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When nations and corporations were ranked by GNI and total sales, respectively, for 2016, how many had GNI greater than the total annual sales of Walmart Stores?


Transnational corporations consist of several entities each of which has its own independent strategy and policies.


Madison Enterprises is an international corporation that sells sporting equipment and has had regional units for the past ten years. Recently, the company acquired an international business that specializes in skincare products for athletes. Madison Enterprises has brought that company in and retained its product division setup. What type of structure does Madison Enterprises now use?


Performance measures are done to assess

if the strategy and its implementation are proceeding successfully.

Compared to the traditional process, in the new strategic planning process

interaction with important customers and suppliers is included.

The construction industry has joined the ranks of other industries and now carries out business across national borders. In other words, the construction industry has become a(n)

international business

In larger, older organizations, more decisions are

made at headquarters of the parent company.

How have the new directions in planning affected companies?

They have brought operating managers into the planning process.

Regency Hotel Group uses an ethnocentric staffing policy. Based on this, how would the company most likely handle an issue involving labor in a host country?

They would send a labor negotiator from the home country to mitigate the issue.

Employee compensation payments added to base salaries because of higher expenses encountered when living abroad are considered


Scenarios are used by managers to

brainstorm various plausible stories about the future.

Action plans to enable organizations to reach their objectives are known as

competitive strategies

The evolution of the combination supermarket-discount store in Europe suggests that

consumers are demanding more variety in products.

One reason manufacturers are using global advertising is because identical products are easier to make which allows the company to take advantage of

economies of scale

When adjusting to other cultures, the first step managers can take is to compare their current culture to another to assess its value.


In 2016, what was the included in the five largest categories of U.S. goods imported from China?


The total level of outward FDI worldwide increased about ________ between 1990 and 2018.


Organizations embracing the current approach to sustainable development are working toward which goal?

meeting present needs without compromising needs of future generations

According to findings by Project GLOBE, which leadership trait is universally unacceptable?


Culture frameworks are helpful, but their use may

oversimplify and limit our understanding and learning after a point.

Honest Yogurt Company of Denver, Colorado, was relieved when trade barriers on dairy products were lifted in Europe and the company could sell its products there. Which type of driver was affecting the company's ability to do business in Europe?


Jensen Control Corp. now uses videoconferencing which helps the sales team demonstrate products to prospective international customers while eliminating expensive travel costs. Which of the five drivers of international business does this represent?


In low-context cultures it is common to find

that communication tends to be explicit.

In situations where ICs are setting transfer prices

the IC should show that other companies are charging comparable prices for the same or similar products.

NAFTA and other treaties are the main reasons that most of Canada's exports go to

the United States.

Referring to Hall's high- and low-context framework, in a high-context culture

the context carries much of the communication.

A business with tight accounting controls suggests a culture with low levels of trust.


A company's organizational structure helps to determine where formal power and authority will be located within the organization.


An advantage of bottom-up planning is that the people responsible for attaining the goals are formulating them.


An important competency for effective global leadership is the ability to develop local talent.


Any type of team establishment involves encouraging member identification to ensure enhanced performance


Companies pursuing a home replication strategy typically centralize product development functions in their home country and then transfer innovations to foreign markets to capture additional value.


Consumer products that are "trendy" or based on a fad, generally require greater adaptation to local markets.


Cultures with hierarchical values, such as most Asian and Latin American cultures, often have a single leader with decision-making power.


In a typical matrix organization, an organizational structure based on one or possibly two dimensions is superimposed on an organization based on another dimension.


In the Japanese keiretsu model of orgainaztion, hierarchy, strong collectivism, strong harmony orientation, moderate monochronism, and strong particularism appear to be prevelant.


International business really began

when Phoenician and Greek merchants sent representatives abroad to sell goods.

World trade is dominated with exchanges _______

within geographic regions

At the beginning of 2018, the value of the outstanding stock of foreign direct investment of all nations totaled more than

$30.8 trillion.

What is an argument presented by opponents of globalization?

A report by the Labor Secretariat for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) reported that more than half of firms surveyed used threats to close U.S. operations as a tool to fight union-organizing efforts.

Which, if any, of the following are key stakeholders for a typical business organization?

All of the above

Jenna reported to the management team that their proposed investment in Great Britain could be affected by the Brexit announcement. Which aspect of strategic planning does this demonstrate?

Analyze the company's external environments.

f Ecuador has an absolute advantage in coffee and Argentina in wheat, then, according to trade theory

Ecuador should focus production on coffee and trade for other goods.

When examining the volume of international trade, how are goods and services currently represented?

Exports of services grew faster than trade in merchandise for the last 20 years.

Harrison Manufacturing, based in Toledo, recently purchased a new manufacturing facility and production equipment in Germany that it will use to produce component parts. This purchase is an example of


The 17th and 18th centuries have frequently been termed the age of industrialism because this was the period when industrialization was advanced to the masses.


The staffing policy at Super Food International is based on the specific local context in which the company's subsidiaries operate. What type of staffing policy does this reflect?


An example of political drivers of globalization would be

privatization of industries

Natalie purchases Open Source bottled water from France because it is derived from natural springs and the store brand doesn't say where it comes from. What is influencing Natalie's purchase decision?

product differentiation

What had the greatest impact in the formation of trading groups such as the European Union?


Following the oil tanker spill, E-Source Energy Company needed to foster goodwill with its foreign consumers. The company launched a campaign that showed the cleanup efforts and new technologies that would prevent future disasters. What type of global advertising strategy was the company using?

public relations

Casey Conglomerates only hires regional employees to fill key positions in host countries. What type of staffing policy is the company using?


Elizabeth is a highly-sought-after scientific researcher. She relocated to Europe ten years ago but is now returning to the United States. While the United States welcomes her skill level, there is also some concern regarding the contributions she made in Europe. This situation demonstrates the idea of

reverse brain drain

Kenneth thought the company should promote the new product in foreign markets by having a contest in which the winner would receive a one-year supply of the product. Which type of advertising strategy is Kenneth suggesting?

sales promotion

Kya believes an annual review should be a reflection of an employee's accomplishments from the year while Marcus believes an annual review should be used to motivate an employee to work harder. Their beliefs are based on the culture in which they were raised. Which business function is being affected by culture in this scenario?


In the Steers & Olsland textbook describes various stages of phsychological adaptation to a new culture by which, if any, of the following?

Honeymoon, Disillusionment, Adaptation and Biculturalism

Price and profit allocation decisions are usually best made

IC headquarters

Grumpy Mule Organic Coffee displays the Fair Trade label on its products. This certification demonstrates which characteristic of an environmentally sustainable business?

It is working to integrate equity into the value chain.

What is a characteristic of a horizontal corporation?

It often draws teams from different departments to solve a problem or deliver a product.

What is an accurate description of the spouses of expatriates?

Many experience stages of grief, similar to the loss of a loved one, due to career effects of the assignment.

If a company is able to standardize the marketing mix globally, how does it affect economies of scale?

The company can take advantage of economies of scale based on longer production runs and lower manufacturing costs.

Why does McDonald's use the color hunter green as the background for its golden arches logo in Europe when it uses red in the United States?

The green is viewed as eco-friendly.

The World Economic Forum's annual Global Gender Gap Report found that women´s talents are underutilzed at work and women are frequently paid less than their maile counterparts. Although such pay gaps are declining, the report estimates that it would take decades before women and men are paid equally. This is a result of which, if any, of the following?

To some extent, societal and corporate practices regarding equal rights are embedded in core beliefs and values.

The capability of one nation to produce more of a good or service than another country for the same or lower cost of inputs is a(n)

absolute advantage

Supporters of mercantilism would agree that

accumulation of precious metals is an activity essential to a nation's welfare.

Flexibility, resilience, character, and inquisitiveness are examples of ________ associated with global leadership.


The strategic planning report presented at the meeting included two goals the company wished to achieve: (1) expand into profitable, related businesses and (2) select markets to enter that have not experienced their products. Which part of the strategic planning process does this demonstrate?

set corporate objectives

According to the theory of comparative advantage, a nation

should produce the goods for which its absolute disadvantage is less.

Jamie prefers to keep her work life and home life separate. She doesn't socialize with her work associates after-hours and doesn't discuss her family when she is at work. Which of Trompenaars's dimensions does this exemplify?

specific v diffuse

Knowledge that an individual has but that is difficult to express clearly in words, pictures, or formulae, and therefore difficult to transmit to others is known as


Hofstede's power distance dimension can be described as

the extent to which society expects power to be distributed unequally.

Trompenaars's particularist dimension describes a culture in which

the judgment of something depends on the situation

the rapid expansion of world exports since 1980 demonstrates that

the opportunity to increase sales by exporting is a viable growth strategy.

Who advocated the early attempt to develop an international trade theory in response to the practice of mercantilism?

adam smith

Joshua realized the company's marketing materials should avoid the color red in South Africa because it is the color of mourning in that country. What part of culture is Joshua taking into consideration?


Trompenaars's diffuse cultures are called diffuse because

their differentiation between public and private life is spread out freely (diffused).

Tiger Appliance Group needs to fill a management position in its foreign office in Germany. They haven't been able to find anyone in Germany with the skills for the job, so they are extending their search to other parts of Europe hoping to find someone with similar cultural values as the German office. Which category of employee are they looking for?

third country national

What is the goal of value chain analysis?

to enable managers to identify which set of activities it will do itself and which it will outsource

How is the map-bridge-integrate (MBI) model used in global team management?

to identify and manage cultural differences

Which product would be considered the most global because it is the same everywhere?

tonic water

In regard to strategic planning, there has recently been a decided move among many firms

toward a less-structured format and a shorter plan.

Government administrations get concerned when the number and value of imports into the country are greater than the value of the country's exports. In other words, the administration is concerned about

trade defecit

Some countries send out buying missions to other countries in order to find products to import because their exports are exceeding the value of their imports. In other words, the nations are experiencing a(n)

trade surplus

A cost-of-living allowance provides an expat with money that would cover price differences in food, transportation, clothing, and medical expenses.


A disadvantage of hiring local managers is that they are often unfamiliar with the home country of the IC and with its policies and practices


According to the Harvard Business Review article: The New Era of Globalization Will Be Shaped by Customers, Technology, and Value Chains: "If you ask the average CEO what's making them lose sleep these days, it's a good bet that the answer will be tariffs and trade wars."


According to the Technology lecture in Hub 3, "Technology" is a sort of knowledge or skill used for employing and controliling factors fo prodcution that, in turrn could lead to the outp ut of products and services.


Currency devaluation helps a nation avoid losing markets and regain competitiveness in world markets.


Early business sustainability efforts focused on the internal aspects of conservation, such as resource use.


From the Steers and Osland textbook, we have learned three general strategies can be identified for improving our ability to work with organzations across the globe. These strategies include working to understand interrelationships between stakeholders, strategies, and structures across cultures; learning more about the dynamic process within a organizations; and building greater multicultural and global manangement skills.


In the Steers & Osland textbook the question is asked: "Why do people work?", according to them, the question lies at the heart of the topic of personal work values.


Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck developed their cultural values classification system based on universal problems, such as people's relationship to nature.


Many managers have moved toward less-structured formats when doing strategic planning based on the ineffectiveness of five-year forecasts.


Multiplicity and interdependence are among the four dimensions of complexity relevant to globalization identified by scholars.


Nearly 60 percent of global output is now destined for international trade.


One way a company uses sales promotion is by providing point-of-purchase displays to retail stores.


People from cultures with high power distance will feel most comfortable with top managers who make the decisions and issue directives.


Some of the culture dimensions that are involved in change are tolerance of ambiguity and power distance.


The Carbon Disclosure Project, a reporting framework for greenhouse gas emissions and water use, involves a significant portion of the Fortune Global 500.


The horizontal organization has been characterized as anti-organization because its designers try to remove the constraints imposed by the conventional organizational structure.


The proportion of world trade coming from North America, Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East has decreased since 1983.


The public health impact of fracking in the rural United States is an example of interdependence as part of the sustainability context that firms must consider and monitor.


Transformational experiences are a recommended part of preparation for global leadership.


Under a polycentric staffing orientation, there is little communication flow among subsidiaries.


When companies' overseas operations increase, most companies establish worldwide organizations based on product, region, function, or customer classes.


international companies need a new kind of leader for the international environment to handle its increased complexity.


n the Podcast "Making Sense" found in Hub 3 specific reference was made to 5 distinct levels of virtual corporate operations. One of them, was described as "Nirvana" where you design your working environment to your well being.


An important tenet of stakeholder theory is its focus on

underlying values and principles.

According to the Harvard Business Review article: The New Era of Globalization Will Be Shaped by Customers, which, if any, of the following are identified as factors assuming greater weight tan the dirve to find the lowest possbile global labor costs?

all of the above

In the Podcast "Making Sense" found in Hub 3, which, if any, of the following levels were identified?

all of the above

In the Steers & Osland textbook a question is asked: "Can organizations today be managed in the same way they were in the past"? One way it seeks to address this question is by postulating a "global" perspective. Which, if any, of the following aspects of the workplace should be considered in that global persective?

all of the above

In the article "Society 3.0: Using technology to improve public goods", Vodafone Group CEO Vittorio Colao discusses why technology should not merely increase productivity but also benefit socieity at large. Which, if any, of the following best identify his concern(s)?

all of the above

In designing the organizational structure, management knows that two concerns, __________ and __________, run counter to each other.

an effective way to departmentalize; coordinating activities

An industry that has a limited number of competing firms, such as the U.S. mobile phone market in which four firms controlled 98 percent of the market in 2018, is known as

an oligopolistic industry.

Regarding a sustainable competitive advantage, the company must have skills or competencies that

are difficult to imitate or substitute for.

Ferguson Furniture group has adopted an ethnocentric staffing policy. Based on this, where are most of the decisions made for the home and host country facilities?

at the company's headquarters, using the home country's frame of reference

A decision to move production factors from one country to another would be

based on tax, labor supply, and market conditions.

________ are paid by firms in recognition that expatriates and their families undergo some hardships and inconveniences and make sacrifices while living abroad.


Foreign business denotes

business conducted within a foreign country.

A tire manufacturer adopts sustainability goals in compliance with local regulations. Management begins by collecting data on waste, energy use, distribution methods, and several other measures in order to calculate total greenhouse gas emissions caused by the product's manufacturing and use. This manufacturer is measuring its

carbon footprint

________ was the world's leading manufacturing country for about 1,800 years, until it was replaced by Britain in about 1840.


What is an example of a physical force that can affect standardization of a product?


The process in which a union represents the interests of everyone in the union when bargaining with management is called

collective bargaining

The automobile manufacturer decided it had to enter the European market because if it didn't, then all of the other car companies that were already there would get the business. Which driver is indicating internationalization for the manufacturer?


According to the "right stuff" model of leadership development, what is the major determinant of an effective global leader?

context and developmental experiences

Environment as used in the textbook involves the forces surrounding and influencing the life and development of the firm and is classified as

controllable and uncontrollable.

When Corinne was introduced to the manager from the overseas office, she noticed he tended to lean in as he spoke with her. This made her uncomfortable, so she did her best to put some space between them during the meeting. What is causing Corinne to feel uncomfortable?

conversational distance

According to supporters of the globalization of trade and investment, free trade

creates more and better jobs

The strategic planning process provides a formal structure in which managers will

define the company's business and mission.

Which of the elements in Porter's diamond model of national advantage takes into consideration the sophistication of a company's customers?

demand conditions

A nation that is struggling to remain competitive in the world market may decide to reduce the value of the country's currency relative to other currencies. This process is called currency


When considering international advertising efforts, a company that adopts a "glocal" approach is

developing a cost-effective common strategy for large regions.

The two components of foreign investment include portfolio investment and

direct investment

Within the international division structure, it is common for

disagreements to be had regarding prices charged to the international division by the domestic unit.

Fairway Golf Inc. traditionally received a telephone order for its products and shipped them out. Since the packaging was bulk, customers would receive their order in about three weeks. The company has recently promoted overnight delivery service and find that most customers are willing to pay the price for this faster shipping method. What trend does this represent?


The tendency toward an international integration of goods, technology, information, labor, and capital, or the process of making this integration happen, is called

economic globalization

Five years ago it cost Bernie's Bikes Inc. about $52 dollars to build a single bike. Today, it only costs the company about $31 because they have automated the process and are able to purchase component parts in larger quantities. What allowed the company to reduce the price to build a bike?

economies of scale

One argument against globalization is that it creates a decline in

environmental conditions

An athletic shoe manufacturer who utilizes a life cycle assessment is evaluating what about its products?

environmental impact of its product at every stage

As their overseas operations have increased in importance, larger multinationals have felt the need to

establish worldwide organizations based on product, customer class, function, or region at the top level.

Low-context cultures such as the United States tend to have these kinds of communication patterns:


Trompenaars's neutral vs. affective dimension is used to determine how a culture

expresses emotions

Gabriel Industries is located near a port city which allows it to ship products easily overseas to its international customers. The geographic location of the company is an example of a(n)

external force

Guest workers are usually associated with jobs in what industries?

factory and construction

A company would use collective bargaining when purchasing supplies from a vendor.


Acquiring a baseline of necessary global knowledge is the apex of the pyramid model of global leadership.


An expatriate is a person living outside his or her country of birth.


Anthropologist E. T. Hall suggests that there are hundreds of ways managers can learn the characteristics of other cultures.


Buyers of consumer goods usually act on the same motives the world over.


Climate differences explain differences in human and economic development, with southern climates limiting human mental powers.


Companies rely on a mission statement to determine where it is going in the future, how it will get there, and whether or not goals are achieved.


Geographic features like the Balkans or Himalayas attract people and facilitate trade between them.


Gift giving across cultures is viewed as a simple kindness and not a reflection of intent.


Guest workers would be welcomed in a country like the United States where there are too few people for too many jobs.


Historically, companies tend to standardize more aspects of marketing than manufacturing.


Hofstede is primarily concerned with social values and the dimensions he identified that help parents understand their children.


In a firm without a global product policy, the preference of the operations management people in the home office has always been to customize the product.


In high-context cultures, nonverbal language plays a minor role. Business professionals rely more on the spoken word.


In the MBI model, mapping refers to developing a geographical outline for all team members.


Kirin Brewery kaisha belongs to the Fujimoto keiretsu.


Leadership is synonymous with management.


Measuring a product's water footprint is significantly easier than measuring its carbon footprint.


Organizational design is another term for a company's mission statement.


Portfolio investment is the purchase of sufficient stock in a firm to obtain significant management control.


Research indicates that global leaders are born, not developed through experience or training.


Scenarios are forecasts that extrapolate from past data to make predictions.


Since all cultures have the same attitude toward authority, the role of the manager is comparable across cultures and is not a matter of concern for human resources.


Thanks in part to communication advancements, international trade has stabilized and become evenly distributed across all countries of the world.


The GLED model is used to assess cross-cultural management skills.


The cradle-to-cradle design model focuses on helping businesses achieve environmentally sustainable profits.


The five major drivers of international business include political, sociocultural, technological, market, and competitive drivers


The global teams approach is decreasing for international work because transportation cost reductions have been implemented in many corporations.


The international division is a division in the organization that is responsible for all non-home-country activities and reports to the domestic division.


The international environment refers to all the uncontrollable forces originating outside the home country that surround and influence the firm.


The issue of "culture shock" may be described as "individuals living between two cultures". Namely, the culture of orgin and the ability of the host country to adapt to that individual.


The majority of the world's outward FDI has been in the form of imports and exports.


The marketing mix is the name given to the advertising schedule used to promote a product.


The predictable decline in the average cost of producing each unit of output as a production facility gets larger and output increases is known as the experience curve.


The traditional economic business model and the stakeholder theory model reflect similar business goals.


The ultimate managers of strategic planning and strategy making for a company are the members of the executive board.


Through 2050, coal is expected to remain the world's dominant energy source.


Hofstede's masculinity-femininity dimension suggests that, as an international manager, you might

find men and women equally ready to assume leadership roles in a feminine culture.

In a low power distance culture,

first names are likely to be used in the office because the ideal is equality.

According to Porter, the four variables he believes influence a firm's ability to gain a competitive advantage create a

virtuous circle

Which of the environments associated with a company refers to the uncontrollable forces originating outside the home country?


A policy of hiring and promoting based on ability and experience without considering race or citizenship is

geocentric policy

According to opponents of the globalization of trade and investment,

globalization has contributed to a decline in environmental and health conditions.

Generally, as marketers go down the economic and social strata in each country, they will tend to find

greater dissimilarities among countries in social and cultural values.

The use of an international product structure typically

helps to avoid duplication of product experts.

Understanding a person's body language and facial expressions would be especially important during business conversations in which type of culture?

high context

High-Rise Boots Corp. plans to expand into the European market where it finds weak pressure to respond to local demands and cost reductions are not necessary. Which competitive strategy should the company use based on these factors?

home replication strategy

A drawback of ethnocentric staffing policies is that

home-country employees may not have experience with the language and culture of the host country.

Guest workers are immigrants who

immigrate for specified periods to perform service, factory, or construction work.

Many firms are choosing to locate production close to available resources as a way to

improve efficiency

Many opponents of globalization believe that the gap between rich and poor has


Shondra grew up in eastern Europe but moved to New York after college. Compared to her friends that stayed in Europe, she enjoys much more freedom with her time and is able to enjoy leisure activities and be active in her career. Which of Hofstede's dimensions does this demonstrate?

indulgence vs. restraint

The continuum from insensitive to sensitive to foreign environment begins with ________ and ends with ________.

industrial products; high style and faddish consumer products

Computer memory chips are the same everywhere in the world. This means they are ________ to the foreign environment.


While leadership and management are related, they are not the same thing. For example, a leader ________, while a manager ________.

inspires; controls

Changes in the way corporate planning is done today include

interaction with important customers, distributors, and suppliers.

A mattress manufacturer in Brazil uses packing materials produced by a subsidiary in Asia. Without these materials, the product cannot be shipped to distributors. This demonstrates what type of global management challenge?


Keller Corp., based in Virginia, has exported its line of luggage and travel products into Europe for the past three years and has decided to create a new division based in Paris to handle all overseas activity. What type of division is the company creating?


When interacting with an international affiliate, business professionals should remember that ethnocentrism

is detrimental and noninclusive.

Generally, management prefers global product standardization because

it creates lower costs

Uncertainty avoidance describes the search for truth, according to Hofstede, because

it describes how comfortable the culture's members feel in an unstructured situation.

Brennan Audio Inc. is struggling in the industry because it doesn't have the staff with the right skills for the job. Which category of external forces does this represent?


Trent has worked for the same company in Maryland for the past ten years. He was recently offered a position at a different company in Australia and has decided to take the job because it offers better pay, more responsibility, and his cost of living expenses will be lower. Employees like Trent who move from country to country in seek of a job are examples of

labor mobility

Jenae is negotiating with a foreign electrical supply company that includes an organization of workers who formed a group that advances and protects the interests of the group. This group is asking for higher wages than Jenae's company can afford. This group is an example of

labor union

What is an example of a resource endowment that a nation possesses?


Jet Spray Water Equipment Corp. decided to pull out of doing business in Europe when it learned that some governments required more than 50 percent of the product be made in that country. Which foreign environmental force is causing the company to make this decision?


State-owned transnationals currently account for ________ of all transnational corporations.

less than 1 percent

Companies pursuing a home replication strategy

limit availability of local customization.

What is identified in the text as being one of the five major drivers of globalization?


Caroline works in Asia for an affiliate of Sheppard Electronics based in Oklahoma. She has learned that a large geographic sector in Asia would benefit from the company's master recharging station and shares that information with headquarters in her monthly report. Which aspect of reporting does this reflect?

market opportunities

The focus group participants were asked if they liked the website for Welby Appliance Corp. The majority responded that they did. Months later, the manufacturer was surprised when people in certain parts of the world were angry that no instructions came with the appliance they purchased and were told they could find them on the website. However, these particular customers didn't have access to a computer. In this instance, what department of Welby Appliance failed to take into account culture?


An organization in which top-level divisions are required to heed input from a staff composed of experts from another organizational dimension in an attempt to avoid the double-reporting difficulty of a matrix organization but still mesh two or more dimensions is known as a

matrix overlay

Compared to 1980, service exports in 2017 can best be described as

more than thirteen times larger.

Trompenaars's dimension of internal vs. external direction is similar to Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's relationship to


What is an essential element of a global mind-set?

open to understanding others from different backgrounds

The forces in the foreign environment differ from the domestic environment in that they originate

outside the firm's home country.

Which products are especially influenced by laws that regulate product ingredients and labeling?


Gibson Baking Company sells its brownie mixes all over the world. The company includes directions on the package for baking the product at high altitude levels since this can affect baking times. Which type of environmental force caused this decision?


What is the motivation behind brain drain?

the desire to seek improved economic circumstances

A global mind-set is built on a thorough knowledge of geography.


The assembly line found in automobile manufacturing facilities is an example of how culture affects


What would global leaders tend to conclude about organizational change after applying either Lewin's or Kotter's change models?

Change rests on learning and human behavior.

What does research suggest is a preferred communication strategy for geographically dispersed global teams?

Meet occasionally face-to-face, especially at launch and during crises.

Urban Necessities is planning its promotional strategy as it enters the foreign marketplace. The company's line of clothing serves the same function around the world so it can be promoted in the same way. However, the company will need to make slight changes to some of the clothing to meet local customer needs. Which promotion strategy should the company use?

Product adaptation-same message

Which characteristic would be typical in a feminine culture?

Quality of work life is important.

What is a disadvantage of bottom-up planning?

There is no guarantee that the sum total of all the affiliates' goals will coincide with those of headquarters.

Mexico and Canada are major U.S. trading partners because they have the benefit of lower freight charges and shorter delivery times. Why do these benefits exist for these two nations?

They share a border with the United States.

The United States can produce more wheat for the same or lower costs than many other countries. This is an example of

absolute advantage

What is an example of the competitive driver of international business activity?

a company that enters a foreign market to distract companies with similar products or services

Mercantilists believed that

a nation should have an export surplus in order to accumulate precious metals.

Organizational design is best described as

a process that deals with how an international business should be organized to ensure that its global business activities are integrated efficiently and effectively.

The argument that free trade is the best strategy for advancing the world's economic development is considered

a proposition with which almost all economists agree.

The potential disadvantages of the virtual corporation concept include:

a reduction in management's control over the corporation's activities.

Research identifies what essential global leadership competency as a prerequisite for getting things done?

ability to make connections

Greenway Farm Equipment Co. is a subsidiary of Tuppin Manufacturing Group. Recently, the production team at Greenway learned that a developer had automated a faster process for attaching component parts and advised Tuppin about the innovation. What type of reporting does this reflect?


Hofstede's individualism-collectivism measures

the degree to which people in the culture are integrated into groups

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