fos 2 final

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If one strand of DNA had the sequence TAGGTAC, what would be the sequence of the complementary DNA strand?


___ selection occurs when humans deliberately breed for certain characteristics.


The evolution of two or more interdependent species, each adapting to changes in the other.

Co-Evolution (Arms Race)

This is a type of evolution in which two species evolve together in a mutually beneficial way.

Co-Evolution (Beneficial)

This is a type of evolution in which two species "come together" becoming more similar, from different directions.

Convergent Evolution

What is the purpose of translation?

Converts an mRNA message into a polypeptide, or protein.

An evolutionary mechanism by which traits that increase the ability of an individual to attract or acquire a mate appear with increasing frequency in a population.

Sexual Selection

Allele frequencies of already existing alleles can change due to chance alone.


producing many offspring, some of which may not survive


All the individuals of a species that live in an area are called the ___


Translation is the process that converts an mRNA message into a ___


episodes of speciation that occur suddenly in geologic time:

punctuated equilibrium

____ forms part of a protein


The gametes are located in the ____ organs.


Isolation that occurs when members of different populations can no longer mate successfully with each other.

reproductive isolation

Each human gamete has one ____

sex chromosome.

Sex-linked genes are located on the _____.

sex chromosomes

Certain traits can improve reproductive success, causing alleles for those traits to increase in frequency.

sexual selection

Gene flow among neighboring populations helps to keep their gene pools


The ___ subunit of a ribosome holds onto the mRNA strand


The rise of two or more species from one existing species.


___ brings amino acids from the cytoplasm to a ribosome to help make the growing protein


Isolation that exists when timing prevents reproduction between populations.

temporal isolation

The ability of a trait to be passed down from one generation to the next is called ___


If a pair of alleles is different, they are called


What is incomplete dominance?

heterozygous phenotype is somewhere in between the two homozygous phenotypes.

Two chromosomes that are very similar and carry the same genes are called ____ chromosomes.


analogous, homologous or vestigial: Examples include the wing of a bat and the hand of a human


analogous, homologous or vestigial: Feature that is similar in structure in different organisms but has different functions


If a pair of alleles is the same, they are called ___.


When an individual moves into a new population, the genetic diversity of the new population ___


The ___ subunit of a ribosome has binding sites for tRNA


____ is an intermediate message that is translated to form a protein


Variation or adaptation: A tortoise population lives in an area with high grass. These tortoises have longer necks than tortoises that live in other areas. The long necks of the tortoises are an example of ______.


Variation or adaptation: a feature that allows an organism to better survive in its environment


a certain variation well-suited for the environment


diversification of one ancestral species into many species:

adaptive radiation

An alternative form of a gene is called an _______.


An ___ measures how common a certain allele is in the population.

allele frequency

analogous, homologous or vestigial: Examples include the wing of a bird and the wing of an insect


analogous, homologous or vestigial: Feature that is not evidence of a common ancestor


analogous, homologous or vestigial: Feature that performs a similar function in different organisms but is not similar in origin


a heritable trait becoming common in a population

descent with modification

The RNA strand ____ from the DNA as it is transcribed, and the DNA zips back together


evolution that occurs when related species evolve in different directions:

divergent evolution

The word cytokinesis has the prefix cyto- that refers to a cell and the suffix -kinesis that refers to division or movement. Therefore, cytokinesis is the process where a cell's cytoplasm _____


An organism's phenotype is affected both by alleles and by _______.


elimination of a species from Earth:


A person with two X chromosomes is ____.


The movement of alleles from one population to another changes the allele frequencies in each population.

gene flow

A population's ___ contains the genetic variation for the entire population.

gene pool

New alleles can form through mutation, creating the genetic variation needed for evolution.

genetic drift

Isolation that involves physical barriers that divide a population into two or more groups.

geographic isolation

The ___ chromosome number in humans is 23.


DNA --(1.---(2.--->RNA ---(3.-->proteins

(1. DNA Replication (2. Transcription (3. Translation

DNA contains __1.___ while RNA contains __2.__

1. Deoxyribose sugar 2. ribose sugar

Alleles are represented on paper by letters. Uppercase letters indicate ___1.____ alleles, and lowercase letters indicate ___2.___ alleles.

1. Dominant 2. recessive

Mitosis stages:

1. G1 Gap 1: Cells grow and carryout normal functions and replicate cell organelles 2. Synthesis: DNA replication occurs. 3. Gap 2: Additional growth of cell. 4. Mitosis: Cell division --> Cytokinesis

4 phases of cell division:

1. Prophase - nuclear membrane breaks down and spindle fibers form 2. Metaphase - chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell 3. Anaphase - spindle fibers tear the chromosomes apart 4. Telophase - nuclear membranes begin to form as the cell pinches

The two major groups of cell types in the human body are called ___1._____ and __2.____.

1. Somatic 2. gametes

DNA has the bases A, G, C and __1.__ while RNA has the bases A, G, C, and __2.__

1. T 2. U

a tRNA molecule is attached to an __1.__ at one end and has an __2.__ on the other end

1. amino acid 2. anticodon

Mitosis is involved in __1.__ reproduction and meiosis is involve in __2.__ reproduction

1. asexual 2. sexual

Mitosis makes __1.__ cells while meiosis makes __2.__ cells

1. diploid 2. haploid

A person who is a carrier differs from a person who has a genetic disorder. A carrier __1.__ show symptoms of a disorder but __2.__ pass the disorder to offspring.

1. does not 2. can

DNA is __1.__-stranded while RNA is __2.__-stranded

1. double 2. single

In humans, a gamete from a male determines the sex of the offspring, because a male can pass on __1.__ chromosomes. In contrast, a female passes on __2.__

1. either X or Y 2. only X

A large transcription complex, including RNA polymerase and other proteins, assembles at the start of a ___1.___ and begins to unwind the __2.___

1. gene 2. DNA

An allele is any of the alternative forms of a __1.__ that may occur at a specific __2.__

1. gene 2. locus

There is a relationship between genes and proteins: A __1.__ provides instructions for a cell to make a certain __2.__.

1. gene 2. protein

Homologous chromosomes are two chromosomes (one from the mother and one from the father) that have the same length, overall appearance, and __1.__, although the __2.__ may differ.

1. genes 2. alleles

MItosis creates genetically __1.__ cells while meiosis creates genetic __2.___ cells

1. identical 2. unique

Mitosis happens throughout __1.__ while meiosis happens during __2.__

1. lifetime 2. only certain times in an organism's life cycle.

a codon is a sequence of ___ nucleotides that code for an amino acid


How many types of nucleotides are present in DNA?

4 Nucleotide bases (Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymine)

The number of chromosomes in a typical human body cell is _____.


The T nucleotide pairs with the _______ nucleotide,


What is a codon?

A three-letter sequence of 3 nucleotides that code for a single amino acid.

An evolutionary pattern in which many species evolve from a single ancestral species and that short periods of drastic change in species, including mass extinctions and rapid speciation, are separated by long periods of little to no change.

Adaptive Radiation and Punctuated

How are amino acids and proteins related?

Amino acids are the "building blocks" of proteins.

Isolation caused by differences in courtship or mating behaviors.

Behavioral isolation

Compare and contrast the Bottleneck Effect and the Founder Effect and describe how they are both related to Generic Drift.

Bottleneck Effect: Population bottlenecks occur when a population's size is reduced for at least one generation. Northern elephant seals have reduced genetic variation probably because of a population bottleneck humans inflicted on them in the 1890s. Hunting reduced their population size to as few as 20 individuals at the end of the 19th century. Founder Effect: A founder effect occurs when a new colony is started by a few members of the original population. This small population size means that the colony may have reduced genetic variation from the original population. For example, the Afrikaner population of Dutch settlers in South Africa is descended mainly from a few colonists. Today, the Afrikaner population has an unusually high frequency of the gene that causes Huntington's disease, because those original Dutch colonists just happened to carry that gene with unusually high frequency. This effect is easy to recognize in genetic diseases, but of course, the frequencies of all sorts of genes are affected by founder events.

A chromosome is one long, continuous thread of ___ that has many genes and regulatory information.


Where does DNA replication take place in a eukaryotic cell?

In the nucleus of the cell.

Which part is different?

Different = Nucleotide base, Type of Hydrogen Bond

This is a type of evolution in which two species evolve in different directions from a common point, or common ancestor.

Divergent Evolution

What kind of cell(s) contain a nucleus?


What kind of cell(s) contains membrane-bound organelles?


What kind of cell(s) contain cytoplasm?

Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic

What kind of cell(s) tend to be microscopic in size?

Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic

What kind of cell(s) is either single-celluar or multi-cellular?

Eukaryotic and prokaryotic

What kind of cell(s) is surrounded by cell membrane?

Eukaryotic and prokaryotic

________ is the process of biological change by which descendants come to differ from their ancestors.


The death of every member of a species.


the C nucleotide pairs with the _________ nucleotide.


This is the transfer of alleles of genes from one population to another.

Gene Flow

This is when a population contracts to a smaller size over a short period of time due to some random environmental event.

Genetic Drift - Bottleneck Effect

This is the loss of genetic variation that occurs when a new population is established by a very small number of individuals from a larger population.

Genetic Drift - Founder Effect

___ cells are haploid.


An organism with a QQ genotype has _________ alleles.

Homozygous Dominant

What is translation?

It translates the nucleotide code of DNA into the polypeptide code of proteins.

A change in the nucleotide base sequence of a gene or DNA sequence.


___ selection occurs when individuals with beneficial adaptations produce more surviving offspring than other individuals of the same species.


This is when environmental conditions cause certain traits to be more advantageous than others. The process by where organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring.

Natural selection

What is codominance?

Neither allele is fully dominant nor recessive. Both traits are fully and separately expressed.

The structures that make-up the double-helix of the DNA molecule.

Nucleotide base, ribose sugar, phosphate

The cell theory states that: 2) all existing cells are produced by ___.

Other living cells

Compare and contrast the structure of a plant cell and an animal cell.

Plant cells have a cell wall and animal cells do not. Plant cells have a large central vacuole. Plant cells contain chloroplast (site of photosynthesis) and animal cells do not. Animal cells have centrioles and lysosomes and plant cells do not.

What kind of cell(s) is only single-celled?


Which type cell does not contain a nucleus?

Prokaryotic Cells

The enzyme that helps to make a strand of RNA is:

RNA polymerase

Using one strand of the DNA as a template, ___ strings a complementary strand of RNA

RNA polymerase

Which parts are the same in all nucleotides?

Same = Ribose Sugar and Phosphate,

Skin cells are typically exposed to more damaging conditions than are liver cells. Skin cells must be replaced more often than liver cells.

Skin cells divide more often than liver cells.

This can separate populations that have different courtship or mating rituals.

Speciation - Behavioral Isolation

This can separate populations with physical barriers so that members of each population no longer have contact with each other.

Speciation - Geographical Isolation

This causes separate populations with factors of time, such as when one population reproduces in the spring and the other reproduces in the fall.

Speciation - Temporal Isolation

What is the function of a nucleus in a cell?

Stores and protects DNA

What is DNA replication?

The process by which DNA is replicated during the Cell Cycle.

How are ribosomes related to proteins within a cell.

This is where amino acids are linked together to form proteins. They are the site of protein synthesis.

The ___ chromosome carries the fewest number of genes.


The cell theory states that: 3) The ___ is the most basic unit of life


The cell theory states that: 1) all organisms are made of ___


a reading frame is the order in which ___ are read


process in which species evolve in response to changes in each other:


process that occurs when similar characteristics develop into unrelated species

convergent evolution

Variation or adaptation: One bird in a population has a slightly thicker beak than its relatives. The bird's thicker beak is an example of __________ in the population.


Variation or adaptation: the difference in the physical traits of an individual from those of other individuals in the group to which it belongs


individual differences that may be heritable


analogous, homologous or vestigial: Examples include the wing of an ostrich and the appendix of a human


analogous, homologous or vestigial: Remnant of an organ or structure that had a function in an early ancestor


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