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What were the two schools of thought in the Progressive Age?

"Conservative" Progressives and Pedagogical Progressives

What book was allegedly sympathetic to the Indians but was actually pointing out the North's treatment to the South?

"Education of Little Tree"

What was the "Gospel of Wealth?" Who had the Gospel of Wealth?

"I'm good with money, so let me keep it and decide what to do with it."; Andrew Carnigie

What is the oldest honor code?

"Pledged not to lie, steal, cheat, or tolerate those who do."

What were the liberal followers of Gatto who wanted no education called?


What were Mann's goals in education?

1. Abolish Corporeal punishment 2. Whole language rather than phonics 3. "Free" and open to all. 4. Funded through property tax. 5. "Great Equalizer" of the poor. 6. Standardized learning from state level; abolishes local control. 7. Women: inexpensive, available, nurturing for lower grades.

What is significant about colleges being forced to teach agriculture and mechanics?

1. Federal government controls curriculum 2. College about vocation rather than knowledge for knowledge's sake 3. Learned by sitting around and talking about it rather than going out and doing it.

What were three changes that happened to colleges when veterans started to attend them?

1. Vocational--older guys are there to get a job 2. Serious--military training makes them dedicated 3. "Grinds" verses "Gentleman's C"--worked hard. G.I.'s were not interested in Cs or the party life

When was the Civil Rights Act?


how many "and so forth"s were there in class on 12/6/21


What was an important book on education in the US in 1983?

A Nation at Risk

Who was the founder of the University of Virginia?

Again Thomas Jefferson

What two subjects did the colleges that were created by the Morill Act cover?

Agriculture and mechanics

What is Head Start and when was it started?

An education movement that wanted to help impoverished children get a "head start" on education

Who was an American philosophical scholar who helped to found the first library and the College of Philadelphia?

Benjamin Franklin

Who were the two guys who wanted the Bible to be the primary textbook?

Benjamin Rush and Fisher Ames

What was an important segregation court act

Brown v Board of Education Topeka, Kansas

Most famous Indian boarding school?

Carlisle, PA

What was the most famous boarding school for Indians?

Carlisle, PA

Who made Harvard into a university?

Charles Eliot in 1869

Who was the most influential President of Harvard who liked Classical, Latin, and Modern languages?

Charles Elliot

Who advocated life adjustment

Charles Prosser

Who advocated for schools to focus on the 60% who aren't academic or vocational? What is this system called?

Charles Prosser, "Life Adjustment"

What is school consolidation

Combining local schools into big regional schools

BONUS QUESTION: What is the real name of Forrest Carter?

Earl Carter

Book that was previously considered great but later got banned?

Education of Little Tree -Asa Earl Carter

Who said that a country is destroyed by bad way of life and not politics?

Edward Abbey

What happened when women wanted the same pay as men?

Employers lowered men's wages

What pay system was based off of time and not skill; "merit pay?"

Fixed Salary

According to Gatto, what is school's goal and are they achieving that goal?

Goal: to make the children mindless. Yes, they are achieving it.

Who stayed in his community instead of traveling abroad and opposed strip mining? (from Wendell Berry)

Harry Caudill

What school was the first to have a system of majors and minors? What school was the first to have graduate and undergraduate programs?

Harvard John Hopkins University

What was the first college in America (1636)? What college followed Harvard trying to be more conservative?

Harvard, Princeton

The Progressive Age was the heyday for what?

High Schools

In Massachuessets, who endorsed utilitarianism and got his "good soldiers follow orders" mentality from Prussia?

Horace Mann

who advocated school consolidation

James Conant

Who says liberal freedom as the absence of coercion and that schools empower people to do stuff?

John Locke

What's the other important university that made a graduate program?

Johns Hopkins University

What country did America "colonize"? What is the name of their capital?

Liberia, capital of Monrovia

True or False: the Founding Fathers believed in the separation of church and state.


What were characteristics of the Middle Colonies?

Lots of mixed groups (Quakers, Dutch, the Germans), Kings College mixed religion and school.

What is the chief end of man?

Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever. And then to pass this final.

What were the Southern Colonies?

Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia

What were the New England colonies?

Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire

What are two things that can happen with wage equality?

Men's wages go down or women's wages go up.

Which organization supported the single salary movement between elementary and high school teachers?

NEA supports single salary but AFT doesn't

What did each of these textbooks emphasize?

NEP: submission to God, WBBS: republican values, MR: moral lessons

Who wanted to move education away from small society towards large industrialization?

Nate Shaw

What does NEA stand for? What does AFT stand for?

National Education Association American Federation of Teachers

What do communities and networks want out of you? Which one did Gatto prefer?

Networks want a part of you, but communities want all of you. Gatto prefers a network

*What are the THREE important textbooks?*

New England Primer, Webster Blue-back Speller, Mcguffey Reader

What were the Middle Colonies?

New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware

Who is the most significant founding father after Jefferson? What book did this Founding Father create?

Noah Webster Blue Backed Speller

What 1787 law passes out land, especially land that was reserved for schools?

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

What was kinda the first public school act?

Ole Deluder Satan Act

What did "Conservative" Progressives believe in?

Organizing schools same way as the economy (factories), teachers who could train, and common (all the same) to Modern (different for "betterment")

Which court decision handled education mandating and private education

Pierce v. The Society of the Sisters of the Holy Name 1925

What court act says that mandated public school is unconstitutional?

Pierce vs. Society of Sisters of the Holy Name

What court decision legalized separate railroad cars for whites and blacks?

Plessy vs. Ferguson (1896)

What book did Benjamin Franklin create?

Poor Richard's Almanack

What college was born out of the Great Awakening ?


Who do professors depend on? And who does that group of people depend on?

Professors depend on their fellow department professors who depend on the national standards of other department professors.

What was the handicapped Children law passed

Public law 94-142

What trial was about convicting a Tennessee teacher for teaching evolution? Who was the prosecutor?

Scopes Trial, William Jennings Bryan

Who is the best historian of the Civil War? This historian argues that this verb can now be used to describe the US.

Shelly Foot, the verb "is" instead of "are"

What does Pedagogical Progressivism believe?

Social Justice and Democratic Socialism

What society was dedicated to putting schools in colonies?

Society of the Propagation of the Gospel

What is the court case that deals with evolution in the school?

State of Tennessee v. Scopes. (Scopes Trial)

Which wage equality side do employers prefer?

That men's wages go down

What was the first meeting of Congress without Southern representatives in 1862?

The Morill Act

What is life adjustment?

The education philosophy that says we shouldn't educate kids in academics, but in real life skills. (Business math and so forth)

What were characteristics of the Southern colonies?

They were founded by opportunists and they did not do formal schoolings. They loved Locke and they were big supporters of Anglicanism.

What were the characteristics of the New England colonies?

They were founded for religious freedom and founded by families. They record lots of history and are very literate in order to read the Bible.

Who said, "if a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be"?

Thomas Jefferson

Who was the author of the bill for the more general diffusion of knowledge because he was afraid of missing another Milton?

Thomas Jefferson

What was the name and date of an important equal funding for women act

Title IX, 1972

Who led a rebellion in 1831 about not educating slaves?


What are the two first state supported schools of higher ed?

University of Georgia and University of North Carolina

Who was the teacher of Wendell Berry and wanted the Great Community?

Wallace Stenger

Contrast Booker T. Washington's methods/goals with W.E.B. DuBois

Washington was after Douglas, born a slave, Christian who loves USA. He founded Tuskegee Institute and emphasized manual labor. At the Atlanta Exposition 1895, he gave the "throw down your bucket" and glove analogies. He wanted the average person (the other 90%) to be educated W.E.B Dubois was after Washington, born into wealth Atheist who hates America. He was the first Black person to get a PhD from Harvard, NAACP (1909), and had the Atlanta Compromise and the "Souls of Black Folks". He was an atheist and moved to Ghana. He believed in the Talented Tenth (educate the top 10%)

What is the "Red Scare?"

When western countries were afraid and suspicious of Russia for wanting a worldwide communist revolution.

What charter school was formed in 1693 and was the only college in the South for the War of Independence?

William and Mary

An Edwardian riddle: What can be taught but can not teach?

a poem

What is a cultural literacy test?

an IQ test

The Republic was committed to what two things?

bounded liberty and freedom

What was the War on Poverty?

part of Johnson's Great Society that oversaw expansion of federal health care, housing, & education

What is John Dewy's philosophy, and what book did he write?

pragmatism, and the book is "Democracy and Education."

What is the hierarchy of gods in the classroom from lowest to highest?

teacher to projector screen to clock

What business thrives under a national education system?

textbook companies

What was the act "helped" Native Americans by breaking up reservations for individual ownership and put missionary schools on reserves and off reservation schools?

the 1887 Dawes Act

What organization set up schools for Africans to attend?

the Freedman's Bureau

What was the age from 1870s to the 1880s that was named by Mark Twain?

the Gilded Age

What act pays for veterans to go to college?

the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944

What tool kills interest and time in school?

the bell

What is the ideal location because it is carved out of nature?

the farm

What doesn't literature express most of the time? (this Wendell Berry lesson is seen especially in Huckleberry Finn)

the need for community

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