Forensic Psychology Final

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How many times have the U.S. Supreme Court ruled directly on whether the death penalty itself violates the U.S. constitution? A. 0 B. 2 C. 4 D. 6

A. 0

What percentage of U.S. counties with the death penalty are responsible for the majority (56%) of death penalty sentences? A. 2% B. 5% C. 12% D. 25%

A. 2%

Blacks who kill white are _____likely to receive the death sentence compared with whites who kills blacks. Black death row inmates convicted of killing white victims also have the ______probability of being executed rather than dying of natural causes. A. 6 time more; highest B. 6 times more; lowest C. half as; highest D. Half as; lowest

A. 6 time more; highest

Liebman, Fagan, and West (2000) examined every capital case in the United States over a 22-year period and found that _____ of death sentences were reversed because of serious error at trial, with the most frequent cause of error being _____. A. 68%; incompetent defense lawyers B. 52%; faulty or misleading jury instructions C. 37%; prosecutorial misconduct D. 12%; judges' misconduct

A. 68%; incompetent defense lawyers

Experts, unlike "regular" witnesses such as those testifying to what they saw or about the character of a defendant, are allowed to offer: A. An opinion-their interpretation of the facts B. An evaluation of one or the other side's case from their particular disciplinary perspective C. An assessment of the motive of the defendant D. All of the above

A. An opinion-their interpretation of the facts

When evaluating risk assessment evidence, it has been found that jurors usually find_____ predictions more convincing. Research shows that _____predictions are more accurate. A. Clinical; actuarial B. Actuarial; clinical C. Statistical; intuitive D. Robotic; passionate

A. Clinical; actuarial

Sentencing guidelines are supposed to assist judges in making _____sentencing decisions. Examples of factors that affect sentencing according to the guidelines noted in the text included______. A. Consistent; prior criminal record and the severity of the current crime B. Consistent; the severity of of the current crime and the offender's personal characteristics C. Lenient; prior criminal records and the severity of the current crime D. Difficult; the severity of the current crime and the offender's personal characteristics

A. Consistent; prior criminal record and the severity of the current crime

Studies show that prisons may have a(n) ______ effect. When comparable groups of offenders are tracked, those sentenced to prison are _____ likely to recidivate than those sentenced to probation. A. Criminogenics; more B. Taming; less C. Null; no more or less D. Uncertain; sometimes more and sometimes less

A. Criminogenics; more

Dependence on outside influence after being forced to give autonomy, an effect seen in prisoners an well documented in rats following social deprivation is called what? A. Decreased self-initiation B. Psychological distancing C. Social withdrawal D. None of the above

A. Decreased self-initiation

As a rule, children of divorced parents experience problems most acutely: A. During the year or two following divorce B. After several years pass and more bitter feelings about the divorce resurface C. If they spend equal time with both parents D. If they are younger

A. During the year or two following divorce

Potential jurors excluded during the process of death qualifications because of their oppositions to the death penalty are more likely to be: A. Female, African-American, and politically liberal B. Female, Hispanic, and politically conservative C. Male, White, politically liberal D. Male, Hispanic, and politically conservative

A. Female, African-American, and politically liberal

Based on numbers between 1976-2013, which of these outcomes is most likely after being given a death sentence? A. Having the sentence reversed B. Dying in prison C. Being executed D. All are equally likely

A. Having the sentence reversed

Cassandra is among very few women who work in construction. She has been targeted by multiple coworkers who keep telling her crude sexual jokes, pinching her buttocks, and exposing themselves to her as a form of "fun" during lunch breaks. In Catharine MacKinnon's typology, this type of sexual harassment is referred to as: A. Hostile Environment B. Racial Discrimination C. Systematic Desensitization D. Consensual Relationship

A. Hostile Environment

Martinson's conclusions that the lack of empirical support for correctional treatment could be a consequence of poorly implemented programs was: A. Ignored by the media and policy makers B. Not challenged by other social scientists C. Not included in the larger report that he and his colleagues published a year later D. All of the above

A. Ignored by the media and policy makers

Precedents can best be described as: A. Legal cases that have established a rule later applied to other cases with similar issues B. Past decisions dictated all future cases, regardless of how well the rule fits new cases C. Reviews of facts in a case that occurred in a similar jurisdiction D. Rulings on the matter that were applied to the same plaintiff or defendant in an earlier case

A. Legal cases that have established a rule later applied to other cases with similar issues

What is a preferred method of execution in the 31 U.S. states that currently have the death penalty? A. Lethal Injection B. The gas chamber C. The electric chair D. Hanging

A. Lethal Injection

Community notification requiring states to make personal and private information and known sex offenders available to the public is a result of the enactment of the: A. Megan's Law B. Violence Risk Appraisal Guide (VRAG) C. Duty to protect laws D. Sexually Violent Predator (SVP) civil commitment laws

A. Megan's Law

According to the text, females are ______ likely to report spousal violence to police. The spousal homicide rate of females victims is ____that of male victims. A. More; several times higher than B. More; Much lower than C. Less; very similar to D. Less; Much higher than

A. More; several times higher than

So-called rape myths are common misconceptions about sexual assaults that are likely to be addressed by expert testimony about RTS. According to the text, which one of the following is NOT a rape myth? A. Most rapes a re committed when both parties have been drinking. B. Most rapes are committed by strangers C. If a woman says she doesn't want to have sex, she doesn't really mean it D. It is impossible to a rape a woman who is unwilling.

A. Most rapes a re committed when both parties have been drinking.

In Harris v. Forklift System (1993), the Supreme Court held that in sexual harassment cases, it was _____ to show psychological injury, and a ______ standard should be applied. A. Not necessary; reasonable person B. Not necessary; reasonable women C. Mandatory; Reasonable person D. Mandatory; reasonable woman

A. Not necessary; reasonable person

Threat/control-override symptoms are common in people suffering from _______. What leads to the symptoms is their common delusion that others_____them. A. Paranoid schizophrenia; want to harm B. Paranoid schizophrenia; don't matter to C. Psychopathy; are unfair to D. Psychopathy; are watching

A. Paranoid schizophrenia; want to harm

Kelvin was released from prison before his entire sentence was served. However, he has to be supervised by an officer for several months. This situation is commonly referred to as: A. Parole B. Probation C. Rehabilitation D. Treatment

A. Parole

_____occupies a central place in law as the standard against which behavior is judged. A. Reasonable B. Rational C. Preponderance D. Probable

A. Reasonable

Research has demonstrated that______is more likely to influence decision making in custody cases when the guidelines for custody are ____. A. Sexism and gender bias; vague B. Sexism or gender bias; strict C. Self-fulfilling prophecy; clear D. Self-fulfilling prophecy; strict

A. Sexism and gender bias; vague

Violent behaviors are only slightly more likely among people with severe mental illness. According to the text, a much more important factor is_____, which_____violent behavior even among mentally healthy people. A. Substance abuse; increases B. Substance abuse; decreases C. Violent video games; increase D. Violent video games; decrease

A. Substance abuse; increases

It is often asserted that the majority of Americans______ the death penalty. However, if people are asked to compare the death penalty with an alternative of life imprisonment, most respondents choose _____as a more acceptable punishment. A. Support; life imprisonment B. support; the death penalty C. Oppose; life imprisonment D. Oppose; the death penalty

A. Support; life imprisonment

A significant and growing source of source of revenue for private prison companies in general, and among the reasons given for the record 1.7 billion dollar revenue for the GEO group, is ______. A. The federal government's move to privatize detention of illegal immigrants B. State governments moving to transfer prisoners to federal detention centers C. Local governments greatly increasing spending on privatization of prisons D. Decreased regulation of private prisons

A. The federal government's move to privatize detention of illegal immigrants

Which of the following is NOT a result of Gregg v. Georgia (1976) and its companion cases? A. The sentences of death has been made mandatory for certain types of murder. B. All death sentences must be reviewed by state supreme courts C. Bifurcated proceedings are used in all capital trials D. Jurors are instructed to weigh aggravated and mitigated factors during the penalty phase

A. The sentences of death has been made mandatory for certain types of murder.

The early studies of recidivism that tracked people released from confinement found that: A. The vast majority of people deemed violent did not re-offend B. The vast majority of people deemed non-violent did re-offend C. The classification of risk based on clinical judgement is mostly correct D. About half of the subjects re-offended within 3 years

A. The vast majority of people deemed violent did not re-offend

In the adversarial system a jury is deliberately chosen because its members do not have any special knowledge about, understanding of, or experience in the law. A. True B. False

A. True

Kalven and Zeisel found that initial votes by juries in deliberations that produced large majorities one way or the other most often led to final verdicts that were consistent with the initial vote. A. True B. False

A. True

The role of the forensic psychologist in court is to give advice that is designed to help jurors reach their own decision about the guilt or innocence of a defendant.. A. True B. False

A. True

Plaintiffs in sexual harassment cases must prove that the unwelcome verbal or physical behaviors against them_____ their job performance, and that the employer_____ about harassing conduct. A. Unreasonably interfered with; knew but did nothing B. Unreasonably interfered with; tried to do something C. Have improved; knew but did nothing D. Have improved; tried to do something

A. Unreasonably interfered with; knew but did nothing

The strategy whereby psychologists predict future violence that does not entail specific rules of how to collect information is called: A. Unstructured clinical judgement B. Scientific approach C. Experimental approach D. Observational study

A. Unstructured clinical judgement

An act is considered illegal if it is _____and______. A. Voluntary, defined by the law as criminal behavior B. Involuntary, defined by the law as criminal behavior C. Voluntary, socially unacceptable D. Voluntary, socially unacceptable

A. Voluntary, defined by the law as criminal behavior

The knowledge and skills of social psychologists might be most relevant for the legal system in which one of these cases? A. When studying the dynamics of jury deliberation B. When assessing a mentally ill defendant for potential risk of violence C. When deciding whether the eyewitness is able to remember the scene of crime D. When evaluating which custody arrangement will most benefit the child

A. When studying the dynamics of jury deliberation

The purpose of the death penalty is seen as a deterrence. However, many studies in the United States, as well as in other countries, have found _____evidence to support the idea that capital punishment deters murderers. Moreover, there is research showing that the frequency of murderers ______ after executions, especially after highly publicized executions. A. no clear; increases B. No clear; decreases C. a great deal of; increases D. a great deal of; decreases

A. no clear; increases

Kalven and Zeisel found that judges and juries AGREED on the verdict rendered in roughly what percent of the cases the judges reviewed? A. 87% B. 78% C. 50% D. None of the above

B. 78%

Research shows that judges and juries AGREED on the verdict rendered in roughly what percent of the trials the judges reviewed? A. 87% B. 78% C. 50% D. None of the above

B. 78%

In Kansas v. Crane (2002), the Supreme Court held that the following conditions are required for involuntary civil commitment under SVP laws, EXCEPT: A. Some form of mental illness (as defined by individual states' laws) B. A history of violent laws C. A future danger to society D. A serious level of Difficulty controlling urges

B. A history of violent laws

A civil confinement is NOT considered to be: A. A detention B. A punishment C. Preventative D. Helpful

B. A punishment

In Kansas v. Hendricks (1997), the Supreme Court ruled that sexually violent predator civil commitment laws did NOT violate double jeopardy. Double Jeopardy means: A. An individual was punished for two separate crimes in one sentence B. An individual was punished two times for the same crime C. A defendant was tried twice D. A convicted felon was subjected to two forms of punishment running concurrently

B. An individual was punished two times for the same crime

Among dynamic markers of risk in actuarial prediction of future violence, there are all of the following factors, EXCEPT: A. Psychiatric Symptomatology B. Antisocial Personality Disorder C. Lack of insight D. Impulsivity

B. Antisocial Personality Disorder

The prison population is highly racially disproportionate to the general population. ______males have a 29% chance of serving at least 1 year in prison or jail during their lifetime, whereas the same chance for white males is about 5%. The prison population is also highly disproportionate to the general population in terms of gender distribution. Nearly 93% of prisoners in state and federal prisoners are _____. A. Black; women B. Black; men C. Asian; women D. Asian; men

B. Black; men

Prisoners are used to manufacture goods for private industries in a large majority of states; which of these goods does the prison industry produce the highest percentage of the overall supply available? A. Computers B. Bullet proof vests C. Paintbrushes D. Home appliances

B. Bullet proof vests

According to the text, older judges generally rule in favor of the____,whereas younger judges tend to rule in favor of the_____. A. Plaintiff; defendant B. Defendant; plaintiff C. Big corporations; small businesses D. Small businesses; big corporations

B. Defendant; plaintiff

Sykes' study of the social psychological aspects of prison life and description of the inherent frustrations faced by prison inmates gave rise to the ______ model of understanding inmate adaption to incarceration. A. Status B. Deprivation C. Socio-cultural D. None of the above

B. Deprivation

What did the U.S. Supreme Court rule in McKlesky v Kemp in 1987? A. That there was no evidence of racism on Georgia's system of capital punishment B. Despite statistical evidence showing racism in Georgia's system of capital punishment, this did not constitute a violation of the specific defendant's rights C. There was evidence of racism in Georgia's system of capital punishment and it did constitute a violation of the defendants rights

B. Despite statistical evidence showing racism in Georgia's system of capital punishment, this did not constitute a violation of the specific defendant's rights

The prevalence of PTSD in those who have been incarcerated is ______. A. Similar to that seen in war veterans B. Double the rate seen in communities where there are high incarceration rates C. Not greater than the prevalence of the general population D. Greater than the general population but less than the prevalence of Vietnam veterans

B. Double the rate seen in communities where there are high incarceration rates

Which of these is considered evidence in a trial? A. Opening statements B. Examination of witnesses C. Closing arguments D. All are evidence

B. Examination of witnesses

Ibn-Tamas v. United States (1979?) was one of the first cases in which: A. Expert testimony was offered on rape trauma syndrome (RTS) B. Expert testimony was offered on battered women syndrome (BWS) C. Expert testimony was offered on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) D. A woman was acquitted for the killing of her abusive husband

B. Expert testimony was offered on battered women syndrome (BWS)

Kalven and Zeisel found that when judges and juries disagreed, juries tended toward convictions whereas judges towards acquittals. A. True B. False

B. False

When comparing states with the death penalty and neighboring states without it, the murder rate for the death penalty states is______. A. Lower in some cases B. Higher in all cases C. Lower in all cases D. Higher in some cases

B. Higher in all cases

Researchers have determined three broad categories of predictors of risk for future violent behavior: A. Clinical, actuarial, and mixed method B. Historical, dynamic, and risk management markers C. Nomothetic, idiographic, and dialectical approaches D. Ex post facto, false positives, and false negatives

B. Historical, dynamic, and risk management markers

Containing criminals to render them unable to harm others outside of the prison is referred to as: A. Specific deterrence B. Incapacitiation C. Retribution D. General deterrence

B. Incapacitiation

Among the costs to the community following incarceration is the loss of a parent; which of these are NOT a documented effect of single parent homes when compared to homes with both parents? A. Increased financial strain B. Increased parental involvement C. Decreased quality of parenting D. Decreased academic performance

B. Increased parental involvement

The Brutalization effect refers to the: A. Tendency of juries to give more weight to aggravating factors in capital cases B. Increases in murder rate following executions C. Suggestion that brutal methods of execution like the electric chair deter murders D. likelihood that repeat offenders are more likely to be sentenced to death

B. Increases in murder rate following executions

Placing someone in a psychiatric facility against his or her will is known as: A. Voluntary civil commitment B. Involuntary civil commitment C. Involuntary criminal commitment D. Deinstitutionalization

B. Involuntary civil commitment

Pieces of evidence presented providing reasons a death sentence should not be given to the defendant are called________. A. Reduced culpability B. Mitigating factors C. Legal recourse D. Diminished capacity

B. Mitigating factors

Child custody issues may require the expertise of a psychologist to assist the court in deciding the fate of a child after the parents' divorce. _____ refers to how much time a child spends with each of the parents. A. Legal custody B. Physical custody C. Major custody D. Parental competence

B. Physical custody

Research shows that jurors find instructions given to them by the courts in capital murder trials difficult to understand and often confusing. As a result, their decisions are often influenced by: A. What the judge wants to hear B. Prejudice and racial bias C. the defense attorney's view D. The climate in the courtroom

B. Prejudice and racial bias

Amicus curiae briefs: A. Help experts testifying in court get their point across B. Provide a way to influence the court when expert testimony is not allowed C. Summarize the questions raised by the jury during their deliberation of a verdict D. Reflect scientists' lack of interest in the legal system

B. Provide a way to influence the court when expert testimony is not allowed

Even if a plaintiff in a sexual harassment case can prove that he has been consistently subjected to unpleasant and offensive remarks, gestures, and touching from male colleagues, he must have also: A. Warned his bullies that the lawsuit is coming B. Reported these problems to the employer C. Tried to reason with the offensive co-workers D. Physically assaulted his abusers to prove he was offended

B. Reported these problems to the employer

Determinate sentencing mean that judges are_____, if a defendant is found guilty of a particular crime. A. Encouraged to hand down a sentence within a prescribed range B. Required to hand down a sentence within a prescribed range C. Required to defer the sentencing decision to the jury D. Encouraged to hand down harsher sentences when it is appropriate

B. Required to hand down a sentence within a prescribed range

Which of these behaviors would be rational but not reasonable? A. Providing guns to people without receiving a benefit B. Selling legal drugs to people to gain wealth C. Selling legal drugs to people to gain wealth D. All of the above

B. Selling legal drugs to people to gain wealth

In Kansas v. Hendricks (1997), the Supreme Court was contemplating whether SVP laws violate double jeopardy. In a _____ ruling, the Court decided that such laws do not create______. A. Sharply divided; double cross from search and seizure B. Sharply divided; double punishment for the same crime C. Unanimous; extra cross from search and seizure D. Unanimous; extra punishment for the same crime

B. Sharply divided; double punishment for the same crime

A majority of the expenditures on corrections are done by what level of government? A. Local B. State C. Federal D. Expenditures are equally split between them

B. State

Some experts contend that PTSD as an established medical diagnosis should be used instead of BWS to defend a battered woman who killed her abusive spouse. However, critics of this idea point to several disadvantages of the PTSD defense. These disadvantages include all of the following, EXCEPT: A. The PTSD label characterizes the woman as mentally disordered B. The PTSD diagnosis can be used to claim incompetence to stand trial C. The use of PTSD can lead to the prosecution's inquires into other traumatic events in the defendant's past. D. Some victims of persistent abuse do not meet criteria for PTSD

B. The PTSD diagnosis can be used to claim incompetence to stand trial

A bifurcated capital trial means..... A. The guilt of the defendant is determined by the judge and sentencing by the jury B. The case consists of a guilt phase and a sentencing phase C. Only the judge can make a decision regarding application of the death penalty D. Only the jury is allowed to make a decision regarding sentencing

B. The case consists of a guilt phase and a sentencing phase

All of the following statements are true about child custody decisions, EXCEPT: A. Most custody arrangements are made between the parents, without the use of litigation B. The most common custody arrangement is joint custody C. Definitions of what constitutes shared physical custody are not uniform D. There is no single custody arrangement that is best in all situations

B. The most common custody arrangement is joint custody

The Supreme Court held that occasional teasing, crude jokes, and even sometimes offensive language do not amount to harassment. It has instructed lower courts to use which standard to gauge whether the conduct in question created an unlawful hostile environment? A. The reasonable woman standard B. The totality of circumstances test C. The reasonable man standard D. The Griggs test

B. The totality of circumstances test

Studies that analyzed verdicts reached in cases of battered women who killed their husbands or partners, found that _____of the women were convicted, and expert testimony on BWS_____. A. very few; made a substantial impact on jurors B. The vast majority; did not have much influence C. About half; was crucial D. non; made all the difference

B. The vast majority; did not have much influence

There are several tests commonly used by psychologists in child custody evaluations. Research studies show that: A. Scores on these tests are very helpful in determining the most fitting custody type B. These tests do not help to predict the best custody arrangement for the child C. Intelligence tests are most predictive of attentive and affectionate parenting D. Projective tests are most effective in determining personality traits and relationships

B. These tests do not help to predict the best custody arrangement for the child

Those selected from the roster of eligible people who received jury service summons ans showed are called the_____. A. Voir dire B. Venire C. Jury D. None of the above

B. Venire

Surveys of federal employees over a period of several years found that over ______ of women and about_____ of men claimed to have experienced sexual harassment within 2 years prior to the study. A. 70%; 15% B. 15%; 40% C. 40%; 15% D. 70%; 40%

C. 40%; 15%

What percentage of prisoners reported behaving aggressively toward other prisons ("getting tough") as a protective mechanism? A. 25% B. 50% C. 75% D. over 90%

C. 75%

Janine was convicted of a felony, as was Troy. Both defendants were convicted of the same crime and under similar situations. According to the text, Janine is likely to receive ______ Troy because Janine is a female. A. A harsher sentence than B. The same sentence as C. A lighter sentence than D. There are no clear data in sentencing disparities based on gender

C. A lighter sentence than

Regarding risk assessment, which of the following is an example of a false negative? A. A person who was predicted not to become violent turns out not to be violent B. A person who was predicted to become violent turns out not to be violent C. A person who was predicted not to become violent turns out to be violent D. A person who was predicted to become violent turns out to be violent

C. A person who was predicted not to become violent turns out to be violent

______Prediction is a method that requires that relevant risk factors be statistically evaluated to calculate the probability of future violence. A. Clinical B. Idiographic C. Actuarial D. Chronological

C. Actuarial

The rate at which an event occurs in a given population is called the ______rate. A. Actuarial B. Statistical C. Base D. Occurrence

C. Base

Which of these interventions led to the greatest decrease in recidivism when compared to controls? A. Psychotherapy for sex offender B. Restorative justice programs for low risk adults C. Cognitive-behavioral treatment for offenders on probation D. Employment training in the community

C. Cognitive-behavioral treatment for offenders on probation

As discussed repeatedly, people of color are over represented in the general prison population. When comparing private and public prisons, the percentage of people of color is _____. A.About the same in private and public prisons B. Lower in private prisons than public prisons C. Higher in private prisons than public prisons D. Higher in some private prisons than public prisons and higher in some public prisons than private prisons

C. Higher in private prisons than public prisons

Static, or unchanging, markers that are used for predicting future violent behavior are also called: A. Dynamic markers B. Risk management markers C. Historical markers D. Case markers

C. Historical markers

Which of the following is NOT an example of historical, or "static", markers? A. Major mental disorder B. Personality Disorder C. Impulsivity D. Age at first offense

C. Impulsivity

Research on possible errors in death penalty cases has examined every capital case in the United States over a 22-year period. It was found that 68% of death sentences were reversed because of serious errors at trial. All of the following were found to be the sources of these errors, EXCEPT: A. Incompetent defense lawyers B. Misleading jury instructions C. Incompetent judges or juries D. Misconduct of prosecutors

C. Incompetent judges or juries

In recent decades, the instances of joint legal custody has been: A. Staying about the same as in the past B. Decreasing C. Increasing D. Almost nonexistent

C. Increasing

The crucial difference between assessing insanity and assessing competence to stand trial is that: A. Insanity focuses on mental state at time of the crime; competence involves mental state at the time of arrest/initial charging B. Insanity focuses on the defendant's mental state throughout the legal proceedings; competence refers to the defendants mental state at the time of the crime C. Insanity refers to the defendant's mental state at the time of the crime; competence refers to the defendants's mental state throughout all aspects of the legal process D. None of the above

C. Insanity refers to the defendant's mental state at the time of the crime; competence refers to the defendants's mental state throughout all aspects of the legal process

Kalven and Zeisel's The American Jury Project: A. Focused primarily on civil trials and was the first social scientific study to do so B. Examined the deliberation of actual jurors in criminal and civil cases in Chicago C. Involved a quantitative analysis of judges' perceptions of jury verdicts in criminal cases in order to measure the degree to which judges disagreed with the verdicts D. None of the above

C. Involved a quantitative analysis of judges' perceptions of jury verdicts in criminal cases in order to measure the degree to which judges disagreed with the verdicts

What was the practical effect of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in McKlesky v. Kemp? A. It created a limit on the number of appeals allowed a defendant B. It established a constitutionally accepted method of putting a person to death (lethal injections) C. It created a nearly impossible standard of proving racial bias D. None of these were effects of McKlesky v. Kemp

C. It created a nearly impossible standard of proving racial bias

"Lawyers lore" describes the belief by attorneys that: A. Most criminal defendants are guilty of SOMETHING, so we should not shred any tears from them if they are wrongfully convicted B. Certain judges are "pro" defendant while others are "pro" prosecution C. Jury verdicts might be influenced by personal characteristics of jurors D. None of the above

C. Jury verdicts might be influenced by personal characteristics of jurors

Which of these is NOT an aspect of prisonization? A. Acceptance of exploitive norms B. Hypervigilance and distrust C. Loss of emotional control D. Diminished self-worth

C. Loss of emotional control

According to the text, research studies find that the rate of re-offense after sexual crime is_____than the rate of re-offense after other crimes. A. Slightly higher B. Significantly lower C. Lower D. Not different

C. Lower

Joint legal custody ______in cases of high-conflict relationships, ______ between the parents. A. Is not recommended; when hostility is high B. Is not recommended; even though hostility is low C. May still be the best option; even though hostility is high D. May still be the best option; even when hostility is low

C. May still be the best option; even though hostility is high

With regard to mediation in child custody cases, which one of the following statements is NOT true? A. Unlike litigation, mediation is conducted in a non-adversarial setting B. Mediation helps decrease family conflicts C. Mediation is more costly and lengthy than litigation D. There are some cases when mediation is not advisable

C. Mediation is more costly and lengthy than litigation

When it comes to the financial cost of the death penalty, the following statement is NOT true: A. Maintaining the death penalty is far more expensive than abandoning it B. States could save huge amounts of money by abolishing the death penalty C. Money can be saved if a capital case defendant is eventually sentenced to life in prison D. Capital cases are more expensive at every stage of the legal process

C. Money can be saved if a capital case defendant is eventually sentenced to life in prison

Generally, all of the following crimes fall under the definition of aggravated murder, EXCEPT: A. Murder of a police officer B. Murder when committing a felony C. Murder in a state of affect D. Murder for hire

C. Murder in a state of affect

If a juror is focusing on what would be expected from the typical person when determining reasonableness, they are using the______ standard. A. Legal B. Rational C. Objective D. Subjective

C. Objective

Which is not a type of challenge available to attorneys in the voir dire process? A. Peremptory B. Challenge for cause C. Presumptive D. All are types of challenges

C. Presumptive

Scholars argue that it may be more productive to focus on_____rather than on predicting violence. In risk assessment, the emphasis should be on dynamic risk factors that can be changed through_____. A. Observing; treatment B. Observing; historical markers C. Preventing; treatment D. Preventing; historical markers

C. Preventing; treatment

In a trial, the _____presents their case first and the _____speaks last in closing arguments A. Defense counsel, prosecutor B. Prosecutor, defense council C. Prosecutor, prosecutor D. Defense counsel, defense counsel

C. Prosecutor, prosecutor

Based on MacKinnon's typology, the type of unwelcome sexual advances in the form of an explicit exchange, where a threat against a job or promotion is made unless the victim complies sexually, is called: A. Hostile environment B. Racial Discrimination C. Quid pro quo harassment D. Consensual relationship

C. Quid pro quo harassment

The most future-oriented goal of imprisonment is _____ since almost all prisoners will be released back into free society and will need help becoming law-abiding citizens. A. Deterrence B. Incapacitation C. Rehabilitation D. Retribution

C. Rehabilitation

In custody decisions, the approximation rule states that the child should: A. Be placed in the home of the parent who makes the most money B. Be placed with the mother if the child is young and with the father if the child is old enough to desire such an arrangement C. Remain in placement that is true to the caretaking relationship that existed prior to the divorce D. Remain with the same-sex parent

C. Remain in placement that is true to the caretaking relationship that existed prior to the divorce

The movement to deinstitutionalize mentally ill patients was brought about by all of the following factors, EXCEPT: A. Humanitarian Advocacy B. high financial costs of hospitalization C. Shortage of medical professionals D. The advent of anti-psychotic medications

C. Shortage of medical professionals

What state had the most executions between 1976-2012? A. Alabama B. Florida C. Texas D. Virginia

C. Texas

According to the text, data on custody arrangement reveal that sole physical and legal custody is granted to the mother approximately _____ of the time. A. A quarter B. Half C. Two thirds D. 95%

C. Two thirds

Most studies show that sex offenders have lower re-offense rates than other types of criminals. Even though this finding may reflect the true differences in recidivism, there are other factors that contribute to the lower re-offense rates found among sex offenders. Which of the following is NOT among such factors? A. Many sexual offenses go unreported B. Self-reports might underestimate the incidence of sex crimes C. When sex offenders recidivate, they only commit sexual offenses D. Follow-up time periods for calculating re-offenses rates are relatively short

C. When sex offenders recidivate, they only commit sexual offenses

Women could be systematically excluded from a jury pool in some states until after what time? A. 1900s B. 1930s C. 1950s D. 1970s

D. 1970s

Which of these is an effect seen following social deprivation? A. Increased use of drugs B. Decreased inhibitory control of attention C. Decreased cognitive functioning D. All are effects seen following social deprivation

D. All are effects seen following social deprivation

Research shows a dramatic monetary cost for criminal justice systems with the capital punishment. Which of these is a reason for the increased cost? A. Increased cost of jury selection B. Increased trial cost C. Increased cost of incarceration D. All are reasons for increased cost

D. All are reasons for increased cost

Which is a constitutional right related to the trial process? A. Right to trial by jury B. Protection from excessive bail or fines C. Equal protection under the law D. All are rights related to the trial process

D. All are rights related to the trial process

The level of mens rea (state of mind, intent) determine what in legal proceedings? A. Culpability B. The type of crime they can be charged with C. The severity of punishment for specific act D. All of the above

D. All of the above

which of the following is a "role" a forensic psychologist might play in courtroom proceedings? A. Clinical B. Assessment C. Experimental D. All of the above

D. All of the above

The rapid rise in the prison population which provided the context for growth of the prison-industrial complex was due to what? A. Few offenders being given probation B. More offenders being sent to prison C. Longer drug sentences D. All of these

D. All of these

As a result of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), discrimination based on which of the following characteristics is illegal? A. Age and gender B. Race and national origin C. Disability and religion D. All of these are legally protected against discrimination

D. All of these are legally protected against discrimination

When comparing the race of those facing the death penalty compared to their share of the general population, members of which group are most over-represented and members of which group are most under-represented? A. White, black B. Black, white C. White, other D. Black, other

D. Black, other

The goal of child custody evaluation experts should be to provide a(n) ______. It is especially important because judges follow the experts' recommendations in____ of child custody cases. A. Ultimate issue testimony; about half B. Ultimate issue testimony; the majority C. Clear picture of the family relationships; about half D. Clear picture of the family relationships; the majority

D. Clear picture of the family relationships; the majority

According to the text, _____are the single largest group of inmates in federal prisons. A. Murderers B. Violent offenders C. Corporate criminals D. Drug offenders

D. Drug offenders

Which of the following was NOT a limitation of Bedeau and Radelet's study of wrongful convictions in death penalty cases? A. The cases they included in their lists did not constitute a random sample, thus making it difficult to generalize their results to all wrongful convictions B. The final list was too short and ignored many more cases that should have been classified as such C.Some defendants on their lists might have been guilty because the authors did not have definitive evidence proving their innocence D. Each of the above WAS a limitation

D. Each of the above WAS a limitation

Ginger had been victimized by sexual harassment from her supervisor for over six months. She tried to appease the harasser, attempted to avoid him, but eventually filed an internal complaint. Her form of coping is known as: A. Projection B. Transference C. Internally focused coping D. Externally focused coping

D. Externally focused coping

The average time between sentencing and execution is______. A. Less than 2 years B. 5 years C. 10 years D. Greater than 15 years

D. Greater than 15 years

Even though individuals reactions to rape may vary widely, several symptoms are commonly experienced by rape victims. Which of the following is NOT such a symptom? A. Depression B. Anxiety C. Self-blame D. Impulsivity

D. Impulsivity

A false negative means that a person was: A. Correctly predicted to become violent B. Incorrectly predicted to become violent C. Correctly predicted to be non-violent D. Incorrectly predicted to be non-violent

D. Incorrectly predicted to be non-violent

Several factors have been boosting prison populations across the United States. Which of the following factors is not among them? A. Increased imprisonment of juveniles B. War on drugs C. Mandatory sentencing and three-strikes laws D. Increased use of alternatives to incarceration

D. Increased use of alternatives to incarceration

The majority of harassment cases are_____ makes it to court. Of those that go forward to court and are litigated, only about _____ of decisions are made in favor of the plaintiff, or the alleged victim. A. Reported and about half; 1% B. Reported and about half; a third C. Not reported and do not; 1% D. Not reported and do not; a third

D. Not reported and do not; a third

Based on a large study of federal sentencing, all of the following categories of people have been found to get harsher sentences, EXCEPT: A. Hispanics B. African American C. Males D. Older defendants

D. Older defendants

All of the following are noted in the text as benefits of joint legal custody, EXCEPT: A. Both parents remain closely involved in raising the child B. The non-custodial parent is more likely to pay child support on a regular basis C. Family cohesiveness is improved D. Parents share their time with the child equally

D. Parents share their time with the child equally

According to the text, all of the following statements about people with serious mental illnesses are correct, EXCEPT: A. A mentally ill person is more likely to be a victim than a perpetrator of violence B. Proper treatment of mental illness can essentially eliminate the slight increase in the risk of violence C. Substance abuse increase the likelihood of violence D. Playing video games increases the likelihood of violence

D. Playing video games increases the likelihood of violence

According to the text, all of the following statements about people with serious mental illnesses are correct, EXCEPT: A. A mentally ill person is more likely to be a victim than a perpetrator of violence B. Proper treatment of mental illness can essentially eliminate the slight increase in the risk of violence C. Substance abuse increases the likelihood of violence D. Playing video games increases the likelihood of violence

D. Playing video games increases the likelihood of violence

When determining whether a particular behavior is offensive, a judgement needs to be made as to whether others in the same situation would have considered the environment as hostile. This standard is referred to as the: A. Consensual relationship agreement B. Disparate treatment standard C. Interpersonal justice standard D. Reasonable person standard

D. Reasonable person standard

Lenore Walker has identified several characteristics that she thought most battered women shared. Which one is NOT among these characteristics? A. Belief that women should be submissive to their husbands B. Tendency to accept responsibility for their abuse C. Social isolation and dependence on her abuser D. Sexual promiscuity outside of marriage

D. Sexual promiscuity outside of marriage

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) was established to enforce Title VII (Civil Rights Act of 1964). This commission states that employers have an obligation to maintain a work environment that is free from all of the following practices, EXCEPT: A. Intimidation B. Offensive behaviors and languages C. Unwelcome sexual touching D. Sexual relationships among employees

D. Sexual relationships among employees

If a juror is focusing on the characteristics of the defendant when determining reasonableness, they are using the _____ standard. A. Legal B. Rational C. Objective D. Subjective

D. Subjective

According to the text, the original study of battered women by Dr. Lenore Walker was criticized for all of the following reasons, EXCEPT: A. Not all women in her sample experienced all of the hypothesized stages of the cycle of abuse. B. A comparison group of non-battered women was absent from her study C. The experimenters who collected the data knew about the study hypotheses and could have biased the results D. The sample in her study was too small

D. The sample in her study was too small

All of the following are descriptions of what a syndrome is, EXCEPT: A. A pattern of behavior common to people with certain characteristics B. A cluster of related symptoms that lead to a significant dysfunction C. A set of psychological and emotional reactions to a specific event D. a group of symptoms that only women, but not men, experience

D. a group of symptoms that only women, but not men, experience

In Roper v. Simmons (2005), the Supreme Court abolished the death penalty for: A. the severely mentally ill B. the intellectually disabled C. elderly women D. juvenile offenders

D. juvenile offenders

Which of these people cannot serve on a federal jury? A. Fire fighters B. Active duty members of the armed forces C. Police officers D. none can serve

D. none can serve

The impact of Bedeau and Radelet's of wrongful convictions has influenced death penalty policy, attitudes, and procedure in what ways? A. More than 60 "Innocence projects" have been created since the study's publication to advocate to defendants wrongfully convicted in capital cases B. There have been state-level efforts to increase the jury's certainty of a defendant's guilt from beyond REASONABLE doubt to beyond ALL doubt C. Public support for the death penalty has softened in the years following publication of their study D. Greater attention toward capital cases has been raised by psychologists who have examined the inaccuracies of eyewitness identifications E. ALL OF THE ABOVE


From an empirical standpoint, which of the following is a valid criticism of Kalven and Zeisel's The American Jury? A. There was no statistical hypothesis testing undertaken by the study's authors B. The possibility of memory error on the part of the judges who participated in the study was not addressed by Kalven and Zeisel C. Important survey questions such as about differences between the personal characteristics of jurors and defendants or type of defense counsel used were not included in the surveys used by the authors D. The administration and analysis of two different surveys for two different time periods is problematic E. All of the above

E. All of the above

Lawyers may seek guidance from psychologists in which of the following ways? A. To help them prepare a case B. To shed light on the defendant or on issues of testimony C. To determine an appropriate way to cross-examine a witness d. all of the above

d. all of the above

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