final exam review part 1

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Which explorer called for transforming the Indian Ocean into a "Portuguese Lake" as well as taking the port of Malacca?

Afonso de Albuquerque

The richest part of the 3rd Estate, made up mainly of merchants and professionals, was called the


Parisian women led a large group of people to the gates of the Palace of Versailles in 1789, demanding that King Louis XVI open his food stores. As a result, the King and Queen were pressured to live in the Tuileries Palace in Paris.

Bread March

Roundheads : Parliament's forces :: ___________ : Charles I's forces


The National Assembly reduced the political and economic influence of the Catholic Church in France by passing the

Civil Constitution of the Clergy

What term is applied to the overall movement of goods, people, cultures, and diseases between Europe and the New World between 1500 and 1800?

Columbian Exchange

The swearing of the Tennis Court Oath by the National Assembly led to the creation of which document?

Constitution of 1791

Napoleon attempted to damage Britain's economy by cutting off trade to mainland European ports. Britain countered this plan by blockading French-dominated ports. The name for Napoleon's plan was the

Continental System

Which of the following wrote a fictional novel called Robinson Crusoe about an adventure on a tropical island?

Daniel Defoe

____?____ Deficit Spending in the 1780s Bad Harvests in the 1780s Costly Wars fought by Louis XIV in the early 1700s What is the best title for the ideas listed above?

Economic Causes of the French Revolution

Napoleon was born in Paris and had no education before he became an officer in the French Army.


Olympe de Gouges was a monarchist who wanted to restore Louis XIV's absolute power.


Russia and Portugal were the first two countries to declare war on France to restore Louis XVI to the throne.


The Duke of Wellington and Field Marshal Blucher are most closely associated with their defeat at the hands of Napoleon at Waterloo.


What kind of limited monarchy did William and Mary preside over in England?

a constitutional monarchy

The Sixth Coalition captured Napoleon and forced him to

abdicate his position as Emperor

How did the Ottoman sultans keep control over their diverse empire after 1453?

all of these answers are correct

By resetting the borders in Europe to those of 1789, the Congress of Vienna was trying to reestablish

all of these are correct

Why was the Invasion of Russia in 1812 Napoleon's largest military blunder?

all of these are correct

Which of the following people would most likely have read The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli?

an aspiring aristocrat in Florence

"I have gold! I need to trade for salt and ivory!" African Trader, c.1500 AD Where could the speaker most likely be found saying this?

at the end of a Trans-Saharan trade route in Timbuktu, Songhai

How did Spain pay for spices while trading in Manila?

bringing silver that was mined in Mexico and Peru across the Pacific

first estate, second estate, third estate

clergy, nobility, commoners

What two products were the Ottomans most known for trading?

coffee and ceramics

The movement of precious metals and products between traders from multiple empires on multiple continents is an example of


How could one describe the attitudes of Korean, Chinese, and Japanese nobles toward Christian missionaries during the 1600s?


_____?______ emphasized worldly ideas focused on man's abilities and glorified individualism Petrarch is the best example of an early believer in this idea what would be the best title for the list above?


How did Napoleon's governing style change after he created the Grand Empire?

instead of using merit-based choices of officials, he started to place his family members in chart of his territories

What was the result of Napoleon's creation of the Confederation of the Rhine?

it ended the existence of the Holy Roman Empire

What is the best description of Baroque art?

naturalistic, complex, and ornate; depicted scenes of religion or violence or heroism

Imagine you're in a city in Northern India. A trader from China just opened his cart full of goods. What product would you most likely NOT find in it?


-Jewish ghettos created in Europe's cities -Huguenots attacked by Catholics -Bloody Mary executes Catholics in England Which of the following ideas applies to the terms and events listed above?

religious persecution

The Concordat of 1801

restored Napoleon's relations with the Catholic Church in France

Madame Geoffrin has just invited you to speak after dinner on the condition of poor people in Paris and how the local government is not upholding the social contract. In this scenario, you're most likely attending a


Which of the following was NOT an item that was brought from the Americas to Europe between 1500 and 1800?


What did Holy Roman Emperor Charles V do with the lands of the Hapsburg Empire before he died?

split the empire, giving Spain and the Netherlands to Philip II, and the Holy Roman Empire to Ferdinand I

Which of the following was NOT brought from Europe to the Americas between 1500 and 1800?


Mughal traders relied heavily upon European merchants and the exchange of


If you were a trader from Northern Europe in 1500, which body of water would you most want to reach?

the Black Sea

Which of the following was NOT a reason that Emperor Qianlong and the Qing Dynasty severely restricted European trade in China?

the Qing had already created their own empire in Europe and the Americas

James I and Charles I were alike in that they both clashed with Parliament over all of the following EXCEPT:

the dissolution of the Thirteen Colonies in North America

Romanticism during the Napoleonic era was a rebellion against

the reason and logic that dominated Enlightenment thought

What was similar about the missionary work done by Matteo Ricci in China and Francis Xavier in Japan?

they experienced very little success in converting Chinese and Japanese subjects to Catholicism

What do El Greco and Diego Velazquez have in common historically?

they were both painters during Spain's Siglo de Oro

During the Protestant Reformation the ideas of secularism and individualism grew in popularity.


King Edward VI was an Anglican who outlawed Catholicism, while his half-sister, Queen Mary I was a Catholic who executed thousands of Protestants


Which Renaissance sculptor created the statue, The Pieta?


What does the historical word "Renaissance" mean?

"Rebirth" of classical (ancient Greek and Roman) culture in Europe

If you wanted to read why a woman's place was in the home, but have the natural right to an enlightened education, what book would you read?

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Wollstonecraft

"Hello! Would you like to join me and 100 other investors in funding a trade expedition to Goa? Each of us could make a fortune, or if the ships sink, none of us would lose more than we invested in the expedition."

A board member of the Dutch East India Company

During the Catholic (Counter) Reformation, the Council of Trent decided all of the following EXCEPT

Abolished the Inquisition and said all Catholic practices were to be thrown out

The best economy is a free market with laissez-faire policies by the government The two main laws in economics are 'supply and demand' Mercantilism is a clumsy and ineffective economic system The Wealth of Nations (1776) Which thinker is most closely related to the list above?

Adam Smith

Who led British forces to victory over Napoleon in Egypt in 1799?

Admiral Horatio Nelson

All of the following were results of transporting slaves along the Middle Passage EXCEPT:

Africans were only forced to be slaves for seven years and then they were released from their contracts

In 1805, while Napoleon won a great land victory at the Battle of ________, his navy suffered a crushing defeat to Britain at the Battle of ________.

Austerlitz; Trafalgar

Which leader is best associated with the following things? Ruled as Regent of France during Louis XIII's youth Ignored the Edict of Nantes and attacked Huguenots Entered France into the Thirty Years' War on the side of the Protestants for political and land gains

Cardinal Richelieu

What incident sparked the Thirty Years' War?

Defenestration of Prague

series of religious reforms in the 1550s and 1560s established the Church of England as England's official state religion set forth a Book of Common Prayer to be used in all Anglican Churches was worded to promote religious toleration in England All of these terms and phrases refer to what?

Elizabethan Settlement

Frederick the Great refused to participate in the Partition of Poland (1772).


Henry IV of France's Edict of Nantes (1598) was meant to encourage French Catholics to persecute Huguenots.


Holy Roman Emperor Charles V peacefully accepted the rise of Protestantism in his territories.


Louis XIV protected Huguenots by enforcing the Edict of Nantes.


_____?_____ created an efficient bureaucracy and controlled nobles in Prussia allowed non-nobles to serve as judges in Prussia encouraged literacy and education in Prussia promoted religious and ethnic toleration and more free speech in Prussia

Frederick the Great's Domestic Policy

Which of the following is NOT CORRECT in relation to Philip II of Spain?

He defeated Elizabeth I by sending the Armada to conquer England in 1588

The Storming of the Bastille by Jean-Pierre Houel Why is the event shown in the painting significant?

It is a nationalist symbol of the French revolution.

What was the main reason Korea's Choson Dynasty enforced strict isolationism in response to European trade?

Korea had been invaded many times by foreign powers

"I am the heart of France like the sun is the heart of the universe." "L'etat c'est moi." "I have repealed the Edict of Nantes." Who is speaking in the quotes above?

Louis XIV

Which Bourbon was reestablished as France's monarch by the Congress of Vienna in 1814?


All of the following were reasons for the British East India Company's influence over the Mughal Empire EXCEPT:

Mughal traders were isolationist and uninterested in European trade

"If the king will not live by the law, he must be executed." "England should be governed by a Lord Protector and a Puritan parliament." "Irish Catholics must be crushed." "All people in England must be properly educated." Who would have been most likely to make the statements above?

Oliver Cromwell

What palace did Louis XIV have built so he could seem more majestic as well as keep an eye on his nobles?

Palace of Versailles

A Chinese explorer in 1500 would try to reach all of the following places via the South China Sea EXCEPT:


The Quadruple Alliance that decided Napoleon's fate included all of the following EXCEPT:


____?_____ Price Revolution entrepreneurs capitalism money economy What would be the most fitting title for the list above?

Results of the Commercial Revolution

People are born naturally reasonable but can be corrupted by their surroundings To prevent such corruption, create 3 branches of government This will create "checks and balances" The Spirit of the Laws (1748) Which thinker is most closely related to the list above?

Baron de Montesquieu

Robert Clive cotton, gemstones, and tea trade overtaking of the Mughal Empire sepoys All of the above are terms most closely associated with

The British East India Company

Which of the following were NOT reasons for the beginning of the Protestant Reformation?

The Catholic Church took steps to reduce corruption and abuses in the 15th century

After Martin Luther proclaimed his Ninety-five Theses, which of the following occurred?

The Church declared Luther an outlaw and some of the nobles supported his ideas.

All of the following were long-term results of the Thirty Years' War EXCEPT:

The Holy Roman Empire gained territory and political power

All of the following were reasons the Renaissance began in Italy EXCEPT:

The Holy Roman Empire invaded the Northern Italian city states in 1500

____?____ Ended the War of the Spanish Succession Allowed Philip V to remain King of Spain, but had to give up claims in France Louis XIV had to recognize the House of Hanover's right to the English throne and Gibraltar

The Peace of Utrecht

People are born naturally sinful In a state of nature, life would be "nasty, brutish, and short" To protect people, a wise absolute monarch should rule Leviathan (1651) Which thinker is most closely associated with the ideas above?

Thomas Hobbes

The Inquisition in Spain was intended for what purpose?

To root out heretics and convert non-Catholics by using torture and secret testimony

A philosophe was a thinker who concentrated on government and society, while a physiocrat concentrated on economics and society.


Austria was ruled by the Hapsburg dynasty, while Prussia was ruled by the Hohenzollern dynasty.


Cromwell's disciplined military force was called the New Model Army.


The Peace of Augsburg (1555) halted fighting between Lutheran Protestants and Roman Catholics by

allowing German princes to decide whether their states were Lutheran or Catholic

The Society of Jesus (Jesuits) created by Ignatius of Loyola was an example of a strictly-trained religious order devoted to

combating Protestantism acting as missionaries to convert natives to Catholicism in the New World

Which of the terms below best describes the political views of Klemens von Metternich of Austria?


All of the following were parts of the legacy of Napoleon's rule in Europe EXCEPT:

creation of an absolute monarchy in Britain

The spread of Christianity by European traders, officials, and missionaries is an example of

cultural diffusion

How did Philip II of Spain view marriage?

he used it to try to strengthen Catholic power in Europe

Which of the following is NOT correct about the Napoleonic Code?

it made the other parts of the Grand Empire equal to France in foreign affairs

What was the historical importance of Miguel de Cervantes' work Don Quixote?

it was a satire that mocked medieval ideas of chivalry

Why was the Silk Road important?

it was a series of land routes bringing goods from China to India, the Middle East and Europe

What items would have been traded most often from the Europe to Africa as part of the Triangular Trade?

manufactured goods and weapons

Britain defeated China in 1842 in order to be able to sell _______ to China in exchange for Chinese tea.


How did Napoleon come to political power in France in 1799?

overthrew the Directory and created the Consulate

Henry IV of France granted the Huguenots religious toleration by announcing the

Edict of Nantes

Nobles and Clergy who fled France during the French Revolution were called


If you wanted to read essays about government, society, and economics from famous thinkers of the Enlightenment Era, which book would most likely contain them?

Encyclopedie by Diderot

Rules set out by the Petition of Right (1628) Parliament controlled the power of the purse All people have the right of habeas corpus The people and the monarch had to follow laws set by Parliament What is implied by the points made above?

English people wanted a limited monarchy

Which one of the following terms is NOT defined correctly?

Free Market--that to which all people may go to obtain necessities if they are in need

Which two early Catholic reformers influenced Martin Luther's ideas?

John Wycliffe and Jan Hus

Why did Henry VIII break England away from the Catholic Church?

Not wanting to anger Charles V., the Pope refused to annul Henry's marriage to Catherine of Aragon

All of the following were ways in which absolute monarchs centralized power in France EXCEPT:

Taking a vote by the Estates General

Which of the following made Henry VIII the ruler of the Church of England?

The Act of Supremacy

Where did Napoleon win his first victories and promotions while in defense of the French Revolution?

Toulon and Northern Italy

During the reign of Louis XIV, France set cultural trends in Western Europe in art, music, and dance.


Frederick the Great won the War of the Austrian Succession, but only gained Silesia from it.


Napoleon used plebiscites to gain support for the political promotions he gave himself.


Nationalism in Europe grew because of Napoleon's creation of the Grand Empire.


Carried out the Glorious Revolution in England Signed the English Bill of Rights Signed the Toleration Act in England Which of the following is most closely related to the list above?

William and Mary

The Holy Roman Empire was unified and had little ethnic diversity in the 16th and 17th centuries.


The St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre of 1572 was an example of Catholic attacks against Calvinist Protestants during the era of religious wars in late 16th century


The regions colored in dark (navy) blue on the map above represent

France and its directly owned territories under Napoleon

People are born naturally reasonable but can be corrupted by circumstances Social and economic inequality cause this corruption The people are sovereign and should rely on the "majority will" to guide their government The Social Contract (1762) Which thinker is most closely related to the list above?

Jean-Jacques Roussea

___?___ Believed Luther's teachings were mostly correct but incomplete People must live a sober and righteous life Salvation is determined by Predestination Set up a theocracy in Geneva, Switzerland

John Calvin

People are born "tabula rasa" ("blank slate") with the ability to reason People are born with the rights of life, liberty, and property People have sovereignty and should overthrow tyrannical governments The best government is a limited monarchy or republic Two Treatises of Government (1689) Which thinker is most closely associated with the list above?

John Locke

Which phrase is most closely associated with the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen?

Liberty, Equality and Fraternity

Which of the following is NOT a reason that Philip II of Spain sent the Armada to attack England in 1588?

Philip was opposed to the persecution of Protestants in England

Luther's teachings were based on all of the following ideas EXCEPT:


Which series of Catholic courts in Europe would interrogate, torture, try, and punish Jewish people, witches, or heretics?

The Inquisition

Philip II of Spain built El Escorial to show his tremendous power, wealth, and devotion to Catholicism.


Spain and Austria were heavily involved in the politics of the Italian States between 1500 and 1800.


The Great Fear occurred in 1789 as French peasants thought Louis XVI would take revenge for the Storming of the Bastille.


The Hapsburgs were strong supporters of Roman Catholicism.


The Jacobins were radicals in the Legislative Assembly who wanted to create a French Republic.


The Peace of Westphalia, which ended the Thirty Years' War, allowed German States to decide for themselves whether they would be Catholic or Protestant.


The Prussian noble class was called "junkers".


"My trade is to say what I think." "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." "Of all religions, Christianity is the one which should inspire toleration the most." "Read Candide, the novel in which I mock all societies and governments!" Who is speaking in the quotes above?


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