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consists of of a coil usually wound around a core material.

An inductor

a short circuit.

An inductor in a DC circuit can be replaced by

active element

An operational amplifier is

C2 = 4C1

Given is a parallel plate capacitor. It has a capacitance C1. The material between the parallel plates has a relative permittivity of εr1=1.5. If we this material with a new material with a relative permittivity of εr2=6 the new capacitance C2 is given by

.125 W

Given is a resistor R=10kΩ. There is a current of IR=3mA across the resistor. Which power rating is needed for this resistor?


Given is a resistor R=1kΩ. There is a voltage drop of VR=20V across the resistor. Which power rating is needed for this resistor?

No because there is an ideal current source in the circut

Given is the circuit below. Can we use the dummy version of mesh current analysis to find the unknown mesh currents?

No, because there is an ideal voltage source in the circuit.

Given is the circuit below. Can we use the dummy version of node voltage analysis to find the unknown node voltages?

Yes, because there is no ideal voltage source in the circuit.

Given is the circuit below. Can we use the dummy version of node voltage analysis to find the unknown node voltages?

Is in series with R3

Given is the circuit below. If we zero out the voltage source the following circuit displays the resulting circuit:

The current through R1 is equal to the current through R4.

Given is the circuit below. R1=50Ω, R2=R3=R4=R5=R6=10Ω, Vs=10V. Which of the following statements is true?


Given is the circuit below. The circuit contains 4 meshes, therefore four mesh currents have to be found. Using the mesh current analysis, how many mesh currents are immediately known?

nodes A, B, C, D

Given is the circuit below. The reference node has a known voltage of 0V. All elements in the circuit are known. We apply node voltage analysis to the circuit. For which nodes do we have to calculate unknown voltages?

nodes B, C, D

Given is the circuit below. The reference node has a known voltage of 0V. All elements in the circuit are known. We apply node voltage analysis to the circuit. For which nodes do we have to calculate unknown voltages?

3x3 conductance matrix, because there are 3 unknown voltages.

Given is the circuit below. Using node voltage analysis, we need to set up a

Z1,4 = 0

Given is the circuit below. Using the dummy version of Mesh Current Analysis, what is Z1,4?

Z2,2 = (jωC1)-1 + R3 + R4

Given is the circuit below. Using the dummy version of Mesh Current Analysis, what is Z2,2?

Z2,3 = 0

Given is the circuit below. Using the dummy version of Mesh Current Analysis, what is Z2,3?

Z4,4 = R4 + R5 + jωL2

Given is the circuit below. Using the dummy version of Mesh Current Analysis, what is Z4,4?


Given is the circuit below. Using the general version of Node Voltage Analysis, what is the correct KCL for Node A?


Given is the circuit below. You want to find the Thevenin Resistance Which of the circuits below shows the correct set-up for doing so?


Given is the circuit below. You want to find the Thevenin Resistance. Which of the circuits below shows the correct set-up for doing so?

Req = R2 + R3 + R4

Given is the circuit on the left below. The circuit diagram on the right describes the same circuit after setting the current source to zero and combining the resistances into an equivalent resistance. What is the equivalent resistance?

150 + j15

Given is the complex number 150 − j15. What is its complex conjugate?

cos(θ)= 0.81 (Cos(arctan(.62/225))

Given is the following complex power (The angle is given in radians): 225VA∠0.62 The power factor is given by


Given is the following part of a circuit. The equivalent conductance in terms of R1 and R2 is given by


Reactive power is measured in


Resistors of the E12 series (10% tolerance) have the following values within the decade between 10 and 100: 10, 12, 15, 18, 22, 27, 33, 39, 47, 56, 68, 82 You have calculated a resistance of 30Ω. Which of the given resistor values do you choose?

10, 12, 15, 18, 22, 27, 33, 39, 47, 56, 68, 82

Resistors of the E12 series (10% tolerance) have the following values within the decade between 100 and 1000


The Norton Current and Thevenin Voltage are related via the following equation:

its amplitude divided by the square root of 2.

The RMS signal of a sinusoidal signal is


The SI unit prefix mega is equal to a numeric value of


The SI unit prefix pico is equal to a numeric factor of

10 · 10^3V

The Voltage 10kV is the same as (V)

10 · 10^−3V

The Voltage 10mV is the same as (V)


The Voltage 1kV is the same as


The Voltage 1mV is the same as

YR = 1/R

The admittance of a resistor is given by

YL||C = 1/jωL + jωC

The admittance of an inductor in parallel with a capacitor is given by

YL = 1/jωL

The admittance of an inductor is given by


The charge of an electron is given by qe = -1.602•10-19C. 2,500 electrons will therefore provide a total charge of

5,000 electrons

The charge of an electron is given by qe = -1.602•10-19C. How many electrons will therefore provide a total charge of -8.01•10-16C?


The current 0.01mA is the same as (A)


The current 10mA is the same as

PA=+10W PB=+7W PC=+3W

The elements in a circuit have been labled as A: active B: passive C: passive Which of the following options will assure that the power is conserved in the circuit:

PA=+10W PB=+7W PC=-3W

The elements in a circuit have been labled as A: passive B: active C: passive Which of the following options will assure that the power is conserved in the circuit:

an active inverting low-pass filter:

The following circuit shows a

ZRLseries = R+jωL

The impedance of a resistor and an inductor in series is given by


The reciprocal of resistance is:

Req= 100Ω

The resitors R1=10Ω, R2=20Ω, R3=30Ω, and R4=40Ω are connected in series. What is the total equivalent resistance Req?


The voltage V2 is given by:

Req= 1250Ω

There are N equal resistors connected in series. Each resistor has a resistance of R=25Ω. What is the total equivalent resistance Req if we have N=50 resistors?

Req= 600Ω

There are N equal resistors connected in series. Each resistor has a resistance of R=30Ω. What is the total equivalent resistance Req if we have N=20 resistors?

Yi,j = -1/(jωL)

There is an inductor L between the nodes i and j and while no other element connects these two nodes. For the dummy version of node voltage analysis, what is Yi,j

we have to disconnect the element from the circuit and connect the Ohmmeter to its terminals.

To measure the resistance of a circuit element,

negative feedback

Usually the feedback loop connects the output terminal with the negative input terminal. This is called

RS = 20Ω

VS = 10V RF = 1kΩ What value do you need to choose for RS to have a gain of A=51?

RS = 100Ω

VS=10V RF=10kΩ What value do you need to choose for RS to have a gain of A= -100?

Ceq = (C1C2)/(C1 + C2)

We have two series capacitors, C1 and C2. The equivalent capacitance is

Leq = L1 + L2

We have two series inductors, L1 and L2. The equivalent inductance is

bottom one

Which of the following pictures shows a practical volt meter?


Which one of the following equations is CORRECT?

2.2kΩ with 10% tolerance

You have a resistor with the color code red red red silver. What is the resistance?

There is a current flowing through the internal resitance and therefore power used at all times.

A practical current source is disconnected from any circuit. The following statement is true.

16 Ω

A toaster draws 15A from a 240V line. The resistance of the toaster is:

Provides the prescribed voltage at its terminals regardless of the circuit connected.

An ideal voltage source is defined by the following sentence:


Apparent power is measured in

I4 = 1A

For the circuit below, I1 = 6A, I2 = -2A, I3 = -3A. What is the value of I4?


For the circuit below, indicate which equation does not describe a valid KVL.

L2 = 4L1

Given is a long cylindrical coil. It has an inductance L1. If we double the number of windings the new inductance L2 is given by


Given is a resistor R=10kΩ. There is a current of IR=6mA across the resistor. Which power rating is needed for this resistor?


Given is a resistor R=1kΩ. There is a voltage drop of VR=10V across the resistor. Which power rating is needed for this resistor?


Given is the circuit below. You want to find the Thevenin Resistance. Which of the circuits below shows the correct set-up for doing so?


Given is the circuit on the left below. The circuit diagram on the right describes the same circuit after setting the current source Is2 to zero and combining the resistances into an equivalent resistance. What is the equivalent resistance?

z1=15 ∠ +π/2

Given is the complex number z1=15 ∠ -π/2 . What is its complex conjugate?

a passive element.

An ideal capacitor is

a passive element

An ideal inductor is

An ideal voltage source has no internal resistance.

An ideal voltage source is disconnected from any circuit. The following statement is true.

Vab = 0

A Wheatstone bridge is called balanced if

stop all frequencies within a band of frequencies, w1< w<w 2

A band stop filter is designed to


A dieelectric material is charged by a current of 4A. A charge of 24C will be accumulated in the material after


A dieelectric material is charged by a current of 6A. Which charge will be accumulated in the material after 1s?


A dieelectric material is charged by a current. A charge of 8C is accumulated in the material after 4s. The charge current is:

Complex power

A quantity that contains all the power information in a given load is the

8 Ω

A toaster draws 15A from a 120V line. The resistance of the toaster is:

An active element

A voltage source is


An AC voltage source vs(t) generates a rectangular voltage as given below. What is the period of the signal?

z1/z2 = 0.4 e-j3π/4

Given are the following complex numbers: z1 = 2 e-jπ/4 z2 = 5 ejπ/2 Then z1/z2 is given by

z2/z1 = 2.5 e-j3π/4

Given are the following complex numbers: z1 = 2 e^jπ/4 z2 = 5 e^-jπ/2 Then z2/z1 is given by

z1 + z2 = 8 + j 14

Given are the following complex numbers: z1 = 3 + j 4 z2 = 5 + j 10 the sum is given by

z1 + z2 = 8 - j 6

Given are the following complex numbers: z1 = 3 + j 4 z2 = 5 - j 10 the sum is given by

L2 = 2L1

Given is a long cylindrical coil. It has an inductance L1. If we double the cross section of the coil the new inductance L2 is given by

C2 =C1/2

Given is a parallel plate capacitor. It has a capacitance C1. If we cut the area of the plates in half the new capacitance C2 is given by

an element voltage positive if you pass the element voltage from + to - and count the element voltage negative if you pass the element voltage from - to +.

If you set up an equation with Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL) the convention is to count


In the circuit below I3 is given by

i3 = 6A

In the piece of circuit given below i1 = 2A and i2 = 4A. What is the value of i3?

i3 = 9A

In the piece of circuit given below i1 = 4A and i2 = 5A. What is the value of i3?

P=1V*1A = 1W

Joule's laws states power P=VI (Power is equal to voltage times current). For I=1A and V=1V, which of equation if correct?

V = 10A ⋅ 5Ω = 50V

Ohm's Law states V=IR (Voltage is equal to current times resistance). For I=10A and R=5Ω the following equation is correct:


Resistors of the E12 series (10% tolerance) have the following values within the decade between 10 and 100: 10, 12, 15, 18, 22, 27, 33, 39, 47, 56, 68, 82 You have calculated a resistance of 75Ω. Which of the given resistor values do you choose?

PA=-10W PB=+7W PC=-3W

The elements in a circuit have been labled as A: passive B: passive C: active Which of the following options will assure that the power is conserved in the circuit:

V = 15Ve-jπ/2

The peak-value phasor corresponding to the following signal v(t) = 15V cos(ω t - π/2) is given by

V = 25Ve^-jπ/4

The peak-value phasor corresponding to the following signal v(t) = 25V cos(ω t - π/4) is given by

The period of a sinusoidal signal is

Req= 50Ω

The resitors R1=5Ω, R2=10Ω, R3=15Ω, and R4=20Ω are connected in series. What is the total equivalent resistance Req?


There are N equal resistors connected in series. They are connected to a voltage source Vs=40V. Each resistor has a resistance of R=30Ω.What is the voltage Vn across one individual resistor if we have N=20 resistors?

Yi,j = -jωC

There is a capacitor C between the nodes i and j and while no other element connects these two nodes. For the dummy version of node voltage analysis, what is Yi,j

20 ohms=R4

This is a balanced Wheatstone Bridge for


This is a balanced Wheatstone Bridge for

top one

Which of the following pictures shows a practical voltage source?

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