Forensics Test Ch.10

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check and literary

What are the different types of forgery

Are capitals and lower-case letters connected and continuous?

What is connecting letters

Left, right, or variable?

What is slant

Line Quality Spacing Size consistency Continuous Connecting Letters Letters Complete Cursive and Printed Letters Pen Pressure Slant Line Habits Fancy Curls or Loops Placement of Crosses on t's and dots on i's

what are the 12 characteristics of handwriting

Is the writing continuous or does the writer lift the pen?

what is continuous writing

Do the letters flow or are they erratic or shaky?

what is line quality

Are letters equally spaced or crowded?

what is line spacing

• Ordering someone else's checks from a deposit slip • Directly altering a check • Intercepting someone's check, altering it, and cashing it • Creating forged checks from scratch

How can criminals can alter or acquire checks

-The questioned document and the standards (exemplars) are examined and detectable characteristics are recorded. -The characteristics of the questioned item are compared with the known standard. -Experts determine which characteristics are valuable for drawing a conclusion about the authenticity and authorship of the questioned document

How can you analysis handwriting

-Print checks on chemically sensitive paper -Use a large font size that requires more ink and makes alterations more difficult -Use high-resolution borders on the checks that are difficult to copy -Print checks in multiple color patterns -Embed fibers in checks that glow under different types of lights -Use chemical-wash detection systems that change color when a check is altered

How do companies prevent forgeries

(1) a suspect should not be shown the questioned document; (2) a suspect should not be given any instructions about punctuation or spelling; (3) the pen and paper should be similar to that of the questioned document.

How do you minimize the conscious writing effort

-Chemically sensitive paper -Large font size requires more ink and makes alterations more difficult -High resolution borders that are difficult to copy -Multiple color patterns -Embed fibers that glow under different light -Use chemical wash detection systems that change color when a check is altered

How do you prevent forgeries

every person's handwriting is unique and personalized.

How is handwriting related to fingerprints

Correct or misplaced? Are t's crossed, crossed in the middle, toward top, or toward the bottom? Are i's dotted, dotted toward the right, left, or centered?

Placement of crosses on t's and dots on i's

1 Portrait stands out from the background and appears raised off the paper. 2 There is minute microprinting on the security threads, as well as around the portrait. 3 Serial number is evenly spaced and the same color as the Treasury seal. 4 Check Letter and Quadrant Number 5,6 Federal Reserve seal (5) no sharp points, and Treasury seal (6) with clear, sharp sawtooth points 7 Clear red and blue fibers are woven throughout the bill. Security thread is evident, consisting of a thin, embedded vertical line or strip with the denomination of the bill written in it. 8 Federal Reserve Number and Letter 9 Series 10 Check Letter and Face Plate Number 11 Watermark appears on the right side of the portrait of the bill in the light. 12 When a new series bill is tilted, the number in the lower right-hand corner makes a color shift from copper to green resulting from color-shifting ink. 13 Clear, distinct background details and lines 14 Clear, distinct border edge

So are some features found in real currency

Are there fancy curls?

What are fancy curls or loops

documents made, adapted, or falsified with the intention of deceiving someone.

What are forgeries

Is the text on the line, above the line, or below the line?

What are line habits

The quality of the standards obtained often determines the quality of a comparison analysis, and good standards may be difficult to obtain. The effects of mood, age, drugs, fatigue, and illness on a person's handwriting.

What are some handwriting analysis short comings

infrared spectroscope, biometric pad(computerized pad recognizes your signature based on the speed, pressure, and rhythm of signing your name), computerized analysis

What are the advance technologies used in handwriting analysis

Contains rag fiber instead of starch like regular printing paper

What are the materials in authentic money

use of different types of writing instruments, like pens, pencils, and markers. Mood, age, and how quickly we are writing.

What can affects peoples handwriting style

The Forensic Information System for Handwriting

What does FISH stand for

Different parts of paper money contain tiny, intricate lines and details that cannot scan well. It feels different than from normal paper. It contains rag fiber

What does US currency include

Are there printed letters, cursive letters, or both?

What does cursive and printed letters mean

helps identify a documents author

What does handwriting analysis do

Are letters completely formed? Or, is a part of the letter missing?

What does it mean for letters to be complete

The Forensic Information System for Handwriting is a computerized handwriting database used and maintained by the Secret Service

What is FISH

is a specially trained person who scientifically analyzes handwriting and other features in a document.

What is a document expert

the examination and comparison of questioned documents with known material.

What is document analysis

When a material gain, such as money, accompanies a forgery

What is fraudulence

Experts establish the authenticity of the documents and detect any changes, erasures, or obliterations that may have occurred.

What is handwriting accuracy

including or excluding persons when determining a match between known material, known as an exemplar, and a questioned document.

What is handwriting analysis good for

Is pressure equal when applied to upward and downward strokes?

What is pen pressure

Is the ratio of height to width consistent?

What is size consistency

naked eye, handheld lens, microscope

What is the comparison of documents analyzed with

Professionals also have ways of determining whether a person has tried to disguise his or her handwriting or to copy someone else's handwriting

What is the conscious writing effort

to answer questions about a suspicious document and determine authorship using a variety of scientific methods.

What is the goal of a forensic handwriting analysis

that scientifically accepted guidelines are followed.

What is the only way handwriting evidence can be admissible in court

documents, travelers' checks, certain bonds, and currency are most often. But, coins, food stamps, postage stamps, and paper money can also be counterfeited

What items can be counterfeited

In the 1930s, handwriting analysis played an important forensic role during the trial of Bruno Richard Hauptmann for the kidnapping and murder of the son of world famous aviator Charles Lindbergh.

When was handwriting analysis first used

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