FiST Certification Skill Level 1-2

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_____ is transmitted in the third transmission of a Final Protective Fire mission.

"Final Protective Fire; Attitude; Danger Close; Delay"

This Observer Target (OT) Factor is used for an OT Range of 700m.


When engaging a Linear Target, Attitude is expressed from _____ to_____, to the nearest _____ mils.

0000; 3100; 100

When conducting a Laser Polar mission, laser data sent to the nearest _____ for direction and vertical angle, and to the nearest _____ for distance.

1 mil; 10m

5 Requirements for a Registration Point

1. Accurately located (within 10m) 2. Near the center of the zone of fire 3. Semi-permanent 4. Located on fairly level terrain if possible 5. On common survey with the firing unit

4 Mission Types

1. Adjust Fire 2. Fire for Effect 3. Suppression 4. Immediate Suppression/Immediate Smoke

5 Height of Burst Spottings

1. Air 2. Mixed Air 3. Mixed 4. Mixed Graze 5. Graze

9 Conditions for Effective CAS

1. Air Superiority 2. Suppression of Enemy Air Defense 3. Target Marking 4. Favorable Weather Conditions 5. Prompt Response 6. Air Crews and Terminal Controller Skill 7. Appropriate Ordinance 8. Communications 9. Command and Control

3 Minor and 2 Supplementary Terrain Features

1. Draw 2. Spur 3. Cliff 1. Cut 2. Fill

14 Methods of Control

1. Fire when ready 2. At my command 3. Cannot observe 4. Time on target 5. Time to target 6. Continuous illumination 7. Coordinated illumination 8. Cease loading 9. Check firing 10. Continuous fire 11. Repeat 12. Request splash 13. Do not load 14. Duration

6 Colors on a Map and Representations

1. Green: Identifies vegetation with military significance, such as woods, orchards, and vineyards. 2. Blue: Identifies hydrography or water features such as lakes, swamps, rivers, and drainage. 3. Black: Indicates cultural (man-made) features such as buildings and roads, surveyed spot elevations, and all labels. 4. Red: Classifies cultural features, such as populated areas, main roads, and boundaries, on older maps. 5. Brown: Identifies all relief features and elevation, such as contours on older edition maps, and cultivated land on red-light readable maps. 6. Red-Brown: The colors red and brown are combined to identify cultural features, all relief features, non-surveyed spot elevations, and elevation, such as contour lines on red-light readable maps.

5 Methods of Target Location

1. Grid 2. Polar Plot 3. Laser Grid 4. Laser Polar 5. Shift from Known Point

3 Norths

1. Grid 2. True 3. Magnetic

Order of Spottings

1. Height of Burst 2. Range 3. Deviation

Ordinance employed by the AH-64D

1. Hellfire Missiles 2. 2.75" FFAR 3. 30mm gun

5 Major Terrain Features

1. Hill 2. Valley 3. Ridge 4. Saddle 5. Depression

6 Uses for Illumination Shell

1. Illuminate areas of suspected enemy activity 2. Provide illumination for night adjustment 3. Harass enemy positions 4. Furnish direction to friendly troops for attacks/patrol activities 5. Mark targets (by air/ground bursts) for attack by CAS 6. "Wash-Out" enemy passive night-sight systems when used at ground level

3 Types of Contour Lines

1. Index 2. Intermediate 3. Supplementary

9 Elements of Close Air Support (CAS) Request

1. Initial Point (IP) 2. Heading 3. Distance 4. Target Elevation 5. Target Description 6. Target Location 7. Mark 8. Friendly Location 9. Egress

3 Methods to Determine Distance

1. Lasers 2. Flash-to-Bang 3. Estimation

3 Deviation Spottings

1. Line 2. Left 3. Right

Elements of the Standard 9-Line MEDEVAC

1. Location of pickup site 2. Radio frequency, call sign, and suffix 3. Number of patients by precedence 3A. Urgent (Non-Surgical) - Evac within 2hr 3B. Urgent Surgical (All Trauma) - Need immediate surgical care to stabilize 3C. Priority - Evac within 4hr 3D. Routine - Evac within 24hr 3E. Convenience - Evac when possible 4. Special equipment required (hoist, ventilator, extraction device) 5. Number of patients by type 5L. + # of litter patients 5A. + # of ambulatory patients 6. Security of pickup site (wartime) 6N. No enemy troops 6P. Possible enemy troops in area 6E. Confirmed enemy troops in area (use caution) 6X. Currently engaged with enemy Troops (armed escort recommended) 6. Number and type of wound, injury, illness (peacetime) 7. Method of marking pickup site 8. Patient nationality and status 8A. US/Coalition Mil 8B. US/Coalition Force Civilian 8C. Non-Coalition Force Soldier 8D. Non-US/Coalition Civilian 8E. Enemy POW 8F. High Value Target (Armed escort required) 9. NBC contamination (wartime) or Terrain description (peacetime)

3 Parts of the Warning Order

1. Mission Type 2. Size of Element to Fire for Effect 3. Method of Target Location

4 Uses of White Phosphorus (WP)

1. Obscuring 2. Marking 3. Screening 4. Incendiary

4 Uses of Smoke

1. Obscuring 2. Screening 3. Deception 4. Signaling

6 Elements of the Call for Fire

1. Observer Identification 2. Warning Order 3. Target Location 4. Target Description 5. Method of Engagement 6. Method of Fire and Control

15 Subsequent Corrections

1. Observer-Target Direction 2. Danger Close 3. Trajectory 4. Method of Fire 5. Distribution 6. Projectile 7. Fuze 8. Volume 9. Deviation Correction 10. Range Correction 11. Height of Burst Correction 12. Target Description 13. Mission Type and/or Method of Control 14. Splash 15. Repeat

5 Illumination Patterns

1. One-Gun illumination 2. Two-Gun illumination 3. Two-Gun illumination range spread 4. Two-Gun illumination lateral spread 5. Four-Gun illumination (range and lateral spread)

8 Range Spottings

1. Over 2. Short 3. Target 4. Range Correct 5. Doubtful 6. Lost 7. Unobserved 8. Unobserved Over/Short

2 Types of Targets

1. Planned Targets 2. Targets of Opportunity

3 Types of Planned Targets

1. Scheduled 2. Priority 3. On-Call

5 Items of a Terrain Sketch

1. Skyline/Horizon 2. Intermediate crests/hills/ridges 3. Other natural terrain features 4. Man-made features 5. Labels

3 Methods of Mortar Shell Crater Analysis

1. Splinter Groove 2. Main Axis 3. Fuze Tunnel

4 Area Fire Adjustment Techniques

1. Successive Bracketing 2. Hasty Bracketing 3. Creeping Fire 4. One-Round Adjustment

6 Methods of Engagement

1. Type of Adjustment 2. Danger Close 3. Mark 4. Trajectory 5. Ammunition 6. Distribution

4 Main Items in Message to Observer (MTO)

1. Units to Fire 2. Changes to Call for Fire 3. Number of Rounds 4. Target Number

5 Methods to Determine Direction

1. Using other measuring devices 2. Measuring from a reference point 3. Using a compass 4. Scaling from a map 5. Estimation

5 Parts of a Target Description

1. What target is 2. What target is doing 3. Number of elements in the target 4. Degree of protection 5. Target size/shape (if significant)

When sending Polar Plot data in the second transmission of CFF, Direction is sent to the nearest _____ when not using a laser device and to the nearest _____ when using a laser device.

10 mils; 1 mil

Number of mils in a degree


This OT Factor is used for an OT Range of 2500.


Minimum Deviation and Range Corrections for Illumination


Desired Height-of-Burst for the Time portion of a Precision Registration


Observer transmits _____ when he has obtained a measurable airburst.

3 Rounds, Repeat

Maximum Range of the M777 with Rocket Assisted Projectile (RAP)


Maximum Range of the M224


This OT Factor is used for an OT Range of 3500.


Maximum Range of the ASIP Radio in POWER AMPLIFIER (PA) mode


Maximum Effective Range of the Vector 21B (VIPER)


Minimum Height-of-Burst Correction for Illumination


Danger close in meters for mortars and artillery.


Maximum Range of the M120


When conducting a Precision Registration, the Automatic Range Refinement when the last round fired impacts farther from the Registration Point than the Pair of Rounds at the opposite end of the bracket is _____.


This Brevity Code is used when the aircraft has NO visual contact with the friendly position.


This method of control causes an immediate halt in Firing.

Check Firing

If Angle T is 500 mils or greater, the Observer should...

Continue to use his OT Factor to make adjustments; Should consider cutting his corrections if he is getting more of a correction than he asked for.

This report is sent to Higher upon completion of Crater Analysis.

Date-Time Group, Location, Azimuth, Projectile (DLAP)

Fuze typically used in Danger Close situations


This subsequent correction adjusts Sheaf.


Trajectory employed by Mortars.

High Angle

This Shell is used during the adjustment phase of a Quick Smoke mission.

High Explosive (HE)

When conducting an Illumination mission, Observer should transmit _____ when Target is best illuminated.

Illumination... Mark

These lines from the 9-Line CAS Request are "Mandatory Read-Backs"

Lines 4 and 6

This Range Spotting is used when a round's impact location cannot be determined by sight or sound.


When engaging a Circular Target, _____ is included after the Target Description.


Minimum Safe Distances (MSDs) are used for planning in training. What distance is used for planning in combat?

Risk Estimate Distances (REDs)

A Quick Smoke mission is used to _____ friendly movement or _____ enemy vision.

Screen; Obscure

This Range Spotting is used when the round impacts between the Observer and the Target.


The Fire Direction Center (FDC) transmits _____ to the Observer 5 seconds prior to round impact.


This Brevity Code is used when the aircraft has sighting of an enemy position.


Purpose of an Auxiliary Adjusting Point

To achieve surprise

Objective of a Precision (Artillery) Registration mission

To obtain spottings of 4 rounds (2 over and 2 short) along OT line from rounds fired with the same data or from rounds fired with data 25m apart (50m apart with probable error in range is greater than/equal to 25m).

Height-of-Burst of Shell Smoke can be automatically adjusted as follows: Ground Burst _____ Canisters Bouncing Excessively _____ Canisters Too Spread Out _____

UP 100; UP 50; DOWN 50

Automatic correction for graze burst during the Time portion of a Precision Registration.

UP 40

This Brevity Code is used when the aircraft has no ordinance remaining.


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