Final marketing SG- chapter 13 1-2

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72. What is the new Digital Nordstrom's sales model in China?

no answer what the ****

14. Bass Pros Shop and Jungle Jim's are two Retail business models that represent "experiential retailing" shopping. Is this a trend and the way of the future for stores or is it VR?

Generally it refers to a store in which stuff happens in addition to selling, and shoppers do things besides buying. The idea is that a retailer offers consumers a chance to buy an experience rather than just an object or service. Successful for these companies, offers a broader experience where people stay longer and do more

17. What is "Green Retailing and why is it catching on among the public?

Green retailing: retailers adopting environmentally sustainable practices, including their products, consumer habits, and stores (IKEA and green energy, staples recycling cartridges) Catching on: attracts customers looking to support environmentally friendly sellers and products

20. What has changed and is new in today's "Marketing Communication Mix" that requires companies to adopt new tactics and strategies? (p.401)

In the past, marketers perfected the art of mass marketing: selling highly standardized products to masses of customers. But today, marketing managers face new marketing communications realities: 1. Consumers are changing: they are better informed and more communications empowered → can find information on their own using the internet rather than relying on marketer-supplied information 2. Marketing strategies are changing: as mass markets have fragmented, marketers are shifting away from mass marketing and instead developing focused marketing programs designed to engage customers and build customer relationships in more narrowly defined micromarkets 3. Advances in digital technology are causing remarkable changes in the ways companies and consumers communicate with each other Televizion, magazines, and newspapers are still very important, but dominance

10. What is a Wholesaler and what vital role do they play in the economy?

Wholesaler: a firm engaged in primarily wholesaling activity (all the activities involved in selling goods and services to those buying for resale or business use) Compose many of the nation's largest and most important sellers that are largely unknown They add value by performing one of the following functions: selling and promoting, buying and assortment building, bulk breaking, warehousing, transportation, financing, risk bearing, market information, management services and advice

43. Of the ten different "execution styles" of advertising, what do you think are the three best? (p.437)

"SLFMMPTST" 1. Slice of life: shows typical people in normal setting 2. Lifestyle: shows how a product fits in with a particular lifestyle 3. Fantasy: creates a fantasy around the product or its use 4. Mood or image: builds a mood or image around the product or service, such as beauty, love, intrigue, serenity, or pride 5. Musical: shows people or cartoon characters singing about the product 6. Personality symbol: creates a character that represents the product 7. Technical expertise: shows the company's expertise in making the product 8. Scientific evidence: presents survey or scientific evidence that the brand is better or better liked than one or more other brands. 9. Testimonial evidence or endorsement: features highly believable or likable source endorsing the product - mine will be LIFESTYLE, MOOD, PERSONALITY SYMBOL

35. What is a "Socially responsible marketing program" and how does it benefit a company? (p. 417-418)

-A company must be aware of the many legal and ethical issues surrounding marketing communications. -Public policy makers have developed a substantial body of laws and regulations to govern advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, and direct marketing. -Companies actions are more socially acceptable with this program.

50. What is the difference between the different roles of a sales person? (p.457-459)

-A salesperson might be an order taker, such as the department store salesperson standing behind the counter. -They also could be order getters, whose positions demand creative selling, social selling, and relationship building for products and services ranging from appliances, industrial equipment, and airplanes to insurance and IT services. -Personal selling: involves the interpersonal interactions and engagement between salespeople and individual customers. -The sales forces must also link the company with customers and coordinate marketing and sales.

71. What is the Alibaba business model and how is it different than Amazon?

-Alibaba connects buyers with sellers; they don't own the items sold on the site, they don't have massive distribution centers, and they only have 36000 employees. Let market forces work to set price points, collecting some cash off the top. Profit margin has been about 40% -Alibaba has so much cash that they have branched out and invested in companies in almost every industry.

64. What is the good and bad news of the many rapid changes brought by Digital Marketing revolution? Give some examples.

-Convenient, easy and private. Give buyers anywhere anytime access to an almost unlimited assortment of goods and wealth of product and buying information. More interaction between buyers and sellers. Low cost, efficient, speedy alternative for seller research; flexibility -Real-time marketing that links brands to important moments and trending events in customers' lives -Can be bad because of increased visibility and accountability for sellers. Additionally, buyers lose a lot of privacy to sellers. Ex: United Flight

70. KIND Bars marketing Strategy has a very sincere message about CSR. What is it and how is it used in their marketing campaigns.

-Corporate Social Responsibility is an ethical management concept where companies aim to integrate social, economic and environmental concerns along with the consideration of human rights into their business operations. -They pledge that all of their ingredients were not obtained by the expense of others and it is the highest quality, looking out for the health of their consumers.

63. Why has Direct Marketing grown so fast over the past 7 years? Describe the new DM environment?

-Direct and Digital Marketing: involves engaging directly with carefully target individual consumers and customer communities to both obtain an immediate response and build lasting customer relationships. -Surge in internet usage and rapid advances in digital technology, direct marketing has become easier→ more technology use = more touchpoints with consumers and greater customization allowed in the direct marketing strategy. -Has become more than just a supplementary channel for many companies, a whole way of doing business -More internet-based

54. What are the four elements of sales force compensation? (p.463)

-Fixed amount: usually a salary, gives the salesperson some stable income -variable amount: commissions or bonuses based on sales performance, reward for greater effort and success -Expenses -fringe benefits: Benefits that supplement an employee, for example, a company car

55. How does a Sales quota motivate sales people? What is the role of Sales Contests?(p.465)

-It is a standard that states the amount a salesperson should sell and how sells should be divided among the company's products. -Compensation is offered and the companies use various positive incentives. -Sales contests are meant to spur the sales force to make a selling effort above and beyond what is normally expected. -Other incentives include honors, merchandise and cash awards, trips, and profit-sharing plans.

36. What is the Advantages of Direct Marketing methods? Name a few types of Direct Campaigns. (p.416)

-It is immediate and personalized. -It is interactive, dialogue can occur between the marketing team and consumer. Some types are: physical mail, e-mail, telemarketing, short message service, direct response TV, insert media...Snuggie, show an infomercial about their product and then give the phone number to call and order at a perceived discount or bargain. -Heineken inviting the consumer to create their own bottle, through an advertisement

67. What is your assessment of Mobile Marketing? When is it best and what fears does it create?

-Mobile Marketing: marketing messages, promotions, and other content delivered to on-the-go consumers through their mobile devices. ---Used to stimulate immediate buying, make shopping easier, enrich brand experience. -Can provide consumers with on the go information, price comparisons, advice and reviews, and access to instant deals and coupons Best done in moderation, and in a way that proves useful to consumers -Run the risk of angering ad-weary consumers; people don't want to be interrupted regularly by advertising, so marketers must be careful about how they engage with consumers' mobile devices

32. Volvo Trucks IMC required great synergy in working with the many different ways to advertise. What did they do? How did they use "Live Tests"? (p.423)

-Needed to impress the owners of the trucks as well as the general public so they introduced -Volvo trucks introduced a series of YouTube videos that showcased amazing things being done with Volvo Trucks. -This was successful because it demonstrated the characteristics of the trucks that would be most appealing to the target market, such as steadiness when driving, consistency, etc. -IMC- Application of consistent brand messaging across traditional and non-traditional channels

49. International Advertising can be very tricky in its' implementation. What problems can happen and how could they be avoided? (p. 445)

-Opportunity to adapt these campaigns (always changing) for different countries. -In result, most global consumer brands coordinate their digital sites internationally. -Country markets differ greatly in their cultures, demographics, and economic conditions. -Advertisers develop global advertising strategies, but adapt their programs locally. -Regulation & cost differences

52. What is the difference between Inside and Outside sales persons roles? (p. 460)

-Outside sales force:salespeople who travel to call on customers in the field. -inside sales force: salespeople who conduct business from their offices via telephone, online and social media interactions, or visits from prospective buyers

57. What is "personal selling"? What is the difference between relationship Sales and Transactional sales? (p. 471)

-Personal selling- (face-to-face selling): one person who is the salesman tries to convince the customer in buying a product. It is a promotional method by which the salesperson uses his or her skills and abilities in an attempt to make a sale. -Transaction-oriented sales: their aim is just to help salespeople close a specific sale with a customer. -Relationship sales: there is a focus on relationship building and maintaining profitable customer relationships so there are many transactions

59. How does Red Bull use Sales Promotions and Events in their Marketing program? (p. 477)

-Red Bull are the sponsors of big extreme sports events and athletes. They want to be the events and give off an energetic vibe. -They promote themselves by being all over TV and social media when these events are going on. -The athletes promote them as well -Videos that reveal the energy of Red Bull

31. Holiday Inn Express used Fallon Agency to help them develop the "I stayed at a Holiday Inn Last Night" campaign. what was their target marketing and approach that made it so effective? (video)

-Road Warriors were the target market. -These people wanted a consistent room that would be the same at every hotel they went to, not have to worry about little things, focus on taking care of business.

53. How does "Team Selling" work? What is the advantage and disadvantage of the model? (p. 461).

-Team selling: using teams of people from sales, marketing, engineering, finance, technical support, and even upper management to service large, complex accounts. Advantage: sales teams can unearth problems, solutions, and sales opportunities that no individual sales-person could. Disadvantage: -salespeople are by nature competitive and have been trained and rewarded for outstanding performance. -Can make it difficult to work in teams. teams can confuse customers who are used to working with one salesperson. -May be compensation issues because of determining who contributes what.

33. What was the purpose of the Global Rainforest Alliance - Follow the Frog? (p. 419)

-The purpose was to display that it does not take much to help sustain the environment. -They wanted to increase the consumer awareness and boost the amount of companies who dealt with the Global Rainforest Alliance.

51. How does the Sales team link the company with its Customers? (p. 457)

-They communicate information about the company's products and services to the consumers. -They learn their needs, present solutions, answer objections, negotiate prices and maintain these relationships. -The sales team also represents the customers to the company. -Strong relationships with the salesperson will result in strong relationships with the company and its products.

74. IKEA has been very successful with implementing their Global Strategy. They have created a nice balancing act. What have they done well that could be copied? ( p. 542)

-They engage customers of all nationalities and cultures. -They offer a wide-range of home furnishing products at low prices. -One thing they do well is changing the products they sell in different countries. -A destination, not a normal trip. 3 times the size of walmart. an experience with the layout.

47. Why was the ad campaign, "CVS quits" launched in a very high profile manner?

-This was a major change in the company that could have easily gone wrong had it not been introduced in a coordinated manner -Additionally, this was great for brand image, something that CVS PR surely knew beforehand, so the more press they got about this, the better.

65. What is a "viral marketing" campaign and how do you set one up?

-Viral Marketing: digital version of word-of-mouth marketing, involves creating videos, ads, and other marketing content that are so infectious that customers seek them out or pass them along to friends. -Setting one up is easier said than done; must develop content that is highly captivating and that prompts sharing; must get lucky

80. How is Mondelez Oreo's working with Alibaba in China to unroll a digital campaign?

-trying to bring alive E-commerce environment in China with interactive campaigns like "Oreo Color Filled", with digital medium you can engage customers in a new way -Alibaba is the most expansive digital ecosystem -bringing brand experience to life with online adaptions

76. 7-Eleven has successfully adopted a Global Strategy. What have they done that made them successful? (p. 560)

1. 7-Eleven seeks to become a part of the local culture and have established themselves as a "third-place" (away from home and work) all over the world. They know the whats, whens, and wheres. ---offering what consumers demand: like Japan with 20 different iced coffee, higher quality food like sushi. 3. retailer initiative- keeps same elements like store color and layout but with different product offerings for location. ---Indonesia- nongkrong or a casual place to hangout and do nothing, convenient

19. Name the five types of activities in the "Promotion Mix" and what roles do they play as they execute a Marketing program? (p.401)

1. Advertising: Print, broadcast, online, mobile, outdoor 2. Sales promotion: Discounts, coupons, displays, demonstrations, events 3. Personal selling: Sales presentations, trade shows, incentive programs 4. Public relations: Press releases, sponsorships, events, webpages 5. Direct and digital marketing: Direct mail, email, catalogs, online and social media, mobile marketing

73. What three systems does a company decide on how to enter a Global Marketing? (p. 556)

1. Exporting - entering foreign markets by selling goods produced in the company's home country, often with little modification 2. Joint venturing - entering foreign markets by joining with foreign companies to produce or market a product or service 3. Direct investment - entering a foreign market by developing foreign-based assembly or manufacturing facilities

13. What are the latest trends in wholesaling as technology changes and disintermediation occurs?

1. Need for every greater efficiency: demands for lower prices, can only add value by increasing efficiency and effectiveness 2. Value added customer relationships: Sysco: nations top food supplier, valuable to its customers because it produces and delivers supplies more dependably, efficiently, and cheaply than other competitors 3. Disintermediation: some large wholesalers are setting up their own retail operations, will continue to increase services provided

27. Give some examples of "Non-personal" communications. What is their role in the Mix? (p.412)

1. Nonpersonal communication channels carry messages without personal contact or feedback, including major media, atmospheres, and events. 2. important part of the marketing mix because it affects buyers both directly and indirectly. 3. Marketers often use these channels to replace or stimulate personal communications by embedding consumer endorsements or WOM testimonials in their ads and other promos.

77. What are three or four key decision points that must be decided on in developing Global Marketing Program? (p.559-564)

1. Product (straight product extension, product adoption, product invention - marketing a product in a foreign market without making any changes to the product) 2. Promotion- keep same strategy or change it to cater to local markets 3. Price- How is the price going to be sensitive in different markets 4. Place (Distribution Channels) whole-channel view - designing international channels that take into account the entire global supply chain and marketing channel, forging an effective global value delivery network

30. What is the difference between "push' and "pull" strategies for advertising campaigns? (p.416- 417)

1. Push strategy: involves pushing the product through marketing channels to final customers. Works with retailers to capture sales 2. Pull strategy: producer directs its marketing activities toward final consumers to induce them to buy the product. Appeals directly to consumer

75. Trade barriers are very common implementation in the International Trade System. How are "quotas" used, Tariffs set and non-tariffs implemented that would serve as barriers to open trade? (p.546)

1. Quotas- limits on the amount of foreign imports that they will accept in certain product categories. The purpose is to conserve on foreign exchange and protect local industry and employment. 2. Non tariff trade barriers - biases against its bids, restrictive product standards, or excessive host-country regulations or enforcement 3. Tariffs- governments may charge these, which are taxes on certain imported products designed to raise revenue or protect domestic firms

38. What are the 4 major advertising decisions a firm has to make? (p.429)

1. Setting advertising objectives: specific communication task to be accomplished with a specific target audience during a specific period of time 2. Setting the advertising budget: see chapter 14 (affordable, % of sales, etc.) 3. Developing advertising strategy: creating advertising messages and selecting advertising media 4. Evaluating advertising effectiveness: measuring how well the advertising strategy appeals to consumers and return on advertising investment

2. Describe the seven different types of Retail Store models and what they focus on as their business models? (Specialty, Department, Supermarket, Convenience, Discount, Off-price and Superstore). (p.369)

1. Specialty: a retail store that carries a narrow product line with a deep assortment in that line (REI, Sunglass Hut, Williams-Sonoma) 2. Department: a store that carries several product lines- typically clothing, furnishing, household goods- with each line operated as a separate department managed by specialist buyers or merchandisers (Macy's, Sears, Neiman Marcus) 3. Supermarket: a relatively large, low-cost, low-margin, high-volume, self-service operation designed to serve the customer's total needs for grocery and household products (Kroger, Publix, Safeway) 4. Discount store: a store that carries standard merchandise sold at lower prices with lower margins and higher volumes (Walmart, Target, Kohl's) 5. Off-price: a stores that sells merchandise bought at less than regular wholesale prices and sold at less than retail. Include factory outlets owned and operated by manufacturers, independent off price retailers owned and run by entrepreneurs, or warehouses/ wholesale clubs that sell a limited selection of goods at deep discounts to consumers who pay membership fees (Mikasa, Sam's Club, TJ Maxx) 6. Superstore: a very large store that meets consumers' total needs for routinely purchased food and non food items, includes supercenters with combined supermarket and discount stores, and category killers, which carry a deeper assortment in a particular product category (Walmart Supercenter, Best Buy, Petco, SuperTarget) 7. convenience: a store with extended opening hours and in a convenient location, stocking a limited range of household goods and groceries (7-11)

78. L'Oreal uses the concept of "Universalisation" as the cornerstone for their Global Strategy. What is it and how have they have been successful? (p. 569-571).

1. Universalisation - it sells its brands globally by understanding how they appeal to varied cultural nuances of beauty in specific local markets. 2. balance between STANDARDIZING products and ADOPTING products for local preferences 2. they have offices spread across 130 nations and they adapt by differentiating brands for local markets.

29. Why would a company advertise with "Doing Good" or being a Responsible Steward of the environment? What do they hope to gain? Examples are Dove's "For Real Beauty" or P&G's "Like a Girl" campaigns? (p.420)

1. build SR into their corporate missions 2. appeal to socially conscious buyers 3. recognize that company success is linked to the welfare of the customers

68. Both Kiosk Marketing and Direct response Television marketing require buyer involvement in the process and selection. Is this good or bad?

1. direct-response television- Direct response television is any television advertising that asks consumers to respond directly to the company — usually either by calling an toll-free telephone number, sending an SMS message, or by visiting a web site. 2. kiosk- A kiosk is a small, temporary, stand-alone booth used in high-traffic areas for marketing purposes. A kiosk is usually manned by one or two individuals, who help attract attention to the booth to get new customers 3. Yes, it allows consumers to adjust what they want and make the best purchase order. If this works out well, they will be satisfied and may revisit the company

81. How does the "Gray" market and "Black" market activities hurt the Global Brand managers international product rollout? (p. 546)

1. gray market- right product ---> sold to unauthorized dealers...sold for more. 2. black market- makes a copy of a product then sells it. same design sold for substantially less. "copycat knockoff"

23. How does the IMC of Lowe's solidify around the slogan, "Never Stop Improving" for their employees and customers and business? (p.406)

1. past: Lowe's had lots of TV and print ads around the slogan "Never Stop Improving". 2. recent: also added carefully integrated social media content that personalizes and enriches the Lowe's customer experience in ways that traditional media simply cannot. 3."Never Stop Improving" campaign integrates a mix of social media. YouTube includes DIY videos and tutorials while Pinterest and Instagram bring customers' products to life. Facebook engages customers, as Lowe's replies to every comment left on their page. 4. All of the content on each of these social media platforms is centered around the "Never Stop Improving" campaign -- the whole point is to make sure that customers know that Lowe's is offering them value and Lowe's is engaging its customers with the brand.

56. What are the seven steps in the Selling Process? (p.469)

1. prospecting and qualifying - the sales step in which a salesperson or company identifies qualified potential customers 2. preapproach - the sales step in which a salesperson learns as much as possible about a prospective customer before making a sales call 3. approach - the sales step in which a salesperson meets the customer for the first time 4. presentation and demonstration - the sales step in which a salesperson tells the "value story" to the buyer, showing how the company's offer solves the customer's problems 5. handling objections - the sales step in which a salesperson seeks out, clarifies, and overcomes any customer objections to buying 6. closing -the sales step in which a salesperson asks the customer for an order 7. follow-up - the sales step in which a salesperson follows up after the sale to ensure customer satisfaction and repeat business PPAP? huck can't fly.

4. What is a "category killer" in retailing?

A giant specialty store that carries a very deep assortment of a particular line (Best Buy, Home Depot, Petco). Found in a wide range of categories.

41. What is the definition of Content Marketing? How is the Tecate Gentleman Campaign and effective use of clear Content Marketing? (p. 404)

A type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services. -This campaign showed how men could juggle their two loves and showed a love letter being read over 90 minutes. -This was great time as it was around the time of the World Cup. The marketing sold the special moments that were shown and it was not cliche.

37. GEICO pounds away with one, simple message. Why was this effective and how did they move up to second place with double-digit revenue growth? (p.426-427)

Although GEICO has a wide array of advertising campaigns, they all harken back to the same message, and use humor in this message. Saving money on car insurance. This ad strategy has been very effective because it presents a clear, compelling message, which resonates with consumers, and it has been presented uniformly across the company's marketing channels.

25. Define WOM marketing and when is it most effective? (p.411)

Def: personal words and recommendations of trusted friends, family, associates, and other consumers on buying behavior 1. More than 80% of consumers said family and friends are the number-one influencer on awareness and purchase 2. 72% of consumers cited online reviews as trusted sources of buying information

24. What are the six stages of Buyer - Readiness"? (p.408)

Awareness, knowledge, liking, preference, conviction, purchase

15. Why did Bass Pro Shop succeed where Cabela's failed? Was it a good idea to buy them?

Bass pro: enormous and packed with overhead. Customers drive farther to get there and stay longer. Double hook strategy: super wide range of products and providing customer experiences for all who visit (restaurants, animals, fishing, etc) Cabela's fell victim to competition from online retailers, Should buy because of economy of scale advantages, cost savings, leverage with manufacturers, double in size

8. Why has the warehouse retailer model been so success, like COSTCO and SAM's Club?

Both are warehouse retailers, offering a limited selection of nationally branded and private label products Use buying power to wring low prices from suppliers, keep costs low with big drafty stores Focus on high value through low markups regardless of ultimate price, give customers best value through low margins Costco- retail treasure hunt where both low end and high end products meet deep discount prices, offers allure of specials on one time luxury brands, called the Costco effect with Costcoholics Motto "stacks em high and sells em cheap", the get the right product in the right place at the right time at the right price

26. Guerilla Marketing and Buzz Marketing Campaigns have a unique but effective design. How do they work? (p.411)

Buzz Marketing: cultivating opinion leaders and getting them to spread information about a product or service to others in their communities guerrilla: low cost, unconventional marketing methods that yield maximum results (graffiti, stickers, flash mobs, etc)

42. What are the elements of a good advertising strategy? (p.433)

Clear; Compelling; Well Executed; mostly common sense here, creating advertising messages and selecting advertising media

40. Why is a "comparative" advertising tactic effective and what problems can it cause? How did Microsoft use it against Apple? (p.431)

Comparative (attack) advertising: company directly compares its brand with one or more other brands -Can have negative impact of causing prolonged war between brands, can harm brand image -Turned Apple's attack advertisements back against them, making fun of Apple's ad campaign. -"I'm a PC":Portrayed Apple as too expensive, too cool and out of touch with mainstream consumers

44. Converse lets the customer be involved in creating the ad campaign. What do they do? (p.439)

Converse let customers in on the product design process and let them share their designs with fellow Converse fanatics, voting on the design that the most people wanted. "Made by You" campaign: consumer generated content process Word of Mouth marketing: form of self expression easily shared on social media anti-establishment, self expression type crowd

7. What is a "corporate" chain, franchise chain and a "voluntary" chain in retail?

Corporate chain: two or more outlets that are commonly owned and controlled Franchise chain: a contractual association between a manufacturer, wholesaler, or service organization and franchisees (independent business people who own and operate one or more units in the franchise system): McDonald's, Subway, Jiffy Lube, 7-Eleven Voluntary chain: wholesaler sponsored group of independent retailers engaged in group buying and merchandising (True Value hardware, Western Auto auto supply, Independent Grocers Alliance [IGA])

39. What is Informative, Persuasive and Reminder advertising methods? (p.429)

Informative: -used heavily when introducing a new product category; build primary demand -communicates customer value, suggest new product uses, build brand image, inform of price changes, telling about a new product, describing available services and support, explaining how a product works, correcting false impressions Persuasive: -becomes more important as competition increases; build selective demand building brand preference, persuading purchase decision, encourage switching brands, create customer engagement, change customer perceptions of product value, building brand community Reminder: -important for mature products; helps maintain customer relationships and keep consumers thinking about the product -maintaining customer relationships, reminding consumers where to buy the product, reminding consumers that the product may be needed soon, keeping the brand in a customer's mind during off-seasons

62. What is made easier with using Digital Marketing? How is Social Media changing the way marketing is done?

It makes it easier to build direct customer engagement and community. There is more flexibility and much more interaction.

12. What is a "Limited-service Wholesaler" and give three examples like rack jobber, drop shippers?

Limited service wholesaler: offer fewer services than full service wholesalers Cash-and carry: carry a limited line of fast moving goods and sell to retailers for cash, normally do not deliver Rack jobber: serve grocery and drug retailers, mostly in nonfood items. Send delivery trucks to stores, where the people set up toys, paperbacks, hardware items, health and beauty, and price the goods, keep them fresh, set up point of purchase displays, and keep inventory records Drop shipper: do not carry inventory or handle the product, on receiving an order, they select a manufacturer who ships the merchandise directly to the customer. Operates in bulk industries like coal, timber, lumber

22. The discipline of "Content Marketing" requires many creative people to build the new messaging communication method. They must succeed over "paid, owned, earned and shared communication channels. How do they do this? (p.404)

Marketers are now developing integrated marketing content that leverages each of these channels (paid, owned, earned, and shared). For example, a TV ad is no longer just a TV ad, but is something that might appear on a phone and printed ads also appear online and in social media.

21. How does the product line under the brand method benefit from the new media mix? (p.403)

New media formats let marketers reach smaller communities of consumers in more engaging ways. Rather than just creating and placing ads, the new media mix creates, inspires, and shares brand messages.

1. What is Omni-channel retailing? Why is it so important in today's environment for retailer to survive?

Omni-channel retailing: integrating all available shopping channels and devices into a seamless customer shopping experience Important because of changing consumer buying habits i.e. adjusting to showrooming: stores now adjust with price matching and in-store tactics. Best Buy found that omni channel shoppers have a higher propensity to purchase (cross checking prices). Smartphones also fill the information gap. Omni channel retailing trequites integrating the entire range of available shopping channels both in store and out, like boosting online and digital selling options and linking them with stores. Includes in store pick up, where consumer buy more once they're there. (click and collect). Also starting to offer handy mobile apps with daily alerts, social media, allows for a anywhere, anytime omni channel experience.

3. Name several types of new retail store models?

Supermarkets: fresh-format stores with cater to customers seeking health and wellness and the ease of shopping in smaller warmer environments, fresh produce and high quality prepared foods (Main & Vine Kroger stores) Convenience stores: expanding offerings to "fill in" shopper seeking a few more items (Loaf N Jug Chain) Superstores: supercenter= combined supermarket and discount stores (Walmart supercenter)

28. There are three methods of determining advertising budgets - % of sales, competitive-parity and objective/ task method. How do they vary in approach? (P.413)

Percentage of sales method: setting the promotion budget at a certain percentage of current or forecasted sales or as a percentage of the unit sales price 1. Simple to use 2. Helps management think about the relationship between promotion spending, selling price, and profit per unit 3. Wrongly views sales as the cause of promotion rather than as the result 4. Based on the availability of funds rather than on opportunities and may prevent the increased spending sometimes needed to turn around falling sales 5. Does not provide any basis for choosing a specific percentage, except what has been done in the past or what competitors are doing Competitive-Parity Method: setting the promotion budget to match competitors' outlays by monitoring competitors; advertising or getting industry promotion spending estimates from publications or trade associations and then setting their budgets based on these industry averages 1. Helps represent the collective wisdom of the industry 2. Helps prevent promotion wars 3. Neither of ^ arguments are valid because there are no grounds for believing that the competition has a better idea of what a company should be spending on a promotion than the company does itself and also no evidence that budgeting based on competitive parity actually prevents promotion wars objective/ task method: allocate the marketing budget based on set objectives. To use this method, a company must define the desired results of advertising and the strategies and tactics required to achieve these results

46. What new role has Public Relations Departments had to take with the development of Social Media? What is a Social Media Command Center? (p. 446-447)

Public Relations has taken the lead in managing firm social media outlets and pushing out the brand message; they do content to ensure brand development and customer engagement Social Media Command Center: something set up by companies to monitor and address social media, addressing issues as the arise, taking advantage of opportunities in real-time

48. What is the role (6) and purpose of a public relations department in the company? (p.447)

Public Relations: activities designed to engage and build good relations with the company's various publics: -press relations or press agency -product and brand publicity -public affairs -Lobbying -investor relations -development

45. Marketers are often asked about the "return on advertising investment". What is the problem and why is this important to track? (p. 444 - 445)

Return on advertising investment: the net return on advertising investment divided by the costs of the advertising investment -Measure communication effects (whether the ads and media are communicating the ad message well) and sales and profit. -Sales and profit are difficult to measure because you don't know what the actual return on investment is; there are many factors that influence sales and profit. It is important to track because many companies have huge ad expenditures and it if they aren't effective, what's the point?

60. What is a "trade promotion" and what is it meant to accomplish? (p. 476)

Sales promotion tools used to persuade resellers to carry a brand, give it shelf space, and promote it in advertising. Contests, premiums, displays, discounts, allowances, free goods, and push money may all be offered

58. What is the definition of a "Sales Promotion"? Give three to four examples. (p. 472- p. 475)

Sales promotion: the short term incentives to encourage the purchases or sale of a product or a service. Examples -"Buy one cup of yogurt, get one free" - orange leaf -"20% off next purchase" - orange leaf -REI membership for $20 -Free cone day from Ben & Jerry's

6. What is the role of a "sales agent" in the marketing value chain? How do they become more powerful and vital for a business?

Selling agent: have contractual authority to sell a manufacturer's entire output. The selling agent serves as a sales department and has significant influence over prices, terms, and conditions of sale. Found in product areas such as textiles, industrial machinery and equipment, coal and coke, chemicals, and metals Agents represent buyers or sellers on a more permanent basis Become more important as wholesalers face growing competitive pressures, more-demanding customers, new technologies, and more direct-buying programs on the part of large industrial, institutional, and retail buyers

5. What is a "service retailer" and what is their role or mission?

Service retailer: a retailer whose product line is actually a service: hotels, airlines, banks, colleges, and many others. Growing faster than product retailers. goal= good relationship with consumer to compete with competitors

9. What is the role and the future of a "shopping center" and a "lifestyle center"? What is "retail convergence" and why is it so highly competitive?

Shopping center: a group of retail businesses built on a site that is planned, developed, owned, and managed as a unit. regional= 50-100 stores, community= 15-50, neighborhood/ stip malls= 5-15, close and convenient for customers Lifestyle center: smaller, open-air malls with upscale stores, convenient locations, and non retail activities like skating rink/ playground Role of these: centers starting to fill their spaces with a broader range of retailers, becoming more like places to hangout and a one-stop shop for all of consumer needs. Location, location, location. Cluster together to increase customer pulling power Retail convergence: the merging of consumers, products, prices, and retailers. Competitive: means greater competition for retailers and greater difficulty in differentiating the product assortments of different types of retailers

16. What is the future of the Shopping Center / Mall given the changing nature of Retailing?

Shopping center: a group of retail businesses built on a site that is planned, developed, owned, and managed as a unit 2 New forms: power center (shopping centers with long strips of retail stores), lifestyle center (activities, ice skating), combatting decline by filling with more diverse stores and creating experiences.

18. How did Snicker's bars use Digital Media to enhance their IMC campaign of "You're not you when you're Hungry"

The Snickers "You're not you when you're hungry" campaign began with the 2010 Super Bowl ad of Betty White playing football, then biting a Snickers bar and morphing into a young, athletic football player. The ad was an incredible success, and since, the tagline has become central to Snickers' IMC. Snickers uses this campaign in print ads, tv commercials, packaging, and social media contests ("who R U when U R hungry?" on FB, "You're not youTube", funny tweets).

34. AT&T conducted the "It Can Wait" campaign. What was its' purpose? (p. 419)

The purpose of this was to urge people to put away their phones while driving and to focus on driving.

69. Consumer privacy, Spam, pop-ups, junk mail, pop-under, and big data issues have all created concerns and perhaps a need for great public policy? Why?

These things have been used by unsavory companies and individuals to commit fraud. Additionally, there is the concern of consumer privacy--are you entitled to your right of privacy, which is becoming more and more difficult as these practices increase

79. What decisions do companies have to make in Global Product Development? Think of the strategy of the OREO cookie Brand Manager in China.

They must think about if the product will be successful in different areas. In China, they liked the wafers better than the normal cookies because of the food they usually eat. Oreo tried different type of Oreo products to see which provided profit

66. Blogs have enabled WOM, MOM and many other ways to communicate? What role do they play in the Marketing Mix?

This WOM is incredibly important because people tend to trust opinions about brands from people they know more than they do advertisements. You can either just trust in your product and hope that the reviews are mostly positive, or you can partner with bloggers and help incentivize positive reviews. Walmart/Disney/McDonald's Moms -MM: product, price, place, promotion

61. Andre Thornton practiced relationship selling. What is that and what is important for success according to Thornton at GPI?

perseverance is important for success. Applebees chains then president and CEO of GPI global procurement services. -long term, wide range of contacts -Relationship sales are very successful for both parties. On the sales side, they gain a long term client and relationship. On the client side, they gain a salesperson who truly understands their needs and can help solve them.

11. Is "web-casing" (web-rooming) or "show-rooming" a better strategy to sell products?

webcasing/ webrooming: when consumers check out merchandise online then buy it in store Better for sales people making commission Showrooming: the shopping practice of coming into the retail store showrooms to check out merchandise and prices but instead buying from an online-only rival, sometimes while in the store Better for consumers trying to find a deal but many stores are price matching

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