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Highly publicized cases of white collar crime that caused physical harm during the 1970s

Cullen, Link, and Polanzi (1982) found that the public's perceptions of the seriousness of white-collar crime increased more than any other crime type in the 1970s. This could be explained by which of the following?

home repair fraud

Darren recently purchased a new condo. He received a mailer offering air duct cleaning services from CLEAN-A-VENT for $199 guaranteed. Upon completion of the scheduled cleaning of his air ducts, the CLEAN-A-VENT representative informed him because of the age of his home Darren would have to pay an additional fee of $100. Darren was not informed of this extra free until after the air duct cleaning was completed. This is an example of:

denial of victim

David was recently arrested for embezzlement at the hedge management firm he was employed. At his trial, he stated that he felt that his crime had no real impact on the victims since most were wealthy and could afford the loss. Which technique of neutralization can explain his view?


David, a clerk at a big box pet store, gives all of his friends' special, unauthorized discounts. Is he giving them sweetheart deals?

the July Effect

Death related to medication errors may be the result of an influx of new physicians into medical practices and residents. This is known as:


Dehumanization is a problem for residents of slumlord-run properties, where residents feel devalued, disrespected, and undervalued.


Despite the prevalence of insurance-related crimes, they have little impact on the public.


One of the criticisms of Sutherland's white-collar crime concept is that it is too academic and is disconnected from policy and practice.


One of the main issues with the ability to detect cyberattacks is the lack of academic programs and training for current and future cybersecurity professionals.


One of the reasons that there is so much fraud in the health care system is that the criminal justice system has historically done little to address the activities of those committing these crimes.


One of the strategies identified to help address cybercrimes are to keep agencies involved in investigations separate.


Criminologist Gary Green felt that focusing on environmental issues was more important that looking at the more limited conceptualization of white-collar crime


Criminologist Gary Marx argued that using undercover operations was beneficial because the use of deception would promote strong relationships between police and the communities they operated.


Criminologists Clinard and Quinney built on Sutherland's work and divided white-collar crime into two types: corporate crime and organizational crime.

Situational crime prevention

Setting clear and enforceable rules, requiring biometric credentials, hiding data systems, and secure passwords are all examples of:

price gouging

What type of offense was seen in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina when gas prices were raised significantly?

because the insurance company gets billed for more expensive medication

Why is substituting generic drugs for a patient considered a crime?

Parsimony, skepticism, relativism

which of the following contains three of the five principles of science that are required to study white-collar crime

Build a connection

which of the following could help researchers overcome the challenges of conducting survey-based research of white-collar crime?

White-collar crime can lead to death White-collar crime erodes public trust

which of the following is a consequence of white-collar crime?

-most employees do not steal -it influences the economy -it presents opportunities for white collar crimes -ALL OF THE ABOVE

which of the following is true about the retail system

technological or cyber systems

which of the following systems provides advantages to both those who commit white-collar crime, and those who seek to prevent and prosecute it?


While a variety of strategies have been attempted, efforts to control slumlords have largely been unsuccessful.


White collar crimes often have more victims than violent crimes


White-collar offenders generally are of the same or of a lower socioeconomic status than police officers

Edwin Sutherland

Who first introduced the concept of white-collar crime?


A 2015 study by Ponemon found that a little more than one-third for companies believe their cyberattacks were the result of a malicious insider.


A civil case involving fraud is considered a tort lawsuit.


A core challenge many police officers face is the perception that investigation white-collar crime isn't legitimate police work.


A core challenge with reporting the extend of white-collar crime is that a large portion of it isn't reported to authorities

awareness strategies

A large retail chain recently created a website that allows employees to anonymously report theft goods, cash, and credit card information committed by other employees. This is an example of:


A lay witness is an individual who has relevant information about a white-collar crime case based on what they may have seen or experience.

Criminal law definition

A pharmacist stealing medication from her employer and selling them to friends would be an example of applying which definition of white-collar crime?


A professional-disciplinary proceeding is conducted entirely in the workplace where the misconduct occurred.


According to Merton's Strain theory, rebels are those who reject the goals and means of societal and replace them with their own goals and means.


According to Messer and Rosenfeld's more modern approach to strain theory, which of the following influence white collar offending?


According to classic strain theory, if a corporation doesn't really accept the goals of society such as compliance with environmental laws, but just through the motions of compliance they are which of the following?


According to differential association theory we can learn crime through the same processes we learn other behaviors.


According to law, stores are allowed to advertise going out of business sales on a yearly basis.


According to the textbook, it is common for many students to work in industries such as the restaurant industry where they may be expected to work their shifts for free. This type of practice is an example of exploitation

most people don't know about their cars

Agnes, a 56-year-old school teacher took her car to a local car repair shop for an oil change being advertised for a special price of $9.99. While she waited the mechanic misinformed her she need several costly services totaling $350.00, these services were not scheduled in her car's maintenance manual, nor were there any signs that there was anything wrong with her car. Agnes wants to avoid her car breaking down so she paid for the repairs. Why was the mechanic able to fool her so easily?

medical malpractice

Angela went into the hospital for a routine surgery to have her tonsils removed. However, her doctor told her she was having her appendix removed. She repeatedly told her doctor he was in error, but he performed the appendectomy. This is an example of:


Appraisal fraud happens when an appraisers over or underestimates the value of a home.

-formal criminal police agencies -private agencies -governmental regulatory agencies - ALL OF THE ABOVE

As a general rule, which of the following are involved in responding to white-collar crimes?

-have staff work in pairs -give staff less pay

At the Sunnydale Coffee Shop, there have been a series of suspected cases of employees giving away free coffee. if you were tasked with preventing future incidents of staff giving away coffee, which of the following would you employ?


At the core of Messner and Rosenfeld's conceptualization of strain theory is the idea that American values promote crime.


BP established a 20 billion dollar fund to address claims that individuals brought against the company as a result of the oi spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

older workers

Based on research, which type of offender is more likely to neutralize their actions?


Both UCR and NIBRS data have limitations, but NIBRS has non of the limitations of UCR data

price gouging

Businesses such as check cashing businesses and pay day loan providers which are often located in minority communities, have been found to charge extremely high fees. This practice is an example of which of the following?


Changes in the economic system can lead to downsizing by different businesses, which increase pressure on employees to perform, and therefore increase white-collar crime rates

-Storing information on students -Storing information on employees

Colleges and universities are especially vulnerable to cybercrimes for which of the following reasons?


Cooperating witnesses are trained to share information that best reflects the government and prosecution's interests.


Door-to-door scams are common in home repair fraud schemes.


Due to the creation of physically deteriorated buildings, increased stress on tenants and dangerous physical conditions slumlord-run buildings can contribute to the crime problem in a community.

qualifications fraud

During the mortgage credit boom, which of the following was a practice by some professionals that allowed people to get a mortgage by lying about the buyers qualifications?


Edwin Sutherland defined white collar crime as "crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in course of his occupation."


Employees may engage in retail theft in a variety of ways including overcharging customers, stealing coupons, and giving customers incorrect change.


Few criminologists, criminology text books, and criminal justice textbooks pay ample attention to which of the following due to the level of respect, power, and authority that typically comes with this position?


Flipping homes can create a variety of problems for communities, one of which is inflated home values which increases the property taxes for existing homeowners.


For profit college/university recruiters have been found to provide deceptive statements to students regarding accreditation, employment opportunities, expected salaries, cost, program duration, and graduation rates.


Grassroots responses to slumlords involved states passing laws that provide protection and assistance to tenants who live in slumlord run buildings.


Hacking may involve political motivations and may be dome to bring attention to problems in an organizations security

internal revenue service

Happy Smiles Photography, a local wedding photography company frequently avoids paying federal taxes by paying employees in cash. This has come to the attention of the authorities, which of the following agencies would most likely lead the investigation?


Historically, the work environment in the United States was very dangerous with about 14,000 workers dying annually

It involves an individual suing a corporation on the government's behalf

How is a qui tam lawsuit different than most other civil cases?

straw buyer fraud

If David Jackson purchases a home, with no intention of living in the home, and he then transfers the deed to Susan Jones, without disclosing to her the full cost of the mortgage and taxes of the property. In this example, David Jackson had engaged in which of the following types of fraud?

Foreclosure rescue scam

If Jason Shepherd, whose home has recently gone into foreclosure, burns down his home in order to have his insurance company pay off the mortgage debt, he had engaged in which of the following?

delivery of a controlled substance

If Marie, a pharmacist at a local chain drug store, works with several youth in the community to sell oxycontin at local high schools, she is engaging in the practice of:


If a celebrity endorses a product, by law, he or she must actually use the product


If a college or university promises students that they can earn an average of $250,000 with a specialized certificate in business, when according to Bureau of Labor Statistics the average person with this certificate makes $25,000, this is viewed as a deception statement.


If a customer takes their car to an automobile repair shop and unnecessary services are recommend, and the customer is pressured into purchasing these services, they have been a victim of market allocation.

phantom treatments

If a doctor bill an insurance company for a surgical procedure she did not provide a patient, it is known as:

Harmful destruction of property/wildlife

If a fisherman illegally fishes or over-fishes an area, they have committed which of the following environmental crimes?

illegal dumping of hazardous waste

If a local dry cleaner dumps used toxic chemicals behind their store, they have committed which of the following?

Deferred Prosecution Agreement

If a prosecutor agrees to not prosecute a corporation if the corporation agrees to condition that must be completed over a probation period, the prosecutor has utilized which of the following?

-health -crime -social disorganization -ALL OF THE ABOVE

If a slumlord fails to remove lead paint from their building and children eat the lead pain they are more likely to have neuropsychological deficient and in turn more likely to engage in crime. This is an example of what type of consequence?

unauthorized access

If a student gained access to his college's grading system and altered his grade, this would be an example of which of the following?

Grassroots responses

If a tenant who lives in a slumlord run property organizes tenants and mobilizes them to post negative reviews of the slumlord run property, they have participated in which of the following?

Group boycotts

If all cable television providers in a state agreed not to provide services to lower income communities, this would be an example of which of the following?


If an individual makes copies of a video game and sells them on eBay this would be considered counterfeiting software.


If an insurance agent calls his clients to introduce a new form of insurance for their homes to protect them against falling trees, he is engaging in a practice known as churning.

premeditated short sale fraud

If an offender works with a stray buyer to purchase and then default on a home load so the property will be forced into a short sale, which the perpetrator then can take advantage of, they have engaged in which of the following?

character witness

If during the course of a white-collar crime trial an individual testifies to a defendant's work ethic, history of contributions to their community, and general behavior, they are being used as what type of witness?

price discrimination

If two consumers, John Jones, a 34-year-old white male, and Jessica Smith, a 44-year-old African-American female, both go to a car dealership purchase the same car, but John pays a significantly higher price, this could be an example of which of the following?


If workers in a senior home fail to provide the level of care needed by the patient this would be viewed as a white-collar crime.

technological strategies

If you were to open a small retail business where you employed a few employees to work the cash register, which of the following strategies could be employed to control employee theft?


Illegal dumping of toxic chemicals by companies like the Hooker Corporate has led to significant environmental disasters leading whole community to be relocated.

Corporate crime as crimes by the corporation committed to benefit the corporation and occupational crime as crimes against the corporation

In Criminal Behavior Systems, Clinard and Quinney divided white-collar crime into two types. Which of the following best describes their typology?


In an attempt to address health care fraud the Health Insurance Portability Act of 1996 was passed making health care fraud a federal offense.


In civil proceedings an individual or government representative is typically the plaintiff who files civil charges against a business or individual


In general, Internet Crime Complaints to the FBI have decreased from 2004 through 2014.


In their 1983 study, Cullen, Clark, Mathers, and Cullen found that respondents viewed white-collar crime as having greater moral and economic costs that of street crimes.

-certainty of informal sanctions -beliefs about immorality -corporate climate -ALL OF THE ABOVE

In their 1995 study, Elis and Simpson identified four factors that appeared to prevent intention to commit corporate misconduct. Which of the following are those factors?


In their 2002 study, Simpson and Piquero found that at an organization-level white-collar crime is the result of strain.

-The majority of traditional trials involve multiple defendants, but white-collar trials typically only have one defendant, even if it is one corporation -criminal trials are more stressful for the defendant -white collar trials are longer in length than most traditional criminal trials -ALL OF THE ABOVE

In what way does a white-collar trial differ from a traditional criminal trial?


Insurance fraud can occur in the sales/services system as a type of repair fraud.


It is the decision of a judge on whether or not to prosecute a white-collar crime case.


It's estimated that there are 7.5 million unnecessary medical produces including surgeries occurring yearly.

General Strain

James Stratton, a mid-level manager and EveryCo Corporation met all his divisions' goals, and exceed productivity. However, despite his achievement his director at EveryCo Corporation did not give him a yearly bonus. As a result, James starts to embezzle small amounts of money. Which version of strain theory could explain James's embezzlement?

if the shop was smaller

Jesilow, Geis, and O'Brien's study of battery testing shops in California found which of the following was related to honesty in this service?


Keeping easy to remember passwords such as 'password,' 'baseball,' and '12345678', are recommended to preventing cyber victimization.


Laub and Sampson have been extremely critical of cultural theories explaining white-collar crime


Linking together different crime theories is the best method for a full understanding of why white-collar crime occurs.


Made famous by show like CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, forensic accounting allows the review of financial records to determine whether evidence shows a crime has been committed.


Many believe that organized crime has ties with the waste disposal industries.


Matt Damon recently played Frank Serpico in the film Silkwood, a whistleblower who brought the Enron case to the attention of Federal authorities.


Microlevel causes of white-collar crime address societal-level factors such as culture as causes of white-collar crime.


Most criminologists argue that practices surrounding the fraud in the housing crisis have little impact on minorities groups.


Most cyber gangs tend to operate in a small geographic area such as a neighborhood


Most white-collar crime are usually investigated by a single agency with little interaction or assistance from other law enforcement or government agencies

Case Studies

Of the research strategies identified in the text, which would be most appropriate to study a case in which a model of car was experiencing spontaneous brake failures?


On a recent trip to New York City, a college student purchased a copy of several movies on DVD from a street vendor. Several of these movies were currently in theatres. this is an example of?


One of the biggest challenges in regard to resources is that many white-collar crime suspects have the ability to hire lawyers as soon as an investigation begins


One of the challenges with the prosecution of white-collar cases is the time to complete the cases.


One of the core patterns around health care is that changes in the broader system are impact by changes outside the system. For example as technology changed the opportunities for fraud increased.


President Cater established the Environmental Protection Agency in 1979.

false advertising

Products in the areas of hair and weight loss often make outrageous or unbelievable claims that are frequently not supported by customer experiences of consumer reviews. These are examples of which of the following?


Professional associations such as the Mortgage Bankers Association have recommended changes such as enhancing intergovernmental collaborations in prosecution of mortgage fraud cases to reduce mortgage fraud.


Promissory Note Fraud occurs when an insurance agent misrepresents the types of returns a client will receive when investing in annuities.


Rationale choice theory argues that offenders consider the benefits and potential negative consequences of engaging in crime.


Richard, a realtor, continues to sell a property in order to generate fees and commissions. This is an example of which of the following?

-its conceptually unclear -its vague -it prevented more in-depth research in the area -ALL OF THE ABOVE

Scholars argued that which of the following has been a core challenge with Sutherland's definition of white-collar crime?

culture of competition

Scholars have argued that industrial capitalism creates _____________which can influence white-collar offending.


Self-policing strategies allow organizations to develop their own policing responses, which include filing civil charges and sanction offenders with internal reprimands.

a. Those with college educations may understand concepts, definitions, and issues related to white-collar crime better than those with less education b. Those with college educations are more likely to be white-collar criminals

Several studies in recent years have identified those with college educations as perceiving white collar crime as equal to or more serious than street crime? Which of the following may explain these findings?


Society's general mistrust of insurance companies has played a role in the large number of unnecessary surgeries or medical procedures performed.


Some argue that the very nature of the health care system, with its complex red tape and bureaucratic confusion set up a situation that allows medical fraud and abuse to occur.


Some judges have been creative in their punishments of Slumlords including having Slumlords being forced to live in their dilapidated properties to experience the conditions their tenants have lived in

rogue employee defense

Stan Young decided to illegally dump toxic waste without the knowledge or consent of his employer or related corporation. Which of the following defense could be utilized if his corporation was prosecuted?

the violation of trust

Starting with Sutherland's work and continuing to the present, scholars have argued that even though white-collar crime causes harm in a variety of domains including financial and safety, which of the following can undermine the stability of social morale, the economy, and social relationships?

employee-based strategies

Strategies that involve employees updating virus protection programs, and providing employees training on how to keep their computers secure are examples of:


Structural changes in society, such as advances in technology available for home use, can explain cybercrimes.


Studies consistently show that dentists are accused of fraud more than other health care providers


Studies of medical students have found they general have favorable attitudes towards Medicare and Medicaid.


Studies, such as Tillman and Pontell (1995), have argued that an organization's structure can be related to corporate crime.

-there may be cases where no government has jurisdiction -it may be impossible for a particular government to 'assert' jurisdiction -multiple countries may claim jurisdiction over the same offense -ALL OF THE ABOVE

Susan Brenner (2006) identified which of the following as jurisdictional challenges related to cybercrime cases?


Sutherland's original white collar crime concept has continued to evolve over time as scholars and practitioners incorporate new components and refine aspects of his concept of white-collar crime


Tenants of slumlord run properties may experience serious emotional consequences as identified by Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

using vague definitions of fraud

The California Department of Consumer Affairs/Bureau of Auto Repair (BAR) found 42% of collision repair work done in CA was fraudulent. Critics of this study argue:


The Consumer Product Safety Commission is responsible for providing protection to the public from unreasonable risk and injury from products.


The EPA enforces a variety of environmental laws including violations of the Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act.


The EPA has spearheaded efforts such as AirNow which provide information to the public regarding air quality.


The EPAs' director argued there are two factors that guide the criminal handling of a case, significant environmental harm and culpable conduct.


The FBI created the BankScan initiative to translate physical bank and credit card statements into digital formal to reduce time devoted to data entry

National Mortgage Fraud Team

The FBI has adopted different strategies to address specific types of white-collar crimes. Which of the following has been used to assist field offices in addressing mortgage fraud?


The Resource Salvage and Stimulation Act of 1969 provided increased controls over the way that hazardous waste was created, monitored, and discarded.


The beef industry could be viewed as a white-collar crime using a natural law conceptualization


The concept of unfair refers to businesses not being able to use advertising to harm or injure consumers.


The death of Michael Jackson due to fraudulent billing practices.

unnecessary surgeries

The lack of standardization in medicine as a science, the stigma of certain diseases, and the level of trust the public gives health care provides can explain the high rates of:


The main motivation for illegal dumping is to save the costs of legally dumping waste materials


The majority of students have been the victim of white-collar crime at some point in their lives

group boycotts

What type of offense involves situations where competitors agree not to do business with specific customers or clients?


The physical appearance of an expert witness is taken into account when hiring a scientist to testify in a white-collar trial.

White-collar crime

The practices of some industries such as tobacco companies are legal. However, many would argue that the products produced by the tobacco industry are dangerous. We would classify the manufacturing and sales of tobacco as which of the following?


The religious system is often viewed as a system that can be utilized to prevent white-collar crime?


There is a universal assessment amongst criminologist that identity theft is a white-collar crime.


There is little evidence to suggest that pollution has any impact on human health.


There were no criminal convictions as the result of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico

the Clayton Act

This act is a civil law originally passed in the beginning of the 20th century designed to prohibit mergers or acquisitions that would decrease competition.

The sherman Antitrust act

This is one of the oldest laws that control antitrust offenses and is the broadest antitrust law.

sin tax

Under current law companies are permitted to allow a certain level of pollutants into the environment. If they go over this amount, they must pay?

when it decreases competition

Under which circumstance is price discrimination illegal?


Using a criminal law definition of white-collar crime a financial adviser who steals a client's money would be a white-collar criminal.


Victims have an extremely limited role in white-collar case proceedings.

-Demographic changes -cost containment strategies

What are some of the reasons why we have seen an increase in health care services in the home?

they engage in criminal acts under the cover of responsibility

What did E.A. Ross believe was the most dangerous factor about the "white-collar criminaloid"?

The responsibility of the creator of the waste to track it from creation to disposal

What does the "Cradle to the Grave" provision of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act refer to?


What factor has been found to be correlated with both street and white-collar crime?

they deflect blame on others

What is a common defense strategy for most white-collar defendants?

dumping refers to products businesses no longer need

What is the difference between illegal dumping and illegal disposal of hazardous wastes?

Criminal Justice

What type of the below agencies experience issues with animosity between organizations, lack of cooperation between public and private agencies, and blurred jurisdiction lines which causes problems when confronting cybercrimes.

illegal disposal of hazardous waste

What variety of environmental crime was the Love Canal tragedy a result of?


When 100 people died in a nightclub fire, the club had committed the offense of providing an unsafe product.

white collar offenders have a college education

When comparing white collar criminals to conventional offenders, Wheeler and his colleagues (1988) discussed than white-collar criminals were different from conventional criminals in which of the following ways?

Market allocation

When drug dealers divide a neighborhood into territories and respond violently when other dealers sell in their neighborhood, what type of antitrust offense is this analogous to?

most workers are younger

Which is one of the main reasons there are such high rates of theft by workers in restaurants?

Fake lottery scams

Which of the follow strategies in a phishing strategy?

Federal Water Pollution Control Act

Which of the following acts requires companies to self-disclose to the EPA instances when they have discharged potentially harmful substances into navigable waters?

-countries vary by the types of records they maintain -linguistic barriers -cooperation between agencies -ALL OF THE ABOVE

Which of the following are challenges when dealing with transnational white-collar crimes?

-Only about 10% have received computer crime training -Many officers are uncertain about the dynamics of computer crimes -The structure of law enforcement agencies doesn't lend itself to effective investigations of digital crimes -ALL OF THE ABOVE

Which of the following are core challenges regarding police and cybercrime?

-The establishment and enforcement of environmental protection standards consistent with national environmental goals. -Assisting others, through grants, technical assistance, and other means in arresting pollution of the environment. -Assisting the Council on Environmental Quality in developing and recommending to the president new policies for the protection of the environment -ALL OF THE ABOVE

Which of the following are functions/roles of the EPA?

-inflated appraisals -requests to sign blank forms -increased commissions for brokers and appraisers -ALL OF THE ABOVE

Which of the following are warning signs of mortgage fraud?

as of 2004, victims can now speak prior to sentencing hearings

Which of the following describes the victim's role in the white-collar crime trial process?

Stressed offenders commit the offenses because of a stressful interaction with the patient

Which of the following has been identified as a reason why elder abuse occurs?

Organized crime networks

Which of the following have operated with cyber gangs to utilize cyber technology to cause havoc to promote political or ideological beliefs?

vatical settlement fraud

Which of the following involves an agent concealing information of important settle policies, which allow people to invest in others life insurance policies?


Which of the following is a characteristic of a white-collar undercover investigation?

-regulatory efforts do little to stop misconduct -regulatory efforts breed misconduct -regulatory efforts are responsible for the current economic woes -ALL OF THE ABOVE

Which of the following is a criticism of regulatory policing?

in a white-collar crime, police usually wait until later in the investigation to talk to suspects

Which of the following is a major difference between investigating white-collar crime and traditional crime?

-civil fine -cease and desist -Prohibit the corporation from participating in specific types of government programs -ALL OF THE ABOVE

Which of the following is a potential outcome of an administrative proceeding?

banks lose money which can lead to their closing

Which of the following is not a consequence of mortgage fraud?

Products are usually toxic in nature

Which of the following is not a risk associated with illegal dumping?

organizational security

Which of the following is not a strategy used to address crimes against nursing home residents?

have one agency with representatives from several countries in charge of policing international crime

Which of the following is not a way in which international cooperation can be improved?

Rarely involves more than one judicial proceeding

Which of the following is not an aspect of the judicial response to white-collar crimes?

RICO act

Which of the following laws that prohibits any person from using income derived from racketeering and related activities have been used to prosecute white-color crimes?


Which of the following statements is true based on conflict theory propositions that outline how powerful classes exert their power to define behavior as criminal?

Building initiated fraud

Which of the following types of fraud include pump and pay schemes, building bailout schemes, and faulty credit enhancements?

birds, fish, and oysters died

Which of the following were consequences of the BP spill?

legalistic agencies

Which regulatory style addresses violations most aggressively?


Which strategy for gathering evidence in a white-collar crime case specifically employs the principle of skepticism?

Neutralization theory

Which theory proposes that individuals understand right from wrong, therefore have to rationalize their behavior before they can engage in criminal behavior?


With globalization and unsafe goods, the United States is doing a better job at tracking which goods and parts come from which countries so that they can be held responsible in the case of an unsafe product.


an experiment would be a useful way to investigate if abuse of residents is occurring in a nursing home


complaints about auto sales ranked fifth on the 2014 list of top complaints made to attorneys general


determinism is useful for helping us understand why white-collar crimes occur


experts estimate the cost from theft in the retail system is as high as $2 billion


identity theft is viewed as a type of white-collar crime, but some academics view it differently


its generally easy to get information from white-collar offenders and their victims when conducting research studies

inventory control, controlled exits, and inspections of employees' belongings

which of the following are examples of preventative strategies from the restaurant business?


studying white collar crime gives us an insight into the subculture of specific occupations such as health care


the occupational system is where the bulk of the population is employed


the principle of parsimony refers to keeping research and scientific explanation as simply as possible in order for general public to understand the information.


there are two types of airbag fraud identified by Adams and Guyette are outright fraud where the airbag aren't fixed and inaccurate repair


thinking in terms of recent economic and social changes, which of the following has broadened the scope of areas in which white collar crimes can occur?

A business person like Bernie Madoff

when we consider the likelihood of criminal victimization, which of the following is the average person who is more likely to be victimized by?

pre-sentencing reports

which of the following was used in a study by criminologist Sam Wheeler to gain insight into the dynamics of white collar offenses and how offenders are sentenced in court?

-it will assist white collar offenders as they reintegrate into society -it will help us to develop effective prevention strategies -it will help us to develop effective intervention strategies -ALL OF THE ABOVE

why is it essential to objectively study white collar crime?

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