Final Review CS162

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Inheritance involves a subclass, which is the general class, and a superclass, which is the specialized class.


You must call a method to get the value of a wrapper class object.


In GUI terminology, a container that can be displayed as a window is known as a:


This is a basic window that has a border around it, a title bar, and a set of buttons for minimizing, maximizing, and closing the window.


Which one of the following GUI components is considered to be a container?


You can use this component to display images in an application's GUI.


If two methods have the same name but different signatures, they are:


Oracle provides a free design tool named ________ that you can use to visually create a GUI.

Scene Builder

This variable references the window that the GUI will be displayed in.


What would be the results of executing the following code? StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("Little Jack Horner "); str.append("sat on the "); str.append("corner");

str would reference "Little Jack Horner sat on the corner".

Unchecked exceptions are those that inherit from:

the Error class or the RuntimeException class

If the following is from the method section of a UML diagram, which of the following statements is TRUE? + add(object2:Stock): Stock

This is a public method named add that accepts and returns references to objects in the Stock class

What does the following statement do? Double number = new Double(8.8);

All of the above

Which of the following is NOT a rule for the FlowLayout manager?

All of these are rules for the FlowLayout manager.

In JavaFX, this component is commonly used as a GUI's root node.


Enum constants have a toString method.


If a non-letter is passed to the toLowerCase or toUpperCase method, it is returned unchanged.


If you are using characters other than whitespaces as delimiters, you will probably want to trim the string before tokenizing; otherwise, the leading and/or following whitespaces will become part of the first and/or last token.


It is not possible for a superclass to call a subclass's method.


To include Swing and AWT components in your program, use the following import statements:

import javax.swing; import java.awt;

When a subclass overloads a superclass method:

Both methods may be called with a subclass object

Look at the following code: FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream("MyInfo.dat"); DataInputStream inputFile = new DataInputStream(fstream); This code can also be written as:

DataInputStream inputFile = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream("MyInfo.dat"));

Once you have created a GUI with Scene Builder, and saved it to an FXML file, you need to write a Java class that performs which of the following?

All of the above

If you have defined a class SavingsAccount with a public static method getNumberOfAccounts(), and created a SavingsAccount object referenced by the variable account20, which of the following will call the getNumberOfAccounts()method?


Enumerated types have this method, which returns the position of an enum constant in the declaration list.


One of the small dots that make up a screen display is known as what?


A ________ is a tree-like, hierarchical data structure that contains nodes.

Scene graph

Sometimes a string will contain a series of words or other items of data separated by spaces or other characters. In programming terms, items such as these are known as what?


A class must implement the Serializable interface in order for objects of the class to be serialized.


A class's static methods do not operate on the fields that belong to any instance of the class.


A common technique for writing an event listener class is to write it as a private inner class inside the class that creates the GUI.


A single copy of a class's static field is shared by all instances of the class


An abstract class is not instantiated, but serves as a superclass for other classes.


Beginning in Java 7, multi-catch can reduce a lot of duplicated code in a try statement that needs to catch multiple exceptions, but perform the same operation for each one.


Private members of the superclass cannot be accessed by the subclass.


When an exception is thrown by a method that is executing under several layers of method calls, a stack trace indicates the method executing when an exception occurred and all of the methods that were called in order to execute that method.


When deserializing an object using the readObject method, you must cast the return value to the desired class type.


When the code in a try block may throw more than one type of exception, you need to write a catch clause for each type of exception that could potentially be thrown.


This is the process of converting a wrapper class object to a primitive type.


The following catch statement can: catch (Exception e) {...}

handle all exceptions that are instances of the Exception class or a subclass of Exception

Event listeners must:

implement an interface

A functional interface is simply an interface that has one abstract method.


If the this variable is used to call a constructor:

A compiler error will result, if it is not the first statement of the constructor

When using the StringBuilder class's insert method, you can insert:

All of the above

What does the following statement do? Float number = new Float(8.8);

All of the above (It creates a Float object, It initializes that object to 8.8, & It assigns the object's address to the number variable)

This layout manager arranges components in rows.


Use the following import statement when using the Character wrapper class:

No import statement is needed

The numeric classes' "parse" methods all throw an exception of this type if the string being converted does not contain a convertible numeric value.


Assuming the following declaration exists: enum Tree { OAK, MAPLE, PINE } What will the following code display? System.out.println(Tree.OAK);


A subclass can directly access:

Only public and protected members of the superclass

Which of the following is TRUE about protected access?

Protected members may be accessed by methods in the same package or in a subclass, even when the subclass is in a different package.

________ are useful when you want the user to select one choice from several possible options.

Radio Buttons

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

Radio buttons and check boxes both implement the ActionListener interface

Which of the following statements will print the maximum value an int variable may have?

System.out.println(Integer.MAX_VALUE) with capital I in integer

What will be the result of executing the following statement? panel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.BLUE, 5));

The JPanel referenced by panel will have a blue line border that is 5 pixels thick.

What will be the result of executing the following statement? panel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitleBorder("Title"));

The JPanel referenced by panel will have an etched border with the title "Title" displayed on it.

2/2 Assume the class BankAccount has been created, and the following statement correctly creates an instance of the class: BankAccount account = new BankAccount(5000.0); What is TRUE about the following statement? System.out.println(account);

The account object's toString method will be implicitly called.

When an application uses many components, rather than deriving just one class from the JFrame class, it is often better to encapsulate smaller groups of related components and their event listeners into their own class. A commonly used technique to do this is:

To extend a class from the JPanel class to contain other components and their related code

Look at the following declaration: enum Tree { OAK, MAPLE, PINE } What is the fully-qualified name of the PINE enum constant?


A compiler error will result if an anonymous inner class tries to use a variable that is not final, or not effectively final.


A single copy of a class's static field is shared by all instances of the class.


Both instance fields and instance methods are associated with a specific instance of a class, and they cannot be used until an instance of the class is created.


Which of the following does not belong in a JavaFX scene graph?

Trunk node

Two ways of concatenating two Strings are:

Use the concat() method or use the + between the two Strings

If button1 is a JButton object, which of the following statements will make its background blue?


An exception's default error message can be retrieved using this method.


Look at the following statement: StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(25); What will the StringBuilder constructor do?

give the object, str, 25 bytes of storage and not store anything in them

Assume that the variable checkbox references a JCheckBox object. To determine whether the check box has been selected, use the following code:

if (checkBox.isSelected()) {/code to execute, if selected/}

To use the ActionListener interface, as well as other event listener interfaces, you must have the following import statement in your code:

import java.awt.event.*;

Protected class members are denoted in a UML diagram with the symbol


What will be the value of loc after the following code is executed? int loc; String str = "The cow jumped over the moon."; loc = str.lastIndexOf("ov", 14);


Look at the following declaration: enum Tree { OAK, MAPLE, PINE } What is the ordinal value of the MAPLE enum constant?


When using the BorderLayout manager, how many components can each region hold?


Look at the following code. The method in line ________ will override the method in line ________.

10, 4

What will be the value of loc after the following code is executed? int loc; String str = "The cow jumped over the moon."; loc = str.indexOf("ov");


The no-arg constructor for a StringBuilder object gives the object enough storage space to hold this many characters.

16 characters

Look at the following code. Which line has an error? Line 1 public interface Interface1 Line 2 { Line 3 int FIELDA = 55; Line 4 pub Line 5 }


A protected member of a class may be directly accessed by:

All of the above

If a class contains an abstract method:

All of the above

What will be printed after the following code is executed String str = "abc456"; int m = 0; while ( m < 6 ) { if (Character.isLetter(str.charAt(m))) System.out.print( Character.toUpperCase(str.charAt(m))); m++; }


Although these are often displayed in groups, they are not usually grouped in a toggle group like RadioButtons are.


Given the following code which of the following is TRUE? public class ClassB implements ClassA{}

ClassB must override each method in ClassA

This section of the Inspector Panel allows you to register the controller class and event listeners with the GUI.


To place a component in a GUI, you simply drag it from the Library Panel, and drop it into the:

Content Panel

What does the following statement do? addButton.addActionListener(new AddButtonListener());

Creates an AddButtonListener object and registers the AddButtonListener object with the addButton

An anonymous inner class must:

Either A or B

All of the exceptions that you will handle are instances of classes that extend this class.


This is a section of code that gracefully responds to exceptions when they are thrown.

Exception handler

This is a markup language that describes the components in a JavaFX scene graph.


All methods in an abstract class must also be declared abstract.


If a class has a method named finalize, it is called automatically just before a data member that has been identified as final of the class is destroyed by the garbage collector.


If two methods in the same class have the same name but different signatures, the second overrides the first.


To end an application, pass this as the argument to the JFrame class's setDefaultCloseOperation() method.


In Swing, labels are created with this class:


The exception classes are in packages in the ________.

Java API

JFC stands for:

Java Foundation Classes

If a subclass constructor does not explicitly call a superclass constructor:

Java will automatically call the superclass's default or no-arg constructor just before the code in the subclass's constructor executes

Autoboxing is:

Java's process of automatically "boxing up" a value inside an object

This is a special type of expression used to create an object that implements a functional interface.


This is a graphic image that is displayed while an application loads into memory and starts up.

Splash screen

To convert the double variable, d = 543.98, to a string, use the following statement:

String str = Double.toString(d);

To convert the int variable, number to a string, use the following statement:

String str = Integer.toString(number);

The term ________ commonly is used to refer to a string that is part of another string.


What key word can you use to call a superclass constructor explicitly?


These components have a consistent look and predictable behavior on any operating system.


What will be the result of the following statements? FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream("DataIn.dat"); DataInputStream inFile = new DataInputStream(fstream);

The inFile variable will reference an object that is able to read binary data from the Input.dat file.

Given the following statement, which of the following is NOT true? str.insert(8, 32);

The insert will start at position 32

Why doesn't the following code compile correctly? Huge block of code here

The itemStateChanged method cannot be coded here.

What is required for an interface method that has a body?

The method header must begin with the key word default.

What is wrong with the following code? IntCalculator square = new IntCalculator() { public int calculate(int number) { return number * number; }}

The statement does not end with a semicolon.

What will be the tokens given the following statements? String str = ("January 1, 2016"); String[] tokens = str.split(" ");

The tokens will be: January 1, 2016

Look at the following code: Line 1 public class ClassA Line 2 { Line 3 public ClassA() {} Line 4 public void method1(int a){} Line 5 } Line 6 public class ClassB extends ClassA Line 7 { Line 8 public ClassB(){} Line 9 public void method1(){} Line 10 } Line 11 public class ClassC extends ClassB Line 12 { Line 13 public ClassC(){} Line 14 public void method1(){} Line 15 } Which method will be executed when the following statements are executed? ClassC item1 = new ClassA(); item1.method1();

This is an error and will cause the program to crash

All exceptions are instances of classes that extend this class.


Each of the numeric wrapper classes has a static ________ method that converts a number to a string.


The process of breaking a string down into tokens is known as what?


The ability to display splash screens was introduced in Java 6.


What will be the value of str after the following statements are executed? StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("We have lived in Chicago, " + "Trenton, and Atlanta."); str.replace(17, 24, "Tampa");

We have lived in Tampa, Trenton, and Atlanta.

In UML diagrams, inheritance is shown:

With a line that has an open arrowhead at one end that points to the superclass

To serialize an object and write it to the file, use this method of the ObjectOutputStream class.


Like a family tree, a ________ shows the inheritance relationship between classes.

class hierarchy

If your code does not handle and exception when it is thrown, this prints an error message and crashes the program.

default exception handler

This is a variable whose value is never changed, but it isn't declared with the final key word.

effectively final variable

You can declare an enumerated data type inside of a method.


To convert the string, str = "285" to an int, use the following statement:

int x = Integer.parseInt(str);

A deep copy of an object:

is an operation that copies an aggregate object, and all the objects it references

When the this variable is used to call a constructor:

it must be the first statement in the constructor making the call

You would use this command at the operating system command line to execute the code in the MyApplication class and display the graphic image Logo.jpg as a splash screen.

java -splash:Logo.jpg MyApplication

The ability to catch multiple types of exceptions with a single catch is known as ________, and was introduced in Java 7.


A subclass may call an overridden superclass method by:

prefixing its name with the super key word and a dot (.)

When declaring class data members, it is best to declare them as:

private members

In an interface all methods have:

public access

If ClassA extends ClassB, then:

public members in ClassB are public in ClassA, but private members in ClassB cannot be directly accessed in ClassA

When a component is added to a region in the BorderLayout manager:

the component is stretched so it fills up the entire region

When an exception is thrown by code in the try block, the JVM begins searching the try statement for a catch clause that can handle it and passes control of the program to:

the first catch clause that can handle the exception.

A static field is created by placing:

the key word static after the access specifier and before the field's data type

When a reference variable is passed as an argument to a method:

the method has access to the object that the variable references

If the program does not handle an unchecked exception:

the program is halted and the default exception handler handles the exception

In a try/catch construct, after the catch statement is executed:

the program resumes at the statement that immediately follows the try/catch construct

If you attempt to perform an operation with a null reference variable:

the program will terminate

If a superclass does not have a default constructor or a no-arg constructor:

then a class that inherits from it, must call one of the constructors that the superclass does have.

Every class is either directly or indirectly derived from the Object class.


If a non-letter is passed to the toLowerCase or toUpperCase method, it is returned unchanged


In a scene graph, the root node and branch nodes can have children, but leaf nodes cannot.


It is not possible for a superclass to call a subclass's method.


The wrapper classes in Java are immutable, which means that once you create an object, you cannot change the object's value


When a subclass extends a superclass, the public members of the superclass become public members of the subclass.


You can use JavaFX to create standalone graphics applications that run on your local computer, applications that run from a remote server, or applications that are embedded in a Web page.


If, within one try statement you want to have catch clauses that catch exceptions of the following types, in which order should they appear in your program? (1) Throwable (2) Exception (3) RuntimeException (4) NumberFormatException

4, 3, 2, 1

What will be printed after the following code is executed? String str = "abc456"; int m = 0; while ( m < 6 ) { if (!Character.isLetter(str.charAt(m))) System.out.print( Character.toUpperCase(str.charAt(m))); m++; }


For the following code, how many times would the for loop execute? String str = ("Ben and Jerry's ice cream is great."); String[] tokens = str.split(" "); for (String s : tokens)


Why does the following code cause a compiler error? Try { number = Integer.parseInt(str); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { System.out.println("Bad number format."); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println(str + " is not a number."); }

Because NumberFormatException inherits from IllegalArgumentException.

In an inheritance relationship, the subclass constructor always executes before the superclass constructor.


The following statement adds the FlowLayout manager to the container, centers the components, and separates the components with a gap of 10 pixels. setLayout(new FlowLayout());


The this key word is the name of a reference variable that is available to all static methods.


The throw statement informs the compiler that a method throws one or more exception.


To write data to a binary file you create objects from the following classes:

FileOutputStream and DataOutputStream

When a method is declared with the ________ modifier, it cannot be overridden in a subclass.


The try statement may have an optional ________ clause, which must appear after all of the catch clauses.


Which of the following statements is NOT true?

If this includes the answer Buttons are round and boxes are square All of these are true.

You use the ________ key word in a class header to indicate that it implements an interface.


Look at the following code. What is missing from ClassA? Line 1 public interface MyInterface Line 2 { Line 3 int FIELDA = 55; Line 4 public int methodA(double); Line 5 } Line 6 public class ClassA implements MyInterface Line 7 { Line 8 FIELDA = 60; Line 9 public int methodB(double) { } Line 10 }

It does not override methodA.

Replacing inadequate superclass methods with more suitable subclass methods is known as what?

Method overriding

When writing a string to a binary file or reading a string from a binary file, it is recommended that you use:

Methods that use UTF-8 encoding

You cannot use the == operator to compare the contents of:


The variable panel references a JPanel object. The variable bGroup references a ButtonGroup object, which contains several button components. If you want to add the buttons to the panel:

add each button to panel one at a time, e.g. panel.add(button1);

The catch clause:

all of the above

The IllegalArgumentException class extends the RuntimeException class, and is therefore:

an UNchecked exception class

All fields declared in an interface:

are final and static

Protected members are:

both A and B

When you write an action listener class for a JButton component, it must:

both B and C

If the code in a method can potentially throw a checked exception, then that method must:

either A or B

When an application uses many components, instead of extending just one class from the JFrame class, a better approach is to:

encapsulate smaller groups of related components and their event listeners into their own classes

If str is declared as: String str = "ABCDEFGHI"; What will be returned from Character.toLowerCase(str.charAt(5))?


The String class's valueOf() method accepts a string representation as an argument and returns its equivalent integer value.


You cannot assign a value to a wrapper class object


You must use the statement import java.swing.*; in order to use the ItemListener interface.


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