First Aid Midterm

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Blood borne diseases are transmitted only through contact with an infected person's blood.


Heat Exhaustion is considered a Medical Emergency.


If a victim with a concussion is having bad headaches, they should take pain medication as needed.


If you are alone when a child collapses, you should call 9-1-1 before starting CPR.


If you see someone injured in an emergency, the first thing to do is get to him or her quickly and check his or her condition


Internal bleeding is seldom life-threatening because there is no loss of blood from the body.


Never put water on the site of contact with poison ivy because of the risk of spreading the rash farther.


Putting a bag of ice-water mixture or a cold pack directly on the skin is the best way to relieve pain and reduce swelling.


The best thing to do in any emergency is to move the victim to your car and rush to an emergency department.


To control bleeding, make a pressure bandage as tight as you can get it.


When first aid is given, the victim does not need further medical attention for a serious injury.


When stabilizing the head of a victim that you suspect has a spinal injury, you are going to re-align the head with the spine.


You can easily distinguish a mild concussion from a serious brain injury by the signs and symptoms


You can give hot drinks to someone with hypothermia, as long as they can swallow.


You cannot give first aid to a victim with difficulty breathing unless you know the specific cause of the problem.


It may be important to position a stroke victim such that:

Fluids drain from the mouth

To help someone to breathe more easily:

Let the victim find the position in which he or she can breath most easily

Care for a muscle cramp may include:

Massaging the muscle

For an unresponsive victim you suspect may have a spinal injury:

Monitor the victim's breathing in the position in which you found the vicitm

Use RICE for:

Most musculoskeletal injuries

What is the first thing you do for a victim of carbon monoxide poisoning?

Move the victim to fresh air

The one sure way to know whether the victim has a spinal injury is:

None of the above

Which is fundamental to the definition of shock?

Not enough oxygen reaching vital organs

Always call 9-1-1 for a victim whose illness:

Occurs suddenly and without explanation

Which of the following is NOT a moving method?

Over-the-shoulder carry

During a physical examination, what are you looking for?

Pain upon being touched Bleeding or wounds A swollen area

A First-degree burn is characterized by:

Pink or red skin

What do you do if the blood soaks through a pressure bandage?

Put a new bandage on top of the first and maintain pressure

For a victim having seizures:

Put something flat and soft under the victim's head

What should you do for a breathing, unresponsive victim suspected of having swallowed a poison?

Put the victim in the recovery position

Which is a part of first aid for shock?

Raising the victim's legs

Describe the steps you would follow to use RICE for an injured ankle

Rest by discontinuing any activity Ice by putting damp cloth between cold and skin, apply for 20 minutes and remove for 30 minutes (repeating process) Compression by wrapping a bandage over the injured area and over the cold/ice pack Elevate the injured area to reduce swelling and control internal/external bleeding, only if moving the limb does not cause pain.

What does each letter of the SAMPLE history stand for?

S - Signs and symptoms A - Allergies M - Medications P - Previous problems L - Last food or drink E - Events leading up to emergency

Which of the following are common signs and symptoms of heart attach? (Choose all that apply)

Shortness of breath Chest pain or pressure Sweating Indigestion Pale skin Dizziness

A pressure bandage to control bleeding:

Should be applied directly over the wound

Victims with life-threatening injuries are the first priority in a multiple-victim incident.


Which of the following situations could lead to you getting an infectious disease? (Choose all that apply)

Touching a bloody bandage in a trash can Not wearing gloves and giving first aid if you have a cut on your finger

Standard precautions for preventing disease transmission include:

Treat all victims as if their bodily fluids are infected Always wear gloves if blood may be present Do not touch your mouth, nose or eyes when giving first aid

Call 9-1-1 for a fracture of a large bone such as the thigh bone.


If the victim cannot respond, but looks at you with the universal sign of choking and nods to you, you have automatic consent to help that person.


If you hear the victim coughing, you can assume he or she is breathing.


The risk of contracting a serious infectious disease by giving first aid is greatly reduced when you take precautions.


Continue abdominal thrusts until? (choose all that apply)

-The object becomes expelled -The victim becomes unresponsive -Medical help arrives (when you have called 9-1-1)

What are the levels of heat emergencies? (least serious= 1, most serious= 3)

1 - heat cramps 2 - heat exhaustion 3 - heat stroke

Which type of bleeding is usually the most serious?

Arterial bleeding

Name 3 situations in which you should call 9-1-1 for a seizure victim.

1. If the seizure lasts more than 5 minutes. 2. If the person isn't known to have epilepsy. 3. If the person recovers very slowly or has trouble breathing, or has another seizure.

Please place the following parts of the Cardiac Chain of Survival in the correct order.

1. Recognition and activation of the Emergency Response System 2. Immediate High-quality CPR 3. Rapid Defibrillation 4. Basic and Advanced Emergency Medical Services 5. Advanced Life Support and Post-arrest care

List 3 general signs and symptoms of a poisoning.

1. The victim may look or feel ill. 2. Abdominal pain 3. Nausea

List 4 things you should be prepared to tell the EMS dispatcher when you call 9-1-1.

1. Your name 2. Location and number of victims 3. Victim age, sex and condition 3. What may have happened to the victim

What are 3 signs or symptoms of shock?

1. anxiety 2. breathing becomes rapid and shallow 3. skin becomes pale and cool

You first encounter a victim lying quietly on the floor. Place the following actions in the correct order.

1. check to see if the victim responds to your voice or touch 2. Look for normal breathing 3. look around his/her body for severe bleeding

What is the compression depth for an infant?

1/3 the depth of the chest

Match the Priority level of the victim with the associated injury.

1st - severe bleeding 2nd - small burns 3rd - victims who can walk 4th - not breathing with massive head trauma and severe blood loss

For an infant choking, how many blows to the back/ chest compressions are needed for providing care?


How many cycles of CPR create 1 round of CPR?


Call 9-1-1 for:

A third degree burn A second degree burn larger than 5% of body surface area in an elderly victim A second degree burn larger than 10% of the body surface area in an adult victim

When is the secondary assessment performed?

After determining that there are no life-threatening conditions

You usually have automatic consent to give first aid to which of the following?

All unresponsive adults

A blood borne pathogen can easily enter your body through:

Any break in your skin

If a responsive, competent adult refuses your first aid, what should you do?

Call 9-1-1 and keep talking to the victim

First aid for serious internal bleeding includes:

Calling 9-1-1 Positioning the victim lying down Keeping the victim from becoming chilled or overheated

First aid for most swallowed poisons include:

Calling 9-1-1 or the Poison Control Center for help

Because a shock victim is thirsty and may be dehydrated, offer them clear fluids to drink.


Which is a sign or symptom that a pressure bandage is too tight on the hand?

Cold fingers

Which of the following is the best substance to put on a burn immediately after it has occurred?

Cold running water

Assessing a victim with a potential head or spinal injury includes:

Considering the risk factors in an injured victim

What is the first priority for a severely bleeding wound?

Controlling the bleeding

What actions are included in wound care? (Pick all that apply)

Cover any wound with a sterile dressing and bandage Irrigate minor wounds with running water See a health care provider for a deep wound or puncture

What is the difference between direct and indirect contact?

Direct contact occurs when you come into contact with a person who is infected with their fluids or substances. Indirect contact occurs when you come into contact with objects, food, drinks, droplets in the air or vectors (insects) that are infected.

Which of these are signs and symptoms of a low blood sugar diabetic emergency? (Choose all that apply)

Dizziness Hunger Clumsiness Sweating Confusion

What is one thing you should NOT do to stop bleeding from the head if you suspect a skull fracture?

Do not apply direct pressure to where the scalp is bleeding because you could push bone fragments into the brain.

If you are unsure whether a diabetic is experiencing a hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic emergency:

Give sugar and monitor symptoms

First aid for an asthma attack may include:

Helping the victim to use their inhaler

Which of the following can help reduce the itching of poison ivy?

Hydrocortisone cream

Using icy water to cool a burn that covers 25% of the body may result in:

Hypothermia and shock

When would you use active rewarming for someone with hypothermia?

If medical care is far away

What do you do immediately after the AED administers a shock?

If the victim is not breathing after the AED administers a shock, you must continue to give CPR for about 2 minutes, which will consist of 5 cycles. After the 2 minutes, the AED will reanalyze the victim.

The immediate first action to take for a heart attack victim is:

Immediately call 911, no matter what the victim says.

The most important aspect of fracture care is to:

Immobilize the area

If the victim can talk to you, you can be sure that he or she:

Is breathing

Advantages of the recovery position include which of the following?

It allows fluids to drain from the mouth

The goals of first aid include:

Keeping the victim alive until he or she receives medical care. Preventing the victim's condition from getting worse Ensuring the victim receives appropriate medical care

Which of the following is not a reason to stop CPR?

Someone has called 9-1-1 and they are only 2 minutes away

Which of these actions should you take first for a victim in shock because of external bleeding?

Stop the bleeding

Which of the following is NOT a sign or symptom of a possible head or spinal injury?

Sudden read rash around neck

A ring should be removed from a burned finger because:

Swelling may cut off circulation

Asses an adult or child victim for responsiveness by:

Tapping the shoulder and shouting, "are you okay?"

List and describe one type of shock. (Pick any of the four)

The first stage is compensatory shock, in which the victim experiences anxiety, restlessness, and fear. They also have increased breathing and an increased heart rate.

When you are immobilizing a fracture injury, what body area should be immobilized?

The fracture area and the joints both above and below it

Factors that influence the severity of a burn include:

The location of the burn The percentage of body area burned The depth of the burn

What are 2 signs and symptoms of Hypothermia?

The victim does not feel cold and their breathing becomes shallow.

Which of the following is NOT a reason to not to give abdominal thrusts?

The victim is a child

When should a person with a poison ivy or oak rash see a health care provider?

They should see a healthcare provider if they have a severe reaction or swelling on their face or genitals.

When do you put a victim in the recovery position?

Unresponsive and breathing

Standard precautions include

Using personal protective equipment

Which of these are signs and symptoms of a spinal injury? (Choose all that apply)

Victim's hands are tingling Victim has a breathing problem Victim's neck seems oddly turned

Which of the following situations are reason that you would move a victim?

You need to move them in order to give them CPR, A fire or explosion is likely, They are in the way of another victim

To prevent blood borne disease transmission, apply pressure on the bleeding wound with:

Your gloved hand The victim's hand Any impermeable substance

Heat and cold emergencies are more likely to occur in

elderly, infants, chronic diseases

What is the motion of the abdominal thrusts?

inward and upward

Which of the following is an example of a first priority victim?


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