Final Exam: Criminology

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Question 3 1.25 / 1.25 pts What does the "Androcentric bias" refers to? It refers to... ...the use of statistics taken from a group level to describe individual male behavior. ...the process of overgeneralizing the implications of a particular theory because it was first formulated in Europe. Correct! ...the tendency to overemphasize male criminal experience, while overlooking the experience of females ...the tendency to evaluate the viewpoint of white European descendants over all other groups' perspectives. Question 4 1.25 / 1.25 pts Which of the following refers to the attempt to apply specific theoretical explanations to all types of crime? The dualistic fallacy Correct! The global fallacy The radicalist fallacy The ecological fallacy Question 5 1.25 / 1.25 pts Which of the following sentences best describes "secondary deviance" in labeling theory? Crimes that occur as the result of other social problems such as poverty and racism. Correct! Crimes that a person commits after having been caught and labeled Crimes that have traditionally been overlooked by criminologists. Crimes done by a person immediately upon release from prison. Question 6 1.25 / 1.25 pts Which of the following is a valid critique of labeling theory? Correct! Pays inadequate attention to the causes of the initial deviant act. It adopts a consensus view of deviance. It fails to address violent criminal activity. It unquestioningly accepts official definitions of criminality. Question 7 1.25 / 1.25 pts Which of the following refers to the proposal that female crime would increase as women assumed more assertive positions in society? Correct! The liberation hypothesis The catharsis hypothesis The equalization hypothesis The precipitation hypothesis Question 8 1.25 / 1.25 pts Which theory centers on the argument that individuals are deviant mainly because they have been identified as such by others? Feminist criminology Postmodernism Left realism Correct! Labeling theory Question 9 1.25 / 1.25 pts Which of the following terms is used by labeling theory to refer to an agent or official who is concerned with creating and labeling new categories of deviance? Capitalist Correct! Moral entrepreneur Bureaucrat Proletariat Question 10 1.25 / 1.25 pts W. E. B. Du Bois is often overlooked for his contributions to which area of thought? Feminist criminology Labeling theory Correct! Conflict criminology Marxist criminology Question 11 2 / 2 pts What is the central theme for critical/radical feminists? Victimization Political conflict Capitalism Correct! Patriarchy Question 12 1 / 1 pts Which of the following brings together criminology with a transcendental or religious approach as it seeks to mediate conflict, assist victims, and reintegrate offenders into the community? Correct! Peacemaking Left realism Postmodernism Feminist criminology Question 13 2 / 2 pts Patriarchy" refers to a society in which: Capitalism represents the primary social institution Overemphasize the male experience, while overlooking the experience of the females Correct! Males hold a position of power and domination Women and men have equal status. Political power is distributed based on wealth Question 14 1 / 1 pts Which of the following is focused on translating radical ideas into realistic social policy? Feminist criminology Peacemaking Postmodernism Correct! Left realism Question 15 2 / 2 pts Which of these issues is one to which even "feminist" criminologists have not paid sufficient attention? Correct! Criminal differences between women of different racial groups. Gender differences among criminals The victimization of women The bias in how courts sentence men and women differently. Question 16 2 / 2 pts Which of the following "critical" criminological perspectives names capitalism and inequality as being at the root of crime? Left realism Correct! Marxist criminology Postmodernism Feminist criminology Question 17 2 / 2 pts Which of the following names capitalism and inequality as being at the root of crime? Left realism Feminist criminology Postmodernism Correct! Marxist criminology Question 18 1 / 1 pts Which theorist contributed a framework to describe the political nature of criminal law, and how pluralistic conflict shapes the role of law? Meda Chesney-Lind Jeffrey Reiman John Braithwaite Correct! Austin Turk Question 19 1 / 1 pts Which of the following theorists is associated with labeling theory? Correct! Edwin Lemert William Chambliss Richard Qinney Delbert Elliott Question 20 1 / 1 pts True or False? In its barest form Radical Marxist theory claims that capitalism causes crime. Correct! True False Question 21 1 / 1 pts True or False? In his shaming theory, Braithwaite argues that increasing the stigmatization of offenders will be effective in deterring crime. True Correct! False Question 22 1 / 1 pts True or False? Feminists criticize traditional criminology for its androcentric bias. Correct! True False Question 23 1 / 1 pts True or False? While radical "Marxist" criminology seems to explain the origins of criminal behavior, most Marxist criminologists seem less interested in explanation and more interested in creating a socialist state that they believe will eliminate crime. Correct! True False Question 24 1 / 1 pts True or False? Critical criminology gained popularity during the civil rights and feminist movements. Correct! True False Question 25 1 / 1 pts True or False? The belief that crime emerges out of social inequality is a fundamental tenet of Marxist criminology. Correct! True False Question 26 1 / 1 pts True or False? Patriarchy refers to a race-based hierarchy of power present in most capitalist societies. True Correct! False Question 27 1 / 1 pts True or False? Critical criminology is consistent with a consensus worldview. True Correct! False Question 28 1 / 1 pts True or False? The media rarely addresses concerns regarding prison overcrowding, mental health treatment, homlessness, poverty, and the militarization of policing. Correct! True False Question 29 0 / 1 pts True or False? Critical criminology focuses more on the proesss by which behaviors are "criminalized" and less on the nature of the action that is designated as criminal. Correct Answer True You Answered False Question 30 1 / 1 pts True or False? Lee, Zang, and Hoover combined routine activities theory with social disorganization theory in profiling weapons used in domestic violence incidents. Correct! True False Question 31 1 / 1 pts True or False? General conflict theories of crime propose that there are many different competing interests who vie for crime-defining power, but the Marxist view sees only one major class, the bourgoisie, that holds all power and defines what is crime for society. Correct! True False Question 32 1 / 1 pts True or False? Unlike Radical Marxist theory mainstream criminological theory assumes that almost everyone in a society agrees that law enforces important mores. Correct! True False Question 33 1 / 1 pts True or False? Patriarchy refers to an economic-based hierarchy of power present in most capitalist societies. True Correct! False Question 34 1 / 1 pts True or False? The Marxist view that the poor living conditions of the "proletariat" might dispose them to commit crime resembles the views of mainstream criminologists who described the effects of strain and lower-class reactions to their limited opportunities. Correct! True False Question 35 1 / 1 pts True or False? Labeling theory holds that "deviance" is not inherent in the act itself, but rather that the act becomes "deviant" only when others call it such. Correct! True False Question 36 1 / 1 pts True or False? In his shaming theory, Braithwaite argues that increasing the stigmatization shaming of offenders would deter criminal behavior. True Correct! False Question 37 0 / 1 pts True or False? A major criticism of "critical" criminological theory is that it ignores economic, racial, and sexual inequality. You Answered True Correct Answer False Question 38 1 / 1 pts True or False? The text claims that feminist criminology has conclusively proven the prediction that women would engage in more criminal behavior as equal opportunities emerged. True Correct! False Question 39 0 / 1 pts True or False? Conflict theorists argue that shaming criminal behavior makes matters worse and increases crime. Correct Answer True You Answered False

"Post hoc, proper hoc" is phrase describing careless and illogical thinking that often appears in many sciences, and very often in criminology. What is the illogical thinking that it describes? Your Answer: The thinking that because one variable is observed before another it must be the cause of that outcome. Basically, it says that if a person exhibits a characteristic, after the fact, it is mistakenly assumed to be the cause of that behavior. Some criminologists claim that certain populations in the world have a "subculture of violence" and the concept is used to explain why those groups have higher rates of violent criminal activity than other groups. Other criminologists dismiss the concept but claim that poverty and racism account for those higher crime rates. In 2-3 sentences tell what people who might live in a "subculture of violence" would claim about violence? And then in 2-3 more sentences, evaluate the usefulness of the concept and justify your opinion. Your Answer: People who lived in a "subculture of violence" may see violence as a norm and therefore say that it does not require extensive changing to prevent it. Although they could also say the exact opposite and because they see it so much, may think that it needs to be prevented even more than it already is. It is based on how that person thinks compared to others. I think that this concept is helpful only because it shows us which countries need more help in preventing crime and which do not. For example, Columbia had a very bad time with crime where 1 out of every 50 Columbians was killed. I think it also shows how much we need to help citizens of other countries to get out of the situations they are in where sometimes they get killed for stupid reasons like being gay.

Which of these statements would Hagan say is the most accurate critique of early biological theories of criminality? Those theories confirmed that all criminals were born from low social class parents. Correct! Early biological theories assumed that genetic traits explain behaviors that are socially defined. Most studies were based on studies with large samples of subjects. Only biological differences that were inherited were chosen for those early studies.

"Survival of the fittest" is a concept termed by: Lombroso Freud Goring Correct! Darwin

Deterrence theory is related to which school(s) of thought? Ecological Economic/Marxist Demonological Correct! Classical/neoclassical

A criminologist notices that crime rates tend to be higher in warmer climates than in colder climates. Which of these four kinds of determinism would best describe how climate and crime could be strongly linked?: genetic determinism cultural determinism Correct! geographical determinism economic determinism

Which of these experiments, that today are considered unethical, was conducted by a professor at the University of Iowa? The Milgram experiment Correct! The Monster study The Zimbargo simulation The Tearoom Trade research

A criminologist wants to gain an in-depth understanding of the subculture of a street gang in a particular city. Which of the following methods would be the most appropriate method for obtaining such an understanding? Distributing quality self-report surveys Running an experiment under laboratory conditions Using existing sources of official data Correct! Observing the gang while participating as a member

Gemeinschaft and gesellschaft are German sociological terms used to describe general types of community structures and interactions. Which of these statements best describes a gemeinschaft type society?

A simple homogenous society that relies on informal methods of social control.

Prohibition had the unintended effect of increasing corruption, disobedience, and public disrespect for the law. This unintended effect is an example of: A misunderstood function of law A breakdown in law enforcement A sign of poorly written law Correct! A Latent function of law

About when did the FBI begin publishing it's "10 Most Wanted Fugitive" list? 1964 1920 Correct! 1950 1975

Almost universally male crime rates are higher than female crime rates. Which of the following trends, however, seems to be occurring around the world as societies modernize?. Females crime rates are going down. The crime rates among the sexes are staying about the same. Correct! Female crime rates are going up.

African Americans compose approximately 12% of the population in the United States. Which of the following is true regarding African Americans and contemporary arrest rates? Correct! African Americans account for 27% of all arrests African Americans account for 13% of all arrests African Americans account for 65% of all arrests African Americans account for more than 90% of all arrests

Which of these actions is the one that all Social Process theories use to explain criminal behavior? Correct! Criminals act on the basis of what they have learned from significant others. Criminals commit crime because neighborhood superiors make them do so. Criminals behave because no one exercises strong control to prevent them from misbehaving. Criminals act out of simple desire to exercise their freedom.

An individual increases their risk of being a victim of crime by leaving for work each day at the same time, driving the same route to and from work, and returning at the same time with no variation. The crime that results would be attributed to: Differential Association theory Social disorganization theory Differential Opportunity theory Correct! Routine Activities theory

While crime was rising in the 1960s in the United States, crime was decreasing in Japan. This observation is significant because: Correct! It discredited the assumption that modernization inevitably produces increased criminality. It highlighted the inaccuracy of our statistics on crime, since it is common knowledge that crime rates are consistent across nations. It proved beyond a reasonable doubt that American society is particularly prone to criminality. It provided support for the long-held notion that modernization inevitably leads to an increase in criminality.

Crime rates are difficult to compare cross-nationally due to: Different emphases in police work Different definitions of crime Different recording practices Only the first and second response above Correct! All of the above

Hagan is quite convinced that positivist studies in criminology are likely to be the most useful for explaining criminal behavior. What is the key aspect of all positivist study that gives it such promising power? Your Answer: 1. Use of scientific method 2. Respect for data as opposed to armchair theory

Criminologists and others have been conducting twin and adoption studies in order to explain criminal behavior. 1) How are the two kinds of studies different? 2) Both types of studies have limitations. Skip those for now. Instead, describe what each of those studies might contribute to popular "nature-nurture" discussions. Your Answer: Twin studies find a criminal who has a twin to see if the twin has the same thoughts as he does. Adoption studies compare the child's behavior to their biological and adoptive parents to see which one it compares to. Nature vs. nurture see whether criminality is explained by genetics or environment. Both types of studies look at this. Twin studies see if they genetically have the same mindset compared to the other. Adoption studies see if the environment they are in is what makes them criminals or if it's the genetics through their biological parents.

Is kidnapping as serious a crime in the United States as it was in the early 20th century---long before most of us were born? Just answering "yes" or "no" will not win you favors or points. Justify any answer with some briefly described and reasonable information from the text or from other sources that you could cite. Your Answer: No, it was more of a concern in the early 1900s. In fact, our text states, "Kidnapping, a major concern in the United States in the thirties... is less of a concern today despite the rash of child kidnappings by noncustodial parents" (Hagan 4). Based on that statement, it should be believed that the United States doesn't have huge problems with this anymore. That being said, it is still a crime in Italy. It also depends in a way what you say is kidnapping, because there is still a good amount of human trafficking in the U.S.

Describe one modern day example of overcriminalization and one of undercriminalization. You don't need to define the terms. Just name or describe examples that actually illustrate them. Your Answer: One modern day example of overcriminalization would be a person being put in jail or on probation for going one mph over the speed limit. An example of undercriminalization is a rapist being let off on probation or not getting any jail time.

Question 23 1 / 1 pts True or False? "Social Disorganization Theory" used maps of "natural areas" to identify pathological neighborhoods where residents would be disposed to commit crime. Correct! True False Question 24 1 / 1 pts True or False? One weakness of Miller's theory of "focal concerns" is that it fails to explain middle- and upper-class criminal behavior. Correct! True False Question 25 1 / 1 pts True or False? According to Émile Durkheim, the development of modern urban-industrial societies has resulted in norm changing, confusion, and lessened social control over the individual. Correct! True False Question 26 1 / 1 pts True or False? Social bond theories often include elements of social process theories that describe how individuals become linked to one another. Correct! True False Question 27 0 / 1 pts True or false? One weakness of Edwin Sutherland's differential association theory is that he failed to account for the fact that not all associations are equal in intensity, frequency, duration, and priority. Correct Answer True You Answered False Question 28 0 / 1 pts True or False? Sampson and Laub reported that recent longitudinal studies of individual criminal histories do not show strong evidence that childhood background characteristics are good predictors of criminal activity in later life. You Answered True Correct Answer False Question 29 0 / 1 pts True or False? Emile Durkheim elaborated the concept of "anomie" when he did extensive studies on why persons aged 12-19 committed numerous incidents of juvenile delinquency. You Answered True Correct Answer False Question 30 1 / 1 pts True or False? As society becomes more complex, it becomes increasingly reliant on informal methods of social control to maintain order. Correct! True False Question 31 1 / 1 pts True or False? Extensive longitudinal studies of criminals ages 7 to 70 show that almost all offenders eventually "desist" from their criminal behavior at some time in their lives. Correct! True False Question 32 1 / 1 pts True or False? Cloward and Ohlin's primary contribution to the field of criminology was their basic premise that some crime can be attributed to social disorganization. True Correct! False Question 33 0 / 1 pts True or False? According to Cloward and Ohlin's differential opportunity theory, retreatist subcultures develop in stable slum neighborhoods in which a hierarchy of available criminal opportunities exist. Correct Answer True You Answered False Question 34 1 / 1 pts True or False? Gottfredson and Hirschi claim that their concept of low-self control explains BOTH "crime in the streets" AND "crime in the suites." Correct! True False Question 35 0 / 1 pts True or False? The "ecological fallacy" refers to the problems of defining social classes and of using differences of social class to explain criminal behavior. You Answered True Correct Answer False Question 36 1 / 1 pts True or False? Social control theories emphasize criminality as a learned or culturally transmitted process. True Correct! False Question 37 1 / 1 pts True or False? A strong belief that one's future is solely a matter of luck or fate is a focal concern of delinquents who live in poverty and lower class neighborhoods. Correct! True False Question 38 1 / 1 pts True or False? One weakness of Merton's theory of anomie/strain is that it does not provide a good explanation for upper class crimes. Correct! True False

Describe the most significant major difference that distinguishes "conflict" critical theories from "radical Marxist" critical theories. Your Answer: Conflict criminology posits a pluralistic conflict model, places less emphasis on capitalism alone as the source of crime, favors objective research, does not reject legal order, and advocates reform rather than revolution. Marxist advocates a singularistic conflict model, names capitalism and inequality as the sources of crime, holds Marxist theory as a fact to be illustrated rather than a subject for empirical investigation, rejects the legitimacy of the existing legal order, and advocates revolutionary overthrow of the system. Within the last couple of years, Colorado legalized the sale of recreational marijuana purchase and use. Describe how a "conflict criminologist" would explain why the recreational sale and use of marijuana suddenly have been legalized, when up until that happened, they were quite illegal. Keep it mind, too, that in most other States and even at the Federal level yet, marijuana sale and use are quite illegal. You do not need to quote any "conflict criminologist" to complete this short essay. Simply describe at least two or three players or issues that a conflict criminologist would identify as explaining how Colorado has been able to make marijuana legal. Your Answer: One way that they made it legal would be that there may be many people in Colorado who like to smoke weed and use it for recreational purpose so the government felt like they needed to make it legal in that state. Another reason might be that many people in this area do not see smoking marijuana as a crime and so they all came together and became the "dominating group" in Colorado.

Which of these is the most general term for describing all behavior that a group considers unacceptable?


Which of Auguste Comte's stages of knowledge uses the kinds of theory and methodology that the field of criminology employs? Correct! Science Theology Philosophy

Driving 26 miles per hour in an area where the speed limit is 25 miles per hour would best be described as an act that is... Mala in se Correct! Mala prohibita

In which of these places, according to the text, did criminology first emerge


Which of these is the most accurate statement about the relationship between mores, norms, and laws? Norms are always negative while laws can be both negative and positive. You Answered Not all mores or norms in a society are codified into a society's laws. A community has no mores or norms until it writes them down in some form. Correct Answer Laws are valid only if they define and protect the mores of a community.

Famed sociologist Émile Durkheim argued that crime is normal. By this, he meant that: You Answered Criminals should be viewed no differently than non-criminals within society. Criminal labels are arbitrary and serve no function in society; thus, criminal law should be abolished. Correct Answer Crime is a predictable, useful product in the structure of every society. Crime is so pervasive in society that it can never be fully controlled.

Which of these claims that small signs of disorder can contribute to an increase in more serious crimes? The "red light" effect theor The floodgate theory Correct! Broken windows theory Social Darwinism theory Question 5 1 / 1 pts Which of these prostitute is generally considered more prestigious than the others? Streetwalkers B-Girls Brothel prostitutes Correct! Call girls Question 6 1 / 1 pts Which of the following laws requires individuals to obtain a doctor's prescription in order to legally buy narcotics? Correct! The Harrison Act The Boggs Act The Kirsten Act The Volstead Act Question 7 1 / 1 pts Which of the following is not true regarding prostitution? In most U.S. states, prostitution is considered a misdemeanor Prostitution appears to have declined since World War II. Correct! Prostitution appears to be a problem unique to capitalist societies. Prostitution was originally tolerated as a "necessary evil" Question 8 1 / 1 pts One of the biggest trends in prostitution has been a movement from the streets to the: brothels strip in Las Vegas Correct! internet massage parlors Question 9 1 / 1 pts Which theory is best associated with Public Order offenses? Developmental/Life course Correct! Labeling Social disorganization Strain Question 10 1 / 1 pts Which of the following terms is used to refer to ordinary customers of prostitutes? Correct! Johns Pricks Studs Perverts Question 11 1 / 1 pts Which of the following refers to the attainment of sexual gratification by invading the privacy of another by viewing him or her unclad or in a sexual situation? Exhibitionism Correct! Voyeurism Masochism Sadomachism Question 12 1 / 1 pts Which of these is not a member of the same family of drugs as the other three? Correct! Marijuana Morphine Codeine Heroin Question 13 1 / 1 pts Which of the following emerged in the 1970's as the more common setting for commercial sex in North America? Correct! Massage Parlors Brothels Dance clubs Motels Question 14 1 / 1 pts Which of these gave the title "red light districts" to areas where many brothels were located? The color of the lights in the "shop" windows where prostitutes sat to entice customers. The glow of evening setting suns at the time when business began to pick up. Correct! The signal lanterns that railroad workers hung outside the front doors of the establishments. The flashing lights of police cars frequently seen patrolling those districts. Question 15 1 / 1 pts Which of the following is not true regarding sex offenders? Correct! They perpetrate against young boys Most are emotionally immature Most are minor offenders Recidivism is common but no more so than other crimes Question 16 1 / 1 pts Prohibition had the unintended effect of increasing corruption, disobedience, and public disrespect for the law. This unintended effect is an example of: A manifest function of law A sign of poorly written law A misunderstood function of law Correct! A Latent function of law Question 17 0 / 1 pts Which of the following is true of the rate of illegal drug use in the United States? It declined in the early 1990s. You Answered It has been increasing since the early 1990s. It declined throughout the 1970s. Correct Answer It declined in the 1980s. Question 18 1 / 1 pts Most public order crimes: Arouse strong disapproval from society, and result in harsh punitive measures Would be considered mala in se Are regulated by federal laws Correct! Would be considered mala prohibita Question 19 2 / 2 pts Which of the following refers to the attainment of sexual gratification through infliction of pain on the partner? Masochism Correct! Sadism Voyeurism Exhibitionism Question 20 2 / 2 pts Which of these are known as "B-girl" prostitutes? Correct! Bar girls Brothel girls Bad girls Bordello girls Question 21 1 / 1 pts The "noble experiment" and "great illusion" were both terms used to refer to _______. Netherlands legalization of marijuana Red light districts Correct! Prohibition California cocaine project Question 22 2 / 2 pts Which of the following is an accurate historical fact about prostitution? Correct! Prostitution seems to have declined since World War II. Prostitution was first legalized during the Industrial Revolution. Prostitution appears as a problem only in modern capitalist societies. Prostitution increased in the 1960s in accord with the liberalizing sexual revolution of that era. Question 23 2 / 2 pts The "Opium Wars" were fought: By the Federal Bureau of Narcotics between 1980 and 1992 Correct! By Chinese who objected to Europeans trafficking in opium in the 1800s In San Francisco's Chinatown in the 1960s Between Latin American drug cartels in the 1980s Question 24 1 / 1 pts True or False? The practice of prostitution emerged in the 1800s during the Industrial Revolution, and appears to be a phenomenon unique to capitalist societies. True Correct! False Question 25 1 / 1 pts True or False? Most instances of voyeurism are committed as a prelude to more serious sexual attacks. True Correct! False Question 26 1 / 1 pts True or False? Masochism refers to the attainment of sexual gratification by means of inflicting pain on others. True Correct! False Question 27 1 / 1 pts True or False? Prostitution is usually a "consensual" public crime while childhood incest is usually a "non-consensual" public crime. Correct! True False Question 28 0 / 1 pts True or False? High interaction molesters typically commit their offenses after careful planning. Correct Answer True You Answered False Question 29 1 / 1 pts True or False? Decriminalization refers to the process of lessening the penalties attached to particular offenses. Correct! True False Question 30 1 / 1 pts True or False? A large decrease in crime in New York City in the 1990s was attributed to "zero tolerance" policies, although this reason is often disputed. Correct! True False Question 31 1 / 1 pts True or False? In the USA and elsewhere, there is little correlation between the harmful effects of drugs and their legal status. Correct! True False Question 32 1 / 1 pts True or False? A small percentage of child molesters are known to their victims and victims' families. True Correct! False Question 33 0 / 1 pts True or False? Similar to other countries, U.S. Congress passed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act requiring that all states set a minimum dirinking age of 21. You Answered True Correct Answer False Question 34 0 / 1 pts True or False? Numerous studies now confirm that Johns are socially, psychologically or even physically inadequate individuals who need to pay for what they can't get for free. You Answered True Correct Answer False Question 35 1 / 1 pts True or False? Addiction involves a physiological dependence commonly referred to as tolerance, in which the body requires larger and larger doses of the substance in order to experience the desired effect. Correct! True False Question 36 1 / 1 pts True or False? The term, "hooker," derives from the early colonial era when bar girls tricked clients into buying them overly priced drinks before entertaining them sexually. True Correct! False Question 37 1 / 1 pts True or False? Despite popular opinion, research has not clearly indicated that "problem drinking" is a major ingredient in crimes of violence. True Correct! False Question 38 1 / 1 pts True or False? Most "public crimes" are crimes that are "mala in se." True Correct! False Question 39 1 / 1 pts True or False? Alcoholism is a more serious problem in the USA than drug abuse. Correct! True False Question 40 1 / 1 pts True or False? Overcriminalization occurs when legislators make laws prohibiting acts considered mala in se. True Correct! False

For which of these federal departments was the Internet originally created? Department of Education Correct! Department of Defense Department of Justice Department of Homeland Security Question 5 1 / 1 pts Which of these claims that everyone should have the right to surf the Internet and test any and all related software systems for potential weaknesses? The National Security Agency Pump and dump brokerage firms Correct! The Hacker's ethic The First Amendment (free speech) of the Constitution Question 6 1 / 1 pts What is the best way that experts suggest to keep children safe on the internet? Parents should never allow children under 12 years of age to use a home computer whenever parents are not in the house. Correct! Parents should play a proactive role in monitoring their child's use of the Internet. Parents should not allow children under the age of 12 to use a computer. Teachers should limit the amount of internet access that school children have during class time. Question 7 1 / 1 pts Which of these malicious software programs continuously send fake authentication messages to a targeted server in order to keep it busy and thereby force out legitimate users? Web spoofing algorithms Trojan Horse codes Password phishing programs Correct! Denial of Service attacks Question 8 1 / 1 pts Which of these is the phrase that describes processes used for stealing small amounts assets from many sources and transferring them to a personal account? Sniffer bots Trojan horses Correct! Salami techniques Spoofing expeditions Question 9 1 / 1 pts It is estimated that ___ percent of computer crimes are committed by insiders or employees? 95 50 20 Correct! 80 Question 10 1 / 1 pts Which of the following is not a prediction Georgette Bennett made in her book, Crimewarps? The computer will be the biggest generator of crime in the future. Correct! As media and video games become more violent, crimes will become more violent. Low birth rates and high work rates will leave a plethora of unguarded homes ripe for daytime burglary. Industries with older workers will experience less theft. Question 11 1 / 1 pts In 2006, the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center found that ____________ was the most popular reported offense. child pornography online gambling financial institutions fraud Correct! internet auction fraud Question 12 1 / 1 pts Which of the following creates a false website controlled by the hacker? Sniffers Trojan horse Botnets Correct! Spoofing Question 13 1 / 1 pts What percent of "young people," according to the Youth Internet Safety Survey released in 2001, reported having been the victim of threats, rumors or other offensive behavior on the internet within a prior one year period? (Might even be higher today in 2014!) Correct! 6% 22% 38% 15% Question 14 1 / 1 pts Which of these is the major crime of which software pirates are guilty? Burglary Correct! Theft Murder Embezzlement Question 15 1 / 1 pts What is the term for ill-intentioned hackers who attempt to break into computer systems? bait & switchers insiders Correct! crackers pilferers Question 16 1 / 1 pts ____________involve programming a computer to continuously send fake authentication messages to a targeted server, keeping it constantly busy and forcing out legitimate users. password phishing Correct! denial of service attacks web spoofing sniffers Question 17 2 / 2 pts Which of these is the approach for predicting trends that asks a large panel of different experts for their insights on what is likely to occur? Environmental Scanning techniques Scenario writing Correct! Delphi techniques Mathematical modeling techniques Question 18 2 / 2 pts Software programs such as Cracker are used to assist in this type of computer attack. email bombs worms denial of service attacks Correct! dictionary attacks Question 19 1 / 1 pts A bot-herder can do which of the following with compromised computers: launch denial of service attacks steal computer's identity launch massive spam campaigns Correct! all of the above Question 20 2 / 2 pts What is the best estimate, according to the text, for the percent of computer crimes that are committed by "insiders" or employees? 50 95 Correct! 80 20 Question 21 2 / 2 pts Which of these is the appropriate title for people who illegally reproduce and use or resell patented software code? Steganographers Cyberpunks Correct! Software pirates Crackers Question 22 2 / 2 pts Which of these age groups are the most common victims of online sexual predators? Correct! 14 to 17 years old Older than 17 years old Younger than 9 years old 9 to 13 years old Question 23 1 / 1 pts True or False? Internet auction fraud (on E-bay, U-Bid, etc.) is reported more often to Federal Internet Crime investigators than are instances of child pornography. Correct! True False Question 24 1 / 1 pts True or False? Most of the computer crimes committed by insiders or employees is not reported to the police Correct! True False Question 25 1 / 1 pts True or False? Like the categories of "white collar crime," "public crime," "organized crime," etc. "cybercrime" crime is not a specific criminal offense, but simply a general category of ways that criminals engage in illegal activities Correct! True False Question 26 Original Score: 1 / 1 pts Regraded Score: 0 / 1 pts This question has been regraded. True or False? Phone phreaking refers to automatic speed dialers used by computer hackers: You Answered True Correct Answer False Question 27 1 / 1 pts True or False? According to Hagan, most traditional theories do not specifically address computer crimes. Correct! True False Question 28 1 / 1 pts True or False? The Youth Internet Safety Survey found that nearly 20 percent of the young people they surveyed reported having been the victims of reputed harassment (threats, rumors, or other offensive behavior) during the past year. True Correct! False Question 29 1 / 1 pts True or False? Because hacker groups tend to be made up of loners, none is likely to evolve into a networked criminal enterprise. True Correct! False Question 30 1 / 1 pts True or False? Key loggers are secret programs that record a user's keystrokes. Correct! True False Question 31 1 / 1 pts True or False? A trojan horse is a sub program that contains harmful features? Correct! True False Question 32 1 / 1 pts True or False? Cyber-violence refers to psychological harm to another? Correct! True False Question 33 1 / 1 pts True or False? Cyber punks are pedophiles who use the internet to locate victims? True Correct! False Question 34 1 / 1 pts True or False? Crimewarps predicted that fear of AIDS will reduce the demand for streetwalkers. Correct! True False Question 35 1 / 1 pts True or False? Most victims of cyber bullying report those cases to adults or appropriate agencies that might investigate them. True Correct! False Question 36 1 / 1 pts True or False? Trojan horses (in the digital world) are hidden snippets of software code that are designed to perform computer operations unintended by the user. Correct! True False Question 37 1 / 1 pts True or False? The study of cybercrime illustrates how criminals and law enforcement are engaged in an never-ending contest to counter one another by adapting the newest technology available.. Correct! True False Question 38 1 / 1 pts True or False? The technique of embedding covert information into images is called smufring? True Correct! False steganography Question 39 1 / 1 pts True or False? Cybernetics is the replacement of human mental processes by computers? Correct! True False

Religions serve to define and infuse values in their adherents. Yet different religious groups exhibit different crime rates. What seems to be Hagan's singular explanation for those different rates? Your Answer: Social class was Hagan's explanation. He says this because Catholics have the highest rate and also include a lot of low-income minorities in their church population.

Hagan suggests that because of the "dark figure of crime" lower class people may not be as criminal as their crime rates seem to suggest. Briefly explain Hagan's logic. Your Answer: Because reported crime stats don't include all the many crimes that never get reported, and because reported crime stats tend to focus on crimes committed by lower class people, it may be that many crimes committed by middle and upper classes are missing from the data. If those missing crimes were reported, the difference in crime rates of the various social classes might evaporate.

Which of the following is true of laws?

Laws are often created when informal methods of social control weaken

Which of these countries house the gangs that control 90% of the cocaine that enters the USA? Afghanistan Correct! Mexico Panama Colombia Question 5 1 / 1 pts Which of these terms, according to Hagedorn's typology, do African American and Latino adult gang members tend to be called? Legits Correct! Homeboys New jacks Dope fiends Question 6 1 / 1 pts Which of the following terms or phrases, according to Ianni, describes organized crime as a means of gaining social prestige when opportunity for such reward would ordinarily be nonexistent? Correct! The "queer ladder" of mobility The "dark side" of gang membership The "pizza ascent" Entry to "Yakuza status" Question 7 1 / 1 pts Which of these is the current location where much money laundering takes place? Thrift stores Correct! Gambling casinos Inner City brothels NASCAR events Question 8 1 / 1 pts Why is "Narco-Terrorism" a particularly alarming form of terrorism? Because "narco-terrorists" attempt to undermine a population by hooking its younger generation on debilitating drugs. Because "narco-terrorists" specifically aim to destroy large population concentrations in one single blow. Because "narco terrorists" are so strung up on hallucinatory drugs that they don't hesitate to enact very vicious violent activities. Correct! Because "narco-terrorists" use the proceeds from illicit drug sales to fund violent terrorist activities. Question 9 1 / 1 pts Joseph Albini described the four types of organized crime groups listed below. Of which of those groups is the The Ku Klux Klan an example?? Correct! The Political-social organized crime type The In-group oriented organized crime type The Syndicate organized crime type The Mercenary (predatory) organized crime type Question 10 1 / 1 pts The Hell's Angels are an example of which: Mercenary (predatory) organized crime Syndicate crime Correct! In-group oriented organized crime Political-social organized crime Question 11 1 / 1 pts Which of the following "theories" is the one proposed by Cressey, in which he described syndicate crime in the United States as a nationwide alliance of tightly knit families with membership composed exclusively of Sicilian and Italian descendants? The Patron Theory Correct! The Cosa Nostra Theory The Enterprise Theory The Syndicate Theory Question 12 1 / 1 pts Which of these statements best describes the difference between bank loans and loans acquired through loan sharking? Loan Sharks only loan to gamblers; banks loan to anyone considered a fair risk. Debtors who default on any loans, whether acquired from loan sharks or banks, rarely suffer penalties. No one other than organized crime groups engage in loan sharking. Correct! Loan Sharks loan money at very high interest rates; banks usually loan at more re-payable lower rates. Question 13 1 / 1 pts According to Klein, which of the following is true regarding street gangs? Street gangs control drug distribution in our cities They are highly organized and cohesive, with centralized leadership. Correct! Los Angeles gangs do not franchise drug distribution to the rest of the country. Street gangs are all violent. Question 14 1 / 1 pts Which of these is the term describing the activity of organized criminal groups to exploit labor unions for criminal activity? Conspiracy Correct! Racketeering Fraud Extortion Question 15 1 / 1 pts Which of the following is a term primarily used to refer to Japanese organized crime syndicates? Correct! Yakuza Mafiya La Costa Notra Triad Question 16 0 / 1 pts On which of these does the strength of organized crime mostly depend, at least according to the text? You Answered The number of members it recruits Its success at bribing police officers Its economic ideology and rationality Correct Answer Its use of violence to achieve its goals. Question 17 2 / 2 pts Which of the following is true of money laundering? Correct! There is a federal law against money laundering that carries substantial penalties. While it is one aspect of the practical functioning of organized crime groups, in itself it is not an illegal activity. Different states have widely varying laws regarding money laundering. There is a federal law against money laundering, but its penalties have been criticized as being far too lenient to deter offenders. Question 18 1 / 1 pts In regard to drug trafficking, which of the following is used to refer to the northern border areas of Thailand, Burma, and Laos? Latin America Correct! Golden Triangle Golden Crescent Yakuza Question 19 1 / 1 pts The transnational smuggling of illegal aliens from undeveloped to developed countries is often related to: Loan sharking Drug trafficking Money laundering Correct! Sex industry Question 20 2 / 2 pts Which of these is the biggest problem, stressed in the text, that organized crime groups have when their activities prove very successful and rewarding? Correct! Large sums of money from successful criminal activities need to be laundered in visibly legitimate ways. Loyalty is hard to control when lower level members of successful criminal enterprises envy the privileges of their leaders. Less successful organized criminal groups will often cooperate with law enforcement to end competition from rival groups. The FBI can easily track and prosecute most very successful large scale criminal activities. Question 21 2 / 2 pts Which of the following is not a myth regarding street gangs, at lease according to Malcolm Klein? They all engage in violent criminal activity. Correct! They fight over drug market territory more than anything else.. They control the distribution of all illegal drugs in urban areas. They are highly organized and very cohesive with centralized leadership. Question 22 2 / 2 pts Which of the following is true regarding syndicate type organized criminals? Correct! They tend to maintain their livelihood through crime. They are made up almost exclusively with males ages 18-24. They tend to come from high-income areas. They tend to be open about their associations and criminal offenses. Question 23 0 / 2 pts Which of these laws prohibits proceeds that have been derived from a pattern of racketeering activity from being used to acquire legitimate interstate commerce businesses? You Answered The Hobbs Act The Bank Secrecy Act The Sherman Anti-trust Act Correct Answer The RICO statute Question 24 1 / 1 pts True or False? According to the author, the usual evolution of a successful organized crime groups leads them to infiltrate and manipulate national governments for their own gain. Correct! True False Question 25 1 / 1 pts True or False? Street gangs are all highly organized, very cohesive, and have centralized leadership. True Correct! False Question 26 1 / 1 pts True or False? Yakuza is the Japanese term for gangsters. Correct! True False Question 27 1 / 1 pts True or False? "Assets forfeiture" refers to the activity that organized crime groups do when attempting to extort money owed them from gambling and loan sharking. True Correct! False Question 28 1 / 1 pts True or False? The Hobbs Act is an antiracketeering act that can basically be interpreted to mean that any interference with interstate commerce to any degree whatsoever is in violation of the act. Correct! True False Question 29 1 / 1 pts True or False? Some of the earliest law enforcement efforts to control organized crime were accomplished when government auditors studied studied the financial records that the criminals generated to hide their activities. Correct! True False Question 30 1 / 1 pts True or False? Organized crime first came to the United States with Italian immigrants, as a "Mafia transplant." Correct! True False Question 31 0 / 1 pts True or False? The Central Intelligence Agency used syndicate criminals to put a "hit" on Cuban premier Fidel Castro. Correct Answer True You Answered False Question 32 1 / 1 pts True or False? Money laundering is characterized by the three steps of placement, layering, and integration. Correct! True False Question 33 1 / 1 pts True or False? According to Hagedorn's typology, "new jacks" view illegal drug sales as their primary career. Correct! True False Question 34 0 / 1 pts True or False? Almost all street gangs are highly organized and have centralized leadership. Correct Answer True You Answered False Question 35 1 / 1 pts True or False? According to the text, modern spies are more likely than ever to be naturalized citizens with overseas familial and cultural ties. Correct! True False Question 36 1 / 1 pts True or False? Operatives who work in the United States to support money laundering by drug traffickers are also referred to as "smurfs." Correct! True False Question 37 1 / 1 pts True or False? According to Hagedorn's typology, "new jacks" view illegal drug sales as their primary career. Correct! True False Question 38 1 / 1 pts True or False? The practice of loaning individuals money when they are in urgent need and charging high interest rates is known as loan sharking Correct! True False Question 39 1 / 1 pts True or False? Many gang members move back and forth between criminal activity and conventional respected jobs. Correct! True False

List three examples of public order crime that offend the public morality: Your Answer: Prostitution, alcohol and narcotics abuse, and disorderly conduct. Define or otherwise describe these two phrases, "legislated morality" and "moral entrepreneur." Then tell how the concepts are related. Your Answer: The phrase known as "moral entrepreneur" refers to individuals who personally benefit from convincing the public to label the behaviors of others as deviant or criminal. And "legislated morality" is just another term for public order crimes or crimes without victims. These concepts are related because many people, even though no one is being affected by a certain crime, want others to see the crime as criminal. People who see themselves as a "moral entrepreneur" are basically the reason that they crimes without victims are even crimes at all, because they see them as morally wrong. Describe how Prohibition was an example of "over-criminalization?" Your Answer: Prohibition was an example of "over-criminalization" because it was used to try and make the use of alcohol less apparent, and instead of doing what it was intended to do, it did not eliminate the alcohol problem. The reason it did not was because was an inappropriate extension of the criminal law into areas of personal conduct and morality, like the right to drink alcohol and have a bit of a good time.

Which of these has only recently been accepted as an emotional cost that some victims might have to pay? Depression Correct! PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) Anxiety Reduction in self esteem

Ocurs when a person does something that incites another person to commit an illegal act. victim facilitation Correct! victim provocation victim precipitation victim responsibility

What do criminologists call it when a person or place is victimized more than once by the same type of victimization? Correct! Repeat victimization Similarity victimization Recurring victimization Opportunistic victimization

Routine Activities Theory contains three conceptual factors that combine to explain why someone might be victimized. Identify the item below that is NOT one of the factors formally described in Routine Activities Theory. Suitable target Correct! Locational situation Motivated offender Capable guardianship

Which of these best describes the difference between "Lower Class Reaction Theory" and "Focal Concerns Theory?" Correct Answer The theories differ on whether criminal activity is learned or is determined by neighborhood residence. "Focal Concerns" Theory can explain "crime in the suites"; "Lower Class Reaction" Theory is limited to explaining "crime in the streets." "Lower Class Reaction" theory only attempts to explain gang behavior. You Answered The theories differ on the means by which juveniles try to achieve middle class values.

Routine Activities Theory was described in Chapter 4 as explaining the likelihood of people being victimized. Why, then, is it also described in this week's reading, where the focus is on social structures that predispose individuals to commit crime? Because criminals always follow routines that keep them from being caught by law enforcement. Because criminals experience anomie and shape the routines of their lives around it, especially in times of social change. Because criminals rarely plan ahead, especially in violent crimes against friends, neighbors, and relatives. Correct! Because criminals are the suitable offenders in that theory and victims are the likely targets.

Which of these best describes the difference between "Differential Opportunity" theory and "Differential Association" theory? "Differential Association" theory only explains urban criminal activity. Correct! "Differential Opportunity" theory focuses on social class; "Differential Association" theory focuses on personal interaction. "Differential Opportunity" theory only explains gang behavior. "Differential Opportunity" theory is much more deterministic than "Differential Association" theory.

Shaw and McKay's social disorganization theory is part of which theoretical tradition? Social Control Anomie Correct! Social Process Life Course

Which of these is one of the early biological indicators considered to identify a potential criminal? feeblemindedness You Answered atavism Correct Answer the xyy syndrome mental deficiency

The "XYY syndrome" refers to the belief that men with an extra "Y" chromosome are: Correct! Predisposed to violent and aggressive behavior More likely to go into the field of law enforcement Predisposed to involvement in property crimes such as vandalism and theft Immune to criminogenic influences

The basic principles of most modern, Western, judicial and legal systems are found in the: ...Lombrosian school of criminology ...Economic school of criminology Correct! ...Classical school of criminology ...Genetic school of criminology

The basic principles of the modern Western judicial and legal system are found in the: Neoclassical school of criminology Correct! Classical school of criminology Demonological school of criminology Economic school of criminology

Which of these statements is the more accurate description of the role that theory plays in any scientific study like ours, criminology? Theory guarantees that university Directors will fund scientific departments and their research. Correct! Theory provides direction and rationale for experiments and data collection. Theory always requires scientists to integrate humanities with scientific endeavor. Theory allows scientists to claim copy rights to findings long before they can prove them.

The crime____ is the actual number of reported crimes standardized by some unit of the population. Correct! rate statistic degree ratio

Which of these theories claims that a person who has a spouse, children, and a job will be less inclined to engage in criminal behavior? General strain theory Correct! Social bond theory Anomie theory Differential opportunity theory

The following are the four zones that various Chicago University scholars used to describe complex cities like Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles. In which of these did Shaw and McKay find the highest crime rates? Zone IV-Better Residential Areas Zone III-Industry and Working People's Homes Correct! Zone II-Zone of Transition Zone I-Economic Center

There has been a slight uptick in the data on crime happenings in recent years, but for the ten years between 1995 and 2005 especially, crime stats showed regular declines. Describe in one or two sentences two (2) possible explanations often offered for such declines. Then a) tell which of the two you think is the strongest variable for explaining such a decline, and b) tell why you think that. Points for fair descriptions of the two explanations. Points for your view about the strongest of the two.) Your Answer: Some factors or explanations for the crime drop in that period of time include crime prevention programs and also a decline in the crack cocaine epidemic. There have been multiple programs that have come up for the juveniles who are on the verge of committing crimes and is said to have only made modest impacts on the crime rates. There was a crack cocaine epidemic in the years before this crime drop and caused a lot of deaths among younger people. I think that it is a better explanation for the crime drop. It was a big deal back then and since the crime drop, we have had a large majority of our crimes be related to drugs. There are a lot of drugs today and also before that period of time, so it seems like a good explanation to me.

The peak age of criminals arrested for violent crime is 18. What is the peak age of those arrested for committing property crime? 17 14 15 Correct! 16

True or False? "White Collar crime" tends to rise during war times. Correct! True False

The text describes two "hypotheses" about the relationship between the media and societal levels of violence. In a few sentences of your own words, explain the difference between the Catharsis Hypothesis and the Precipitation Hypothesis. The tell which you believe is more likely and give at least one reason to support your belief. Your Answer: The Catharsis Hypothesis basically states that exposure to media violence calms people down by letting off steam. The Precipitation Hypothesis states basically the opposite and says that media violence produces more violence. I agree with the Catharsis Hypothesis because it is a way for people to get steam off and to let out their anger.

The most common form of treatment for brain disorders in the contemporary United States is: Psychometry Psychotherapy You Answered Frontal lobotomy Correct Answer Drug treatment

The theory that criminals are born as such, and that they are "throwbacks" to an earlier and more primitive evolutionary period, is known as: Somatotype theory Correct! Atavism Eugenics Neobiological positivism

In assessing responsibility for crimes (motivation, intent, premeditation, etc.) juries and judges unwittingly draw on their personal adherence to theories that explain human behavior. Imagine a jury trial of a burglar caught stealing items from a home. Using your own words in a short paragraph or two, describe the basis on which a jury who favored classical theory might decide the fate of an aggravated assault assailant as opposed to the basis on which a jury who favored the ecological school might decide it. (6 points) Your Answer: The classical theory jury might decide on whether the assault was premeditated or the result of a spontaneous fight between hockey players. The ecologically-oriented jury would take into account the location, time of the year, weather, etc. where the assault took place.

The view that criminal behavior is ultimately driven by supernatural forces is known as: Correct! Demonology Victimology Marxism Classicalism

"Determinism" is a concept that all of social science constantly has to address. These chapters on criminological theory raise the issue, too. What is the "determinism" issue and what would the theorists in this chapter ultimately claim is the difference between "hard determinism" and "soft determinism?" Your Answer: Determinism says that moral choices are determined by previously existing causes. It is basically saying that humans cannot act any other way than the way they do, they do not have much free will. Hard determinism is focused on the fact that outside forces almost completely determine whether or not someone will commit a crime. Soft determinism says that certain forces can have an influence but do not completely determine behavior.

Theory often leads to practice in law enforcement. Mainstream criminological theories suggest that social structures and social change predispose people to crime. a) Identify ONE very clear and specific practical suggestion about how to reduce juvenile delinquency in times of great social change or through a change in social structure. b) Identify and use one theory described in Chapter 7 to tell why your suggestion might work. Your Answer: One way that you could reduce juvenile delinquency in a time of social change would be to teach them about crime so that they are not only seeing it on the news but are learning. This could help reduce their curiosity in crime and could help them to learn more about the consequences of crime. One theory that suggests that doing that may work is the containment theory, which states that crime happens when pressures are high and containments are low. This is a way that we could heighten containments in a time where there may be many social pressures.

After observing other children fighting on the playground, a young boy begins to pick a fight with one of his classmates. This scenario is most closely an example of: Correct! Social Learning Theory Feeblemindedness Criminal Personality Operant Conditioning

This approach to child-rearing attempts to encourage positive behavior through the application of pleasure and pain. Correct! Behavioral modificaiton Social Learning Theory Social Darwinism Psycosurgery

True or False? A crime rate is the actual number of reported crimes divided by a unit of the population. Correct Answer True You Answered False

To what does the phrase, "the dark figure of crime," refer and why is it important to spend time analyzing that phenomenon? Your Answer: "The dark figure of crime" refers to undiscovered or unreported crime. This is very important to analyze because there is a good chance that there is a huge number of crimes unsolved for every crime that is solved. If we can figure out how to lower this number or at least if we acknowledge that it is a thing, we can do a better job of protecting our citizens.

True or False? The Uniform Crime Report counts drunkeness as a Part I crime. True Correct! False

True or False? "Criminalistics" is another, but more popular term, for "criminology." True Correct! False

True or False? The inverse correlation between between educational level and likelihood of being arrested means that a high school graduate is more likely to be arrested than a college graduate. Correct! True False

True or False? A victim of rape who resisted during the crime is less likely to be victimized again...less likely, that is, than someone who did not resist during the crime. Correct! True False

True or False? Most persons arrested and convicted as adult criminals were first arrested as juveniles. Correct! True False

True or False? A victim with "characterological" self-blame believes that he was born with unchangeable traits that justify his being victimized. Correct! True False

True or False? High levels of crime appear to be associated with high rates of income inequality. Correct! True False

True or False? According to the International Crime Victimization Survey, the rate of violent crime in the United States is higher than the rates in both Canada and Western Europe. Correct! True False

True or False? The neoclassical school is more concerned with finding effective law enforcement practices than about explaining the causes of criminal behavior. Correct! True False

True or False? According to the text's author, Cesare Beccaria is the undisputed "father of criminology." True Correct! False

True or False? Discussing theory in criminology distracts people from translating evidence-based data into good criminal justice programming. Correct Answer True You Answered False

True or False? Almost all criminals who committed serious crimes that were reported to the police are convicted and spend real time in prison. You Answered True Correct Answer False

True or False? Estimates indicate that less than 10 percent of total mental health care costs in the U.S. are related to crime. True Correct! False

True or False? Although African Americans compose approximately 12% of the population in the United States they number 27% of those arrested for criminal behavior. Correct! True False

True or False? Participant observation is not the best method for obtaining reliable quantitative data about criminal behavior. Correct Answer True You Answered False

True or False? Although not many studies have been done, almost 99% of adults in the United States admit committing a criminal act sometime in their lives. Correct! True False

True or False? Persons who have been victimized are less likely to be re-victimized. You Answered True Correct Answer False

True or False? An example of an avoidance behavior is staying home at night. Correct! True False

True or False? Annually there are more incidents of theft in the U.S. than the combined total of all other "index crimes." Correct! True False

True or False? Asking criminals to describe their crimes seems counterproductive, because no one will actually tell someone else the details of their criminal activity. True Correct! False

True or false? Not all mores or norms in a society are covered by a society's laws. Correct! True False

True or False? Burglary is reported more often in a year than any one of the other seven Part I "Index Crimes." True Correct! False

True or False? If he had thought about it, Karl Marx would have argued that Gemeinschaft social structure creates the inequalities between proletariat and bourgeoisie that spawn criminal behavior. True Correct! False

True or False? Cesare Lombroso was the first to write a treatise that stimulated the classical school of criminology. You Answered True Correct Answer False

True or False? Statistics indicate that juveniles who come from broken homes are significantly more likely to engage in crime than those who do not. You Answered True Correct Answer False

True or False? Criminologists have proven beyond doubt that all general crime rates increase significantly in periods of economic depression. True Correct! False

True or False? Delinquents are less likely to have families characterized by physical illness, mental retardation, and mental disturbance. True Correct! False

True or False? Current crime rates worldwide are far higher than at any other time in history. True Correct! False

True or False? Almost all towns and cities in the USA today would be characterized as gesellschaft societies. Correct! True False

True or False? Definitions of deviance are relative to the time, place, and person(s) making the evaluation. Correct! True False

True or False? Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham are associated with the classical school of criminology. Correct! True False

True or False? Demonological theory views criminals as rational, hedonistic, free actors. True Correct! False

True or False? According to anomie/strain theory, individuals who accept traditional goals, but reject the accepted means of achieving them, are known as retreatists. True Correct! False

True or False? Developmental and life course studies suggest that for lower class males, gang membership usually begins in the teens and ends in the early 20's. You Answered True Correct Answer False

True or False? Up until very recent times, the number of criminal victimizations have continued to rise, even though the total crime rate has been falling. True Correct! False

True or False? Elderly people are more likely to be victimized than younger people. True Correct! False

True or false? According to the text, studies of how IQ might influence criminal behavior should be taken more seriously than they have so far. Correct Answer True You Answered False

True or False? Eugenics is a movement to eliminate degenerate individuals in society through whatever means are necessary including sterilization, abortion, and euthanasia. Correct! True False

True or False? Picking your nose in public would be considered a violation of American mores. True Correct! False

True or False? Folkways and mores are the two formal sets of norms that most societies use in order to assure that people behave according to group valúes. Correct Answer True You Answered False

True or False? Behavioral modification attempts to change human behavior by using a wide range of rewards and punishments in order to condition individuals to act appropriately and lawfully. Correct! True False

True or False? Freud would claim that almost all criminal behavior emerges from a conflict that one's SUPEREGO cannot mediate between one's ID and one's EGO. Correct Answer True You Answered False

True or False? There is no valid evidence that low IQ correlates with any forms of criminal behavior. True Correct! False

True or False? Hagan claims that most biological and psychological theories in criminology do not explain crime as much as they suggest polices and programs that will help individuals get over their inclinations to commit crime. Correct Answer True You Answered False

True or False? A large portion of funding for victim compensation programs comes from criminals themselves. Correct! True False

True or False? Households with relatively high incomes are more likely to suffer property victimization than households where the members earn less than $15,000 per year.. True Correct! False

True or False? "Criminalistics" is a more modern tv-generated term often use to describe criminology. True Correct! False

True or False? If one is caught speeding by a camera on I-80, he or she will probably be cited for committing a felony crime. True Correct! False

True or False? "Structural density" is a variable that pertains to the number of living units in a building. It is a variable that is positively correlated with the likelihood of victimization to occur in that building. Correct! True False

True or False? In Routine Activities Theory, "capable guardianship" refers to any person, thing, or action that lessens the likelihood that a person would be victimized? Correct! True False

True or False? Persons over the age of 50 are more likely to be violently victimized than teens. True Correct! False

True or False? In general, males are more likely than females to be victimized. Correct! True False

True or False? "Telescoping" is the process that happens when researchers combine crimes from the Uniform Crime Report into the annual crime index. True Correct! False

True or False? In the context of research methods, "validity" refers to the accuracy with which a variable is measured. Correct! True False

True or False? During a major war, domestic crime rates tend to decline. Correct! True False

True or False? In the recent past, organized crime has become more transnational, and therefore, more difficult to confront. Correct! True False

True or false? Charles Darwin coauthored The Communist Manifesto with Friedrich Engels. True Correct! False

True or False? Karl Marx wrote extensively on the topic of crime causation? You Answered True Correct Answer False

True or False? Hedonism is the view that criminality is biologically inherited. True Correct! False

True or False? Lambert Quetelet was the first to realize the value of criminal statistics in efforts to explain criminal behavior. Correct! True False

True or False? High levels of crime appear to be associated with high rates of income inequality. Correct! True False

True or False? Misconduct in school is a strong predictor of whether a person will or will not commit juvenile delinquency Correct! True False

True or False? The best data for a valid understanding of crime trends is quantitative data reported by the FBI. True Correct! False

True or False? Misconduct in school is a strong predictor of whether a person will or will not commit juvenile delinquency Correct! True False

True or False? A victim of rape who resists or uses self-protective actions is less likely, than those who do not to be victimized again. Correct! True False

True or False? Most individuals would rather take a property loss as compared to physical bodily harm. Correct! True False

True or False? Albert Cohen suggested that lower-class delinquency is shaped by the availability of both illegitimate and legitimate opportunities. Correct Answer True You Answered False

True or False? One weakness of Edwin Sutherland's differential association theory is that he failed to account for the fact that not all associations are equal in intensity or priority. Correct Answer True You Answered False

True or False? The National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) was first implemented in the 1930s. True Correct! False

True or False? Overcriminalization happens when lawmakers define actions as criminal when those actions could, and should, be prevented more appropriately by methods other than legal prosecution. Correct Answer True You Answered False

True or False? Criminologists and most other behavioral scientists believe that psychopaths develop because they received poor or uncaring parenting. Correct! True False

True or False? PTSD is one of the three factors for which a "comorbidity" is a "strong prognosis" that an individual will engage in criminal activity? Correct Answer True You Answered False

True or False? Hagan and others believe that biopsychological studies could be used to identify "dangerous" individuals whom society might want to eliminate through euthanasia or larger scale genocide. Correct Answer True You Answered False

True or False? Positivist criminologists differed from classical theorists (studied in Chpt. 5) by suggesting that criminals can be rehabilitated. Correct! True False

True or False? The most promising approach to understanding criminal behavior will be that in which criminologists show how biological, psychological and social factors interact to produce delinquent behavior. Correct! True False

True or False? Psychopath, sociopath, and antisocial personality are all terms referring to the same phenomenon - the inadequately socialized personality. Correct! True False

True or False? Variables such as diet, environmental pollution, endocrine imbalance, and allergies have been claimed to have criminogenic influence. Correct! True False

True or False? Recent biosocial evolutionists claim that human females have evolved superior inhibitory capabilities in the aggression domain. Correct! True False

True or False? Present-day biological theorists are working to identify the "crime gene" that they believe to be the source of criminal behavior. Correct Answer True You Answered False

True or False? The "Twinkie defense" refers to the claim that excessive sugar consumption inclines a person to commit violence. Correct! True False

True or False? Modern advocates of the relationship between IQ and delinquency believe that one's IQ is both inherited and acquired over time. Correct! True False

True or False? The M'Naghten Rule and the Durham Decision are named after criminals whom judges ultimately decided were not guilty of the crimes that committed. You Answered True Correct Answer False

True or False? Definitions of deviance are generally not relative to the time, place, and person(s) making the evaluation. You Answered True Correct Answer False

True or False? The majority of crimes committed in the United States are not "index offenses." Correct Answer True You Answered False

True or False? Males are more likely to be victmized; however this gender gap is becoming less evident. Correct! True False

True or False? The more frequently a person meets persons in demographic groups with likely offenders, the more likely it is the person will be victimized Correct! True False

True or False? Cheater Theory is a psychological theory about how some males impregnate as many women as possible in order to feel psychological dominance over all women Correct! True False

True or False? The nature vs nurture debate questions whether criminality is explained by ones environment (nature) or gentics (nurture). You Answered True Correct Answer False

True or False? As society becomes more complex, it becomes increasingly reliant on informal methods of social control to maintain order. Correct Answer True You Answered False

True or False? The text says that gambling is a mala in se crime, but all gambling in Iowa is really a mala prohibita crime. Correct Answer True You Answered False

True or False? According to Hagan, minority status by itself does not generally explain the higher crime rates that are recorded for minority groups. Correct! True False

True or False? There is an positive correlation between educational level and likelihood of being arrested. True Correct! False

True or False? In the United State, all law, and therefore all criminal law, is written by legislators in federal, state, or local jurisdictions. Correct! True False

True or False? When we calculate the cost of crime, we should consider the expense of running the law enforcement and court systems that deal with criminal offenders. Correct! True False

True or False? Juvenile delinquency tends to increase during times of prosperity and to decline in times of economic depression. Correct! True False

True or False? While most persons arrested and convicted as adult criminals were first arrested as juveniles, most juvenile delinquents do not become adult criminals. Correct! True False

True or False? The concept of "just deserts" is related to the neoclassical approach to criminology. Correct! True False

True or false? Based on numerous comments in the text, the author prefers Ecological theory over Classical theory because the latter neglects social factors as part of the reason behind criminal behavior. Correct! True False

In his book The Jukes, author Robert Dugsdale concluded that crime is: Correct! Hereditary Attributable to feeble-mindedness Rooted in atavism Linked to physical inferiority

What did the author mean when he said on that the "comorbidity of youth with ADHD and conduct disorder presents a strong prognosis for antisocial behavior?" He meant that... ...children who exhibit ADHD and PTSD become juvenile delinquents. ...children who have ADHD and engage in conduct disorder always act aggressively toward other children. ...children who have ADHD and engage in conduct disorder die before their teens. Correct! ...children with a mix of ADHD, ODD and conduct disorder are disposed to engage in delinquency.

Which of these is NOT a premise of the various "Anomie" theories? Criminals act out of frustration and anger from being denied rewarding events and people. Correct Answer Criminals act because they have few significant relationships with others. You Answered Criminals act because they are generally confused about what is right and wrong. Criminals act because events prevent them from achieving goals that everyone else can achieve.

What distinguishes "Social Control" theories from other mainstream criminological theory? "Social Control" theories emphasize how... ...most criminals have low IQ's and don't learn the values of society from their parents or teachers. You Answered strain and response to conflicting values predisposes some to criminal behavior. Correct Answer ...criminals respond to the strength of social bonds between them and family, job or community. ...everyone commits crime sometime in response to anomie that arises when social change occurs.

Which of these is Adolphe Quintelet's major insight that makes some call him the first scientific criminologist? He disproved the long-held notion that crime was related to the lunar cycles. He was the first to draw a connection between capitalism and crime. Correct Answer He suggested that some criminal behavior derives is caused by factors other than absolute free choice. You Answered He was the first criminologist to identify the weaknesses of relying on official crime statistics.

What do Classical and Neo-classical theorists when they postulate that criminals are hedonists. They means that criminals have warped personalities. They mean that criminals are always and fully responsible for their actions. Correct! They mean that criminals commit crime because it rewards them somehow. They mean that almost all crime is an attempt to improve social status.

What are "hot spots" in criminology and why are they important? Your Answer: "Hot spots" are areas that are crime-prone. It helped criminologists determine that victimization is higher in these spots and that someone who proved there is at a higher risk of being victimized. It basically gives us another way to figure out how to reduce victimization.

What do you think is the most important right given to crime victims? Which do you think is the least important? Justify your answers for both, but be careful. Every Victim's Right offers to do something slightly different from all others. Do not simply claim that your "least important" right is not important because it doesn't do what you describe as your "most important" right. The reasons for one should not simply be the opposite of the other. Your Answer: The most important right given to victims is Either protection or victim impact statements. The statements help to make sure that the victim gets a say in what happens to their offender and it may help to charge an offender to the full extent. The protection just makes sure that the victim does not get harmed again, especially is their offender gets let out on parole or has friends that aren't so happy about their friend being prosecuted. The least important in my opinion is the right to speedy trial. Of course, I am not saying that it isn't important, it is just the least important. I just don't see how it really helps the victim in the best way. I get what it is meant for, but a speedy trial doesn't always help the victim cope.

Which of these is a primary weakness of international law? The widespread corruption of international agencies A lack of support for the United Nations. Correct! The difficulty of enforcing international agreements The lack of a religious base for defining human rights. Question 4 1 / 1 pts The Gestapo and KGB are examples of: Early attempts at international courts Correct! Secret Police Civil rights protest groups Anti-terrorism commissions Question 5 1 / 1 pts Which of these actions is clearly a political crime? Keeping a cell phone that a government employee dropped in an airport Burglarizing the home of a town mayor A traffic accident between a civilian and a police officer Correct! Defacing an IRS office in protest against income tax filings Question 6 0 / 1 pts Which of these terrorist activities is the only one to which the entire international community has agreed to respond when it occurs? store bombing You Answered assassination prisoner torture Correct Answer piracy Question 7 1 / 1 pts Discussion of "white collar crime" highlights the social status or position of the offender. Which of these does discussion of "political crime" highlight? Correct! The ideology of the offender The financial balance sheet of the offender Te public office that the offender holds The political party to which the offender belongs Question 8 1 / 1 pts The Latin phrase, "sub-rosa," is applied to activities that take place in secret, such as love trists in medieval times. To what political crime does "sub-rosa" often get linked in modern criminology? sabotage scandal Correct! espionage assassination Question 9 1 / 1 pts Sexual mutilation is an example of: Raison d'etat Correct! Patriarchal crime Espionage Genocide Question 10 1 / 1 pts Which of the following adjectives, according to Hagan's typology, describes spies who are motivated by monetary gain? Buccaneer Egocentric Ideological Correct! Mercenary Question 11 1 / 1 pts Which of these is NOT a form of genocide according to the United Nations 1948 Convention on Genocide? Correct! Requiring all members of a group to get genetic screening for physical defects. Deliberately inflicting life conditions on a group so as to make the group die off. Forcibly transferring children of a group to another group Causing serious mental strain or harm to the members of a select group Question 12 1 / 1 pts Counterterrorism measures include all but which of the following? Arms and explosives controls Public awareness Correct! Genocide Diplomatic measures Question 13 0 / 1 pts Which of these nations opposed the 1998 opening of the first permanent International Criminal Court that was mandated to deal with large-scale human rights abuses. South Africa Correct Answer The United States Germany You Answered The former Soviet Union (U.S.S.R.) Question 14 1 / 1 pts What does the doctrine of "raison d'état" claim? It claims that... Correct! ...that in some circumstances, serving the public good justifies violations of common law. ...that no populace ever has a good reason to topple a legitimately elected government. ...that democratic governments are extremely unwieldy tools for guaranteeing the smooth running of "the State." ...the medieval Divine Right of Kings doctrine gives all governments absolute power over their citizens. Question 15 1 / 1 pts Cointelpro was an FBI counterintelligence program that: Uncovered the Watergate scandal Was appointed by the United Nations to help enforce the Nuremberg ruling Intercepted communications that uncovered a terrorist plot Correct! Harassed and disrupted legitimate political activity Question 16 1 / 1 pts Which of these activities was the one most used by terrorists prior to World War II (1939-1945)? Release of poisonous gasses in metropolitan subway systems Suicide bombings in crowded streets and shopping malls Correct! Assassination of government officials Random attacks on enemy civilians Question 17 2 / 2 pts Which of these is NOT a form of "patriarchal" crime condoned by various governments around the world? Female Genital Mutliation Correct! The Chinese "one-child" policy Mid-Eastern "Honor" Killings Bride burnings Question 18 2 / 2 pts Which of these crimes against a government is often employed in competition between for-profit businesses? torture Correct! espionage assassination terrorism Question 19 2 / 2 pts Why is "Narco-Terrorism" a particularly alarming form of terrorism? Because "narco terrorists" are so strung up on hallucinatory drugs that they don't hesitate to enact the grossest of violent activities. Because "narco-terrorists" attempt to undermine a population by hooking its younger generation on debilitating drugs. Because "narco-terrorists" specifically aim to destroy large population concentrations in one single blow. Correct! Because "narco-terrorists" use the proceeds from illicit drug sales to fund violent terrorist activities. Question 20 0 / 1 pts True or False? According to the "Nuremberg principle," individuals who need to chose between obeying orders that involve crimes against humanity or following their consciences should disobey unjust dictates. Correct Answer True You Answered False Question 21 1 / 1 pts True or False? Politically motivated criminals are also known as convictional criminals. Correct! True False Question 22 1 / 1 pts True or False? In no country in today's world is slavery practiced or condoned. True Correct! False Question 23 1 / 1 pts True or False? In the United States any person who protests against the use of the death penalty can be charged for committing a political crime. True Correct! False Question 24 1 / 1 pts True or False? There is not currently international unity in the definition and response to terrorist activity. Correct! True False Question 25 1 / 1 pts True or False? The annual Uniform Crime Report lists no specific category of crime as "political crime. Correct! True False Question 26 0 / 1 pts True or False? MICE is an acronym for the motivations of spies. Correct Answer True You Answered False Question 27 1 / 1 pts True or False? The vast majority of terrorists are lower-class, uneducated males. True Correct! False Question 28 1 / 1 pts True or False? A buccaneer or sport spy is one who obtains monetary reward for their actions. True Correct! False Question 29 1 / 1 pts True or False? COINTELPRO was an FBI program conducted to disrupt legitimate political activity in Chile during the 1970's. True Correct! False Question 30 1 / 1 pts True or False? Almost all criminologists agree that most assassins suffer from a mental pathology. Correct! True False Question 31 1 / 1 pts True or False? Societal reactions to terrorist activity tend to be mild when the activity is perpetrated by one's own government. Correct! True False Question 32 1 / 1 pts True or False? International terrorism represents some of the worst examples of mass murder in history. Correct! True False Question 33 0 / 1 pts True or false? When prosecuting someone as a political criminal, Anglo-American law considers "motive" and not "intent" as the key factor determining innocence or guilt. You Answered True Correct Answer False Question 34 1 / 1 pts True or False? Lone wolves are terrorists who operate primarily on their own without actual membership in a terrorist organization. Correct! True False Question 35 1 / 1 pts True or False? Some "whistle blowing" on abuses within the US federal government is a form of "political crime" but one cannot be sent to prison simply for that action. Correct! True False Question 36 0 / 1 pts True or False? The various agencies that are part of the U.S. government share a common definition of terrorism. You Answered True Correct Answer False Question 37 1 / 1 pts True or False? According to criminologist Walter Laqueur, the vast majority of terrorists are lower-class, uneducated males. True Correct! False Question 38 1 / 1 pts True or False? Hamas and Hezbollah are two "narco-terrorist" groups who repeatedly flaunt the USA's war on drugs in Mexico. True Correct! False prevent peace between Israelis and Palestinians Question 39 1 / 1 pts True or False? According to the text, modern spies are more likely than ever to be naturalized citizens with overseas familial and cultural ties. Correct! True False Question 40 1 / 1 pts True or False? A deceived spy is one who is led to believe that he or she is working for one organization when, in fact, the work is for another. Correct! True False Question 41 1 / 1 pts True or False? An anti-abortion advocate who vandalizes a Planned Parenthood office in protest against Roe vs Wade will not be charged as a political criminal in Anglo-American law. Correct! True False Anglo-American law does not have a chargeable offense entitled "political crime." Vandalizing is vandalism, and that is chargeable, and that's how a protestor might be charged and sent to prison. Question 42 1 / 1 pts True or False? Because of stringent evidence requirements for charges of espionage, spies are usually not charged with espionage in American courts. Correct! True Rather, American prosecutors charge spies as traitors, agents of foreign powers. False Question 43 1 / 1 pts True or False? Edward Snowden's revelations seem to suggest that something like the CIA's 1960's Operation Chaos continues yet today. Correct! True False

What does "Omertà" refer to, and what does it have to do with the nature of how gangs operate? Your Answer: It is the oath of loyalty, honor, respect, absolute obedience, manliness, and silence. It was an elaborate ritual when conducting someone into the group called the LCN. It shows how serious these gangs were and how they operate on strict rules that if broken, may get you killed. What does Hagan mean when he says that identifying various groups as "organized criminal groups" is a "matter of degree?" "Degree of what???" Your Answer: Hagan means that criminal groups differ in how much violence they use, in how much hierarchy governs their organization, in the kinds of "services" they provide, and in the ways they enforce immunity. Street gangs are not the same as biker gangs; juvenile gangs are not the same as adult gangs; national gangs are not the same as international gangs. The differences are all matters of degree pertaining to the key definitional elements of organization, use of violence, types of crime, and methods to guarantee immunity.

Question 3 1.25 / 1.25 pts Which of these types of rapists is the one who callously uses women as sex objects? Meaning stretchers Naïve graspers Group conformers Correct! Sex looters Question 4 1.25 / 1.25 pts Which of these four types of "serial" killers murder because they see it as a way of gaining money, sexual satisfaction, or other pleasures in life? Vigilante-type Missionaries Correct! Hedonists Visionaries Power Obsessed Individuals Question 5 1.25 / 1.25 pts Which of these best describes how and why people murder one another in the United States? Most murders take place during robberies or attempted robberies Most murders are done by killers paid to recover stolen drug money Correct! Most murders result from aggravated assault. Most murders are premeditated acts of desperation and anger. Question 6 1.25 / 1.25 pts Which of the following crimes is usually sexual in nature? Robbery Domestic violence Correct! Serial murder Elder abuse Question 7 0 / 1.25 pts In which month of the year do more murders usually occur than in any other month? You Answered December Correct Answer July October February Question 8 1.25 / 1.25 pts Which of these crimes is not a violent crime in the UCR Part I Index Crime list? murder rape Correct! burglary assault Question 9 1.25 / 1.25 pts A disgruntled employee opened fire at his job, killing two of his coworkers; he then proceeded directly home to kill his wife and child. This individual is best identified as a: Correct! Spree murderer Sadistic murderer Serial murderer Mass murderer Question 10 1.25 / 1.25 pts Which of these is not one of the three conditions in the "terrible triad" that characterizes the childhood background of many serial killers? firestarting bed wetting Correct! only-child status page 212 cruelty to animals Question 11 1.25 / 1.25 pts In which of these settings in the contemporary United States are you at the greatest risk for violent victimization? School Correct! Home Work Retail store Question 12 1.25 / 1.25 pts When police arrest someone for a crime, they "clear" that incident for their record books. For which of the following violent crimes do police get the highest clearance rates? Domestic violence Robbery Correct! Murder Rape Question 13 1.5 / 1.5 pts An upset student opens fire in a school cafeteria, killing 18 of his classmates. This student is best identified as a: Serial murderer Spree murderer Sadistic murderer Correct! Mass murderer Question 14 2 / 2 pts Which of these views would most sociologists hold regarding violence and human nature? There are genes in the human genome that make every human violent prone. The law of survival of the fittest inclines all animals to exercise violence. Violence is legitimate self defense for people living in extreme social settings. Correct! The inclination to commit violent crime is learned. Question 15 2 / 2 pts Which of these four phrases best describes date rapists, according to Glaser and the author of the text? Correct! Meaning stretchers Sex looters Group conformers Naïve graspers Question 16 2 / 2 pts Rape was the fastest growing of all UCR index crimes in the 1970s. What is the most commonly accepted reason explaining that rise? The backlash against the women's movement that occurred after the 1960s The high rate of drug use during the 1970s, which led to an increase in forced sexual intercourse Correct! An increase in victims' willingness to report incidents to police A reduction in sex education programs in public schools Question 17 2 / 2 pts Which of these activities is the most common violent behavior that takes place in American workplace settings? Stabbings Correct! Fistfights Shootings Rapes Question 18 2 / 2 pts What is the name of the law that requires states to inform local communities when high-risk sex offenders are released? Correct! Megan's Law Cheryl's Law Pamela's Law Jessica's Law Question 19 2 / 2 pts Which region of the United States has traditionally had the second highest murder rate? The South Correct! The Midwest The East The West Question 20 1 / 1 pts True or False? Advancements in the medical field seem to have reduced the homicide rate. Correct! True False Question 21 1 / 1 pts True or False? The more frequently a person meets persons in demographic groups with likely offenders, the more likely it is the person will be victimized Correct! True False Question 22 1 / 1 pts True or False? Rates of violent domestic disturbance have generally declined in jurisdictions where the aggressor in a disturbance has always been arrested on site Correct! True False Question 23 0 / 1 pts True or false? In many violent crime incidents, victims precipitate the crimes that eventually harm them. Correct Answer True You Answered False Question 24 1 / 1 pts True or False? The author of the text firmly believes that criminologists cannot answer the question, "What causes crime?" without first identifying the type of crime to which the question is applied. Correct! True False Question 25 1 / 1 pts True or False? Child abuse victims inevitably go on to become abusers themselves. True Correct! False Question 26 1 / 1 pts True or False? The author of the text challenges the claim that the United States has the most heavily armed public in comparison to other major industrialized countries around the world. True Correct! False Question 27 1 / 1 pts True or false? Alcohol is a major precipitating factor in most violent crimes. Correct! True False Question 28 1 / 1 pts True or False? The United States has a relatively high rate of kidnapping for ransom compared to other regions of the world. True Correct! False Question 29 1 / 1 pts True or False? Of the typology of robbers proposed by Conklin, the opportunist robber is the most common. Correct! True False Question 30 1 / 1 pts True or False? Most robbers tend to be opportunistic in that they rarely plan their actions far in advance. Correct! True False Question 31 1 / 1 pts True or False? There is evidence that blacks are more likely to be serial murderers than other groups. True Correct! False Question 32 1 / 1 pts True or False? Almost all "crimes of passion" are committed by "pathologically violent" individuals. True Correct! False Question 33 1 / 1 pts True or False? The majority of school-age children who are victims of homicide were murdered in or around their school. True Correct! False Question 34 1 / 1 pts True or False? In proportion to their respective populations, "White" people (Caucasians) are serial killers much more than "Black" people. True Correct! False Question 35 1 / 1 pts True or False? Less than 1 percent of school-age homicides happen in and around schools. Correct! True False Question 36 1 / 1 pts True or false? Statutory rape is the carnal knowledge of a female, forcibly and against her will. True Correct! False Question 37 1 / 1 pts True or False? In most USA domestic abuse situations, women are as likely to batter men as men are likely to batter women. Correct! True False

What does it mean to "put in the fix"? Your Answer: Putting in the fix is when someone stalls the legal system by bribery and corruption. They gain the cooperation of corrupt officials and avoid prosecution by compromising the criminal justice process. Describe briefly how either a Ponzi or a Pyramid scheme works. Include a statement about the ultimate victims in either scheme. Your Answer: A ponzi scheme is a form of fraud that lures investors and pays profit to earlier investors with funds from more recent investors. The scheme leads victims to believe that profits are coming from product sales and are unaware that other investors are the source of the money. In no more than one or two sentences, tell concisely why Hagan suggests that the criminal justice system should treat occasional property offenders less harshly than it does conventional or "professional" property offenders? Your Answer: For occasional property offenders, crime isn't their major means of life and don't see themselves as criminal. Also, they usually lack a past official history of criminality.

Which of the following generalizations is true about occupational, organizational, and corporate crime in the United States? Correct! These types of crimes have a much greater economic impact than street crimes. There is ample research on white collar crime, because researchers are gaining increased access to corporate environments. These crimes are easily detected, and perpetrators always receive harsh sentences when they are caught. The rates of these crimes are at an all-time high in the United States. Question 5 1.2 / 1.2 pts Which of these statements best summarizes why white collar criminal offenders do not view their activities as criminal? White collar offenders... ...usually attend weekly church services. ...know that elected officials will never bother them with unnecessarily burdensome laws. ...are not usually aware that they are breaking any laws. Correct! ...know that their shady practices are informally approved in their industries. Question 6 1.2 / 1.2 pts Which of the following is the most accurate statement about the ability of US regulatory agencies to respond to white collar crime? They acknowledge strong public outrage at corporate crime, and they respond accordingly. For sentencing white collar offenses, they always combine jail time with large fines. Congress gives them unlimited sanctioning power to enforce regulations. Correct! They often lack sufficient investigative staff. Question 7 0 / 1.2 pts Which of these is not a reason why it is so hard for criminologists to study occupational white collar crime? No governmental or private agency keeps reliable records on instances of white collar crime. You Answered Corporations quickly remove suspect employees and pay them to keep their mouths shut. Correct Answer Few research agencies believe that investigating white collar crime will stop it, or even reduce it. Professions monitor their practioners' behavior and resist criminologist inferences that some of that behavior is illegal. Question 8 1.2 / 1.2 pts Which of the following criminologists is credited with first drawing attention to white-collar crime within the social sciences? Sarbanes Oxley Correct! Edwin Sutherland Richard Quinney Karl Marx Question 9 1.2 / 1.2 pts A retail employee overcharges a customer for an item and then pockets the difference. This practice is best identified as a(an): Professional crime Corporate crime Correct! Occupational crime Organizational crime Question 10 1.2 / 1.2 pts A company knowingly allows an unsafe product to be sold, because it is anticipated to result in a greater profit than pulling the product from the market. This would qualify as: Correct! Corporate crime Cyber crime Occupational crime Professional crime Question 11 1.2 / 1.2 pts Which of these refers to the actions by which a business that produces a product not permitted for sale in the USA stops selling it there but begins selling it elsewhere in the world? Patent abuse Industrial espionage Insider trading Correct! Corporate dumping Question 12 1.2 / 1.2 pts Which of these is the crime committed when a person in a position of financial trust transfers money from the corporation into a personal account? "Pump and dump" Pilferage Correct! Embezzlement Corporate crime Question 13 1.2 / 1.2 pts What is the "big dirty secret" about white collar crime, at least according to the text? The "secret" is that.... ...French and Japanese espionage recently stole almost $1 billion in patents and infringement rights from IBM. ...most employees steal from their employers. Correct! ...the criminal justice system is soft on white-collar crime. ...the Chase Manhattan Bank did business with the Nazis during the war. Question 14 1 / 1 pts Which of the following forbids the formation of monopolies? Clayton Act Correct! Sherman Anti-trust Act Sarbanes -Oxley Act Federal Trade Act Question 15 2 / 2 pts Which of the following refers to the agreement of a corporation to stop violating the regulation for which it has been charged? Court injunction Correct! Consent decree Required recall Company kickback Question 16 1 / 1 pts When labor officials and negotiators secretly make a deal with management to the disadvantage of workers, it is known as: Ambulance-chasing Labor fraud Correct! Sweetheart contract Embezzlement Question 17 2 / 2 pts Why was Karen Silkwood's fatal car accident considered a suspicious occurrence? Because she was about to blow the whistle on several incidents of international price fixing. Correct! Because she was a "whistle blower" about a factory health condition. Because she helped convict several judges of wrong doing. Because she helped Martha Stewart do insider trading. Question 18 1 / 1 pts A retail worker steals merchandise at work. This is known as: Embezzlement Insider trading Correct! Pilferage "Pump and Dump" Question 19 2 / 2 pts Why is societal toleration of the power elite's "higher immorality" particularly dangerous for society? Correct! Because white collar crime indirectly fosters "crime in the streets." Because white collar crime often involves large sums of money. Because white collar crime often leads to drug abuse Because white collar crime proves that religion is no longer a glue that helps keep social order. Question 20 2 / 2 pts Which of the following serves as an example of a crime that, according to the text, one organization commits against another organization? Bribery Embezzlement Correct! Income tax evasion Ambulance-chasing Question 21 2 / 2 pts To what does the practice called "Pump and dump" refer to? Stealing from one's employer Corporations disposing of unsafe products overseas Price-fixing by gas stations Correct! Hyping a stock to drive up its price, and then selling at a profit Question 22 1 / 1 pts True or False? By pleading "nolo contendere" a corporation that is doing suspect business practices avoids paying any penalties for its activities. True Correct! False Question 23 1 / 1 pts True or False? The Federal regulatory agencies that are tasked with policing corporate criminal activity are often staffed by former executives of the very companies that they are supposed to police. Correct! True False Question 24 0 / 1 pts True or False? The UCR and NCVS do not record comprehensive data on rates of occupational and corporate crime. Correct Answer True You Answered False Question 25 1 / 1 pts True or False? The sum total of damages from all motor vehicle theft and general larceny theft far exceed the annual cost of all white collar crime. True Correct! False Question 26 1 / 1 pts True or False? Corporate, organizational, and occupational crime are recent problems in the United States, appearing for the first time after World War II. True Correct! False Question 27 0 / 1 pts True or False? Only Federal regulatory agencies are authorized to investigate and prosecute white collar occupational crime. You Answered True Correct Answer False Question 28 0 / 1 pts True or False? The Watergate scandal involved kickbacks and overcharges billed to the Federal government during the building of hydroelectric facilities in the Tennessee Valley Water basin. You Answered True Correct Answer False Question 29 0 / 1 pts True or False? In most cases, occupational and corporate offenders lose status among their peers as a result of their illegal behavior. You Answered True Correct Answer False Question 30 1 / 1 pts True or False? Most corporate wrongdoing is handled under civil law. Correct! True False Question 31 1 / 1 pts True or False? Society reacts more negatively toward conventional criminals than it often does toward professional criminals. Correct! True False Question 32 0 / 1 pts True or False? Sometimes described as the poster girl for white-collar crime, Martha Stewart was convicted of industrial espionage in 2004. You Answered True Correct Answer False Question 33 1 / 1 pts True or False? Criminologists have consistently analyzed corporate and organizational crime, dating back to the 1800s. True Correct! False Question 34 1 / 1 pts True of False? Ford Motor Company actually chose to adopt the policy that it was cheaper to pay death benefits than to recall and fix the Pinto line of cars' gas tanks. Correct! True False Question 35 1 / 1 pts True or False? Standard Oil sold fuel to the Nazis in WW2? Correct! True False Question 36 0 / 1 pts True or False? Churning by stock brokers is legally buy and selling stocks. Correct Answer True You Answered False Question 37 1 / 1 pts True or False? Law enforcement seems to focus more on street crime than it does on white collar crime. Correct! True False

What does it mean to say "One person's terrorist is another person's patriot? Answer and describe briefly one example of a political "crime" where that saying might apply. Your Answer: That term simply means that one's person terrorist, meaning a person who is hurting their country or government, is another person's patriot, or person who believes strongly in their country and beliefs. One example of one of these crimes was to be if one group is bombing another country, but only because they believe that what they are doing is right and is for the good of their country even though it is hurting innocent people. Describe one example each of a political crime against government and of a political crime by government. Your Answer: One example would be the Secret Police, which is a group of police who are allowed to violate human rights. This is a crime because they are violating rights. A crime against the government would be terrorism. Like if one group did not believe in our government and felt like we needed to be taken down, then they may do what the group responsible for 9/11 did.

What is the crime that so-called "boosters" do? Correct! Shoplifting Arson Pickpocketing Burglary Question 5 1.24 / 1.24 pts Which of the following is the most common form of vandalism? Correct! Wanton Professional Predatory Vindictive Question 6 1.24 / 1.24 pts Which of these is the most significant difference between "conventional" and "professional" property criminals? The number of crimes they commit each year. The places where they tend to commit their crimes. Correct! The skill with which they ply their trade. Their ages at which they entered the criminal world. Question 7 1.24 / 1.24 pts Why are some burglars called "known burglars?" Because they... ...are burglars who had been often caught and no longer ply their trade. ...are well known to professional criminals who like to recruit them for various jobs. ...associate with the well-known criminal networks in their area. Correct! ...are so clumsy in their work so as to become well known to police. Question 8 1.24 / 1.24 pts Which crime makes up the largest category of the UCR crime index? Vandalism Correct! Larceny/Theft Motor vehicle theft Arson Question 9 1.24 / 1.24 pts Which of the following is a characteristic of conventional criminals? They do not see themselves engaging in criminal behavior. Correct! They will not give up their lives of crime easily. Society generally admires them over all other criminal types. They strongly identify with middle-class values. Question 10 1 / 1 pts Which of the following types of shoplifters supplement their legitimate income by stealing? Correct! Shadow professional Booster Fence Snitch Question 11 1 / 1 pts Which type of arson does an inmate do when he sets fire to his cell in the middle of a prison riot? Excitement arson Correct! Sabotage arson Crime concealment arson Vandalism arson Question 12 1 / 1 pts What is the crime of those sometimes called "paper hangers?" They distract clerks during professional shoplifting jobs. Correct! They pass bad checks or other false documents. For a fee, they light fires for professional arsonists. They assist fences in the retailing of stolen merchandise. Question 13 1 / 1 pts Which of the following is the most common, less prestigious type of shoplifter? Snitch Correct! Booster Fence Mark Question 14 1 / 1 pts Which of these is true about the difference between "occasional" and "conventional" property criminals? "Occasional" criminals plan ahead more than "conventional" criminals do. "Conventional" criminals are less skillful than "occasional" criminals. "Occasional" criminals are more streetwise than "conventional" criminals. Correct! "Conventional" criminals aspire to become career criminals; "occasional" criminals don't. Question 15 1 / 1 pts Confidence games are examples of which kind of crime? Robbery Forgery Burglary Correct! Fraud Question 16 1.6 / 1.6 pts A group of youths paints swastikas on the door of a synagogue. What kind of vandalism would that be classified as? Predatory vandalism Correct! Vindictive vandalism Professional vandalism Wanton vandalism Question 17 0 / 2 pts Why do some criminologists not like to attribute the term, "professional," to career criminals? Because those criminals... not use specialized jargon or argot like respected professionals usually do. Correct Answer ...lack a public service orientation. You Answered not exhibit a high level of skill or expertise in what they do. ...lack a specialized code of conduct. Question 18 2 / 2 pts A "booster" engages in which kind of crime? Correct! Shoplifting Arson Pick pocketing Burglary Question 19 2 / 2 pts Which of these types of criminals does the text's author identify as people who obtain their sole livelihood through criminal behavior? Conventional criminals Corporate criminals Independent criminals Correct! Professional criminals Question 20 2 / 2 pts Which of the following is true regarding arson? All arsonists have the same basic motivation for their crime. Most arson is committed for profit. Most arson is committed by hired torchers. Correct! Juveniles commit arson more than they do any other index crime. Question 21 2 / 2 pts Which of the following is a characteristic of occasional criminals? Correct! Crime is not their sole means of livlihood Not easily deterred Often lower class They are likely to express identification with criminal behavior Question 22 2 / 2 pts Which of these types of fences sells stolen goods alongside of legitimate not-stolen merchandise? A Neighborhood Fence A Master Fence A Professional Fence Correct! An Outlet Fence Question 23 1 / 1 pts True or False? Property crimes greatly outnumber violent crimes in the contemporary United States. Correct! True False Question 24 1 / 1 pts True or False? "Professional crime" is a legal construct that is considered in sentencing. True Correct! False Question 25 1 / 1 pts True or False? Burglars are distinctive from most professional criminals by their willingness to use violence. True Correct! False Question 26 1 / 1 pts True or False? Fraud is defined as the "making, altering, uttering or possessing, with intent to defraud, anything false which is made to appear true." Correct! True False Question 27 1 / 1 pts True or False? A "Box Man" is the criminal who deals in the lucrative sale of stolen computer towers and cable conversion units. True Correct! False Question 28 1 / 1 pts True or False? Society reacts more negatively toward conventional criminals than it often does toward professional criminals. Correct! True False Question 29 1 / 1 pts True or False? Professional criminals are usually drug addicts. True Correct! False Question 30 1 / 1 pts True or False? Professional pickpockets are also known as "cannons." Correct! True False Question 31 1 / 1 pts True or False? Sabotage arsonists describe those individuals who have a morbid fascination with setting and observing fires. True Correct! False Question 32 1 / 1 pts True or False? Most professional criminals target activity that cannot be easily tracked. Correct! True False Question 33 0 / 1 pts True or False? Juveniles and young adults shoplift more than middle age adults. You Answered True Correct Answer False Question 34 1 / 1 pts True or False? The phrase "Hot spots" in criminology is was coined by Boosters to identify the best places to ply their art. True Correct! False Question 35 1 / 1 pts True or False? Most "inventory shrinkage" is due more to employee theft than to "customer" shoplifters. Correct! True False Question 36 1 / 1 pts True or False? The reason that society penalizes "conventional" criminals more harshly than others is because "conventional" criminals tend to come from lower socio-economic classes. Correct! True False

What is the major difference, according to the text, between corporate and occupational white collar crimes? Your Answer: The biggest difference would be that corporate crime is a type of organizational crime committed in free enterprise economies and thus involves criminal activity on behalf of the private business or corporation. Occupational crimes are personal violations for self-benefit during the course of a legitimate occupation. Describe two examples of criminal actions which an employee of a company or agency might commit against his employer. Do not just name the actions, but briefly describe real or imaginary examples of how the crimes have been, or would be, committed. Your Answer: One example of an employee against an organization would be embezzlement, which is theft from an employer by an individual who has reached a position of financial trust. One example of this would be an employee who embezzled $40 million dollars from Merrill Lynch by stealing from elite, private banking clients by using the name of a dead person to transfer securities from one bank account to another. Another type of this crime would be a cashier who rang up a lower price on single-item purchases and pocketed the difference or who rang up lower prices for a needy friend going through checkout. Describe two examples of criminal actions which a company or business might commit against its employees. Do not just name the actions, but briefly describe real or imaginary examples of how the crimes have been, or would be, committed. Your Answer: One crime would be the disregard for the safety of the employer when something can be done to prevent the harm that could happen to them. Like if an employer did not tell the employees about the risk of getting black lung and could give them masks but decide not to because it may cost too much. Another example would be the Karen Silkwood case where she was exposed to radiation leaks of plutonium.

Which of the following is true regarding the relationship between age and crime? Both property and violent crime rates remain about the same among all age groups. Correct! Both property and violent crime rates peak early in life, and then decline significantly with age. Both property and violent crime rates are low among the young, and tend to increase with age.

Which is the best predictor of criminality? Correct! gender economic status age race

A criminologist decides to study marijuana use among college students. To do this, the criminologist conducts a survey of the students, reviews police records of drug offenses near the campus, and engages in participant observation. Overall, this approach is representative of which of the following research strategies? Quantitative methodology Secondary analysis Correct! Triangulation Unobtrusive measures

Which of the following agencies is responsible for the publication of the UCR? Correct! The Federal Bureau of Investigation The U.S. Marshalls Service The Central Intelligence Agency The Secret Service

Based on all available evidence, exposure to media violence has... Correct! ...different effects on different viewers. ...a strong effect that inclines everyone to be more aggressive in dealing with others. ...a strong effect on the tendency to commit crimes for viewers between the ages of 16 and 32. effect on the tendency to commit crimes.

Which of the following generally happens as unemployment rises? Crime rates decrease only slightly. Correct! Crime rates tend to increase. Surprisingly, crime rates remain stable. Crime rates decrease significantly

Which of these crimes is the one which was not one of the original UCR Index Crimes when the system was established in the 1930's? Burglary Correct! Arson Motor Vehicle Theft Aggravated Assault

Which of the following is commonly used to refer to the number of crimes that are committed, but which never come to official attention? Correct! dark figure of crime indexed crimes unknown deviance hidden crime rate

Which of these is the most serious weakness of Uniform Crime Report data? Some states do not define crimes exactly as the UCR does. UCR data does not include any qualitative information that reveals crime trends. Correct! The UCR only counts crimes that have been reported. Anyone can manipulate the numbers of the UCR report to say anything they want about crime events in the USA.

Which of the following is true of laws? You Answered Laws are the most efficient means of social control. Laws only regulate behaviors considered "deviant" in a given soci Laws are valid only if prison time is a condition of their enforcement. Correct Answer Laws are often created when informal methods of social control weaken.

How would a "classical" theorist of crime explain an incident in which a young boy shoplifts a candy bar from a local store? The theorist would argue that... the boy did not learn moral standards from his parents. the Devil made him do it. Correct! the boy freely chose to steal. the boy was raised as a proletariat.

Which of the following practices would an adherent of the neoclassical school propose? Correct! Institutionalizing a "Three strikes and You're Out" sentencing policy for all criminals. Drug Courts designed to rehabilitate addicts. Family counseling for family members of a juvenile delinquent Victim assistance programs to help victims confront those who hurt them.

Which of the following data collection systems requires reports of detailed information on criminal incidents, including location, time, and presence of weapon? Correct! The National Incident Based Reporting System The Uniform Crime Report The National Crime Victimization Survey The FBI Annual Summary of Criminal Behavior

Which of the following refers to "consistency and/or stability of measurement"? validity triangulation Correct! reliability unobtrusiveness

Positivist criminology is largely centered on: Correct! Empirical researh Socialism Speculation Theological doctrine

Which of the following refers to the study of the size and shape of the skull to determine a person's intelligence and personality? Palmistry Correct! Phrenology Physiognomy Atavism

How many crimes comprise the Part I UCR crimes that up until now have been used to monitor crime trends in the USA? 7 6 12 Correct! 8

Which of the following research methods is the one that will use pretests and posttests in order to obtain valid data? Correct! Experimentation Secondary analysis Content analysis Participant observation

Which of the following statements could be considered a summary of Cesare Beccaria's innovative thought about criminal behavior and the justice system? Crime rates are determined by geography. Crime is the result of forces outside of an individual's control. Capitalism is the root of most crimes. Correct! The punishment should fit the crime.

Which of the following theoretical perspectives is based on the premise that human behavior is primarily hedonistic in nature? Ecological determinism Correct! Classicalism/Neoclassicalism Marxism Demonism

A person fails to lock his car doors in a parking lot. When he returns to his car, he finds that someone stole his GPS unit from the car's dashboard. Which of these types of "roles" describes the victim's failure to lock the car doors? Victim ignorance Correct! Victim facilitation Victim precipitation Victim provocation

Which of these "social structural" factors does NOT affect whether people characterized by them are likely to be re-victimized? structural density: the number of residential units in a building or neighborhood Correct! educational attainment: years of schooling completed. family structure, especially female-headed households residential mobility: living elsewhere within 5 years of the first victimization

According to Freudian theory, this is the socialized part of the personality, eveloped in order to function and gain acceptance in human society. Correct! Superego Unconsciousness Ego Id

Which of these best describes the reasoning behind all insanity defenses in court? Criminals were abused as children. Criminals are devious. Correct Answer Criminals are sick. You Answered Criminals cannot control themselves.

"Women accused of witchcraft were tied up and thrown in the water. If they survived, they were innocent." This type of practice is known as: Capital punishment Judicious proof Correct! Trial by ordeal Torture

Which of these does the neoclassical "rational choice" theory claim is the principal reason why a criminal commits a crime? The criminal has friends who encourage him to act. The criminal has inner tendencies that he needs to release. Correct! The criminal weighs the costs and benefits of acting or of not acting. The criminal needs to earn a living for himself and his family.

Which of these is the most serious weakness of the Uniform Crime Report published annually by the FBI? The UCR does not contain any qualitative information that is needed to determine crime trends. Anything numbers reported in the UCR can be manipulated to say just about anything about crime trends. Correct! The UCR only counts crimes that have been reported to police departments. Some states do not define crimes exactly as the FBI does.

Which of these is a likely result of the "feminization of poverty" trend that has been occurring in the United States? Minority children will not get educations as good as non-minority children will. Correct! Only the first second and second statements above All of the above The androcentric bias in the criminal justice system will quickly end. Neighborhoods with many single-mother family types will experience more juvenile delinquency

Marvin Wolfgang was the first to extensively study "victim precipitation" in a classic study on homicides in Philadelphia. Which of the following is one of the factors that did not significantly occur in those homicides? Correct! Most of the homicides involved strangers who started minor altercations that escalated Alcohol often played a role in the homicide Victims often were violent offenders against others. Often victims and offenders knew one another before the homicide occurred.

Which of these is considered the largest cost that victims have to pay, even though it is one of the hardest to calculate? the cost for loss of productivity the cost for lost property The cost for mental health care Correct! the cost for loss of quality of life

Which of these is the appropriate phrase to describe an individual who is shot while trying to break into a home? Victim precipitation Victim facilitation Victim agitation Correct! Victim provocation

Which of these is designed to provide victims a chance to meet with their offenders in a safe and structured environment? Victim/witness assistance programs Family justice centers Victim compensation court Correct! Victim-offender mediation programs

Which of the following best describes the relationship between immigrants and crime in the United States? Correct! First-generation immigrants do not have high crime rates, but their children usually have higher rates. First-generation immigrants have high crime rates, but their children always have lower rates. There is no relationship between immigration and crime rates. Both first-generation immigrants and their children have high crime rates.

Which of these is the erroneous belief that the failing of families is a social phenomenon that is separate and independent of inequality, racism, and discrimination? Correct! The Fallacy of Autonomy The Lower Class Culture Fallacy The Fallacy of Differential Opportunity The Global fallacy

Which of these victims account for one third of all victims who require hospitalization? Victims of Domestic Abuse Rape victims Victims of Drunk Driving Accidents Correct! Gunshot victims

Which of these is the most serious weakness of the Uniform Crime Report published annually by the FBI? The UCR does not contain any qualitative information that is needed to determine crime trends. Correct! If a crime has not been reported to a police department, it will not show in any UCR statistical report.. Any numbers reported in the UCR can be manipulated to say just about anything about crime trends. Some states do not define crimes exactly as the FBI does.

In three or four sentences, tell whether you think the consensus model of law or the conflict model of law dominate the way laws are formulated in modern American life. There is no right answer to this question, but for full credit you need to show that you understand the concepts and can illustrate them with an example or two. Your Answer: I think that the model of law that dominates the way laws are formulated in American life would be the consensus model of law. Many people agree for the most part on what constitutes law and what types of crimes need to be punished. For example, even the powerful are taken down by the law if they were to murder someone. Another example is that there isn't as much of a fight for control as there is an understanding that there needs to be law and that people need to respect it.

Which of these is the primary, most-used, source of official crime statistics in the United States? Correct! The Uniform Crime Report The FBI Annual Summary of Criminal Behavior The National Crime Victimization Survey The National Incident Based Reporting System

Which of the following crimes tends to increase with age? Murder Correct! Fraud Vandalism robbery

Which of these is the social position that is the strongest predictor of whether an individual might commit a crime in his or her lifetime? age You Answered education social class Correct Answer sex

The most important figure in biological positivism was: Robert Dugsdale Cesare Beccaria William Sheldon Correct! Cesare Lombroso

Which of these somatotypes correlated with delinquency in some studies done in the 1950's and 1960's? Correct! mesomorphs endomorphs ectomorphs

Even though a student realizes that he will never reach the economic and occupational success of which he once dreamed, he continues to go to work each day and diligently complete the tasks assigned to him. This is most consistent with which form of adaptation in Merton's theory of anomie/strain? Retreatism You Answered Ritualism Correct Answer Conformity Innovation

Which of these theories claims that people engage in criminal behavior when they experience negative relationships or negative life events? Lower-Class Reaction Theory Social Bond Theory Correct! General Strain Theory Differential Opportunity Theory

The "thermic law" of crime argues that crimes against persons increase in: Correct! Warmer climates Secular Societies Capitalistic Societies Hedonistic locales

Which of these was the theorist associated with early explanations of criminality who also designed the "panopticon," a form of prison that was adopted for a while both in the USA and in England? Andrew M. Guerry James Q. Wilson Correct! Jeremy Bentham Willem Bonger

Which of these is the most accurate statement about social class and the relationship to crime? social class has no relationship to the amount of crime Correct! lower social class tends to be involved in more crime than upper class social class is a definite predictor of crime lower social class people are involved in less crime than upper class

Which region of the United States tends to have the highest overall crime rate? The Midwest The West The Northeast Correct! The South

A particular student wants to do well in school but never seems to be able to earn higher than a D. In pursuit of academic success, the student begins to cheat on exams. This is most consistent with which form of adaptation in Merton's theory of anomie/strain? Retreatism You Answered Rebellion Correct Answer Innovation Conformity

Which term did Émile Durkheim coin to refer to "normlessness" within society? Correct! Anomie Strain Rebellion Proletariat

Which of these would argue that some individuals engage in delinquent activity because their aspirations are blocked by things like poor schools, little family income, and inability to move out of ghetto neighborhoods? Walter Miller, who claimed that delinquents seek subcultural values that emphasize trouble, toughness, smartness, etc. Correct! Robert Merton, claiming that people develop delinquent "modes of personality" to reduce strain between ideal middle class success and ability to achieve it. Clifford Shaw and Henry McKay, who showed correlations betwen changing urban neighborhoods and delinquent behavior patterns. Emile Durkheim, claiming that those individuals have no sense of right or wrong because society has undergone major change.

Which term did Émile Durkheim coin to refer to normlessness within society? Correct! Anomie Rebelliion Strain Conflict

When a crime is declared "unfounded," it means that the incident has been..... ...determined to be a crime of insufficient seriousness to warrant a police call Correct! ...defined by investigating officers as not constituting a criminal matter ...discovered by police and subsequently prosecuted with an arrest ...concealed by researchers to protect the anonymity of research subjects

While there is not complete consensus about tagging someone as "criminal," criminologists most strongly agree that the term can validly be used for which of the following? Persons who have committed deviant acts after age 18. Correct! Anyone who has repeatedly been found guilty of committing crime. All those who clearly have a "criminal mind." Any individuals who have been convicted of misdemeanor behavior.

What does the author mean when he says that "system costs" of crime and victimization are not equally shared in society? He means that... enforcement costs taxpayers more than any other needed societal function. ...State governments are the most burdened political entity when it comes to paying for the effects of crime. Correct Answer ...people and agencies in high crime areas pay more of crime's costs than people and agencies in low crime areas You Answered ...victims share the greatest cost of all crime.

Who can issue a victim impact statement? Correct! Only the victim or a family member Anyone who saw the victimization Only the victim Anyone who was in anyway involved at the scene of the victimization.

The Justice Department recently called for less imprisonment of mild drug users and low-level drug dealers. Which of these issues is the one that Cesare Becarria attacked in 1764 and which the Justice Department is now trying to overturn in the area of illegal drug use and trade? You Answered The practices by which prisoners are mentally shocked so that they will not want to return to crime after they are released from jail. Correct Answer The practice of treating some first-time offenders the same as career criminals. The arbitrary decisions of judges when sentencing drug traffickers who entice young kids to become addicts. The belief that criminals respond only to the threat of capital punishment.

Who of these did not contribute directly or indirectly to classical and neoclassical theories about the origins of crime? Karl Marx Correct! Albert Einstein Charles Darwin Sigmund Freud

Which of the following settings would stimulate an increase in crimes against persons, according to the "thermic law" of crime? Correct! Equatorial countries Hedonistic locales Capitalistic societies Secular societies

Willem Bonger saw capitalism as causing crime through its promotion of selfish individualism. Which of the following concepts closely resembles the idea of "selfish individualism?" Determinism Anomie Irresponsibility Correct! Egoism

Which of these crimes is the only one that might still be easily committed in modern day Iowa?

bank robbery

True or False? Criminologists agree that quantitative research is a means of inquiry superior to qualitative methods. True Correct! False

rue or False? Liquor law offenses are Part 1 Index offenses on the UCR. True Correct! False

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