Financial Empowerment Final

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The C's of Credit

Character (payment history); Capacity (income)

CFE Fund

Cities for Financial Empowerment Fund; nonprofit focused on local government giving them support to launch good strategies; let BankOn 2.0


Consumer Financial Protection Bureau; made by Dodd Frank Act; federal enforcer of consumer financial laws & supervise companies

Why people do not have bank account

not enough money for min balance, distrust banks, high fees, credit issues or Chex systems

high interest rates

pay on the debt with the highest interest rate first; will save money by paying less interest but it may feel slower


prefer to manage finances through cash transactions instead of financial services & use alternative services like cash checking twice a month

credit bureau

private businesses that maintain credit reports and create credit scores (Experian, Equifax, Transunion)


process of accumulating, developing, and preserving financial human and social resources to increase the economic stability of individuals, families and community

bounded rationality

people have limited time and capacity to think deeply before acting; stress decreases intelligence short term to people take risks and aren't as rational


person does not have a checking/savings account

Cliff Effect

person gets a wage increase but this can trigger the loss of benefits that are worth more than the raise; don't even want to risk getting close to losing benefits so sometimes people will not work

Financial Literacy

person's knowledge about his/her personal finance


personal identification number

no such thing; have to request score from FICO

Label Debit card


national debt

- $31 trillion; held by US government and debt held by public

What Debt Collectors can and can't do

- Cannot harass, or abuse; can only contact the person who owes the debt - Only contact between 8am and 9pm; cannot call you at work - Cannot tell lies to collect a debt; cannot have you arrested

northeast core

- DC, NY, Boston, Philadelphia; financial heart of the nation

Student Loan Forgiveness

- Have to make payments for 10 years - Done public service like the government or military - Teacher that services low income students - If you school ceases to exist - Total and permanent disability discharge - Death discharge - Student loan forgiveness from Biden; people can get more assets but not fair

Wheat Belt

- Midwest; growing wheat, soy barley

energy belt

- Texas, Oklahoma etc. oil production & leads the world

Minimum Wage

- min wage that is mandated by the government

Tech Belt

- west coast; Silicon Valley, Portland, Seattle

Living wage

- what is needed to provide a decent standard of living above the poverty level - Minimum wage is not a living wage anywhere


401k is through your own money but company may match it; gets taxed when you take the money out

Kentucky Payday Lending Interest Rate


50/30/30 budget

50% income to necessities, 30% to wats, 20% to savings

Bad credit vs no credit


Credit under the age of 18


Hard vs Soft Credit Check

A hard credit inquiry may impact your credit scores and stay on your credit reports for about two years, while a soft credit inquiry won't affect your scores


Bank on Louisville

Research Triangle

Duke, UNC, NC State


Earned Income Tax Credit


Fair Isaac Corporation


Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; state chartered banks; ensure money in account up to 250,000 after great depression


Gross Domestic Product- the total market value of all final goods and services produced annually in an economy

J.C. Penney

JC is just cash; no credit cards allowed in stores


Louisville Alliance for Development through Diversity, Empowerment, and Resources


Louisville Asset Building Coalition

Bank On 2.0

Louisville is testing ground for new products/curriculums; want to implement similar style account standards for participating banks


Office of Financial Empowerment

Why Payday lenders thrive

Payday lenders thrive: people use it ot fill gap between income and expenses, emergencies, not many financial institutions in low income areas

biggest action to build credit

Paying bills on time and paying down balances on your credit cards


SNAP (food) Section 8 (housing) LIHEAP (heating and electric) welfare (cash to lowincome families working toward self sufficiency) Social Security (source of income for you/legal dependents, retirement) unemployment (pay money if you lose job through no fault of your own)


Spreading out investments to reduce risk

Sun Belt

The South and Southwest regions of the United States - took over rust belt.


Volunteer Income Tax Assistance

America Saves

encourages individuals to save money, only online resources; America saves week, America Saves for Young Workers, Split to save, military save


a for profit business, anyone can join o More products, more accessible, more fees

debt clock

about 80,000 per person to pay off the national debt

financial education

activities that lead to an increased understanding of financial and personal tools, resources, and services

Reasons people don't budget

afraid of what they will find; don't want to be restricted, intimidating, don't know how, past failures, time and effort, volatile financials

Why are checks being phased out

age demographic, cost to consumer, time it takes to clear, security issues, direct deposit


annual percentage rate; percentage of yearly cost of a loan or line of credit


approved for a credit limit and can use any amount up to that limit (credit card)


approved for a specific loan amount taken out for a period of time and pay it back over a period of time (loans)

Figuring up your Net Worth

assets - liabilities

Taxes that come out of your paycheck

federal income tax, state income tax, city income tax, medicare, social security

Community Reinvestment Act

banks have to administer products to people of all income levels, not just the wealthy; people can get CRA credit if they do good things - Regulators are FDIC, Federal Reserve, OCC

Financial capability

being able to take effective action to pursue financial stability and weather downturns

Emergency Fund

car, home, medical, job loss, family; should be 1,000 as beginning & aim for 10,000 & keep it liquid


cash or savings

Social Security issues

cost of social security is expected to exceed its income in 2034 - Money paid into social security system is invested - Was created during great depression, didn't know that there would be baby boomer generation - Longer life expectancy, lower birthrate/workers

Four walls

cover food, shelter, clothing, transportation first in budgeting

Dodd-Frank Act

created CFPB; signed after recession to regoanize the financial regulatory sustem

Frank McNamara

created the 'diners club card' that people could use at restaurants; the beginning of the credit card

Prosperity Now

expand economic opportunity for low income families; known for yearly scorecard to be a resource on data, states ability to provide opportunity; use IDAs; manage assets and opportunity network


database that has names of people who has had an account closed on them by a financial institution; intended to catch people committing fraud but now it is affecting people who fell behing on payments and now can't get a new account

Rust Belt

deindustrialization and industry leaving; Indiana

what is a financial plan

document containing a person's current money situation and long term monetary goals and strategies to achieve those goals; determine net worth, determine cashflow and spending habits, clearly define goals and priorities

bad debt

drain welth, not affordable and offer not real prospect of being paid off in the future


employer does all the saving and the money is just there for the employee at retirement

Michael Sherraden

father of financial empowerment and asset building; creater of individual development accounts (IDAs)

Richard Cordray

first director of CFPB

FDR Second Bill of Rights

focused on economic rights; right to good job, adequate food/clothing/recreations, farmers decent rate of return, no business monopolies, right to decent home, adequate medical care, protection from old age/accident, right to education

Financial Coaching

form of financial empowerment support that offers a relationship based approach to encourage goal setting and self-accountability

FDIC Money Smart

free to help basic tools about financial topics; different age groups


geographic concentrations of interconnected companies that are in the same industry - Shar infrastructure, suppliers, workforces etc.

Brain Drain

good smart people in the area but if they aren't getting goof opportunities then they are going to leave to go somewhere else

financial stability

having enough resources to pay for food, healthcare, housing and other basic needs, navigate short term crises, and begin to build personal assets

Financial coach

help people organize and prioritize their needs and hold them accountable; foundational knowledge

7 areas of insurance

homewowners, auto, health, disability, long term care, identity theft, life

Who is checking credit

housing, transportation (car), employment, cell phones, utility companies


if you don't want people to do things make it difficult to do so; opt out programs for retirement


income is taxed and then put into Roth so that when you take it out it has already been taxed


individual retirement arrangement

good debt

investment in financial future that should leave you in a better off in the long term


list all debts smallest to largest; pay off the smallest debt first then work up to the larger ones; will show more progress but could pay more money through interest

Start Fresh

modern banking safety, safe accounts, saving


money financial institutions pay you for keeping money deposited with them, normally only in savings accounts; compounding

Is a car an asset?


Dave Ramsey

no credit cards ?

Panic of 1907

public distrust of the banking system & everyone went and withdrew their money; saved by JP Morgan & other putting their money back into banks

Dave Ramsey baby steps

put 1,000 in emergency fund, pay of all debt using snowball, 3-6 months of expenses into savings for full emergency fund, invest 15% of income into pretax retirement plans, begin college funding for kids, pay off home early, build wealth


real money or an investment you can convert into currency that you can use to buy things; liquid (car stocks, savings account) or non liquid (home, real estate)

CFPB Your Money, Your Goals

set of financial empowerment materials that help people meet their financial goals by increasing their knowledge, skills and resources - Modules with lots of tools

Elizabeth Warren

set up the CFPB


shifting production to another location that has lower labor costs


shifting production to another party that does it cheaper

progressive tax

tax that is higher for taxpayers with more money (US income tax)

Credit Union

technically a nonprofit; when you purchase a product or service you become a partner o Fewer fees, better rates, less accessible

What is credit

the ability to borrow money or access goods/services with the understanding that you will pay later

regressive tax

the tax or its burden decreases as income increases (tax is flat); sales tax and property tax

Secured Credit Card

there is another asset (house) pledged against the loan that can be taken if you do not pay back


what you will have to pay out of pocket before the insurance company will contribute any money

San Francisco

where BankOn program was started; $50 matched savings bank account for kindergartners enrolled in public school and more likely to go to college if have a savings account

Reading a Credit Report

who you owed, how much, how much you paid, and whether or not the payment was on time - Identity, existing credit information, public records, recent inquiries

Credit As an Asset

workbook for people to build/rebuild a good credit history

Dan Ariely

wrote predictably irrational, founder of behavioral economics; people are less rational in decision making than standard economic theory suggests

Start Smart

youth financial education curriculum

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