Final Review New Testament

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What is another way "Touch me not" could be translated?

Stop holding on to me, or do not hold me back.

According to 2 Nephi 29:4-7, how does the Lord feel about how the Gentile nations have treated the Jews throughout history?

The Lord will hold the Gentiles accountable for cursing, hating, and neglecting the Jews.

Define: Gloria in excelsis

The angels

According to the Introduction to John in the Wayment NT, what is one possible reason why John might not have included the story of Jesus's suffering in Gethsemane?

The author(s) of John wanted to emphasize Jesus's divinity and exaltation rather than his humanity.

In "The Many Faces of the Good Samaritan," which interpretation did Amy-Jill Levine support as the most likely first-century Jewish understanding of the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)?

The parable shocks hearers into considering that people they view as enemies may actually be neighbors, and compassion has no boundaries.

what were some things that Luke emphasized in his Gospel?

The place of women in the church, the plight of the poor, and the universal message of salvation that reached beyond Judea and Galilee.

According to the narrative in Luke 24:13-35, when Jesus appeared to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, at what point did they recognize him?

When he took bread, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to them.

Define: Benedictus



all members are Gods

give up everything and...

come unto me


in the beginning was the word and word was with God

John is the one who

testifies of the truth

Parable of the Prodigal Son

the father rejoices at the son coming home, there's more joy in heaven saving one soul that was lost, have sympathy because the older brother wasnʻt able to see happiness and at someone else receiving salvation

Uses semeion

to symbol the miracles of Jesus

As examples of the theme of seeing in John, each of the following statements appears in the narrative about Jesus's first disciples in John 1:35-51. Which of these is spoken to Andrew, another disciple of John the Baptist, and Nathanael?

"Come and see"

"I am" statements

"I am" the bread of life "I am" the Light of the World "I am" the Door

In the KJV of 2:4, Jesus's response to his mother's implied request for help (in 2:3) can seem rude. How is Jesus's response translated in the Wayment NT?

"Woman, what does that matter to you and me? My time has not yet come."

Define: Nunc dimitties


90% of the material

in John is unique

The KJV of Mark's account describes Jesus in Gethsemane becoming "sore amazed" and "very heavy." What do these expressions mean?

"amazed, awestruck, atonished" and "depressed, dejected, in anguish

Which of the following translations does NOT clearly convey the sense of the perfect tense Greek verb in Luke 7:47?

"her many sins are forgiven her because she loved much" (Aramaic Bible in Plain English)

John writes himself in as

"the disciple whose Jesus loved"

In both instances, what phrase has been added in the Matthew passages?

"with me"


90 BC

Which of the following statements about Jesus is illustrated through this story?

A. By age 12 Jesus had grown aware of the special relationship he had to God the Father. B. Jesus grew in wisdom and exemplified wisdom. C. The grace of God (favor of God, blessing of God) was upon Jesus in rich measure. D. All of the above.

Which individual(s) is/are mentioned in all four gospel accounts of Jesus's burial?

Joseph of Arimathea

As discussed in Eric Huntsman's article, what is distinctive about how the miracles of Jesus are portrayed in the Gospel of John?

A. In the Greek, John uses the term sēmeion "sign" or ergon "work" instead of dynamis"powerful deed." B. The miracles are signs that point to key ideas about Jesus. C. There are seven main signs or miracles in the first half of the Gospel of John, which is often called "The Book of Signs" (John 1-11). D. All of the above.

Arrange the following statements of the formerly blind man in chronological order, as they appear in John 9.

First= A man named Jesus made clay, put it on my eyes, and told me to wash, and I did and received sight. Second= Jesus is a prophet. Third= I don't know whether Jesus is a sinner or not, but here's what I know: I used to be blind, and now I see. Fourth= If Jesus were not of God, he could do nothing Fifth= Lord, I believe.

The cleansing of the temple occurs at the beginning of Jesus's ministry in John 2:13-22, but near the end of Jesus's ministry in the synoptic gospels. See the possible explanations in Wayment NT, footnote for 2:13-17. What possible explanation for this is presented in JANT

Gospel authors presented the same basic story in different ways to teach that Jesus's body was the "temple" (John) or relate what led to the plot against Jesus (synoptics).

What is unique about how John begins his gospel?

He starts in the pre-existence.

eggoaime is used as a title=

I am"

Which of the following is NOT one of the differences between the Sermon on the Plain in Luke 6:20-49and the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew?

In Matthew, Jesus says that "even the publicans" love those who love them (Matt 5:46-47), while in Luke Jesus says "Pharisees" instead of "publicans" (Luke 6:32-34)."

Jewish festivals at Jerusalem, such as the feasts of Passover, Tabernacles (or Sukkot, "Booths"), and Pentecost (or Shavuot, "Weeks"), play an important role in the Gospel of John. What does The Jewish Annotated New Testament (JANT) suggest about their function in John?

Jesus displaces the Jewish festivals.

John about Christology

Jesus is seen as divine, highest christology ...illustrating divinity over humanity

Which of the following themes in Luke is most clearly expressed in Simeon's words of praise in Luke 2:29-32?

Jesus is the universal Savior for all people, both Jews and Gentiles.

Which of the following best represents how Jesus responded to Martha and Mary as each expressed her grief over the death of their brother Lazarus?

Jesus spoke reassuringly to Martha, and wept with Mary.

What common theme appears in BOTH the story of Jesus's appearances to two disciples on the road to Emmaus and to the eleven disciples, as recorded in Luke 24:27, 44-46?

Jesus taught them how his suffering, death, and resurrection had fulfilled the scriptures (the Old Testament).

luke 7:36-50...

Jesus' luke IMMEDIATELY and frankly forgives sinners.

Match the following passages with the effect(s) of the Spirit that Jesus promised his disciples.

John 14:26 Will teach all things, will bring all things to your remembrance that I have taught you. John 15:26 Will testify of me. John 16:13-14 Will guide you into all truth, will show you things to come, will glorify me.

Quick review: match the statements with the gospel in which they appear (all use the KJV wording). See if you can do it from memory; if not, check your scriptures or the synopsis of the passion narratives.

Matthew and Mark= "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Luke= "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." "Verily, I say unto you, today you will be with me in paradise." "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit." John= "Woman, behold thy son... Behold thy mother." "I thirst." "It is finished."

Which of the following Lukan parables is most similar in message to the parable of the widow and the judge in Luke 18:1-8?

Luke 11:5-13, the parable of the friend at midnight

In which of the following passages does Jesus most clearly refute this kind of thinking?

Luke 13:1-5

Each of the following passages relates to a major theme in the gospel of Luke. Which one has the strongest connections with the parable of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16:19-31?

Luke 1:52-53

Which of the following verses most clearly indicates that there were some women disciples who had an important role in supporting Jesus's ministry? (For help, see notes in the Wayment NT, p. 126.)

Luke 8:3

Which of the following verses in today's reading most clearly indicates that the gospel author has a different, higher christology for Jesus after his resurrection than he did for Jesus during his mortal life?

Matthew 28:18

In John 5:17, how is the KJV of the phrase "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work" translated in the Wayment NT?

My Father works until now, and I am working.

In the excerpt from Believing Christ, what did Stephen Robinson identify as the Pharisee's problem in the parable of the Pharisee and the publican (Luke 18:9-14)?


Based on the Introduction to the Gospel of John in the Wayment NT (pages 162-164), match the following sections of John with their descriptions. (If you need additional help, see the Introduction to John in the New American Bible, Revised Edition, link provided under "Additional/Optional" readings on Learning Suite.)

Prologue= A section starting with a hymn that describes Jesus as God alongside God the Father. The Book of Signs= A section with many miracles, called "signs" in John, and unique passages where Christ teaches an individual in an extensive personal encounter. The Book of Glory= A section including a discourse Jesus gave his disciples after the Last Supper, and narrating the events of the crucifixion. Epilogue= A section possibly added after the original ending, providing a positive conclusion to the story of Peter's denials of Jesus on the last night of his life, and giving a prophecy about Peter's death.

John 1:19-12:50

SIGN semeion as symbol turning water to wine



John displays Jesus as the son...

who reveals the father

How does Matthew alter Mark's phrasing in Matthew 26:37?

Changes "sore amazed" to "sorrowful."

5. Which of the following themes in Luke is most clearly represented in these Lukan beatitudes?

Dramatic reversals.

What does the word passion mean here?



- portrayed as the universal savior of the world. - Physical and metaphorical barrier between jews and gentiles. - Luke writes for grecco-roman audience. - He's concerned for the gentiles. - Greek literature structure. - He takes dramatic reversals. Neg. to pos. Context or vice versa. - Focus is the role of the holy spirit Portrays jesus as innocent and philosophical - Luke 22 and 24, "Jerusalem to the ends of the earth" - Luke is a physician...language a bit more elevated - Luke is a companion of Paul - Luke wrote Acts - Luke 1 + 2 birth narrative of Jesus...not converted to Judaism - Zachariah and elizabeth---elizabeth more humble than zachariah--luke's theme of raising women up. Elizabeth = infertile=a bad thing in Judaism, this helps her help got pregnant old, other young, this is A DRAMATIC REVERSAL

Three different theories about the way John interacts

1. John is dependent: he has access to them and uses the material, but the other 90 is his 2. John is independent: writing about the synoptic tradition, 90% of the material is unique. 3. John is aware...had all three copies but didn't use them

In Jesus's analogy of the Vine and the Branches in John 15:1-10, which of the following verses most clearly teaches the idea that followers of Christ are utterly dependent upon him for the spiritual life, strength, and nourishment that result in good "fruit" (good works, good lives)?


Structure of Luke

1:1-4 Prologue 1:5-2:52 Infancy narrative and the story of Jesus at age 12 3:1-4:13 Preparation for the ministry 4:14-9:50 Galilean Ministry 9:51-19:27 The travel narrative: journey to Jerusalem (theme of discipleship) 19:28-21:38 Jerusalem Ministry 22-23 Passion Narrative 24 Resurrection Narrative

Arrange the following terms in the order in which they appear in the KJV of John 4:1-29.

1st=jew 2nd= sir 3rd=a prophet 4th= the Christ


70-80 BC

Parable of the Good Samaritan

A way to understand salvation

What is a paraclete?

A, B, and C

As the Introduction to the Gospel of Luke in the Wayment NT discusses, both internal evidence and Christian tradition suggest that the Gospel of Luke is the first of two books in a two-part work. What is its sequel?

Acts of the Apostles

If everything after the statement "teach all nations/make disciples in all nations" defines what it means to "make disciples," what do these verses teach about discipleship?

All of the above

ow did Eric Huntsman explain the "flesh and blood" passages in John 6 as "a hard saying"?

All of the above.

how did Christians over the centuries misinterpret Matthew 27:25 (the "blood cry")?

As an implication that all Jews, at all times and places, were collectively guilty of Jesus's death.

In the article "Lift Up Your Eyes," what does Jeffrey R. Holland point out about Jesus's use of such imagery as wind, water, temple, and bread in the Gospel of John?

B. Jesus used this imagery to invite people to understand heavenly truths, including truths about Himself. C. This imagery was one way Jesus met people on their own level and helped them grow.

325 AD

Council of Nicaea the is defined

Which of the following best represents the spirit of the parable of the unprofitable servants in Luke 17:7-10?

Disciples should have an attitude of indebtedness and gratitude toward God, rather than an attitude of entitlement or of being "owed" blessings on the basis of their obedience.

If so, which prophets did the people think Jesus was like?

Elijah and Elisha

Which aspect of Jesus's mission did Anna emphasize as she spoke to others about the newborn Jesus?

Forgiveness of sin

Which of the following is true regarding the Last Supper?

It is a Passover meal in the synoptics, but occurs before Passover in John

What did the article by Eric Huntsman propose about the meaning of the "inn" in Luke 2:7?

It was a guest room or upper room in Joseph's family home.

In John 4:43-54, the healing of the nobleman's son at Capernaum, when Jesus was in Cana, demonstrates Jesus's power to heal with a word, without being physically present with the one being healed. In this respect, this miracle resembles each of the following healings except:

Jairus's daughter in Mark 5:22-43

Luke is the most educated

John not so much

John Summary

John: the most divine and theologically elevated portrait of Jesus as the pre-existent Word (logos) of God who came to earth to reveal the Father. Dialogues in which Jesus, the one "from above," tries to raise people's sights from earthly things to heavenly things (Nicodemus and being "born again/from above," by the spirit; the Samaritan woman at the well; the crowds at the bread of life sermon, etc.). The "I Am" statements: Jesus is not just the messenger, but the message itself. The raising of Lazarus and "I am the resurrection and the life." John's organization into two main sections, the "book of signs" and "book of glory." The private teachings given at the last supper (John 13-16, with special emphasis on the Holy Spirit as parakletos "advocate/comforter/strengthener") + the great intercessory prayer right before or in Gethsemane (John 17). Apparently written for people who already knew the synoptic gospels, adding spiritual and theological insight on Jesus's eternal divinity.

What "new commandment" did Jesus give his disciples in John 13:34-35?

Love one another as I have loved you.

In which gospel does Jesus instruct his disciples to eat the bread "in remembrance" of him?


Where do we read the account of the angel appearing to strengthen Jesus, and Jesus's sweat being "as it were great drops of blood falling to the ground"?


Luke Summary

Luke: the most universal portrait of Jesus as the savior for all people, including those often neglected, unprivileged, disadvantaged, viewed as outside of God's favor, or on the margins of society (sinners, tax collectors, women, Samaritans, Gentiles, widows, the poor, etc.). The parable of the good Samaritan is found only here (Luke 10). Key scripture: 19:10, the son of man came to seek and to save that which is lost, illustrated in the conversion of Zacchaeus (Luke 19), and a theme seen also in the parables of the lost sheep, coin, and sons (Luke 15), and the story of the woman who washes Jesus's feet (Luke 7). Dramatic reversals seen in Mary's hymn of praise (the Magnificat), Luke's version of the beatitudes, the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. The "theological geography" of "from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth." Apparently written for Gentile Christians, by a Gentile Christian (a "god-fearer" who knew the Old Testament well and loved the history of Israel, and saw its fulfillment in the bringing in of Gentiles).

In which of the gospels does Jesus answer the question, "Are you the Christ/Son of God?" with the straightforward, unambiguous statement, "I am"? (See "A Synopsis of the Passion Narratives in the Four Gospels," page 6.)


Mark Summary

Mark: the most human portrait of Jesus, with many references to Jesus's emotions, a miracle that doesn't work on the first try, and limits to Jesus's knowledge (such as not knowing when the 2nd coming would be, Mark 13:32, or why God seemed to have forsaken him, Mark 15:34). Some main themes: Who is Jesus, and who knows it? The messianic secret (Jesus telling people not to tell others he is the Christ, or what he's done) and the way people only gradually came to understand ("see") and accept that Christ had to suffer and die. Distinctive or unique material: The parable of the seed growing secretly, the healing of the deaf man, the healing of the blind man at Bethsaida. Important: the woman who anoints Jesus's head (the first disciple to indicate acceptance of Jesus's mission to die). Distinctive characteristics: a dramatic, fast-paced narrative that focuses more on Jesus's deeds than teachings, probably a written script of what was originally an oral performance. Possibly written for Christians at Rome in the wake of Nero's persecution of Christians, strengthening them by the story of Jesus's death and resurrection, and reminding them that following Christ means taking up your cross and being willing to lose your life.

Define: Magnificat


Which gospel account of Gethsemane gives the detail that Jesus "fell on his face"?


Which is the only gospel to make a point of telling readers that the tomb was sealed and guarded, a shining angel with a countenance like lightning dramatically descended from heaven on resurrection morning and rolled away the stone, causing the guards to faint, and later the chief priests and elders bribed the guards to say Jesus's disciples had come and stolen his body (a saying that the gospel author says "is commonly reported among the Jews until this day")?


synoptic tradition

Matthew, mark, and Luke

Matthew Summary

Matthew: the most Jewish portrait of Jesus, with emphasis on Jesus as a teacher of the Law and its full intent, Jesus as the "new Moses" who teaches the Law from a mount, Jesus as the fulfillment of Israel's hopes and scriptures. Matthew used Mark as a source but added sections of teachings grouped into 5 major kingdom discourses (the 5 "books" of Matthew, echoing the 5 books of Moses). The Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5-7), arguably the greatest sermon ever spoken or written. Mt 1:23 and 28:20 form an inclusio ("bookends") on the theme of "God is with us" (see also 18:20). Apparently written for a community of Jewish Christians who were being told by Jews of the synagogue that they were heretics and God wasn't with them. Only gospel to use the word "church"; many teachings of value for church leaders and members; encourages welcoming Gentile converts into the church among its Jewish-Christian members.

Match each gospel with some of the distinctive details in its resurrection narrative, as seen in our reading. (Consult "A Synopsis of the Passion Narratives in the Four Gospels," pages 16-19.)

Matthew= Tells of a time Jesus appeared to the apostles in Galilee, and mentions that "some doubted," which echoes the story of "doubting Thomas" in another gospel. Mark= Tells of Jesus's ascension into heaven and sitting down at the right hand of God (in fulfillment of an earlier verse in the same gospel). Luke= Emphasizes that Jesus's resurrected body is a tangible, physical body of "flesh and bones," not a mere spirit. John= Relates the stories of Thomas's disbelief, Thomas's ultimate confession, and Jesus's appearance to seven disciples at the Sea of Galilee (aka Sea of Tiberias).

Which of the following is true regarding the KJV (King James Version) gospel accounts of Jesus in Gethsemane?

Only Luke uses the word "agony"

John 1:18

PROLOGUE/Hebrew begins

Match the following Jewish holy days or festivals with the stories and chapters of John in which they occur. (You can find out more about these holy days/festivals in the LDS Bible Dictionary entries "Sabbath" and "Feasts," and in the Wayment NT footnote for John 7:1, 11, 13 on p. 178.)

Passover= The multiplication of the loaves and fishes and "bread of life" sermon in John 6 (see John 6:4) Hanukkah or Dedication= The Good Shepherd analogy and related teachings in John 10 (see John 10:22) Tabernacles or Sukkot / Booths= The teachings on "living water" and "light of the world" and the healing of the man born blind in John 7-9 (see John 7:2) Sabbath= The healing of the man at the pool of Bethesda and teachings about passing from death to life in John 5 (see John 5:9-10, 16-17)

Which of the following options best accounts for the relationship between obedience and love implied in the two verses?

The two verses together suggest that obedience and love have a reciprocal, mutually reinforcing relationship, perhaps like an upward spiral.

oth Luke and the longer ending of Mark agree that when the disciples heard the testimony of women on resurrection morning...

They didnʻt believe

What is the immediate response of the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem to the raising of Lazarus?

They met in council and began planning how to put Jesus to death.

why did people in the Nazareth synagogue respond to Jesus with anger?

They were angry that Jesus would do miracles in Capernaum but not in his hometown, like Elijah and Elisha did miracles outside their homeland rather than in Israel.

Match the Greek word or phrase with its meaning and its place in one of the major themes in John. (See the discussion of noteworthy themes and perspectives on Christ in the article by Strathearn and Judd.)

logos= Means "Word." Jesus is the divine expression, the communication of the Father to the world. katalambanō= Means "overcome" or "seize," and is translated "comprehendeth" in the King James Version of John 1:5. Jesus is the source of light, and just as the forces of darkness did not overcome Christ in the pre-mortal conflict, the forces of darkness in this world did not overcome Jesus in a lasting way, for he rose from the dead. egō eimi= Means "I am." Echoes the name of the Lord in the Old Testament (Yahweh or Jehovah; Exod 33:11-14), and forms part of many "I am" sayings in John, such as "I am the bread of life," "I am the Good Shepherd," "I am the way, the truth, and the life," etc.

Irenaeus and clement

mention that John is the disciple that Jesus loved

What is an alternative translation of the word "mansions" used in the KJV?


grape juice=



sinner in jews eyes

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