Foundations of Employee Motivation MPO exam 3

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Distinguish between content and process theories of motivation

-Content theories: Focus on identifying factors, such as needs and satisfaction that energize motivation -Process theories: Focus on explaining the process by which internal factors and environmental characteristics influence employee motivation

Define the concepts of distributive, procedural, and interactional justice and explain how each relates to work motivation

-Distributive Justice: Perceived fairness of decision-making outcomes (the distribution of resources and rewards) "Fair" when more outcomes are allocated to those who contribute more inputs -Procedural Justice: Perceived fairness of the process used to make allocation decisions -Interactional Justice: Individual's perception of the degree to which he or she is treated with dignity, concern, and respect; refers to the quality of how people are treated when procedures are implemented

List and explain the three main needs according to McClelland's Learned Needs theory

-Need for achievement: drive to excel, overcome obstacles, solve problems, and rival and surpass others -Need for power: the desire to influence, coach, or teach, or encourage others to achieve -Need for affiliation: the desire to maintain social relationships, to be liked, and to join groups

Label Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Bottom up: -Physiological: breathing, food, water, sex, sleep, homeostasis, excretion,. -Safety: Security of body, of employment, of resources, of morality, of the family, of health, of property -Love/ belonging: Friend, family, sexual intimacy -Esteem: self-esteem, confidence, achievement, respect of others, respect by others - Self- actualization- Morality, creativity, spontaneity, problem solving, lack of prejudice, acceptance of facts.

Explain how the job characteristics model can be used to motivate employees

By enhancing the core job dimensions of a person's job, their motivation is increased as well. Finding where they are being dissatisfied or not as fulfilled, we can fix that and increase overall motivation.

Summarize the basic principles of Equity theory

Explains how people strive for fairness and justice in social exchanges or give-and-take relationships -Focus on an individual's feelings of how fairly he or she is treated in comparison with others - Person compares their inputs to their outcomes. If inputs are lower than outcomes, then they are over rewarded. If inputs are higher than their outcomes, then they are under rewarded.

Define the concept of motivation and distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

Processes that account for an individual's intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal -Extrinsic: Results from external rewards -Intrinsic: Results from internal feelings

Label the job characteristics model

Variety: different activities; Identity: Job results in a whole; Significance: Affect the lives of others All Lead to Meaningfulness of work Autonomy: freedom and discretion leads to responsibility Feedback: knowledge of results

Summarize research findings on the work outcomes that McClelland's theory allows us to predict

a. Managers who have a high need for affiliation are not typically as successful because they may have difficulty resolving conflicts and be more likely to make exceptions to make people happy b. Managers who have a high need for power will produce a strong work ethic and commitment to the organization, but may not possess the required flexibility and people-centered skills to be effective in leadership roles. c. Managers who have a high need for achievement are the best leaders, although they can have a tendency to demand too much of their staff in the belief that they are all similarly and highly achievement-focused and results-driven.

Summarize the basic principles of Job Design for motivation

any set of activities that involves alteration of specific or interdependent systems of jobs or intent of improving the quality of employee job experience and on-the-job productivity. -People need to be doing what they truly "love" to do. If people are doing work they love then the motivation comes from the job itself, not the employer or manager

Explain how goal-setting can be an effective motivational tool for managers

helps individuals, teams, and organizations achieve success. Specific, difficult, but attainable goals lead to higher performance than no goals or "do your best" goals.

Summarize the basic principles of Expectancy theory

People are motivated to behave in ways that produce desired combinations of expected outcomes

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