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A brand's listing, profile, content or multimedia material on the company's social sites.

Owned social

Advertising placed with social media channels is considered this form of marketing?

Paid social

Which of the following statements about strategic planning is likely the best indicator that it's really a consumer-centric effort?

Plan focuses on consumer painpoints, not brand needs

Creative must match features of the channel. For Snapchat, you should

Post images & short videos

Which of the following is not generally considered an external or consumer generated content asset? a. Inbound emails and voice messages. b. Press releases c. Consumer product reviews d. Independent blog articles and visuals e. Consumer social media posts and comments

Press releases

The integration of a brand or product with independently (not brand) produced traditional media content is called__________?

Product placement

In executing a media plan, the use of automated digital systems to actually place ads on various traditional and media platforms is called ___________?

Programmatic buying

Difficulty placing an online item in my shopping cart was a major painpoint at this stage of the Consumer Journey


Which of the following is not one of the seven (7) classic IMC budgeting methods? a. historical b. competitive c. reasonable scenario d. percentage-of e. performance/results-based

Reasonable Scenario

Another reason is that we are more like Pavlov's Dog than we would like to accept. We respond to the sound indicating awaiting social post.

Reinforcement (Conditioning)

Showing a commercial produced for a broadcast and cable campaign on a brand's website or social media channel is a prime example of _________?


Which of the following is not a major category included in the seven (7) strategic messaging factors important to generating a comprehensive creative brief?

Sales promotion's brand guidelines

Effective Customer Service is a really important touchpoint at this stage of the Consumer Journey


T/F In content marketing, gated access requires users to submit contact information or complete a lead qualification form in order to gain access to such things as research reports, webinars and whitepapers.


T/F In most types of IMC messaging the first task of the creative is to capture consumers' attention


T/F Measured media indicates an independent third party has audited or verified the audience delivery numbers of a media outlet.


T/F Messages that "resonate" with consumers, tap existing beliefs, experiences, and values while also being relevant to their current needs.


T/F On the client or brand-side, the person most likely to generate a brand's strategic plan is the brand planner or senior brand strategist.


T/F One of the most common mistakes made in advertising is the failure to convert brand features into consumer benefits


T/F Rational appeals attempt to engage consumers' powers of logic and reasoning.


T/F The Google Chrome browser plans to phase out third-party tracking cookies by 2023.


T/F The classic marketing funnel approach assumes consumers begin with a group of product or service options and systematically narrow the choices on the way to brand selection and purchase.


T/F The main industry association for digital IMC is the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB).


T/F The metric "time-on" refers to the length of time a visitor spends on a web page or mobile app.


T/F The phrases "just as good as," "improved," and "better than" are examples of hedges, designed to give the appearance of superiority or truth while protecting the source from liability.


T/F Triggering is using special events or occurrences, such weather conditions, to prompt delivery of digital IMC messages.


T/F When making rational claims about the performance of a brand, it's usually necessary to also provide numerical or narrative proof.


T/F Without compelling content, traditional media channels often fail to generate sizable audiences.


When we divide the total responses by the total number of direct mail pieces sent out, we are calculating the _________.

Conversion rate

T/F Consumer Journey Touchpoints are always initiated by the brand


T/F Consumer behavior is more important than audience behavior when generating or preparing a consumer profile.


T/F It's seldom necessary to change the copy or wording of a short form audio message, as long as it contains the brand slogan


T/F Macro-metrics are those used for monitoring and evaluating IMC consumer response rates such as click-through levels, coupon or discount redemptions, and social media mentions.


T/F Network cable television is considered a channel, not a platform.


T/F On average, using celebrity influencers provides a bigger ROI


T/F The linear marketing campaign mentality is central to effective contemporary IMC


T/F The text illustrated IBM's marketing cloud software, including the available creative and analytic tools.


In this branding option, each product includes main brand or corporate name, such as Levi's, Heinz, Hershey's and Sony.

Family branding

Which of the following is not one of the four (4) common appeals used in data driven email marketing? Abandonment Social proof Scarcity Feature comparison

Feature comparison

According to the Gartner research results, advertising and marketing technology (martech) accounts for about _____% of general marketing budget allocations?


Well defined market segments should evidence five (5) basic traits. Which item below is not one of those traits?

Ability to employ lifestyle marketing techniques

Consumers' mental collection of beliefs, expectations, experiences, perceptions and attributes associated with a branded product or service is called_________?

Brand image

________ is a statement of what the brand believes in or stands for, other than making products and generating profit.

Brand purpose

Which of the following is not a metric you would usually measure to assess customer or brand satisfaction?

Brand value

Creating a__________ involves all messaging stimuli, text to visuals, to convey a brand's fundamental personality.

Brand voice

A B2B study of technology buyers found all but one of following. Which one was not a major takeaway of that study?

Buyers preferred content from brand product development experts

T/F The two primary software applications mentioned in Chapter 9 for personalizing and varying digital ad content are creative management platforms (CMP) and digital delivery recognition platforms (DDRPs).


This foundational document identifies media platforms and mix to use at specific times to maximize IMC effectiveness

Media Plan

The two primary technology components (software/apps) used in programmatic or automated digital ad buying are ________.

Demand side platforms (DSPs) and supply side platforms (SSPs)

Which of the following is not a typical duty or responsibility of a media buyer?

Determining which advertising platforms will be used

Which of the following statements about consumer-centrism is true?

Discovering consumer needs through interactive engagement is more effective

That consumer traffic generated by the audience finding you is considered best and most effective form of social.


Any voluntarily consumer created content. Examples include Social Media Comments & posts.

Earned social

The ________model maintains: if consumers are highly involved and motivated, regarding a potential purchase, they take a central route to processing IMC messages and are actively attentive to details and product benefits.

Elaboration likelihood

IMC content assets that are still relevant, valid and effective long after their original creation date are commonly referred to as _________?

Evergreen content

T/F B2B consumers or prospects rank research and case studies at or near the top of their preferred content list.


__________ involves: identifying digital and traditional messaging channels used by consumers; mapping the first-touch to last-touchpoint sequence of use; and assigning a value or level of importance to each touchpoint, platform, and channel?


Which of the following is not among the five (5) common metrics most closely watched by chief marketing officers (CMOs)? a. ROI b. Customer acquisition cost c. Customer loyalty and retention rates d. Bounce rates e. Customer lifetime value

Bounce rates

Some consumers are so loyal to Apple technology they won't consider purchasing a competing brand despite Apple being significantly more expensive. This is mainly due to Apple's ________.

Brand Equity

Which brand metric measures how consumers interact with a brand and its IMC content. Do consumers; visit your website, view your videos, or participate in brand sponsored events?

Brand engagement

One reason social media works is that we like being with people who share our viewpoints and social gives us control over our inner circle of digital friends.

Cognitive Consistency or Confirmation Bias

The ______ is the first foundational document of IMC

Consumer Profile

Which of the following statements about content asset management is false?

Content assets in sales and promotion divisions should be considered only when they intersect the IMC outbound message process.

__________ is a method of market testing that represents the middle ground in terms of both cost to implement and realistic market conditions.

Controlled market test

_____ refers to the document that summarizes all relevant factors from the consumer profile, strategic planning documents, and media plan that might impact message strategies, design and creation

Creative Brief

Which of the following is not one of the seven (7) main elements of IMC strategic planning? a. budgeting b. setting timelines c. determining research needs d. setting objectives and related KPIs e. estimating customer retention rates

Estimating customer retention rates

________ is not one of the main challenges in IMC digital platform use?

Inability to monitor online activities across various days

They have developed large social followings based on perceived authenticity, expertise and popularity in a subject area or niche which makes them valuable to marketers.


Which of the following is not a cause of disruptive innovation?

Linear marketing communication

Which of the following is not a key component of the magic mix future for signage? a. live motion video signage b. signage technology c. location data d. in vehicle connectivity e. rise of 5G mobile

Live motion video signage

The __________ is primarily responsible for developing the media mix.

Media planner

Social's ability to spread WOM is legendary, this concept is associated with "buzz" or "going viral."

Multiplier and Accelerator Effects

FSIs are primarily delivered by which type of media?


The following acronyms and terms—ROP, display, supplements, and preferred position—are most closely associated with advertising in/on__________?


T/F Ad clutter includes assessing the number of ads or non-program content related messaging


Which of the following is not an advantage to using print magazine advertising? a. Targeting by consumer interest and lifestyles. b. High quality image and photo reproduction. c. Ad can be placed near content relevant to the brand. d. Magazine ad buying procedures have been in place for decades. e. short lead time for placing ads

Short lead time for placing ads

Which is not a key advantage of using the Consumer Journey in understanding how they move through purchasing decisions?

Shows how consumers move in a straight, linear fashion from awareness to purchase

In IMC strategic planning, ________ are events in any of a brand's ecosystems prompting major changes or specific actions. They are—If then, what?—situations.

Strategic triggers

Structurally, the__________ is the first thing email marketing recipients generally see.

Subject line

Which of the following statements about using streaming video channels for advertising is false? a. streaming audiences tend to be younger b. there is more ad clutter on streaming channels compared with cable TV c. Streaming channels are good for reaching target audiences shun broadcast and cable networks. d. Streaming channels have addressability and details on subscriber viewing patterns. e. Some of the most popular services don't accept commercial advertising.

There is more ad clutter on streaming channels compared with cable TV.

What is the main reason direct digital marketers need personally identifiable information? To associate digital behaviors with specific individuals To calculate metrics like ROI and ad impressions To create personas for targeting To prevent ad fraud

To associate digital behaviors with specific individuals

A ________ is any intersection where IMC messaging and consumers meet.


T/F A digital publisher's ad inventory is usually composed of both premium and remnant placement availabilities.


The best time or times for marketers to expose their target audiences to IMC messaging is called ___________?


Which of the following is not one of the main digital targeting strategies? a. Behavioral targeting—based on consumers' online activities b. Place-based or location targeting c. Attribution targeting d. Contextual targeting—targeting by digital content relevant to the brand e. Classic targeting—demographics, psychographics etc.

attribution targeting

Which of the following is not one of the key elements in the R.A.V.E list of content marketing functions? a. relationship building b. elaboration of consumer painpoints c. value exchange to actually meet consumer journey needs d. alignment of content with brand objectives

elaboration of consumer painpoints

Which of the following is not a commonly used digital platform to drive traffic to a brand's website, blog or ecommerce site? a. Digital display b. Music streaming apps c. Social d. Search engines e. Email

music streaming apps

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