Finals Review
A majority of the economic infrastructure of Eurasia was established during the A. Soviet era B. World War II C. post-Soviet era D. tsarist era E. medieval period
Approximately how many Muslims are in South Asia? A. 500 million B. 750 million C. 20 million D. 150 million E. 2 million
China's government has pursued which of the following paths of development? A. export-oriented, market-based development B. export-substitution development C. hierarchical economic development D. laissez-faire capitalist development E. Marxist development
Confucianism stresses all of the following ideals EXCEPT A. the reverence of nature B. respect for tradition C. the importance of the family D. deference to authority E. the importance of ethics
In which region of Eurasia is permafrost a natural occurrence? A. Siberia B. Ukraine C. Caucasus Mountains D. European Russia E. Southern Russia
The Ming Dynasty was toppled in 1644 by the A. Manchus B. Japanese C. British D. French E. Tang
The Trans-Siberian Railroad A. ends at the port city of Vladivostok B. intentionally bypasses cities C. was extensively damaged by an earthquake in 2003 D. travels through the far north of Siberia E. was completed after the death of Stalin in 1954
The United States has a significant number of troops stationed in A. South Korea and Japan B. North Korea and Japan C. Taiwan and China D. Russia and China E. China and North Korea
The lowest GNI per capita and the lowest human development index (HDI) in Eurasia are found in A. Moldova B. Armenia C. Belarus D. Ukraine E. Russia
The major river flowing through Pakistan is the A. Indus B. Narmada C. Brahmaputra D. Ganges E. Yamuna
The majority of the wealth created by the Chinese economic expansion has accumulated A. in major cities of coastal China B. in Manchuria C. in rural areas of China D. in Tibet E. in neighboring Taiwan
The most populous urban area in China is comprised of A. Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou B. Seoul and Pyongyang C. Shanghai and Seoul D. Beijing and Tianjin E. Tokyo and Yokohama
What are "hutments"? A. crude shelters built on formerly busy sidewalks in India B. Hindu term for high-rise apartments in urban areas C. the street-side shops of Bangladesh's informal economy D. government aid funds for housing Pakistan's poor E. tents used by mountaineers attempting to climb Himalayan peaks
What has been the general pattern of population change in post-Soviet Eurasia? A. declining population B. rapid population growth C. slow population growth D. no overall regional pattern E. steady population levels
What is a design practice in accordance with the spiritual powers found in local topography? A. feng shui B. Shinto C. kanji D. Confucianism E. Buddhism
What is the dominant climate type in Eurasia? A. continental B. dry C. polar D. Mediterranean E. mild mid-latitude
What religion dominates in Pakistan and Bangladesh? A. Islam B. Buddhism C. Sikhism D. Christianity E. Hinduism
Where do most people live in South Asia? A. in compact rural villages B. in medium-sized towns C. in the mountains D. in suburbs E. in major cities
Which East Asian country has missile and nuclear weapons programs that have long concerned the international community? A. North Korea B. Taiwan C. China D. South Korea E. Japan
Which East Asian country has several disputes with neighbors over land borders and over claims to islands in the region? A. North Korea B. South Korea C. Taiwan D. China E. Japan
Which country has isolated themselves from global culture? A. North Korea B. Taiwan C. China D. Japan E. South Korea
Which country of East Asia has the lowest percentage of its population living in urban areas? A. China B. South Korea C. Taiwan D. Japan E. Hong Kong
Which is a main reason that Pakistan has had a difficult time achieving economic growth? A. It is burdened by high levels of defense spending, political instability, and ethnic unrest. B. It has been unable to establish any trade agreements with or receive investments from China. C. Its landlocked position makes it difficult for the nation to engage in trade. D. The majority of its wealth is channeled into assisting neighboring Bangladesh. E. Its economy is almost solely dependent on the information-technology industry.
Which nation in East Asia is an island? A. Taiwan B. South Korea C. Tibet D. China E. North Korea
Hyundai and Samsung hail from which nation in East Asia? A. North Korea B. South Korea C. China D. Taiwan E. Japan
Japan remained largely closed to foreign commerce and influence until gunboats from which nation sailed into Tokyo Bay in 1853 to demand trade access? A. German B. American C. Dutch D. Chinese E. British
The manufacturing core of Eurasia is largely located in A. the Pacific coastline B. the western third of Russia C. the Arctic coastline D. the border region with China E. Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia
The population of Japan is A. 50.8 million B. 125.3 million C. 1.378 billion D. 25.1 million E. 23.5 million
The sovereignty of Hong Kong was handed over to the Chinese in 1997 by which former European colonial power? A. Russia B. Britain C. the United States D. France E. Germany
What creed does the South Asian religion of Jainism emphasize over all others? A. fasting B. nonviolence C. tolerance D. prayer E. honesty
What is the name for India's secluded or untouchable caste? A. Vaishyas B. Dalits C. Kshatriyas D. Sudras E. Brahmins
What language group dominates the Eurasian region? A. Altaic B. Slavic C. Eskimo-Aleut D. Tibetan E. Finno-Ugric
What occupation are Sikh men found in higher amounts, a legacy of the group's history of periodic persecution? A. foresters B. bodyguards C. farmers D. merchants E. artists
Where in Eurasia has Islamic fundamentalism increased? A. Siberia B. the Caucasus region C. the border between Russia and Finland D. Arctic region E. Ukraine
Where is almost all of the rice grown for Japanese consumption? A. New Zealand B. Japan C. Southeast Asia D. Korea E. China
Which Chinese province has the highest GDP per capita? A. Henan B. Guangdong C. Guangxi D. Gansu E. Qinghai
Which form of energy use is the most prevalent in China? A. nuclear B. coal C. hydroelectric D. solar E. oil
Which is NOT an example of the "cultural internationalism" in the wealthiest, large cities of East Asia? A. Action films from Hong Kong are popular in much of the world. B. North Korea's isolationist position reinforced by its juche ideology. C. Business meetings among Japanese, Chinese, and Korean firms are conducted in English. D. Most Japanese young people study English for 6 to 10 years of their education. E. Large numbers of East Asian students study in English-speaking countries.
Which of the following is NOT true about Eurasia's social and health challenges? A. Health care expenditures have decreased since the end of the Soviet era. B. Smoking rates have declined since the Soviet era. C. Alcoholism remains a consistent problem across Eurasia. D. HIV/AIDS rates have risen across Eurasia. E. There are extremely high rates of cardiovascular disease in Russia.
Which of the following statements is FALSE about organized crime in Eurasia? A. Various local and regional crime organizations divide up much of the economy and have links to illegal global business operations. B. Vladimir Putin has engaged in a widespread crackdown on organized crime. C. Corruption is widespread across Eurasia. D. Much of the wealth of Russia has been diverted to foreign bank accounts. E. There are many ties between organized crime and Russian intelligence agencies.
Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the population pyramids of Japan and China? A. Japan has a younger population than China. B. Japan has a rapidly aging population. C. China has an older population than Japan. D. Japan currently has a high birth rate. E. China currently has a very high birth rate.
Which of the following was NOT a former Soviet Republic? A. Kazakhstan B. Afghanistan C. Uzbekistan D. Kyrgyzstan E. Azerbaijan
Which part of Eurasia has historically been the most productive agricultural areas of the region with its "black earth" chernozem soils? A. Belarus B. Ukraine C. Moldova D. Siberia E. Latvia
Which statement is FALSE regarding the partition of South Asia? A. It occurred after the British withdrew in 1947, partitioning its former territories. B. India was formed as a Muslim-majority and Pakistan as a Hindu-majority. C. Pakistan and East Pakistan would split again, forming independent Bangladesh. D. Fourteen million people were displaced, many fleeing as refugees. E. Its violent aftermath led to the deaths of over one million people.
Which two countries decided to divide Korea at the end of WWII? A. the United States and China B. the Soviet Union and the United States C. Japan and the United States D. China and Japan E. Japan and the Soviet Union
The Indian film industry, known as Bollywood, is located in A. Bengaluru B. Kathmandu C. Mumbai D. Kolkata E. Delhi
The Mughal Empire by 1700 ruled all (or part of) the following present-day regions EXCEPT for A. Nepal B. India C. Sri Lanka D. Bangladesh E. Pakistan
The most common source of dietary protein in northwest India is A. eggs B. meat C. milk D. fish E. chicken
What does the term "Russification" mean? A. the idea that the construction of a railroad will help unite the east and west sides of the nation B. Soviet art depicting working heroes challenging nature and struggling against capitalism C. the policy of resettling Russians into non-Russian portions of the Soviet Union D. a movement of Russian people to housing projects called mikrorayons E. a term describing the rusting of abandoned industrial centers
What is the language of the Volga Tatars? A. Altaic B. Russian C. Ukrainian D. Finno-Ugric E. Chinese
What percent of rural people in India lack access to basic sanitation, including toilets? A. 95% B. 25% C. 70% D. 10% E. 50%
Which European colonial power returned Macao to China in 1999? A. Germany B. Russia C. Portugal D. France E. Britain
Which South Asian country has the world's largest refugee population? A. India B. Bangladesh C. Pakistan D. Nepal E. Sri Lanka
Which of the following is the primary source of pollution damaging Russia's Lake Baikal? A. the shipping yards on its shores B. nuclear waste dumped in the lake C. pollution from pulp and paper factories D. clearcutting of the forest surrounding the lake E. acid rain
Which region of East Asia is most prone to desertification? A. the Korean Peninsula B. Japan C. the North China Plain D. southern China E. Taiwan
Which two East Asian nations are located entirely on a peninsula? A. Japan and Taiwan B. China and North Korea C. North Korea and South Korea D. Taiwan and China E. Japan and North Korea
Why has East Asia come to occupy a central position in the global climate change debates? A. The Kyoto Protocol originated in this region. B. Japan's leading role in the solar energy industry. C. China is the world's largest source of carbon emissions. D. East Asia will be the hardest hit region as climate change continues. E. South Korea leads the world in climate change research.
China's late-20th-century economic reforms A. have been completely capitalist and with no elements of a command economy. B. were called the "Great Leap Forward" and was the economy's period of strongest growth. C. were achieved despite a trade imbalance of American imports exceeding Chinese exports. D. led to growth rates exceeding 10% per year between 1990 and 2010. E. were only possible because of the radicalism started during the Cultural Revolution.
In the years following its independence, what was Pakistan's policy toward the Pashtun tribes along the border with Afghanistan? A. to expel only Pashtun tribes entirely from its territory B. to award all tribal groups with citizenship in Pakistan C. to begin a campaign of ethnic cleansing against Pashtuns D. to retain British policy allowing nearly full autonomy E. to force tribes to move near Pakistan's Indian border
The Kardashian family is part of the diaspora of which ethnic group? A. Chechen B. Ukrainian C. Azerbaijani D. Armenian E. Buryat
What are the Tamil Tigers? A. a singing group in Bangladesh B. a group of environmentalists in Pakistan C. a soccer team from a state in India D. a rebel group in Sri Lanka E. a species of felines in Nepal
What is perestroika? A. a policy of education improvement, in the last days of the former Soviet Union B. improvement of the Russian environment C. the Russian word for railroad D. restructuring of the planned centralized economy, an early move toward a freer market E. a policy in the 1980s that encouraged several republics to demand independence
What was the Soviet policy regarding religion within its borders? A. The Soviet Union permitted freedom of religion for Christians, but not for Jews or Muslims. B. The Soviet Union was tolerant of all religious practices. C. The Soviet Union established Russian Orthodox Christianity as the official state religion. D. The Soviet Union discouraged all religion and even persecuted religious practice. E. The Soviet Union had no policy regarding religion.
What writing system uniquely evolved with East Asian languages? A. hieroglyphics B. Arabic alphabet C. Cyrillic alphabet D. ideographs E. Roman alphabet
Which East Asian country has the official ideology of juche? A. South Korea B. Japan C. Taiwan D. North Korea E. China
Which East Asian country is most associated with Taoism? A. South Korea B. Japan C. Taiwan D. China E. North Korea
Which nation was once ruled by a shogunate? A. Taiwan B. China C. North Korea D. Japan E. South Korea
Which of the following is NOT a major population cluster within East Asia? A. the Pacific coastline of Japan B. areas of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou C. the North China Plain D. western China E. the Sichuan Basin of south-central China
Which of the following is NOT one of the several islands making up Japan? A. Shikoku B. Honshu C. Hokkaido D. Taiwan E. Kyushu
Which two climate types are found in Japan? A. polar and desert B. tropical monsoon and tropical savanna C. humid continental and tropical monsoon D. humid subtropical and humid continental E. desert and steppe
Which two countries were the primary rivals in the Cold War? A. Russia and the Ukraine B. China and the Soviet Union C. the United States and Germany D. the United States and the Soviet Union E. Germany and the Soviet Union
How many metropolitan areas in India have populations over one million inhabitants? A. 15 B. 10 C. 2 D. 20 E. 53
The British sphere of influence in the 19th century in China and East Asia was mainly in A. northern China along the Russian border B. southern China along the Vietnamese border C. Mongolia D. Korean Peninsula E. central coast and interior China
The Shinto religion is most closely associated with which country of East Asia? A. China B. North Korea C. South Korea D. Taiwan E. Japan
The capital and largest city of South Korea is A. Beijing B. Pyongyang C. Gangnam D. Tokyo E. Seoul
The capital and most densely populated city in Japan is A. Seoul B. Kyoto C. Shanghai D. Osaka E. Tokyo
The climate dynamics of the South Asian monsoon are best described as A. high pressure cell builds on land during the summer, bringing rain from the Indian Ocean B. low pressure cell builds on land during the winter, bringing rain from the Indian Ocean C. constant high pressure sits over the subcontinent all year, blocking all rainfall in the region D. high pressure cell builds on land during the winter, bringing precipitation to South Asia E. low pressure cell builds on land during the summer, bringing precipitation to South Asia
The populations of Japan and South Korea A. are predominately rural B. reside in the upland areas of the nations C. are evenly distributed around the two countries D. are concentrated along the central coasts of both nations E. are predominately urban
There is a growing series of connections, most notably within the energy sector, between Russia and which neighboring country? A. Ukraine B. Finland C. Kazakhstan D. Estonia E. China
Tokyo and Shanghai both have which climate type? A. humid continental B. tropical monsoon C. polar D. desert E. humid subtropical
What Indian state, linguistic group, is most heavily represented in the Indian diaspora? A. Punjabis B. Tamils C. Bengalis D. Kashmiris E. Gujaratis
What are bustees? A. the Hindu name for untouchable castes found in South Asia B. the local name given to monsoonal winds plaguing Bangladesh C. a type of pest that threatens crops throughout South Asia D. a citizen group that lobbies for better government services in Pakistan E. the sprawling squatter settlements in South Asian cities
What are mikrorayons? A. political units in Russia, equivalent to counties in the United States B. a cold-climate condition of frozen ground that limits the growth of vegetation C. authoritarian leaders of the pre-1917 Russian Empire D. synthetic fabrics manufactured in Russia E. large housing projects built in the 1970s and 1980s in the former Soviet Union
What group intermarried with the original Slavic founders of Russia? A. eastward moving pastoralists from Estonia B. westward moving Mongolians on horseback C. Chinese nomadic farmers D. northward moving hunters from Ukraine E. southward moving warriors from Sweden
What is the most widely spoken language in South Asia? A. Persian B. Dravidian C. Bengali D. Gujarati E. Hindi
Where in South Asia is the densest Muslim concentration? A. along the Himalayan borders B. the southeast coastline C. Punjab D. rural central India E. Pakistan and Kashmir
Which East Asian nation proceeded to militarily occupy its neighbors in the 1930s so as to procure more natural resources? A. North Korea B. Taiwan C. South Korea D. China E. Japan
Which area of South Asia is most prone to desertification? A. the west coast of India B. Nepal and Bhutan C. the east coast of India and Bangladesh D. Sri Lanka E. Pakistan and northwestern India
Which country of South Asia has the largest total population in the region? A. Bhutan B. Sri Lanka C. Bangladesh D. Pakistan E. India
Which of the following has not been an environmental issue in Eurasia? A. water pollution in Lake Baikal B. mining and smelting pollution in the city of Norilsk C. acid precipitation D. Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe E. desertification in Siberia
Which of the following is NOT an autonomous region of China? A. Ningxia B. Tibet C. Xinjiang D. Inner Mongolia (Nei Mongol) E. Arunachal Pradesh
Which of the following is TRUE regarding the current geopolitical situation in Ukraine? A. The eastern segment of Ukraine is occupied by rebel-controlled zones, while Crimea remains firmly occupied by Ukrainians. B. All of Ukraine is now under Russian control with the exception of the Crimean Peninsula. C. Western Ukraine is under rebel control, while eastern Ukraine is under the control of the Ukrainian government. D. The city of Kiev sits in a rebel-controlled zone. E. The Crimean Peninsula is occupied by Russians, while western and central Ukraine remains under the control of Ukrainians.