Fractions, Percent's, Decimals, and Ratios
To Convert Decimals to Percents: Move the decimal two places to the right and add a percent % sign.
EXAMPLE: Convert 0.65 to a percent. 0.65-->65.0-->65%
To Convert Decimals To Fractions: Write the decimal over one(decimal/1) to make it a fraction, then multiply both the top and bottom by 10 for every number after the decimal point, simplify fraction if needed.
EXAMPLE: Convert 0.75 to a fraction. 0.75/1 0.75(x10)(x10)/ 1(x10)(x(10) 75/100=3/4
To Convert Mixed Numbers to Percents: Change the fraction portion of the mixed number to a decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator. Add this to the whole number.Then move the decimal two places to the right and add a percent sign.
EXAMPLE: Convert 1 1/4 to a percent. 1÷4= 0.25 1+ 0.25= 1.25 1.25--> 125. 125%
To Convert Fractions to Percents: Divide the Numerator(top) by the Denominator(bottom).Multiply by 100. Add a %.
EXAMPLE: Convert 3/4 to a percent. 3÷4=0.75 0.75×100=75 75%
To Convert Fractions to Decimals: Divide the Numerator(top) by the Denominator(bottom)
EXAMPLE: Convert 50/100 to a decimal. 50÷100=0.50
To Convert Mixed Numbers to Decimals: Convert the mixed number to an Improper Fraction. Then divide the numerator by the denominator.
EXAMPLE: Convert 7 1/4 to a decimal. 7×4+1=29 29/4 29÷4= 7.25