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When was the 1st World War?


In what century did Islam arise?

7th century CE

Who wrote this?: Nature is a temple who living colonnades/Breathe forth a mystic speech in fitful sighs/Man wanders among symbols in those glades/Where all things watch him with familiar eyes. Like dwindling echoes gathered far away/into a deep and thronging unison/Huge as the night or as the light of day/all scents and sounds and colors meet as one. Perfumes there are as sweet as the oboe's sound, Green as the prairies, fresh as a childs caress"

Baudelaire -- Correspondences

Who wrote this?: There's one more ugly and abortive birth. It makes no gestures, never beats its breast, yet it would murder for a moments rest, and willingly annihilate the earth./ It's BOREDOM.

Baudelaire -- Flowers of Evil -- "To the Reader"


Baudelaire -- form over content Rum -- weird translations

Tagore wrote most of his work in what language?


What langueg did Devi write in?


Whats this from?: Be intent on action, not on the fruits of action; avoid attraction to the fruits and attachment to inaction! Perform actions, firm in discipline, relinquishing to attachment'; be impartial to failure and success--- this equanimity is called discipline.



Blending of culture and religion -- bhavad gita, hinduism influenced by buddhism. *Think about how it isn't syncretism in Things Fall Apart*

Things Fall Apart title

Came from Yeats poem "The Second Coming". Achebe wrote in English, most were educated in the colonial schools, so they knew English.

Don Quixote

Cervantes making fun of romances. Establishing an honest relationship with reader through the prologue. Thought of as the first novel.

Who wrote this?: But oh! that deep romantic chasm which slanted/ down the green hill athwart a cedarn cover!/A savage place! as holy and enchanted as e'er beneath a waning moon was haunted/By woman wailing for her demon-lover! And from this chasm, with ceaseless turmoil seething, as if this earth in fast thick pants were breathing, a mighty fountain momently was forced;

Coleridge -- Kubla Khan


Common language as opposed to classical. The Tain was the 1st. The Divine Comedy was important because it was written in Italian, not Latin (which was sacred)


Divine Comedy, Virgil is a poet

Who Wrote This?: Women passed in the yard with a barrow of dripping linen. As she saw them through the window-pane, she remembered her washing; she had put it to soak the day before, today she must wring it out; and she left the room. Her plan and tub were at the edge of the Toucques. She threw a pile of lined on the bank, rolled up her sleeves, and taking her wooden beater dealt lusty blows whose wound carried to the neighboring gardens. The meadows were empty, the river stirred in the wind; and down below the long grasses wavered, like the hair of corpses floating in the water.

Flaubert -- A Simple Heart

Who is famous for demanding of himself that he find always le mot juste ('the exact word')?

Flaubert -- A Simple Heart -- Realism

When William Worsdworth wrote "Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive/ But to be young was very heaven what specific historical event/period was he referring to as "that dawn"?

French Revolution

Why was the Storming of the Bastille important?

French Revolution, overthrow of ancient regime

Filipo Marinetti wrote a manifesto for what modernist movement?


What this from?: For whom, Ur Shanabi, have my hands been toiling? For whom has my hearts blood been poured out? For myself I have obtained no benefit, I have done a good dead for a reptile! Now, floodwaters rise against me for twenty double leagues, When I opened the shaft, I flung away the tools. How shall I find my bearings? I have come much too far to go back, and I abandoned the boat on the shore.


List of what we've read

Gilgamesh The Odyssey Sappho's poems Medea The Tain Bhavad Gita One Thousand and One Nights Rumi Dante's Inferno Don Quixote Wordsworth Poems A Simple Heart -- Flaubert/Realism Baudelaire -- Symbolism Hedda Gabler -- Ibsen The Metamorphosis -- Kafka Diary of a Madma -- Lu Xun Yeats Poems Punishment -- Tagore In Camera -- Saadawi Breast-Giver -- Devi Things Fall Apart -- Achebe

Practictioners of which musical genre seem particularly taken with Yeats' poem "The Second Coming"?

Heavy Metal

Who Wrote This?: H___"Ah Judge -- This act of Eilert Lovborg's -- there's a sense of liberation in it. B ______"Liberation, Mrs. H___? Yes, I guess its a liberation for him, all right. H_____"I mean, for me. It's aliberation for me to know that in this world an act of such courage, done in full, free will, is possible. Something bathed in a bright shaft of sudden beauty"

Hedda Gabler, Ibsen

Romanticism Characteristics

Imagination, Private Voice, The exotic, experimental forms, asymmetry, disorder

The city of Uruk in Gilgamesh lies in what country?


What is the oldest vernacular literature in Europe?

Irish Literature

In what way is the Bhagavad-Gita syncretic?

It undercuts Buddhism, while exploring ideas and concepts of Hinduism.

With what Island is Sappho associated?


Who was a modernist writer that found his rich native culture to be an impediment to artistic and cultural innovation rather than a resource?

Lu Xun

I could tell at a glance that they all belonged to the same gang, that they were all cannibals. But at the same time I also realized that they didn't all think the same way. Some thought it's always been like this, and that they really should eat human flesh.

Lu Xun, The Diary of a Madman

I cannot bear to do it. I renounce my plans I had before. Why should I hurt their father with the pain they feel, and suffer twice as much of pain myself?

Medea, Euripides

Gregor understood perfectly well that it wasn't any regard for him that stood in the way of a move, because all it would have taken was a suitably sized shipping crate, with a few holes drilled in it for him to breathe through; no, what principally kept the family from moving to another flat was their complete and utter despair -- the thought that they in all the circle of relatives and acquaintances had been singled out for such a calamity.

Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka

Where is Achebe from?


Who invented the earliest form of a phonetic, as opposed to a pictographic, alphabet (before the word alphabet was itself invented?)


Franz Kafka lived in what city?


"A novel is a mirror walking along the road" is a saying that represents which movement in 19th century European literature?



Repetitive nature of things, like the animal stories in In Camera

The notion that poetry arises from "the spontaneous overflow of powerful emotions" that are "recollected in tranquility" represents which movement in the 19th century European literature?


What's this from?: Listen if you cant stand to. Union with the Friend means not being who you've been. being instead silence: A place: A view where language inside is seeing.

Rumi (Listen I if you can stand to)

What is dharma?

Sacred ,righteous duty

Stars around the beautiful moon/hide back their luminous form/whenever all full she shines/on the earth/silvery


Who Wrote this?: Chidams long black hair as combed with oil back from his brow and down to his shoulders -- he took great care over his dress and appearance. Although he was not unresponsive to the beauty of other women in the village, and was keen to make himself charming in their eyes, his real love was for his young wife. They quarrled sometimes, but there was mutual respect too; neither could defeat the other.

Tagore, Punishment

Whats this from?: So, mother, go back to your quarters. Tend to your own tasks, the distaff and the loom, and keep the women working hard as well. As for the giving orders, men will see to that but I most of all: I hold the reins of power in this house" Astonished, she withdrew to her own room. She took to heart the clear good sense in what her son had said.

The Odyssey

What's this from?: When the merchant finished and stopped weeping, the demon said "By God, I must kill you, as you killed my son, even if you weep blood". The merchant asked "Must you?" The demon replied "I must." and raised his sword to strike. But morning overtook Shahrazad, and he lapsed into silence, leaving King Sharayar burning with curiosity to hear the rest of the story.

The Thousand and One Nights

"That is a fine heifer going by" he said. "As well it might," she said "The heifers grow big where there are no bulls"/ "You have the bull of this province all to yourself," he said, "the king of Ulster." "Of the two, she said, "I'd pick a game young bull like you". "Then she rushed at him and caught the two ears of his head "Two ears of shame and mockery," she said, "if you don't take me with you."

The tain

Neoclassical Characteristics

Traditional Forms, Symmetry, order, reason, public oration, the familiar

Who Wrote This:? We have given our hearts away, a sordid boom! This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon, the winds that will be howling at all hours ,and are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers; For this, for everything, we are out of tune; It moves us not.

William Wordsworth "The World is Too Much With Us"

Who Wrote this?: Earth has not anything to show more fair: dull would be he of soul who could pass by a sight so touching in its majesty; This city now doth, like a garment, wear the beauty of the morning; silent, bare, Ne'er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep!

Wordsworth -- composed upon Westminster bridge

Nor law, nor duty bade me fight Nor public man, nor cheering crowds, A lonely impulse of delight Drove to this tumult in the clouds; I balanced all, brought all to mind, The years to come seemed waste of breath, A waste of breath the years behind In balance with this life, this death.

Yeats, An Irish Airman

Surely some revelation is at hand; Surely the Second Coming is at hand. The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out When a vast image out of spiritus mundi Trouble my sight

Yeats, The Second Coming


dissent, protest, politically protesting, Saadawi wrote dissident literature, could turn into propaganda

Characteristics associated with both symbolism and realism

focus on ugliness as well as beauty, middle/lower-class characters and audience, create an impression of reality, vivid, concrete details

What form does Things Fall Apart use?

genre is a novel, but there are folktales in there (animal tales)


good intention but overtly pointless

What is futurism?

loves war, violence, hates museums, tea parties

Terza Rima

rhyme scheme, Divine Comedy, lots of 3's, holy trinity

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