Final Exam Study Guide

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22) Which of the following female structures is homologous to the male scrotum? A) labia minora B) labia majora C) clitoris D) vagina


76) Derivatives of the endoderm include ________. A) synovial membranes of the joints B) organs of the urogenital system C) blood, bone marrow, and lymphoid tissue D) epithelium of the respiratory tract


78) Spermatogenesis ________. A) uses mitosis to produce gamete cells B) is the process of releasing mature sperm cells into the lumen of the seminiferous tubule C) results in the formation of diploid cells D) involves a kind of cell division limited to the gametes


81) Erection of the penis results from ________. A) parasympathetic activation of the bulbourethral glands B) dilation of the veins in the penis C) a sympathetic reflex D) a parasympathetic reflex


84) Muscle tissue is formed by the ________. A) endoderm B) epiderm C) ectoderm D) mesoderm


88) All of the following statements referring to the uterine cycle are true except ________. A) a decrease in the levels of ovarian hormones signals menstruation B) estrogen is secreted by the developing follicle in the follicular phase of the cycle C) the corpus luteum is formed from the ruptured follicle after ovulation D) FSH and LH directly promote development of the uterine endometrium


100. In early pregnancy, ____________ stimulates growth of the corpus luteum. A. human chorionic gonadotropin B. follicle-stimulating hormone C. human chorionic somatomammotropin D. adrenocorticotropic hormone E. progesterone


102. The internal female genitalia include the A. vagina. B. clitoris. C. labia majora. D. labia minora. E. mammary gland.


105. Erection is A. an autonomic reflex mediated predominantly by parasympathetic nerve fibers. B. an autonomic reflex mediated predominantly by sympathetic nerve fibers. C. a somatic reflex mediated predominantly by parasympathetic nerve fibers. D. a somatic reflex mediated predominantly by sympathetic nerve fibers. E. an exclusively voluntary action mediated by the cerebral cortex.


112. All of the following play a role in thermoregulation of the testes except A. the bulbospongiosus muscle. B. the cremaster muscle. C. the pampiniform plexus of veins. D. the countercurrent heat exchanger. E. the dartos muscle.


115. Which is the longest stage of labor? A. the dilation (first) stage B. the expulsion (second) stage C. the placental (third) stage D. the postpartum stage E. the puerperium stage


120. The blood-testis barrier A. prevents antibodies in the blood from getting to the germ cells. B. prevents heat loss from the testes. C. prevents blood from getting to the testes. D. maintains testis temperature at 35C. E. maintains testis temperature at 37C.


126. The ______________ has/have no androgen receptors and do/does not respond to it. A. germ cells B. muscular tissue C. sustentacular cells D. hypothalamus E. pituitary gland


127. The ____________ is the site of attachment of the embryo. A. endometrium B. perimetrium C. myometrium D. uterine tube E. vagina


13) Relaxin is a hormone produced by the placenta and ovaries. The function of this hormone is to ________. A) relax the pubic symphysis B) block the pain of childbirth C) ensure the implantation of the blastula D) prevent morning sickness


137. In the fast block to polyspermy, binding of sperm opens up _________ channels, which depolarizes the egg membrane and _________. A. Na+; prevents the entrance of any more sperm B. Na+; prevents the entrance of more Na+ C. Na+; prevents the entrance of Ca2+ D. Ca2+; prevents the entrance of any more sperm E. Ca2+; prevents the entrance of more Na+


138. Male infertility (sterility) refers to A. the inability to fertilize an egg. B. low sperm count. C. a lack of seminal fluid during ejaculation. D. low levels of testosterone. E. the inability to have an erection.


139. During the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle A. several follicles are developing antrums. B. the corpus luteum is shrinking. C. the corpus luteum is enlarging. D. oogonia are transforming into primary oocytes. E. the oocyte completes meiosis II.


140. During the follicular phase, granulosa cells secrete ____________, which stimulates secretion of ___________. A. estradiol; LH B. estradiol; FSH C. estradiol; GnRH D. progesterone; FSH E. progesterone; LH


149. Urine retention is a greater problem for elderly men than for elderly women because men A. usually develop benign prostatic hyperplasia. B. have larger bladders. C. have weaker urinary sphincters. D. have narrower ureters. E. have fewer glomeruli.


162. As it implants, the conceptus is nourished by means of A. trophoblastic nutrition. B. uterine milk. C. nutrient diffusion from the endometrium. D. placenta. E. umbilical nutrition.


165. Oogenesis starts A. during embryonic development. B. at birth. C. during thelarche. D. during pubarche. E. during menarche.


166. During ____________, the uterus is tented (erected) and the cervix is withdrawn from the vagina. Typically, the clitoris is engorged and the labia are bright red to violet due to hyperemia. A. excitement B. detumescence C. orgasm D. resolution E. pregnancy


172. The earliest sign of puberty in girls is A. the onset of breast development. B. the appearance of pubic and axillary hair. C. the appearance of sebaceous and axillary glands. D. the first menstrual period. E. the increase in muscle mass.


23) How do the testes respond to exposure to excessive body warmth? A) They move away from the pelvic cavity. B) Excessive warmth is actually beneficial in that it speeds up the maturation of sperm. C) They move close to the pelvic cavity. D) Excessive warmth has no effect on the testicles because of their location in the scrotum.


28) Which of the following hormones controls the release of anterior pituitary gonadotropins? A) GnRH B) LH C) testosterone D) FSH


29) The formation of endodermal and ectodermal germ layers occurs at ________. A) gastrulation B) blastula formation C) fertilization D) cleavage


34) Human egg and sperm are similar in that ________. A) they have the same number of chromosomes B) they are about the same size C) about the same number of each is produced per month D) they have the same degree of motility


41) Hormones concerned with events of lactation include ________. A) oxytocin B) hCG C) estrogen D) progesterone


60) How long is the egg viable and capable of being fertilized after it is ovulated? A) 12-24 hours B) a full week C) 24-36 hours D) 36-72 hours


69) Which hormone is not produced by the placenta? A) human chorionic thyrotropin B) human placental lactogen C) relaxin D) inhibin


71) Which hormone is absolutely necessary for ovulation to occur? A) LH B) estrogen C) FSH D) progesterone


10) Which of the following is not assessed as part of the Apgar score? A) respiration B) temperature C) muscle tone D) heart rate


108. Most ovulation home test kits measure _________ surge, which happens about 24 hours before ovulation. A. FSH B. LH C. estradiol D. progesterone E. temperature


11) In humans, separation of the cells at the two-cell state following fertilization may lead to the production of twins, which in this case would be ________. A) of different sexes B) identical C) dizygotic D) fraternal


110. Down syndrome (trisomy-21) results from A. a mutagen. B. nondisjunction. C. a teratogen. D. a sex-linked mutation. E. an autosomal recessive allele.


117. ____________ inhibit/s the secretion of ____________ during the female sexual cycle. A. GnRH; FSH and LH B. Estradiol and progesterone; FSH and LH C. Estradiol; progesterone D. Estradiol; LH E. FSH and LH; androgens


119. The infant's only source of nutrition during the first 2-3 days postpartum is A. casein. B. colostrum. C. breast milk. D. meconium. E. lactose.


121. The ___________ completely encloses the embryo and provides a stable environment for it. A. yolk sac B. amnion C. chorion D. chorionic villus E. allantois


129. The penile urethra is enclosed by the A. corpus cavernosum. B. corpus spongiosum. C. trabecular muscle. D. prepuce. E. frenulum.


134. The ovulated egg is A. a primary oocyte. B. a secondary oocyte. C. a primary follicle. D. a secondary follicle. E. a tertiary follicle.


142. _________ have 46 chromosomes, whereas _____________ have 23. A. Spermatids; spermatozoa B. Primary spermatocytes; spermatids C. Secondary spermatocytes; primary spermatocytes D. Spermatogonia; primary spermatocytes E. Type A spermatogonia; type B spermatogonia


144. The _______________ is an example of the female external genitalia. A. scrotum B. clitoris C. uterine tube D. seminal vesicle E. vagina


153. At what stage does a developing sperm cell begin to grow a tail? A. spermatozoon B. spermatid C. primary spermatocyte D. secondary spermatocyte E. spermatogonium


154. During climacteric, sudden ____________ may cause hot flashes. A. vasoconstriction of cutaneous arteries B. vasodilation of cutaneous arteries C. vasodilation of cranial arteries D. vasoconstriction of cranial arteries E. vasodilation of facial arteries


163. After puberty, the vaginal lining becomes _________ to ________. A. simple squamous epithelium; allow fast diffusion of nutrients in case a zygote is implanted B. stratified squamous epithelium; resist abrasion C. transitional epithelium; provide more elasticity necessary for coitus and delivery D. simple columnar; facilitate sperm absorption and secretion of vaginal lubricants E. simple cuboidal; provide protection and lubrication


167. The orgasm-emission phase of the male sexual response is stimulated by A. efferent sympathetic signals from the sacral region of the spinal cord. B. efferent sympathetic signals from the lumbar region of the spinal cord. C. efferent parasympathetic signals from the sacral region of the spinal cord. D. efferent parasympathetic signals from the lumbar region of the spinal cord. E. efferent somatic signals from the thoracic region of the spinal cord.


168. _________ is/are generally accepted as a secondary sex characteristic. A. The enlargement of the breasts B. The presence of testes C. The prostate gland D. The uterus E. The vagina


171. The embryonic membranes include all of the following except the A. yolk sac. B. placenta. C. allantois. D. chorion. E. amnion.


173. The process that makes it possible for sperm to penetrate the egg is called A. sperm migration. B. capacitation. C. the cortical reaction. D. morulation. E. cleavage.


19) Spermiogenesis involves the ________. A) movement of sperm in the female genital tract B) formation of a functional sperm by the stripping away of superfluous cytoplasm C) sequence of events in the rete testis D) formation of four haploid cells from a spermatogonium


25) Which of the following occurs as a result of undescended testes? A) Male sex hormones will not be circulated in the body. B) Inadequate or nonviable sperm will be produced. C) Sperm will have no means of exit from the body. D) Inadequate blood supply will retard the development of the testes.


30) The correct sequence of preembryonic structures is ________. A) blastocyst, morula, zygote B) zygote, morula, blastocyst C) zygote, blastocyst, morula D) morula, zygote, blastocyst


53) Why doesn't semen enter the urinary bladder during ejaculation? A) There is no urge to urinate during sexual intercourse because of the suppression of LH by testosterone buildup in the blood. B) The smooth muscle sphincter at the base of the urinary bladder closes. C) Ejaculation is a parasympathetic reflex resulting in no response by urinary contraction muscles. D) There is no common duct between the reproductive system and the urinary system.


83) Occasionally three polar bodies are found clinging to the mature ovum. One came from an unequal division of the ovum, but from where did the other two arise? A) There were originally four polar bodies and one disappeared. B) The first polar body has also divided to produce two polar bodies. C) One is an undeveloped primary oocyte that failed to mature. D) What you really see are two polar bodies and the sperm that will fertilize the egg.


9) During the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle ________. A) estrogen reaches its highest levels B) progesterone levels are at their highest C) the Graafian follicle forms D) LH reaches its highest levels


92) Which of the following statements about spermatogenesis is not true? A) The primary spermatocyte forms two secondary spermatocytes. B) Each spermatid forms two sperm. C) The secondary spermatocytes each form two spermatids. D) The spermatogonium forms the primary spermatocyte.


96. Follicles are located in the A. medulla of the ovary. B. cortex of the ovary. C. center of the ovum. D. epithelium of the endometrium. E. placenta.


1) Secretion of progesterone stimulates ________. A) proliferation of the uterine myometrium B) development of the female secondary sex characteristics C) preparation of the mammary glands for lactation D) contraction of uterine muscles


101. Sperm cells get energy to power their movement from _________ contributed by the ____________. A. prostaglandins; prostate gland B. sucrose; bulbourethral gland C. fructose; seminal vesicles D. seminogelin; prostate gland E. semen; seminiferous gland


103. The countercurrent heat exchanger that prevents arterial blood from overheating the testes is A. the rete testis. B. the epididymis. C. the pampiniform plexus of veins. D. the blood-testis barrier. E. the scrotal portal system.


106. Which hormone suppresses spermatogenesis without affecting testosterone secretion? A. gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) B. testosterone itself C. inhibin D. luteinizing hormone (LH) E. follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)


109. Twins produced when a single egg is fertilized are called _____________ twins, and twins produced from two eggs ovulated at the same time are called ___________ twins. A. monozygotic; identical B. dizygotic; nonidentical C. monozygotic; dizygotic D. dizygotic; monozygotic E. nonidentical; identical


113. Lutein cells develop from A. the corona radiata. B. the corpus luteum. C. the theca interna. D. granulosa cells. E. the corpus albicans.


116. During the plateau phase, the glans and clitoris swell as the _________ arteries dilate and the corpus or corpora ____________ engorge with blood. A. dorsal; cavernosa B. deep; spongiosum C. deep; cavernosa D. dorsal; spongiosum E. dorsal; vaginalis


122. Milk ejection occurs as a result of stimulation of nerve endings in the ____________ , which leads to the release of ______________ from the pituitary. A. mammary acini; oxytocin B. mammary acini; prolactin C. nipple and areola; oxytocin D. nipple and areola; prolactin E. nipple and areola; progesterone


128. The most important role of meiosis in sexual reproduction is A. that it reduces the size of the gametes. B. that it produces at least one gamete that is mobile. C. that it prevents the chromosome number from doubling in each generation. D. that it ensures that each daughter cell doubles the number of chromosomes. E. that it changes the genetic composition of each chromosome.


130. Heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate peak during the A. excitement phase. B. erection of the penis. C. climax (orgasm). D. plateau phase. E. resolution phase.


131. A follicle is A. an organ in the ovary. B. an oocyte. C. an oocyte enclosed in follicular or granulosa cells. D. a group of granulosa cells. E. a group of follicular cells.


141. Telomeres A. are cytoplasmic enzymes involved in senescence. B. are antioxidants that slow the progress of senescence. C. are DNA segments at each end of a chromosome. D. are proteins that cap the ends of the chromosomes. E. are motor molecules that guide embryonic cells to the right destinations.


147. Which of these lists the stages or structures of prenatal development in the correct order? A. cleavage, zygote, morula, blastocyst, embryo, fetus B. zygote, morula, blastocyst, cleavage, embryo, fetus C. zygote, cleavage, morula, blastocyst, embryo, fetus D. zygote, embryo, morula, blastocyst, cleavage, fetus E. embryo, zygote, blastocyst, cleavage, morula, fetus


150. The first 6 weeks of postpartum life constitute A. the transitional period. B. the premature period. C. the neonatal period. D. senescence. E. infancy.


152. Only autosomal trisomies involving chromosomes 13, 18, and 21 are survivable. Why would this be? A. These are relatively short chromosomes. B. These are relatively long chromosomes. C. These are relatively gene-poor chromosomes. D. These are redundant chromosomes. E. These chromosomes have no genes.


156. _______________ act/s primarily in the uterus. A. Estrogens B. Androgens C. Progesterone D. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) E. Luteinizing hormone (LH)


159. The most abundant estrogen of pregnancy is __________, but the one that accounts for most of the estrogenic effects in pregnancy is ______________. A. estrone; estradiol B. estrone; estriol C. estriol; estradiol D. estriol; estrone E. estradiol; estrone


16) Select the correct statement about the uterine cycle. A) The menstrual phase of the cycle is normally from day 1 to day 8. B) During the proliferative phase, levels of progesterone rise as the follicle begins to produce more hormone. C) If fertilization occurs, the corpus luteum is maintained by a hormone secreted by the developing embryo. D) During the secretory phase, estrogen levels are at their highest.


160. Out of the 300 million ejaculated sperm, only about ____________ reach the vicinity of the egg. A. 30 B. 300 C. 3,000 D. 30,000 E. 300,000


169. The digital rays of a fetus give rise to A. arms and legs. B. ribs and intercostal muscles. C. fingers and toes. D. extensor digitorum muscles. E. radial muscles of the iris.


170. Which of the following is a secondary sex organ? A. testis B. ovary C. vagina D. facial hair E. distribution of body fat


36) The structures that receive the ovulated oocyte, providing a site for fertilization, are called the ________. A) infundibula B) Graafian follicles C) fallopian tubes D) fimbriae


37) Which hormone maintains the viability of the corpus luteum? A) human placental lactogen B) estrogen C) human chorionic gonadotropin D) progesterone


4) Which of the choices below is not a function of the vagina? A) serves as a passageway for menstrual flow B) serves as the birth canal C) serves as a passageway for the primary oocyte D) receives semen from the penis during sexual intercourse


49) Which of the following will occur after ovulation? A) The corpus luteum prepares to become a corpus albicans. B) The secretion of anterior pituitary gonadotropins is enhanced. C) The endometrium enters its secretory phase. D) The corpus luteum secretes estrogen only.


56) The dorsal surface cells of the inner cell mass form ________. A) one of the fetal membranes B) the notochord C) the primitive streak D) a structure called the embryonic disc


65) The basic difference between spermatogenesis and oogenesis is that ________. A) the mature ovum is n, while the sperm is 2n B) during spermatogenesis two more polar bodies are produced C) in oogenesis, one mature ovum is produced, and in spermatogenesis four mature sperm are produced from the parent cell D) spermatogenesis involves mitosis and meiosis, but oogenesis involves meiosis only


66) Which of the choices below occurs if fertilization of the ovum occurs and implantation takes place? A) The corpus luteum degenerates and becomes the corpus albicans. B) Increased levels of FSH will be produced. C) The corpus luteum is maintained until the placenta takes over its hormone-producing functions. D) The ovarian cycle begins.


7) Which male hormone inhibits the secretion of FSH? A) GnRH B) ACTH C) inhibin D) ICSH


70) Which of the following is a correct statement about uterine tubes? A) The isthmus is the normal site of fertilization. B) The mesometrium supports the uterine tubes along their entire length. C) The infundibulum is the funnel-shaped region near the ovary. D) The ampulla is the narrow constricted region.


75) During which stage of labor is the fetus delivered? A) gastrula stage B) dilation stage C) expulsion stage D) placental stage


82) At which stage of labor is the "afterbirth" expelled? A) expulsion B) dystocia C) placental D) full dilation


114. _____________ stimulates the interstitial cells of the testes to secrete __________. A. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH); LH B. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH); androgen-binding protein (ABP) C. Luteinizing hormone (LH); androgen-binding protein (ABP) D. Luteinizing hormone (LH); testosterone E. Luteinizing hormone (LH); estrogen


12) The ability of sperm cells to move along the ductus deferens is due to ________. A) enzymatic activity B) hormonal action C) gravity D) peristaltic contractions


123. The appearance of pubic and axillary hair is a stage specifically called A. puberty. B. climacteric. C. thelarche. D. pubarche. E. menarche.


124. Sildenafil (Viagra) prolongs erection by A. activating nitric oxide (NO) production. B. inactivating guanylate cyclase. C. stimulating production of cGMP. D. inhibiting degradation of cGMP. E. inhibiting nitric oxide (NO) production.


133. _____________ determine/s whether an organism will be genetically male or female. A. Hormonal, genetic and environmental factors B. Prenatal hormone exposure C. The egg D. The sperm E. Both egg and sperm equally


135. The spheroidal stage of early prenatal development with about 16 to 64 cells is called a/an A. zygote. B. embryo. C. blastomere. D. morula. E. blastocyst.


143. Most of the natural lubrication during female sexual excitement is provided by the A. semen. B. sperm. C. vestibular bulbs. D. greater vestibular (Bartholin) glands. E. lesser vestibular glands


145. Which of the following major events of prenatal development happens first? A. the eyes are fully open B. the body is covered with lanugo C. bone calcification begins D. the central nervous system begins to form E. meconium accumulates in the intestines


148. Why is breast milk superior to cow's milk for an infant? A. Cow's milk provides fewer calories per mL. B. Cow's milk provides less calcium per mL. C. Cow's milk provides less phosphorous per mL. D. Cow's milk has too much protein and minerals in it. E. It is a myth; cow's milk is equal in quality to breast milk.


151. The _____________ is/are the site(s) of sperm maturation and storage. A. seminiferous tubules B. rete testis C. prostate gland D. ductus epididymides E. seminal vesicles


161. In fetal circulation, the __________ bypasses the liver and the _________ bypasses the lungs. A. ligamentum venosum; ligamentum arteriosum B. foramen ovale; ductus venosus C. ductus arteriosus; ductus venosus D. ductus venosus; ductus arteriosus E. ligamentum arteriosum; foramen ovale


164. The developing individual is called a(n) ___________ during most of the first 2 weeks, a(n) _____________ from 3 through 8 weeks, and a(n) ____________ from the beginning of week 9 until birth. A. zygote; embryo; blastocyst B. zygote; blastocyst; embryo C. blastocyst; fetus; embryo D. blastocyst; embryo; fetus E. embryo; blastocyst; fetus


174. After expelling the oocyte, the follicle becomes the ____________ and secretes __________. A. corpus albicans; FSH and LH B. corpus albicans; estrogen and progesterone C. corpus luteum; FSH and LH D. corpus luteum; estrogen and progesterone E. corpus albicans; progesterone


2) The constancy of the chromosome number from one cell generation to the next is maintained through ________. A) DNA synthesis B) mitosis C) cytokinesis D) meiosis


20) The cells that produce testosterone in the testis are called ________. A) spermatogonia B) spermatocytes C) sustentacular cells D) interstitial endocrine cells


24) Which of the choices below is not a part of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis? A) anterior pituitary gland B) interstitial cells C) hypothalamus D) thalamus


27) Which of the following glands are responsible for 70% of the synthesis of semen? A) the prostate B) the bulbourethral glands C) the pituitary D) the seminal vesicles


3) Estrogen and progesterone maintain the integrity of the uterine lining and prepare the mammary glands to secrete milk. Which of the following structures makes this possible during the first three months of pregnancy? A) corona radiata B) the chorion C) the amnion D) corpus luteum


8) The placenta, a vitally important metabolic organ, is made up of a contribution from mother and fetus. Which portion is from the fetus? A) umbilicus B) amnion C) yolk sac D) chorion


95. The observation that there is a limit to how many times a cell can divide is the basis for the A. autoimmune theory of senescence. B. free radical theory of senescence. C. cross-linking theory of senescence. D. replicative senescence theory. E. abortive theory of senescence.


104. Mammary glands develop within the breasts primarily A. during the last weeks of fetal development. B. at birth. C. during infancy. D. during puberty. E. during pregnancy.


107. Senescence of the immune system makes older people more subject to cancer and infectious disease because of a decline in A. alpha and beta globulins. B. red blood cells and platelets. C. complement proteins. D. prothrombin and fibrinogen. E. antigen-presenting cells and helper T cells.


111. The ovulated egg is at A. prophase I. B. metaphase I. C. telophase I. D. prophase II. E. metaphase II.


118. A sperm count any lower than ___________ million sperm per mL of semen is usually associated with infertility (sterility). A. 250 to 500 B. 200 to 250 C. 100 to 200 D. 50 to 100 E. 20 to 25


125. The first body cavity is called the A. coelom. B. amniotic cavity. C. yolk sac. D. somite. E. chorion.


132. The fossa ovalis is a remnant of the ___________ of the fetus. A. ductus arteriosus B. ductus venosus C. umbilical artery D. umbilical vein E. foramen ovale


136. Which of the following events happens first? A. formation of a fertilization membrane B. the fast block to polyspermy C. the slow block to polyspermy D. the cortical reaction E. the acrosomal reaction


146. The most likely outcome of nondisjunction is the production of a gamete receiving A. no chromosomes. B. 46 chromosomes. C. 44 chromosomes. D. 23 chromosomes. E. 22 chromosomes.


155. In the process of spermiogenesis, ___________ become ___________. A. spermatocytes; spermatozoa B. spermatozoa; spermatids C. spermatogonia; spermatocytes D. spermatocytes; spermatids E. spermatids; spermatozoa


157. The nonpregnant uterine wall consists mostly of ___________, which is composed of ___________. A. perimetrium; areolar tissue B. endometrium; simple columnar epithelium and glands C. endometrium; blood vessels and dense regular connective tissue D. myometrium; dense irregular connective tissue E. myometrium; bundles of smooth muscle


158. By the time the conceptus arrives in the uterus, A. it is still a zygote. B. it is called a trophoblast. C. it has the three primary germ layers. D. it shows traces of all the organ systems. E. it consists of 16 or more cells.


39) Which is not a part of the proliferative phase of the female menstrual cycle? A) corpus luteum B) development of endometrial cells C) vesicular follicle growth D) late in this phase, cervical mucus becomes thin and crystalline


44) Which of the following statements about sperm is not true? A) They are sluggish in an alkaline environment. B) The sperm midpiece consists of mitochondria spiraled tightly around the contractile filaments of the tail. C) They contain very little cytoplasm or stored nutrients. D) The acrosome is produced by the Golgi apparatus and contains hydrolytic enzymes.


57) Select the correct statement about the hormonal events of the ovarian cycle. A) High estrogen levels result in a surge of LH release. B) The follicle begins to secrete progesterone in response to estrogen stimulation. C) The LH surge stimulates further development of the secondary oocyte. D) Rising levels of estrogen start follicle development.


58) The trophoblast is mostly responsible for forming the ________. A) placental tissue B) lining of the endometrium C) allantois D) archenteron


59) The hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis ________. A) involves FSH and LH release B) involves posterior pituitary release of regulating hormones C) is the tight relationship between the cortex and the control of testicular function D) involves a positive feedback loop control of spermatogenesis


6) Shortly after implantation ________. A) the trophoblast forms two distinct layers B) the embryo gastrulates (within 3 days) C) myometrical cells cover and seal off the blastocyst D) maternal blood sinuses bathe the inner cell mass


77) The cardiovascular system of a newborn must be adjusted after the infant takes its first breath. Which of the following is also true? A) The ductus arteriosus constricts and is converted to the ligamentum arteriosum. B) The urinary system is activated at birth. C) The foramen ovale between the atria of the fetal heart closes at the moment of birth. D) The ductus venosus is disconnected at the severing of the umbilical cord and all visceral blood goes into the vena cava.


80) Sperm move to the uterine tube through uterine contractions and the energy of their own flagella. What other factor is involved in sperm movement? A) reverse peristalsis of the uterus and uterine tubes B) hormonal attraction to the ova C) the cilia on the apex of the cells lining the endometrium D) the increased temperature in the vagina, which stimulates sperm motility


86) Which of these statements about sexually transmitted infections is false? A) Syphilis is caused by a virus that may lead to death if untreated. B) Chlamydia is caused by bacteria that can often be asymptomatic or bring on a wide variety of symptoms. C) Genital herpes is caused by a virus that may cause intermittent lesions. D) Gonorrhea is caused by a bacterium that can bring on painful discharges in males.


64) The "master switch" for male reproductive development is ________. A) lack of an X chromosome B) inhibition of estrogen C) the SRY gene D) presence of testosterone


17) The testicular cells that construct the blood-testis barrier are the ________. A) spermatogonia B) sustentocytes C) interstitial cells D) spermatocytes


18) The most important risk for testicular cancer in young males is ________. A) a diet high in fat B) undescended testes C) smoking D) sexually transmitted infections


35) Which of the choices below is not a function of testosterone? A) contributes to male sexual behavior and spermatogenesis B) stimulates mammary gland development C) stimulates protein synthesis D) stimulates the male pattern of development


40) It is impossible for sperm to be functional (able to fertilize the egg) until after ________. A) the tail disappears B) they undergo capacitation C) they become spermatids D) they have been stored in the uterus for several days


42) The ability of a male to ejaculate is due to the action of ________. A) the dartos muscle B) the bulbospongiosus muscles C) parasympathetic nerves D) luteinizing hormone


5) Fertilization generally occurs in the ________. A) ovary B) fallopian tubes C) vagina D) uterus


54) Which of the following is not usually considered a teratogen? A) thalidomide B) aspirin C) wine D) German measles


61) If gametes were diploid like somatic cells, how many chromosomes would the zygote contain? A) triple the diploid number, and with every succeeding generation, the chromosome number would continue to triple and normal development would not occur B) twice the diploid number, and with every succeeding generation, the chromosome number would continue to double and normal development could not occur C) half the diploid number with no change in development D) There is no relationship between gametes and somatic cells.


68) Select the correct statement about testosterone control. A) FSH stimulates testicular production of testosterone. B) GnRH from the hypothalamus causes FSH and LH release from the anterior pituitary. C) The pineal gland is believed to be the gland that exerts the most influence in testosterone control. D) Inhibin and testosterone exert positive feedback on the hypothalamus and pituitary.


72) Cleavage as part of embryonic development is distinctive because it involves ________. A) meiotic cell divisions B) cell division by mitosis with little or no growth between successive divisions C) splitting the cell into two separate cells D) forming the primary germ layer


73) Derivatives of the mesoderm include ________. A) all nervous tissue B) endothelium of blood and lymph vessels C) epithelium of the digestive tract D) glandular derivatives of the digestive tract


74) Which body system of a pregnant woman undergoes the most dramatic physiological changes during pregnancy? A) respiratory system B) cardiovascular system C) digestive system D) urinary system


93) Which of the following statements about the female reproductive process is not true? A) The monthly discharge of the uterus (menses) is initiated by the decrease in secretion of female hormones. B) Rebuilding the endometrium is under the control of prolactin. C) Ovulation usually occurs 14 days after the beginning of menses. D) Fertilization usually occurs in the fallopian tube.


98. Men have only one ____________ but have two of all the rest of these. A. bulbourethral gland(s) B. prostate gland(s) C. ejaculatory duct(s) D. seminal vesicle(s) E. corpus(ora) cavernosum(a)


67) What destroys the sperm receptors on the surface of the oocyte? A) the acrosomal reaction B) the process of capacitation C) human placental lactogen D) zonal inhibiting proteins


21) Which of the following is not a germ layer? A) endoderm B) ectoderm C) epiderm D) mesoderm


47) The duct system of the male reproductive system includes all but which of the following? A) ductus deferens B) epididymis C) corpus spongiosum D) urethra


51) Why is the blood-testis barrier important? A) because the barrier traps sex hormones, keeping them at a higher level than the blood B) because immature sperm cells lose their motility when they encounter any blood component C) because spermatozoa and developing cells produce surface antigens that are recognized as foreign by the immune system D) because some blood contents are toxic to the spermatozoa


79) Which of the following statements is true concerning the mammary glands of both males and females? A) The only time hormones target breast tissue is during pregnancy and lactation. B) Both sexes are equally prone to breast cancer. C) The mammary glands are modified sweat glands that are actually part of the integumentary system. D) All lumps identified in breast tissue are malignant


85) A premature separation of the placenta from the uterine wall is called ________. A) ectopic pregnancy B) placenta cleavage C) abrupto placenta D) placenta previa


87) A boy who has not passed through puberty sustains an injury to his anterior pituitary such that FSH is no longer released, but LH is normal. After he grows to maturity, one would expect that he would ________. A) not develop secondary sex characteristics B) have impaired function of interstitial cells C) be unable to produce viable sperm D) be impotent (unable to have an erection)


91) A low secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the normal male adult would cause ________. A) shrinkage of the anterior pituitary gland B) excessive beard growth C) decreased testosterone secretion D) increased spermatogenesis


14) Prostate cancer is ________. A) often the result of a distortion of the urethra B) most common in Asians C) the number-one cause of death in men D) sometimes a slow-growing cancer that may never represent a threat to the patient


15) The dartos and cremaster muscles are important to the integrity of the male reproductive system. Which of the following is true about the role they play? A) They contract to allow ejaculation. B) They are responsible for penile erection. C) They contract to push sperm along the ductus deferens. D) They regulate the temperature of the testes.


26) Proteases and acrosin are enzymes. How do they function in reproduction? A) They neutralize the mucous secretions of the uterine mucosa. B) They direct the sperm to the egg through chemical messengers. C) Their function is unknown. D) They act to break down the protective barriers around the egg, allowing the sperm to penetrate.


31) Milk ejection or letdown reflex is stimulated by which of the following hormones associated with pregnancy? A) prolactin B) inhibin C) gonadotropin D) oxytocin


32) Effects of estrogen include ________. A) deepening of the voice B) increased oiliness of the skin C) growth of the larynx D) growth of the breasts at puberty


33) Which of the following is not a correct matching of a fetal structure with what it becomes at birth? A) umbilical arteries—medial umbilical ligament B) foramen ovale—fossa ovalis C) ductus venosus—ligamentum venosum D) ductus arteriosus—ligamentum teres


38) The primary function of the uterus is to ________. A) protect the ovaries B) regulate the ovarian and menstrual cycles C) synthesize female hormones D) receive, retain, and nourish a fertilized ovum


43) Select the correct statement about male sexual response. A) Expansion of the penile tissues results in dilation of the venous outflow. B) Ejaculation is the result of parasympathetic stimulation. C) Sympathetic impulses are responsible for causing penile arteriolar dilation, resulting in erection. D) Erection is the result of vascular spaces in the erectile tissues filling with blood.


45) The result of polyspermy in humans is ________. A) multiple births B) interruption of meiosis C) mitotic insufficiency D) a nonfunctional zygote


46) Select the correct statement about fertilization. A) Once inside the uterus, most sperm cells are protected and remain viable. B) If estrogen is present, the pathway through the cervical opening is blocked from sperm entry. C) Both spermatozoa and the ovulated secondary oocyte remain viable for about 72 hours in the female reproductive tract. D) Millions of sperm cells are destroyed by the vagina's acidic environment.


48) Which of the following is true in reference to what may pass through the placental barriers? A) hormones, blood cells, and nutrients B) respiratory gases, hormones, nutrients, and blood cells C) nutrients and respiratory gases only D) nutrients, respiratory gases, wastes, and alcohol


50) Neural tissue is formed by the ________. A) endoderm B) epiderm C) mesoderm D) ectoderm


52) Normally menstruation occurs when ________. A) blood levels of estrogen and progesterone increase B) blood levels of FSH fall off C) the corpus luteum secretes estrogen D) blood levels of estrogen and progesterone decrease


55) Implantation of the blastocyst is the result of all of the following except ________. A) proteolytic enzymes produced by the trophoblast cells B) settling of the blastocyst onto the prepared uterine lining C) adherence of the trophoblast cells to the endometrium D) phagocytosis by the trophoblast cells


62) Select the correct statement about the special fetal blood vessels. A) The fossa ovalis becomes the foramen ovale. B) The distal parts of the umbilical arteries form the superior vesical arteries. C) The hepatic portal vein forms from the umbilical artery. D) The umbilical vein becomes the ligamentum teres.


63) The decidua basalis is ________. A) destined to remain in the uterus after the birth of the infant B) the tissue that surrounds the uterine cavity face of the implanted embryo C) not a maternal contribution to the placenta D) located between the developing embryo and the myometrium


89) Which of the following phases or processes in the monthly reproductive cycle of the female occur simultaneously? A) early follicular development and the secretory phase in the uterus B) maximal LH secretion and menstruation C) maximal steroid secretion by the corpus luteum and menstruation D) regression of the corpus luteum and a decrease in ovarian progesterone secretion


90) Which of the following events does not occur during the first 8 weeks of development? A) beginning of ossification B) presence of all body systems C) formation of a functional cardiovascular system D) myelination of the spinal cord


94. Which of these does not leave a follicle when it ovulates? A. a secondary oocyte B. a zona pellucida C. a corona radiata D. a second polar body E. the theca folliculi


97. Which one of these organ systems shows the greatest anatomical change in the transitional period after birth? A. muscular B. integumentary C. skeletal D. circulatory E. nervous


99. At the end of meiosis I there are ____________, whereas at the end of meiosis II there is/are _____________. A. two diploid cells; one diploid cell B. two diploid cells; one haploid cell C. two diploid cells; four haploid cells D. two haploid cells; four haploid cells E. two haploid cells; one diploid cell


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