperature should be highest during which phase of the uterine cycle?

secretory phase

Which of the following is NOT a phase of the ovarian cycle?

secretory phase

Plasma membranes are said to be

selectively permeable

The accessory organs in the male that secrete into the ejaculatory ducts and the urethra are the __________.

seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and bulbo-urethral glands

A bacterial infection that is often fatal in burn patients is called


A high blood concentration of the enzyme creatine phosphokinase (CPK) usually indicates __________.

serious muscle damage

Which type of membrane lines the sealed, internal subdivisions of the ventral body cavity?

serous membrane

The pleura, peritoneum, and pericardium are examples of __________.

serous membranes

The reduction of friction between the parietal and visceral surfaces of an internal cavity is the function of

serous membranes

What is the primary function of carbohydrates such as monosaccharides and disaccharides?

serving as an important energy source

Under "normal" conditions, __________.

set points are generally found within a set range. This allows for minor oscillations around the set point; these minor oscillations are usually ignored

Glomerulonephritis can cause an acid-base imbalance called ____________.

severe metabolic acidosis

Prolonged vomiting can cause a state of ___________.

severe metabolic alkalosis

What are the two classes of cells found in the human body?

sex cells and somatic cells

Various types of epithelial tissues are classified by the ____________ of individual cells and the number of _________ that form the tissue.

shape; layers

The deltoid muscle is so named because it is ______________.

shaped like a triangle

Rachel is experiencing difficulty conceiving. All of the following may be reasons why, except

she has a 28 day cycle.

Pain along the shinbone caused by an overload on the tibia and connective tissues that connect muscle to bone is called ____________.

shin splints

When classifying bones by shape, carpal bones are classified as _______ bones, and the _________ is classified as a sesamoid bone.

shirt; patella

The carpals or wrist bones are examples of __________.

short bones

Using your knowledge of scientific root words, joint movements, and how muscles are named, what is the description and function of the extensor hallicus brevis muscle?

short muscle that extends the big toe

Which of the following epithelial tissues would most likely be involved in secretion or absorption?

simple cuboidal

The proximal tubule of the nephron (kidney tubule) in the kidney is composed of which type of epithelium?

simple cuboidal epithelium

The passive process in which a fat-soluble molecule moves through the plasma membrane from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration is called __________.

simple diffusion

Which of the following epithelia most easily permits diffusion?

simple squamous

Which tissue type would have the least protective function? -stratified cuboidal -simple squamous -transitional -pseudostratified columnar

simple squamous

The wall of the alveolus (air sac) in the lung is composed of which type of epithelium?

simple squamous epithelium

What tissue type comprises the alveoli of the lung?

simple squamous epithelium

Which of the following is the most delicate epithelium, which allows for absorption and diffusion?

simple squamous epithelium

A chamber within in a bone, normally filled with air, is a ___________.


The bony skeleton begins to form about __________ after fertilization and usually does not stop growing until about age __________ years.

six weeks; 25

Which of the three muscle cell types has multiple nuclei? -skeletal -cardiac -smooth


Which type of muscle tissue has the greatest effect on the body's heat production?


Which type of muscle tissue is under your conscious control?


What muscle type has striations, and is under voluntary control?

skeletal muscle

The fibers of tendons intermingle with those of the periosteum, attaching __________.

skeletal muscles to bones

Dermatomyositis is type of myopathy resulting in inflamed muscles. Using your knowledge of scientific root words, besides muscle involvement, what other organ do you think is affected by this condition?


In a second-degree burn, the entire epidermis and perhaps some of the dermis are damaged. Which of the following is NOT typically associated with a second-degree burn?

skin grafts

The muscles of facial expression originate on the __________, insert on the __________, and are innervated by the __________ nerve.

skull; skin; facial

At resting membrane potential, the cytoplasmic side of the membrane surface of the cell is ________, and the cell extracellular membrane surface is __________.

slightly negative; slightly positive

Which type of muscle fiber is supplied by extensive blood vessels?

slow fiber

Extensive blood vessels, mitochondria, and myoglobin are found in the greatest concentration in __________.

slow fibers

The type of skeletal muscle fiber best suited for endurance-type activities is __________.

slow fibers

A diet deficient in essential fatty acids would __________.

slow growth, alter the appearance of the skin, and cause a decrease in the production of prostaglandins

The muscle found in the walls of most hollow organs of the body is

smooth muscle

The binding of ACh to the motor end plate causes a change in membrane permeability to __________.


The most common problems with electrolyte balance are caused by an imbalance between gains and losses of __________.

sodium ions

The major cation in the extracellular fluid compartment is __________, whereas the major intracellular cation is __________.

sodium; potassium

The substances dissolved in a solution are called __________.


Which part of the neuron (a specialized nerve cell) is its main metabolic region?


Which part of the neuron (a specialized nerve cell) receives signals from other cells and is also the main metabolic region of the neuron?


A cerebrovascular accident can manifest in a muscle if the clot in the blood vessel effects the brain from signaling the muscle to contract. Early detection of a stroke is crucial for positive patient outcome, so the National Stroke Association created the phrase "Act FAST", where FAST is an acronym for what should be done if you think someone is having a stroke. What does the "S" stand for in the acronym FAST?


Male reproductive stem cells are called


Sperm develop from stem cells called


The process of spermiogenesis produces __________.


During spermatogenesis, the process in which spermatids differentiate into physically mature sperm is called


The maturation process through which spermatids become spermatozoa is called __________.


Circular muscles that guard entrances and exits of internal passageways are called __________.


Constriction of which of the following arteries causes the functional layer of the endometrium to slough off?

spiral arteries

Which of the following muscles is NOT a spinal flexor?


A type of junction between cells that provides a strong connection that resists stretching and twisting is a __________.

spot desmosome

Classifications of epithelial cells according to their shape include __________.

squamous, cuboidal, and columnar

An important function of the hypodermis is to __________.

stabilize the position of the skin in relation to underlying tissues

Describe the body pose of someone who is in the anatomical position.

standing erect, hands at sides, palms pointed forward, toes pointing forward

Untreated epididymitis can result in ___________.


The paired superficial muscle on the anterior and side of the neck that flexes the head and neck toward the chest is the __________.


Prostaglandins in the endometrium __________.

stimulate smooth muscle contractions

Which of the following is NOT an effect of epidermal growth factor?

stimulating rapid release of dead cells at the surface of the stratum corneum

Which of the following is not a function of a protein?

storage of genetic information

Which of the following is NOT a function or characteristic of epithelial tissues?

store energy reserves for use when nutrient supplies are low

Melanocytes __________.

store melanin in melanosomes

The rectus abdominis muscle is __________.


Which epithelium, shown at the end of the arrow, is responsible for protection, secretion, and absorption?

stratified cuboidal

Which type of epithelium is found where mechanical and chemical stresses are common?

stratified squamous

The epithelium of the esophagus is composed of which type of epithelial tissue?

stratified squamous epithelium

In which layer of the skin are melanocytes found? (Figure 5-8)

stratum basale

Psoriasis is a skin disorder in which there is abnormally increased mitotic activity in the __________.

stratum basale

What layer of the epidermis contains melanocytes, Merkel cells, and stem cells?

stratum basale

Beginning at the basement membrane and working toward the free surface, the layers of the epidermis are __________.

stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum, and stratum corneum

What is the correct order of strata from the basement membrane to the free surface of the epidermis?

stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum, stratum corneum

Which of the following is the correct order of epidermal layers of thick skin from deep to superficial?

stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum, stratum corneum

Which layer of the epidermis is the thickest layer?

stratum corneum

In which layer of the epidermis would you find melanocytes?

stratum germinativum

Your fingerprints are the external manifestation of dips and ridges characteristic of which layer?

stratum germinativum

One function of the cytoskeleton is to provide __________.

strength and integrity to the cell

Anatomy is the study of __________, and physiology is the study of __________.

structure; function

Which plexus supplies blood to the capillary loops that follow the epidermis-dermis boundary? (Figure 5-6)

subcapillary plexus

The citric acid cycle produces two ATP molecules from GTP. What type of phosphorylation process is used to create the ATP during this step of cellular respiration?

substrate level phosphorylation

The formation of GTP from GDP in the citric acid cycle is an example of

substrate-level phosphorylation

The skin is __________ to the muscles.


The framework of connective tissue between the skin and underlying muscles is called the

superficial fascia

Which of the following is a layer of areolar tissue and fat that separates the skin from the underlying tissues and organs and is also known as the hypodermis?

superficial fascia

Muscles visible at the body surface are often called


In anatomical position, the head is __________ to the chest.


Perforating canals __________.

supply blood to the osteons

Why do skeletal muscle fibers contain large numbers of mitochondria?

supply the ATP that is needed for muscle contraction

The rotator cuff is composed of the __________.

supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor

The root hair plexus __________.

surrounds the base of each hair

The ________ ligament extends from the lateral surface of the ovary to the pelvic wall.


Small bones that fill gaps between bones of the skull are called ________ bones.


When classifying bones by shape, small, flat, oddly-shaped bones located between flat bones of the skull are called _______ bones.


Small, flat, irregularly shaped bones found between the flat bones of the skull are called ________

sutural bones

ACh is released from what structure?

synaptic terminal

A condition associated with excess ADH secretion resulting in the excretion of concentrated urine is known by the acronym___________.

syndrome of inappropriate secretion of ADH (SIADH)

A muscle that assists the muscle that is primarily responsible for a given action is a(n)


A + B > AB is an example of a(n) __________ reaction.


Which of the following functions is NOT associated with the skin?

synthesis of B vitamins

Each of the following is a function of the integumentary system, except

synthesis of vitamin C

If a cell lacked ribosomes, it would not be able to

synthesize proteins

If excess glucose remains in the blood circulation after glycogen formation, the hepatocytes use the glucose to __________.

synthesize triglycerides

The study of structures of the cardiovascular system is an example of __________.

systemic anatomy

What molecule has an anticodon?


There is evidence that there is a limit to the number of times a cell can divide before it stops dividing. The structures that probably cause this are called __________.


Which of the following is an axial muscle?


The bundle of collagen fibers at the end of a skeletal muscle that attaches the muscle to bone is called a(n)


The connective tissue fibers of the epimysium, perimysium, and endomysium extend beyond the skeletal muscle cells to form a bundle of connective tissue that joins the muscle cells to a bone. This bundle is called a(n) __________.


During contraction, the entire skeletal muscle shortens and produces a pull, called ______, on the tendons on either end of the muscle.


Which of the following muscles is NOT part of the rotator cuff?

teres major

Coarse pigmented hairs are called ________ hairs.


The type of hairs that are found on the head of an adult and are actively growing are __________.

terminal hairs

Ovarian cancer is a cancer of the female gonads. Therefore, ovarian cancer is to women as __________ cancer is to men.

testicular cancer

Ovarian cancer is a cancer of the female gonads. Therefore, ovarian cancer is to women as __________ is to men.

testicular cancer

The male gonad is the __________.


Which of the following is NOT an enzyme found in the cap of the sperm?


Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is the primary androgen produced by the zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex. After its release, it is converted to different hormones in certain body tissues. What hormones are produced by the conversion of DHEA?

testosterone (or estrogens)

Tetanus, also known as lockjaw, is cause by a powerful toxin called _______________.


The hydrogen bonding that occurs in water is responsible for all of the following except

the ability of water to dissolve nonpolar substances

In an elderly person, blood supply to the dermis is reduced and sweat glands are less active. This combination of factors would most affect

the ability to thermoregulate

If an obese person loses weight, a factor that increases the risk of regaining the weight is

the adipose cells do not die but merely shrink, so they can easily store lipid again

The umbilical cord, or umbilical stalk, contains __________.

the allantois, blood vessels, and yolk stalk

When the renal threshold for a substance exceeds its tubular maximum

the amount of the substance that exceeds the tubular maximum will be found in the urine

When ADH levels rise,

the amount of water reabsorbed increases

Which of the following groups of muscles are not muscles of the shoulder? -the anterior flexor muscles -the rotator cuff muscles -muscles that stabilize and cross the glenohumeral joint -muscles that act on the pectoral girdle

the anterior flexor muscles

Diffusion of a substance across the cell membrane may be influenced by all of the following except

the availability of ATP

A layer of glycoproteins and a network of fine protein filaments that prevents the movement of proteins and other large molecules from the connective tissue to the epithelium describe

the basement membrane

A decomposition reaction is __________.

the breakdown of a molecule into smaller components

Catabolism refers to

the breakdown of organic substrates

What are the most important buffers in the ECF?

the carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer system

Intracellular fluid (ICF) is found only within

the cells of the body

Exchange between the embryonic and the maternal circulations occurs by diffusion across the syncytial and cellular trophoblast layers via __________.

the chorionic blood vessels

The carbon dioxide released by the lungs into the atmosphere was very likely produced within __________.

the citric acid cycle (TCA cycle)

The names of the muscles can indicate all of the following except

the collagen content of the muscle.

Jessica has recently been diagnosed with a connective tissue disorder called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Which part of connective tissue proper is defective in Ehlers-Danlos?

the collagen fibers in the matrix of connective tissue

The integumentary system consists of __________.

the cutaneous membrane and associated structures

The two major components of the integumentary system are

the cutaneous membrane and the accessory structures

Alterations in genetic activity during development result from __________.

the differences in the cytoplasmic compositions of individual cells

Differences in skin color among individuals are the result of __________.

the different levels of melanin synthesis

The first stage of labor, during which the cervix opens, is called __________.

the dilation stage

Administration of a medication in the elderly can result in a much higher dosage than the clinician might intend because

the elderly have less water content in the body

The embryo becomes a fetus at

the end of the eighth week.

What effect does complete enzyme denaturation have on enzyme activity?

the enzyme will lose activity

The process of cytokinesis involves __________.

the even division and redistribution of the proteins and molecules of the cytoplasm

"Homeostasis" refers to __________.

the existence of a stable internal environment

Complete dilation of the cervix marks the beginning of __________.

the expulsion stage of labor

A first-class lever is one in which __________.

the fulcrum lies between the applied force and the load

During osmosis, water will always flow across a membrane toward the solution that has __________.

the higher concentration of solutes

Which of the following layers is targeted by liposuction?

the hypodermis

Impotence, a common male sexual dysfunction, is __________.

the inability to achieve or maintain an erection

Cervical cancer could spread to other reproductive structures. Which of the following structures is furthest from the cervix?

the infundibulum of the uterine tubes

Excess hydrogen ion is eliminated from the body largely by

the kidneys

During amphimixis,

the male and female pronuclei fuse.

There currently is no cure for OI, and treatments are often aimed at preventing or controlling symptoms. One common treatment is rodding surgery, where a metal rod is inserted into a long bone to strengthen and prevent deformity. Using what you know about the structure of a typical long bone, what part of the long bone is the most likely place for this rod to be inserted?

the medullary cavity of the diaphysis

The electric potential difference across the cell membrane is known as

the membrane potential

The more acidic a solution is, __________.

the more hydrogen ions it has

The darker a person's skin color

the more melanin her melanocytes produce

The chemical properties of every element are determined by __________.

the number and arrangement of electrons in the outer energy level

Connective tissue proper is divided into loose and dense. What structure determines if it is classified as loose of dense connective tissue proper?

the number of fibers in its ground substance

Atomic number is defined as __________.

the number of protons in the nucleus

Acetylcholine binds to its receptor in the sarcolemma and triggers __________.

the opening of ligand-gated cation channels

If the biceps brachii muscle flexes the forearm, that means that its attachment to the humerus and scapula is __________.

the origin of the muscle

Healthy skin cells require a constant supply of blood. In decubitus ulcers, or bed sores, this blood supply is hindered because superficial blood vessels are compressed. Which layer(s) of the skin hold(s) such compressed blood vessels?

the papillary and reticular layers of the dermis

In response to excess water in the body

the permeability of the distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts to water is decreased

During moderate and peak exertion of skeletal muscles, the body experiences a higher temperature because of which of the following?

the reduction of energy captured by skeletal muscles as ATP during moderate and peak exertion

What is the cause of the striated appearance of skeletal and cardiac muscle?

the repeating arrangement of the contractile proteins, actin and myosin

Which systems that are relatively nonfunctional during the fetus' prenatal period must become functional at birth?

the respiratory, digestive, and urinary systems

Sodium balance in the body is maintained by __________.

the same hormones and receptors that regulate blood volume

The control of blood pH by the kidneys during acidosis involves

the secretion of hydrogen ions and reabsorption of bicarbonate ions from the tubular fluid

Which joint is considered the most flexible joint in the body?

the shoulder joint

The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is __________.

the site of lipid synthesis

The organelle responsible for a variety of functions centering on the synthesis of lipids and carbohydrates is

the smooth endoplasmic reticulum

The only cell in the human body that has a flagellum is

the sperm

Physiology is defined as __________.

the study of the function of anatomical structures

Increased muscle fiber endurance can be produced by __________.

the type of activity performed

Steroids are important for all the following reasons EXCEPT __________.

they are important in insulating and slowing heat loss

Muscles that act on the knee joint form most of the mass of the __________.


The most common lever systems in the body are those that have the applied force between the fulcrum and the load. These are called ________ levers.


The effect of an arrangement in which a force is applied between the load and the fulcrum illustrates the principles of __________.

third-class levers

The type of burn that may require a skin graft is a ________ burn.


The heart and the lungs are located in the __________ cavity.


The two major body cavities of the trunk are the

thoracic cavity and abdominopelvic cavity

During embryonic development, __________ primary germ cell layers develop.


Labor has traditionally been divided into __________ stages.


During gastrulation,

three germ layers are formed.

Which of the following is NOT a white blood cell?


The thyroid gland regulates bone growth and maintenance through its production of what hormone?


Which of the following muscles that move the foot causes dorsiflexion?

tibialis anterior

A type of intercellular junction that stops materials from crossing an epithelium between cells is called a(n)

tight junction

A group of similar cells working together and performing specific functions is a(n) ____________.


A group of cells working together forms the level of organization called the _________________.

tissue level

Collections of specialized cells and cell products that perform a relatively limited number of functions are called


Histology is the study of __________.


In complex organisms such as human beings, cells unite to form __________.


The regulatory protein responsible for elasticity of skeletal muscles is _________.


Sensible perspiration released by the eccrine sweat glands serves __________.

to cool the surface of the skin, to reduce body temperature, and to dilute harmful chemicals

The act of ingesting bicarbonates before a sports event is called bicarbonate loading. What is the reason an athlete would do this?

to neutralize acidic by-products associated with anaerobic metabolism

The act of ingesting bicarbonates before a sports event is called bicarbonate loading. What is the reason an athlete would do this?

to neutralize acidic by-products produced during strenuous physical activity involving anaerobic metabolism

What is the function of Langerhans cells (dendritic cells) which are located in the stratum spinosum?

to protect the body from microbes and help in the immune response against superficial skin cancers

The primary benefit of having fingernails and toenails is __________.

to protect the dorsal surface of the tips of the fingers and toes

Why do skeletal muscle cells contain high numbers of mitochondria?

to supply the ATP needed for skeletal muscle function

A muscle whose name ends in the suffix -glossus would be found within or attached to the


Which of the following terms refers to the effects of various osmotic solutions on cells?


In order to determine the LDL level in a patient's blood, it is necessary to measure

total cholesterol level, HDL level, and triglyceride level

Spongy bone contains an open meshwork of osseous spicules called __________.


The meshwork of supporting bundles of fibers that make up spongy bone are __________.


You would find pseudostratified columnar epithelium lining the


The central dogma of molecular biology states that DNA is ____________ into mRNA, and mRNA is _____________ into protein. The first step of mRNA synthesis from DNA utilizes the enzyme _________________.

transcribed/translated/RNA polymerase

The process by which messenger RNA is formed from DNA is called __________.


Which of the following processes produces messenger RNA from the template strand of the DNA?


Which type of epithelial tissue lines the urinary bladder?

transitional epithelium

The process of protein synthesis is called __________.


The process resulting in the assembly of a functional protein from messenger RNA is called __________.


The synthesis of a functional polypeptide using the information in an mRNA strand is


A fracture that results in the break of a bone across the long axis of the shaft is called a _________ fracture.


What is name given to the regularly spaced infoldings of the sarcolemma?

transverse or T tubules

A plane through the body that passes perpendicular to the long axis of the body and divides the body into a superior and an inferior section is a

transverse section

The command to contract is conducted throughout the muscle fiber by the __________.

transverse tubules

The muscle action potential penetrates deep into a fiber along the __________.

transverse tubules

Muscles with fibers that run perpendicular to the long axis of the body are called


Which of the following muscles is NOT properly linked with the kinds of information included within its name?

transversus—structure, size, shape

Which muscle elevates the shoulders, such as when you shrug your shoulders?


Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) pick up the majority of hydrogen ions and electrons from which step in the aerobic cellular respiration?

tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle

The muscles of mastication are innervated by the __________ nerve.


The largest metabolic reserves for the average adult are stored as


Gestation can be divided into __________, each about three months long.


Some chromosomal disorders such as Edwards syndrome and Patau syndrome are caused by having an extra copy of a chromosome. Having an extra chromosome copy is called ___________.


A smooth, grooved articulating process of bone shaped like a pulley is a ___________.


The inner cell mass does NOT form which of the following structures?


The protein that regulates muscle contraction by controlling the availability of active sites on actin is called


For tropomyosin to be shifted off its position covering the active sites of G actin molecules, calcium ions must bind to which structure?


The regulatory protein responsible for binding to calcium for contraction to proceed is _____.


A muscle attachment site, which appears as a slightly raised and roughened area on the bone is called a __________.


The dense layer of connective tissue that directly covers the testes is the __________.

tunica albuginea

The dense layer of connective tissue that surrounds the testes is called the __________.

tunica albuginea

What is the layer immediately covering the testes?

tunica vaginalis

For each glucose molecule converted to two pyruvates, the anaerobic reaction sequence in glycolysis provides a net gain of __________.

two ATP for the cell

A peptide bond links __________.

two amino acids

In chemical notation, the symbol 2H means __________.

two atoms of hydrogen

The three masses of erectile tissue that compose the body of the penis are __________.

two cylindrical corpora cavernosa and a slender corpus spongiosum

A person who is heterozygous for a trait has which of the following characteristics?

two different alleles for a given gene

Fraternal, or dizygotic, twins result from __________.

two oocytes being ovulated in one cycle

The mediastinum is the region between the

two pleural cavities

What is the natural factor responsible for varying shades of hair color?

type of melanin present

The ________ is formed by the allantois, blood vessels, and yolk sac.

umbilical cord

Ketoacidosis is usually a result of _______.

uncontrolled diabetes mellitus

Identify the muscle fascicle arrangement labeled "E". -wrapping muscle -unipennate muscle -parallel muscle -convergent muscle

unipennate muscle

What is ground substance?

unstructured material that fills the spaces between cells and surrounds connective tissue fibers

The muscular floor of the pelvic cavity is formed by muscles that make up the __________.

urogenital and anal triangle

Bonnie developed hives after walking in the woods, likely due to contact with a plant that she was unknowingly allergic to. The scientific term for hives is _____________.


Pre-embryotic cleavage that occurs during the first four days after fertilization take place in what female reproductive structure?

uterine (fallopian) tube

Fertilization usually occurs in the __________.

uterine tube

Which of the following components of the female reproductive system is lined with ciliated columnar epithelial cells?

uterine tube

The ________ is the region of the vagina that surrounds the cervix.

vaginal fornix

Fine hairs (like "velvet") that lack pigment and cover much of the body surface are called ________ hairs.


Another term for "anterior" is __________.


Which of the following bones is accurately described as an irregular bone?


The ________ is the membrane that covers the internal organs.

visceral serosa

Muscle weakness and a reduction in bone strength in the elderly result from decreased

vitamin D3 production

What autoimmune disorder causes the destruction of melanocytes resulting in patches of skin void of pigment?


Which class of acid will have an increased concentration in someone who is suffocating?

volatile acids

What molecule is produced when the final ETS electron acceptor gains the require electrons?


What molecule is produced when the final electron acceptor in the ETS gains the required electrons?


Sweating can lead to condition called volume depletion. What is the primary problem of volume depletion?

water loss

In hydrolysis reactions, compounds react with

water, causing decomposition

If a second stimulus arrives before the relaxation phase has ended, a second, more powerful contraction occurs. This addition of one twitch to another is called

wave summation

The disease osteomalacia causes calcium loss from the skeleton, which would result in bones that are

weaker and more flexible.

A temporary state of metabolic alkalosis results from a normal biological process called alkaline tide. When does alkaline tide occur?

when an individual is eating

When does disease or illness form?

when the body cannot maintain homeostasis for a particular variable or set of variables

Depressions, grooves, and tunnels in bone indicate locations __________.

where blood vessels or nerves lay alongside or penetrated bones

Glycolysis occurs __________.

whether or not oxygen is present

In strict dominance, a dominant allele __________.

will be expressed 100 percent of the time when paired with a recessive allele

Which of the following is distal to the elbow?


Brian needed emergency surgery to replace a ruptured aorta cause by a severe, head-on car crash. The only aorta that was available to transplant was from a recently deceased gorilla from Busch Gardens. The transplant surgery was successful. What grafting process occurs when there is a transplant of tissues/organs between different species?


Brian needed emergency surgery to replace a ruptured aorta cause by a severe, head-on car crash. The only aorta that was available to transplant was from a recently deceased gorilla from Busch Gardens. The transplant surgery was successful. What grafting process occurs when there is a transplant of tissues/organs between different species?


At day ten post fertilization, the primary nutrient source that will provide for the inner cell mass during the next two weeks is formed, and is called the _________.

yolk sac

The Extra-embryonic membranes that develop from the endoderm and the mesoderm are the __________.

yolk sac and the amnion

The primary nutrient source for early embryonic development that later becomes an important site for blood formation is the

yolk sac.

In which part of the sarcomere are myosin heads able to form cross-bridges with actin?

zone of overlap

Amino acids in solution contain both a negative and positive charge and thus are termed a(n)


The cell that directly results from the fusion of a secondary oocyte and a single sperm is called a(n)


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