Final Review

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Value would be a sign of anemia?

3.5 million RBC

You are caring for an adult patient who weighs 48 kg. What would her approximate blood volume be?

3.8 L

The total volume of blood in the body of a 76-kg man is about

5.3 liters

The currently recognized normal range of blood-glucose is:

70-110 mg/dl

Neurons of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus manufacture

ADH and oxytocin

Which gland is called the "emergency gland" and helps the body adjust to stress?

Adrenal (suprarenal) gland

All of the following are true of steroid hormones except that they

are produced by the suprarenal medulla

white blood cells release histamine


Steroid hormones

bind to receptors in the nucleus of their target cells.

The action of thyroid hormone on a target cell involves all these steps except one. Identify the incorrect step.

binding to a hormone receptor in the plasma membrane

Erytropoiesis (production of red blood cells) is stimulated when

blood flow to the kidney declines.

If a patient is administered a powerful glucocorticoid (such as prednisone) to suppress the immune system, what unintended effects might this have on blood chemistry?

both an increase of insulin and an increase in blood glucose

Increased activity of phosphodiesterase in a target cell would decrease its level of



cause clot dissolution to proceed faster

Growth hormone does all of the following, except that it

causes fat accumulation within adipocytes

The pancreatic islets (islets of Langerhans)

contain four types of endocrine cells.

The common pathway of coagulation begins with the

conversion of Factor x to prothrombinase

A hormone that is synergistic to growth hormone is


A hormone that promotes gluconeogensis in the liver is


Follicle cells in the ovary secrete ________ when stimulated by FSH.


Which statemetn about melatonin is false?

exposure to light stimulates production

Which proteins functions to store or transport iron?

ferritin, hemosiderin, and transferrin

After a steroid hormone binds to its receptors to form an active complex

gene transcription is initiated.

Cushing disease results from an excess of


Which group of hormones cause an anti-inflammatory response?


All target cells

have hormone receptors.

Waste product bilirubin is produced from

heme molecules lacking iron

More than 95 percent of the protein in a red blood cell is


Some rat poisons contain a toxin that blocks the liver's ability to utilize vitamin K. Animals that consume this poison would die of


Thyroid-binding globulin is an example of which kind of plasma protein?

hormone- binding

Mental and physical sluggishness and low body temperature may be signs of


Where does the chemical reaction between thyroglobulin and iodine take place?

in the lumen of the thyroid follicle

If bile ducts are blocked

more bilirubin appears in the plasma.

The condition known as hirsutism can result from too

much androgen production.

Non-specific immunity, such as phagocytosis, is a function of which blood cells?

neutrophils, eosinophils, and monocytes

The hormone that may be slowly administered by intravenous drip to accelerate labor and delivery is


TSH plays a key role in the ____ of thyroid hormones.

synthesis and release

most protein factors required for clotting are synthesized by

the liver

The conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin is catalyzed by the enzyme


A person whose platelet count is 40,000/μl is suffering from


All of the following hormones is an amino acid derivative except

thryoid- stimulating hormone

Hormone important for coordinating immune response are


Pituitary hormone that promotes egg development in ovaries and sperm development in testes is


A genetically engineered hormone that stimulates the production of neutrophils is

G-CSF (Neupogen)

Hormone produced by the pars intermedia of the adenohypophysis during early childhood is


If the median eminence of the hypothalamus is destroyed, the hypothalamus would no longer be able to control the secretion of which of the following hormones?


Pituitary hormone that triggers the release of thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland is


Antigens of the surface of red blood cells are also called ________ and antibodies in the blood plasma are also called ________.

agglutinogens; agglutinins

A hormone that helps to regulate the sodium ion content of the body is


Cells of the suprarenal cortex produce


In which of the following situations would you expect the blood level of bilirubin to be elevated?

an alcoholic with a damaged liver

When checking the efficiency of gas exchange, it may be necessary to draw a blood sample from the

an artery

Pituitary hormone that controls the release of glucocorticoids from the suprarenal cortex is


A rise in cortisol would cause an increase in each of the following, except

ACTH levels

Posterior pituitary gland secretes


__ involves a cascade of reactions leading to the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin.


Consider these results from a blood lab test. Which value is most likely abnormal?


hormone that promotes ovarian secretion of progesterone and testicular secretion of testosterone is


Increased levels of the hormone ____ will lead to increased levels of the calcium ion in the blood.


Anti-D antibodies are present in the blood of

Rh negative individuals who have been exposed to the D surface antigen.

no meat, anemia- likely candidate?

Vitamin B12 deficiency

The link between a first and second messenger in a cell that responds to peptide hormones is usually

a G protein.

Type II diabetes is characterized by:

a lack of response by target cells to insulin

Whole blood for testing in a clinical lab is usually collected from

a superficial vein

Hormones known as catecholamines are

derivatives of the amino acid tyrosine

Eospinophils function in

destroying antibody- labled antigens.

Exocrine portion of the pancreas produces

digestive enzymes


dissolves clots.

White blood cells that are increased in allergic individuals are the


The suprarenal medulla produces the hormones

epinephrine and norepinephrine

Which of the following is not an action of TSH?

inhibits T3 and T4 secretion

pernicious anemia caused by a lack of intrinsic factor is specifically treated by

injection sof vitamin b12

The pancreatic hormone that causes blood sugar to enter its target cells is


organ secretes most of the plasma proteins


Destruction of the supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus would have which result

loss of ADH secretion

Angiotensin I is converted to angiotensin II by converting enzymes in the


When a catecholamine or peptide hormone binds to receptors on the surface of a cell, the

second messenger appears in the cytoplasm

The hypothalamus controls secretion by the adenohypophysis by

secreting releasing and inhibiting factors into a tiny portal system.

Delta cells produce


The pituitary hormone that stimulates cell growth and replication by accelerating protein synthesis is


Aged and damaged erythrocytes are broken down by macrophages in the

spleen, liver and bone marrow

Cholecalciferol is synthesized

within the epidermis of the integumantary system

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