French Final Exam study guide

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A. Matching. Match the French term with its English equivalent. 13. ___ S'il vous plaît 14. ___ Merci 15. ___ de rien 16. ___ Bonjour 17. ___ dix 18. ___ un 19. ___ seize 20. ___ dix-huit

13. please 14. thank you 15. your welcome 16. hello 17. 10 18. 1 19. 16 20. 18

21. ___ aigu 22. ___ circonflexe 23. ___ cedille 24. ___ grave 25. ___ je 26. ___ tu 27. ___ il 28. ___ elle 29. ___ nous 30. ___ vous

21. / 22. ^ 23. ç 24. \ 25. I 26. you 27. He 28. She 29. We 30. you(formal)

83. In France, the time is based on the ____________ clock.

24 hours clock

31. ___ ils 32. ___ elles 33. ___ le, la, l', les 34. ___ un, une 35. ___ des 36. ___ le printemps 37. ___ l'automne 38. ___ l'hiver 39. ___ l'été 40. ___ Il fait chaud.

31. they(m) 32. they(f) 33. The 34. A 35. some 36. the spring 37. fall 38. winter 39. summer 40. it's hot

41. ___ Il fait froid. . 42. ___ Il fait mauvais. 43. ___ Il neige. 44. ___ Il pleut. 45. ___ lundi 46. ___ mercredi 47. ___ jeudi 48. ___ vendredi 49. ___ dimanche

41. it's cold 42. it's bad weather 43. it's snowing 44. it's raining 45. Monday 46. Wednesday 47. Thursday 48. Friday 49. Sunday

B. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the most appropriate response to the question. 50. ___ J'ai faim. Et toi ? 51. ___ Tu aimes aller au café ou au fast-food ? . 52. ___ Qu'est-ce que tu manges au fast-food ? 53. ___ Vous désirez une crêpe ? 54. ___ Et comme dessert ? 55. ___ On va au café ? 56. ___ J'ai soif. Et toi ? 57. ___ Ça va ?

50. i'm hungry. And you? 51. Do you like going to coffee or fast food? . 52. what are you eating fast food 53. do you want a pancake? 54. And for dessert ? 55. Are we going to coffee? 56. i'm thirsty and you? 57. How are you ?

Grammar and Structure ________________ A. Which form of address would you use in the situations below? Tu or vous 58. a puppy 59. your friend Marc 60. a teacher 61. your classmates Anne and Michael 62. your mother

58. Tu 59. Tu 60. vous 61. vous 62. vous

C. Match the French article with its description. Answers may be used more than once. 69. le 70. la 71. l' 72. une 73. un

69. The (masculine) 70. The (feminine) 71. The ( Plural) 72. a/an (feminine) 73. a/an ( masculine)

D. Complete each sentence with the appropriate form of the verb aller. 74. Nous ___ chez nous. 75. Max et Marc ___ au café. 76. Vous ___ au cinéma ? 77. Je ___ au fast-food. 78. Stéphanie ___ au restaurant.

74. allons 75. vont 76. allez 77. vais 78. elle va

4. How would you greet a lady?

Bonjour!! Vous etes belle

2. How would you let someone know you're hungry?

J'ai faim

94. Mon Bonhomme de neige is a song about

My Snowman

100. What is the capital city of France?


10. How would you ask what day it is?

Quel jour sommes-nous?

9.How would you ask what the weather is like?

Quel temps fait-il?

11. How would you ask someone how old he/she is?

Quel âge as-tu?

1. How would you ask for the time?

Quelle heure est-il?

90. C'est la rentrée means

back to school

87. A ___ is a word that looks similar in two languages and means the same thing.

cod net

84. The ___ is the basic unit of money in France.


86. French calendars traditionally begin with Sunday. t/f


98. The Lascaux caves are an important example of prehistoric art. t/f


93. Notre Dame is famous what for architectural advancement?


92. A francophone is a

french speaking country

82. The French tend to emphasize ___ eating.

healthy eating

89. Haute Couture means

high fastion

88. The most basic form a verb is called a


12. How would you tell someone you love them?

j'adore tu

80. Petit à petit l'oiseau fait son nid means

little by little , the birds makes it's nest

85. In France, temperatures are measured in Celsius, not Fahrenheit. t/f


95. Foreign Language study creates more positive attitudes and less prejudice toward people who are different. t/f


96. Analytical skills improve when students study a foreign language. t/f


97. Dealing with another culture enables people to gain a more profound understanding of their own culture. t/f


99. Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité is the French motto of France that first appeared during the French Revolution. t/f


Culture ________________________________________ Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the answer that best completes each sentence. 79. Proverbs are sayings that are a general truth. t/f


91. Monet is famous for his paintings of

water wellie

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