Final Exam Questions Chapter 1-20

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The sodium equilibrium potential using an extracellular Na+ concentration of 145 mEq/L and an intracellular concentration of 14 mEq/L would be approximately ________.


The average resting membrane potential of an axon is ________.


What is the net filtration pressure of the glomerular capillaries?

10 mm Hg outward

How many proteins does it appear that humans can produce?


How much filtrate do the kidneys produce per day?

180 L

How much of the extracellular fluid comes from blood plasma?


Fatty acids provide the majority of the energy for muscle metabolism when a person is exercising at ________.

25% of VO2max

Normal venous PCO2 is ________.

46 mm Hg

Blood lactate will begin to rise when exercise is performed at a rate that is ________.

50% of VO2max

For the rhythm method to be successful, coitus must not happen ________.

6 days prior to ovulation through 2 days after ovulation

How much of the total body water content is in the intracellular compartment?


The normal range of arterial blood pH is ________.


The normal range of blood glucose concentration after fasting is approximately ________.

70 to 99 mg/100 ml

During maximal exercise, the skeletal muscles can receive as much as ________ of the total blood flow.


What is the normal value of arterial percent hemoglobin saturation?


Read the statements about protein digestion, and choose the incorrect statement.

A medication that inhibits the formation of HCl would decrease protein breakdown.

What occurs when the pressure in the ventricles drops below the pressure of the atria?

AV valves open

What chemical change occurs to histones that will turn on genetic transcription?


Which of the following is NOT an example of an inclusion?


What is the function of enterokinase secreted by the brush border?

Activates the protein-digesting enzyme trypsin

What commonly ingested substances are absorbed through the stomach wall?

Alcohol and aspirin

After several tests are performed, a patient is diagnosed with left-sided heart failure. Signs and symptoms in her history and testing should include ________.

All of the choices are correct.

Antidiuretic hormone ________.

All of the choices are correct.

Arterial blood pressure is influenced by ________.

All of the choices are correct.

Diffusion rate across the respiratory membrane is rapid because ________.

All of the choices are correct.

Phagocytosis is important for ________.

All of the choices are correct.

Sympathetic stimulation of the heart will ________.

All of the choices are correct.

The centrosome is responsible for ________.

All of the choices are correct.

The rate of diffusion is influenced by ________.

All of the choices are correct.

The suprachiasmatic nuclei ________.

All of the choices are correct.

What allows cardiac muscle to have sufficient oxygen during systole?

All of the choices are correct.

What event(s) could cause presynaptic inhibition?

All of the choices are correct.

What is the stimulus for the release of erythropoietin?

All of the choices are correct.

When blood glucose levels rise, the pancreatic islets are stimulated to release insulin, which acts on target cells to uptake glucose from the blood. Thus, the islets serve as the ________ in the feedback loop.

All of the choices are correct.

Which muscles contraction will stimulate inspiration?

All of the choices are correct.

Which of the following are natural analgesics?

All of the choices are correct.

Which of the following is a function of the steep Na+/K+ gradient across the cell membrane?

All of the choices are correct.

Which of the following may result from emphysema?

All of the choices are correct.

Which of the following stimulates the formation of the platelet plug?

All of the choices are correct.

Why is it necessary for the cell to degrade some cellular proteins?

All of the choices are correct.

For muscle contraction to occur, ATP and its hydrolyzed forms are needed for the ________.

All of these choices are correct.

Hypertension may cause ________.

All of these choices are correct.

Transportation functions of the circulatory system include ________.

All of these choices are correct.

Myasthenia Gravis is a disease characterized by the production of antibodies against nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, resulting in a decreased number of functioning receptors at motor end plates. Which kind of drug would most likely help with the symptoms of Myasthenia Gravis?

An acetylcholinesterase inhibitor

Choose the statement that characterizes the cerebral cortex.

Areas of the body with the greatest density of receptors will have larger areas on the somatesthetic cortex.

Which vessels are most important for controlling resistance to blood flow?


Which division of the nervous system innervates involuntary effectors?

Autonomic nervous system

What process involves the destruction of worn-out organelles by lysosomes?


Pernicious anemia develops if there is a vitamin ________ deficiency.


Where are OATs located?

Basolateral membrane of proximal tubule cells

Neuroglia are supporting cells present in the ________.

Both brain and spinal cord are correct.

Which of the following RAS neurotransmitters stimulates the cerebral cortex for wakefulness?

Both dopamine and norepinephrine are correct.

Movement of large molecules into a cell is called ________.

Both endocytosis and bulk transport are correct.

The process by which action potentials cause muscle contraction is ________.

Both excitation-contraction coupling and the electromechanical release mechanism are correct.

ADH would be considered a(n) ________ regulator of blood flow.

Both extrinsic and hormonal are correct.

If the dorsal root of a spinal nerve were to be cut, the individual would ________.

Both have no sensory perception from that nerve and have no reflexes involving that nerve are correct.

What type of neuron is found entirely in the CNS?

Both interneuron and association neuron are correct.

The period of time when Na+ channels are recovering from their inactive state and K+ channels are still open is the ________.

Both repolarization and relative refractory period are correct.

Nerves that innervate the muscles and skin of the leg arise from the ________.

Both the sacral and lumbar plexuses are correct.

Where does the bicarbonate secreted by the pancreas come from?

CO2 in the blood

Slow waves of the intestine are produced by what type of cells?


Which of the following is NOT true of the relaxation of a muscle fiber?

Calcium moves from troponin to tropomyosin.

Which type of muscle has the greatest capillary density?


Heme part of hemoglobin

Causes vasoconstriction of blood vessels to slow loss of blood

What structure separates the frontal and parietal lobes?

Central sulcus

Choose the statement that correctly characterizes the GI tract.

Choose the statement that correctly characterizes the GI tract.

Which tract is NOT part of the extrapyramidal motor tracts?


Chromatin is comprised of ________ and ________.

DNA and protein

What enzyme breaks the hydrogen bonds between the bases of DNA in preparation for replication?

DNA helicase

If blood glucose levels decrease from normal, which of the following changes takes place to bring glucose levels back to normal?

Decrease in insulin; increase in glucagon

Development and prevention of atherosclerosis are complicated, multifactorial processes. Which of the following would best represent desired trends in preventing or slowing the onset of atherosclerosis?

Decreased foam cell activity, increased statin inhibition of cholesterol synthesis, increased liver LDL receptors

Which of the following will decrease the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen?

Decreased pH, increased temperature, or increased 2,3-DPG

A spinal cord injury occurs to the posterior spinocerebellar tract on the right side. What deficits would be expected?

Decreased sensory impulses to the cerebellum on the right side

What role do bile salts play in digestion?

Emulsify lipids for digestion by enzymes

What substance can act as a retrograde messenger to suppress release of GABA to contribute to LTP?


Which of the following is NOT a function of membrane proteins?

Energy production

Apoptosis of T lymphocytes requires that Sertoli cells produce ________.

FAS ligand

A gene that stalls cell division if damaged DNA is present would be considered a proto-oncogene.


A patient experiences difficulty exhaling after taking a normal, full breath during a test of pulmonary function. The patient likely has a restrictive lung disorder, characterized by pulmonary fibrosis. This decreases the elastic recoil of the lungs.


A patient takes a daily thyroid hormone replacement medication to maintain normal thyroid hormone levels.


ATP and adenosine from macula densa cells stimulate vasodilation of the afferent arteriole.


Activation of the apneustic center would increase tidal volume.


All body cells have motile cilia with a "9+2" structure.


All cranial and spinal nerves are mixed.


Arteries usually carry oxygen-rich blood toward the heart.


As cardiac muscle is stretched, it contracts less forcibly.


Bile is produced by the gallbladder.


Blood clotting is an example of positive feedback since the action of the effector opposes that of the stimulus.


Blood flow in the brain changes as blood pressure changes.


Blood from the digestive organs enters general circulation and eventually reaches the liver for processing.


Blood plasma and interstitial fluid are separated from each other; therefore, there is little communication and exchange between these fluids.


Central chemoreceptors respond to changes in arterial oxygen and carbon dioxide.


Damage to the ventral nerve root would prevent the muscle spindle from transmitting information to the central nervous system.


Destruction of the general interpretive area, or Wernicke's area, would be apparent if someone could understand what they are hearing, but cannot form coherent words in reply.


Destruction of the superior colliculi would impact an individual's hearing.


Female accessory sex organs develop from the mesonephric ducts.


Impairment of voluntary movements is absolutely indicative of damage to the basal nuclei.


Leukocytes secrete serotonin, which will reduce the loss of blood.


Lymphatic vessels form a complete, closed circuit around the body.


Phase IV clinical drug trials involve testing a drug only on the specific human population who have the condition that the drug is intended to treat.


Pulmonary blood pressure is higher than arterial blood pressure because the blood flows a shorter distance.


Simple diffusion is the net diffusion of a solvent.


Sympathetic nerve fibers can cause the release of HCl from parietal cells.


The facial nerve is the major sensory nerve from the face.


The first heart sound is produced when the semilunar valves close.


The first of the three phases of extrinsic control of gastric function is the gastric phase.


The kidneys provide short-term adjustments to maintain blood pH.


The midbrain, thalamus, and pons are all considered part of the brainstem.


The osmotic pressure exerted by a cell would decrease if the cell synthesized more proteins.


The partial pressure of oxygen decreases at high altitude because the amount of oxygen in the air is decreased.


The pulmonary veins return oxygen depleted blood to the right atrium.


The ventricles completely empty when they contract in systole.


Thin filaments are composed of myosin and tropomyosin.


Tripling blood vessel radius would increase blood flow 64-fold.


Which stage of the cell cycle immediately precedes the S phase?


Benzodiazepines act by increasing ________ activity.


Neurons of the ventrolateral preoptic nucleus (VLPO) of the hypothalamus release ________ that promotes sleep.


At rest, blood flow is greatest in the ________.

GI tract and liver

Secretion of insulin from the pancreas is increased in response to increased ________.


Which of the following is NOT a primary active transport pump?


Since most filtered bicarbonate is reabsorbed, where does the bicarbonate come from that is used to compensate for acidosis?


What organelle functions to chemically modify cellular products and package them in vesicles?

Golgi complex

Which part of the red blood cell can bind to oxygen?

Heme part of hemoglobin

What causes the semilunar valves to close?

Higher pressure in the aorta and pulmonary trunk than in the ventricles

What type of intravenous fluid would be given to reduce edema?


Which of the following is NOT required to coordinate movement?


What is the condition of having low blood oxygen levels?


The light band of a skeletal muscle is known as the ________.

I band

Phase ________ clinical trials maximize the number of test participants and include human participants of both sexes, different ethnic groups, and those who have health problems besides the one that the drug is designed to treat.


Where is glycine released?

In the CNS

Myasthenia Gravis is a disease characterized by the production of antibodies against nicotinic acetylcholine receptors resulting in a decrease of functioning receptors at motor end plates. What would you expect to find as a result of this process?

Increased frequency of motor neuron firing

If a male has his testes removed following testicular cancer, which of the following is likely to occur?

Increased levels of GnRH

If blood glucose was elevated in the urine, it would stimulate which of the following changes to occur in the body?

Increased permeability to water in the collecting duct

What structures affect cell motility, adhesion, and proliferation?


How do small molecules like Na+ of K+ pass through the plasma membrane?

Ion channels

What is NOT true of conduction through dendrites and cell bodies of neurons?

It generates action potentials in the cell body.

Choose the correct description of the Na+/K+ pump.

It is an example of primary active transport.

Which of the following is NOT true of cyclic AMP?

It is found on the outside of a plasma membrane.

Choose the incorrect statement about norepinephrine.

It is released from adrenergic neurons in the parasympathetic nervous system.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding the extracellular fluid compartment?

It makes up 65% of the total body water.

Which types of connections allow epithelial cells to form strong membranes?

Junctional complexes

Which organ secretes erythropoietin?


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of white blood cells?

Make up the major formed element

Which of the following motility processes is NOT correctly matched to its description?

Mastication—removal of wastes

Choose the molecule that is correctly tied to its digestion or function.

Mixed micelles: Digestion would be impacted by brush border destruction

Which of the following is NOT a granulocyte?


In which of the following areas does carbohydrate digestion occur?

Mouth and duodenum

What enzyme is needed to start the cross bridging process?

Myosin ATPase

What substance can act as a retrograde messenger to increase LPT by increasing the release of glutamate from presynaptic terminals?


What is NOT true of the relative refractory period?

Na+ channels are inactivated

The transport of amino acids across epithelial membranes requires the ________.

Na+/H+ pump

A drug that blocked ________ channels would prevent neuron ________.

Na+; depolarization

What condition is caused by a sudden failure of the RAS?


What type of antigens are present in Type O blood?

Neither A nor B

Phagocytosis differs from endocytosis in that during phagocytosis ________.

None of the other choices are correct

Evaluate the pulmonary pressures provided, and determine what portion of the respiratory cycle is represented. Transpulmonary pressure = 6 mmHg Intrapleural pressure = 667 mmHg Atmospheric pressure = 670 mmHg Intrapulmonary pressure = 673 mmHg

Normal expiration

Which cranial nerve is NOT involved with eye movements?


Which of the following is NOT a primary tissue of the body?


What is it called when a mature follicle ruptures and ejects the oocyte into the uterine tube?


What structures keep the AV valves from everting under high ventricular pressure?

Papillary muscles and chordae tendineae

What type of cell signaling occurs through the extracellular matrix to nearby target cells?

Paracrine signaling

What determines how a regulatory molecule influences its target cell?

Polarity and solubility

What is the major hormone produced during the luteal phase?


Following musculoskeletal surgery on the lower extremity, oftentimes a return to ambulation (walking) is prescribed as soon as possible to reduce edema. Why?

Promotes fluid return via alternating pressures created by muscular contractions

Which of the following is NOT a function of the epidermis?

Provides strength and elasticity

What type of receptors will bind ATP and adenosine?

Purinergic receptors

The ________ are the last part of the electrical conducting system of the heart.

Purkinje fibers

What enzyme is needed for transcription?

RNA polymerase

Determine what is needed for the myosin head to undergo a power stroke.

Release of Pi

Which of the following is NOT a function of the Golgi complex?

Removal of the leader sequence from the protein

Ischemic heart disease causes ________ on the ECG.

S-T depression

What part of the heart's conduction system acts as the primary pacemaker?

SA node

Synaptic vesicles are docked to the plasma membrane of the axon terminal by a protein complex called ________.


What is the structural and functional unit of skeletal muscle?


What type of memory is involved in learning the material in Human Physiology about memory?


Which type of epithelial tissue would be found lining the uterine tubes?

Simple ciliated columnar epithelium

Which of the following types of transport does not require membrane proteins?

Simple diffusion

Which of the following cells do NOT normally have many aquaporins in their plasma membranes?


Which of the following is NOT an effect of gastrin?

Stimulates secretion of pancreatic juice enzymes

Which of the following is NOT an effect of CCK?

Stimulates secretion of water and bicarbonate rich pancreatic juice

What is the predominant effect of stimulation of nicotinic-gated channels?

Stimulation due to influx of Na+ ions

Which tunic of the GI tract is vascular and has many nerves and glands?


What type of cell signaling uses neurotransmitters to innervate its target organ?

Synaptic signaling

Why does rigor mortis result in muscular rigidity after death?

The ATP necessary to bind to the myosin head and release the cross bridge is no longer present.

What conditions favor the proliferation of intestinal microbiota in the large intestine?

The anaerobic environment of the large intestine

Dynamic constancy is a term used to describe homeostasis. Which of the following is NOT an example of dynamic constancy?

The pancreas releasing insulin when blood glucose levels are significantly elevated

What do muscarine and nicotine have in common?

They are both agonists for their respective receptors.

Choose the incorrect statement regarding EPSPs.

They have a refractory period.

A one molar solution would contain 6.02 × 1023 molecules of solute.


A patient is diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, which causes a loss of myelination of the axons in the brain. This would interfere with transmission of information between nuclei.


A small meal composed of one macronutrient would cause less gastric secretion than a large, mixed macronutrient meal.


Active transport proteins are often regulated by the availability of ATP.


An effective treatment for hypertension may include beta 1-receptor antagonists as well as diuretics.


An individual presents to the ER with a pneumothorax. The patient is unable to inflate the affected lung because the transpulmonary pressure has decreased.


Cells lacking lysosomes would be unable to undergo apoptosis.


Crossing over would contribute to the variability in genetic expression between siblings.


Decompression sickness could occur if an airplane's cabin depressurized at a high altitude.


Diffusion is more rapid in cells with microvilli compared to cells lacking microvilli.


Dilation of the afferent arteriole would increase glomerular pressure.


Diuresis is stimulated by atrial natriuretic peptide.


Freezing-point depression is a measure of osmolality.


Genomic imprinting allows for differing expressions of an allele.


Glucose enters the cell by the process of facilitated diffusion.


Hypoxia may stimulate new blood vessel growth.


In addition to its effects on kidney tubules, aldosterone affects salt and water absorption in the small intestine.


In males, conversion of testosterone to estrogen in the brain is essential for normal regulation of LH secretion.


In the Na+/K+ pump, three sodium ions from inside the cell must enter the carrier first.


Individuals using anabolic steroids would have increased amounts of smooth endoplasmic reticulum in their liver cells.


Interstitial fluid is made from blood plasma and returns to blood plasma.


Intrinsic regulation of blood flow provides localized control of peripheral resistance.


Inulin is a good measure of GFR because it is filtered but neither reabsorbed nor secreted by the kidneys.


Larger molecules such as cholesterol would be taken into a cell by receptor-mediated endocytosis.


Meiosis II is not completed in the secondary oocyte until after fertilization.


Negative feedback results in a response that opposes the original deviation from normal.


Oncotic pressure is the difference between the colloid osmotic pressure of the plasma and the colloid osmotic pressure of tissue fluid.


Osmoreceptors are involved in the regulation of blood volume.


Osmosis and simple diffusion do NOT require the actions of carrier proteins.


Pleural membranes envelop organs within the thoracic cavity.


Precursor mRNA is larger than the mRNA it forms.


Pulse pressure is the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressures.


Receptor-mediated endocytosis would be most appropriate in a situation where the cell needs to selectively control the amount of a substance that is taken into a cell.


Stimulation of the macula densa cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus would be stimulated if blood pressure decreased


Stimulation of the macula densa cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus would be stimulated if blood pressure decreased.


Sympathetic stimulation promotes an overall increase in blood flow resistance.


The collecting duct is naturally impermeable to salt but permeable to water.


The crossed-extensor reflex demonstrates double reciprocal innervation.


The immediate increase in ventilation as exercise begins can be explained through both neurogenic and humoral responses.


The initial phase of deglutition is a voluntary process.


The lining of the intestine provides a physical barrier against microorganisms and their toxins.


The liver is able to produce ketone bodies from fatty acids; therefore, it is critical for helping Type I diabetics remain stable.


The study of disease processes aids in the understanding of normal functions.


Tissues receive more O2 when the pH is lowered.


Transverse tubules contain voltage-gated calcium channels that respond to membrane depolarization, and are directly coupled to the calcium release channels in the sarcoplasmic reticulum.


Under resting conditions, all of the body's blood is pumped through the left ventricle in one minute.


Vital capacity is reduced in pulmonary restrictive disorders, but normal in obstructive disorders.


Which cranial nerve allows one to smile and secrete tears?


What is present at the axon hillock that allows the production of action potentials?

Voltage-gated channels

A "word salad" speaking pattern occurs when ________.

Wernicke's area is damaged

The combination of chewed food and saliva is called ________.

a bolus

Myostatin is ________.

a paracrine regulator that inhibits satellite cell function and muscle growth

A decrease in mean arterial pressure is detected by ________.

a sensor

The transport of digested food into the blood or lymph is ________.


Cholinergic fibers use ________ as the neurotransmitter.


Neostigmine, used to treat myasthenia gravis, blocks the enzyme that degrades ________. This helps treat the disease because ________

acetylcholine; it increases the amount of acetylcholine available to bind to receptors on the motor end plate.

The ________ provides enzymes that allow the sperm to digest a pathway through the zona pellucida to the oocyte.


Histamine is able to ________.

act as a regulator in inflammation and allergies

The major plasma protein is ________.


The hormone atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) functions antagonistically to ________.


A pH above 7.45 is considered ________.


Protein synthesis requires ________.

aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase to link amino acids to specific tRNA molecules

2,3-DPG comes from ________.

anaerobic respiration in red blood cells

The first 1 to 2 minutes of moderate to heavy exercise relies on ________ for ATP production.

anaerobic respiration of glucose

Chromosomes move to opposite poles in ________.


The pyramidal tracts include the ________ and ________ tracts.

anterior corticospinal; lateral corticospinal

Neurohypophyseal secretion of ________ stimulates formation of concentrated urine.

antidiuretic hormone

Cessation of breathing is known as ________.


The process of cell death in which cell membranes remain intact but become bubbled and the nuclei condense is known as ________.


Channels present in the membranes of some cells that allow rapid movement of water are called ________.


The most numerous of all cells of CNS nervous tissue are the ________.


The P wave of an ECG represents ________.

atrial depolarization

Hypotension could be induced by excessive ________ secretion.

atrial natriuretic factor

Blood flow is greatest at the ________ of the lungs and perfusion is greatest at the ________ of the lungs.

base; base

Acidic chyme is buffered by ________ secreted from the pancreas.


The majority of carbon dioxide is transported in the blood as ________.

bicarbonate ion

Carbon monoxide is lethal because it ________.

binds hemoglobin, preventing oxygen binding

When a scientist performs measurements in an experiment and does not know if the subject is part of the experimental or the control group, it is known as a ________ measurement.


When a scientist performs mesurements in an experiment and does not know if the subject is part of the experimental or the control group, it is known as a _______ measurement.


Neurotransmitter action could be prevented, or disrupted, if a drug or other agent ________.

blocked voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in the presynaptic membrane

Astrocytes are NOT involved in ________.

breakdown and engulfment of foreign material in the CNS

REM sleep is unique from other stages in that ________.

breathing and heart rate mimic the patterns during waking hours

Viagra works by blocking ________, which raises cGMP concentration, and promotes vasodilation of vascular smooth muscle of the penis.

cGMP phosphodiesterase

Muscle length has a more pronounced effect on contraction strength in cardiac muscle than in skeletal muscle. This is because cardiac muscle has a greater sensitivity to ________.


Ca2+ release channels in the sarcoplasmic reticulum of the heart are opened by an increase in Ca2+ in the cytoplasm. This is referred to as ________.

calcium-stimulated calcium release

A hypothesis is scientific if it _______.

can be tested

A hypothesis is scientific if it ________.

can be tested

A cell lacking a Golgi apparatus would not be able to add ________ to proteins.


The enzyme ________ catalyzes the formation of H2CO3 from CO2 and water.

carbonic anhydrase

Chorea is most likely to result from damage to the ________.

caudate nucleus

Central chemoreceptors in the medulla oblongata directly detect changes in the pH of the ________.

cerebrospinal fluid

Central fatigue is caused by ________.

changes in the CNS

Molecules which aid in the folding of a polypeptide chain into its tertiary structure are called ________.


Pepsin would not be found in the stomach if the ________ cells were destroyed.

chief or zymogenic

Individuals suffering from cystic fibrosis have defective ________ ion channels.


The arrangement of ________ and ________ contributes to the flexibility of the plasma membrane.

cholesterol; phospholipids

Random uncontrolled contractions of different muscle groups as a result of damage to the basal nuclei is a symptom of upper motor neuron damage called ________.


A continual recycling of electrical waves through the myocardium is called ________.

circus rhythm

The foramen ovale ________.

closes after birth due to decreased pulmonary vascular resistance

The ability to distend with pressure increases is called ________.


Jaundice is created by high blood levels of ________ when the bile duct is blocked by gallstones.

conjugated bilirubin

The conversion of short-term memory to long-term memory is called memory ________.


Systole refers to the ________ of the ventricles, when pressure is ________.

contraction, highest

The Na+/K+ pump ________.

contributes to the negative intracellular charge

The hypothalamus does NOT ________.

control reactions to odors

The main region of aldosterone action is the ________.

cortical collecting duct

A cell placed in a 9% saline solution (molecular weight = 58.5g) would ________.


The division of the cytoplasm in mitosis is called ________.


Genetic translation occurs in ribosomes located in the ________ of the cell.


The ________ is the liquid portion of the cell between the plasma membrane and nucleus.


The chorion frondosum develops from the ________ layer of the chorion.


Hyperkalemia would ________ the resting membrane potential of the cell.


The amount of water in a cell placed in a 0.8 Osm solution would ________.


Stress would cause GI motility and secretions to be ________.


Vasodilation is induced by all of the following EXCEPT ________.

decreased tissue metabolism

If atrial stretch receptors are stimulated, you would NOT expect ________ as a result.

decreased water excretion

You open a can of carbonated soda and pour it into a glass. The carbon dioxide formed bubbles because the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the air above the soda ________, a process explained by ________ Law.

decreased; Henry's

According to the Bohr effect, as pH is lowered, the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen ________.


The process of waste removal is called ________.


A patient is prescribed an MAO inhibitor by their doctor. Knowing the actions of MAO inhibitors, this patient's diagnosis may be ________.

depression, since MAO inhibitors block the degradation of serotonin at the synapse

The ________ limb of the nephron loop is impermeable to salt.


The first event to occur during development of the reproductive system would be the ________.

development of the Müllerian ducts

Hydrophobic molecules usually enter a cell via ________.


Most protein digestion occurs in the ________.

duodenum and jejunum

In a feedback loop, the integrating center sends information to the ________.


The tendency of the lungs to return to their initial size after stretching is ________.


Physiology __________.

emphasizes cause-and-effect mechanisms

Genes that have been silenced are passed to daughter cells during mitosis and meiosis in a process called ________.

epigenetic inheritance

The LH surge is caused by ________.

estradiol increasing frequency of GnRH pulses

Excitotoxicity is caused by ________.

excessive synaptic release of glutamate

Varicose veins can be caused by ________.

excessive venous congestion

Venous return is increased by all of the following EXCEPT ________.


The process by which cells secrete cellular products into the extracellular environment is ________.


Alpha motor neurons innervate ________.

extrafusal fibers

The endocrine and nervous systems are considered ________ homeostatic regulatory mechanisms.


he endocrine and nervous systems are considered ________ homeostatic regulatory mechanisms.


Sensory neurons within intestinal plexuses that travel in the vagus nerve to the CNS are called ________.

extrinsic afferents

Sensory impulses for fine touch, precise pressures, and body movement are carried by the ________ tracts.

fasciculi cuneatus and gracilis

Synaptic plasticity involves structural changes in neurons, such as ________.

formation of dendritic spines

The myocardium acts as a single unit called a/an ________.

functional syncytium

The ________ reflex stimulates increased gastrin activity and increased movement of chyme into the duodenum.


The process of gene expression occurs as ________.

genetic transcription and genetic translation

Degeneration of spinal motor neurons in adults may be due to a lack of ________ factor.

glial-derived neurotrophic (GDNF)

The outer surface bulges of the large intestine are called ________.


The process of blood cell formation is ________.


Bile pigment is a derivative of ________.

heme group without iron

During congestive heart failure ________.

high blood Ca2+ causes cardiac arrest in systole

If plasma levels of ________ were low, excessive cholesterol may be deposited throughout the body tissues, and cardiovascular risk could increase.

high-density lipoprotein

Hydrostatic pressure is ________ and colloid osmotic pressure is ________ at the arterial end of a capillary.

higher; lower

Blood flow would be increased by ________.


Both ________ and ________ are the regulators of effectors in most feedback loops.

hormones, nerve impulses

The ATPase enzyme ________.

hydrolyzes ATP into ADP and Pi

Hyperventilation is stimulated by ________.


Edema would be induced by all of the following EXCEPT ________.


Cerebral edema would be treated with a(an) ________ intravenous solution of mannitol.


Net filtration would be decreased by ________.


The first step in the scientific method involves the formation of a(n) ________.


Valves are said to be ________ when they do not close properly and blood leaks through them.


In response to increased internal temperature, blood flow to the skin will ________.


Cells placed in hypotonic solutions will ________.

increase in volume

The primary stimulus for insulin secretion is ________.

increased blood glucose concentrations

Increased blood flow resistance is caused by ________.

increased blood vessel length

Blood volume would be increased by ________.

increased renin secretion

An autoimmune disease that attacks the basement membranes of the glomerular capillaries could result in ________.

increased tubular osmolality

In anemia, 2,3-DPG is ________ and oxygen affinity is ________.

increased; decreased

According to the Frank-Starling Law of the heart, as contraction strength increases the stroke volume ________.


Diffusion ________ the entropy of a solution.


Intrapleural pressure ________ during expiration.


During moderate exercise cerebral blood flow ________.

increases slightly

Enterogastrone will ________ gastric function.


The drug spironolactone causes increased reabsorption of K+. In doing so, it must ________.

inhibit the actions of aldosterone

If the Na+/K+ pump did not function, the ________ of the cell would become more ________.

interior; positive

The majority of water within the body is found in the ________.

intracellular compartment

The muscle spindle is associated with ________.

intrafusal fibers

Homeostatic regulatory mechanisms known as ________ are "built-in" to the organs being regulated.


If ________ were absent, intestinal absorption of vitamin B12 could not occur.

intrinsic factor

Pre-mRNA contains noncoding regions called ________.


The action potential of cardiac pacemaker cells is caused by ________.

inward diffusion of Ca2+

Myocardial cells exhibit a plateau phase instead of quickly repolarizing. This is due to ________.

inward diffusion of calcium through slow Ca2+ channels

Conjugated bilirubin ________.

is a water soluble molecule

The affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen ________.

is increased in response to metabolic alkalosis

When a muscle cell generates tension but does not shorten, a(n) ________ contraction occurs.


The ________ nephrons play an important role in producing concentrated urine.


There is no mixing of blood layers or sounds from vessels during ________ flow.


Clotting factors are produced by the ________.


The enzymes for digestion of carbohydrates come from all of the following EXCEPT the ________.


An example of working memory would be ________.

looking up an address and addressing an envelope

If head trauma caused motor deficits to occur, it is likely that ________ was damaged. This would be indicated by the presence of ________.

lower motor neuron; flaccid paralysis

The secretory phase of the endometrium occurs when the ovary is in the ________ phase.


Tay-Sachs disease is caused by a genetic defect that causes accumulation of wastes and other molecules within cells. For this to occur, the genetic defect must affect the activity of ________ enzymes.


Cells which will undergo apoptosis would contain large numbers or quantities of ________.


A patient underwent a partial gastrectomy. As a result of this procedure, the patient ________.

may require regular vitamin B12 injections

Most corticospinal tracts decussate in the ________.

medulla oblongata

The cardiac control center of the ________ coordinates the autonomic innervation of the heart.

medulla oblongata

This process is also known as reduction division.


Chromosomes are lined up at the equator of the cell during this stage of mitosis.


The process of urination is called ________.


A dysfunction of ________ neurons would limit the ability to learn from and mimic the dance steps of an instructor.

mirror neurons

The organelle involved in the production of energy is the ________.


The specialized region of the sarcolemma at the neuromuscular junction is called the ________.

motor end plate

Structural classifications of neurons do NOT include ________.

motor neurons

Each somatic motor neuron with all the muscle fibers it innervates is a ________.

motor unit

Damage to the AV node could cause ________ on and ECG.

multiple P waves

Axonal regeneration is inhibited by ________.

myelin-associated inhibitory protein

Subunits of skeletal muscle fibers that are composed of sarcomeres are called ________.


The control of hormone secretion by its own effects is called ________.

negative feedback inhibition

Chemicals that stimulate action potentials in postsynaptic cells are called ________.


Curare is a competitive ACh antagonist at ________ ACh receptors.


Relaxation of cerebral blood vessels would be stimulated by excessive ________ activity.

nitric oxide

Proteins and mRNA exit the nucleus via ________.

nuclear pores

The function of the ________ is to produce ribosomal RNA.


Addictive drugs, as well as nicotine, activate dopamine release in the ________.

nucleus accumbens

Elephantiasis is caused by ________.

obstruction of lymphatic drainage

Ventricular fibrillation ________.

often occurs due to circus rhythms

Secondary active transport ________.

often utilizes symport proteins

The myelin sheaths of CNS neurons are produced by ________.


A cranial nerve with only sensory fibers is the ________.

optic nerve

Movement of water out of the large intestine is by ________.


Passive transport of water is known as ________.


Solutes that cannot freely pass through a membrane are said to be ________.

osmotically active

Meiosis is only observed in the ________ and ________.

ovaries; testes

Cardiac ________ channels are called hyperpolarization cyclic nucleotide (HCN) channels because they open in response to hyperpolarization.


The study of how disease or injury alters physiological processes is termed______.


Removal of the proximal portion of the small intestine should not affect ________, given that this is stimulated by ________.

pepsinogen secretion; gastrin

Proteins that are partially embedded on one side of the plasma membrane are ________

peripheral proteins

Proteins that are partially embedded on one side of the plasma membrane are ________.

peripheral proteins

Wavelike muscular contraction of the gastrointestinal tract is called ________.


The efferent arteriole delivers blood to the ________.

peritubular capillaries

Cells that perform ________ move through the ________ by amoeboid movement.

phagocytosis; extracellular matrix

The I neurons of the dorsal respiratory group stimulate the ________.

phrenic nerve

Aspirin inhibits blood clotting by directly preventing ________.

platelet plug formation

A stem cell that can give rise to all tissues except the trophoblast cells of the placenta is called ________.


The conjugation of nonpolar compounds in the liver makes them ________ and water ________.

polar; soluble

Cardiac output would be increased by ________.

positive chronotropic agents

When a vessel is damaged, chemicals are released from the vessel walls that attract platelets to the site of the damage. As they accumulate, more chemicals that attract more platelets to the area until the bleeding stops. This represents ________ feedback, with the platelets acting as the ________.

positive; integrating center

The resting membrane potential is closest to the equilibrium potential for ________.

potassium ions

The pathway of blood from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart is the ________ circulation.


The first sign of puberty in females is ________.

rapid longitudinal growth of the skeleton

Vasopressin induces renal water ________.


Cells with large numbers of microvilli on their apical surface are probably involved in ________.

reabsorption of molecules, such as during the production of urine

Intake of a specific molecule from the extracellular compartment by a cell occurs through ________.

receptor-mediated endocytosis

Proteins located on the surface of the plasma membrane can act as ________ for hormones.


A circular path of neurons synapsing with one after another is called a ________ circuit.


Excitation of the Golgi tendon organ normally causes ________.

relaxation of a muscle's extrafusal fibers

Shock-wave lithotripsy is used to treat ________.

renal calculi

The minimum plasma concentration of a substance that results in the excretion of that substance in the urine is the ________.

renal plasma threshold

For a theory to be scientific and accepted, it must be based on ________.

reproducible data

The conducting zone contains all of the following EXCEPT the ________.

respiratory bronchioles

Shaking of limbs at rest that disappears during voluntary movement due to damage to the basal nuclei is called ________.

resting tremor

The organelle that acts as enzymes for protein synthesis is the ________.


Cells actively involved in secreting proteins would contain large numbers or quantities of ________.

rough endoplasmic reticulum

The pumps that actively transport calcium back into the ________ are called Ca2+ -ATPase pumps.

sarcoplasmic reticulum

Muscle repair is due to ________ forming myotubes that fuse to form new muscle fibers.

satellite cells

The transport maximum is related to the property known as ________.


Due to acute trauma and resulting damage of the diaphragm, the ________ will need to become more active in order to aid someone during ________.

scalenes and pectoralis minor; inspiration

After meiosis I in males, ________ are formed.

secondary spermatocytes

The ________ phase of the endometrium is supported when the ovary is in the luteal phase.


The mixing movement of the small intestine is called ________.


A membrane that allows only certain molecules to pass through it is called ________.

selectively permeable

DNA replication is ________.


Dangerously low blood pressure that results from infection is ________ shock.


Dialysis uses the process of ________.

simple diffusion

Contraction of ________ muscle can be consciously controll


Contraction of ________ muscle can be consciously controlled.


Muscarinic ACh receptors are found in all of the following locations EXCEPT ________.

skeletal muscle

Cells which contain large numbers of mitochondria and large amounts of smooth endoplasmic reticulum are most likely ________.

skeletal muscle cells

Destruction or loss of the ________ could cause albumin levels in the urine to increase.

slit diaphragm

The osmotic pressure of a solution is directly related to its ________ concentration.


The events listed below are all components of respiration EXCEPT ________.


A muscle that constricts an opening is a/an ______


The movement of chromosomes during mitosis is due to ________.

spindle fibers

Acclimatization to altitude ________.

stimulates increased blood cell synthesis

Nitric oxide ________.

stimulates the dilation of blood vessels

Digitalis leads to increased intracellular calcium concentrations. This will create ________ myocardial contractions.


Germinal cells can most likely divide indefinitely due to the activity of an enzyme called ________.


Phase I clinical trials do NOT involve ________.

testing on the target human population

Phase I clinical trials do not involve ________.

testing on the target human population

The majority of sensory information is relayed to the cerebrum by the ________.


The metabolic regulation of blood pH occurs in ________.

the kidneys

Estrogen levels cause both increased and decreased hormone secretions from the anterior pituitary and hypothalamus at various points in the menstrual cycle. This indicates that ________.

the ovaries serve as the integrating center in a feedback loop with the anterior pituitary and hypothalamus

Stroke volume is inversely proportional to ________.

total peripheral resistance

The zygote (fertilized egg) has the ability to produce all the various types of cells found in the body. Therefore, it is a(n) ________ cell.


Glycosuria would occur if the ________ of the renal glucose transport protein is exceeded.

transport maximum or saturation level

The staircase effect or ________ represents a warm up effect due to increasing intracellular calcium concentrations.


If the ________ were not properly functioning, congestion in the venous system would be an expected sign.

tricuspid valve

Ventilation would be decreased by decreasing the activity of ________.

type II alveolar cells

Regulatory proteins are degraded outside of lysosomes by binding to ________ and then broken down by the proteasome.


A follicle that does not complete development into a mature ovarian follicle will ________.

undergo follicle atresia

Active transport ________.

utilizes energy

Endothelin causes ________.


Blood flow is increased by ________.


Most of the circulating blood can be found in ________.


Within the blood vessels, valves are found in the ________.


Which substance does NOT inhibit platelet aggregation?

von Willebrand factor

The primary function of the large intestine is ________.

water and electrolyte reabsorption

Pepsin would have the greatest activity ________.

when the pH of the chyme is less than 3

A decrease in temperature ________.

will shift the oxygen dissociation curve to the left

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