final exam science 2

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A flowering plant and a bird which occasionally perches on its branches are not likely to coevolve.


A mutant fruit fly with poor nerve transmission proves to have poor reception of signals sent by one neuron to another. This is probably due to mutated dendrite formation.


A threshold potential is like a tipping point past which an action potential starts.


Antibiotics usually are not dangerous to humans when treating bacterial infections because most antibiotics exploit structures and functions in bacteria that are not present in host cells.


Artificial selection is responsible for many vegetable varieties.


Athletes who do more short bursts of intense activity will develop more fast-twitch muscle.


Blood that reaches the heart tissue via the coronary artery has more oxygen in it than the tissue itself.


Bones play a role in calcium homeostasis.


Darwin believed that because of "differential reproductive success" a population would change over time.


Heterotrophs could live underground if they could find a food source, but photosynthetic autotrophs, which include the majority of autotrophs on Earth, must live where they can obtain sunlight.


Hornworts are bryophytes.


If a species of fruit fly needs a minimum amount of leaf surface area for mating, once there are enough fruit flies to occupy all mating spaces, the population is at carrying capacity.


If asked to put an arrow in a diagram showing energy flow through an ecosystem, you would use a single-headed arrow.


If you detected large amounts of ammonia in mammalian urine, you would know that the mammal in question had serious problems with liver and urinary functions.


If you exercised more and more intensely over two months, your resting heart rate would decrease.


If you found a dinosaur fossil in which the nasal cavity cross section was proportionally as large as in a dog, you would probably have found an endothermal dinosaur.


If you found a giant panda in a hardwood forest in Europe, where no bamboo grows, you would be very surprised since the panda should not have anything to eat there.


If you had found a flattened worm with bilateral symmmetry, you would know that you had found a flatworm.


If you sample prokaryotes from a kitchen faucet, there are likely to be bacteria, not archaea.


In a hierarchical description of an animal, tissues would fall between cells and organs.


Most burn victims who have substantial damage to their skin are prescribed powerful antibiotics because the intact skin is the first defense against bacterial infections.


Muscle rich in slow-twitch fibers is darker than muscle rich in fast-twitch fibers.


Since small amounts of ammonia are very toxic, mammals convert ammonia to urea for concentration before excretion occurs.


Skeletal muscle contraction is important in maintaining body temperature homeostasis.


The chambers of the heart that push blood to the lungs or body are the ventricles.


The frequency of the sickle cell allele is kept up by the heterozygote advantage under natural selection.


The main function of phloem is to transport nutrients produced in photosynthesis to the roots and other nongreen parts of the plant.


The medulla has receptors that monitor H+ concentrations in the blood.


The precursor of bone is cartilage.


The primary immune response produces memory cells that stimulate a faster immune response on a subsequent exposure to the same foreign antigen.


The reliance of a plant on one type of insect for pollination and that insect having only the nectar of that plant as its food source is an example of coevolution.


The second time that an immune system sees an antigen, a secondary immune reaction will take place.


When explaining a patient's near death from anaphylactic shock, you would tell the patient that this was a secondary immune response.


When exponential growth is plotted over time a J-shaped curve emerges.


complement protein.


f there are 10 tortoises on a 2 hectare island, the population density is 5 tortoises per hectare.


If a friend at the next lab bench was working on an unknown fungus and shouted "I've found zygospores," you would tell your friend that the fungus was probably a member of the


Male athletes who take synthetic steroids can become sterile due to lack of sperm production. This is because the synthetic steroids cause

a decrease in FSH and LH production.

Chlamydomonas is unicellular and photosynthetic. Chlamydomonas is which of the following?

a green alga

Reminyl, known chemically as galantamine, works like the nation's three other Alzheimer's medications. It modestly slows cognitive (mental ability) decline by inhibiting the breakdown of acetylcholine, a brain chemical vital for nerve cells to communicate, by the enzyme acetylcholineesterase.Acetylcholine is what?

a neurotransmitter

The capillary wall consists only of

a single layer of epithelial cells.

The Irish potato famine in the mid-1840s was caused by which heterotrophic protist decomposer that secreted digestive enzymes onto potatoes?

a water mold

Mitochondria arose by endosymbiosis of a(an)

aerobic bacterium.

Why do scientists hypothesize that RNA was the first form of genetic material?

all answers are correct

An exaggerated attack on a harmless antigen by an overly sensitive immune system is termed a(n)


Vertebrates with a three-chambered heart include


You are helping to prepare images for a textbook when you see a caption saying "first land vertebrates," so you look for pictures of


The enzyme that breaks down starch is


The study of an organism's structure is


in human males, the different types of male sex hormones are collectively called


A whole blood cell transfusion would be used to treat which of the following?


A neuron recharges when Na+ ions

are actively pumped against their concentration gradient.

If you wanted to study the part of a neuron that carries electrical signals away from the cell body, you would look for what part?


The part of the neuron that is usually a single long extension that conducts an impulse to a muscle or another neuron is the


After a muscle cell contracts, calcium ions must

be pumped back into the endoplasmic reticulum.

Which level includes all the other levels?


The only type of connective tissue in which collagen is not secreted is


The type of connective tissue with a mineralized extracellular matrix is


Ligaments are connective tissues that connect ________ to ________.

bone; bone

Immunological memory results from the production of

both B and T memory cells.

Histamine triggers vasodilation and leakiness in blood vessels during inflammation. This would be beneficial in fighting an infection by a pathogen because it would lead to

both increased number of white blood cells and their migration to site of infection.

In the pulmonary circulation, _____ is expelled from the blood and _____ is picked up.

carbon dioxide; oxygen

What connective tissue provides a mold that bone replaces until bone growth is complete?


In animals, the pouch that forms the entrance to the large intestine is the


The rigid barrier that surrounds most prokaryotes is the

cell wall.

If asked to point to the place on a model of the brain where subconscious muscular movements are coordinated, you would point to the


The vertebrae in descending order from the skull are

cervical, thoracic, lumbar.

The layer of the wall of the eye that contains blood vessels that supply nutrients to the sheet of photoreceptors at the back of the eye and becomes the iris at the front of the eye is the


In ecology, a _____ community is one that remains fairly constant over time.


A genetic change in one species that selects for a subsequent change in a different species is termed


Although the lymphatic system has many similarities to the circulatory system, what can the lymphatic system accomplish that the circulatory system cannot?

collect bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, and other large particles from body tissues

A type of symbiosis in which one member of the relationship benefits with no effect on the other is


The substance that when activated triggers a chain reaction that punctures bacterial cell membranes is

complement protein.

The tissue type that provides support, transport, and insulation is


The primary function of a vaccine is to

create immunological memory without causing disease.

The molecule that rapidly replenishes ATP at the beginning of muscle activity is

creatine phosphate.

The number of individuals that die in a population per unit time is its

death rate.

Since hemoglobin has a greater affinity for carbon monoxide than for oxygen, what would be a symptom of carbon monoxide poisoning?

decreased ATP production

Alcohol reduces ADH secretion that in turn

decreases tubule permeability to water and thus increases urine volume.

the part of the neuron that is usually highly branched and receives input from other neurons is the


Predation of deer by wolves is an example of a

density-dependent limit.

The three types of natural selection are

directional selection, disruptive selection, and stabilizing selection.

In the Australian giant cuttlefish, males compete to mate with females. Smaller males sometimes succeed in mating by

disguising themselves as a female to gain access to a female.

Ancestors of the Galápagos finches had two different types of seeds to eat on some islands. Some seeds were very small and required small beaks to handle. Other seeds were very large and required large strong beaks to crack. This led to _____ among the Galápagos finches.

disruptive selection

The _____ measures the amount of land needed to support a country's overall lifestyle.

ecological footprint

The study of the relationships among organisms and the environment is


Thalidomide was given to pregnant women from 1957 to 1961 to help relieve the symptoms of morning sickness. Thalidomide binds to and inactivates the protein cereblon, which is important in limb formation. If a woman took thalidomide during the _____ period of her baby's development, it could result in stunted growth of their limbs.


The function of bile is to

emulsify fats.

A phagocyte is a cell that

engulfs other cells and debris.

If working on a diagram of the human male reproductive system, you would label the tightly coiled tube that receives and stores sperm from one testis as the


The tissue type that acts as a lining of organs, serves in absorption and secretion, and also conducts gas diffusion is


The area where the fresh water of a river meets the salt water of the ocean is a(n)


Changes in heritable traits in a population through multiple generations is called


A female salmon laying unfertilized eggs in a nest is preparing them for _____ by a male salmon.

external fertilization

Natural selection is a random process.


the process that unites the male gamete with the female gamete in organisms that reproduce sexually is termed


in the section "Investigating Life: The Hidden Cost of Hygiene," the hypothesis states that people who have

fewer worm infections will have an overactive immune system.

Clues from geology and paleontology suggest that simple cells or their precursors arose about

four billion years ago.

The entire collection of genes and alleles is a population's

gene pool.

In aquatic organisms, highly folded structures that exchange gases directly with water are


The main storage carbohydrate in fungi is


The hormone released from the hypothalamus that stimulates release of LH and FSH in both the male and female is

gonadotropin-releasing hormone.

Based upon the age structure diagram, you expect the Indian population to

grow because a large proportion of the population will be entering the reproductive years.

Bryophytes lack vascular tissue and lignin and therefore cannot

grow tall.

In alternation of generations, a diploid sporophyte goes through meiosis to form _____ spores.


In alternation of generations, a haploid gametophyte goes through mitosis to form a ____ gamete.


Sexual spores are formed by the fusion of two haploid nuclei. They then go through meiosis to form spores. Spores are which of the following?


In organisms that reproduce sexually, _____ are the sex cells that carry the genetic information from each parent.

haploid gametes

A vertebrate is an animal that

has a backbone.

You have discovered a new worm-like animal. You are convinced it is not a nematode because it

has a coelom.

Ferns have advantage over bryophytes in that ferns

have a vascular system, which allow them to grow taller.

Fungi and plants are similar because they both

have cell walls.

In regards to a species' life history, equilibrium species

have only a few offspring.

The cecum is the largest in


Individuals, who have one normal allele and one sickle cell allele, are able to resist malaria. This gives them a better chance of reaching reproductive age. This is known as

heterozygote advantage.

What evidence would cause you to think that a preembryo had split before day 12 of a patient's pregnancy?

identical twins

Which is a trend observed in the evolution of respiratory surfaces and lungs in vertebrates?

increased surface area

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium will not occur in a population in which

individuals immigrate or emigrate.

Sexually dimorphic features do not include


Ecologists study

interactions between all organisms.

you would know that a viral infection is ongoing in a body if you detect high levels of


the type of neuron that connects one neuron to another within the central nervous system is the


A lancelet is a(n)

invertebrate chordate.

An area where two bones meet is called a(n)


If a species makes up a small portion of the community by weight, yet exerts a disproportionate influence on community diversity, it is recognized as a _______ species.


To make use of the sugar in milk, your body needs the enzyme


Sleep apnea is temporarily ceasing to breathe and is more common in people who are overweight. Excess fat in the neck compresses the ____ cutting off air flow.


scleroderma is an autoimmune disease in which repeated bouts of inflammation result in collagen deposits in the skin. Which would be a symptom of scleroderma?

less flexibility and sensitivity to temperature in the skin

A human population with a large percentage of pre-reproductive individuals is common in

less-developed countries and will most likely increase in size.

A sprain is a stretched or torn


The enzyme that breaks down fats is


Which group of plants lack true leaves and roots?

liverworts, hornworts, and mosses

Air moves into the lungs when the air pressure in the lungs is _____ than the air pressure outside of the lungs. This occurs when the muscles of the diaphragm _____.

lower; contract

At the equator, the Earth receives the

maximum amount of solar radiation per unit area.

You are lying on a sand dune looking over the water, listening to the waves, and enjoying the feel of the sun and wind on your skin. You also smell the salty ocean air and seaweed that has washed ashore. When you hear the waves, what is being activated?


The two groups of angiosperms are

monocots and eudicots.

The type of neuron that conducts its message from the central nervous system toward an effector is the

motor neuron.

In flowering plants, the gametophyte is ______ the sporophyte.

much smaller than

If you wanted to change airflow to alveoli, what tissue would you need to target?


blood flow is increased by vasodilation, or widening of the blood vessel. Which tissue is responsible for vasodilation?


Which of the following is not an animal?


You observe a situation in which a worm and a species of mustard grow better when both are present in an ecosystem, helping one another exploit resources. You are observing


Associations of fungi and plant roots are called


A thick filament in a muscle cell is composed primarily of the protein


The liver produces 90% of the cholesterol in your body. Most cholesterol is transported in the blood as low density lipoprotein (LDL). When the levels of blood LDL increase, the enzyme in the liver that makes cholesterol is inhibited. This is an example of _____ feedback.


An action that counters an existing condition is called

negative feedback.

The functional unit of a kidney is a


Which animal tissue has control over the other tissues and is found in all organ systems?


If you wanted to stop transmission from one neuron to another, you would want to destroy all


In the diagram, the squares which are transported from a neuron, through the synaptic cleft, and received by the receptors of another cell are called


In the Hardy-Weinberg equation, p + q = 1, p and q represent the frequency of alleles in a population of diploid organisms if

only two alleles exist for that gene.

You are asked to research what the eye is. You read that it contains nerves, muscles, and blood cells. Therefore, you decide that it is a(n)


The diffusion of water across a membrane that is permeable to water but not to ions and other charged solutes is


If an older patient came in complaining of joint pain, and a scan showed the bones in the patient's hands rubbing one another, you would diagnose


A person who is bedridden for several weeks will see a decrease in bone and muscle mass. Blood vessels to muscles will shrink, and mitochondrial enzyme levels will decrease.A bedridden person is at risk of what problem?


A condition in which bones become less dense is called


In the Investigating Life, the observation that Tiktaalik had both gills and lungs suggests that it could absorb

oxygen from both the air and water.

When a tapeworm steals nutrients from the gut of a mammalian host, that symbiosis is called


Which of the following is not classified as a mammal?


If you eat a lot of meat, one enzyme needed to break down all of that protein would be


The observable properties of genes is an organism's


In humans, which type of receptor is used primarily to detect light?


Special cells produced by the immune system that are progeny of stimulated B cells and are antibody-producing factories are

plasma cells

A person can donate blood every two months, platelets every two weeks, and plasma twice a week. In whole blood donation, the blood is collected directly into a bag until it is used in a transfusion. In platelet donation, the platelets are separated from the other blood cells by apheresis and saved; the other blood cells and plasma are injected back into the donor. In plasma donation, blood cells are separated, plasma is removed, and the blood cells are injected back into the donor.Which is the correct order for the time required to replace each blood component from shortest to longest?

plasma, platelet, red blood cell

Gymnosperms and angiosperms evolved ______ allowing them to live and reproduce in drier habitats than bryophytes and seedless vascular plants.

pollen grains and seeds

Cnidarian bodies are one of two forms. A(n) ______ consists of a sessile stalk with tentacles on one end. A(n) ______ is a free-swimming, bell-shaped, "tentacles-down" body form with a single opening forming the mouth.

polyp; medusa

When a blood clot begins to form, the enzyme thrombin is formed. Thrombin then activates the enzymes that produce more thrombin. This is an example of _____ feedback.


If you were using electrodes and chemical tests to find a resting neuron, you would look for a neuron in which

potassium ions are more concentrated inside the cell than outside.

Botulism is caused by an infection with Clostridium botulinum. The bacteria release botulinum toxin that prevents the release of acetylcholine at neuromuscular junctions. What advantage would the bacteria gain by secreting the toxin?

prevent the body from excreting the bacteria

Birth control pills contain a combination of estrogen and progesterone and prevent pregnancy by

preventing ovulation.

A cervical cap is a silicone cup that fits within the vagina and covers the cervix. This contraceptive

prevents sperm from reaching the egg

The cells in the ovary that give rise to the mature egg cells are the

primary oocytes.

Gymnosperms have an advantage over ferns in that gymnosperms

produce pollen and do not require water to reproduce.

Cytoplasmic extensions by which some protozoa move are


The opening for light to enter into the eye is the


The cellular components of blood that transport oxygen are

red blood cells.

While in the treatment room at your eye doctor, you bump a model of the eye, and the sheet-like, innermost layer of the eye falls out into your hand. When you replace it, you have put back the


The parts of the plant that absorb water and minerals are the


If you wanted to sample most of the fluid found in the semen before sperm are added, you would need to cut into the

seminal vesicle.

The three types of neurons in the nervous system of humans are

sensory neurons, interneurons, and motor neurons.

The type of epithelial tissue that forms a single layer of cube-shaped cells is

simple cuboidal.

The type of epithelial tissue that forms a single layer of flattened cells is

simple squamous.

Yeasts are

single-celled heterotrophs.

What keeps your head held up and not drooped forward toward your chest when you are awake?

skeletal muscle

You are observing a test subject move his arm. You notice that the subject can move the arm on command, and a tissue biopsy shows that the relevant muscle tissue has cells with many nuclei. You decide that the movement is due to muscle that is


The middle layer of the wall of an artery or vein, allowing it to withstand and modify blood pressure, is

smooth muscle.

A population age structure diagram depicting an equal number of individuals in each age group suggests that the population is


All cnidarians share the ability to do which of the following?

sting predators and prey

The parts of the plant that allow for gas exchange are the


In 2010, India had a population of 1,170,000,000, a birth rate of 0.027, and a death rate of 0.013. What was the growth rate of India's population?


Use the Hardy-Weinberg equations: p + q = 1 and p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1. If the dominant allele frequency is 0.8, what percent of the population will be homozygous dominant?


Male athletes who take synthetic steroids can become sterile due to lack of sperm production. This is because of negative feedback on the


In the late 1950s, some women took _____ as a tranquilizer to relieve morning sickness and it caused deformed limbs in developing embryos.


Scientists use DNA to track the migration of humans across the planet. After a group migrates away from their ancestral homeland, any mutations that occur are not mixed with those left in the ancestral population. Therefore, DNA samples taken from ____ would have the most unique mutations, representing the most recent population to migrate to a new area.

the Americas

Which of the following is not a major terrestrial biome of Earth?

the Antarctic

As an overall average, about ______ of the energy at one trophic level is generally available to the next highest rank in the food chain.


A nerve impulse travels about __________ times faster when it leaps between gaps in the myelin sheath than when it travels along an unmyelinated axon.


Based on the 10% rule, if there are 10,000 calories of net primary productivity in an ecosystem, how much energy will be generally available to a secondary consumer?

100 calories

in 2010, India had a population of 1,170,000,000, a birth rate of 0.027, and a death rate of 0.013. Approximately how much did the Indian population grow in 2010?


Use the Hardy-Weinberg equations: p + q = 1 and p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1. If the dominant allele frequency is 0.8, what percentage of the population will be heterozygous?


ATP is required by cells to provide power for

All answers are correct.

Different types of animal tissue include

All answers are correct.

Evidence that green algae are the closest relatives to plants is that they both

All answers are correct.

The homeostasis of water in organisms is affected by

All answers are correct.

Mitochondria evolved before chloroplasts based on which observation?

All eukaryotes have mitochondria, but not chloroplasts.

What two features do all tissues share?

All tissues are composed of cells in an extracellular matrix and make up organs.

The North American bison was hunted to near-extinction in the 1800s. It has since recovered, but with decreased genetic diversity. This is an example of

the bottleneck effect.

In Western countries, up to 10% of the population develops gastric ulcers, many due to Helicobacter pylori. One adaptation this bacteria has is to secrete urease that produces the base ammonia from urea. How would this contribute to Helicobacter pylori causing ulcers?

Ammonia would neutralize stomach acids allowing bacteria to grow.

You are reading about a garden designer who has invented something called the "megagarden space" in which a few specimens are planted in a disturbed area and allowed to make a garden by self-propagation. Why might this designer choose to work with angiosperms rather than gymnosperms?

Angiosperms can produce flowers and fruits to aid in seed dispersal.

Spiders and scorpions belong to the phylum


The most successful phylum with regards to diversity and numbers is


Which of the following enabled Homo sapiens to develop complex cultures unlike other members of the Homo genus?

the development of agriculture

If you transfuse type AB blood into a patient with type A blood, the patient will raise antibodies against the B antigen on the donor's blood, but will not raise antibodies against the A antigen. Why not?

B and T cells that recognize the A antigen will have been removed by clonal deletion.

Which theory explains the origin of chloroplasts and mitochondria?

the endosymbiont theory

A cotyledon is

the first leaf structure to arise in the embryo of an angiosperm.

The few ancestors of the Galápagos finches who colonized the islands is an example of

the founder effect.

Evolution must include a change in

the gene pool of a population.

The geologist who suggested that natural processes are slow and steady and that the Earth is much older than 6,000 years was

Charles Lyell.

Our cells use vitamin C to make collagen, and people on a diet deficient in vitamin C have increased risk of small blood vessels rupturing. Which is the best explanation for this observation?

Collagen is in the connective tissue surrounding blood vessels.

Sea cucumbers and sea urchins belong to the phylum


A new drug that mimics ATP but that cannot be broken down as ATP is in muscle would still allow muscular contraction to occur.


All angiosperms have their pollen and seeds moved by animals.


All protists are single-celled.


Energy can be depleted within an ecosystem.


Evolution occurs in individuals, not populations.


Flatworms have complete digestive tracts.


If a species of guppy lives in a stream where there is more food than they need, they are at carrying capacity.


If you see cytotoxic T cells, you know that a humoral response is underway.


If you were given a piece of a cow's heart and told that it was one of the thicker-walled chambers, you would know that you had an atrium.


Most mollusks have an open circulatory system that keeps blood in specialized vessels as the blood flows throughout the body.


Since fever is not always present, it is an example of adaptive immunity.


Since the conditions needed for the Hardy-Weinberg principle do not occur in real populations, this principle has no importance in population studies.


Some animals are autotrophs.


The chaparral has cool summers with constant rainfall.


The purpose of fruit is to provide nourishment for the growing plant after the seed germinates.


The renal vein transports oxygen-rich blood to the kidney.


Water accounts for about half of the ecological footprint.


Which is a disadvantage of intracellular digestion that does not affect extracellular digestion?

Food must be smaller than a cell.

In 1749, __________, a French naturalist, became one of the first scientists to suggest that closely related species arose from a common ancestor.

Georges Buffon

Hydra, a type of cnidarian, have equal survival rates through life because they are equally fit at all stages. Hydra are an example of an organism with a type ______ survivorship curve.


______ bacteria return nitrogen to the atmosphere by converting nitrates to N2.

In denitrification,

You are hiking in the Colorado Rockies in the summer. You start hiking at 6,000 feet in a warm grassland full of elk. As you climb the mountain, you pass through forests from 8,000-10,000 feet with lots of deer. Above 10,000 feet, you are in an alpine tundra with furry marmots.As you climb the mountain, why are the biomes changing?

It is colder.

The hormone released by the anterior pituitary that triggers ovulation and transforms the ruptured follicle into the corpus luteum is


You are reading a patient's chart and decide that ovulation has happened. What did the chart show surging to make you think this?


A prokaryote that occupies a habitat that is characterized by extreme heat (above 50°C) is a(n)


How is the ability of phospholipids to spontaneously form membranes when placed in water important in the origin of life on Earth?

Membranes are used by cells to isolate their contents from the environment.

Why is myosin important for contraction?

Myosin heads bend when attached to actin.

Based upon the age structure diagram, you expect the Chinese population to

No answer is correct.

based upon the age structure diagram, you expect the American population to

No answer is correct.

When a snake flicks its tongue, the tips of the forked tongue pass through openings in the palate and contact sensory cells in the snout. How would this help a snake detect its prey?

Odor molecules from the prey are brought to the snake's receptors.

A dual-chamber pacemaker is surgically placed in a patient's chest. Wires then carry pulses to the right atrium and the right ventricle. Why would the pulses be carried to the right chambers of the heart and not the left chambers?

Once the right chambers are activated the pulse will be carried to the left chambers.

A tubal ligation is a surgical procedure in which the Fallopian tubes are severed, and then tied. How would this cause sterility?

Oocytes cannot move to the uterus.

Which best describes the link between survivorship curves and opportunistic species?

Opportunistic species are limited by density-independent factors and have many offspring.

Epithelial cells of the small intestine contain about 500 microvilli. What is the purpose of these microvilli?

to increase surface area for food absorption

Which of the following is an amphibian?


The scientific name of the "windpipe" is the


Cycads are

trees that produce large cones.

An organism's ______ is its position in the food chain relative to the ecosystem's energy source.

trophic level

Colorless urine usually indicates excessive water intake or the ingestion of diuretics.


Odorous molecules are first detected in the nose and are transduced into receptor potentials, which travel to the olfactory bulb and then to the cerebral cortex.


Protists can be autotrophs.


Which is not a bone of the lower limbs?


Emphysema is caused by destruction of the walls between alveoli, leading to hyperinflation of the lungs. In the lungs of a person with emphysema, there will be decreased

uptake of oxygen.

Some scientists predict that as atmospheric carbon dioxide levels increase, plant growth will also increase. What is the best explanation for this hypothesis?

Plants consume carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis.

Cilia sweep the released mature oocyte from an ovary into the

uterine tube.

If a woman, late in pregnancy, feels contractions of a muscular sac-like organ, she is feeling contractions of her


A person can donate blood every two months, platelets every two weeks, and plasma twice a week. In whole blood donation, the blood is collected directly into a bag until it is used in a transfusion. In platelet donation, the platelets are separated from the other blood cells by apheresis and saved; the other blood cells and plasma are injected back into the donor. In plasma donation, blood cells are separated, plasma is removed, and the blood cells are injected back into the donor.Why could you donate plasma twice a week?

Plasma contains only proteins and fluid which can be replaced quickly.

Flukes and tapeworms belong to the phylum


Sponges belong to the phylum


If you were trying to block an antibody that was causing an autoimmune disease in a patient, in the antibody you would want to find a way to cover and inactivate the

variable region.

You are working with a male patient suffering from infertility. Examination shows no problems until a blockage in a tube that extends from the scrotum and connects to the ejaculatory duct. You tell the patient that the infertility is probably due to damage to his

vas deferens.

If you wanted to create a medical weapon to cause enemy soldiers to be unable to absorb nutrients, you would target the


What is the advantage of a gymnosperm producing a seed over a fern producing a spore?

Seeds are diploid, and can grow directly into a sporophyte.

If you placed cells from a marine alga in freshwater, you would expect to see that

water moves into the cell by osmosis.

A vasectomy is a surgical procedure in which the vas deferens are severed, and then tied. How would this cause sterility?

Sperm cannot move to the urethra.

The two types of vascular tissue in most plants are

xylem and phloem.

The parts of the plant that conduct water and dissolved minerals from the roots to the leaves are the


An action potential is not generated by mechanoreceptors of the general senses when

you taste a sour lemon.

A dual-chamber pacemaker is surgically placed in a patient's chest. Wires then carry pulses to the right atrium and the right ventricle. How would the pulses be directed from the pacemaker to the heart?

The atrium would be stimulated first and then the ventricle.

In the section "Investigating Life: Genetic Messages from Ancient Ecosystems," what was the advantage of looking for DNA samples in permafrost?

The freezing temperatures preserve the DNA.

How did the inactivation of a gene that now encodes a nonfunctional myosin protein affect human chewing muscles?

The loss of this myosin led to smaller and weaker chewing muscles in humans.

Which of the following occurred during the coevolution of humans and pathogens that cause disease?

The pathogens produce substances that suppress our immune system.

A patient can have antibodies against many strains of HIV. Which is the main reason that an effective vaccine has not been produced for the HIV virus that causes AIDS?

The virus mutates rapidly, changing its outer coat.

Clays often have positively charged surfaces. How may this have been important in the formation of organic macromolecules?

They can form templates by binding organic building blocks.

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