final review

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be able to recognize the personal identity problem for physical monism

(1) A compound physical object is numerically identical to an aggregate of physical simples (2) if an aggregate A and an aggregate A1 have numerically different parts, then A and A1 are not numerically identical aggregates (3) therefore if a compound physical object X in a compound physical object why are composed of numerically different parts, than X and Y are not numerically identical to physical objects (4) human organisms constantly undergo changes with respect to their parts and total replacement of their parts every seven years or so (5) therefore if human persons are identical to human organisms, the no human person last long enough to be held morally accountable for their actions, accomplish projects, maintain friendships, and marriages (6) but human person sometimes do lasted long enough to do these things (7) therefore it is not the case that human persons are identical to human organisms (8) if physical monism is true, then human persons are identical to physical organisms (9) therefore physical monism is false

Saint Thomas Aquinas is a hylomorphist who thinks that human persons can survive death in so far as the human sold does not go out of existence at death. Why does St. Thomas think that the existence of the human soul is not tied to bodily existence?

(1) Forms received in matter under dimensions are particularly forms that have special dimensions. for example John sees an equilateral triangle; the triangle is received in virtue of John's, as it is received as an image of a particular triangle with special dimensions and not as a universal (2) if the intellect has a physical organ or is in any way material, then what we cognize by the intellect are particularly forms with special dimensions, e.g. triangularity (3) therefore if intellect has a physical organ, or is in any way material, then we do not cognize universals, e.g. triangularity (4) but we do cognize universals (5) therefore, it is not the case that intellect has a physical organ, or is in any way material

what is the essence argument?

(1) If we can't understand the expression non-physical substance, then dualistic interactionism is not a plausible position in the philosophy of mind (2) we can't understand the meaning of the expression on physical substance (3) therefore dualistic interactionism is not a plausible position in the philosophy of mind

what is the privacy argument in defensive mental event/brain event dualism (and so against the identity thesis)?

(1) Micro physical events are in principle directly observable by way of the five senses, e.g. neural events are micro physical events that are directly observable by way of the five senses, at least by way of a brain scanning device (2) mental events themselves are not in principle directly observable by way of the five senses, but rather by introspecting. (3)if x and y have different essential properties, then x and y are not numerically identical (4) therefore, mental events are not numerically identical to bodies or micro physical events

Renee Descartes argues for DI on the basis of reality of libertarian free will. How does that argument go?

(1) The behavior of physical substances is causally determined (2) If the behavior of human person is not causally determined than human persons are not identical to physical substances (3) If human persons have a libertarian freewheel than the behavior of human person is not causally determined (4) Therefore, if human persons have libertarian free will, than human person or not identical to physical substances (5) Human persons have libertarian free will (6) Therefore, human persons are not identical to physical substances (7) Human persons are substances (8) Therefore, human persons are immaterial substances or compound of an immaterial substance and a material substance (9) human persons or human souls can directly causely interact with their bodies and vice versa (10) therefore, dualistic interactionism is true

what is the Cartesian causal interaction problem for René Descartes's dualistic interactionism?

(1) according to descartes, (a) minds act freely and so are not causally determined in their behavior but (b) bodies are causely determined, i.e. for any bodily event, that event had to happen because of antecedent events, and (c) minds and bodies directly causally interact with one another (2) if mine's act freely indirectly influency each other, then bodies are not causely determined since somebody's may have acted differently if mine's chose to interact with them and certain ways (3) therefore, there is a contradiction in compound dualistic interactionism

what is the general causal interaction problem for dualistic interactionism?

(1) according to dualistic interactionism a non-physical substance Directly causally interacts with a physical substance and vice versa (2) if dualistic interactionism is possible then we can explain how a non-physical substance can directly causally interact with a physical substance and vice versa (3) but we can't offer an explanation of how a non-physical substance can directly causely interact with a physical substance and vice versa (4) therefore dualistic interactionism is not plausible

what is the argument from common speech?

(1) all other things being equal the way we commonly talk about reality is an accurate guide to reality (2) the way we commonly talk about ourselves is not consistent with dualistic interactionism or perhaps more specifically simple dualistic interactionism (3) therefore all other things being equal we should reject simple dualistic interactionism for some other hypothesis about the nature of human persons that is compatible with the way in which we talk about human persons

what is the argument for preferring a hylomorphic philosophy of mine to other philosophies of mind we've talked about in this class?

(1) all other things being equal, theory A is a better theory of mind then theory B if (a) A make sense of more data about persons and minds than does theory B and (b) A Raises few were problems or puzzles than B (2) hylomorphism is a theory of persons in mind that is consistent with more data about persons in mind then dualistic interactionist theories, epiphenomenalism, eliminative materialism, and physical monism; in addition, hylomorphism raises fewer problems or puzzles than dualistic interactionist theories, epiphenomenalism, eliminative materialism, and physical monism (3) therefore, all other things being equal, hylomorphism is a better theory of persons and minds than dualistic interactionist theories, epiphenomenalism, eliminative materialism, and physical monism

What is the last person standing argument for physical monism?

(1) dualistic interactionism or epiphenomenalism or physical monism (2) mental events can directly cause physical events and physical events can directly cause mental events (3) it does not make sense to say that physical events can directly cause non-physical events or vice versa (4) dualistic interactionism is compatible with (3) (5) therefore not dualistic interactionism (6) epiphenomenalism is incompatible with (2) and (3) (7) therefore not epiphenomenalism (8) physical monism is consistent with (2) and is not affected by the problem identified and (3) (9) therefore physical monism

what is the brain trauma argument?

(1) if (a) dualistic interactionism then, (b) the human mind is to the human brain as Alfred along with his remote controller is to his remote control toy airplane (2) if Alfred's toy airplane breaks Alfred does not thereby fall into an unconscious state or a state of reduce consciousness neither does the remote control or break just in virtue of damage done to the toy airplane rather Alfred can be fully conscious, e.g. thinking, willing, and desiring in the manner in which we do when we are awake, all while his toy airplane is broken (3) therefore, if (b) the human mind is to the human brain is Alfred along with his remote controller is to his toy airplane, then (c) when a human brain is in a State of serious trauma, the corresponding human mind is not thereby fall into an unconscious state or a State of reduced consciousness. Rather the human mind correlated with a human brain in serious trauma is fully conscious, e.g. thinking, desiring, willing in the manner that we do when we are awake, all while the brain is in a state of serious trauma (4) therefore, if (a) dualistic interactionism, then (c) when a human brain is in a state of serious trauma the corresponding human mind is not thereby fall into an unconscious state or a state of reduce consciousness rather the human mind correlated with a human brain in a serious trauma is fully conscious, e.g. thinking, desiring, willing in the manner that we do when we are awake, all while the brain is in a state of serious trauma (5) but when a human brain is in a state of serious trauma the corresponding human mind does thereby fall into an unconscious state or a state of reduced consciousness (6) therefore, not dualistic interactionism

what is the unity of the cognizer argument?

(1) if dualistic interactionism, then either simple dualistic interactionism or compound dualistic interactionism (2) if simple dualistic interactionism, then (a) the non-physical substance which is identical to the self is what senses or (b) the five senses are powers that belong to the body and we don't really sense things our bodies do (3) if compound dualistic interactionism, then (c) we are not one substance but two substances, a cell which stinks but does not smell things in a body that smells things but does not think (4) not (a) since seeing smelling and hearing involves the use of physical organs it does not make sense to say that a non-physical substances hears smells (5) but we are one substance, one subject that though thinks and senses (6) therefore not (b) and not (c) (7) therefore not simple dualistic interactionism (8) therefore not compound dualistic interactionism (9) therefore not dualistic interactionism

One criticism of physical monism itself that we emphasized in class focuses on the importance of the identity thesis for physical monism. How does this argument go?

(1) if physical monism is true than the identity thesis is true (2) if the identity thesis is true then human mental events are identical to physical events (3) human mental events are not identical to physical events (4) therefore the identity thesis is false (5) therefore physical monism is false

in class, the professor criticized the last person standing argument for physical monism by criticizing the general causal interaction problem for dualistic interactionism. Be able to recognize this Defeater for the general causal interaction problem

(1) if we should reject dualistic interactionism because we don't understand how a non-physical thing causally interacts with a physical thing, then, to be consistent, we should reject any position that posits a cause a relationship between X and Y where we don't understand how X causely interacts with Y (2) we don't understand how physical things causely interact with other physical things (3) therefore, if we should reject dualistic interactionism because we don't understand how a nonphysical thing can causely interact with a physical thing, then we should reject physical monism, since physical monism posits a cause a relationship between physical things, where we don't understand such a cause relationship

be able to recognize the argument from agency in libertarian free wheel for the fall city of physical monism

(1) the physical monism is true than mental acts are numerically identical to micro physical actions (2) chemical reactions are subpersonal (3) acts of belief, desire, and libertarian free will are acts of persons, and are not sub personal (4) therefore if mental acts are chemical reactions in the brain, then we persons do not ever engage and axe belief, desire, or libertarian free will (5)therefore, a physicalism, then we person do not ever engage and and based on's, desires, and the and will (6) we persons do sometimes engage in belief, desire, and libertarian Freewill (7) therefore physical monism is false

what three things does a material substance S's substantial form explain about S?

(1) why S exist as one substances of a certain kind at a time (2) why S has the essential properties that it does (3)why S can remain numerically the same through time and change

compare and contrast dualistic interactionism, ephiphenominalism, physical monism, and eliminative materialism by noting how they answer each of the following questions: (i) is the identity thesis true? (ii) are mental events real? (iii) is local materialism true? (iv) do mental events bring about effects?


does the hylomorphic account of nature entail that compound substances are not composed of quarks, electrons, cells, etc? why or why not?


what does the theory entail about the ontological status of quarks, atoms, cells, etc, when they compose, for example, an organism?


what is the interaction intuition?


assume the general causal interaction problem for dualistic interaction is defeated. Explain how that presents a problem for the last person standing argument for physical monism


according to hylomorphists, all material substances have two metaphysical parts. what two?

A substantial form and prime matter

of the philosophies of mind we've studied, which accepts the Cartesian assumption about matter or material substance?

Dualistic interactionism, epiphenomenalism, and physical monism

what objection then to the brain trauma argument did the professor emphasizing class?

If the brain breaks, the mind won't work well, or maybe even at all

what is the Cartesian assumption about matter or material substance?

Material substances are: (a) essentially atomic (b) essentially non-experimental; (c) such that their behavior is causally determined or random; (d) such that any qualities belonging to them or reducible to quantities of some sort

what is the Cartesian assumption about mental events?

Mental events or ask our private events or ask knowable only by introspection. Physical events or ask are, in principal, public events or acts

according to the hylomorphic account of material objects, material objects are often composed of foreman matter. In general terms what is the matter of a material object?

Quantitative parts

how does the walking argument show why a certain way of arguing for the identity thesis is problematic?

Since (4) is false in the walking argument, an argument for identity thesis has the same form as the walking argument, (1) is false in the argument for the identity thesis from the simple fact that there is a correlation between thinking and brain activity, it does not follow that thinking is identical to brain activity

what does the prime matter of a material substance S explain about S?

The S comes into existence from other material substances and potentially dies or goes out of existence in so far as S's matter becomes the matter of other numerically distinct substances

although human persons can't reason and we are without their intellectual soul, it is not the intellectual sold itself that understands and wills, properly speaking, but rather the human person as a hole who has the intellectual soul as a part that reasons and wheels. Motivate this hylomorphic idea by offering an analogy that compares the relation between the intellectual soul and human actions, on the other hand, and the regulation between the organic parts of a human person and human actions, on the other

The presence of the intellectual soul in a human person, e.g., Susan, enables her- at least when she reaches a certain stage of maturity- to do what is characteristic of human persons, i.e., (a) understand the natures of things, and (b) will. although Susan does Search things primarily in virtue of her intellectual so, she does them naturally as something embodied. Susan is ever and always a singular substance, irrational animal, and so her actions are best attributed to Susan, and not any of her parts

what are the four arguments in defense of epiphenomenism we spoke about in class?

The strength of scientific explanations argument, the weakness of non-scientific explanations argument, the good examples of epiphenomena argument, and the argument in defense of epiphenominalism

what is absolute identity?

X and y are absolutely identical if and only if X and y do not differ in any respect properties

What is numerical identity?

X and y are numerically identical if and only if X and y do not differ in number

what is specific identity?

X and y are superficially identical if and only if X and y do not differ in species

according to the hylomorphist, The intellect does depend upon the brain for its activity in this life but not because the brain is the intellects organ. What analogy did the professor use to make sense of the way in which intellectual activity in this life depends upon the brain according to the hylomorphist?

Your intellect is to your brain as your sense of sight is to the external object seen, i.e., although the brain is not the organ of intellect, just as the external objects is not the organ of sight, the intellect is not operate normally and naturally without the brain providing an image from whence the Internet can abstract universals, just as the sense of sight does not operate normally a naturally apart from the external object seen

what powers do all healthy and mature nonrational animals possess?

external sensing, internal sensing, locomotion, etc

give an example of a nonmaterial reality that is a substance according to substance dualists that we talked about in class

a human soul or mind

what is compound substance dualism

accepts substance dualism and goes on to say your body is really a part of you

what is simple substance dualism?

accepts substance dualism and goes on to say your physical body is not really a part of you, it is more like a possession of you

what is dualistic interactionism?

accepts substance duelism and interactionism

what is transient activity?

an action of A such that the action goes entirely out from A to something external to A, e.g. A pool ball B's knocking into another pool ball B1 and thereby causing B1 to move, or carbon atoms in hydrogen atoms interacting to form a hydrocarbon molecules

according to Aristotle what is a substance?

an individual being that is a center of attention or activity

what is the substance according to substance duelists?

an individual thing that can act or be acted upon

Who is the ancient Greek philosopher who first speaks about material substances as hylomorphic compounds?


what problem for the essence argument did the professor raise in class?

believing the existence argument commits you to not believing anything scientists say

what is compound dualistic interactionism?

compound substance dualism + dualistic interactionism

what are the three characteristic activities in which all healthy, mature living organisms engage in according to hylomorphists?

conscious inclination, knowledge, and immanent activity

fill in the blanks that follow regarding the hylomorphist account of relation between various cognitive powers of human persons: (a) the ________ senses use the brain as an organ, but obtain their objects from things other than the brain (b) the ________ senses use the brain as an organ and obtain their objects from powers that have the brain as an organ (c) the ________ does not use the brain as an organ but obtains its object from powers that have the brain as an organ (d) therefore, although the brain is not the ________ of intellect, intellectual activity in this life ________ Upon the brain and it's activity, and so it makes sense that the intellect will not operate well if the brain is damaged

external, internal, intellect, organ, depends

what is the correlation thesis?

for a mental event M, there is some micro physical correlate, e.g. in the brain

what is local materialism?

human beings are holy material substances, so there are no immaterial souls, mind, etc

hylomorphists reject the Cartesian assumption about matter or material substance. Explain

hylomorphism offers a us a philosophical alternative to the research program in the philosophy mind that originates with Descartes. the Cartesian assumption about matter and material substance is false. Unlike the philosophies of mind developed in the week of Descartes's philosophy of mind, hylomorphism can make sense of the views that (i) some material substances because they have a certain substantial form subjectively experienced the world and (ii) some material substances because they have a certain sort of substantial form engage of acts of understanding and willing because substantial forms in prime matter are real features of material substances that are not quantifiable, There are features of the material world and so human persons that cannot be treated in the experimental sciences since the discerning of features of material substance is fall outside of the scope of their discipline

hylomorphists Reject the Cartesian assumption about mental events. What does it mean to reject the Cartesian assumption about mental events?

hylomorphists Also think the Cartesian assumption about mental events is false. Although we can directly know some mental Ask or events only by way of introspection, we can also directly know some mental acts or events, or more precisely rational events or acts, by way of the external senses and understanding. Cartesian substance dualists, epiphenomenalists, physical monists, and eliminative materialists are beholden to the false Cartesian do that mental events or ask our necessarily events of which we are self-conscious and so are _____.

what are two criticisms of epiphenomenalism we spoke about in class?

if epiphenomenalism is true then our beliefs and desires are never causally effacious, meaning psychological explanations are never good explanations of human behavior. if epiphenomenalism is true then we don't have a free will

what are limitations for, or potential problems with, the first three of these arguments against epiphenomenalism?

in the strength of scientific explanations argument, we cannot currently give a good explanation of all human behavior currently and we are unsure if we will ever be able to do so. In the weakness of non-scientific explanations argument, premise three cannot be true because it is not a scientific explanation. In the good examples of epiphenomena argument, it is saying that mental events such as feeling pain cannot cause physical events

what is the technical name that hylomorphists give to the substantial form of a rational animal such as a human person?

intellectual soul

what is the etymology of hylomorphic?

matter form dualism

physical monists are committed to the identity thesis. What is the identity thesis?

mental events are numerically identical to micro physical events, i.e., Mental events are really nothing but micro physical events. e.g. Susans thinking about cats is numerically identical to a neural event X, Susan's Thinking about unicorns is numerically identical to a neural event why, where X and why are not numerically identical (just as Susans thinking about cat is not identical to Susans thinking about unicorns)

the professor suggested an alternative analogy for understanding the relationship between the human soul and the human organism that the dualistic interactionist might adopt. What analogy?

mind/soul: a wheel brain: the axle to which the wheel is (sometimes) attached

the brain trauma argument employees an analogy that is supposed to express the relationship between the human soul and the human organism, as the dualistic interactionist understands that relationship. What is the analogy?

mind/soul: alfred (and his remote controller) brain: alfred's remote control airplaine

give an example of a nonmaterial reality that is not a substance according to substance duaists that we talk about in class

newton's first law of motion

List and explain the two kinds of immanent activity

non-conscious immanent action: an action of a living substance such that it acts upon itself, where the action necessarily changes something other than the agent by the action conscious immanent action: an action of an animal such that the object of the action is not necessarily changed by the action, but rather a power of the agent is what is changed in the action

what powers do all mature and healthy plants possess?

nourishing, growing, and reproducing

what powers do all healthy and mature human persons possess?

nourishing, growing, reproducing, external sensing, internal sensing, locomotion, conscious being, understanding, etc

which sense of identity is particularly relevant where the argument from personal identity overtime in defense of dualistic interactionism is concerned?

numerical identity

what are the paradigm cases of substances and Aristotles hylomorphic view of substance?

organisms, e.g. plants, animals, and human organisms

of the philosophies of mind we've studied, which excepts the identity thesis?

physical monism

of the philosophies of mind we've studied, which can except the correlation thesis?

physical monism and dualistic interactionism

in general terms, what is the form of a material object?

qualitative parts

through what sort of analysis a reflection do we discern that immaterial substances composed of metaphysical?

reflecting upon the nature of living material substances

what is the technical name hylomorphists give to the substantial form of a nonrational animal?

sensitive soul

what is simple dualistic interactionism?

simple substance dualism + dualistic interactionism

hylomorphists give a technical name to the substantial form of an organism, what is it?


What is the Aristotelien axiom about substances we talked about in class?

substances are not composed of substances

what is interactionism?

the doctrine that says (a) joe's mind can have direct causal influence on Joe's body (b) Joe's mine can have direct cause of influence on itself (c) joe's body can have direct causal influence on other bodies (d) other bodies can have direct causal influence on Joe's body (e) joe's body can have direct causal influence on Joe's mind, but (f) Jazmine can only have indirect cause all influence on other minds, e.g. by way of causing his body to do something, and (g) joe's mind can only have indirect cause influence on bodies other than his own, e.g. By way of causing his body to do something

what is substance dualism?

the mind is non-physical in the body is a separate physical substance

what philosophical problem does Creel address in chapter 16?

the mind/body problem

What is the philosophical position known as global materialism or naturalism?

there are no natural minds, so no God, souls, angels, etc

List, explain, and give examples of the three acts of the power of intellect

understanding, judgment, and reason

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