Final Exam Review Med 150

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Which of the following are not required on a laboratory requisition?

Laboratory test results





Which of the following is incorrect regarding microorganisms.

Parasites can only be one celled protozoa such as amoebae

Which of the following statements about RBC found in a urine microscopic examination is incorrect?

RBC that have hemolyzed will appear on the microscopic examination.



Which of the following is incorrect about urine specimen collection ?

After collection a urine specimen can sit for up to 4 hours before being refrigerated or before adding preservatives.

Which of the following represents incomplete hemolysis, producing a green halo around the colony


Which of the following statements is false?

An Rh (d) negative person should be transfused with Rh positive blood.



No growth around the A disk can be used to identify streptococcus pyogenes. What substance is in the A disk


Exposure to_______ constitutes the major source of HIV and HBV infection in health care professionals?


Which of the following statements is true regarding the two government agencies CDC and OSHA and their effect on medical laboratory safety?

Both a and d are true statements

An FDA- approved drug for treating opioid drug addiction is.


The federal law that requires all physicians office laboratories (POL) to meet acceptable standards of accuracy in test results is.

CLIA 1988

Which crystals are commonly seen as colorless octahedron crystals that resemble envelopes?

Calcium oxalates

Which of the following organisms produces a neurotoxin, the nost poisonous natural substance known, which causes dry mouth, dilated pupils, and a progressive muscle weakness that leads to respiratory failure and death.

Clostridium botulinum

Which of the following is a hematology tube used for a complete blood count


The incomplete blood count CBC generally includes all of the following except:


_________is cholesterol manufactured in the liver

Endogenous cholesterol

Cholesterol derived from the diet is

Exogenous cholesterol

Which of the following is the correct flow of urine?

Glomerular capsule collecting ducts renal pelvis ureters urinary bladder.

Which of the following is an incorrect association

Glomerulus/ the secreting tubule of the nephron.

___________ is stored form of glucose especially found in muscles and the liver?


Which of the following substances is/are not normally found in urine.


Having the pink color of the counterstain used in grams method refers to

Gram negative

Which of the following urine colors is abnormal?

Greenish brown

The Virus, first discovered in 1981 is the cause of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Aids


A critical vitamin used by the liver to produce clotting factors is Vitamin


Newly released RBCs into the blood that still contain some nuclear DNA


Most cases of hemolytic disease of the newborn can be prevented by administering_____to the Rh negative mother?


Which of the following urinary system functions is incorrect.

Secretes the hormone renin, which controls the rate of red blood cell formation and the hormone erythropoietin, which regulates blood pressure.

Which statement regarding cells found in microscopic urine is incorrect?

Squamous epithelial cells are rarely seen and are the most significant of the epithelial cells found in urine.

What is a statistical term describing the amount of variation from the mean in a data set.

Standard deviation

complications such as scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, and glomerulonephritis are fond in which of the following organisms.

Streptococcus pyogenes

Thyroid Panel

T3, T4, TSH



A sensitivity test is done to

To determine which antibiotics would be most effective for treating patients' bacterial infections

Man made hydrogenated fats are called

Trans fats

Which of the following is an incorrect association

Trichomonas vaginalis/ round worm

Which of the following abbreviations is not related to glucose testing?


Which of the following causes smallpox

Variola major


WBC stem cells that develop into the three kinds of granulocytes

statements is incorrect if the needle should hit a nerve in a venipuncture procedure

an incident report does not need to be completed.

which of the following steps are incorrect when collecting a throat culture.

be sure to include the teeth and the back of the tongue and place the swab in the appropriate container.

The setting of an optical instrument prior to testing controls and specimens is required by the manufacturer and is called.


In a properly performed gram stain procedure, what color are the gram negative organisms immediately after the decolorizing stage.


The presence of microorganisms growing on a laboratory medium is called


Metric abbreviation for one-tenth.


Transmission of the EBV causing infectious mononucleosis is primarily by?

direct contact

a patient who is in homeostasis will produce laboratory test results that

fall within the normal reference range.

The hormone produced by the pancreas to raise blood glucose is


Metric base unit for weight


The major component in the erythrocyte that carries oxygen is


Elevated blood sugar is called


A disease state that occurs when pathogenic microorganisms invade the body and overcome its natural defense mechanisms is a


The hormone produced by the pancreas to lower blood glucose is



many shaped nucleus or seg

What is the average test result of a series of controls.



natural anticoagulant that prevents excessive clotting.

which of the following statements is incorrect concerning excessive bleeding after a venipuncture procedure

normally a patient stops bleeding in 6-10 minutes

cause a employer to not be compliance with federal bill hr 5178 signed by president bill clinton nov 6 2000

not including health care workers who are using the devices in the evaluation and selection process.

OSHA is the abbreviation for

occupational safety and health administration

The total magnification of a microscope is determined by both the power of the objective lens and the

ocular lens

Quality control data should be recorded

on the master quality control log and dated after receiving the control result.

which of the following would cause a specimen to be rejected by the lab

the blood specimen was hemolyzed

The age group in which symptoms of ebv ARE MOST OFTEN DISPLAYED IS

15 TO 25

Diluted bleach for disinfecting work surfaces, equipment, and spills should be prepared by making a ____ dilution of household bleach to water.


According to the national committee for clinical laboratory standards the depth of a heel stick of an infant should not exceed ________ mm


The normal PH of urine is


About_________% of North Americans are Rh positive, and _______% are Rh negative


The colors orange and red are identified as biohazardous, along with which of the following?

A biohazard symbol


A condition in which the blood is deficient in red blood cells, in hemoglobin, or in total volume.

Which of the following is an example of using a laboratory test to monitor treatment?

A diabetic patient tests personal blood glucose daily to determine how much insulin is needed to regulate sugar levels.

What is a laboratory test panel or profile?

A series of tests associated with a particular organ disease or general assessment of a patients health status done on the same specimen.

_______ is defined as passage of a substance through the surface of the body into body fluids and tissues.


What is the term that describes when controls consistently fall with 2 standard deviations of the mean ( results are somewhere within the center of a target)



Activates prothrombin to become thrombin

Which of the following provides long term protection against future infections due to the production of antibodies that were formed naturally during an infection or artificially by vaccination?

Active immunity

Which of the following analytes would not be part of an I-STAT CHEM8+ panel?


Which of the following drugs are typically screened using a saliva or breath specimen.


Which of the following pairs is correct regarding the diagnosis of infections mononucleosis?

All of the pairs above are correct

variances in RBC size


Which of the following therapeutic drug categories and their represented drugs are not typically monitored for therapeutic levels.

Antihistamines ( i.e benadryl)

Which of the following lymphocytes differentiate into plasma cells and memory cells with the subsequent production of antibodies humoral immunity?

B cells



Renal panel

BUN, creatinine, uric acid, electrolytes



People who do not exercise regularly are overweight and eat mostly saturated fats will probably increase their level of which of the following

Bad cholesterol LDL

Which term dose not match its description.


Hepatic panel

Bilirubin, albumin, ALP, GGT, AST, ALT, and LD



Marijuana is a


Which of the following groups are allowed to be eaten 2 days before collecting the fecal specimen used for hemoccult blood test?

Chich fish and eggs

Physicians use which of the following lipid results as the best predictive indicator of possible future myocardial infarct MI?

Cholesterol/HDL ratio

A visible mass of bacteria formed on a culture medium by one bacterium growing and replicating is


Which of the following occult tests does not require a restrictive diet prior to testing because it uses an antibody-antigen reaction to detect human blood rather than the guaiac methods which detect any blood ( ie red meat in the stool)

Coloscreen III method that applies three separate fecal samples onto three testing cards that are then returned to the lab for testing.

The virus causes severe acute respiratory syndrome a respiratory illness that was recently reported in Asia, North America, and Europe.


Which of the following statements is true?

Crystal formation is affected by the temperature and ph of the urine.

safe work practice

Daily disinfection

In the gram stain procedure, what is the most critical differentiating step.


autoimmune disease

Destructive tissue disease caused by antibody delf antigen reactions

Which of the following is an example of a CLIA-waived test using a specimen

Dipstick urinalysis test

Which of the following drug test dose not match its proper specimen collection

Drug screening test for DOT: urine cup with temperature indicator.

The anticoagulant and vacutainer tube used for most hematology testing in a reference lab is.

EDTA in a lavender to tube

This organism was first discovered in 1977 after two simultaneous outbreaks in Africa (Sudan and Congo) It causes fever, extensive bleeding and destruction of internal organs.

Ebola Virus

what is the name of the tiny pinworm whose female normally lays her eggs during the nighttime hours in the anal area of the human host, causing itching of this area.

Enteronius vermicularis

Which of the following is the causative agent of infectious mononucleosis

Epstein Barr Virus EBV

Which of the following is the correct way to writ the name of an organism

Escherichia coli ( underlined)

Which of the following associations is incorrect

Escherichia coli/ gram positive bacilli

Which of the following statements about bacteria in urine is incorrect?

Even though contaminant bacteria reproduce rapidly if the urine is kept at room temperature for a prolonged period, it is not important that the testing and microscopic examination be done on fresh urine.

What causes the microscopic image to be clearer and sharper.

Focus controls

Which of the following statements regarding helicobacter pylori and ulcers is false?

Helicobacter pylori is believed to be the cause of all ulcers.

Specialists who evaluate the cellular elements of blood microscopically and analytically


Which Laboratory department tests the cellular components of blood?

Hematology department

It is estimated that up to 3% of the worlds population is infected with this virus that attacks the liver, which was identified in 1989. It poses a threat to health care workers who are exposed to blood.

Hepatitis C Viru

Pregnancy testing is based upon detection of

Human chorionic gonadotropin HCG

Which of the following statements is false?

If a quantitative result is needed to detect an illegal drug, the specimen is usually urine.

Which of the following classes of antibodies is involved in allergic reactions?

Immunoglobulin Ig E


Immunoglobulins produced specifically to destroy foreign invaders are called

Which of the following best describes a first morning urine specimen?

It is the most concentrated and has the greatest amount of dissolved substances.

Which of the teston a chemical strip should be held for 2 minutes ( after removal from the urine) before reading the results?


The release of a prescribed drug from its dosage is called


Which of the following has the correct order of the pharmacokinetic stages

Liberation, absorption, liberation, metabolism, and elimination.

_______ are liquid, semisolid, or solid substances containing nutrients needed to grow microorganisms.


The metric prefix that means one thousandth, 1/1000, or 0.001 is?


Which of the following metric units is a measurement of volume

Milliliter ML

The rate at which an illness occurs


Diffuse muscle pain


Mass of hyphae that some fungi produce


which of the following organisms are referred to as acid fast bacilli.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Which of the following WBCs does not match the associated description.

Neutrophil can differentiate into a T cellor B cell.

Normal Flora

Nonpathogenic microbes normally present on the skin and mucous membranes

The ABO blood type of the universal donor is




Which statement is false re-guarding quality control documentation.

Only abnormal test controls should be recorded on a levey jennings chart



Which statement regarding pro time testing is false.

Patients taking anticoagulants will have lower pro time and international normalized ration INR results.

Which of the following non specific immunity mechanisms involves the process of certain cells engulfing and destroying microorganisms and cellular debris?


The abbreviation POL means

Physician office lab

What is it called when controls produce the same test result each time a test is performed and they demonstrate a cluster of results in the same place on a target.


What are the two substances that are too large to filtered from the blood in the glomerulus ( hint: They are not normally found in urine due to their large size

Proteins and RBC


Test performed within a living host or organism


Test that measures the extent to which an antibody can be diluted before losing its power to react with a specific antigen

HIV attacks and destroys which element in the immune system?

The T Lymphocytes

Serology immunology

The branch of laboratory medicine that performs antibody antigen testing with serum

Which of the following urine drug test results is interpreted as a positive result,

The control will have a colored band and the test area will not have a colored band.

Which of the statements regarding the nitrite test for bacteria is incorrect?

The first morning urine is not used because the urine has been in the urinary bladder for at least 4 hours.

Which of the following statements regarding erythrocyte sedimentation rate ( ESR) is false.

The following medical conditions will cause a decreased ESR result inflammatory disease, autoimmune disorders, cancer and leukemia

Which of the following statements about the formation of crystals in urine is incorrect?

The most important aid in the identification of urine crystals is the urine temperature.

Which of the following statements regarding chemical urinalysis strip procedures in incorrect?

The strips must be stored in the refrigerator.


Triple phosphate crystals

Cardiac panel

Troponin I & T, enzyme CK, myoglobin

The specific gravity of urine is compared to what other liquid ( that has a specific gravity of 1.000)?


Which of the following microscope maintenance actions is incorrect

When cleaning the lens start with the oil immersion lens.

Which of the following is not a poisonous metal that needs to be tested.



a byproduct of RBC breakdown that is sent to the liver


a molecule that has a reddish pigment and is capable of carring oxygen

Which of the following describes a coccus bacterium

a round organism that can be found as singles, pairs, clusters, or chains.

Which of the following statements is incorrect about the use of a tourniquet

a tourniquet should be very tight to stop arterial and venous blood


activates fibrinogen to become fibrin

Gelatinous substance obtained from seaweed that is liquid when heated and solid when cooled and used in culture media is


The erythrocyte indices

aid in diagnosing anemia classifications

HBV and HIV may be directly transmitted in the occupational setting by

all of the above

The physician uses which of the following to make a diagnosis ?

all of the above

which of the following are analytes that are affected when hemolyzed blood releases chemicals into the plasma and serum

all the above

which of the following woukld be a goal to determine the effectiveness of new safety devices

all the above

Which of the following statements is incorrect when performing a capillary puncture.

allow the alcohol to dry by fanning or blowing on the cleaned site.

The substance being tested in a specimen, such as glucose or cholesterol in a blood specimen is a



are proteins secreted by infected cells to prevent the further replication and spread of of infection into neighboring cells.

natural killer cells

are special type of lymphocyte that attacks and destroys infected cells and cancer cells in a nonspecific way.

For some test the patient must be fasting. which of the following statements is incorrect.

ask the patient if he or she has fasted.

HCG is produced by the developing placenta during pregnancy with the levels peaking

between 50 and 80 days of pregnancy

health hazards


Most CLIA waived hematology tests use blood from


_______ include sugars and starches



cells capable of engulfing and ingesting microorganisms and cellular debris

CDC stands for

centers for disease control

Metric base unit for temperature


Plasma is obtained by

centrifuging a tube that contains an anticoagulant


clumping of red blood cells

When collecting micro biologic specimens, medical professionals must strive to prevent the spread of infection to others or to themselves. Which of the following precautions is incorrect

disinfect specimen containers before collection.

blood carrying the drug through the body is called.


unsafe work habits

eating in the lab

Even though all of the following factors contribute to laboratory safety, the most crucial factor for consistently preventing harm to ones self is

engineering controls

immature red cell in bone marrow


If a POL is performing moderate-complexity tests, CLIA requires all of the following except.

external proficiency testing every week.

Which of the following will not cause a liquid control to fall out of prnge

failure of patient to fast before collection of the specimen

Which of the following describes the process in which fluids and dissolved substances in the blood are forced through the pores of the glomerulus into Bowmans capsule by hydrostatic pressure


The preferred sample for pregnancy testing is obtained as a

first morning sample

Hematology is the study of:

formed elements in the blood and bone marrow

Personal Protective Equipment


erythroblastosis fetalis

hemolytic disease of the newborn

Excessively high blood insulin levels is referred to as


Excessive fat in blood that gives a milky appearance in the plasma is called


Ab abnormal susceptibility to a drug or other agent that is peculiar to the individual is called .


statement is correct regarding cetrifuge safety

if an abnormal noise, vibration or sound is noted immediately stop and the unit and check for a possible load imbalance.

Which of the following statements regarding hematocrits is false

if capillary blood from a finger is used for the microgematocrit, the capillary tube must not contain an anticoagulant.

which of the following should not cause a hematoma

if the needle is in the middle of the lumen of the vein

What changes the refraction of light with the 100x objective and increases the upper limit of magnification.

immersion oil

An endemic flu Virus that mutated from former gene viruses in swine, birds, and humans.

influenza A Virus (H1N1)

The process of transferring microorganisms into or on a culture medium for growth is referred to as


Which statement is incorrect regarding a 24-hour urine collection?

instruct the patient to empty the bladder into the toilet when arising on the second day of the 24-hour procedure.


is an overall reaction of the body to tissue injury or invasion by an infectious agent characterized by redness heat swelling and pain


large engulfing cells in the tissues that came from monocytes


large nuclear cell in the bone marrow that fragments its cytoplasm to become platelets

collect blood for coagulation studies

light blue tube

Which of the following is not a granulocyte



lymphocytes and monocytes group

Feeling of weakness, distress, or discomfort


veins is most commonly used for venipuncture.

median cubital vein

A substance produced by the metabolism of a drug in the body is a


metric base unit for length


metric prefix for 0.000 001


The rate of deaths



moving blood clot

which of the following may occur if the needle is inserted at less than a 15 degree angle

no blood would be obtained because the needle entered above the vein

Methadone and morphine are


HIPAA privacy rule and risk management affect the laboratory in the all following situations except:

patients do not have control over the use and disclosure of their health information.

_______ is a component made of polysaccharides and peptides that gives rigidity to the bacterial cell wall



pertaining to a visual color change that appears when an enzyme-linked antibody/antigen reaction takes place


pertaining to the attachment of an antigen or antibody to a solid surface such as latex beads, wells in plastic dishes, or plastic cartridges

A _________ contains medium in which to grow microorganisms

petri dish

when whole blood is centrifuged the results are

plasma, RBCs, and buffy coat

Abnormally shaped


An elevated glycosylated hemoglobin A1c test result indicates

poor glucose control over the past 2 months

electrolyte panel

positively charged cations and negatively charged anions


protein portion of hemoglobin

Which of the following is not a formed element in the blood.


_______ means an infection capable of forming pus.


__________ measurement determines if a substance is present or absent.

qualitative drug screening

The system of monitoring every aspect of the laboratory testing process, starting with the physicians order and ending with the evaluation and communication of the test result, is known as.

quality assurance



When an explanation of laboratory test results is requested by the patient, how should lab workers respond.

refer the patient to the physician

When both accuracy and precision are accomplished, the testing system is considered what.


Engineering control

safety needles and reading chemical labels

which is the correct statement reguarding syncope

signs of fainting are that the patient becomes pale seats and hyperventilates

which of the following sites could be used if other acceptable ones are unavailable when performing a venipuncture

sites on the arm below an iv insertion area

Which of the following strep organisms causes strep throat and demonstrates beta hemolysis

streptococcus pyogenes


substances that are perceived as foreign to the body and elicit an antibody response

auto antigens self antigens

substances within the body that induce the production of antibodies that attack an individual own body tissues


the final sticky stringy product of coagulation.


the iron portion of the hemoglobin.

which of the following is not a reason for failure to obtain blood.

the needle gauge was 21

which of the following statements concerning performing a veinpuncture on an arm adjacent to a mastectomy isincorrect

the tourniquet will not injure the patients arm

The level at which a drug becomes poisonous in the body is called.


A blood specimen can be hemolized if the

tube is vigorously shaken to mix the blood with the anticoagulant

Which of the following statements is true?

urine controls are known value specimens that test the accuracy of urine procedures, reagents, and equipment.

is not a reason for using a syringe method for venipuncture.

using a syringe is more expedient than than using the vacutainer method

Which of the following statements in incorrect.

veins carry blood away from the heart.

A capillary puncture may be performed in all of the following cases except.

when a lg amount of blood is needed.

incorrect regarding the proper way to identify a patient.

when determining the patients name ask are you mrs smith?

Which of the following statements regarding the making and staining of a blood smear is true

when identifying cells, one should note the size, shape, and color of the blood cell, its nucleus and its cytoplasm

ppe requirement


reactive explosive


Which of the following statements is true?

you should focus a specimen under the 100x objective with only the fine focus adjustment knob.

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