Frankenstein Final Test Review

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Chaos (antonym)


Charm (synonym)


What does the creature learn by observing the family?

Love and affection, how to read, about how the world works/ human behavior.

Healthy (antonym)


To please (antonym)


Clear mindedness (antonym)


Friend (antonym)


Describe the creature's first THREE encounters with people (other than Victor).

First, he goes to the village, where he is chased out with stones. Then, he encounters the DeLacey family, and Felix beats him with a stick. Finally, he saves a drowning girl, but a man shoots him with a gun.

Victor goes into the mountains to mourn his brother's death, where he encounters the creature. What does the creature demand?

For Victor to make him a female creature.

At the very end of the novel, the creature tells Robert Walton that he plans to do what?

Go as far north as he can go and end his own life.

Analyze this quote: " Farewell, Walton! Seek happiness in tranquility and renounce your ambitions; they will bring you aught but misery."

Goodbye Walton! Look for happiness in peace and leave your goal (to make a passage through the Arctic Ocean/ discovery); these ambitions/ goals will bring you nothing but misery.

What happened when the creature tried to befriend the family?

He began to speak to the blind man when he was home alone; then Felix and Agatha came home; Agatha fainted and Felix beat the creature with a stick.

What does Victor decide to do with the second creature?

He destroys her, puts the remains in a basket with stones, and sinks it in the ocean.

What happens to Victor Frankenstein in the final chapter of the novel?

He dies on Robert Walton's ship after he finishes telling him his/ the creature's story.

In the last chapter, what happens to Victor?

He dies on Robert Walton's ship.

What slows down Victor's work on the second creature?

He is disgusted by the work and questions whether or not he made the right decision.

What promise does the creature make to Victor once he makes him a female counterpart?

He promises to leave with her to the Amazon and never be seen by humans again.

What made Victor realize that the creature killed his brother William?

He saw the creature the night he arrived back in Geneva, before he disappeared in the storm/ over the mountain.

Why did the creature put the miniature portrait of Caroline Frankenstein (Victor's mother) in Justine's dress?

He thought she was beautiful and became embittered/ jealous that he will never have someone like her love him. He decided to frame her.

What did the creature plan to do with William when he first saw him playing in the fields?

He wanted to seize him and educate him as his companion and friend.

What excuse does Victor use to leave his family in order to work on the second creature?

He wants to go to London to learn about the new scientific discoveries that would help him with his work.

Who comes to Scotland to bail Victor out of jail?

His father, Alphonse Frankenstein

What is the last time in the novel that the creature talks to Frankenstein?

In the cemetery in Geneva before Victor leaves his hometown forever

Easy (antonym)


How does Victor's father die?

Of a broken heart

Disgust (synonym)


What does Elizabeth ask Victor in her letter?

She asks if he loves her and really wants to marry her. She wants to know if she was the reason he left Geneva.

Boat (synonym)


How is Frankenstein able to keep up with the creature as he follows him through Russia and Asia into the Arctic?

The creature leaves Victor notes and markings on trees along his path.

Unique (synonym)


When the creature first leaves Victor's apartment in Ingolstadt shortly after coming to life, he escapes

to the forest near Ingolstadt (Germany).

After the creature learned how to read, he discovered that the papers he found in the pocket of the dress taken from Victor's laboratory were

Victor's Journal.

Attention (synonym)


When Victor docks his boat in the small harbor, how do the villages greet him?

With suspicion; he is sent to talk to the magistrate

Cause (synonym)


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