Final Exam Review

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The pressure exerted against the walls of the artery when the left ventricle contracts is called the:

systolic pressure.

Signs and symptoms of a sympathomimetic drug:


When caring for a patient who takes numerous medications, it is best to:

take all of the patient's medications with you to the hospital and document them on your patient care report.

The determination of whether a medical patient is a high-priority or low-priority transport is typically made:

after the primary assessment has been completed.

Which aspect of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) most affects EMS personnel?

Protecting patient privacy

"Spina bifida is MOST accurately defined as:

" a birth defect caused by incomplete closure of the spinal column

"A tube from the brain to the abdomen that drains excessive cerebrospinal fluid is called a:

" shunt

A disposable oxygen humidifier should be considered for ambulance services that often transport patients on runs longer than:

1 hour

The effects of epinephrine are typically observed within _________ following administration

1 minute

When parking your ambulance at the scene of a motor vehicle crash, you should position the ambulance:

100' past the scene on the same side of the road

Typically medivac helicopters fly between:

130 and 150 mph

A newborn infant will usually begin breathing spontaneously within _______ seconds following birth.

15 to 30

A mother who is pregnant with her first baby is typically in the first stage of labor for approximately:

16 hours.

The suture of the anterior fontanelle is typically closed by _____ months of age, and the suture of the posterior fontanelle is typically closed by _____ months of age.

18, 6

A person is said to be obese when he or she is ________ over his or her ideal weight

20% to 30%

Which of the following statements regarding a breech presentation is MOST correct?

A breech presentation occurs when the buttocks are the presenting part.

Which of the following statements regarding a decreased level of consciousness in the elderly patient is correct?

A decreased level of consciousness is not a normal part of the aging process

Which of the following statements regarding the aging process is correct?

Aging is a linear process; the rate at which a person loses functions does not increase with age

Causes of delirium in the older patient include all of the following, EXCEPT:

Alzheimer disease

Common causes of acute psychotic behavior include all of the following, EXCEPT:

Alzheimer's disease.

Which of the following is a major difference between angina pectoris and AMI?

Anginal pain typically subsides with rest.

You have just delivered a full-term infant. His respirations are rapid and irregular, and he has a strong cry.What should you do next?

Assess the brachial or umbilical pulse.

Which of the following is the LEAST reliable assessment parameter to evaluate when determining the presence of shock in infants and children?

B. blood pressure

____________ is what you can see of a person's response to the environment.


Which of the following statements regarding gastrointestinal bleeding is correct?

Bleeding within the gastrointestinal tract is a symptom of another disease, not a disease itself.

A transient ischemic attack (TIA) occurs when:

C. the normal body processes destroy a clot in a cerebral artery.

A patient who is experiencing aphasia is:

C. unable to produce or understand speech.

Which of the following statements regarding pediatric trauma is correct?

Children are more likely to experience diving-related injuries.

Which of the following statements regarding a pediatric patient's anatomy is correct?

Children have a larger, rounder occiput compared to adults.

Which of the following statements regarding a "dirty bomb" is correct?

Dirty bombs could injure victims with both radioactive material and the explosive material used to deliver it

Which of the following statements regarding fire ants is correct?

Fire ants often bite a person repeatedly.

__________ rays easily penetrate through the human body and require several inches of lead or concrete to prevent penetration


General guidelines for managing a patient with a behavioral emergency include:

General guidelines for managing a patient with a behavioral emergency include:

Which of the following statements regarding hearing aids is correct?

Hearing aids cannot restore hearing to normal levels

"Which of the following is NOT a reason why the exact extent and prevalence of elder abuse is unknown?

Human resource agencies fail to investigate

A type _____ ambulance features a conventional, truck cab-chassis with a modular ambulance body that can be transferred to a newer chassis as needed


Which of the following statements regarding the use of the warning lights and siren on the ambulance is correct?

If it is necessary to use the siren, you should tell the patient beforehand

Which of the following statements regarding inhaled poisons is correct?

Lung damage may progress after the patient is removed from the environment.

Which of the following statements regarding communications with the elderly is correct?

Older patients have difficulty understanding when they are stressed

Organic brain syndrome is MOST accurately defined as:

Organic brain syndrome is MOST accurately defined as:

Which of the following statements regarding pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is correct?

PID can scar the fallopian tubes, which increases the risk of an ectopic pregnancy.

Which of the following statements regarding gonorrhea is correct?

Painful urination is a common symptom of gonorrhea in men and women.

Which of the following conditions would MOST likely cause a patient to slur words, speak very slowly, or speak in a monotone?

Parkinson disease

Which of the following statements regarding rape is correct?

Rape is a legal diagnosis, not a medical diagnosis.

Which of the following would be the MOST practical method of communicating with a hearing-impaired patient until his or her hearing aids can be located?

Using a piece of paper and writing utensil to ask questions

Common signs and symptoms of a hypertensive emergency include:

a bounding pulse, a severe headache, and dizziness.

Osteoporosis is MOST accurately defined as:

a decrease in bone mass and density

During the natural process of aging, the number of functional cilia in the respiratory system decreases, resulting in:

a decreased ability to cough

An infant with severe dehydration would be expected to present with:

absent urine output.

When assessing an older patient who has multiple bruises in various stages of healing, the EMT should do all of the following, EXCEPT:

accuse a caregiver of physical abuse

Activated charcoal administration is contraindicated in patients who have ingested:

acids or alkalis.

You are dispatched to a residence for a 67-year-old female who was awakened by shortness of breath and sharp chest pain. Her husband tells you that she was recently discharged from the hospital after having hip surgery. Your assessment reveals dried blood around her mouth, facial cyanosis, and an oxygen saturation of 88%. This patient's presentation is MOST consistent with:

acute pulmonary embolism.

A specific legal document that directs relatives and caregivers regarding the medical treatment that may be given to patients who cannot speak for themselves is called a(n):

advance directive

While using lights and siren, most state laws permit an ambulance to:

carefully exceed the posted speed limit

The head and brain receive their supply of oxygenated blood from the:

carotid arteries.

The umbilical cord:

carries oxygen to the baby via the umbilical vein.

Syncope in the older patient is:

caused by an interruption of blood flow to the brain

A carboy is a container that would MOST likely be used to store and transport:


Early signs of respiratory distress in the pediatric patient include all of the following, EXCEPT:


Which of the following conditions is more common in women than in men?


Which of the following activities occurs in the warm zone?


A common cause of shock in an infant is:

dehydration from vomiting and diarrhea.

The amniotic fluid serves to:

insulate and protect the fetus.

Diabetic ketoacidosis occurs when:

insulin is not available in the body.

Compared to an adult, the diaphragm dictates the amount of air that a child inspires because the:

intercostal muscles are not well developed.

The leading cause of maternal death during the first trimester of pregnancy is:

internal bleeding caused by a ruptured ectopic pregnancy.

When caring for a known alcoholic patient with severe trauma to the chest and abdomen, you should be concerned that:

internal bleeding may be profuse because prolonged alcohol use may impair the blood's ability to clot.

The MOST common and usually the most serious ambulance crashes occur at:


The AED is MOST advantageous to the EMT because:

it delivers prompt defibrillation to patients with ventricular fibrillation.

Aggressive ambulance driving may have a negative effect on other motorists because:

it may not allow for their reaction time to respond to your vehicle

Substance abuse is MOST accurately defined as:

knowingly misusing a substance to produce a desired effect.

Which of the following organs would MOST likely bleed profusely if injured?


A 50-year-old female is entrapped in her passenger car after it struck a tree. As the rescue team is preparing to extricate her, you quickly assess her and determine that she is breathing shallowly and that her radial pulse is absent. You should:

maintain spinal stabilization as she is extricated

People at risk for suicide include all of the following, EXCEPT:

married males older than 30 years.

When multiple patients present with an acute onset of difficulty breathing, chest tightness, and hoarseness or stridor, you should be MOST suspicious of exposure to:

phosgene or chlorine

Pregnant women are advised to take iron supplements, such as prenatal vitamins, because:

pregnancy causes a decreased number of red blood cells, which predisposes the mother to anemia.

A pregnant trauma patient may lose a significant amount of blood before showing signs of shock because:

pregnant patients have an overall increase in blood volume.

Following delivery of a pulseless and apneic infant who has a foul odor, skin sloughing, and diffuse blistering, you should:

provide emotional support to the mother.

If a newborn's heart rate is less than 60 beats/min following delivery, you should:

provide ventilations for 30 seconds.

Which of the following is a typical function of the rescue team?

providing safe entry and access to patients

Patients with thrombophilia are at an increased risk for:

pulmonary embolism.

Which of the following blood vessels transports oxygenated blood?

pulmonary veins

The left ventricle has the thickest walls because it:

pumps blood into the aorta and systemic circulation.

Upon delivery of the baby's head, you note that its face is encased in the unruptured amniotic sac. You should:

puncture the sac and suction the baby's mouth and nose.

During a HazMat incident, you are working in the treatment area. As patients are removed from the danger zone, you should:

remain where you are and have the patients brought to you

The EMT's role at the scene of a search and rescue attempt is to:

stand by at the command post until the person is located

From what internal female organ is the fetus expelled during delivery?


Common causes of syncope in older patients include all of the following, EXCEPT:


Which of the following physiologic actions does epinephrine produce when given for an allergic reaction?

vasoconstriction and bronchodilation

The tip of a central venous catheter rests in the:

vena cava

Sudden death following AMI is MOST often caused by:

ventricular fibrillation.

The MOST common cause of dehydration in pediatric patients is:

vomiting and diarrhea.

In the presence of ileus, the only way the stomach can empty itself is by:


The main objective of traffic control at the scene of a motor vehicle crash is to:

warn oncoming traffic and prevent another crash

Signs of vasoconstriction in the infant or child include:

weak distal pulses.

An infant is considered to be premature if it:

weighs less than 5 lb or is born before 36 weeks' gestation.

The two MOST common signs of anaphylaxis are:

wheezing and widespread urticaria.

When obtaining medical history information from the family of a suspected stroke patient, it is MOST important to determine:

when the patient last appeared normal.

As soon as you leave the hospital and are en route back to your station, you should inform the dispatcher:

whether you are back in service

Nitroglycerin is contraindicated in patients:

who have experienced a head injury.

If you properly assess and stabilize a patient at the scene, driving to the hospital with excessive speed:

will decrease the driver's reaction time

Adutl epi auto-injector delivers __________ mg of epin, & the pedi auto-injector delivers __________ mg.

0.3; 0.15

Which of the following is MOST characteristic of adequate breathing?

24 breaths/min with bilaterally equal breath sounds and pink skin

Hydroplaning of the ambulance on wet roads would most liekly occur at speeds of greater than ___________ mph.

30 mph

Which of the following interventions may be used to help reduce intracranial pressure?

30-degree elevations of the head

In two-rescuer adult CPR, you should deliver a compression to ventilation ratio of:


A portable oxygen cylinder should have a maximum capacity of ___________ of oxygen.

500 L

Which of the following is a late sign of hypoxia?


Which of the following is the most common mechanism of injury in older patients?


Which of the following types of consent allows treatment of a patient who is unconscious or mentally incapacitated?


Which of the following would cause the greatest increase in cardiac output?

Increased heart rate and increased stroke volume

To reverse the effects of a narcotic overdose you should administer:


Which of the following statements regarding the hypoxic drive is MOST correct?

The hypoxic drive stimulates a person to breathe on the basis of low oxygen levels.

A "silent" heart attack occurs when:

The usual chest pain is not present.

An infectious disease is MOST accurately defined as:

a medical condition caused by the growth and spread of small harmful organisms within the body.

Vector-borne transmission of an infectious organism occurs via:

animals or insects.

Alkalosis is a condition that occurs when:

blood acidity is reduced by excessive breathing.

Signs of severe dehydration in an infant include all of the following, except:

bulging fontanelles.

Insulin function in the body by:

enabling glucose to enter the cells.

At the onset of an acute asthma attack, patients commonly experience difficulty breathing and:

expiratory wheezing.

Hepatitis B is more virulent than hepatitis C, which means that it:

has a greater ability to produce disease.

A patient who is possibly experiencing a stroke for thrombolytic (fibrinolytic) therapy if he or she:

has bleeding within the brain.

Urticaria is the medical term for:


The continuous quality improvement (CQI) process is designed to:

identified areas of improvement and provide remedial training if needed.

Gastric distention will MOST likely occur:

if you ventilate a patient too quickly.

Asthma is caused by a response of the:

immune system.

The hypoxic drive is influenced by:

low blood oxygen levels.

In contrast to abruptio placenta, placenta previa:

might present without significant abdominal pain.

The first month of life is referred to as the

neonatal period.

It is especially important to assess pulse, sensation, and movement in all extremities as well as pupillary reactions in patients with a suspected ___________ problem.


Heroin is an example of a(n):


The greatest danger in displaying a personal bias or "labeling" a patient who frequently calls EMS is:

overlooking a potentially serious medical condition.

Hypotension, hypoventilation, and pinpoint pupils would be expected following an overdose of:

oxycodone (Percocet).

Eclampsia is most commonly defined as:

seizures that result from severe hypertension.

Which of the following conditions would LEAST likely result in hypoxia?

severe anxiety

Dyspnea is MOST accurately defined as:

shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.

A high-pitched inspiratory sound that indicates a partial upper airway obstruction is called:


Harsh, high-pitched inspiratory sounds are characteristic of:


The most serious consequence of drug or alcohol abuse among EMS personnel is:

substandard or inappropriate patient care.

An air embolism associated with diving occurs when:

the diver holds his or her breath during a rapid ascent.

When the parasympathetic nervous system is activated:

the heart rate decreases and the blood vessels dilate.

Ventricular tachycardia causes hypotension because:

the left ventricle does not adequately fill with blood.

Epinephrine is indicated for patients with an allergic reaction when:

wheezing and hypotension are present.

Signs of upper airway obstruction in an infant or clid include all of the following except:


An index of suspicion is MOST accurately defined as:

your awareness and concern for potentially serious underlying and unseen injuries or illness.

Which of the following statements regarding the pain associated with AMI is correct?

It can occur during exertion or when the patient is at rest.

What is the function of the left atrium?

It receives oxygenated blood from the lungs.

What maneuver should be used to open the airway of an unresponsive patient with suspected trauma?

Jaw-thrust maneuver

IN general, medevac helicopters should be utilized when:

PT has time dependent injury, & traffic would delay definitive care.

Early signs of respiratory distress ina pediatric patient include all of the following, except:


After an advanced airway device has been inserted during two-rescuer CPR, you should:

deliver one rescue breath every 6 seconds.

Diabetes is MOST accurately defined as a(n):

disorder of glucose metabolism.

Typical chief complaints in patients with an infectious disease include:

fever, rash, nausea, and difficulty breathing.

A pleural effusion is MOST accurately defined as:

fluid accumulation outside the lung.

The stopped posture of some older people, which gives them a humpback appearance, is called:


In order for efficient pulmonary gas exchange to occur:

oxygen and carbon dioxide must be able to freely diffuse across the alveolar-capillary membrane.

Preeclampsia MOST commonly occurs after the ____ week of gestation.


If the situation allows, a child should be transported in a car seat if he or she weighs less than _____ lbs.

40 (lbs)

A portable oxygen cylinder should have a capacity of a minimum of ____ of oxygen

500 L

Febrile seizures are MOST common in children between:

6 months and 6 years.

A child may begin to show signs of separation anxiety as early as:

6 months.

Capillary refill time is MOST reliable as an indicator of end-organ perfusion in children younger than:

6 years.

The normal respiratory rate for a newborn should not exceed ______ breaths/min.

60 (breaths/min)

Which of the following patients is at highest risk for a pulmonary embolism?

71-year-old male with recent surgery to a lower extremity

If a baby is born at 7:52, the second Apgar score should be calculated at:


Which of the following is the MOST reliable method of estimating a patient's cardiac output?

Assess the heart rate and strength of the pulse.

Which of the following statements regarding interaction with the caregiver of a child or adult with special health care needs is correct?

Communication with the patient's caregiver or family members is important because they are the most familiar with the patient's condition

In general, medivac helicopters should be utilized when:

a patient has a time-dependent injury or illness and traffic conditions would cause a significant delay in definitive care

The EMT should be MOST concerned when a child presents with fever and:

a rash.

When caring for a patient with documented hypoglycemia, you should be MOST alert for:

a seizure.

The final stage of death and dying most commonly takes the form of:


When interacting with a developmentally disabled patient, the best approach is to:

ask your team members to wait until you can establish a rapport with the patient

The third stage of labor begins when the:

baby is expelled from the vagina.

The primary waste product of aerobic metabolism is:

carbon dioxide.

Two thirds of children born with Down syndrome have:

congenital heart disease

An older patient with significant dehydration would MOST likely present with:

dizziness or fainting upon standing

To date, the preferred weapons of mass destruction for terrorists have been:

explosive weapons

Blood that is ejected from the right ventricle:

flows into the pulmonary arteries.

The stooped posture of some older people, which gives them a humpback appearance, is called:


An absence seizure is also referred to as a:

petit mal seizure.

Excessive eating caused by cellular "hunger" is called:


Early signs of respiratory distress in the child include:


All of the following are vesicant agents, EXCEPT:


During delivery, it is MOST important to position your partner at the mother's head because:

the mother may become nauseated and vomit.

The left cerebral hemisphere controls:

the right side of the body.

When caring for patients with cerebral palsy, it is important to remember that:

their limbs are often underdeveloped and are prone to injury

A patient in respiratory arrest at the scene of a mass-casualty incident would typically be classified as a fourth priority (black tag; expectant) patient, unless:

there are enough resources to provide care for him or her

Vigorous suctioning of a newborn's airway is indicated if:

there is meconium in the amniotic fluid.

Cardiac output may decrease if the heart beats too rapidly because:

there is not enough time in between contractions for the heart to refill completely.

When assessing or treating an adolescent patient, it is important to remember that:

they usually do not wish to be observed during a procedure.

Successful treatment of a stroke depends on whether:

thrombolytic therapy is given within 3 hours after symptoms began.

A person who routinely misuses a substance and requires increasing amounts to achieve the same effect is experiencing a(n):


You respond to a residence for a child who is having a seizure. Upon arrival at the scene, you enter the residence and find the mother holding her child, a 2-year-old male. The child is conscious and crying. According to the mother, the child had been running a high fever and then experienced a seizure that lasted approximately 3 minutes. You should:

transport the child to the hospital and reassure the mother en route.

The ____________ supervisor is responsible for notifying area hospitals and determining their availability and capabilities


When explaining the need for a particular procedure to an elderly patient, you should:

use plain language and simple terms

The principal clinical difference between a stroke and hypoglycemia is that patients with hypoglycemia:

usually have an altered mental status or decreased level of consciousness.

After squeezing the end of a child's finger or toe for a few seconds, blood should return to the area within:

2 seconds.

Which of the following is the MOST appropriate dose of activated charcoal for a 20-kg child?

20 g

An abortion occurs when the fetus and placenta deliver before:

20 weeks.

Blood loss in a child exceeding _____ of his or her total blood volume significantly increases the risk of shock.


Blood pressure is usually not assessed in children younger than _____ years.

3 (years)

Hydroplaning of the ambulance on wet roads would MOST likely occur at speeds of greater than _____ mph


Most patients who die of anaphylaxis do so within the first __________ following exposure

30 minutes

Portable and mounted suction units must be powerful enough to generate a vacuum of at least ____ mm Hg when the tubing is clamped


What Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score would you assign to a patient who responds to painful stimuli, uses inappropriate words, and maintains his or her arms in a flexed position?


You have just delivered a baby boy. His body is pink, but his hands and feet are blue. His heart rate is approximately 110 beats/min and his respirations are rapid and irregular. He has a weak cry when stimulated and resists attempts to straighten his legs. His Apgar score is:


Which of the following statements regarding a 3-month-old infant is correct?

A 3-month-old infant can distinguish a parent from a stranger.

In what area of the lungs does respiration occur?


Which of the following statements regarding anaphylaxis is correct?

Anaphylaxis is characterized by airway swelling and hypotension.

Common causes of seizures in children include all of the following, EXCEPT:

B. hyperglycemia.

Glipizide, a non-insulin-type medication, is another name for:


Which of the following statements regarding communications at a disaster or mass-casualty incident is correct?

If possible, use face-to-face communications to minimize radio traffic

Which of the following statements regarding spinal injuries in pediatric patients is correct?

If the cervical spine is injured, it is most likely to be an injury to the ligaments because of rapid movement of the head.

Which of the following statements regarding sickle cell disease is correct?

In sickle cell disease, the red blood cells are abnormally shaped and are less able to carry oxygen.

Which of the following is a normal physiologic change that occurs in the mother's respiratory system during pregnancy?

Increased respiratory rate and decreased respiratory reserve

Which of the following statements regarding suicide in the older patient is correct?

Older patients tend to use more lethal means than younger patients

Which of the following statements regarding dialysis is correct?

Patients who miss a dialysis treatment often present with weakness.

Which of the following statements regarding patients with developmental disabilities is correct?

Patients with developmental disabilities are susceptible to the same disease processes as other patients

Albuterol is a generic name for:


Which of the following statements regarding anthrax is correct?

Pulmonary anthrax is the most deadly form

Which of the following statements regarding blast injuries is correct?

Solid organs are relatively protected from shock wave injury but may be injured during the secondary or tertiary blast phase

Which of the following statements regarding glucose is correct?

The brain requires glucose as much as it requires oxygen.

Which of the following observations or statements represents the ""E"" in the GEMS diamond?

The patient's residence is cold due to a malfunctioning heater

Which of the following statements regarding the placenta is correct?

The placenta allows oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other products to transfer between the mother and fetus but does not allow blood to mix between the mother and fetus.

Which of the following statements regarding the rapid extrication technique is correct?

The rapid extrication technique is indicated if the scene is unsafe and the patient is not entrapped in his or her vehicle

Which of the following statements regarding preschool-age children is correct?

They can usually identify painful areas when questioned.

Which of the following physiologic actions does epinephrine produce when given for an allergic reaction?

Vasoconstriction and bronchodilation

Albuterol is a generic name for:


Whenever possible, a female sexual assault victim should be:

Whenever possible, a female sexual assault victim should be:

Which of the following is an indication of imminent birth?

Which of the following is an indication of imminent birth?

Which of the following statements regarding the Salmonella bacterium is correct?

Which of the following statements regarding the Salmonella bacterium is correct?

Which of the following statements regarding twins is correct?

Which of the following statements regarding twins is correct?

Which of the following questions would be of LEAST pertinence during the initial questioning of a patient who ingested a substance?

Why was the substance ingested?

Which of the following situations would require the use of a specialized rescue team?

a patient trapped in a cave or a confined space

Spina bifida is a developmental defect in which:

a portion of the spinal cord or meninges protrudes outside of the vertebrae.

Characteristics of a safe ambulance operator include:

a positive attitude about the ability to tolerate other drivers

Characteristic anatomic features of Down syndrome include:

a round head with a flat occiput

Continual reassessment of the scene at a suspected terrorist or WMD incident is MOST important because:

a secondary explosive device may detonate

A significant number of patients with cerebral palsy also have:

a seizure disorder

Which of the following MOST accurately describes a simple partial seizure?

a seizure that begins in one extremity

A raised, swollen, well-defined area on the skin that is the result of an insect bite or sting is called:

a wheal.

A sign of respiratory distress seen in the neck is:

accessory muscle use.

You have just delivered a major trauma patient to the hospital. Shortly after departing the hospital, dispatch advises you of another call. The back of the ambulance is contaminated with bloody dressings and is in disarray, and you are in need of airway equipment and numerous other supplies. You should:

advise the dispatcher that you are out of service and to send another unit

When functioning at the scene of a motor vehicle crash in which a patient will require complex extrication, you should enter the vehicle and provide care to the patient:

after receiving approval from the extrication officer

Elderly patients with abdominal problems may not exhibit the same pain response as younger patients because of:

age-related deterioration of their sensory systems.

DTs is a syndrome associated with withdrawal from:


Submersion injuries in the adolescent age group are MOST commonly associated with:


According to the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA):

all health care facilities must provide a medical assessment and required treatment, regardless of the patient's ability to pay

The foreign substance responsible for causing an allergic reaction is called a(n):


Braxton-Hicks contractions are characterized by:

alleviation of pain with movement or changing positions.

The purpose of the pediatric assessment triangle (PAT) is to:

allow you to rapidly and visually form a general impression of the child.

The LEAST harmful form of ionizing radiation is:


In what area of the lungs does respiration occur?


An area of swelling or enlargement in a weakened arterial wall is called:

an aneurysm.

Pain that is localized to the lower back and/or lower abdominal quadrants is MOST suggestive of:

an aortic aneurysm.

A history of pelvic inflammatory disease or tubal ligations increases a woman's risk for:

an ectopic pregnancy.

Which of the following MOST accurately defines an allergic reaction?

an exaggerated immune system response to any substance

Erosion of the protective layer of the stomach or duodenum secondary to overactivity of digestive juices re sults in:

an ulcer.

A disease vector is defined as:

any agent that acts as a carrier or transporter

The term "behavioral crisis" is MOST accurately defined as:

any reaction that interferes with activities of daily living or is deemed unacceptable by others.

The components of the PAT are:

appearance, work of breathing, and skin circulation.

Pain that radiates to the right lower quadrant from the umbilical area, nausea and vomiting, and anorexia a re MOST indicative of:


Common activities that occur while you and your partner are en route to the scene of an emergency call include all of the following, EXCEPT:

apprising the medical director of the nature of the call

When a helicopter must land on a grade (uneven ground), you should:

approach the aircraft from the downhill side

"Patients who have experienced even minor-appearing head injuries should be suspected of having a brain injury, especially if they:

are taking blood-thinning medications

In general, injected poisons are impossible to dilute or remove because they:

are usually absorbed quickly into the body.

Febrile seizures:

are usually benign but should be evaluated.

Under what circumstances is a left ventricular assist device used?

as a bridge to heart transplantation while a donor heart is being located

When assessing a 78-year-old female who complains of shortness of breath, the EMT should:

ask her how many pillows she uses when she sleeps

A 58-year-old man complains of chest discomfort and nausea. He is conscious and alert; his blood pressure is 140/90 mm Hg, his pulse is 104 beats/min, and his respirations are 16 breaths/min. Your partner has applied supplemental oxygen. Prior to assisting the patient with one of his prescribed nitroglycerin tablets, you ask him if he takes medication to treat erectile dysfunction and he tells you that he does. You should:

ask him what he takes, how much, and when he last took it.

Your unit has been dispatched to stand by at the scene of a structure fire. There are no injuries of which you are aware. Upon arriving at the scene, you should:

ask the incident commander where the ambulance should be staged

You are attempting to gain access to a patient who was injured when his truck struck another vehicle from behind. The patient is conscious and alert, but is screaming in pain. You try to open the door, but it is locked. You should:

ask the patient if he can unlock the door

When assessing arm movement of a patient with a suspected stroke, you should:

ask the patient to close his or her eyes during the assessment.

While auscultating an elderly woman's breath sounds, you hear low-pitched "rattling" sounds at the bases of both of her lungs. With which of the following conditions is this finding MOST consistent?

aspiration pneumonia

Which of the following medications is commonly given to patients with chest pain to prevent blood clots from forming or getting bigger?


Minimum staffing in the patient compartment of a basic life support (BLS) ambulance includes:

at least one EMT

Unless he or she is critically ill or injured, you should generally begin your assessment of a toddler:

at the feet.

Narrowing of the coronary arteries due to a buildup of fatty deposits is called:


When faced with a situation in which an older patient with a terminal illness is in cardiac arrest, but written documentation regarding the patient's wishes cannot be located, the EMT should:

attempt to resuscitate the patient

Upon delivery of an infant's head, you note that the umbilical cord is wrapped around its neck. You should:

attempt to slip the cord gently over the infant's head.

If suctioning of the tracheostomy tube is necessary, the EMT should:

attempt to use the patient's suction device first because it is probably already sized correctly

The ability of cardiac muscle cells to contract spontaneously without a nerve source is called:


The ability of cardiac muscle cells to contract spontaneously without a stimulus from a nerve source is called:


Your priority in caring for a patient with a surface contact poisoning is to:

avoid contaminating yourself.

Regardless of where portable and mounted oxygen cylinders are stored in the ambulance, they must:

be capable of delivering oxygen at 1 to 15 L/min

When assessing a patient with a behavioral crisis, you should:

be direct and clearly state your intentions.

It is MOST important for the EMT to remember that suicidal patients may:

be homicidal as well.

When assessing or providing care to a patient with a developmental disability, you should:

be observant for signs of fear or reluctance from the patient

When transporting a patient to the hospital, you should

be safe and get the patient to the hospital in the shortest practical time

In anticipation of receiving a fertilized ovum, the lining of the uterine wall:

becomes engorged with blood.

By the 20th week of pregnancy, the uterus is typically at or above the level of the mother's:

belly button.

The onset of menstruation is called menarche and usually occurs in women who are:

between 11 and 16 years of age.

Activated charcoal is given to patients who have ingested certain substances because it:

binds to the substance and prevents absorption.

The vagina and the neck of the uterus comprise the:

birth canal.

Death caused by shaken baby syndrome is usually the result of:

bleeding in the brain.

Which of the following conditions is the diabetic patient at an increased risk of developing?


Which of the following MOST accurately describes the cause of an ischemic stroke?

blockage of a cerebral artery

Pale skin in a child indicates that the:

blood vessels near the skin are constricted.

Cerebral palsy is characterized by poorly controlled ________ movement


Which of the following is NOT a component of the Apgar score?

body size

Cerebral palsy is a condition that results from damage or injury to the:


The most basic functions of the body, such as breathing, blood pressure, and swallowing, are controlled by the:

brain stem.

The ONLY indications for placing your gloved fingers in the vagina during delivery are:

breech presentation and prolapsed umbilical cord.

Hyperthermia differs from fever in that it is an increase in body temperature:

caused by the inability of the body to cool itself.

Muscle control and body coordination are controlled by the:


Interruption of cerebral blood flow may result from all of the following, EXCEPT:

cerebral vasodilation.

The three major parts of the brain are the:

cerebrum, cerebellum, and brain stem.

When would it be MOST appropriate for a patient to take his or her prescribed nitroglycerin?

chest pain that does not immediately subside with rest

Which of the following conditions would MOST likely lead to PID if left untreated?


The process of removing dirt, dust, blood, or other visible contaminants from a surface or equipment is called:


The process of removing dirt, dust, blood, or other visible contaminants from a surface of equipment is called:


A surgical procedure that creates an opening between the intestine and the surface of the body that allows for elimination of waste products is called a(n):


With age, the spine stiffens as a result of shrinkage of the intervertebral disc spaces, and the vertebrae become brittle. This increases the risk of:

compression fractures

Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (PND), rales, and dependent edema are clinical indicators of:

congestive heart failure.

When assessing a patient who is displaying bizarre behavior, the EMT should:

consider that an acute medical illness may be causing the patient's behavior.

When you inspect a patient's pupils with a penlight, the pupils should normally react to the light by:


Which of the following is NOT a function of the sympathetic nervous system?

constriction of blood vessels in the muscles

The body's natural protective mechanisms against heat loss are:

constriction of blood vessels in the skin and shivering.

The onset of labor begins with:

contractions of the uterus.

Classic signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia include:

cool, clammy skin; weakness; tachycardia; and rapid respirations.

The myocardium receives oxygenated blood from the __________, which originate(s) from the __________.

coronary arteries, aorta

A 49-year-old man has been removed from his overturned tanker, which was carrying a hazardous material. The tank ruptured and he was exposed to the material. When rescue personnel bring him to the decontamination area, they note that he is unconscious and has slow, shallow breathing When rescue personnel bring him to the decontamination area, they note that he is unconscious and has slow, shallow breathing. They should:

cut away all of the patient's clothing and do a rapid rinse to remove as much of the contaminating matter as they can

Which of the following is NOT a role of the EMT at the scene of a HazMat incident?


Cardiogenic shock following AMI is caused by:

decreased pumping force of the heart muscle.

The slow onset of progressive disorientation, shortened attention span, and loss of cognitive function is known as:


In contrast to a behavioral crisis, a psychiatric emergency occurs when a person:

demonstrates agitation or violence or becomes a threat to himself or herself, or to others.

Which of the following signs is commonly observed in patients with right-sided heart failure?

dependent edema

The single most significant factor that contributes to suicide is:


During a motor vehicle collision involving multiple patients, the IC would MOST likely:

designate a safety officer, but retain other command functions

Placenta previa is MOST accurately defined as:

development of the placenta over the cervical opening.

Signs of agitated delirium include:

diaphoresis, tachycardia, and hallucinations.

Nitroglycerin relieves cardiac-related chest pain by:

dilating the coronary arteries and improving cardiac blood flow.

Which of the following medications blocks the release of histamines?

diphenhydramine (Benadryl)

Diabetes is MOST accurately defined as a(n):

disorder of carbohydrate metabolism.

A 66-year-old woman presents with a stabbing pain in the middle of her chest that radiates to her back. She tells you that the pain suddenly began about 30 minutes ago and has been severe since the onset. She has a history of hypertension, but admits to being noncompliant with her antihypertensive medications. When you assess her, you find that her blood pressure is significantly higher in her left arm than it is in her right arm. What are her signs and symptoms MOST indicative of?

dissecting aortic aneurysm

Esophageal varices MOST commonly occur in patients who:

drink a lot of alcohol.

A patient whose speech is slurred and difficult to understand is experiencing:


If a pregnant patient requires spinal immobilization, you should secure her to the backboard and then:

elevate the right side of the board with rolled towels or blankets.

Phases of an ambulance call include all of the following activities, EXCEPT:

emergency care provided at the scene

The anterior aspect of the cerebrum controls:


Insulin functions in the body by:

enabling glucose to enter the cells.

The purpose of the incident command system (ICS) is to:

ensure responder and public safety, achieve incident management goals, and ensure the effective use of resources

After a baby is born, it is important to:

ensure that it is thoroughly dried and warmed.

Before assessing the respiratory adequacy of an semiconscious infant or child, you must:

ensure that the airway is patent and clear of obstructions.

You and your partner arrive at the scene of a fire at a large office complex. Witnesses tell you that they heard a loud explosion shortly before the building caught fire. You should:

ensure that your ambulance is parked upwind and uphill from the building

Which of the following is the BEST example of gaining simple access to a patient?

entering a vehicle through an open window

A patient without a history of seizures experiences a sudden convulsion. The LEAST likely cause of this seizure is:


When caring for a morbidly obese patient, you should:

establish his or her chief complaint and then communicate your plan to help

Patients with uncontrolled diabetes experience polyuria because:

excess glucose in the blood is excreted by the kidneys.

Anaphylaxis is MOST accurately defined as a(n):

extreme allergic reaction that may affect multiple body systems.

Which of the following duties or responsibilities does NOT fall within the realm of the medical branch of the ICS?


Cardiac arrest in the pediatric population is most commonly the result of:

failure of the respiratory system.

Each ovary produces an ovum in alternating months and releases it into the:

fallopian tube.

Which of the following is the MOST common mechanism of injury in older patients?


Risk factors for AMI that cannot be controlled include:

family history.

Ketone production is the result of:

fat metabolization when glucose is unavailable.

When assessing the heart rate of a 6-month-old infant, you should palpate the brachial pulse or ________ pulse.


Following delivery of a full-term baby, you have properly cared for the baby and have clamped and cut the umbilical cord. During transport, you note that the mother is experiencing moderate vaginal bleeding. You should:

firmly massage the uterine fundus with a circular motion.

Peritonitis may result in shock because:

fluid shifts from the bloodstream into body tissues.

When performing a secondary assessment on a conscious patient with nontraumatic abdominal pain and stable vital signs, you should:

focus on his or her chief complaint.

Hemoglobin is:

found within the red blood cells and is responsible for carrying oxygen.

Injuries or conditions that would be classified as first priority (red tag; immediate) include all of the following, EXCEPT:

fractures of multiple long bones

The term used when individual units or different organizations make independent and often inefficient decisions regarding an incident is called:


General communication techniques with the elderly include:

frequently asking the patient if he or she understands

As the first arriving emergency responder at the scene of a suspected terrorist or WMD incident, you should request additional resources as needed and then:

function as the incident commander until additional personnel arrive

In most children, febrile seizures are characterized by:

generalized tonic-clonic activity, a duration of less than 15 minutes, and a short or absent postictal phase.

You are standing by at the scene of a hostage situation when the incident commander advises you that one of his personnel has been shot. The patient is lying supine in an open area and is not moving. As the SWAT team escorts you to the patient, you should:

grab him by the clothes and immediately move him to safety

An infant or child with respiratory distress will attempt to keep his or her alveoli expanded at the end ofinhalation by:


In contrast to a full-term infant, a premature infant:

has an even proportionately larger head.

A patient who is possibly experiencing a stroke is NOT eligible for thrombolytic (fibrinolytic) therapy if he or she:

has bleeding within the brain.

A supervisor who has more than seven people reporting to him or her:

has exceeded an effective span of control and should divide tasks and delegate the supervision of some tasks to another person

When caring for a female child who has possibly been sexually abused, you should:

have a female EMT remain with her if possible.

A precipitous labor and delivery is MOST common in women who:

have delivered a baby before.

Patients with autism:

have extreme difficulty with complex tasks that require many stePs

To minimize distractions and confusion when assessing an older patient, you should:

have only one EMT speak to the patient at a time

When a child experiences a blunt injury to the abdomen:

he or she can compensate for blood loss better than adults.

All of the following are normal findings in an infant or child, EXCEPT:

head bobbing.

A 10% to 20% reduction in brain weight and volume would MOST likely increase an older person's risk for:

head trauma

Signs and symptoms of preeclampsia include:

headache and edema.

The leading cause of death in the geriatric patient is:

heart disease

The purpose of the GEMS diamond is to:

help EMS personnel remember what is different about elderly patients

An acute accelerated drop in the hemoglobin level, which is caused by red blood cells breaking down at a fa ster rate than normal, occurs during a(n) __________ crisis


Chemicals that are responsible for the signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction to a bee sting include:

histamines and leukotrienes.

For which of the following conditions would you MOST likely encounter a ventricular peritoneum shunt?


Which of the following agents blocks the body's ability to use oxygen and possesses an odor similar to almonds?

hydrogen cyanide

Which of the following medications is NOT used to treat patients with a history of seizures?

hydromorphone (Dilaudid)

Diabetic coma is a life-threatening condition that results from:

hyperglycemia, ketoacidosis, and dehydration.

Causes of infant death that may be mistaken for SIDS include all of the following, EXCEPT:


Common side effects of nitroglycerin include all of the following, EXCEPT:


The MOST significant risk factor for a hemorrhagic stroke is:


Major risk factors for AMI include all of the following, EXCEPT:


Which of the following conditions would be the LEAST likely to mimic the signs and symptoms of a stroke?


When obtaining a SAMPLE history from a patient with diabetes, it would be MOST important to determine:

if he or she has had any recent illnesses or excessive stress.

A 33-year-old restrained driver of a motor vehicle crash is awake and alert, complaining only of neck pain. The vehicle is stable and no hazards are present. When removing this patient from his vehicle, you should:

immobilize him with a vest-style device

A hiker was injured when he fell approximately 20' from a cliff. When you arrive at the scene, a member of the technical rescue group escorts you to the patient, who is positioned on a steep incline. The MOST appropriate method of immobilizing and moving the patient to the ambulance is to:

immobilize his spine with a long backboard and place him in a basket stretcher

In a healthy individual, the brain stem stimulates breathing on the basis of:

increased carbon dioxide levels.

Which of the following would cause the greatest increase in cardiac output?

increased heart rate and increased stroke volume

Most poisonings occur via the __________ route.


A poison that enters the body by __________ is the MOST difficult to treat.


The two processes that occur during respiration are:

inspiration and expiration.

A mucosal atomizer device (MAD) is used to deliver certain medications via the:

intranasal route.

In contrast to simple access, complex access

involves forcible entry into a vehicle

Type 1 diabetes:

is a condition in which no insulin is produced by the body.

The poison control center will be able to provide you with the most information regarding the appropriate treatment for a patient with a drug overdose if the center:

is aware of the substance that is involved.

In contrast to the assessment of a trauma patient, assessment of a medical patient:

is focused on the nature of illness, the patient's chief complaint, and his or her symptoms.

Chronic renal failure is a condition that:

is often caused by hypertension or diabetes.

An abdominal aortic aneurysm:

is often the result of hypertension and atherosclerosis

The term primigravida refers to a woman who:

is pregnant for the first time.

In contrast to the parietal peritoneum, the visceral peritoneum:

is supplied by nerves of the autonomic nervous system, which are less able to localize pain or sensation.

In contrast to delirium, dementia:

is usually considered irreversible

A nuchal cord is defined as an umbilical cord that:

is wrapped around the baby's neck.

When afterload increases:

it becomes harder for the ventricle to push blood through the blood vessels.

You have just delivered a premature baby. Your assessment reveals that he is breathing adequately;however, his heart rate is 90 beats/min. You should:

keep him warm and provide ventilatory assistance.

When documenting a call in which a female was sexually assaulted, you should:

keep the report concise and record only what the patient stated in her own words.

When an auto-injector is used to give epinephyrine, the primary injection site is the:

lateral portion of the the thigh.

Injury to a hollow abdominal organ would MOST likely result in:

leakage of contents into the abdominal cavity.

Most patients with abdominal pain prefer to:

lie on their side with their knees drawn into the abdomen.

The physical examination of a sexual assault victim should be:

limited to a brief survey for life-threatening injuries.

An overdose on acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol, will MOST likely cause:

liver failure.

Individuals with chronic alcoholism are predisposed to intracranial bleeding and hypoglycemia secondary to abnormalities in the:


Which of the following clinical presentations is MOST consistent with PID?

lower abdominal pain, fever, general malaise, and foul-smelling vaginal discharge

A patient with atherosclerotic heart disease experiences chest pain during exertion because the:

lumen of the coronary artery is narrowed and cannot accommodate increased blood flow.

In contrast to bleeding caused by external trauma to the vagina, bleeding caused by conditions such aspolyps or cancer:

may be relatively painless.

Febrile seizures in a child:

may indicate a serious underlying illness.

Which of the following is NOT an assessment parameter included in the Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale?


As a triage supervisor, you:

must not begin treatment until all patients have been triaged

Angina pectoris occurs when:

myocardial oxygen demand exceeds the supply.

An acute myocardial infarction (AMI) occurs when:

myocardial tissue dies secondary to an absence of oxygen.

Which of the following is MORE common in children than in adults following a head injury?

nausea and vomiting

The first month of life after birth is referred to as the:

neonatal period.

Atropine sulfate and pralidoxime chloride are antidotes for:

nerve gas agents.

After determining that an infant or child has strong central pulses, you should:

not rule out compensated shock.

A patient with an altered mental status is:

not thinking clearly or is incapable of being aroused.

Padding underneath the torso when immobilizing an injured child is generally not necessary if he or she is:

older than 8 to 10 years.

When preparing a pregnant patient for delivery, you should position her:

on a firm surface with her hips elevated 2′′ to 4′′.

Most medical models base a pregnant woman's due date:

on the first day of her last menstrual cycle.

At a very large incident, the __________ section is responsible for managing the tactical operations usually handled by the IC on routine EMS calls.


Glutose is a trade name for:

oral glucose.

Findings during the social assessment of an older patient include all of the following, EXCEPT:

outdated medications

Potentially life-threatening consequences of PID include:

ovarian abscess and ectopic pregnancy.

You are caring for a semiconscious man with left-sided paralysis. His airway is patent and his respirations are 14 breaths/min with adequate tidal volume. Treatment for this patient should include:

oxygen via a nonrebreathing mask, left lateral recumbent position, and transport.

Airborne substances are diluted with:


Common signs and symptoms of AMI include all of the following, EXCEPT:

pain exacerbated by breathing.

When assessing an infant's ventilation status, you should:

palpate the abdomen for rise and fall.

When assessing a patient with abdominal pain, you should:

palpate the abdomen in a clockwise direction beginning with the quadrant after the one the patient indicates is painful.

Which of the following organs lies in the retroperitoneal space?


Critical burns in children include:

partial-thickness burns covering more than 20% of the body surface.

An older woman with osteoporosis presents with pain and deformity to her left hip after she shifted her weight onto her other foot. She has MOST likely experienced a(n):

pathologic fracture

For every emergency request, the dispatcher should routinely gather and record all of the following information, EXCEPT the:

patient's medical history

In order to evaluate hazards present at the scene and determine the number of patients, you should:

perform a 360° walk-around of the scene

After using the PAT to form your general impression of a sick or injured child, you should:

perform a hands-on assessment of the ABCs.

Once entrance and access to the patient have been provided, you should:

perform a primary assessment

The MOST common and significant complication associated with an acute abdomen is:


Autism is MOST accurately defined as a:

pervasive developmental disorder characterized by impairment of social interaction

Poor maintenance of home, poor personal care, and dietary neglect are all possible indicators of ____________ elder abuse.


To ensure that the airway of an infant or small child is correctly positioned, you may have to:

place a towel or folded sheet behind the shoulders.

When immobilizing a patient with a kyphotic spine to a long backboard, the EMT would MOST likely have to:

place blankets behind the patient's head

The development of an incident action plan is the responsibility of the:

planning section

Sedentary behavior while healing from a hip fracture would MOST likely predispose the older patient to:


The use of multiple prescription drugs by a single patient, causing the potential for negative effects such as overdosing or drug interaction, is called:


When arriving at the scene of an overturned tractor-trailer rig, you note that a green cloud is being emitted from the crashed vehicle. The driver is still in the truck; he is conscious but bleeding profusely from the head. After notifying the hazardous materials team, you should:

position the ambulance upwind

General techniques for communicating with hearing-impaired patients include:

positioning yourself approximately 18'' directly in front of the patient

Effective methods for providing pain relief to a child with an extremity injury include:

positioning, ice packs, and emotional support.

Common interventions used to stimulate spontaneous respirations in the newborn include all of the following, EXCEPT:

positive-pressure ventilations.

The EMT must assume that any unwitnessed water-related incident is accompanied by:

possible spinal injury.

The purpose of a ventricular peritoneum shunt is to:

prevent excess cerebrospinal fluid from accumulating in the brain

Functions of the liver include:

production of substances necessary for blood clotting.

Fetal complications associated with drug- or alcohol-addicted mothers include all of the following, EXCEPT:

profound tachycardia.

Status epilepticus is characterized by:

prolonged seizures without a return of consciousness.

Conditions that cause the alveoli to fill with fluid:

pulmonary edema, pneumonia, pleural effusion, bronchiolitis, tuberculosis,

When activated, the sympathetic nervous system produces all of the following effects, except:

pupillary constriction.

While examining a woman in labor, you see the umbilical cord protruding from the vagina. You should:

push the infant's head away from the cord.

Which of the following is NOT a known risk factor of SIDS?

putting a baby to sleep on his or her back

In responsive patients who are older than 1 year of age, you should palpate the pulse at the __________ artery.


Pain that moves from its point of origin to another body location is sadi to be:


When assessing an unconscious diabetic patient, the primary visible difference between hyperglycemia and hy poglycemia is the:

rate and depth of breathing.

When caring for an elderly patient who is hearing-impaired, you should:

recall that elderly patients have difficulty hearing high-frequency sounds

The EMT's primary responsibility to the patient who has been poisoned is to:

recognize that a poisoning occurred.

When transporting a stable stroke patient with unilateral paralysis, it is best to place the patient in a:

recumbent position with the paralyzed side down.

Pain that may be perceived at a distant point on the surface of the body, such as the back or shoulder, is called:

referred pain.

General guidelines for safe ambulance driving include all of the following, EXCEPT:

regularly using the siren as much as possible

Nitroglycerin, when given to patients with cardiac-related chest pain:

relaxes the walls of the coronary arteries.

If an incident increases in scope and complexity, the IC should consider:

relinquishing command to someone with more experience

You are en route to an emergency call when you approach a slow-moving vehicle on a two-way road. You can see oncoming traffic in the other lane. The driver has his windows up and does not realize that you are behind him. You should:

remain at a safe distance until it is safe to pass

When driving an ambulance on a multilane highway in emergency mode, you should:

remain in the extreme left-hand lane

Extrication is MOST accurately defined as

removal from a dangerous situation or position

The kidneys help to regulate blood pressure by:

removing sodium, and thus water, from the body.

Upon arriving at the scene of a law enforcement tactical situation, you should ensure your own safety and then:

report to the incident commander for instructions

Which of the following conditions would MOST likely affect the entire brain?

respiratory failure or cardiopulmonary arrest

Cardiac arrest in the pediatric population is MOST commonly the result of:

respiratory or circulatory failure.

Drawing in of the muscles between the ribs or of the sternum during inspiration is called:


Deoxygenated blood from the body returns to the:

right atrium.

Defibrillator pads are placed on the patient's chest with one pad to the:

right of the upper sternum and the other pad just to the left and below the left nipple.

The right coronary artery supplies blood to the:

right ventricle and inferior wall of the left ventricle.

Which of the following is an example of a functional behavioral disorder?


The stinger from a honeybee should be:

scraped away from the skin.

Because a tracheostomy tube bypasses the nose and mouth:

secretions can build up in and around the tube

When immobilizing an injured child in a pediatric immobilization device, you should:

secure the torso before the head.

Eclampsia is MOST accurately defined as:

seizures that result from severe hypertension.

Which of the following conditions is NOT a common cause of seizures?

severe hypovolemia

In contrast to adults, deterioration to cardiac arrest in infants and children is usually associated with:

severe hypoxia and bradycardia.

A generalized seizure is characterized by:

severe twitching of all the body's muscles.

When a female has reached menarche:

she is capable of becoming pregnant.

Bruising to the _________ is LEAST suggestive of child abuse.


When a child is struck by a car, the area of greatest injury depends MOSTLY on the:

size of the child and the height of the bumper upon impact.

The primary route of exposure of vesicant agents is the:


The primary clinical feature associated with exposure to phosgene oxime is:

skin blistering

When being tailgated by another vehicle while responding to an emergency call, you should:

slow down and allow the driver to pass you

Signs of severe dehydration in an infant include all of the following, EXCEPT:

slowed level of activity.

In contrast to the sympathetic nervous system, the parasympathetic nervous system:

slows the heart and respiratory rates.

Which of the following is an example of regional equipment or supplies?

snake bite kit

Which of the following chemicals is a nerve agent?


Common associated conditions in patients with spina bifida include all of the following, EXCEPT:

spastic limb movement

Which of the following organs assists in the filtration of blood, serves as a blood reservoir, and produces antibodies?


Solid abdominal organs include the:

spleen, kidneys, and pancreas.

A 59-year-old male with a history of emphysema complains of an acute worsening of his dyspnea and pleuritic chest pain following a forceful cough. Your assessment reveals that he has a barrel-shaped chest, unilaterally diminished breath sounds, and tachycardia. What is the MOST likely cause of this patient's condition?

spontaneous pneumothorax

The __________ area is where incoming ambulances meet and await further instructions at the scene of a mass-casualty incident


When determining the frequency of contractions, you should time the contractions from the:

start of one to the start of the next.

A critical function of the safety officer is to:

stop an emergency operation whenever a rescuer is in danger

While en route to a call for a patient in cardiac arrest, you approach a stopped school bus with its red warning lights flashing. You should:

stop and wait until the warning lights stop flashing

The purpose of defibrillation is to:

stop the chaotic, disorganized contraction of the cardiac cells.

Which of the following sounds indicates swelling of the upper airway?


Patients with acute abdominal pain should not be given anything to eat or drink because:

substances in the stomach increase the risk of aspiration.

During delivery of the baby's head, you should suction the mouth before the nose because:

suctioning the nose first may cause the baby to gasp and aspirate fluid.

Which of the following clinical signs is MOST suggestive of a ruptured cerebral artery?

sudden, severe headache

Signs and symptoms of meningitis in the infant or child include all of the following, EXCEPT:

sunken fontanelles.

Patients with type 2 diabetes usually control their disease with all of the following, EXCEPT:

supplemental insulin.

Signs and symptoms of a sympathomimetic drug overdose include:


The EMT should suspect left-sided heart failure in the geriatric patient who presents with:

tachypnea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea

When the mother is experiencing a contraction, you should instruct her to:

take quick short breaths.

When assessing an 8-year-old child, you should:

talk to the child, not just the caregiver.

Which of the following terrorist groups poses the LEAST threat to a person's physical safety?

technology terrorists

Airway management can be challenging in patients with Down syndrome because their:

teeth are misaligned and they have a large tongue

When caring for a patient who is visually impaired, it is important to:

tell him or her what is happening, identify noises, and describe the situation and surroundings

The presence of thick meconium in the amniotic fluid indicates:

that the baby's airway may be obstructed.

Situational awareness is MOST accurately defined as:

the ability to recognize any possible issues once you arrive at the scene and act proactively to avoid a negative impact

In contrast to younger patients, older patients are more prone to a decrease in blood pressure upon standing because:

the baroreceptors have become less sensitive to blood pressure

The pediatric patient should be removed from his or her car seat and secured to an appropriate spinal immobilization device if:

the car seat is visibly damaged.

Which of the following would MOST likely provide clues regarding the source of a patient's allergic reactio n?

the environment in which the patient is found

When a child experiences a blunt chest injury:

the flexible ribs can be compressed without breaking.

When caring for a geriatric patient with a traumatic injury, it is important to consider that:

the injury may have been preceded by a medical condition

A dissecting aortic aneurysm occurs when:

the inner layers of the aorta become separated.

Abruptio placenta occurs when:

the placenta prematurely separates from the uterine wall.

Supine hypotensive syndrome occurs when:

the pregnant uterus compresses the inferior vena cava.

After primary triage, the triage supervisor should communicate all of the following information to the medical branch officer, EXCEPT:

the recommended transport destination for each patient

The term "bloody show" is defined as:

the small amount of pink-tinged mucus that is discharged from the vagina after expulsion of the mucous plug.

A "silent" heart attack occurs when:

the usual chest pain is not present

Greenstick fractures occur in infants and children because:

their bones bend more easily than an adult's.

Phosphorus or elemental sodium should be brushed off of the skin instead of irrigated with water because:

these chemicals may ignite upon contact with water.

Many older victims of physical abuse may make false statements or lie about the origin of their injuries because:

they fear retribution from the abuser

The MOST important treatment for a patient with severe abdominal pain and signs of shock includes:

transporting the patient without delay.

After assessing your patient, you determine that his condition is stable. You provide the appropriate treatment and then load him into the ambulance. While en route to the hospital, you should:

turn your emergency lights off and obey all traffic laws

According to the START triage system, which of the following patients should be triaged as an immediate priority (red tag)?

unresponsive with a respiratory rate of 34 breaths/min

Which of the following negative effects of anaphylaxis will be the MOST rapidly fatal if not treated immedi ately?

upper airway swelling

The MOST appropriate location to park your ambulance at a HazMat incident is:

upwind at least 100' from the incident

PID typically does NOT affect the:

urinary bladder.

Your unit and a fire department vehicle are responding to the scene of a patient in cardiac arrest. As you approach an intersection that is highly congested, you should:

use a different siren tone than the fire department vehicle

The Glascow Coma Scale (GCS) is used to assess:

eye opening, verbal response, and motor response.

Quid pro quo, a type of sexual harassment, occurs when the harasser:

requests sexual favors in exchange for something else.

When the level of arterial carbon dioxide rises above normal:

respirations increase in rate and depth.

In most cases, cardiopulmonary arrest in infants and children is caused by:

respiratory arrest.

Which of the following is an example of a symptom?


The actual exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs in the:

alveolar sacs.

Which of the following will MOST reliably allow you to determine the nature of a patient's illness?

asking questions related to the chief complaint

Minimum staffing in the patient compartment of a basic life support (BLS) ambulance includes:

at least one EMT.

Narrowing of the coronary arteries caused by a buildup of fatty deposits is called:


Kussmaul respirations are an indication that the body is:

attempting to eliminate acids from the blood.

The slow onset of progressive disorientation, shortened attention span, and loss of cognitive function is known as:


After sizing up the scene of a patient with a possible infectious disease, your next priority should be to:

take standard precautions.

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CS 665- Household Risk Management Exam #2 (Chapter 11-12)

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